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Marriage equality spreading across america and against all reasonable predictions. The country has not been destroyed by a divine wrated induced quakenado. laughter time for everyone to breathe a sigh of relief. Three dozen states have moved to legalized samesex marriage but in some quarters a backlash is under way. Jon ah backlash. Because while most of us see a map like this we think to ourselves oh good millions of americans will to longer be denied equality. There is a vocal pine or the without seek this. The most optimistic projection for the spread of the virus is this. 24 hours 36 hours, 48 hours. laughter jon that of course from the hit thriller coming outbreak. But as you know not all states will accept decency the discover of the meth lab of democracy, dont mess with sexy threatened with a veritable flood of gay paerj some legislators are rushing to stick their fingers in the dont tell me. The georgea stat has given decisive approval to the controversial religious from dom bill. The bill supporters say is about protecting christians from being discriminated against for their religious beliefs. Similar bills have been introduced this year in more than a dozen states. Jon actually 18 states have passed or proposed religious freedom laws. To protect the real victims of discrimination. Christian who gladly do business florist without do business with divorced fon mother an fearing taken the lord in the name all dulters about whose dam nation only hinges on the gay marriage butte near business. But you know religious freedom exceptions still presume gay rights should be protected. Come on backlash. In arkansas its legal for a company to fire a person based on their sexual orientation. Over recent months two arkansas cities paid a push to protect their lgbt communities cities and counties in arkansas will no longer have the option to pass such legislation due to the interstate commerce improvement act. Jon the interstate commerce improvement act. I think i know how that happened. Hey, you think people are going to have a problem with this new its okay to still discriminate against gay people ago. Why risk it lets make a name in our big book of bull [bleep] names you can call laws. Heres one. Good patriots for godly freedom ago. We used that to po to pollute rivers okay lets go with the interstate commerce improvement act. [bleep] heres the thing even some of arkansas biggest interstate commerce doesnt think its an improvement. The states largest employer has come out against this new law a walmart spokesperson said that the law runs against its beliefs and sends the wrong message about arkansas. Jon laughter jon that you might be on the wrong side of history. When even the company that had to be convinced not to lock up their mexicans in their stores overnight thinks youre out there. And what about arkansass conjoined twin oklahoma . Whats their reaction to the court striking down their gay marriage ban. We begin tonight with a proposed billed to abolish marriage licenses. Jon if we cant have marriage all to our headeroes then no one can have it, no one were taking marriage out with us. I guess now that without marriage licenses everyone in oklahomas just living in sin . The Oklahoma House approved a marriage reform bill that would change the way you can get a marriage licence. The bill replaces a state issued marriage licence with a clergy issued marriage sarin stead. Jon so oklahoma wants to replace a Civil Institution with a religious one which sharia law. laughter how far are we going to go with this . And if a man raises his foam hand to support alobama let that hand be chopped off. You know oklahoma if you are trying to send a message wouldnt it be easier to change your states name. There you go. So a little reading joke. laughter arkansas and oklahoma with solid denial of rights to gay people. But when it comes to erecting roadblocks between citizens an their federally guaranteed rights nobody nobody has been at it longer than texas. Something they recently had an actual celebration for. It was faith and family day at the state capitol. Conservative leaders celebrated with wedding cake. It symbolized the tenier anniversary of the states samesex marriage ban. Jon oh ah. This is the best hate cake i ever had. Hmmmm. applause oh its so good. Tastes like moldy bibles and the tears of the decent. laughter and theyre not just resting on their laurels in texas baby, theyre coming up with bold new ways to be heartless. Republican representative Tony Tinderholt filed a complaint against state district judge David Wahlberg yesterday. Last weak he ordered the Travis County clerk to issue a marriage licence to a lesbian couple for Health Reasons because one of them has o vaf Ovarian Cancer. Jon let that one swish around in the mouth a little bit. This mother [bleep] blocked someone with Ovarian Cancer from getting parried. Hey, im tony tender held from the kill a wish foundation. How are you doing. Can we lurie up, block this Ovarian Cancer marriage i have a kid with leukemia i have to keep from seeing taylor swift. When we have judges operating outside of the law for their personal reasons when they have ideas on what they think is right and wrong. Jon cant have judges judging right and wrong. Who are they to judge . These judges. Getting all judgey. Judge. To be fair who would know more about what is right and wrong in marriage than a man currently on his fifth one. laughter the crowd here is very disappointed in you. Stop the woman with Ovarian Cancer from getting parried. Okay. Married fiv times. What . How dare he although even quad rodivorcee blocked the juddishly ored marriage hes only the second craziest thing to come out of the texas legislator. One text as lawmaker filed a bill that would make it illegal for anyone 13 or old tore use a rest room if the sign on that rest room does not match their chromosomes. Jon texas lawmakers Debbie Riddle riddle me this you want people educated with texas biology sex books to correctly identify their chromosome match . Hmmmm. The bills sponsor cheers and applause jon lady, the bills sponsor texas republican Debbie Riddle went on facebook to announce her commitment to Second Amendment rights limited government and protecting women an children from going into a ladys dressing really and finding a man who feels like he is a woman that day. Oh [bleep] off. You know i guess nothing says limited government like micromanaging transgender bathroom use. For more on these developments we did to Jessica Williams in the state capitol. How are you doing . Hi, im good. cheers and applause jon whats up . You know what jon i got news for Debbie Riddle. I seen you girl youre all oh no, its transgener people use the bathroom the sacred place where we pee and poop will be ruined not to mention the children. The children, where will they poopie. Stephen i will guarantee you something, jon that lady has used the bathroom. You dont know that. How do you know that. We all do. Im sure she has been to a concert. Jon this is debbiest riddle. Im sure she has protested at a concert. And the lady porta pottie line was too long. So grab your magic cone and hit the xy bathroom. Jon im sorry. A magic cone, you dont leave home without it you just cup you spray and then you walk away. Jon, if this law passes i an millions of other women will be stuck choosing between a criminal record and a utai. Jon that seems just what is that like a funnel. How dare you jon. Its a magic cone. And you know what i dont have time to mansplain to you right now, i have to put this to work. See you later. Jon jessic dove men care body wash has hydrating micromoisture for healthier stronger skin. No matter what you put it through. Care makes a man stronger. Before earning enough cash back from bank of america to help pay for her kids ice time. Before earning 1 cash back everywhere, every time. And 2 back at the grocery store. Even before she got 3 back on gas all with no hoops to jump through. Katie used her bankamericard cash rewards credit card to stay warm and toasty during the heat of competition. Thats the comfort of rewarding connections. Apply online or at a bank of america near you. cheers and applause jon welcome back. As many of you know earlier this month this very month it was a bill of an incident involving a allegations of a car crash at the white house. Two agents crashed into the white house. Out of control stunning new details. After a party. Ran into a barricade. While their government wasted driving running into things. A drunken crash really. Jon the white house under siege by jealous killer car. This story puts the focus on two major institutions. Secret service and turns out laughter cuz of all that rig ma role heres what actually happened wnsd two senior agents allegedly drove a government vehicle into a white house barricade last week after a night of drinking. They are moving pretty glacial yall pace in this car, they are going pretty slow. They push and nudge a temporary barrels with their car. There was no crash no damage to the vehicle. Jon how could there be no crash and no damage did you hear earlier did you hear that something damage beat. Two agents crashed into the white house allegedly driving drunk. Lev laugh. Jon drunk driving is inexcusable but its not like these guys literally crashed into the white house. Even the animated simulations of the accident make it appear less dangerous laughter jon then when a perfectly good driver is just trying to get his kids to school on time. So they dont get hit with another late slip there has to be a parents meeting with the vice principal. Im told. So how come when the news reported and this it sounded more like this . Im crashing the gate. laughter jon i know its confusing because both white house down and now have black president s but that was a movie. Two different people. As for the secret Service Really just the latest in a string of problems including the recent white house fence jumper agent passing out drunk in a dutch hotel hallway, the prostitution scandal and the where agents broke the rawl replacing before hos. And of course theres with that time when they misplaced all the sunglasses and had to wear the googley eyes. Clearly both of thieves,s feed an intervention secret service, does Media Secret Service stop drinking so [bleep] much. Youre better than that be the great agency you once were. Now to the news media. What are you [bleep] drunk . I wish you were drunk. It would explain all of this. All your hyperbole an everything else, because i could just imagine the news media in the back all drunk going hey, [bleep] there was a crash at the white house some dude doing 80 lets go and now were all [bleep] give piers is morgan a show why not. Well be right back. applause when sweet and tart meet the possibilities are delicious. Get ready for sweetarts soft and chewy ropes. With no artificial flavors colors. Theyre new from sweetarts. Get ready to be obsessed. Sweetarts soft and chewy ropes. With no artificial flavors or colors. New from sweetarts. Wanna get roped in . Lookin good, flo feelin good feelin real good [ engine revs ] boat protection people love. Now, thats progressive. Call or click today. Jon welcome back, my guest tonight he is the washington editor of harpers magazine, also an author. His new book is called kill chain, the rise of the hightech assassins please welcome to the program andrew cockburn. applause thank you for joining us. Thank you. Jon tell us, tell us what is kill chain . What is the kill chain . Thats all the things you have to go through, or the military goes through, their term, they use it all the time. From when you decide youre going to kill someone or commit some act of destruction and you have to get the play on station you go through all the procedures and then finally three, four two one and you blow them away. Jon if you get the okay. And you say there were certain rules that are different like if they thought 30 civilians might die or if they thought i guess the old rule. Up to 29 you were cool. You didnt have to ask anyone. Jon you dont have to ask anybody up to 29 civilians. Thats fine. 30 you have to ask permission. The iraq war the invasion of iraq was done ald rumsfeld but in no cases that we know of did he say no. It was really kind of pro forma. Jon he seems so thoughtful. Cerebral fellee. Jon yes, you would think that he would say i dont know. Okay. Yeah. Trace it back to the rise of this sort of idea of Drone Technology to vietnam its another success, in the vietnam era. Really, yeah the remote themselves automated warfare. And they had this brilliant idea that the problem was the enemy kept being reinforced on the ho chin minute trail some they thought well put electronic sensors, thousands of them across the jungle because hear people, sense their movement, smell their urine. And these will all be sending back radio signals to a giant computer in thailand which will then direct planes and drones to go and blow them away. Jon there was one just very minor very minor flaw to this great plan or two really but what were those . Well the biggest flaw really, was the enemy noticed what was going on. Its you know its just one of those accidents that happens. So they, for instance the urine the smell of ammonia they said gosh theyre going to look for when we take a piss so theyre going to zero in be us. So they were hanging buck eds of urine way out in the jungle hundreds of miles away thus distracting the sensors and bombers and all that. And there was more of that. So the whole things with a complete bust. Jon yes. And ultimately didnt even end up using the ho chi minute trail. They used to use a water route. Or anything else t really fell apart after a few years when suddenly the north vietnamese launched a huge offensive in South Vietnam with thousands of tanks and trucks and armoured vehicles which the phamis electronic fence as they called it had given no indication was coming at all. So how did that happen . It was completely futile. So finally the final sort of last chapter someone brought back a tape from the giant enterprise brought it back to the state, a commemorative tape and they used to play it at pentagon parties for years afterwards which was the sound the unmistakable sound of someone taking a long and leisurely piss on a sensor. laughter jon now you would have thought that that what somewhat discourage this idea, and im wondering and i wonder what you think of this. If it is a cynical pursuit a sort of a feeding of the military Industrial Complex or is it is there an innocence to this, a sort of naive feeling that we can through Technological Advancement create a riskless war, that is precise, that is never harms civilians and we are never in harm away. Exactly. I mean the dream was the political leaders got sold on and the military leaders too, i think they sincerely believe in or what they are looking for is certainty. The idea that it will be possibleable thanks to the wonders of computer processing and all of that that you can see everything you can know everything and therefore you can sort of make it all predictable. You know we know absolutely who the kingpin on the other side is. We can find him. We know he is in charge of everything. And we can hit him and get rid of him and then life will be easy. And you know, that would be nice. Jon and you show though example after example they kill the head of an organization and it turns out the guy right behind him the vice head turns out to be much meaner and younger and worse than that guy. It always happens its odd. It always happens its not just, we can think of examples and pluck them out of the air. Special military Intelligence Unit in military headquarters in being dad in 2007 that did a study that brilliant analyst he said i wonder if this really works. So he took a list of 200 people they killed local insurgent leaders. And then he looked to see what happened in their area of operation. Okay. You know. Jon after the kill after the drone strike. Yeah, he killed on a monday, what is happening on wednesday. It turns out by wednesday attacks on americans are up ho . So Many Americans died extra more americans it turned out died as a result of this what they call the high value target strategy. Jon right. They figured the if you guy was in there i have to prove my bones. He is younger often a relative wants to avenge uncle ak method and needs to prove himself. And turns out that is what happened. Jon stick around for two seconds and then we will explain where we think this is going. Because it seems to be in the air with remote control. Kill chain its on the book shelves now. Well talk a little bit more. So, have you heard about lancaster . Buttery rich, smooth, and surprisingly soft cremes. So you give one a try and wow. Its lancaster. Its caramel reimagined. Hes out there. Theres a guy out there whose making a name for himself in a sport where your name and maybe a number are what define you. Somewhere in that pack is a driver that can intimidate the intimidator. A guy that can take the king 7 and make it 8. Heck. Maybe even 9. Make no mistake about it. Theyre out there. I guarantee it. Welcome to the Nascar Xfinity series. Thats all right now. But on monday we check in with our good friend larry wilmore, larry what are you cooking up for tonight. Hey jon i was working on my march madness bracket. Just trying to make that big money. Jon my too, who do you like. Larry ive got kentucky winning the whole thing swrz yeah, yeah yeah kentucky absolutely. Although who for the semies what are you thinking . Larry wisconsin duke and villa nova. Jon nova, yes yes yes. Larry wait, wait wait. Jon yes. Are you just copying my bracket. Jon no, were in the same pool, in the same competition, wouldnt it be fun if we won together. That would be fun. Larry no, no, no. I want to take your money okay. Physically loo your money. Jon then fine im not going to tell help you by telling people that your show starts right now. Larry you just did ha ha ha. Jon son of a b tch wilmore. Here is your moment of zone. The whole world is on fire. The worlds on fire. The world is on fire. Yes. Your world is on fire captioning sponsored by Comedy Central captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org larry tonightly. Were talking march madness as god is my witness, linda in accounting, youre going down are student athletes getting an education or does thinky sport guys no get good college no more . We figured out what ncaa stands for its no compensation aaaahha, aaaaahahahaaa time to fill out your brackets, bitches this is the the nightly show captioning sponsored by Comedy Central cheers and applause larry thank you thank you very much welcome to the the nightly show. Im larry wilmore. My mind went blank. I still cant think im so upset. Tomorrow morning ill have ten. Thats the way it goes. Weve got a few stories tonight as a part of our new segment rich people are getting away with stuff as usual. laughter you know its true, everybody first up, rich people are bleep on mt. Everest

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