Transcripts For CSPAN 911 15th Anniversary Events 20160911 :

CSPAN 911 15th Anniversary Events September 11, 2016

Honor guard. Oh say can you see by the dawns early light what so proudly we hail at the twilights last gleaming stripes and bright stars night gh the perilous we watch m parts were so galantly streaming red glare ckets in air bs bursting f through the night that our flag was still there stars y does that wave d banner yet over the land of the free and the home of the brave. [applause] moment of silence. Good morning. My dad worked in the north tower. Remembering back to the horrible day 15 years ago has changed my life. I was ten years old. My brothers were eight, seven, and five. Today im proud to be here to memorialize my father. This is the place that gives me a chance to think about beautiful memories, like Christmas Eve when dad took my brothers and i to work to give my mom a break. On 9 11, the nation came together. People really tried to help us. I spent endless summers at a camp for kids who lost family members on 9 11. The counsels helped us to laugh and have fun, to let us know we were not alone. This summer i had the privilege of working with kids who had their own horrific loss, kids from sandy hook. And this time i got to be the one to care for them when they needed it. These kids lifted me up and wanted to know i wanted to give back as much as i can. Sometimes that bad things happen in our lives put us on the pantsdz to where we should path where we should be going. Ps, i love you, dad. And now as we remember all those we loved and loss their families and friends will once again read each persons name. Reading of names. Eading of names. Reading names. Eading of names. We miss you, dad, we love you. Jesses graduating college this year. Woo hoo niko and his girlfriend are doing good. He should be doing good soon. Jesses doing good in baseball. We wish you were here to watch him, every day, and we know youre up there watching him. We wish you were here still taking us fishing all the time. Love you, miss you, keep it good. Mommys doing great as well. And my father. Go blue [applause] reading names. Reading names. Reading names. My dad. Will never ildren get a chance to meet. We love you, dad. [applause] reading names. Eading of names. My uncle and god father. 15 years ago i was too young to walk or talk. However, today i stand proud now able to read the name of my hero. Every day i try my very best to make you proud. I know you are always watching over me, until we meet again. As many referred to, i cant believe its been 15 years. Sometimes it feels like others an eternity. Im really at a loss for words and people who know that mean that. Since you died 15 years ago, theres been a void left in our family. No amount of time can heal. Until we meet again one day. [applause] my husband. There isnt a day that goes by that we dont think about you, talk about you, or laugh about you. You always had us laughing. Rachel, jake, and sophie have grown to be amazing young adults. I know how proud you would be. We love you, miss you, and you will forever be in our hearts as well as the thousands of other hearts that you have touched. And my father who i know is always with me, glenn wall. [applause] reading of names. , i speakving husband for my entire family that we love you and miss you every day. , jim, we loveher you, we miss you, we thank you for all the great times we shared. Day. Ss you every we are proud of all you accomplished in your inspiration to all of us and always will be. We love you. Applause] [reading names] [moment of silence] of names] and my uncle. We miss and love you so much. I know you are reaching over me. You will never be forgotten. I love you andr we miss you. I know you are watching over us. [applause] my husband, worked on the 103rd floor of the World Trade Center. Time and a a long short time ago. Lovedof us who have lost ones to violence form a kind of group. Grief ande shock and anger that follows. It will not heal. To thatearned connection can also bring us comfort. My daughter and i are jewish and a few years ago, we went to speak to a muslim family in a month, jordan. For what they lost they their oldest son in a terrorist attack. As we all tightly held each others hand, we knew we understood each others loss. We the things we think separate us really dont. We are all part of this one earth in this vast universe. We are all ordinary and we are all special. We are all connected. Time by precious thinking otherwise. My husband was an astrophysicist, and i used to call him my star polisher. This makes me think of him. Somebody has to go polish the stars for the eagles ands , they saynd goals they want new ones we cannot afford. Red and yourur polishing jars. Somebody has to go polish the stars. [applause] [reading of names] and my husband just as john berry. I will always love you and miss you. Children, you have eight youthful grandchildren, your family and mine and all your friends. We carry your heart in our hearts, joe. Today my daughter brooke remember jackson, we and honor all those lost. We have missed you so much over these past 15 years. You were only 23 years old. You never got to meet your , but we tellusins you about how kind, compassionate and beautiful young woman that you were. I hope you know that you are always in our hearts and we will always love you. Dont forget to take care of daddy. [applause] names]g of and my firefighter brother Joseph Patrick henry. Generally, we love you. Knowing you are up there protecting me and watching over gives our family strength every day. ,his past week we lost a friend and fdny brother jimmy dunn. It is comforting knowing when jimmy went home, joey was there and all of the fdny brothers were there to meet him. Much and you will never be forgotten. , he loved the lord and the church. And he deeply loved his family. His beautiful spirit always reaches us. Applause] [reading of names] and my father. Dad, the whole family misses you. It has been 15 years. And year i apply to college i know i will make you proud. And my uncle, firefighter michael boyle. [applause] reading of names] and my uncle. You will forever be in our and my father, love you and miss you dad. Applause] names]g of and my uncle. And my uncle. [reading of names] and my brothers. Many who knew my brother called my mother calling joe hart, he became the heart of the family. Even though it has been 15 years , the pain and loss have not diminished. Much as aen us so brother, father, husband, nephew, uncle, cousin and friend. We are so happy and we had many good times with him and we will never forget his style, his trademark smile that will light up the night sky. And my brother whom we miss today as much as we did 15 years ago. Life will never be the same without you. Until we meet again i will carry you in my heart. [applause] names]g of and my uncle. We love and miss you every day wishes sure danielle that you would have been able to walk her down the aisle. And my husband. Not a day goes by that we dont miss and love you. With youry goes on grandchildren, one of whom was born on your birthday. We will take you live to the pentagon. President obama laying out these. Flight 77irlines striking the pentagon at 9 37 a. M. Live coverage from arlington, virginia. Ladies and gentlemen please direct your attention to the flag on the pentagon building. The flag hangs today from sunrise to sunset in honor of patriot day and in remembrance of the 184 lives lost at the pentagon. Ladies and gentlemen, the National Anthem of the United States performed by the united brass army rask went quintet. Ladies and gentlemen, the chief of chaplains margaret gibbons. Would you pray with me. Weighty and eternal god, atse the state in this state monuments and memorials around the country to remember husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, children, brothers, sisters, friends. To remember the warmth of the smiles, the touch of their hands, their last words, the gift of their lives. Help us never forget. That has been your grace which has allowed us the time we were able to share which has enabled us to hold on to the fondness of memories and provides us moments like this to cherish forever. Rememberto stay to those who first responded, the unsung heroes, civilian and military, emergency services, law enforcement. Who fought valiantly that day to reserve the lives trapped within these walls and those who over the last 15 years have crossed the globe sacrifice their lives defending the freedom our enemies thought and still seek to destroy. The us never to forget examples of coverage and fortitude to his men and women demonstrated in the face of danger and hardship. Nor to forget the ideas which defined our nations which they died to defend and which are now the responsibility of every american citizen to a old. You notmember, we ask to forget us. Allow your will to transform our memorial into a lasting commitment to those whom we have lost, to the nation that you have reserved and to a future defined by the values that we hold dear. It is in the strength of your name we pray. Amen. Ladies and gentlemen 15 years a. M. , the pentagon was attacked. Please joining us in observing a moment of silence to remember those who perished. The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general joe dunford. Mr. President , secretary and mrs. Carter, distinguished guest and most importantly to the family and run of those we lost on september 2001 and to those get it here and survived the morning. Ood it has been said that the manner in which a nation or immunity cares for its fall and reflects the peoples respect for their land and their loyalty to high ideals. We are here in that spirit, to honor those who lost her lives on 9 11, to maintain our commitment to never forget, and to demonstrate our loyalty to high ideals. Whether they were ordinary citizens going about their daily lives, or those in uniform protecting our values, those we lost 15 years ago today were killed for what they believe, what they represented. Over the years i have heard the attacks attack by some as senseless acts. It might have seemed senseless or those who have endured the loss of these house, father, mother, brother, sister, or friend. For the individuals who conducted these acts the loss of life was not senseless. 9 11errorist was struck on did so with a sense of purpose. They did so on a direct attack on our way of life and our values and as we recall the events that took lacey of 15 years ago, those still serving should ask for gods blessing on those who died, those who continue to suffer from injuries, and those who were left behind. We should also recall the we are and what we do and why we serve. Soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guard and Civil Servants serve because of their belief in america are we serve because of our belief in high ideals. We serve to protect our families , friends and fellow citizens. If today in the years ahead recalling the memories of 9 11 gives us the renewed commitment to our sense of values, if us,ys gathering reminds of then those who were taken from us who were taken and know their lives have meaning. And there will be pride in how we are carrying on their legacy. It is now my privilege to introduce someone who is that his life in service our secretary of defense the honorable ashton carter. [applause] today we return to the site of an attack motivated by barbarism and hate. An attack that rattled the world. That shook this mighty building, and that took 184 lives from us here at the pentagon, as well as thousands in new york and pennsylvania. President , chairman dunford, honored guests, family and lost, todayhose we we come together as we have every years has to go in one. We come together to remember those we lost that day and to stand again with their friends and families, to honor those and never forget. Together to reflect on all we have done together to recover and rebuild, to respond and to retaliate. We come together to recommit to our hard but Certain Mission to protect our country and our people and to make a better world for our children. To all those here before us who lost loved ones 15 years ago, our hearts and deepest sorrows are with you. We know that we can never fully know what you feel on this day. Know we fully know, what your loved ones sacrifice means to our department and to our country. And what you resolve means to all of us as we come to work each day to continue the mission your fallen loved ones summoned as we do your example makes us stronger. For that, we are grateful. We need that strength, and we have that resolve as we continue to confront and effete those conspired to attack us then and all who aspire to do so today. When someone strikes at the heart of what we stand for, we ofpond with the full might the finest fighting force the world has ever known. Our memory is long and our reach and resolve are endless, our enemies cannot hide, they cannot escape, they cannot endure. Wherever they are, they will surely, no matter how long it takes, come to feel the righteous fist of american might. September 11, 2001, americas finest men and women responded to the attacks and to defend what is best about america and civilization itself. Our freedoms, our values and our care for life and our way of life to it is because of those americans, their service and accra five. The United States has hammered those who have attacked us with every measure of american power. Networks, andist bringing Osama Bin Laden to justice eternal. It is because of those americans that 15 years later as the threat of terrorism evolved, our fight continues. Whether they still call from isilthemselves al qaeda or , nothing changes to terrorists are or what we will do to protect our country. For we possess limitless resolve wind of goodness that our backs. Even as we confront the forces of darkness, the United States has continued to light the way towards a better future. Weather and world wars are the long battle with terrorists, our men and women in uniform steadfast have provided the security and uphold the values that have allowed millions upon millions of people, not just in the u. S. , but around the world, to be safe, to raise their children to dream their dreams, to live lives that are full. Now,result decades from with visitors to this memorial was to remember the lives lost here on september 11, 2001, they will honor the men and women of the 9 11 generation and give thanks for all they accomplished. They will forever be the true reflection of who we are as a. Ation and a military a powerful memorial to those we lost 15 years ago, and they charge to us at a time of great change and challenge that we must continue to meet. Dedicated to more doing so then our commander and chief. President obama has taken each year of his residency, the time to remember 9 11, whether here, in new york or elsewhere, he has never missed a year, not one. He has also never forgotten that day or those we lost. I can tell you that nobody pays more care each and every time he sends men and women forth from this building into harms way. I can tell you he never relaxed in pursuit of those who threaten america. Ladies and gentlemen, for those and many other reasons it is my great privilege to introduce the president of the united date, morocco United States barack obama. Good morning. Us let not still fast love and faithfulness for sake you, write them on the tablet of your heart. Secretary carter, chairman dunford, outstanding members of our armed forces and most of all dayivors of that september and families of those we lost, it is a great honor once again to be with you on this day, count a day i know is still difficult but which reveals the love and faithfulness in your hearts and in the heart of our nation. We remember, and we will never forget, nearly 3000 beautiful lives taken from us so cruelly, including 184 men, women and children here. The youngest just three years old. Thoseor the courage of who put themselves in harms way to save people they never knew. Prayer, andher in in gratitude for the strength for the that has fortified us throughout the years. And we renew the love and the faith that binds us together as one american family. 15 years may seem like a long families whothe lost a piece of their heart that day, i imagine it can seem like just yesterday. Perhaps it is the memory of our last kiss given to a spouse, or the last goodbye to a mother or brother. Ister or we wonder how their lives might have unfolded, how their dreams might have taken shape. I am mindful that no words we offer or deeds we do can ever truly erase the pain of their absence. The survivors and families of 9 11, your steadfast love and faithfulness has been an inspiration to me and to our entire country. Even as you mourn and you summoned the strength to carry in the names of those you lost, starting scholarships and volunteered in your communities. You have done your best to be a Good Neighbor and a good friend and a good citizen. In your grief and grace you have or might it us that together there is nothing we americans cannot overcome. The question before us is how do we preserve the legacy of those that we lost, how do we live up to their example, how do we keep the spirit alive in our own hearts . We have seen the answer in a generation of americans, our men and women in uniform, diplomats, intelligence, Homeland Security professionals, all who who have support to serve and who have risk and given their lives to keep us safe. Thanks to their sterner service devastating blows to al qaeda, deliver justice to Osama Bin Laden, strengthen Homeland Security and prevented attacks lives. Y lives saved we did everything in our power to protect this country. We once again today tribute these patriots, civilian and military, including those far away from home in afghanistan and iraq. Perhaps most of all, we stayed true to the spirit of the state by defending not only our country but also our ideals. 15 years into this fight, the threat has evolved. With our stronger defenses, terrorists attempt attacks on a smaller but still deadly scale. Hateful ideologies search people in their own country to commit unspeakable violence. We mourn the loss of innocence from boston to San Bernardino to orlando. Qaeda, like isil, thatthat we will never they know they will never be ,ble to defeat a great nation instead they try to terrorists they terrorize in the fear that we will change each other. Why it is so important today that we reaffirm our care , people drawnn from every corner of the world. , every background , bound by a creed as old as our founders, e pluribus unum. Ut of many, we are one , ourow that our diversity heritage is not a weakness, it is still and always will be one of our greatest strengths. This is the america that was attacked that september morning. Mustis the america that we remain true to. Across our country today, americans are coming together in service and remembrance. We run our fingers over the names and memo

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