Nothing more than a 600 loan and a workshop in a garage. Today they have 588 stores and 47 in 47 states. They have many fulltime employees. To have aexpanded Christian Supply shop that sells bibles and opening up another 35 stores in seven states of the most 400 more employees. As his entrepreneurship at its best. A familyowned business that went from 600 in a garage to do companies that employ almost 14,000 people fulltime across the country. Through it all, hobby lobby has retained the Guiding Principles of the devout founders. The statement begins with a bible verse and they are closed every sunday. Theyre committed to honoring the lord by being generous players and paying well above minimum wage and increasing the salaries for years in a row even in the middle of a recession. None of this it to the Obama Administration. Say that fateful Business Owners cannot operate under the assumption in which they can use their moral principles to guide the way their places of business spend money. According to Administration Legal argument, the family that owns hobby lobby is not protected by the first amendments are free use of exercise. That is part of the amendment tested congress will make no law prohibiting the free exercise religion. The Obama Administration and attorney general eric holder argue that hobby lobby is a forprofit secular employer and a second entity by definition is not exercisable religion reared a federal judge agrees. Does he have the lobby is a secular corporation in which there are no right to be guided by the religious belief of their ownership. Lobbyn mind that hobby was arguing that socalled morningafter pill should be illegal or banned for doing anything to prevent their employees from being the small cost of such bills. They just have a moral problem paying for something they view as inherently against the deeply held beliefs. The Obama Administration ignored these beliefs and treats them as little more than an inconvenience to their everexpanding regulatory state. Lets be clear that this is bigger than hobby lobby. The Administration Argument strikes at the core of our understanding of free exercise of religion. This could have enormous from vacations for religious Business Owners across the country. Under the obama regime come you the protection of the worst youdment as an individual see, but instance you start a business, you lose those protections. That brings us to the second front in the silent war. The assault on our freedom of people of faith to form organizations work alongside others who share our views. This brings us to another case a lutheran around academy fired teacher. The Obama Administration does that she margaret claiming that job regulations prevented the academy from being able to fire anyone over a year friends in beliefs. The lawyers of the vomitus ration and far beyond issues of that case and advanced a legally absurd position that there is no general exception. Thankfully administrations extreme position had a 90 decision opposing its perspective. [applause] for the time being, the government doesnt get to decide who gets to preach the gospel. The important thing to note is that the government wanted to make that decision. I do not know but you, but that is truly offensive and frightening. Administration advance that extreme argument because it is consistent with the view of many on the left, particularly legal scholars. The government must worship first is government. Byt our rights are filled washington as they see fit shared this is the big inning. Theres a bigger threat the assault of your freedom expression in all areas of life. Altering the definition of marriage. It would require churches and other congregations to essentially close their doors to outsiders and stop providing services to the community and close off their facilities so that other nonprofits and Church Groups in order to to prevent being provided to have samesex ceremonies. Churches torive have to eliminate classes and day schools and counseling and Fellowship Hall meetings and soup kitchens and much more. In other words, this law and others like it would require believers to essentially choose to break their deeply held illogical beliefs or to give up their daily activities of evangelism and retreat from public life and sacrifice the property rights. This is the next stage of the assault and it is only getting in over one majority of those in religious denominations in america is more than half the country. Organizations all of those two nominations would be targeted in large and small decrease in the coming years. America, would they be able to remain in a Public Square at a time when their views on sin are in direct conflict with the culture . When expressing those views would be seen as hateful speech behind religious protections . Tos war on your freedom express will only to continue. It will continue because of a wrong concept. The concept that religious freedom means that you have the is begun that youre right only begin and end in the pew. This is absolutely ridiculous. We as christians and americans have the right to practice our faith and to protect our conscience no matter where we happen to be. [applause] but it is also important that we must keep paper spec on the silent war. It is certainly a challenging time to be a believer in america, but we must also of levershe plight around the world today. Christians are being slaughtered by radical islamist for their beliefs. It is a time of enormous a pupil leave the church been burned or they can put you on the wrong side of a gun. The cross is laid on every christian. It begins with a call to abandon the attachments of the world. When christ calls a man, he bids them to come and i. Around the world, many christians are living out that call. That is a shooting war over religion and not a silent one. In america, we should be grateful that the laws and theciples put in place by founders, men like george mason and James Madison and Patrick Henry who understood the importance of religious liberty have endured for so long. They are the reason america has come so far. It is those same principles that guide us farther still cared was both that understand that powers derived from the people and not from government. Calvin coolidge understood this in his own time. Andive in an age of science the value of material things. This did not great our declaration. Our declaration created them. The spirit come first. Unless we cling to that, all of our material prosperity will turn to a barren scepter in our grass. He was right. The things of the spirit do come first. We must act now to protect them. The temptation to ask richard and his fractious battles from practical terms, it would only matter to those who value religious freedom and that was won over the course of centuries of persecution and blood. We should not surrender without a fight. The word religious they would is a war over free speech. Without the first, there is no such thing as a second. This is not a battle any of us would have chosen. And done we should join so gladly with our heart and mind set on things above. I really just liberty should not be linked to the everchanging opinions of the public. The contrary, we must understand that our freedom of conscience protects all in all of every persuasion all americans of every persuasion here it is unmistakable that most of the Obama Administrations attacks on religious liberty are aimed at conservative christian. The fact is that our religious liberties were designed to protect people of all faiths the best described as an evangelical catholic, and extended families quite diverse when it comes to matters of faith. Our liberties would mean equal protection for all. Third, for those of you who follow pop culture, you might e taken note of the recent duck dynasty and the producers and broadcasters for the duck dynasty show. You had noticed one of the first and the loudest and most aggressive defenders are the Robertson Family and the governor of louisiana. [applause] you may think i was defending them simply because on the governor of their home state, louisiana. You might have thought i defended them he cut my boys are huge fans of the show. You would have been wrong about that i defended them because my boys are huge fans of the show. You would have an wrong about that. Of course, they can choose what to put on their. The air. There was a time when liberals buthis country believed, that is increasingly not the case for the modern left in america. The modern left is growing tired of debates. The new strategy simply to try to silence their critics. These left is a newly mobilize and did all they could not to debate the issues, but rather to attempt to silence the robertsons. As you well know, the same thing with another week demonstration of intolerance from the entertainment industry. Featuringorking on Twin Brothers who graduated right here from Liberty University in 1988. I would like to ask them to stand up. Lets have a round of applause for the current and the grace. [applause] their grace. D [applause] show thisled their week allegedly because they learned that one of the brothers protested the democratic arctic invention and the other protested at an abortion clinic. Convention and the other protested at an abortion clinic. If i are the them have dated at convention, if either of them had road tested at a conservative convention, they probably would have gotten a raise. There is intolerance. To paraphrase, a liberal is who the modern left is completely intolerant of the views of the people of faith. A completely Secular Society where people of faith keep her views to themselves. Ronald reagans that freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It must be fought for and defended constantly each generation. In america are not being burned to the ground. Christians are not being slaughtered for their faith. Theres no comparison to the persecution of people of faith inside our borders and outside. We have established that our culture has taken a secular turn. We have established the persecution of christian is on the rise throughout the world. To establish religious liberty here is under siege. We have established that the left is no longer wanting a debate and simply wants to silence us. Now what . What do we do about it and what should you do about it . You should be optimistic and be of good cheer. This is an exciting time to be a believer. It is true that christians are the last group that it is ok to discriminate in america. So what . If god is with us, who could be against us . [applause] to the graduates, couple of last dont seedvice yourself as a victim. America has enough people seeing themselves as big ones. Go out as victims. Go out into this world that need you more than ever before. You should be bold in your faith and embrace opportunities to stand up for the truth. Just like those people in my life, you never know who you might be landing the seed of the gospel that could change someones life for all eternity. God bless you. Congratulations on your graduation carried god bless congratulations on your regulation. Bless and cancellations and congratulations to the class of 2014. [cheers and applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] with graduation season upon us, cspan is asking what is your advice to this years graduates . One posts the government is a reason you will not be able to find a decent job this year. Lucy says research for valid opinions. Dont be a fool and mimic what you hear. You could read more on facebook. Com cspan. Patricksetts governor the commencement anniversary at the university of massachusetts in amherst. He addresses Climate Change and supporting clean energy initiatives. Governor patrick is scheduled to leave office in generally when he finishes up his second term. This is 15 minutes. [applause] thank you. Chairman thomas the members of the board of trustees, members of the faculty and staff, senator rosenberg, representatives, honorees, distinguished guests, family and friends, and the proud and worthy members of the u mass class of 2014 cap underline applause]s and congratulations for reaching this milestone and thank you for having me. Handain event is dating in the degree for which you had worked hard for. Im aware of that and how important it is for me to get on and off as quickly as possible. I get it. Question is what is next . ,rom the time you were little some and had almost certainly been asking you what you wanted to be when you grow up. It is what adults ask kids, especially parents of their own kids. The kids answer with gusto. As young people get closer to seemsgrown up, the gusto to fade. When my daughters were college seniors, i would ask them and their friends what plans they were making for their lives after college. They hated that question. Is it made them feel pressured to choose a career before they felt quite ready to do so. I tried to be patient. Try to leave the site mentioning when i was their age, i do not have the option not to choose a path for myself after school. I also wanted them to understand as i do you that the choice you make now need not be and probably wont be the choice for all time. Wonder whereday, i in the world would we be if nobody ever wanted to be anything . I certainly hope there are future doctors, lawyers, engineers here. [applause] i guess there are. I hope there are future soldiers and sailors and nurses and elders here. [applause] apparently there are some of those, too. I hope there are some of you who will have more than one career in the course of their working lives and i hope that whatever you choose to do that you do it with integrity. Above all, i hope you will choose to be good citizens. Emphasis onmuch education as a pathway to a good job. I get that. Education will be the key to your success and ours as a nation. Despite strong job gains in massachusetts, we still have 220,000 people looking for work. Vacancies. The players keep telling us is that they cant find people with the skills that they need to do the job that they have. Your education here is more than just being prepared to be good employees. It is about preparation for citizenship itself. Good citizens take an interest in people and issues outside themselves. They understand community. They inform themselves about what is happening in their community and a volunteer. They listen. They both. Good citizens do not just live and work in a community. Community. What a Beautiful Community you are. You are 5500 graduate strong. Race,present nearly every ethnicity, and religion on the planet and scores of languages and culture. Many of you are the first ones in your family to learn english or to go to college or to graduate school. Through this community, you are connected to each other and to the larger world. Many of you clearly understand that and live out way. Live that way. I remember a student who grade a program to connect Homeless People to local resources for food, health care, and jobs. Or another student and other massnts of the u Engineering Team who designed a mechanical arm to help the disable kindergartner feed himself. For air force Staff Sergeant who having served two combat tours in

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