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[cheers and applause ] captioning sponsored by Comedy Central cheers and applause jon hey welcome to the daily show my name is jon stewart. Oh, we got a good one tonight. My guest tonight, new york mets pitcher and recent cy young recipient cy young recipient r. A. Dickey is going to be joining us on the program. cheers and applause the man. May be the first guest in the history of this program to be traded while i am talking to him. laughter they may just they may come in and take him away. laughter i think ill ask him what race hed like to be. laughter somebody asked me that before the show started. laughter we were talking before the show started and everybodys got a question and who would win in a fight, frog or shark . That kind of thing. Someone just said to me what race would you be if you could be i mean, obviously a jew is fine but, i mean if you had a chance, i mean, wouldnt you go asian just for a day . laughter cheers and applause its fine. Theyre nice people theyre casting a benton add and they needed its actually a perfect way to get into a program tonight. We begin with the ongoing negotiations to save our economy or, as were calling it, cliffpocalypsemageddonacaust. laughter our totally solveable budget problem. laughter jon thats scary. Four weeks four weeks, ladies and gentlemen just 20 some days. laughter our country will be heading over the fiscal cliff that we ourselves dug and put in our way. Its the set of automatic spending cuts and tax hikes that can only be averted if our nations leaders are able to display barebones competence and middle school level maturity. laughter so the there a deal. Theres, of course, no deal. Jon of course is there there a prospect for a deal . Theres not a prospect for a deal. Jon of course laughter but the ongoing talks there arent even very many talks going on. laughter jon damn youre kidding us give us something but for the first time there are numbers on pieces of paper from both sides. Jon numbers on paper cheers and applause we have numbers on paper from both sides whispering snvpld were all going to be okay. laughter how were numbers on paper. How were negotiations being conducted before they decided to put numbers on paper . laughter were they communicateding by pheromones like aunts . laughter vanity cards . Is that how this was going . Were the two sides just spray painting a side and hoping it wanders past the other sides office or other equally absurd examples . So tell us about this paper with numbers on them. 4 trillion of deficit reduction over the next ten years. It includes 1. 6 trillion in higher taxes on households making more than 250,000 a year. Theres also 400 billion in cuts to entitlement programs. Theres apls also some fresh new spending. 50 billion next year in stimulus spending, all for infrastructure. Jon ooh, green lettering. Ooh laughter johnny like you. All right, so we got a little tax cut hike here, a little entitlement trim there. Basically telling the government it needs a mix of diet and exercise if i want f it wants to reduce its chances of succumbing to Heart Disease or swollen prostate christ, i just turned 50. laughter no, im sorry. Basically this plan is around somewhat what obama said he was going to do about the budget while he was on the campaign trail. So i guess we can put that another way. The proposal that came forward yesterday really is a joke. Im not surprised at my colleague, senator mcconnell laughed at that proposal. The president s plan does nothing but damn to us becoming greece. Disappointing. Disappointed. Im really disappointed. laughter jon really . Because you dont sound that disappointed, quite frankly. Do you want to know what disappointed sounds like . Disappointed applause jon that guys clearly disappointed. Even though that might have been what from what i understand at the internet a stage direction. He just happened to say it outloud. I dont know if thats true but why not spread it as far as i can. To their credit, the republicans didnt just complain about the president s plan, they put forward on paper numbers of their own. You see the offer on your gene, 800 through tax reform, 600 billion in health savings, 300 billion in mandatory savings, 300 billion further discretionary savings that nets to 2. 2 trillion in savings. Jon all right, all right. So the g. O. P. Proposal is adding up towards 1. 2 trillion in cuts and a trillion in savings and they leave the tax rates alone for the top 2 and they wait a minute. laughter the fiscal cliff, the thing were trying to avoid, at 1. 2 trillion in cuts, half of those cuts were going to be to defense. This has 1. 2 trillion in cuts but theyre just saying why dont we make the whole thing cut to entitlements and domestic spending and not cut defense at all . Basically theyre trying to entice the democrats. Theyre saying i dont want you to fall off this cliff, so why dont you voluntarily jump off this steeper cliff. laughter but dent worry, your fall will be cushioned by lava. laughter now, obviously its a negotiation, people take a hardline position. With the tax rate being the lowest in america since the 1950s, most likely well raise the tax for the up 2er at some point, right . Raising tax rates is unacceptable. Jon okay. So what exactly is your idea of the a negotiation . The president s idea of a negotiation is roll over and do what i ask. laughter jon at least once he has you on your back he asks. laughter i cant wait till applause theyre applauding the lack of rape. laughter applause now theyre just mimicking me. laughter laughter i cannot wait until the democrats get ahold of this republican proposal. They are going to tear it to shreds. The good news is they put something in writing. The bad news is it doesnt really get us in the moving moving forward. The republican plan failed the very first test of fairness. Unfortunately, the speakers proposal right now is still out of balance. laughter jon out of balance . Wheres your hysterical rhetoric. Wheres your i laughed in their bleep ing faces where is your disappointed where is your this proposal is an insult this proposal will destroy america this proposal is like stalin bleep ago bald eagle laughter i will guarantee you stalin was a harrier dude than that. Guarantee it. laughter you know what . Maybe its time to stop the backandforth of offers. Its clear republicans arent going to come to the table with anything remotely reasonable so ill be the one to say it i know it will be disastrous, i know it will doom our economy for years to come, but lets just go over the bleep ing cliff. Fine. Lets just go. Just leave the negotiating table and send us over the cliff. Because you know why . At least for a few seconds it will feel like were flying. laughter and applause well be right back.  jon hey, welcome back i hope you know the 2012 election was in large part a fight over demographics. The republicans taking pains even if at their convention to highlight the gender and Ethnic Diversity their party has traditionally done so well disguising. laughter and yet they lost. For some reason selfdeportation president obama won a clear majority. The country half moochers laughter of over nonwhite group. Even amongst women. Vaginas repel rape sperm. laughter romney somehow lost by 11 points. Its a fact republicans cant ignore if they want to win back the white house in two thousand and ever. laughter no bandaid solutions. G. O. P. Cant just throw in a free pedicure every mandatory ultrasound and call it a day. Were talking about making a real place for minorities and women in a modern Republican Party and i think the Republican Party gets that. I assume. In washington tonight, the g. O. P. Is dealing with the issue of optics and diversity in politics, getting a lot of coverage of the Congressional Committee chairs selected thus far for the next congress. They are all white males. audience reacts jon oh, i guess they all look alike to you, williams. laughter ill have you know, there is a great deal of diversity and variety in that group. For instance, with these three gentlemen alone look like the kind of guys who would sell you three very different types of insurance. laughter and look at this guy paul ryan that guys god a widows peak. Thats weird. Thats different. And that guy, sure, he looks like your average local news anchor. But that other guy near him looks like your average sports announcer. laughter so the bland white guy with glasses, that guys nearsighted but this other guy with glasses, that guys got astigmatism. Theres no whats that . Really, near sighted as well . bleep . All right. Well at least with that many dudes in the group statistically speaking at least one of thems got to be gay. laughter applause where is waldo . laughter but instead, instead all the medias all hyperfocused theres no latinos or blacks or women or asians. Theres got to be a good reason. The leadership points out they were selected for a reason, including seniority. Theres about 20 women in the Republican House caucus and nine of them were elected in 2010 and 2012. Jon so its seniority . Let me get this straight. The party that hates the teachers unions gives chairmanships based on tenure . laughter look, its a Republican House. No media mob of p. C. Diversity cops is going tell how speaker john baner what to do. Congresswoman can days miller of michigan will chair the House Administration committee. Jon we got one whoo a lady with lady parts she will be the chair of the House Administration committee whose responsibilities apparently range from making congress more open and accessible to ensuring the house runs efficiently and smoothly. audience reacts laughter so weve got a woman to be to coin a phrase the housewife. laughter problem solved. Well be right back. cheers and applause i zoekxkxu8,xct 9 cheers and applause jon my guest tonight is 2012 cy young award winner. His new book is called wherever i wind up and hes the subject in the documentary film knuckleball. Youre considered a fluke is basically what it comes down to. I want to combat that because i think its a very valid pitch. R. A. Is committed to proving that its not a gimmick. That its to use one of his favorite words authentic. And i think hes really on a mission to prove the legitimacy of the knuckleball. Jon sweet please welcome r. A. Dickie dickey. cheers and applause thank you for being here. applause what a pleasure to have you on the show. Congratulations. The cy young award, new york obviously embraces cheers and applause this tremendous story, this tremendous success i guess my question is how will the new york mets screw this up . laughter im hoping to be here, man. I will have it here. Jon that would be very nice. We would enjoy that. applause it does create a dilemma because when a player such as yourself comes along and has such grand success there is in the back of your mind a feeling of, like, no no, dude, dont win the cy young because if you do they will sell you on the open market. laughter you want to be good but not so great. Well, ive been thankful, i didnt have that thought. I was going for it the whole time. But hes got a job to do, hes paid to make the mets better. Ive got to be as professional i can, understand that. Jon it must be tremendous pressure to have your name being written about as someone who may have to move. Youve got a family, youve got a life. Is that a difficult thing to its hard. Baseball in general is so dysfunctional as a lifestyle. You play in 162 games in 183 days and not to mention spring training is another 40 days. So the thought of taking your family to toronto or l. A. , that takes a lot of thought power, you know . Jon ive always thought its strange. Youre a grown man with pinstripes and guys are throwing things at 100 miles an hour at your head and you just what is the down time in these cities . Especially for a pitcher . Well, if we are a threegame set against the nationals in washington, its a great city, so i might go see a museum or ill try to explore the culture of the city. If im not pitching that day. But youre at the park for a 7 00 game, im never at the park any later than 2 30. I mean, im trying to prepare for what i have to do in a couple days. Jon do a lot of guys go out and see the museums or laughter when you come back are they all like hey, poindexter, whats going on . laughter they respect their elders, its okay. Jon thats an interesting point. So heres whats on its incredible enough that a new york mets pitcher wins 20 games which hasnt been done since frank viola in 1980 something. You won the cy young award but you did it at youre 38 years old mastering a pitch that so few pitchers can master theyve made a documentary about the maybe six or seven of you that have been able to pitch professionally at that level with that pitch. You know, its funny, my career has been circuitous and the way ive gotten to the big lesion so its almost poetic the way that ive embraced the knuckleball and my career trajectory has been almost knuckleballish. Jon right. Its nice to be at a peak, i can tell you. Jon the other knuckleballers in the fraternity, when they saw you arrive on the scene how did they show themselves . Do you get a call and does a guy stand with a raincoat like file those nails, kid, file those nails. How do they reach out to you . You know, i reached out to them. The knuckleball fraternity is so tight and the bond is to so strong because when youre trying to do something as throw a knuckleball theres only a few people that have walked the earth that have done what youre trying to do. So i was so fortunate to be expose podtowhat i call the j. D. Di council of knuckleballers. laughter i have Tim Wakefield and charlie huff and phil niekro. Jon can curve guys get in there or when they come are people like yeah, thats great, sonny . Is that not considered the pure pitch. Its a different pitch all together. Its not even the same category, really. Im trying to take spin completely off the ball. With the knuckle curve youre still trying to manipulate the spin to get the break that you want. But the knuckleball youre taking it off in hopes that the chaos of the movement of the pitch is going to be enough to upset their timing and rhythm of the hitter. Jon and you throw it ten to 15 miles an hour harder than anybody else has thrown it. Youre throwing in the 80s, yes . There are Major League Pitchers throwing their regular stuff in the 80s, youre throwing knuckleballs in the is that what makes yours so difficult on these hitters . Most guys throwing in the 80s arent throwing very long, unfortunately. Thats why i became a knuckleballer because i had my conventional repertoire had depleted to the point where if i was going to stay a bigleaguer i had to come up with a weapon i could get guys out with. The knuckleball was my ticket. Jon you dont have like youre missing ligaments in your elbow and you dont have theres no bone there, its just you just flop it around . Something going on in there im plastic man. I can i haveve got no ligament in my right elbow. So that coupled with being a knuckleballer i should be able to pitch until im 70 or 80, probably. cheers and applause jon audience likes that, can you stick around for a little bit . Sure. Jon knuckleball the d. V. D. Is available through itunes. You can get the book wherever i wind up is on the bookshelves now. R. A. Dickey, were going d

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