Transcripts For CSPAN 2015 White House Correspondents Associ

Transcripts For CSPAN 2015 White House Correspondents Association Dinner Arrivals 20150426

marco rubio is running for president. when jeb bush find out he sai id "ay dios mio!" mitt romney -- i hope michael gets comfortable in front of the camera before yesterday on tv. chris christie says if he is elected president he would crack, states that legalized marijuana, because he believes marijuana is a gateway drug. like bridge to other drugs? and he wants to shut down athat bridge. new polls show that chris christie's approval ratings in new jersey are at an all-time low. the only thing new jerseyans approval less is "that dominican guy who stays in your system." ted cruz. it is like the right-wing thought, what exactly is the opposite of a black president? how about a canadian with you know who will never be president? [laughter] that is true, he was born in canada, a child of cuban immigrants. i was surprised he wasn't in hillary's unannounced video. seems like a lot of work just to be a fox news pundit. rand paul has announced that he is taking over his families not being president business. and yes, that is rand, as and he didn't get elected. paul is a libertarian, which if you are not familiar, the libertarian is a republican that you have to block on twitter. [laughter] rand paul's complaints of -- campaign slogan is "defeat washington" let us talk about 2016, the most important person in the room -- my leader, the person i am so glad is in the white house. michelle obama. [applause] [che[laughter] michelle, you take care of that garden what you can. in 18 months, nothing is going to be about that pool. [laughter] michelle obama, what an amazing woman. harvard educated lawyer, a fierce advocate for lgbt writes, and founder of the "let's move" campaign to combat childhood obesity. it is a dream to set next to you, but a nightmare to ask you. [laughter] i got up to the bathroom or link 20 minutes, i kid a cheese pizza behind the toilet and ate it. i'm sorry. and of course, mr. president. thank you so much for taking time away from being on jimmy kimmel to be here. [laughter] it is amazing to be seen with the president, having this fancy dinner. i know this must have cost a lot of food stamps, the so thank you. i can say that, because a lot of people don't know this. president obama and i grew up together in chicago. ira number when we used to go down to the basketball court i placed a pair of jordan, he would slip on a pair of my mom's genesjeans -- [laughter] we would just missed three-pointers until sundown. when of course, we would have to stop and pray to mecca. [laughter] those were simpler times. now you have congress pui tin, israel. after six years in office, your approval rating is at 48%. not only that, your great here is at 85%. your hair is so white now you can toss back some bleach. president obama i wish you were coming into office in 2016 incident 2008. mr. president, you probably get this a lot, but you are like madonna. you both gave this country so much, but in a year and a half, you've got to stop. [laughter] mr. president, it was a true honor to be here tonight. thank you to whitehorse correspondence -- white house correspondents association whatever that is. [laughter] i have you finished that because the exterminator needs to get into this room. i have a bathroom pizza to finish. thanks so much and goodnight. [applause] >> on the next washington journal, we discussed the situation in yemen the u.s. military presence there, the iran nuclear talks, and regional partners. cenk uygur talks about the twentysomething race and the role of progressives. peter moskos looks at police shootings and reaction to high-profile shootings. as always, we will take your calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. live at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. on this weekend newsmakers, ohio senator sherrod brown is our guest. he is the top democrat on the senate banking committee and talks about the financial sector and the future of the dodd frank law. he also discusses his opposition to trade legislation that is currently working its way through congress. sherrod brown: my advice is that she needs to use that the four workers -- needs to step up for workers. i am hopeful that she speaks out on the whole issue of currency because we do play by a different edibles than some of our economic competitors. i am hopeful that she speaks out on how this is a shift in corporate power from democratically elected government to multinational corporations. i urge everybody to speak out on that not just hillary. i don't even put her in a different category. >> let me ask you, how big of a deal is trade for you to give your endorsement? sherrod brown: i will answer it evasively and say i am talking about trade, talking to her staff. she has had a history. i am pretty sure she voted against fast track. i'm not positive. i know she made a negotiation for nafta in 2008. i am hopeful that she is not far from my position. i am not sure because i have not had to dig deep down on this issue. but is it important to me and the country. >> you have been talking to her about this. sherrod brown i talked: to her staff. we have not had a conversation directly in great detail about trade. i talked to her about trade injured 2008 race, her office was right across the hall. >> as secretary of state, mrs. clinton did praise the transpacific bill that came right after fast-track. sherrod brown" of course she did, because her boss was for it. you can't blame her taking the position. >> watch the entire interview with ohio senator sherrod brown tomorrow at 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span. >> she was considered modern for them. called mrs. president by her detractors and was outspoken about her views on slavery and women's rights, and one of the most prolific writers of any first lady, she provides a unique window into colonial america and her personal life. abigail adams. sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span original series "first ladies: influence an image." examining the public and private lives on the women who served the position of first lady, from martha washington to michelle obama. sunday at 8:00 p.m. eastern on american history tv on c-span3. as a condiment to these series, a new book is available "first ladies: lies on 45 iconic women." providing lively stories of these fascinating women creating a limiting, entertaining, and inspiring read. -- creating an illuminating read. it is available through your bookstore or online bookseller. >> and it's live coverage on c-span ovi 2015 white house correspondent in. we are at the red carpet entrance at the washington hilton where the debtor has been held for about 40 years bringing you for coverage of the entire event. you will see journalists politicians, and hollywood stars arrived. you'll hear later president obama and saturday night live as this year's entertainment. we will take you behind the scenes of the dinner. 2600 people are in attendance at this live event. tickets are $300 a person. throughout the night will be reading tweets and facebook comments as well, follow us on twitter at c-span, and if you are tweeting, include the hashtag #whtv, the white house correspondents dinner. the post-dinner festivities get underway at about 8:30. it will all be live on c-span. now let us watch the arrival from the 20 15th white house correspondents dinner at washington. [indiscernible] [indiscernible] [indiscernible] [indiscernible] announcer: and you are watching live coverage of the red carpet entrances at the washington hilton for the 2015 washington correspondents' dinner, and areata huffington and correspondence from "huff post" are currently posing, and earlier you saw mark halperin from bloomberg politics interviewing a guest. anyone who is not a white house journalist has been invited by a news journalists organization such as this, and we invited joyce woodhouse and the political consultants brad dallas woodhouse, one is a republican and one is a democrat permit you are going to see some more arrivals, and about 7:50 p.m. is when you are going to see the dinner began, and we are going to show you some behind the scenes tweets, and you can follow us at twitter @cspan is our handle, and we will also be reading some ace book comments we can be found at, and that is where you can read those and post them. [indiscernible] [indiscernible] announcer: live coverage on c-span of the white house correspondents' dinner, and that was bill belichick there on the red carpet, live coverage. [indiscernible] announcer: live coverage of the white house correspondents dinner red carpet arrival. ivanka trump on your screen. her father, donald trump will be attending this year's dinner. if you are on twitter, you want to follow along #whcd. this tweet came in a while looking. michael kelly from "house of cards," he is at the dinner as well. [indiscernible] announcer: that is former speaker of the house newt gingrich and his wife and they are there as guests of christian broadcasting network. [indiscernible] announcer: and another former speaker of the house, democratic leader nancy pelosi is with her husband. john casish from ohio tame through early. $300 a ticket. [indiscernible] announcer: and that gentleman in the center of your screen who just gave a buss to senator pelosi, that is the former governor o'malley from maryland, potentially talking about running for president. he is talking to the bearded gentleman who plays one of the aides, one of the inept aides, mark hell prison who is doing the -- hellprin who is with bloomberg. and lucious malfoy from the harry potter movies. c-span's live coverage of the 2015 white house correspondents dinner. [indiscernible]

Related Keywords

United States , Canada , New Jersey , Israel , Iran , Hollywood , California , Maryland , Mecca , Makkah , Saudi Arabia , Ohio , Cuba , Dallas , Texas , Yemen , Washington , District Of Columbia , Jordan , Chicago , Illinois , America , Canadian , New Jerseyans , Cuban , Marco Rubio , Chris Christie , Joyce Woodhouse , Sherrod Brown , Michelle Obama , Nancy Pelosi , Abigail Adams , John Ellis Bush , Harry Potter , Jeb Bush , Newt Gingrich , Michael Kelly , Ted Cruz , Dodd Frank ,

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Transcripts For CSPAN 2015 White House Correspondents Association Dinner Arrivals 20150426 :

Transcripts For CSPAN 2015 White House Correspondents Association Dinner Arrivals 20150426

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marco rubio is running for president. when jeb bush find out he sai id "ay dios mio!" mitt romney -- i hope michael gets comfortable in front of the camera before yesterday on tv. chris christie says if he is elected president he would crack, states that legalized marijuana, because he believes marijuana is a gateway drug. like bridge to other drugs? and he wants to shut down athat bridge. new polls show that chris christie's approval ratings in new jersey are at an all-time low. the only thing new jerseyans approval less is "that dominican guy who stays in your system." ted cruz. it is like the right-wing thought, what exactly is the opposite of a black president? how about a canadian with you know who will never be president? [laughter] that is true, he was born in canada, a child of cuban immigrants. i was surprised he wasn't in hillary's unannounced video. seems like a lot of work just to be a fox news pundit. rand paul has announced that he is taking over his families not being president business. and yes, that is rand, as and he didn't get elected. paul is a libertarian, which if you are not familiar, the libertarian is a republican that you have to block on twitter. [laughter] rand paul's complaints of -- campaign slogan is "defeat washington" let us talk about 2016, the most important person in the room -- my leader, the person i am so glad is in the white house. michelle obama. [applause] [che[laughter] michelle, you take care of that garden what you can. in 18 months, nothing is going to be about that pool. [laughter] michelle obama, what an amazing woman. harvard educated lawyer, a fierce advocate for lgbt writes, and founder of the "let's move" campaign to combat childhood obesity. it is a dream to set next to you, but a nightmare to ask you. [laughter] i got up to the bathroom or link 20 minutes, i kid a cheese pizza behind the toilet and ate it. i'm sorry. and of course, mr. president. thank you so much for taking time away from being on jimmy kimmel to be here. [laughter] it is amazing to be seen with the president, having this fancy dinner. i know this must have cost a lot of food stamps, the so thank you. i can say that, because a lot of people don't know this. president obama and i grew up together in chicago. ira number when we used to go down to the basketball court i placed a pair of jordan, he would slip on a pair of my mom's genesjeans -- [laughter] we would just missed three-pointers until sundown. when of course, we would have to stop and pray to mecca. [laughter] those were simpler times. now you have congress pui tin, israel. after six years in office, your approval rating is at 48%. not only that, your great here is at 85%. your hair is so white now you can toss back some bleach. president obama i wish you were coming into office in 2016 incident 2008. mr. president, you probably get this a lot, but you are like madonna. you both gave this country so much, but in a year and a half, you've got to stop. [laughter] mr. president, it was a true honor to be here tonight. thank you to whitehorse correspondence -- white house correspondents association whatever that is. [laughter] i have you finished that because the exterminator needs to get into this room. i have a bathroom pizza to finish. thanks so much and goodnight. [applause] >> on the next washington journal, we discussed the situation in yemen the u.s. military presence there, the iran nuclear talks, and regional partners. cenk uygur talks about the twentysomething race and the role of progressives. peter moskos looks at police shootings and reaction to high-profile shootings. as always, we will take your calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. live at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. on this weekend newsmakers, ohio senator sherrod brown is our guest. he is the top democrat on the senate banking committee and talks about the financial sector and the future of the dodd frank law. he also discusses his opposition to trade legislation that is currently working its way through congress. sherrod brown: my advice is that she needs to use that the four workers -- needs to step up for workers. i am hopeful that she speaks out on the whole issue of currency because we do play by a different edibles than some of our economic competitors. i am hopeful that she speaks out on how this is a shift in corporate power from democratically elected government to multinational corporations. i urge everybody to speak out on that not just hillary. i don't even put her in a different category. >> let me ask you, how big of a deal is trade for you to give your endorsement? sherrod brown: i will answer it evasively and say i am talking about trade, talking to her staff. she has had a history. i am pretty sure she voted against fast track. i'm not positive. i know she made a negotiation for nafta in 2008. i am hopeful that she is not far from my position. i am not sure because i have not had to dig deep down on this issue. but is it important to me and the country. >> you have been talking to her about this. sherrod brown i talked: to her staff. we have not had a conversation directly in great detail about trade. i talked to her about trade injured 2008 race, her office was right across the hall. >> as secretary of state, mrs. clinton did praise the transpacific bill that came right after fast-track. sherrod brown" of course she did, because her boss was for it. you can't blame her taking the position. >> watch the entire interview with ohio senator sherrod brown tomorrow at 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span. >> she was considered modern for them. called mrs. president by her detractors and was outspoken about her views on slavery and women's rights, and one of the most prolific writers of any first lady, she provides a unique window into colonial america and her personal life. abigail adams. sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span original series "first ladies: influence an image." examining the public and private lives on the women who served the position of first lady, from martha washington to michelle obama. sunday at 8:00 p.m. eastern on american history tv on c-span3. as a condiment to these series, a new book is available "first ladies: lies on 45 iconic women." providing lively stories of these fascinating women creating a limiting, entertaining, and inspiring read. -- creating an illuminating read. it is available through your bookstore or online bookseller. >> and it's live coverage on c-span ovi 2015 white house correspondent in. we are at the red carpet entrance at the washington hilton where the debtor has been held for about 40 years bringing you for coverage of the entire event. you will see journalists politicians, and hollywood stars arrived. you'll hear later president obama and saturday night live as this year's entertainment. we will take you behind the scenes of the dinner. 2600 people are in attendance at this live event. tickets are $300 a person. throughout the night will be reading tweets and facebook comments as well, follow us on twitter at c-span, and if you are tweeting, include the hashtag #whtv, the white house correspondents dinner. the post-dinner festivities get underway at about 8:30. it will all be live on c-span. now let us watch the arrival from the 20 15th white house correspondents dinner at washington. [indiscernible] [indiscernible] [indiscernible] [indiscernible] announcer: and you are watching live coverage of the red carpet entrances at the washington hilton for the 2015 washington correspondents' dinner, and areata huffington and correspondence from "huff post" are currently posing, and earlier you saw mark halperin from bloomberg politics interviewing a guest. anyone who is not a white house journalist has been invited by a news journalists organization such as this, and we invited joyce woodhouse and the political consultants brad dallas woodhouse, one is a republican and one is a democrat permit you are going to see some more arrivals, and about 7:50 p.m. is when you are going to see the dinner began, and we are going to show you some behind the scenes tweets, and you can follow us at twitter @cspan is our handle, and we will also be reading some ace book comments we can be found at, and that is where you can read those and post them. [indiscernible] [indiscernible] announcer: live coverage on c-span of the white house correspondents' dinner, and that was bill belichick there on the red carpet, live coverage. [indiscernible] announcer: live coverage of the white house correspondents dinner red carpet arrival. ivanka trump on your screen. her father, donald trump will be attending this year's dinner. if you are on twitter, you want to follow along #whcd. this tweet came in a while looking. michael kelly from "house of cards," he is at the dinner as well. [indiscernible] announcer: that is former speaker of the house newt gingrich and his wife and they are there as guests of christian broadcasting network. [indiscernible] announcer: and another former speaker of the house, democratic leader nancy pelosi is with her husband. john casish from ohio tame through early. $300 a ticket. [indiscernible] announcer: and that gentleman in the center of your screen who just gave a buss to senator pelosi, that is the former governor o'malley from maryland, potentially talking about running for president. he is talking to the bearded gentleman who plays one of the aides, one of the inept aides, mark hell prison who is doing the -- hellprin who is with bloomberg. and lucious malfoy from the harry potter movies. c-span's live coverage of the 2015 white house correspondents dinner. [indiscernible]

Related Keywords

United States , Canada , New Jersey , Israel , Iran , Hollywood , California , Maryland , Mecca , Makkah , Saudi Arabia , Ohio , Cuba , Dallas , Texas , Yemen , Washington , District Of Columbia , Jordan , Chicago , Illinois , America , Canadian , New Jerseyans , Cuban , Marco Rubio , Chris Christie , Joyce Woodhouse , Sherrod Brown , Michelle Obama , Nancy Pelosi , Abigail Adams , John Ellis Bush , Harry Potter , Jeb Bush , Newt Gingrich , Michael Kelly , Ted Cruz , Dodd Frank ,

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