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Morning. Join the discussion. The National Governors association is holding its annual summer meeting this week in rhode island. Today, governors heard from Vice President mike pence who spoke about ongoing efforts to replace the Affordable Care act. His remarks were followed by canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who talked about the importance of the north American Free trade agreement an broader economic relations between thest and canada. This portion of the n. G. A. Meeting is just over an hour. Im now honored to introduce the Vice President of the United States of america, who as you know, a year ago, sat right with us, voted on our n. G. A. Resolutions, but most importantly, as governor, he understands the challenges that we all face, how to gre our economies, how to build an infrastructure, transportation, how to make sure that our children are getting the best quality education. He understands that we want to Work Together in a bipartisan way, we want to Work Together on infrastructure, we want to Work Together on tax reform. And we want to Work Together on health care. So that we can provide the best Quality Health care for our citizens. I thank Vice President pence, he showed true backbone himself in indiana when he expanded medicaid for his citizens. So he understands the challenges that we as governors face to make sure that were providing that quality care. So its my honor today as chairman of the National Governors association to bring to the podium, work with the governors in a bipartisan way, the Vice President of the United States of america, michael pence. [applause] [applause] Vice President pence thank you all. It is wonderful to be here. To Prime Minister trudeau, governor mccaw live, thank you for that wonderful introduction and warm welcome. To governor sandoval and all the governors of these United States, especially our host, to geena raimondo, and all the distinguished guests here today, it is an honor to be back in rhode island at the 109th annual summer meeting of the National Governors association. [applause] i bring greetings today from my friend a champion of federalism who is fighting every single day to restore power to the states and the people, the 45th president of the United States of america, President Donald Trump. The president is returning as we speak from france where he celebrated our first and oldest alliance with great pageantry. I spoke to him this morning and he asked me to convey his thanks for your service to your states and to give you his best regards. And the president sent me and several other cabinet members to partner with each and every one of you to advance the security and prosperity of all of the American People and all of the states across this country. [applause] now for me, its great to be back at the n. G. A. Im frankly very humbled. Very humbled to be with so many of the leaders i had the privilege to serb with when i was governor of the state of indiana. Its amazing for me to think, my wife and i reflected on it this morning, it was one year ago this weekend that the phone call came, and my life changed. I reflected this morning on that ancient verse that i often thought about in those days, who am i, o lord, and who is my family that you brought me this far . So let me take this personal opportunity to say, thank you to all of you. Thank you for your friendship, your encouragement, and the prayers that have enabled us to serve in this new capacity. It is great to be back with americas governors. Now im here as your Vice President but i want you to know that i bring the perspective of a former governor to your discussions this weekend. When i was governor, i often would come to washington, d. C. Representing my states interests and my greatest hope was that id have an administration that would listen to me and work with me to improve the lives of the hardworking people in indiana. Let me give you this promise. Every governor in america has all that and more in President Donald Trump you heard it from the president himself when he addressed the n. G. A. At the white house in your winter meeting earlier this year. As the president said, and i quote, under my administration were going to have a True Partnership of collaboration and cooperation with the states. He meant every word of it. Since day one of our administration, President Trump has been delivering on this promise. In the past six months, President Trump met with governors from no fewer than 47 states individually and five ter yours territories, including all of you gathered here today. In june alone, he welcomed with 19 govern yoss in the white house and met with three more on the road. He involved you in our policy discussions and let me assure you, this president values your continued input on issues from infrastructure to energy to tax cuts to health care and so much more. If you havent noticed, this president likes to hire governors. Not just present company but im talking about our United Nations ambassador, niki haley, secretary of energy rick perry, our secretary of agriculture, sonny perdue and the new United States ambassador to china, the longest serving governor in american history, ambassador terry grandstaff. Lets give all these former governors a round of applause. It really has been a privilege for me to continue to work so closely with all of you on the president s behalf. In february, karen and i enjoyed welcoming many of you to the Vice President s residence in washington, d. C. The first time all of americas fwoverpors have, i was told, have ever been invited to the naval observatory and we were honored that so many came. My wife couldnt with be us couldnt be with us today, shes picking our daughter up from the airport after some foreign travel, but let me extend the president s and our familys heart felt appreciation to the most important people in the room today, the spouses and family members to those who serve as governors across this nation. Could you give a round of applause to our spouses and family members who support the leadership of these great leaders . [applause] the truth is, americas governors have a friend in President Donald Trump and it doesnt matter whether youre a republican or a democrat. This president s agenda will continue to strengthen every state across this country. You know, i like to say our president has a threepart agenda. Jobs, job, and jobs. And to be around him for any period of time you know hes focused on prosperity in this country as more than anything else other than security. The president has taken Decisive Action from the outset to put america back to work and get our economy moving again. This president has signed more laws slashing jobkilling red tape out of washington, d. C. Than any president in american history. Its already saved businesses and individuals up to 18 billion a year in regulatory costs. And our president s been busy unleashing american energy. Hes opening the way for more offshore drill, rolling back the Clean Power Plan and the president s approved the keystone and dakota pipelines to strengthen the Energy Infrastructure of this nation. Speaking of infrastructure, President Trump has already begun the process of rebuilding american infrastructure and in partnership with governors like you, i promise you before this session of congress is out, were going to pass an infrastructure bill that will rebuild america. And were going to work with each and every one of you. To bring that about. This president has also taken Decisive Action to ensure that americas trade deals are both free and fair. Thanks to the president s leadership, last month, American Companies were able to ship american beef to china for the first time in over 13 years. The president s also opened up a new economic dialogue , he asked me to lead with the nation of japan, to strengthen our trade relationship with our valued ally. In the coming weeks, President Trump and our nation will renegotiate the north American Free trade agreement with canada and mexico. And under this president s leadership, we will modernize nafta for the 21st century so it is a winwinwin for all of our trading partners in north america. [applause] now, i know youll be hearing from prime might bester trudeau in just a few minutes. Let me assure you, the United States and canada have already built a remarkably strong relationship under these two leaders and the investment relationship that we enjoy today is worth more than 620 billion a year. And were grateful, were grateful for the Prime Ministers leadership and his early outreach to this administration. President trump recognized that every trade relationship can improve and as the Prime Minister knows, were looking forward to bringing nafta into the future in a way that will equally benefit both our countries. The truth is President Trumps leadership is already making a difference. I know you see it in your states every single day. Under this president s watch, businesses large and small have already created more than 800,000 new private sector jobs since the first of this year. Company after company are making record investments in state after state, billions of dollars, tens of thousands of jobs, and the stock market is soaring, closing at record highs again this week. With the continued input of americas governors, President Trump is going to work with this congress to drive forward an agenda for a more prosperous america of lower taxes, less regulation, more american energy, better infrastructure, better trade deals and yes, President Donald Trump is going to lead this congress to rescue the American People from the collapsing policies of obamacare. [applause] you know, as a former governor myself, i know just how Important Health care is to each and every one of you as you lead your states. The simple truth, though, is, is obamacare is imploding all across america. Working families and Small Businesses are paying the price every day. Our administration has found that the average premium on the individual market is more than doubled since obamacare went into effect less than four years ago and in many states, including some represented here, its more than tripled. When obamacare passed, we were promised families would save up to 2,500 a year in premiums. But the average obamacare plan today costs more than 3,000 more than than the average plan did in 2013. While costs are skyrocketing, choices are plummeting. On monday, our administration announced that 38 fewer Health Insurers plan on participating in Obamacare Exchanges next year and the number could rise. Leaving millions of americans with even fewer choices. And come next year, 40 of american counties, including nine whole states, will have only one choice in a Health Insurance provider, mening they essentially have no choice at all. Worse, dozens of counties will have no oviders whatsoever on the ba macare exchange in 2018. I know you know these facts because as governors youre hiing that reality. Not far afield in washington, d. C. Looking at statistics, but youre seing the impact of these failed policies each and every day in communities and Enterprises Across your state. I dont have to tell any of the governors gathered around here, whatever your politics, whatever your party you know were talking about real people. And you the wore talking about a real crisis. Because behind every number is a name. Behind every name is a story. You know, since early this year, the president has had me traveling across the country to many of your states. Ive always made a point to sit down with your local citizens and local businesses to hear the story about how hardship that obamacare has placed on your communities. Ive heard stories from Small Business owners, working families and parents with disabled children who suffered terribly under the collapsing weight of this policy. People like Julie Roberts who i met with earlier this week in lexington, kentucky. At her Small Business premiums have spiked 25 every year under obamacare and deductibles have tripled. Then theres connie mays who has lived in the same small town in ohio her entire life. She has a disability she told me about, its made her life tough. But she found her way forward. When obamacare became law she lost her Health Insurance plan, lost her doctor and today no Health Care Provider in her county will take her obamacare coverage. So she essentially has no coverage at all. She literally had tears in her eyes sitting next to me at the white house when she told me the story, that that card in her pocketbook was essentially meaningless because no one in her home county would take it. Then theres julie pine from wisconsin who i met when i was visiting Governor Walker whose Health Insurance costs increased so much that last year she told me, with genuine emotion in her voice, that she had to choose between paying for her obamacare coverage and buying christmas presenters in grandkids. She took that preemptive three months where she could skip making her payments and skip coverage just so she could afford to buy some christmas presents for her kids and grandkids. I dont have to tell all of you, these stories are not rare. But theyre all heartbreaking. Theyre not the exception, theyre the rule. As i told each and every one of those i mentioned and people all across this country, help is on the way. Were going to give the American People access to the kind of World Class Health care every american deserves. [applause] im pleased to report as you already know just yesterday Senate Leadership unveiled a new version of the Senate Health care bill and President Trump and i urge every member of the senate to support it. President trump and i believe the Senate Health care bill is the right bill at the right time to begin the end of obamacare and rescue the American People from this failed policy. And we look forward to the Senate Taking up this bill as early as next week. President trump laid out his vision for American Health care months ago. The president said he wanted a Health Care System that in his words is, quote, far less expensive and far better, we believe the Senate Health care bill begins to make the president s vision a reality. The bill introduced in the senate put america back on the path to better, more Affordable Health care for every american. The Senate Health care bill repeals obamacares individual business mandates and cuts taxes on American Families and american businesses, restoring freedom and itll create jobs. The Senate Health care bill doubles the contribution limits for Health Savings accounts and for the First Time Ever allows alth savings accounts to cover insurance premiums. The bill also offers tax credits to help americans buy the coverage they want at a price they can afford. And the legislation ensures that every american with preexisting conditions has access to the coverage and care they need, no exceptions. Applause] vicepresident pence know that the Senate Health care bill givers states the freedom to redesign your Health Insurance markets and most significantly under this legislation, states across the country will have an unprecedented level of flexibility to reform medicaid and bring better coverage, better care and Better Outcomes to the most vullnerble in your states. Im not speaking so much now as your Vice President , but let me speak to you as a former governor and someone that Terry Mccauliffe pointed out. I expanded medicaid under a waiver. You all know your states and you know your people and you know how to create the Innovative Solutions to create the Health Care Needs for the people of your states and i had the same attitude when i was a governor. Most of you know under previous administrations, frankly in both political parties, its been difficult, if not at times impossible for states to act on your own ideas. I actually learned that firsthand. Right after i was elected governor in early 2013, i went straight to work developing a serious medicaid reform plan that would put vulnerable and lowincome hoosiers, more in charge of their Health Care Decisions and would expand Health Care Providers across the state. Working with a remarkably talented woman, we created a plan based on consumerdirected health care. Indiana, at the time, as some of you know, was home to a small pile on the project that had promising results in that area. And we believed we could spp expand coverage in the state in the indiana way, in ways to improve access and outcomes to those most vulnerable. When we submitted our waiver to the prior administration, we, as many of you can attest in prior administrations, we encountered roadblocks and bureaucracy in washington d. C. And took our state two years to approve waivers and it rejected what we were trying to do. You have submitted waiver requests to washington, d. C. And had the same result. Now President Trump and i both believe that governors should have the freedom to design and implement the reforms in health care that will work in your states and we are going to fight to make that a reality in washington, d. C. [applause] vicepresident pence President Trump is dedicated to getting the federal government out of your way and allowing you to develop those unique solutions that will work for the people of your state. As the president told you in february, the federal government in his words shouldnt be in your way but delivering services. You will hear from secretary tom price and administrator about our president s commitment to work with each and every one of you. Earlier this year, they sent a letter to every governor to affirm the president S Partnership with all of your states. And i got to tell you, and i hope you have had this experience, secretary tom price and the administrator, we have the ateam. They are fighting for you and fighting for the states ability to innovate and meet the needs of our most vulnerable and improve our Health Care System. I would like you to give them a round of applause. [applause] vicepresident pence as you heard from those cabinet first, our administration wants you to innovate. We want you to improve your own Health Insurance markets and strengthen your medicaid programs. And i promise you that this administration will work with you in a timely way so you can move forward with the policies and plans that are best for your states and your citizens. And a case in point. A few days ago, the administrator approved a state innovation waiver for alaska to lower premiums and access care. Our administration is committed to working with you as partners. And the good news is, that the senates Health Care Bill will expand state freedom and flexibility to an even greater degree than the law permits our administration to extend today. The bill rolls back restrictions on waivers, giving states the ability to stabilize your Insurance Markets after they have been virtually destroyed in recent years. When it comes to medicaid, not only does the senates Health Care Bill expand states flexibilities, but every state has the resources you need to take care of those most vulnerable. As a governor who expanded medicaid, i have to tell you, i understand and appreciate as the president does, the concerns that many of you have as we talk about medicaid in the future going forward. Our administration has paid very close attention to this issue and we have had discussions with governors around this room and around the country. So let me be clear. President trump and i believe the Senate Health care bill strengthens and secures medicaid for the neediest in our society. And this bill puts this vital American Program on a path to longterm sustainability. Under the Senate Health care bill, federal medicaid spending 500 billion higher over the next decade over relative amounts ensuring that our states have the ability to provide for the most vulnerable and give them the care they are counting on. When it comes to receiving this funding, your states will have the per capita cap or the block grant. You r capita grant gives the assistance and with the block grant option you will determine how to best use your medicaid dollars and you can provide for your most vulnerable in ways that is most best for your state. It creates a Stability Fund in addition to that that states can use to help people obtain personal coverage as they transition out of the Medicaid Expansion. People on medicaid will be eligible for the tax credits which will be able to purchase the Health Insurance that is right for them. Under obamacare, the Medicaid Expansion cost 50 more. At this very moment, medicaid is one of the largest and Fastest Growing budget i tempts items in every state budget. As medicaid grows, there is less and less money for schools, roads and public safety. Medicaids been a broken system that has been fundamentally unsustainable and the expansion that occurred under obamacare only made the system worse. This just cant continue. Thats why the Senate Health care bill puts medicaid on a budget for the first time in history, ensuring for the long run that medicaid will be there for the neediest in our society. Obamacare has put far too many blebodied adults on the rolls leaving disable people at the back of the line. I know governor kasich isnt with us, but he is troubled to know that in ohio, 60,000 disabled citizens are stuck on waiting lists leaving them without the care they need for months and years. Just a few weeks ago, i met such a family from a state that expanded medicaid. They are a beautiful family but a heartbreaking family and one that America Needs to hear. Jake could be is kristens son. He has a rare disability and for his entire life, he depended on medicaid. A few years back, when their state expanded traditional medicaid, the state announced they were going to cut back on verage for medication like jacobs. Christine told me with tears in her eyes as well, saying that the state would no longer pay for his medicine. They tried to get money together but they couldnt do it. Hey had to switch to a cheaper alternative. Young jakes health began to fail. Even lost his ability to feed, walk and talk. Only by the grace of god did he regain these skills and a loving family was at his side. Every day is a struggle for him and his family. And jake is not alone. The truth is, i have heard from specialneeds families and they have told me again, unless we reform medicaid our most vulnerable are going to be crowded out of coverage that they rely on and depend on. I dont have to ask anyone where your hearts are. You know medicaid was created to support the aged, the blind, the disabled and vulnerable children. And unless we bring about reforms, we are going to continue to see scarce resources crowd out the help that vulnerable need. No one sitting in a Governors Office wants that to happen. This demands a compassion nature response. I know all of you care deeply about those families and you want to give them the best shot at a better life. I know all of you. Beyond the politics that may separate us, being among governors is one of the most inspiring times of my time in Public Service. Governors are dorse. You check your politics at the door and figure out how to solve problems and this room is filled with men and women who are problem solvers. This is your chance. Caring for the disabled, the blind, elderly, pregnant women and children and put you back in the drivers seat. We are saving medicaid for the sake of our most vulnerable. And providing americans with affordable Health Insurance with the reforms moving through congress. This is caring for the least among us and about doing the right thing and at the end of the day, i know in my heart of hearts, the men and women of this table and everyone in Public Service longs to do just that. Before i leave, i would like to mention one more accomplishment that is of great interest and already been a subject of discussion appropriately at this gathering. Im pleased to report that new Senate Health care bill provides to ecedented new provisions address the opioids crisis that s ravaging our nation. [applause] vicepresident pence we are grateful for your leadership. And in my days back in the hoosier state, i sat around with families that were dealing with the loss of a loved one to opioid addiction or dealing with the long, long road back from opioid addiction and abuse. You all would be glad to know that President Trump has made it a priority to end the scurge of opioid addiction. He knows the impact it has on families and we are determined in this administration to bring the full resources of the National Government to bear on assisting you as you come along side these families. President trump has been giving our Law Enforcement communities at every level, the resources and backing they need to go after this on the Law Enforcement side. We have been hitting gang members and drug dealers, like ms13 a off the street. The president has committed a commission devoted to addressing the Opioid Crisis because we know we have to meet this crisis of not just with Law Enforcement but also with compassion and with new resources with those that are caught up in the scurge of addiction. The Senate Health care bill unveiled yesterday, a remarkable 45 billion in new federal resources to confront opioid abuse and addiction in our states. [applause] vicepresident pence when this bill is signed into law, every state in america will benefit. And passing this bill is to help those are who are fighting addiction and put our nation back on the road to healing. As governor, i was talking a moment ago and once again in your state, after Congress Passed the cares act, you will have the ability to look at issues like not only treatment, but also Treatment Centers to build further capacity in your states to make Resources Available for people and their families to deal with the scurge of addiction. And we know your leadership will make a difference. The bottom line, the Senate Health care bill provides the most vulnerable in our society. It improves and strengthens medicaid and gives you, americas governors, the flexibility to bring better care, Better Outcomes. The president and i believe it will be a historic day when the president signs this bill into law. We commend this bill to your attention and ask for your support. I want to ask all of you to continue to work with us, to build on the good work being done on this congress on health care and so many other issues. I challenge each one of you to Work Together with this administration to give the American People access to the worldclass health care they deserve and move forward on the kind of policies that will strengthen our nation and advance our economy and secure the safety of the American People. We truly believe now is the time to act in congress on Health Care Reform for the sake of the American People. We need to have statebased innovation and make the best Health Care System in the world even better. And as i close, let me again thank you for the warm welcome today and the good fellowship. When i arrived today, one of my colleagues asked me if i missed you. I do. The privilege of serving as a governor in the state i grew up was the greatest privilege of my life until that phone rang a year ago this weekend. But there is Something Special about governors. President trump and i know it. And we are just determined to seize this moment in the life of our nation to advance the interests and the wellbeing of the people of our country and we ask for your support. And as i ask it, i say it with confidence, i know we will succeed, as we confront the challenges in health care and beyond, because i have faith. So with boundless faith in the American People, with faith in you mean and women in this room who lead the great states of this union, with faith in our president s faith determination and faith in god who has ever watched this land of the free and home of the brave, i say with confidence, we will make america safe again and make america prosperous again. We will give americans the opportunity to have access to worldclass health care again. And to borrow a phrase, working with all of you, on behalf of all of the American People, we will make America Great again. Thank you very much. God bless you for your service to this nation. God bless the United States of america. [applause] governor mcauliffe only give me so much time here, so [laughter] [cheers and applause] oh, come on. Governor mcauliffe i want to thank the Vice President. We give him one more round of applause. [applause] governor mcauliffe thank him to address the governors and understand the challenges that governors have in dealing with all of the issues and i appreciate the discussion of the Opioid Crisis which every single governor deals with on a daily basis. I will like to introduce, the first time in n. G. A. History we have had a head of state address the National Governors association and only fitting that we have a canadian Prime Minister to address us today, because in america, you think of that relationship we have with canada, not only the gigantic border that we share together, but also the friendship. I do not believe there is a better bilateral relationship between two countries in the entire globe than exists between canada and the United States of america. And i want to thank the Prime Minister, who has stepped out and led on such important issues of dealing with climate change, how to deal with extremism, working with us here in america. I want to thank the Prime Minister, making sure that anada is open and welcoming to everyone. He has been a fighter to protect womens rights and protect the rights of the lgbt community. He understands when you are opened and welcoming, good things happen and economies grow. And i thank his leadership on the economy. Our top trading partner and we have to grow and create jobs. I personally as the governor of virginia want to personally thank the Prime Minister to the 600,000 canadians who came to virginia and spent 214 million. They bought our beer, our wine, our peanuts and went to our beautiful mountains and went to virginia beach. You come to virginia beach, which dont have sharks. We have dolphins and they pick up your children and give them rides and drop them back off. [laughter] governor mcauliffe every governor has a story of how important canada is. It is my pleasure on behalf of all the governors to introduce for the First Time Ever, a head of state, canadian prime inister trudeau. Cheers and applause] Prime Minister trudeau thank you. Thank you. Vice president pence, governors, friends, honored guests, good afternoon. It is my sincere privilege to be here with you today to talk about some of the values we have in common and some of the solutions of the challenges we all face. Governor mcauliffe, thank you for your kind words of introduction and your thoughtful opening remarks. You or romando and thank hospital. Cean state it is the perfect summer. Im a little bit flattered and surprised that so many of you in the audience have chosen to be here rather than at the beach. Maybe thats on the agenda this weekend or maybe like me, you agree with Wallace Stevens that perhaps the truth depends on the walk around the lake. I have to tell you, Wallace Stevens is my favorite american poet. He worked in insurance up the road in hartford, connecticut and at night he wrote the most thoughtful poetry that our world has ever seen. As i get to know this beautiful historic corner, low stonewalls, the apple orchards and spectacular ocean vistas, i have been thinking a lot about Wallace Stevens. In his poem, he declares, i am what is around me and thinks about home and what it means and how we define it. Of course, home begins with family. It extends out from there, to school and places of worship, workplace, community, cities, state and country. But there is an aspect of home that goes beyond our national borders, at least beyond the canadau. S. Border, which is unlike any other. That is the idea and the reality of the common north american home. This is where new found landers took in stranded american air edavelers after 9 11 as cronal in the broadway play, which you should see. New englanders rushed to help their cousins after the halifax explosions in 1917. Saw it a few weeks when the plymouth to newport sailing inds got hit and ships and planes went into rescue mode. That is what friends and neighbors do for one another. We are there for each other. We step up. The canadau. S. Border is sometimes referred to the longest undefended border in the world. Thats actually wrong. Our shared border is very well defended. We defend it together against common threats. From nor add, the only joint command relationship in the world, to nato to counterterrorism, to basic streetlevel policing, canadians and americans work shouldertoshoulder to keep each other safe as long a as we can remember and further back than that, we have done this. And that is the context into which i would like to say about canadas outreach to the united beens this year, which has described as uncanadian, exceptionally canadian, unprecedented, highly predictable and perhaps most colorfully a doughnut. And i think you governors are all the sprinkles. My friends, im here to tell you, our continuing conversation with all of you is none of those things. Not at all. On the contrary. It is consistent and solid through and through. And i need to highlight the work of two individuals here as being exemplary throughout this process. Canadas minister of Foreign Affairs and our ambassador to the United States. Thank you both for your terrific work. [applause] Prime Minister trudeau we know they are not alone in this, it extends to all levels of governance and society, from my continuing constructive dial ocean that President Trump and Vice President pence and cabinet ministers, to meetings between state governors and premiere of ontario, to conversations between municipal leaders to business and nongovernmental organizations and to the thousands of personal and business ties that form the bedrock of our national bond. During my time in politics, i noticed this, pundits, and i say this with the greatest of respect and affection to our friends in the media, really seem to enjoy the word strategy. If you have a plan, just a plan, anyone can have a plan, but if you call it a strategy or suddenly journalists are leafing through the art of war and making chest. And has the effective of making the obvious at least complex and makes for an interesting story. But our strategy, our plarn, is actually plan, is extremely straightforward. Canada is a confident, creative, resourceful and resourcerich nation. Are wealthy and influential country by world standards. We are a country of 35 Million People living next door to roughly 10 times our size and the worlds only superpower. My father, Prime Minister pier trudeau once compared this to sleeping next to an elephant. While you, my american friends, may be an elephant, canada is no mouse. More like a moose. [laughter] Prime Minister trudeau strong and peaceable, but still massively outweighed. We need to work harder to make our points, to advocate for the interests of canadian families in a way that will connect down here. That applies across the range of our national interests, from the fight against climate change, to job creation, to our common defense. Because, lets face it, this is another truth about good neighbors. Sometimes we take each other for granted. Sometimes the very dependability and the ease of a relationship can lead to us paying too little attention. When that happens, the principals invarybly live to regret it. We in canada decided we not let that happen with our relationship with the United States of america. And if you would allow me to say that to the folks back home, because it is important speaking french] Prime Minister trudeau when i talk about the importance of maintaining this relationship, i talk about it as a collective. I say we, because this sentiment extends throughout the cabinet and caucus i lead, but it is actually bigger than our government and political party. There is an extraordinarily high degree of support for this across canadian society. And i note we have representatives from two of our major plig parties, mike flake, brenda and as well as senators bob and mike. Hello and thank you all for being here. [applause] as i was saying, the canadianu. S. Relationship is far too important for us to assume that americans are as focused on it as we are, focused how interlinked our economies have become and how crucial it has become for the security of both sides of this border, especially for the middle class and those working hard to join it. Given the imminent modernization of the north American Free trade agreement, which we welcome of course, we feel compelled to tell you canadas story as it relates to the United States. Its a great story. And not just for the 9 million american jobs whose jobs are depenlt but for all americans. Now some of you may have heard that last number before along with the fact that 2 3 of american states has canada is the top exporter market. We are repeating those numbers to u. S. Audiences to every chance we can get. The export number is true for a majority of the states represented here today, including alabama, arkansas, kentucky, maryland, New Hampshire, north carolina, north dakota, rhode island, south dakota, vermont and virginia and wisconsin. [applause] Prime Minister Trudeau Canada is the u. S. biggest best customer by far. We are a Bigger Customer than china by roughly 152 billion, bigger than japan and the u. K. No one else comes close. Canada buys more from the u. S. U. K. Ina, japan and combined. We are polite in our relentlessness. And sharing that message. Beginning in my regular dialogue of President Trump and fanning out from there, and let me tell you why. This is the most Successful Economic Partnership in the history of the world. Its worth about a trillion dollars each year and most importantly, its well balanced. More broadly, the north American Free trade zone is the biggest Economic Zone in the worldcom prizing 19 trillion regional market of 470 million customers. The United States, canada and mexico and canada account for more than a quarter of the worlds g. D. P. Since the trilateral agreement went into 1994, u. S. Trade with the partners has tripled. That accounts for millions of middleclass jobs for canadians and americans. Free trade has worked. Its working now. And those ties have grown well beyond direct trade. Canadians pay more than 500 million annually in property tax in the florida alone. [laughter] Prime Minister trudeau and another 25,000 homes in arizona are canadianowned. Something to do with the weather, i suspect. But nafta isnt perfect. No such agreement never is. We think it should be updated and modernized as it has been a dozen times over the past quarter century. And i have every expectation that it will be to the ultimate benefit of working people in all three partner countries. And i have to add this. We have been gratified by the serious, respectful response that our outreach has met at all levels of America Karen government. We thank our counterparts in the Trump Administration for that and we thank all of you, the relationship between our countries is historic. It is a model to the world. It is of critical importance for people on both sides of the border that we maintain and indeed improve. We must get this right. And sometimes getting it right means refusing to take the politically tempting shortcuts, more trade barriers, more local content provisions, more preferential access for homegrown players and government procurement, for example, does not help working families over the longterm or even the midterm. Such policies kill growth. And that hurts the very workers these measures are no, maam neal intended to protect. And once we travel down that road and become the tit for at that time and race for the bottom, all sides lose. Candidate ave doesnt want canada doesnt want to go there. We want a thinner border for trade and not a thicker one. Et me repeat that in french. [speaking french] Prime Minister trudeau there are some really great arguments to be made to keep our borders thin even when we cross border Law Enforcement that makes canadians and americans safer and our partners in michigan and ohio know well the case of magna international, a Global International parts supplier founded in 1957. Magna employs nearly 140,000 workers in 29 countries. Half of those workers are here in north america. And magna has 65 facilities in the United States. 60 in canada and 29 in mexico. And heres the point. Magnas supply chain spans the border. A car part, the border is invincible. Car parts are incorpted into more complex components. Uppercrust members and imported into michigan for assembly into a carrier and full frontal module in ohio. Magna sends the module to chrysler for final assembly and chrysler finishes it around the world. Thats team work, my friends. He Parent Company of a Steel Company and employs canadians and americans. It has plants in maryland and New Hampshire provide jobs that are vital to their communities. Its market is the construct industry, which is a north americanwide industry, by the way. There are literally too many examples of this tom name, whether its cn in louisiana or hydro quebec in maine or countless other enterprises and projects across the states. Canadian energy, ingenuity and capital are there helping you uild america, just as American Ingenuity and capital are in canada helping us build our country. And this ultimately is why i have such confidence in our shared future. And in the best efforts of every leader in this room and in washington, to nurture this relationship, to make it even better, we really are all in this together. And the ambassador remarked on the high degree of cooperation and College Atlanta of the state governors he talked to including many of you. But the pragmatic approach crosses party lines. And i know thats because as governors, you face common problems and share many of the same goals. I know that your focus on creating the conditions for good, wellpaying jobs for the middle class in your states, whether republican or democrats in this economy, thats most likely your very First Priority. Guess what . Its my First Priority as well. President trump has told us it is his First Priority. We all have this in common. This challenge, how do ensure benefits of commerce and trade are more broadly shared so that every family can look forward to a Brighter Future is among the most fundamental of our time. My friends, i believe to my core that the most important challenge that we face as elective leaders is that of creating lasting conditions for prosperity for all of our people in this, our shared north american home. By virtue of our gee oggra if i and our interlinked economies, this is what we are called together within a modernized, renewed and strengthened north American Free trade agreement. So i will leave you with this, let us meet this challenge. Let us keep talking as neighbors and friends should. Let us roll up our sleeves. Lets get to work and lets keep making history together. [speaking french] cheers and applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org governors talk br computer coding

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