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Jon also this weekend marked the another thing. In alabama some 80,000 people march in sunday to mark a turning point in the u. S. Civil rights struggle. The 50th anniversary of selmas bloody sunday. On that day hundreds of demonstrators attempted to march 50 miles from selma to the Alabama State capitol to demand the right to vote for black americans. Jon that guy i was talking, you see him with the trench coat and backpack thats john lewis thats him he was like the first guy over the bridge. On his way to billy club alley marching in great danger for civil rights. Look at you just sitting there [bleep]. Yeah i see you. How is the ben jerrys hero . Sorry. laughter i dont know why i turned that into a personal attack on you the viewer. Georgia congressman is now 75 years old. Saturday his 25yearold saturday was not far from his thoughts. If someone had told me that we were crossing this bridge, that one day i would be back here introduced as the first africanamerican president , i would have said youre crazy. Youre out of your mind. You dont know what youre talking about. Jon thats inspiring. I think that is a very inspiring thing. Im to the going to obviously tell the people who ran the commemoration in selma how to do the job. If its me i get the first guy over the bridge fighting for civil rights an apple box. I get him an apple box. I understand the president is there, hes very tall and they set up the microphone for him. But laughter jon as a man of similar stature, im sorry im very sensitive to this type of thing. I feel like can can a brother get a phone book is what im saying. Just to stand on. And then it was time for that africanamerican president to deliver the remarks a Young John Lewis thought he would never hear. What greater form of patriotism is it than the belief that america is not yet finished. That we are Strong Enough to be selfcritical. That each successive generation can look upon our imperfections and decide that it is in our power to remake this nation to more closely align with our highest ideals. Jon no, once again Barack Hussein o polling opology refuses to acknowledge american successful everyone knows the greatest form of patriotism is having the courage to admit our perfection perfection. Preferably in flag pin form. Let me tell you something if we werent number one would they be allowed to sell those . laughter please continue mr. President. Your assault on real america. When it feels the roads too hard, when the torch weve been passed feels too heavy, we will remember these early travelers and draw strength from their example. And hold firmly to the words of the prophet isaiah. Those who hope in the lord will renew their strength. They will soar on the wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not be faint. Jon laughter jon sorry, sorry. Im not crying. I am a leverage ig allergic to being inspired. Wow that was incredible. The 50th anniversary of the bloody sunday march is an important and inspiring moment in history. Its relevant relevance not lost on those sent to cover it. The drone video. This drone video stands as a testament to and reminder of the courageous people. Taken by a cnn drone camera. Cnn used a drone during our shooting of the story. With the new faa regulations. That footage was extraordinary and really helped tell the story. laughter jon yes, what extraordinary bridge drone footage. Without that footage we wouldnt have known what kind of bridge they marched across. A gentle bridge jeff bridges. Bridget fonda we dont getting bridge footage is notoriously tricky base on how shaky bridges can be. Can we get back to the historical commemoration of the march . Tell us how this came to be. The whole team worked very hard to show people images of that bridge. It really kind of remembers 50 years ago how powerful video was letting the country know what was going on here. We talked to so many people who watched that drone go up and they were happy we were taking that look with that special piece of equipment. laughter jon one man one man was so moved he remarked i have a drone laughter that one day that one day sons of slaves and sons of slave owners could sit together and say oh yeah look at that. I have a drone that a news channel will be judged not by the content of its content but by the uselessness of its gizmos. Can we just get back to the commemoration of the struggle. So ryan while that is incredible view, it certainly did not exempt few that it is just that easy for anyone to put a drone up with a camera and start taking pictures. Jon not that struggle laughter you know cnn i promise you everyone would be fine with your cnn technology if you would just shut the [bleep] up about it. Stop acting cheers and applause jon like you you have to stop acting like you launched a space station or made an apple watch. You got drone footage. Which we can now add to the 495,000 other drone footage videos on youtube. Or say every dad who found the best buy insert in the newspaper. For gods sakes the daily showed used a drone in a field piece and were idiots am but it makes me wonder, if cnn was able to make the commemoration about how cool their coverage was could their competition be equally true to their signature style. For instance could fox take this commemoration of courageous civil rights marchers and somehow turn it into White Conservative victimization . Critics once again are accusing the New York Times of having a liberal bias. Not anything missing from the front page of the New York Times. The paper crossed president george w. Bush and his wive laura out of the front page picture from the selma alabama anniversary watch. Oversight . Or on purpose . applause jon you are amazing. You know for me its kind of readily apparent when you see the two photos sidebyside that the New York Times has a distinct bias against [bleep] pictures. Bottom picture you cant tell what is going on. But that doesnt stop if you finding the aggrieved white man angle. Cnn may have flying robot cameras that drone. Oh no please dont please dont tell me that oh cnn we get it. You have a drone. Somebody get me a net and a baseball bat. Well be right back cheers and applause care makes a man stronger. Dove men care [ female announcer ] hot pockets sandwiches are even tastier with delicious quality ingredients. Like hickory ham. Thats right baby. And our buttery seasoned crusts. Then we add hot. Because hot makes everything better. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] better taste. Better quality. Hot pockets i bring the gift of the name your price tool to help you find a price that fits your budget. Uhoh. The name your price tool. Shes not to be trusted. Kill her. Flo it will save you money the name your price tool isnt witchcraft and i didnt turn your daughter into a rooster. She just looks like that. Burn the witch the name your price tool a dangerously progressive idea. No one loves monster stuffs more than me baby get a large original stuffed crust or any one of ten new flavorful stuffed crusts like salted pretzel or hut favorite for the throwback price of 9. 99. Its only at pizza hut baby jon welcome back, my guest long time congressman representing georgias great Fifth District with his graphic novel, the secretary in a series of three. Called the march. Congressman john lewis. cheers and applause senator john lewis cheers and applause jon thank you for being here. Im happy to be here. Jon were delighted to be here. Jon couldnt be more honored, sir. I want to talk to you just to get a context of this. Because i think we have a tennessee, even in the images, you see them they are black and white. They tend to feel like history, that they are not recent history for americans. When did you begin your journey into the civil rights movement. I grew up in rural alabama 50 miles from montgomery outside of a little place called troy. And i was only about 7 or 8 years old. We would go downtown to the theater. And all of us black children had to go upstairs to the balcony. And all of the little white children went downstairs to the first floor. Bless my mother my am father, grandparents when i asked y they said thats the way it is. Dont get in their way. Dont get in trouble. I saw the sign at the water fountain, white and coloured. But in 1955 15 years old i heard of rosa parks her dr. King. And the action of rosa parks the words and leadership of dr. King inspired me. And when i was 17 i met rosa parks. The next year 1958 i met Martin Luther king, jr. Changed my life. And inspired me to find a way to get in the way. And i got in trouble. But i call good trouble. Necessary trouble. applause jon when you met dr. King was it difficult to get a meeting with dr. King . And when you met dr. King was it, did you just want to get involved . Because you became one of the first freedom riders. I wrote him a letter. I wanted to attend a Little College ten miles from my home. I never heard a word from the college. So i wrote him a letter. He wrote me back and sent me a round trip Greyhound Bus ticket. Now travel from that little town of troy to montgomery. And a young lawyer picked me up at the bus station and took me to this church. Its with a colleague of dr. King and ushered me into the office of the church. And i was told dr. Martin luther king, jr. And the reverend were standing behind the desk. I was so scared. I know what to say or what to do. And dr. King said are you the boy from troy . Jon wow. Are you john lewis . And i said dr. King i am john robert lewis. I gave my whole name. And he started calling me the boy from troy. Jon what an amazing experience. How great a writer must you have been to sen this man a letter that he thought we have to get this guy over to the office. He saw something in me. Maybe he saw something in my handwriting. Jon i think he felt the passion. So this is an image we are have from that fateful day in selma. That is you at the front i believe, is that dr. King right next to you . You can see that image . Can you see that . The young man walking beside me was on dr. Kings staff. Jose williams. The two of us were leading the march on that day, march 7th 1965. Stephen and. Jon and thats on the bridge. Heres the next image. This is you just crossed the bridge and this is i guess is this this is Alabama State troopers. And we get to this point the state trooper speaks up and says this is an unlawful march. You will not be allowed to continue. I give you three minutes to disperse and return to your homes or to your church. And Jose Williams said major give us a moment to neil and play. And the major said troopers advancement so these men coming toward us put on their gas masks. They started beating us with night sticks. Jon so that is the next shot here that is you. Thats john lewis. I was very young then. I was that years old. I had all my hair and a few pounds lighter. Jon what strikes me is you had your hands in your pockets. Yes. Jon was that something sort of the significance being i will not raise my hands to you. I will not protest and be violent. We are just here on that day we were so quiet. We were so peaceful it was like military discipline. And we believed in the philosophy and the discipline for nonviolence. We had been taught we had been trained. We just wanted to make it from selma to montgomery to draum advertise to the nation and to the world that people of color in alabama wanted to register to vote. And a place like selma only 2. 1 percent of black people were registered to vote. Had to pass a literacy test. People were asked to count their numbers on a bar of soap the number of jelly beans in a car josh there were black lawyers and teachers and College Professors who were told they could not read an write well enough. So we had to change it. Jon the important thing to remember is this is during your lifetime. This is not something, this is not a part of our past that exists only in photographs. They are still very vital members of our society who bother witness to that it is such an important lesson for people today. Well people must understand, and thats why we did these two books here march book one and book two to tell the story about young people, so our children and their children will understand what happened and never forget it. Jon thats what well talk about. We will come back an talk about how you got inspirred of the graphic novel of Martin Luther king and how you did the same. Well be back with more congressman john lewis r shopping online is as easy as it gets. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list now it is. Start shopping online from a list of toprated providers. Visit angieslist. Com today. S i get moneys. Understand . Of course not. And thats the point. Making credit confusing has made me boatloads. Ahoy, money but credit karma is ruining my dealio. Theyve given over 30 Million People their credit scores. For free. Look, theres a free score. And another free score golden phones. Fiscal . Apr index . money for me when you set out to find new roads you build the Chevrolet Malibu ranked highest in initial quality and longterm dependability by jd power. Chevrolet, the most awarded car company over the last year. Get this epa estimated 36 mpg highway 2015 chevy malibu with 0 apr financing for six years plus 500 purchase bonus cash. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Jon were back. Were with georgia congressman john lewis talking about the 50th commemoration of bloody sunday. Now youve got these graphic novels that the idea that you know, it helps young people to sort of get a sense of what you went through. This one where you are there sitting on a lunch counter protest. Yes 19 of 0 20 years old. At a lunch counter in downtown nashville. Jon what are you looking for a Tuna Sandwich tuna melt. No i was just trying to get a sandwich. A Little Something maybe a milk shake. Jon the second one here this is when you were with the freedom writer this is the Greyhound Bus that you were riding. May of 1961 we went to d. C. , the train. 61 the same year that president obama was born. Back in 1961 black people and white people couldnt board a bus and be seated together. We traveled to Virginia North carolina, South Carolina georgia alabama. Jon this is years after rosa parks. Oh yeah oh yeah yeah. Jon so you went down. And they fire bombed the bus. They fire bombed the bus. And later they beat us at the Greyhound Bus station in montgomery. And left us bloody and unconscious. And president kennedy and Robert Kennedy intervened. President kennedy the Alabama National guard. Put the city of montgomery under martial law. They tried to bomb or burn down the church where i first met dr. King. It was unbelievable unreal. Jon jump ahead now its 50 years later and you know, we see a bit of dismembering of this Voting Rights act. You know in congress it was sponsored by i think conyers and brenner. They wanted to redo the equation of the Voting Rights act because roberts said let congress fix this. Its time to change. But they wont let it come up for a vote. What are your thoughts on that . Well, we need to fix it. When the Supreme Court issued that decision i wanted to cry. I couldnt cry but i wanted to cry. It was so sad. You know as you well know and you stated i gave a little blood on that bridge almost died. Thought i was going to die. Jon you they fractured your skull. Yeah, yeah. And we are going to fix it were going to find a way to fix it. The vote is precious. Its almost sacred. The most powerful nonviolent tool we have in a democratic society. We try to tell the story to make it real to make it plain. When i was visiting dr. Martin luther kings church in atlanta and he would be preaching. And his father was there. Make it plain son make it plain, make it real. And thats what we attempt to do in these two books. Jon its humbling to be in your presence. Do you feel the weight of that pride of being able to accomplish what you accomplished . And do you feel a melancholly at the job never being done maybe never ever being done . Well i feel that the struggle struggle is not a struggle just for a few days a few weeks a month, a year. It is a struggle of a lifetime. Many lifetimes. And i feel more than lucky but very blessed that im still here to tell the story to try to inspire another generation of young people to get out there and push to stand up and speak up and speak out. And get in the way the same way that my generation got in way. Jon get in trouble. Good trouble, necessary trouble. Jon thank you, sir. Thank you. cheers and applause jon congressman john lewis. Get the book. That dads eating a sizzling sausage skillet with spicy pepper sauce for breakfast . I bet he doesnt have rules about booby traps. The new rio ranchero skillet. Dennys. Welcome to americas diner. Progressive insurance here and im a box who thrives on the unexpected. Haha shall we dine . [ chuckle ] you wouldnt expect an Insurance Company to show you their rates and their competitors rates but thats precisely what we do. Going up nope, coming down. And if you switch to progressive today you could save an average of over 500 bucks. Stop it. So call me today at the number below. Or is it above . Dismount oh, and he sticks the landing cortana, when my wife calls remind me to tell her happy anniversary. Next time you talk to caroline, ill remind you. Oh, and remind me to get roses when im near any store. Sure thing. Remind you when you get to store. Cortana, its gonna be a great night. Oh, wow thanks for the traffic alert. I better get going. Youre making me look good. Thanks, cortana. You bet. Great nocontract lumia devices as low as 49. 88 at walmart. Jon thats all for us. But its monday. Were checking in with Larry Wilmore at the nightly show. Larry what is happening. Hey jon thanks. Tonight were covering a lot of topics. Selma bill cosby in his pajamas and the new apple watch. Jon im going to get one of those cant wait. Larry let me finish. The new apple watch and all the underpaid people toiling away in factories to make it. Sorry, jon you were saying . Jon nothing nothing. Larry yeah, i want one too jon are we hint crits jon . Jon no my friend, were american. Larry right, totally different totally different. Larry . Jon Larry Wilmore. Here isure moment of zen. Former president truman was quoted from the ap saying that the march from selma, and this was his word, was silly. I think it was the most powerful and dramatic civil rights protest that has ever taken place in theentral captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org larry tonightly, obama celebrates selmas golden anniversary. To commemorate, please give any black people that you know all of your gold. From obamas selma speech to tim cooks apple watch speech. From we shall overcome to we shall overpay. How responsible are we for how our products are made . Willy wonka never seemed that concerned. Pop in your ever lasting gobstopper and suck on this. Its the the nightly show captioning sponsored by Comedy Central cheers and applause larry whoo thank you thank you very much audience chanting larry larry thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Welcome to the the nightly show. I really appreciate it. Im Larry Wilmore. Big show tonight. Weve got a lot going on. Lets start with the good news. Bill cosby made a fool of himself again now to bill cosby speaking out this morning. His first video message to fans since all those Sexual Assault allegations against him. Yes, im gonna be in wheely West Virginia capital music hall, 8 00 show. Thats right. And you know ill be hilarious. Cant wait. Larry what is wrong with you, fat albert

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