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American history tv come cap tonight at 10 00 eastern, we look back to 1987 and the confirmation hearings for judge ork, nominee to the Supreme Court by president ronald reagan. Is wrong on civil rights, equal rights for women, privacy, and freedom of speech, and president reagan is wrong to try to put him on the Supreme Court. Announcer sunday at 6 00 p. M. Eastern on american artifacts, we will visit the war memorial in kansas city, missouri. When the museum was being constructed, city and congressional leaders went to congress and asked for this to be designated as the national museum. Because of the scope of the collection, the significance, 2004 thedesignated in museum as the national museum. 6 30, the author of the book. Tuchman the world to freedom. World toet tubman the freedom. Harriet tubman settled into the role of activist, lanter missed philanthropist. She remained active in womens suffrage and other run for other important reforms. Announcer for the complete schedule, go to cspan. Org. Announcer this week isunshine week, an annual campaigfo Greater Public assets to government. It is also cspans anniversary week. 38 years ago, the house of representatives opened its debates to tv cameras for the first time, and the Cable Television industry launched cspan to bring the congress into americas homes. Mr. Speaker, on this historic day, the house of representatives opens its proceedings for the first time to televised coverage. To congratulate you for your courage in making this possible, and the committee who has worked so hard under the leadership to make this a reality. Thisision will change institution, just as it has changed the executive branch, but the good will far outweigh the bad. From this day forward, every member of this body must ask , how many herself americans are listening to the debate which are made . When the house becomes comfortable with the changes brought by television coverage, the news media will be allowed to bring their own cameras into this chamber. In the meantime, there is no censorship. Every word is available for broadcast coverage, and journalists will be able to use and edit as they see fit. The solution for the lack of confidence in government, mr. Speaker, is more open government at all levels. I hope that the leadership of the United States senate will see this as a friendly challenge to begin to open their the gentlemans time has expired. The marriage of this medium and our open debate has the potential to revitalize representative democracy. Announcer in 1986, the cable industry launched cspan2 to carry the senate live. All of our coverage is webcast live, archived, and searchable, for free at cspan. Org. Cspan tv, radio, and online are provided as a Public Service across the nation. Announcer

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