Transcripts For COM The Nightly Show With Larry Wilmore 2016

Transcripts For COM The Nightly Show With Larry Wilmore 20160630

thank you. so kind. you're so kind. last night we just did that the whole show. [laughter] i didn't even get the ... it was good but i think we did all the work. i don't know. june has always been a proud month for the lgbt community. this week alone, marriage equality turned a year old. obama named the stonewall inn a national monument, and at new york pride, hillary clinton marched among rainbow flags, which if you think about it, hold as many different colors as hillary has held different positions on gay rights. so with this outpowering of love for the lgbt community, i was surprised to see this on social media. yes, hashtag heterosexual pride day was trending on twitter. seriously? i mean i've heard of other offensive attempts to co opt a minority experience, like "men's rights" or "all lives matter" or panda express. but look, let me just say this to anybody who genuinely celebrates heterosexual pride day. hashtag shut the [bleep] up. and speaking of gay issues, the pope made news this week when he weighed in on the church's attitude towards homosexuality. man, this guy really seems to be taking those papal robes off lately. i think we need a new way to describe what's going on at the vatican, all right. it's time for the unpopenning. >> pope francis is speaking out again in support of gay people. the pope says the catholic church owes an apology to gay individuals and others who have been mistreated. >> larry: yes. sounds great. although it is weird that history's most gay friendly pope is the only one are not to wear a giant jeweled hat and ruby slippers. just putting that out there. but this guy's the pope. if he thinks the catholic church should apologize, then with a wave of his pope wand or whatever he can just change church doctrine, right? >> no, it doesn't change but what changes is tone and tone is very important. it may be as important as doctrine. >> larry: that's right. it's just the tone that's going to change. so it's going to go from "gay people will burn in hell for all eternity" to "gay people will burn in hell for all eternity." amazing how different that sounds. man, helium's stronger than it used to be. i don't think this helium has been cut. now, as always, every papal action has a woefully misguided reaction. enter catholic league president bill donohue. >> do you feel like apologizing to the lgbt community? >> no. as a matter of fact, i want an apology from gays. >> larry: you want gay people to apologize to you? for what? what, were you beat up by a bunch of lesbians or something? >> i blame the people who are, who are at a protest parade who watched me be assaulted by lesbians. >> larry: nooooo. i mean, yessss. god, how did i miss that? by the way, watch bill donohue get assaulted by lesbians is the least popular category on pornhub. just not a lot of demand for some reason. on that site ... and donohue is clearly still concussed from this supposed lesbian assault because he went on to make this comparison when the topic of gay marriage came up. >> i'm against muslim mad men who kill innocent people in orlando, okay? >> that's fine. but first of all, why do you equate being gay and wanting to marry with being a terrorist in orlando? >> because you asked me what i'm opposed to. i am opposed to things that people do wrong. >> larry: that's your point of comparison for gay people? the orlando shooter? you know, that's not a good analogy, right? that's like the orlando shooter of analogies. now that's that's a good analogy. as a catholic, i want to believe the catholic church when they say the tone is changing. that's a good thing. but as long as there are guys like bill donohue, they've got to start changing minds and doctrines and not just tone. [cheers and applause] oh, and something else about this whole story struck me as interesting. >> these wide ranging off the cuff press conferences on board his papal flights have become a sort of signature of pope francis. >> larry: the best thing about a papal flight? no mother [bleep] snakes. doesn't belong in [bleep] planes you guys. so the pope loves his airborn press conferences, and we actually were able to reach someone who's at one right now. for more details on the pope's historic statement, let's go live now to pope francis' plane with vatican p.r. liaison cardan jorlos. >> ciao, larry. >> larry: thank you for video chatting me from the plane. i understand you were also with the pope when he made his groundbraining statement about homosexuality. >> that's right. i'm honored to have been a witness to history. but to be honest, his holiness does that sort of thing on every flight. >> larry: sounds like sydney poiter. police. >> who? >> larry: yes. >> oh yeah. when he first boards the plane, he's very serious. then he throws on a pair of yeezy boots and shotguns two tiny bottle of limoncello. that's when plane pope comes out. >> larry: wait, plane pope? >> yes, plane pope. and plane pope doesn't hold back on anything. >> larry: so plane pope is what explains why he says these things that seem to go against normal church doctrine. >> exactly. but the real fun begins at 30,000 feet. that's when he switches to tito's vodka on the rocks. >> larry: he kind of loosen's up. >> yes. after a couple of those ... holy spirits, he starts making in flight announcements. actually, he's doing it right now. check this out. >> i don't understand. why can't a woman be a pope. the patriarchy, it'sa no good. >> larry: i thought the pope was argentina. an italian accent. >> yes, but you know, when in rome. >> larry: yes, okay. i heard him say a woman should be pope now is that really going to be a thing. >> of course not. he's just putting some tone out there. we call it" workshopping." in the jazz world, es known as scatting. >> larry: so allowing women into the vatican is scatting? >> women are equal to men. scooby do bop bop bop. yes. he's pope provising. >> i say it once, i say it again. i apologize to the gays, to the muslims to the gay muslims. i apologize to tom brady for deflategate. big shout out to black people. you should all get reparations. >> larry: reparations. does he mean that. >> bee di bee bop bop nooo. it's just more tone. tone t tone tone tone. you know, toni, tony, tonee. his mere tone sets the stage for possible change vis a vis reparations. >> larry: so none of this means anything? >> it doesn't not mean something. sometimes he gives very helpful in flight announcements. he'll tell us when our tray tables should be in the full, upright position. you haven't lived until you've seen the holy father mime inflating a life vest. oh wait, here comes an announcement. attenzione, everybody. is this thing on? tonight's in flight movie "the dirty grandma" "el papa [bleep] a holay" will begin shortly. and by the way, what happened to deniro, huh? first he is the bull that rages. next thing he's the intern for anne hathaway. it's no good. it's no good. >> larry: he does make a good point on deniro. >> yes. >> larry: so do you think the pope's views will ever actually make it into church doctrine? >> good one, larry. the pope'll join the mile high club before that happens. ♪ applebee's two-for-20 deal has two entrées and an app for just $20 bucks. so it's more like the you-can-even-afford-to-celebrate that-haircut-your-daughter-gave herself two-for-20 deal. two entrées and an app for just $20 bucks, only at applebee's ♪ only t-mobile lets your family stream all the video and music you want from your favorite services- free-without using one bit of your lte data. plus, you can roll your unused data forward. and right now, get a free line for your family. when you get 3 lines for $40 bucks each, the fourth line is free. switch today. for every 10 nights i stay, i get one free.s rewards program is simple. this however, will not be simple. you gotta ride the belt, captain obvious. i have liquids in my body! ♪ ♪ >> larry: welcome back. welcome back. in many ways, social media is a brutally honest reflection of today's culture, for better or for worse. here to examine what social media got right and wrong this week is nightly show contributor franchesca ramsey with her segment "hash it out." franchesca. >> thanks larry. this past weekend kanye west got his next al bull. kanye lays in bed with creepily realistic wax replicas of celebrities. including taylor swift, rhianna, chris brown, amber rose, donald trump, caitlyn jenner and bill cosby. oh, and they're all butt ass naked. gross. now they're supposed to be asleep, but to me it just looks like crime scene footage. as they say, kanye's gonna kanye. but his delusional fans were quick to defend the video with tweets like these. "the famous video by kanye west is [bleep] art." why are people shaming this video. it is art. "@kanyewest with your famous video is one of the most valuable pieces of art in our time." the most valuable piece of art in our time? i'm guessing you've never seen an andy warhol, georgia o'keefe or jackson pollock? if you think this video is art, i've got an old copyof hustler and an episode of forensic files that will blow your [bleep] mind. [applause] and to add insult to injury, this garbage video isn't even original. "this scene is inspired by vincent des a derio, gotta appreciate the risk and vision." risk and vision? sure, risky because kanye's ass is probably getting sued. but vision? he just copied someone else's work. hey hbo, i've got a completely original idea for you, it's called throne of games. [laughter] trust me, it's mine. sure technically, this video could be considered art. but just because it's art doesn't mean it isn't awful kinda like your nephew's. macaroni self portrait. i don't care if you're in preschool, kid, working with rigatoni. that makes you a douche. not to mention, art can be criticized. oh, and criticize it i will. this video is gross on so many levels. it's so misogynistic. it's not new or creative to exploit women's bodies. there are tons of wax tits but where are the wax dicks, kanye? well, technically, trump is a wax dick, so you got one. [cheers and applause] then you've got rihanna next to chris brown. you know that dude, that um ... abused her? and let's not forget. the video has multiple naked women in bed with an alleged serial rapist. that's right, mother [bleep], we haven't forgotten about you. [applause] to top it off, this masterpiece was made without any of these people's consent. which is so hypocritical, kanye, you know how valuable your public image is. hell, you didn't like it when an australian artist did a mural of you making out with yourself. and if i'm being totally honest, kanye making out with kanye is way more plausiblethan this freaky slumber party. listen kanye, i really don't understand your sick obsession with taylor swift, amber rose or yourself for that matter, but this video has crossed the line. i've always been a fan of your music, but what you do with your wax figures in the privacy of your own home is your business. just leave us out of your not so beautiful dark, twisted fantasy. [crowd cheering] >> larry: franchesca ramsey, everybody. we'll be right back. the best summer ever just got a lot easier. with pizza hut's triple treat box unpack this incredible box at an incredible price of $19.99. two medium pizzas, breadsticks, and a chocolatey hershey's cookie. want s'more? make it a delicious hershey's toasted s'mores cookie for only a dollar more. summer fun all in one. the triple treat box. only at pizza hut. i would like three two is standard. i'm not standard. three weeks. ok. the for "siglo veinte".equis label are roman numerals spanish for 20th century... but you don't want a spanish lesson, you want news about the next most interesting man in the world. well, don't we all. heamerica's fastest to have lte network. here's how it feels to get fifty percent off most national carrier rates too. so, imagine how it feels to switch to sprint and buy an iphone 6s and get another one free when you add a second line. plus, try us out for thirty days. if you're not satisfied we'll refund your money. ♪ here's something to shout from the mountaintop. cricket's plans start at $35 a month, after $5 auto pay credit. with more 4g lte coverage nationwide than t-mobile or sprint. cricket wireless. something to smile about. >> larry: welcome back. i'm here with my panel. first up, nightly show contributor rory albanese, nightly show contributor. robin thede, he's a spokesman for "respect my vote." and his new e p "there's a lot going on" is out now. rapper vic mensa. and for everyone at home, join our conversation right now on twitter at nightly show using the hashtag tonightly. last weekend at the bet awards jesse williams gave an electrifying speech. take a look. >> and we're done watching and waiting while this invention called whiteness uses and abuses us, burying black people out of sight and out of mind while extracting our culture, our dollars, our entertainment like oil, black gold. >> larry: during the show, justin timberlake tweeted that he was inspired. then he got trolled for somebody sensitive and then twitter responded with this tweet and then twitter lost its mind. he thought he was being condescending. why do you think there was a big reaction to this reaction. >> i feel that the issue is not justin timberlake having an input or even appreciating what was said in this speech. i mean that's something that everybody, most people can resonate with. our problem here is that justin timberlake himself is definitely benefiting from using black culture for his sound, his dance moves, his dancers and blowing up off of it. but if you go down justin tim her lake's twitters for the past few years which i just did there's nothing that supports black when when it's more difficult and there's a struggle. everybody's being killed by police on camera in the past couple years, there's no hashtag black lives matter, there's no praying for baltimore, there's no praying for flint, you know. because that's a dangerous subject for him to touch. and we're not feeling him being down when it's beneficial to him and turning a blind eye when it could be dangerous. [applause] >> larry: did it feel that was the underlying feeling with that kind of battle that was going on? because jesse's speech had a lot on of that in there about cultural corporation. >> yes, and it was really powerful, you know. and i think part of it justin just caught black people at a brake momentbat moment,bad mome. when we went to go see 12 years a slave, a black man opened the door and it was like too late too late. and you feel so white. >white.>> fired people after th. >> that's fair. no but i think it was his follow up tweet when he said we're all the same. just after jesse had said we're not being treated the same. it's like you can't all lives matter us and then also be inspired by his speech, you know. >> larry: do you feel that's a feeling that's out there right now because his speech had a lot of different aspects of it. the cultural part do you feel that was a twitter beef or that's a real feeling that's out there right now. >> twitter is representing what people are thinking. that's where we can as a stream of co consciousness express ourselves. >> larry: is there any kind to be appropriate and some that doesn't. i'm just trying to help rory out. >> for timberlake being a white guy and getting involved in this is a mistake. there's this thing that to me it makes perfect sense. like the black community has been ostracized since the beginning of time in this country obviously. and we've not invited him to the party the entire time and they created their own world their own culture and all these things they have to do when they weren't invited and now they created these things within that culture and say we'll take that, we'll take that and it's like [bleep] you can't take the [bleep] and ignore the issue. >> larry: when does appropriations stop and when does something become part of the culture. there's a lot of young white kids that's all they know. that's the music and the culture they know. they don't see it as appropriations. >> they don't want to appropriate the voter suppression and job discrimination. you don't want to appropriate that stuff. >> theta. right. it's like a selective appropriation. >> who would want to appropriate that. you're either in or out do you know what i mean. >> he also talks about critique. >> larry: i want to show this other part of the speech that jesse was talking about. >> the other critique for the resistance for our resistance and you better have an established record of the critique of our oppression. if you have no interest, if you have no interest for equal rights for plaque people then did not make suggestions for those who do. sit down. [applause] >> he was beating at a thousand. >> yeah, he was. >> larry: don't give us, don't tell us bleep. >> yes [bleep] >> no. >> you don't have to treat that justin tim her lake. >> he could have said everything he was inspired about and then we would have been cool. >> i think ironically one of the mediums that to divide appropriations i think is the same medium of comprehensive because music is one of the sources that does bring a lot of people together. >> larry: we'll be right >> larry: we'll be right back. this prepaid, man, i can't even... my prepaid is much better than yours. ♪ ♪ my prepaid brings all the gigs to the plan ♪ ♪ my network is better than yours ♪ ♪ verizon is better than yours ♪ no surprises always know the charge ♪ ♪ lala-lalala ♪ no annual contract ♪ my prepaid lets me stream what i want ♪ ♪ my speed is better than yours ♪ ♪ my prepaid is better than yours ♪ ♪ i can be free with no strings attached ♪ ♪ lala-lalala >> larry: thanks to my panelists rory albanese, robin thede and vic mensa. thanks for watching. goodnightly everyone. 11:59 and 9 seconds, it is this happe

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United States , New York , Georgia , Australia , Stonewall Inn , Rome , Lazio , Italy , Sydney , New South Wales , Argentina , Spain , Italian , Australian , America , Spanish , Andy Warhol , Del Papa , Justin Timberlake , Rory Albanese , Larry Wilmore , Vic Mensa , Kanye West , Jesse Williams , Tom Brady , Anne Hathaway , Hillary Clinton , Caitlyn Jenner , Chris Brown ,

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