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Veterans day program will pick up an half an hour when Vice President joe barton joe biden will participate in the ceremony at National Arlington cemetery. Later, remarks from john mccain. He has a new book out recounting the lives of the american soldiers who served in complex ranging from the revolutionary war to the wars in iraq and afghanistan and the book is called 13 soldiers. You can watch that life starting at 6 30 p. M. Eastern on cspan two. On this veterans day, we want to know what your message is to our fighting men and women. Log onto facebook to leave your comments or tweet us. We will try to read some of your messages throughout the day. Cspan veterans day coverage continues tonight at 7 00 eastern with selections from this years white house medal of honor surmise follow that 8 00 by the original wreathlaying ceremony at Arlington National cemetery. After 9 00 him in the annual uso gala featuring joint chiefs of staff chairman general Martin Dempsey also discussions on veteran Mental Health issues as well as other selections from the white house medal of honor sir moneys. Ceremonies. Joint chiefs of staff chair general Martin Dempsey was the main speaker at this years uso servicemember awards gala are in washington. Remarks followed a rendition of an irish song he and other members of the joint chiefs honored individual soldiers in each branch of the military. United Service Organization was founded in 1941 and is a private group providing programs in the u. S. And around the world for american troops and their families. Actress and comedian aisha tyler was the master of ceremonies and this is about one hour. Havenior military leaders a timehonored tradition of partnering with the uso to ensure that our troops receive the support and the services they need. These relationships allow the uso to be part of the attorneys our troops and families take. Im incredibly honored to introduce our next guest, a man of true courage, honor and integrity, a hero who has served in the United States army for nearly 40 years and currently serves as the 18th chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and apparently knows the lyrics to all of Kellie Picklers songs. [laughter] ladies and gentlemen and gentlemen, please welcome general Martin Dempsey. [laughter] [applause] thanks very much. I would like to begin by saying i do not know the words to red high heels. I dont know where she went but i cannot believe she said that. [laughter] by the way, how hard is it to follow Kellie Pickler . In terms of someone who demonstrates heart and passion and patriotism and compassion and commitment. She is all those things i dont know where you are, kelly, are you back at the table . I dont see her there but how about we give her a round of applause. She might hear him back. [applause] hear it in back. Deenie and i are honored to be back. I mentioned this the last three years that when we put our calendar together for the year, theres just a handful of things we put on the calendar and we dont let anybody knock them off and this is one and its because it is important. Its important for the soul of my compliments to the uso in our congratulations to jd and christine for becoming the leaders of this Incredible Organization and you can count on us to be among your biggest fans not only while we served but long after. Thanks for that. Aisha said she thought the commandant of the marine corps had the coolest name frank grass, you might be at the other end of that. [laughter] grass . I love you, man but anyway 1 [laughter] every year i throw somebody under the bus and this year it happens to be you. [laughter] one of theweek things that continues to surprise me is the way emotions kind of wash over you as the chairman and im sure the Service Chiefs feel the same way. There is always something that captures your imagination, your heart, your soul. And that last week alone, including this event tonight which i will mention in a moment, they week ago i was up at west point with my classmates celebrating our 40th reunion. It was unbelievable. One of the things we did is we took a cruise down the hudson river and it had been raining during the day but the rain kind blew out the bad weather and what we ended up with was an unbelievably crystalclear fall night on this tower, we saw the freedom in new york city and we all got some memories of that. All of a sudden, they announced come out on deck because we are about to approach the statue of liberty. We walked out on deck as a group. Probably do the maths so you know its my 40th anniversary 40th reunion come you can probably tell how old we are but we walked out on deck and im not kidding you the size and the magnitude and the majesty and the beauty of the ittue of liberty was just was aweinspiring. When you think about what it for a for honestly, bunch of us who were just telling lies to he cut each other all week about who we were and what we hoped to be, you kind of remember who we are. Moments soof those that was on saturday night and today, i went to the passage of command for the United States marine corps where the 35th commandant, jim amos, past command to the 36th commandant, joe dunford and i will tell you what, i am proud to be a member of the United States army but i also have the shoot bid the privilege of eating chairman of the joint chiefs. If you could see the pride with which those young men and women stood tall and passed in review and were there for this ceremony honoring their outgoing commandant and their new commandant, it just made you want to stand taller and straighter its hard to stand straighter at least at my age. But the point is, the pride of the young men and women who served is absolutely inspiring. That is why, jd and all of you who served with the uso, thats why you do what you do because you want to match their pride with your commitment. It was just unbelievable. Here i am again tonight so this is the trifecta for me. One week, three events where you can feel good not only about the military but about the country. Now you can. [applause] lets give the country around of applause. [applause] i already mentioned jd and christine and we want to welcome you by the way, there is nothing on this teleprompter. Everybody else had something on the teleprompter. [laughter] anyway but jd and christine, welcome aboard as we say, terrific. I also want to mention my teammates, the joint chiefs. Some of them are here tonight and i saw ray odierno and john and some of the vices and the commandant of the marine corps, the the guy with the cool name and frank, the not so cool man guy. [laughter] honestly, ibe, could not be prouder to be part of that team, the joint chiefs of staff. Weve got a lot going on in case you have not noticed. [laughter] if i had had this conversation with you and with them what, four months ago, we would not be talking about insecurity in europe or this thing called isil and we would not be talking about ebola and here we are. The joint chiefs and the men and women who serve, we will figure it out. We will figure out what the country needs us to do and we will do it. We will do it well and we are going to keep the country safe [applause] even while we are sitting here tonight, besides the young men and women employed on missions we already know about, weve got people packing their bags to go to europe to reassure our allies or go to iraq or kuwait to make sure that this threat of isil does not continue to expand and to go to places like senegal and liberia to make sure that this disease is contained and therefore does not become a threat to the homeland. That is what they do. I hope you did not think we would put you out of work. We are not going to put you out of work. You will have some work to do and we are proud to be partners with you in doing it. I also want to make a special mention tonight to a couple that happened to be here with us and to get, i think im a far less credit than they deserve or what they have done for their country and thats lloyd and Charlene Austin who happen to be sitting at our table tonight. [applause] if you value humility as a character trait, there is not many people i know better as humble as lloyd and Charlene Austin. When you think about the portfolio we have given him and the men and women who served with him, its quite remarkable. Hes got really Big Shoulders but its even remarkable that even he can bear the weight of what we have asked him to do. Join me in a round of applause for lloyd and charlene. [applause] i already talked about Kellie Pickler. What an incredible person and kyl her husband. So she is an extraordinarily successful and talented countrywestern singer and on a whim says maybe i will try that dancing with the stars thing and im glad she does not want to give a shot to being the chairman. [laughter] im not sure i could fight her off. She is little, very little, but she is mean as a snake. [laughter] that i want to mention one other person and i actually i try to mention this person every year. Some of you have been here for these events in the past. I apologize for being repetitive but marilou austin where is she . [applause] knowe tell you i dont where she is i may get her to stand up and if somebody can find her with a spotlight marilou where is she . Stand up. [applause] you are standing, im sorry. Some of you heard the story but when i was a Second Lieutenant washe way to germany, it january, 1975, i was lost. This is before sponsorship was a big deal. Ticketnd of gave you a to go to a place you could not pronounce. And ioff of the aircraft went to where we all go when youre not exactly sure where to go. I went to the uso. Mary lou was there. She steered me in the right direction and i told this story three years ago she came up to me after and said it was me. I thought that was cool so every year now, here you are. She is down in atlanta now but heres the rest of the story last year mike son was redeploying from afghanistan through atlanta. Guess who he met . Marilou austin. [applause] last thing i want to say before i bow off the stage and we will get the chiefs appear to recognize the wonderful young men and women who are honored here tonight is i want to mention the army on many tonight has a special connection to me. I dont even think he knows it. My son was class of 2000 from west point and had a best friend by the name of tom kennedy. Tom kennedy was killed just about two years ago now in afghanistan. Incident, there was a suicide bomber with a suicide vest. Among the folks who made the situation less catastrophic than it could have been was Sergeant Andrew mahoney who happens to be the army nominee tonight. [applause] he actually tackled a couple of the members of the team that were there and prevented them from being killed in that incident. That is who we are, right . I never met him but i will meet him here in a moment. Weve got a connection that i did not even know we had until i read the bio. Heres the deal, people say to me whats it like to be chairman right now . Its hard to describe actually. Its probably hard for all of us to describe what its like to be serving just now when we are. But i did find this little irish ditty. Can i get a drink of water before i try to bang out this irish tune . Can somebody hand me a drink of water . Somebody back there has got to be listening. By the way, this is the guy that put me in this position. I will never forgive you for this. [laughter] casey, 36r, george chief of staff of the United States army. [applause] i found this little it will shock you when i tell you it is an irish ditty but it is a little story about a brick layer. He was a brick layer and he was actually writing to his boss to explain why he was not at work on this particular day. Its called the sick note. I would describe it as analogous to what its like to be serving at this level at this particular point in time. Heres how it goes sir, i write this note to you metell you of plight and at the time of writing, i am not a pretty sight my body is all black and blue me face a deathly gray whyite this note to say patty is not at work today floor,orking on the 14th some bricks i had to clear now to throw them down from such a height was not a good idea the foreman was not very pleased he being an awkward sod. He said i would have to carry them down on the letter with me hod. Clearing all the bricks by hand, it was so very slow and hoisted up a barrel secured the rope below job, ie hasted to do the was too blind to see that a barrel full of building bricks was heavier than me rope,n i did untie the the barrel felt like lead and clinging tightly to the rope, i started up instead while i shot up like a rocket to my dismay i found met the bloody i barrel coming down [laughter] shoulder asroke me to the ground it sped and when i reached the top, i banged the pulley with my head but i clung on tight through phnom penh shock from this almighty blow and the barrel still dont have to bricks 14 floors below now when these bricks have fallen from the barrel to the floor barrel andeighed the so started down once more [laughter] still clinging tightly to the rope, i sped back towards the ground and i landed on the broken bricks that were spread and scattered around while i laid there groaning on the floor, i thought i had passed the worst when the barrel at the pulley wheel, and then the bottom burst a shower of bricks rained down on me i had not got a hope as i lay there moaning on the ground i let go the bloody rope [laughter] the barrel then being heavier, it started down once more as ianded right across me lay across the floor well it broke three ribs and my left arm and i can only say that i hope youll understand whypaddys not at work today. [laughter] [applause] [applause] thanks. Of the joint chiefs, let me tell you how proud we are to be part of this ceremony tonight and how proud we are of the men and women who serve and serving our country sidebyside with the uso. God bless you all, thank you. [applause] i dont think i have enjoyed anything more than watching the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff singh and irish ditty a cappella. It was incredible. We have to get some kind of celebrity idol going on. Kelly come come out and coach you. This is for irish people, no . Thats why all the drinking, ok . They will tell you that was true. [laughter] to help recognize this years uso Service Members of the year, please welcome back to the states, dr. Crouch, general meyer, and general dempsey. [applause] and assisting us with the award presentation this evening is the daughter of a retired u. S. Army major and miss district of columbia, teresa davis, a proud military brat. Saluting the military and their families. Toh year, we come together celebrate, honor, and recognize a servicemember from each branch of the military for their outstanding and heroic actions. Our first presenter is a graduate of the United States keytary academy and served operational leadership posts in europe, the middle east and the United States. To present the 2014 u. S. Soldier of the year award in the please welcome the army chief of staff eral Raymond Brodeur now general raymond oh dear no odierno. [applause] thank you very much. General dempsey was a 37 chief of staff and i am the 38. Like all things, talent skips a generation. [laughter] pick the next chief, we will be conducting singing auditions before we decide who the chief will be. [laughter] general dempsey has volunteered to be one of those who graze the audition. Who graze the audition. I want to thank everyone at the uso for this incredible evening and for what you do. Everyone of us who wear uniform have our own uso story. We can all set up. And tell a great story of how it impacted us or one of our family members or one of our soldiers. I want to thank everyone for that tonight. I also have the honor tonight of presenting the soldier of the year. We often talk as i go around, i say that the army, the strength of the army is our soldiers. , sergeantawardee mahoney, is incredibly representative of that. ,e often talk about courage competence, commitment, and character and he represents all of those incredible things. We are very, very proud of him as he represents the army this evening. Our honorees are accompanied by family and friends tonight while we recognize these extraordinary Service Members, we also want to recognize the family members and friends of our honorees. In so many ways, our family and friends served with us. Its obvious to me that Sergeant Mahoney has a close and loving family supporting him. He is joined tonight by his wife melanie, his parents lori and james, his siblings travis, trevor, and sarah and his sisterinlaw christie and brotherinlaw ray. I want to thank all of you for supporting andrew. Thank you so much. [applause] on the morning of august 8, 2012, Sergeant Andrew j mahoney help to tackle a suicide bomber near the provincial governors compound in afghanistan. He saved the lives of 24 people. Including the Fourth Brigade Combat Team fourth infantry divisions commander at the time, colonel now Brigadier General james mingus. Ever vigilant as the team was proceeding on foot from the Forward Operating days to its destination when it reached a narrow bridge. Sergeant mahoney noticed the individual and identified abnormal bulge under his shirt. As Sergeant Mahoney and captain grover tackle the bomber, the assailant detonated his best wanting both soldiers. Wounds grover suffered to his left leg and Sergeant Mahoney suffered a severe soft tissue wound to his left forearm and trap the ones to his right shoulder and leg. For his exceptional gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his own life above and beyond the call of duty, Sergeant Mahoney receives the silver star. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, its my youinct honor to present to the 2014 u. S. Oh soldier of the year, Sergeant Andrew mahoney. [applause] [applause] have are honored to sensible alumnus and naval aviator here to present the uso marine of the year award. Please welcome marine corps deputy commandant of programs and services, Lieutenant General waters. [laughter] [applause] thank you so much. Unfortunately, the marine of the year could not be with us tonight as he is currently attending officers candidate school. You have to do what you have to do. [applause] several members of his family are here on his behalf and i would like to take a moment to recognize them. His wife jody who is expecting their first child in december [applause] speaking to her backstage, she says she is due on the fifth. Her husband is not ready to deploy until the 12th. Schedule dependent. [laughter] the teleprompter notwithstanding, i will make a shameless plug and i did the math and i think and 2032, we will have another recruit. [laughter] i would like to recognize his fatherinlaw, john and his motherinlaw celeste, [applause] his aunt and his uncle, catherine and don keller. [applause] Sergeant Matthew melici is an osprey crew chief and defended his aircraft and the crew during an approach of a reconnaissance rated to a heavily defended enemy landing zone. His actions warranted the presentation of the distinguished service for his 2012, hend on june, was serving as an aircraft gunner to death delivery suppressive gunfire while approaching the landing zone. This allowed the raid force chooses some part disembark the aircraft and engage the enemy. Damage to thes control system and gunfire, he kept the aircraft commander and crew appraisal the situation. The california native maintained his poise while returning to the area to support the withdrawal of the raid force enabling the successful completion of the mission. His superb airman to inspired courage and loyal devotion reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the marine corps and United States Naval Service bradleys and gentlemen, im honored to present the 2014 u. S. Oh marine of the year to belleci. Matthew e, [applause] accepting on behalf of the sergeant is his wife jody. [applause] this is an extra barry knight. I feel like cuba gooding junior in Jerry Maguire you all are going to make me cry. A native of butler, pennsylvania, this admiral has served at every level of command in honolulu seven fleet to u. S. Fleet forces command and now chief of naval operations. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the 30th chief of naval operations, admiral jonathan greeneert. [applause] thank you very much. Thank you, i as my fellow Service Chiefs are honored to be here tonight. I would like to extend a special welcome to the friends and family of our recipient, officer cromer. This is a Family Affair as well. His wife laura and his parents gary and marie are here. Lauras parents,marita and richard are here. , hes got them all here tonight everybody gets along, its a wonderful thing. I thank you all for coming out to support troy. Before we present the award, i would also like to thank the uso for their longtime support as marty has said and ray said, we storyve a story, good about the uso of what they have done for ourselves and our shipmates and those of us who are serving. We are here to recognize brave and committed teammates who epitomized the Selfless Service that defines our military today. Courageous and committed force continues to provide our United States with an advantage, and asymmetric advantage unmatched by any nation. Officer first class troy crome rs job is in explosive Ordnance Disposal he is a oneperson bomb squad. He distanced himself on numerous occasions. This is Pretty Amazing during a 2013 deployment to afghanistan where he was serving with a Navy Seal Team 10. On a foot patrol, the petty officers platoon encountered intense emmet enemy fire and were forced to withdraw in an armored vehicle. After leaving the patrol, and getting away from the ambush, troy is covered a remotecontrolled improvised explosive device that was placed between the vehicles. You all know improvised explosive device is a homemade bomb. Against theing fire enemy and getting her buddy out, he discerned the ied and allowed the platoon to save the department area. On a separate mission, petty officer cromer led for special operations vehicle through an area littered with ieds and disabled three of them and insured once again their safe passage. On another occasion, he located and destroyed about 1 4 mile long tunnel underground cave system that had been used to store a bunch of weapons and explosives and got rid of that. Two other separate occasions in other instances, his quick actions and bravery helped save the lives of at least five wounded afghan soldiers, those who are serving with him. Hasy officer cromer received the Army Commendation medal and the navy and marine corps Achievement Medal with a combat v and action ribbon. You might think thats pretty extraordinary, there is more. After a couple sheet all of that, most of us would have gone to duty and be completed and go home. This sailor, while he was off duty, rescued a mother and her 18monthold daughter from a burning apartment. His free time [laughter] he dedicates a lot of time, countless hours to the makeawish foundation. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome a really handsome looking guy, by the way, but hes taken the 2014 sailor of the year, petty officer first class troy cromer. [applause] presenter is a native of washington, d. C. And also the First Air Force officer to serve as assistant chief of staff on the white house military office. To present the 2014 uso airman of the year award, please look him vice chief of staff of the United States air force, general larry o. Spencer. [applause] good evening, everyone. You may have noticed a little ruckus in the back because i demanded equal time with the chairman. You can tell obviously i am not from irish ancestry. [laughter] but i actually wrote a rap song. [laughter] [applause] however, because he said its getting late, i have to wait until next year. Sorry, chairman. After party. Ok, after party. I am honored to represent general mark welch this evening. His family and friends are here this evening. Airman john c hamilton in the audience tonight are his wife andrea, his mother , father stepfather paul mark, and stepmother teresa. [applause] Lieutenant Colonel mason doolan and his wife are here to support airmen hamilton. [applause] was anant colonel dollan special Tactical Squadron commander and had the foresight to nominate john for this award to thank you. You represent the values of honor and integrity we hold so dear. Hamilton, an john c parrot rescue men, distinctions up when he displayed remarkable courage and critical lifesaving medical skills during an august 14, 2013 firefight in afghanistan. Senior airman hamilton acted as a rescue and battlefield trauma specialist for an elite Army Special Forces team during 13 high risk combat missions in afghanistan. While assaulting a known Hakani Network sanctuary, they were pinned down by heavy fire and his bravery and medical expertise help save the life of a wounded comrade during the fourhour firefight and that proved decisive in preventing his small unit from being overrun. Senior airmen hamilton who enlisted in the air force in 2009, had been assigned to the 23rd special Tactics Squadron since 2012 and hold combat diver, freefall, and static line qualifications and is nationally certified paramedic. His dedicated service earned him and air force chief and metal and is a compass must reflect great credit upon himself and the United States air force. Ladies and gentlemen, i am pleased to present the 2014 u. S. So air men of the year, Senior Airman john c hamilton. [applause] leads thet presenter largest component of the department of homeland security. To present the award for the 2014 uso coast guardsmen of the year, please welcome the 25th commandant of the coast guard, admiral paul s. Zuchoonst. All right, you have heard it from az. , im not sure which is more difficult your name or my. I have the not cool name. Andast name means future the future of the coast guard is very bright. [applause] months, the u. S. Coast guard, the Shallow Water service, will cover all seven continents on the globe. Today, we are in afghanistan, iran, africa, liberia, in south america, china, we are everywhere and i could not be more proud to serve the service but i cannot be more proud to seat that chairman dempsey has afforded me to be a guest on the chairman of the joint chiefs as we deal with many challenges that face us and the world ahead. Ask why doople you give to come to work every day . What causes you to get up to work every day is the people we are proud to serve. First of all, we are an all volunteer service and how appropriate we are here with the uso, an all volunteer service as well. Im just delighted to say that my wife fran is one of those 29,000 volunteers. [applause] she kept her maiden name because ft soe can pronounce zukun people would come through Reagan National air force airport at the uso office and asked what her husband does. All of a sudden, they laid down alms but fran is anything but that. She is very proud to be part of this Great Organization that we call the uso that serves our members and not just our members but our families as well. Theres a family i will call out tonight and that is the family of petty officer brett bates, joined tonight by his wife leanne and joined by his mother and father lisa and mark and his grandfather doyle. [applause] why are we calling out tonight . Many of you may have seen the movie the guardian. Ates is one of the guardians of the coast guard. He jumps out of perfectly good helicopters and he did so. 2013, back in april of launching over 100 miles south of galveston, texas and there is a fishing vessel foundering in 15 foot seas. Normally you lower your rescue down by a hoist and it was too rough to lower him down so he jumps out of a perfectly good aircraft. He swims up to a life raft. Then he not only comes up to the life raft but he says, its ok, im here to give you a lift. Thats exactly what he did but if we could do the same with ebola that he did with this mariner in distress, and then he hooked up, and then we lifted this mariner out and all thanks to brett bates for doing that. If that was not enough, he also is an emt. On a tennis court, somebody playing tennis suffers cardiac arrest and he happened to have an id kit and administered cpr and saves another life. He has done that again and again. And so he is truly a lifesaver. The biggest challenge for me as ourselves the silent service because we never talk about what we do. Brett bates is one of the many in our service that time and again, they save lives and thats what im trained to do. What you heard before his many heroes who have come before them and i will call another one out but thats what he is trained to do, to serve our nation as a volunteer. Please comes, forward to be recognized, thank you for your service. [applause] i would like to think admiral zukunft for correcting me so beautifully. It was very classy. To putle cannot help but flair on everything we do. If your name was smith, i would call you smithay. Ill never forget it again. I will remember it when i am crying alone in my hotel room. Its all good. The National Guard provides a vital role in the Nations Defense hold it together [laughter] both at home and overseas. In his civilian life to merit presented pursued a career with the u. S. Army corps of engineers to present our National Guardsmen of the year, please welcome the 27th chief, National Guard bureau general frank j graff. [applause] good evening, everyone and i think if i checked the schedule, i am the last military presenter. Ive got the simplest last name. I got to tell you when i went to basic training i went to ocs, that name did not give me any benefit whatsoever. [laughter] i was thinking as i was standing there listening to general dempsey throw me under a bus a few times and im the last military presenter, weve got a great chairman, no doubt. You should here this guy sing frank sinatra. Its a reali pleasure to be here and so many places we have been, what a Great Organization that takes care of the men and women. You dont ask for anything. You walk in over and over, i have seen it, and i have to tell you that no matter where i have been on the map, theres always a friendly smile and sometimes you really need that especially if youre going to dover or going somewhere to meet family and you need that smile to build your endurance up and do what you have to do when you have to notify someone. Whenever you go in there and the family has been taken care of by the uso, it makes our jobs much easier. For everyone involved with the uso, thank you so much. Before i introduce our award winner tonight, i want to muloduce Sergeant Andrew tredders family, his daughter cora, his parents are here, his brother al, sisterinlaw emily, sister amy, and brotherinlaw charlie. Thank you so much for supporting this great warrior. [applause] andrew, as any guardsmen who has done his training is an active duty training on the weekend. At the end of his training, he was heading home and back to lexington, his training was and shelby, kentucky. 2014, onth of january, his way home, he came upon an overturned suv on fire. With no regard for his personal safety, he went to the vehicle. Who washe driver unconscious and still strapped in. Of his Kentucky Army National Guard and army veteran that stopped to help, sergeant mehltretter took charge of the situation and went into action to extract the driver from the vehicle even while it was burning. He wanted to make sure there were no more injuries caused. So he began to organize the effort at the crash site. The driver who was a canadian citizen, as he came out of the vehicle, this combat medic, Sergeant Andrew mehltretter, uses combat skills and destabilize the patient and he stayed with that patient until the ambulance arrived. Came back toer consciousness, he looked up and andrew said you are ok emma we are here with you. Many folks especially the First Responders say that andrew save that gentlemans life. Anders commander said his dedication to duty and Selfless Service warrants recognition. His extraordinary here was him heroism establishes him as a professional, as a leader, as a mentor of soldiers. 2012s and gentlemen, the the 2014 uso National Guardsmen of the year, Sergeant Andrew mehltretter. [applause] and now ladies and gentlemen, we present to you the 2014 uso Service Members of the year. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please er and theck asiha tyl Vice President of monster, steve coker. [applause] say if i have to not made it clear what an honor its been to share this night with you. All night, people have thanked me for being here. I keep telling them how much of an honor it is for me and how grateful i am. Thats not have lump. Thats not casual conversation. I said yes immediately when i was asked. Is allt part of my job the close and the carpets and about ll you read the best part of this job is to give back and its incredibly high honor to serve that there is no higher honor than to be of service to those who serve. I am so, so grateful to be here with you. As an incredible night for may. Thank you. [applause] thank you and great job. Kunft thingor the zum that was that. Is that the only thing . That was the only thing. On behalf of monster military. Com i want to thank you all for attending this evening

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