Transcripts For COM The Colbert Report 20141213 : comparemel

Transcripts For COM The Colbert Report 20141213

stephen! stephen! thank you so much for being here. please, you've given enough at this point. thank you very much. you know, folks, i hope you're checking your calendars because i will be off the air for the 2016 presidential election, but folks that does not mean i cannot call it right now. so with zero percent of precincts caring, the next president of the united states will be wisconsin governor, scott walker. congratulations, sir! well deserved. ooooh, they love you. i'm calling this for governor walker right now because he has proven that he is smarter than he looks, sounds and governs. he knows that if you want to get elected in this country as a republican, you can't just appeal to white people. you also need to appeal to jewish white people. >> a number of high-profile republicans with sights on the 2016 presidential bid are returning from a weekend in sin city where they addressed the republican jewish coalition's annual spring gathering. among those names, wisconsin governor scott walker. >> governor scott walker-- >> hoping to get the blessing and fortune of casino mogul sheldon adelson. >> stephen: yes, the walker campaing wants the blessing and fortune of sheldon adelson, but he's not greedy. he'll settle for the fortune. and walker's affection for the jewish people is genuine. in fact, madison's "the capital times" has published a letter dating from walker's time as milwaukee county executive, in which he tells a local jewish leader that he would be happy to display a menorah celebrating chanukah at the milwaukee courthouse, signing it "thank you again, and molotov." ( laughter ) ( applause ) ( cheers ) now, walker probably meant mazel tov, which is yiddish for congratulations, and not molotov, which is a bottle of gasoline with a lit rag stuffed in the neck used to firebomb tanks. ( laughter ) so there's a little difference. though in walker's defense, eight molotov cocktails would make for a very festive menorah. ( cheers and applause ) they said the gas would burn for only one night. now i think everyone needs to just lay off walker here. he's still learning. he hasn't yet developed the deep cultural understanding of the jewish people that i have. there is no greater friend of the children of israel than yours truly, so allow me to say a word on walker's behalf. jewish nation, scott walker's a good guy. he's a real munch. ( laughter ) ok, so he doesn't wear a yamaha or observe the sherbert. the important thing is that he was ready to display that minorah. i'm sure, given the chance, he also would have displayed the majora. and we're not even talking about a major jewish holiday here. it's not like this is yom tupac shakur or sha-na-na or even sucrose. if it weren't the same time as christmas, nobody would even talk about hana-kuna matata. it's just a fun family holiday where you eat potato tchotchkes and you spin the dildo. dildo, dildo, dildo, i made you out of clay. let's all cut scott walker some slack. that's what the holiday season's all about. soto my jewish viewers, i, i tonight raise a glass of lenny kravitz and say a hearty l'heimlich maneuver." ( cheers and applause ) folks, i don't want to act like i'm holier than thou. i'm from south carolina. we say holier than y'all. this is yahweh or no way. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ ♪ nation, i consider myself a proud bible thumper. of course, i stopped when i discovered the bible frowns on pre-marital thumping. of course, i don't read it much since all my favorite bible stories are the ones i don't have to read because they're movies. i find god's message of eternal love goes down smoother when drenched with golden topping. that's why i am so pumped for the upcoming biblical epic, "exodus: gods and kings." it's the perfect holiday movie, because nothing says christmas like passover. ( laughter ) now, for all my heathen viewers, "exodus" is the thrilling tale of one man standing against the pharaoh to free his people from slavery, this time starring christian bale as bat-moses. ( laughter ) ( cheers ) but the liberal pharaohs don't want my people to go to this movie. >> an epic backlash over a biblical blockbuster. >> there are critics who say the cast is too white. >> the cast of the film is largely white even though the film is set in egypt. >> on twitter, the #boycottexodusmovie is trending with some tweeting "since when were ancient egyptians white?" others take issue with the fact that black and middle eastern actors only play slaves in this movie. >> stephen: oh, please. does everything have to be about race? even slavery? ( laughter ) so is it okay for movies to depict bibilcal yahweh of no way? yahweh! ♪ hallelujah first off, i am sick of the p.c. police out there trying to take away our innocent fun at the movies. when i'm in the theater, i don't want to think about depressing things like race. i just want to sit in the dark with my kids and watch sinners drown in rivers of blood. besides, director ridley scott had a solid explanation for not casting more middle easterners. saying, "i can't mount a film of this budget and say that my lead actor is mohammad so-and-so from such-and-such. i'm just not going to get it financed." folks, no, listen, he is right. he's absolutely right. if your star is mohammad so-and-so, you're not gonna get financing from hollywood, though you might get the c.i.a. to fund drone strikes on such-and-suchistan. ( applause ) here with you, scott, ridley. plus ridley scott has the backing from the studio, media baron and survivor of the first scrotum-to-face transplant, rupert murdoch. rupey took to the tweet-boards to discredit the boycott-exodus campaign, saying, moses film attacked on twitter for all white cast. since when are egyptians not white? all i know are. it's true-- all the egyptians rupert knows are white. well, actually, more of a distressed linen. the point is, rupert's a modern guy. he has tons of minority friends who are white. in fact, he's so committed to diversity, almost every anchor at fox news looks like an ancient egyptian. ( cheers and applause ) me, too. and you know they're the real deal because they've had their brains removed through their noses. we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause ) vo: this is the hp x360. it has some pretty crazy moves. and these are some of the biggest vine, instagram, and youtube stars on the web. bring them all together with one of the hottest artists in the world... and you create a music video like never before. now that's how you bend the rules. introducing the next generation hp x360. ♪ just look at those two. happy. in love. and saving so much money on their car insurance by switching to geico... well, just look at this setting. do you have the ring? oh, helzberg diamonds. another beautiful setting. i'm not crying. i've just got a bit of sand in my eyes, that's all. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. only pizza hut's new menu takes flavor to the edge. get any one of our ten new crust flavors for free. like, toasted asiago crust... salted pretzel crust... or fiery red pepper crust, for free. order now and score two medium pizzas for $6.99 each. get it all at [remote chime] [dragon sounds] whoa... ♪ ♪ only at zales, the diamond store. smaug ( cheers and applause ). >> stephen: welcome back, everybody. welcome back to the show, everybody. now, longtime viewers-- folks, longtime viewers of my wrist will know that i've been wearing this red blais braislet for seven years. it's part of my wriststrong campaign in which i single wristedly raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the yellow ribbon fund, which assists injured service members and their families. it's a perfect fit. ( applause ) because i believe nothing says yellow ribbon like red bracelets. when the iraq war ended in 2010, i took one wriststrong bracelet off, and now i can take the last one off. >> this morning a milestone in the war in afghanistan. the united states and nato officially ended their gas exwat mission. >> in afghanistan, the u.s. and nato officially closed their combat mission after more than 13 years. ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: all right, all right, there we go. here we go. boom! now, i am-- i am sorry that our troops in afghanistan are not getting a parade like the one the iraq veterans didn't get. i don't be the problem. there must be a worldwide confetti shortage. so before i go off the air, i'm going to raise a little more green one last time for the yellow ribbon fund. ( cheers and applause ). tonight, i am raffling off parts of my set. steve, tell them what they could win. >> well, stephen, the first-place winner will take home the actual stephen colbert desk, made of 100% genuine material. this timeless classic is shaped like a giant "c," or a severely misshapen "u." this very desk witnessed the countless historic moments on the "colbert report," such as the time stephen colbert announced this raffle. >> thanks, steve, that stowndz soundz-- >> that's not all. the second-place winner upon take home this beautiful the "colbert report" fake fireplace, futuring everything you see here-- a genuine faux marble mantel. a butter soft and butter-stained leather armchair, and 40-inch flatron standard depth display with along video of a roaring fire. oh, my god! i'm on fire! i'm in hell! ah! it burbs! it burns. >> stephen: thanks steve. to win go to, and you'll be entered in the raffle for every $10 you donate. the more you donate, the more chances you have to win. remember, it's all for a good cause, because the money will be split equally between the yellow ribbon fund, and our friends at donor choose. best of all, you'll be helping me clear out my studio before next thursday or i don't get my security deposit back. we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause ) the volkswagen golf was just named motor trend's 2015 car of the year. so was the 100% electric e-golf, and the 45 highway mpg tdi clean diesel. and last but not least, the high performance gti. looks like we're gonna need a bigger podium. the volkswagen golf family. motor trend's 2015 "cars" of the year. with t-mobile and iphone 6 you can make wi-fi calls beyond the reach of cellular networks. hey brandon what's up? so you can talk from down here. smile for grandma! or text pictures from up here. ok, there we go, should we send a photo? you can even make calls, way over here. talk and text over wi-fi, with wi-fi calling on iphone 6. only from t-mobile. now get iphone 6 for $0 down. w...who has done somethingear.. .special. give them the gift for those who fly beyond. mmm... all this crispy cand just a buck 29! a buck 29? clear my calendar. i got a deal to close. just a buck 29 for wendy's monterey ranch crispy chicken. our creamy ranch sauce meets crispy chicken and monterey jack cheese. ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. ( cheers and applause ). >> stephen: thanks very much. welcome back everybody my guest tonight has claws like spears. a tail like a thunder back in a moment, wings like a hurricane, and breath like death, please welcome the last great fire drake of the third age, smaug! ( cheers and applause ) now, smaug, where's the dragon? smaug, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) i want you to know they am not intimidated by you, even though you have a reputation as a tough interview because you often eat the host. >> i eat a lot of things, stephen. but you needn't worry. you're my last interview of the day. i've already filled up on the few. >> stephen: well, that's good to know. now, smaug the impenetrable, thank you for being here. it's an honor. >> yes. i imagine it is. ( laughter ). >> stephen: now, i think you and i have a lot in common. we both live in gated communities and we're both fiscal conservatives who sleep on giant piles of money. >> quite right! time to return to the gold standard. rand paul, 2016! yeah! get in, rand! >> stephen: now, i like your style, but not everybody does. >> really? >> stephen: no. so let's go over your resume. you're centuries old. >> correct. >> stephen: you destroyed dale. >> correct. >> stephen: you captured the dwarf kingdom and all its treasures. all very impressive. >> thank you. >> stephen: yet, in this movie you come offaise bad guy. why that? >> it's typical liberal hollywood bias. it's hard for conservatives to get good roles in this town. that's why kelsey grammar and i are always up for the same part. >> stephen: okay, but-- over here, big guy. don't eat the audience. come oover here. look, you're not playing the dragon card here, are you, smaug, because not all dragons get bad press. >> stephen, i'm not asking for sympathy, but i am talking about real dragons, not the lizards of can the game of thrones." god, it disuftz me. >> stephen: okay, what about toothless from "how to train your dragon." he's the hero. >> no, he's not a hero. he is a captive who allows himself to be ridden by filthy children. more like bull. i am an old-school, keeping it real, " why o, doing what dragn do. boom. i'm the original radar. i invented the hostile takeover. i take your treasure. i drink your milk shake. >> stephen: okay. i get your point. stay with me. stay with me. come on. now, listen what about looking out for the little guy. >> stephen: did you or did not not try to kill bill bo? >> stephen what, would do you if someone broke into your house wearing a hoodie. i was standing my ground. do you have a problem with that? >> stephen: no, no, no. no, i don't. let's talk about the new film "the battle of the five armies." tell me, does it stay true to the book? >> i actually haven't read the obamacare so don't spoil it, please. >> stephen: oh, really? well, then, i think the ending is going to get you right here. and i think we have a clip. do we need to set this up? >> what are you talking about? no, i don't like this. i don't know what they sent. this is always so embarrassing. i'm blushing. i can turn my head away without killing anyone? >> stephen: jimmy? ♪ ♪ ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: wow. that looked dangerous. do you do your own stunts? >> yes. but most of it is c.g.i. i think we have a photo from the set somewhere. do we? to show the audience. >> stephen: jim. >> motion capture can be so genius. i spent most of the movie reciting lines to a tennis ball on a stick. and i'm not even talking about orlando bloom. >> stephen: okay, enough. can we talk about the real smaug? >> it's smoug? >> stephen: smauk. >> smoug. >> stephen: smauk. >> i don't hear the difference. >> just call me dude. >> stephen: dude, you've been called a most specially greedy strong and wicked worm. how does that make you feel? >> pretty excited in a wormy kind of way. who was it who said that? was it peter jackson? did he say that? >> stephen: no, actually it was professor tolken. >> who? >> stephen: forget about it. look, we've got to go, but before we do, any upcoming projects? >> you know, i was offered on a role on "sherlock." i turned them down, of course. i mean, who wants to play second fiddle to that hack cumberbatch? >> stephen: well, martin freeman doesn't seem to mind. >> martin's cheap. he doesn't need much feeding, apparently. sweet, little martin. little, little, little man. >> stephen: yeah, but he got the better of you, though, didn't he? bilbo, he tricked you. >> no. >> stephen: you know, there's that moment in the second movie when you finish toying with him and you rear back. you're like how do you choose to die? >> that's not how i did it, but carry on. >> stephen: yes it was. and he pops on the ring and he disappears. and you're like "wha-what?" >> i see, stephen. did my people not tell you? >> stephen: tell me what? >> never laugh at a live dragon ( bleep ). >> never laugh at a live dragon ( bleep ). >> stephen: we'll be right quality.... uncompromising.... unchanging.... it's our golden rule. and apparently others agree. my at&t cell phone bill. in your hand? verizon bill? yeah. that's cool. nooo... how much are you spending per month? $110 bucks $120 bucks $260 what if sprint could cut your rate plan in half? and give you unlimited talk and text in the u.s., and match your data. goodbye verizon. i am done with at&t. don't miss the cut your bill in half event. bring us your verizon or at&t bill, turn in your old phone, and we'll cut your rate plan in half. visit us online or visit a sprit store today. only pizza hut's new menu takes flavor to the edge. get any one of our ten new crust flavors for free. like, toasted asiago crust... salted pretzel crust... or fiery red pepper crust, for free. order now and score two medium pizzas for $6.99 each. get it all at if every driver in the u.s. kept here's a qtheir car's you: tires properly inflated, how many gallons of fuel could america save each year? up to 2 billion gallons? 4 billion? 6 billion? the answer is... up to 4 billion gallons. by keeping your tires properly inflated, you can increase your car's fuel economy and reduce its co2 emissions. take the energy quiz -- round 2. energy lives here. fini did, thanks.k? (beep) (beep) (beep) (confused) honey, you won't believe... you were supposed to be out shopping. it went super quick. happy birthday?! with apple pay, using your wells fargo card just got easier. meat sticnope.ep! uh huh! uh oh. oh, yes! oh, no. uh huh! snap into a par-tay. snap into a slim jim! ♪ [laughing] ♪ i see stin their hands.s faces. in their eyes. people tell me stories without saying one word. so i listen. then i give it back. what are you chasing? hennessy. never stop. never settle. ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: well, that's it for the report, everybody. before we go, i want to thank smallsmaug and all his handlers, thank you. let's see-- benedict cumberbatch, peter jackson, fran walsh, philippa boyens, matt aitken, marvyn young, zoe saker-norrish, philip korsika, mat monro, alexander berson, sebastian bommersheim, douglas mchale, cody amos, jason lazaroff, simon baker, gerardo aguilera, chay johansson, max telfer, aaron gilman, alex burt, anthony mcindoe, ben folkman, carlos fraiha, carmelo leggiero, caz ting, daniel zettl, dave clayton, drew park, edwina ting, jerry kung, joseph king, julian legge, kevin estey, ludovic chailloleau, mark smith, matthew riordan, merlin maertz, mike clark, peter chen, simeon duncombe, victor huang, david farmer, brent burge, jason baker and matt lappin. ( cheers and applause ) i speak for everyone here at the report when i say, holy captioning sponsored by comedy central captioned by media access group at wgbh from comedy central's worldview headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with jon stewart! (cheers and applause) ♪ captioning sponsored by comedy central >> jon: hey! welcome to "the daily show"! my name is jon stewart. my guest tonight, wrestling star and all-around greatest guy in the world, mick foley with his movie, "i am santa". (cheers and applause) we'll be excited to talk to mick again. but first! ahhh! for the past 48 hours, america has been forced to ask itself some very difficult questions about the way we force other people to answer some difficult questions. (laughter) >>on

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United States , New York , Iraq , Egypt , Israel , South Carolina , Afghanistan , Hollywood , California , Wisconsin , Milwaukee County , America , Egyptians , Egyptian , Mike Clark , Scott Walker , Peter Jackson , Peter Chen , Stephen Colbert , Gerardo Aguilera , Lenny Kravitz , Martin Freeman , Alex Burt Anthony , Jon Stewart , Sheldon Adelson , Brent Burge , Aaron Gilman , Victor Huang , Matt Aitken , Jason Baker , Rupert Murdoch , Cody Amos , Walsh Philippa , Mick Foley , Matt Lappin , Jason Lazaroff Simon Baker , Chay Johansson , Benedict Cumberbatch Peter Jackson , Smith Matthew Riordan , Max Telfer , Ridley Scott , Joseph King , Dave Clayton , Yom Tupac Shakur , Monterey Jack , Douglas Mchale ,

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Transcripts For COM The Colbert Report 20141213 :

Transcripts For COM The Colbert Report 20141213

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stephen! stephen! thank you so much for being here. please, you've given enough at this point. thank you very much. you know, folks, i hope you're checking your calendars because i will be off the air for the 2016 presidential election, but folks that does not mean i cannot call it right now. so with zero percent of precincts caring, the next president of the united states will be wisconsin governor, scott walker. congratulations, sir! well deserved. ooooh, they love you. i'm calling this for governor walker right now because he has proven that he is smarter than he looks, sounds and governs. he knows that if you want to get elected in this country as a republican, you can't just appeal to white people. you also need to appeal to jewish white people. >> a number of high-profile republicans with sights on the 2016 presidential bid are returning from a weekend in sin city where they addressed the republican jewish coalition's annual spring gathering. among those names, wisconsin governor scott walker. >> governor scott walker-- >> hoping to get the blessing and fortune of casino mogul sheldon adelson. >> stephen: yes, the walker campaing wants the blessing and fortune of sheldon adelson, but he's not greedy. he'll settle for the fortune. and walker's affection for the jewish people is genuine. in fact, madison's "the capital times" has published a letter dating from walker's time as milwaukee county executive, in which he tells a local jewish leader that he would be happy to display a menorah celebrating chanukah at the milwaukee courthouse, signing it "thank you again, and molotov." ( laughter ) ( applause ) ( cheers ) now, walker probably meant mazel tov, which is yiddish for congratulations, and not molotov, which is a bottle of gasoline with a lit rag stuffed in the neck used to firebomb tanks. ( laughter ) so there's a little difference. though in walker's defense, eight molotov cocktails would make for a very festive menorah. ( cheers and applause ) they said the gas would burn for only one night. now i think everyone needs to just lay off walker here. he's still learning. he hasn't yet developed the deep cultural understanding of the jewish people that i have. there is no greater friend of the children of israel than yours truly, so allow me to say a word on walker's behalf. jewish nation, scott walker's a good guy. he's a real munch. ( laughter ) ok, so he doesn't wear a yamaha or observe the sherbert. the important thing is that he was ready to display that minorah. i'm sure, given the chance, he also would have displayed the majora. and we're not even talking about a major jewish holiday here. it's not like this is yom tupac shakur or sha-na-na or even sucrose. if it weren't the same time as christmas, nobody would even talk about hana-kuna matata. it's just a fun family holiday where you eat potato tchotchkes and you spin the dildo. dildo, dildo, dildo, i made you out of clay. let's all cut scott walker some slack. that's what the holiday season's all about. soto my jewish viewers, i, i tonight raise a glass of lenny kravitz and say a hearty l'heimlich maneuver." ( cheers and applause ) folks, i don't want to act like i'm holier than thou. i'm from south carolina. we say holier than y'all. this is yahweh or no way. ( cheers and applause ) ♪ ♪ nation, i consider myself a proud bible thumper. of course, i stopped when i discovered the bible frowns on pre-marital thumping. of course, i don't read it much since all my favorite bible stories are the ones i don't have to read because they're movies. i find god's message of eternal love goes down smoother when drenched with golden topping. that's why i am so pumped for the upcoming biblical epic, "exodus: gods and kings." it's the perfect holiday movie, because nothing says christmas like passover. ( laughter ) now, for all my heathen viewers, "exodus" is the thrilling tale of one man standing against the pharaoh to free his people from slavery, this time starring christian bale as bat-moses. ( laughter ) ( cheers ) but the liberal pharaohs don't want my people to go to this movie. >> an epic backlash over a biblical blockbuster. >> there are critics who say the cast is too white. >> the cast of the film is largely white even though the film is set in egypt. >> on twitter, the #boycottexodusmovie is trending with some tweeting "since when were ancient egyptians white?" others take issue with the fact that black and middle eastern actors only play slaves in this movie. >> stephen: oh, please. does everything have to be about race? even slavery? ( laughter ) so is it okay for movies to depict bibilcal yahweh of no way? yahweh! ♪ hallelujah first off, i am sick of the p.c. police out there trying to take away our innocent fun at the movies. when i'm in the theater, i don't want to think about depressing things like race. i just want to sit in the dark with my kids and watch sinners drown in rivers of blood. besides, director ridley scott had a solid explanation for not casting more middle easterners. saying, "i can't mount a film of this budget and say that my lead actor is mohammad so-and-so from such-and-such. i'm just not going to get it financed." folks, no, listen, he is right. he's absolutely right. if your star is mohammad so-and-so, you're not gonna get financing from hollywood, though you might get the c.i.a. to fund drone strikes on such-and-suchistan. ( applause ) here with you, scott, ridley. plus ridley scott has the backing from the studio, media baron and survivor of the first scrotum-to-face transplant, rupert murdoch. rupey took to the tweet-boards to discredit the boycott-exodus campaign, saying, moses film attacked on twitter for all white cast. since when are egyptians not white? all i know are. it's true-- all the egyptians rupert knows are white. well, actually, more of a distressed linen. the point is, rupert's a modern guy. he has tons of minority friends who are white. in fact, he's so committed to diversity, almost every anchor at fox news looks like an ancient egyptian. ( cheers and applause ) me, too. and you know they're the real deal because they've had their brains removed through their noses. we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause ) vo: this is the hp x360. it has some pretty crazy moves. and these are some of the biggest vine, instagram, and youtube stars on the web. bring them all together with one of the hottest artists in the world... and you create a music video like never before. now that's how you bend the rules. introducing the next generation hp x360. ♪ just look at those two. happy. in love. and saving so much money on their car insurance by switching to geico... well, just look at this setting. do you have the ring? oh, helzberg diamonds. another beautiful setting. i'm not crying. i've just got a bit of sand in my eyes, that's all. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. only pizza hut's new menu takes flavor to the edge. get any one of our ten new crust flavors for free. like, toasted asiago crust... salted pretzel crust... or fiery red pepper crust, for free. order now and score two medium pizzas for $6.99 each. get it all at [remote chime] [dragon sounds] whoa... ♪ ♪ only at zales, the diamond store. smaug ( cheers and applause ). >> stephen: welcome back, everybody. welcome back to the show, everybody. now, longtime viewers-- folks, longtime viewers of my wrist will know that i've been wearing this red blais braislet for seven years. it's part of my wriststrong campaign in which i single wristedly raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the yellow ribbon fund, which assists injured service members and their families. it's a perfect fit. ( applause ) because i believe nothing says yellow ribbon like red bracelets. when the iraq war ended in 2010, i took one wriststrong bracelet off, and now i can take the last one off. >> this morning a milestone in the war in afghanistan. the united states and nato officially ended their gas exwat mission. >> in afghanistan, the u.s. and nato officially closed their combat mission after more than 13 years. ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: all right, all right, there we go. here we go. boom! now, i am-- i am sorry that our troops in afghanistan are not getting a parade like the one the iraq veterans didn't get. i don't be the problem. there must be a worldwide confetti shortage. so before i go off the air, i'm going to raise a little more green one last time for the yellow ribbon fund. ( cheers and applause ). tonight, i am raffling off parts of my set. steve, tell them what they could win. >> well, stephen, the first-place winner will take home the actual stephen colbert desk, made of 100% genuine material. this timeless classic is shaped like a giant "c," or a severely misshapen "u." this very desk witnessed the countless historic moments on the "colbert report," such as the time stephen colbert announced this raffle. >> thanks, steve, that stowndz soundz-- >> that's not all. the second-place winner upon take home this beautiful the "colbert report" fake fireplace, futuring everything you see here-- a genuine faux marble mantel. a butter soft and butter-stained leather armchair, and 40-inch flatron standard depth display with along video of a roaring fire. oh, my god! i'm on fire! i'm in hell! ah! it burbs! it burns. >> stephen: thanks steve. to win go to, and you'll be entered in the raffle for every $10 you donate. the more you donate, the more chances you have to win. remember, it's all for a good cause, because the money will be split equally between the yellow ribbon fund, and our friends at donor choose. best of all, you'll be helping me clear out my studio before next thursday or i don't get my security deposit back. we'll be right back. ( cheers and applause ) the volkswagen golf was just named motor trend's 2015 car of the year. so was the 100% electric e-golf, and the 45 highway mpg tdi clean diesel. and last but not least, the high performance gti. looks like we're gonna need a bigger podium. the volkswagen golf family. motor trend's 2015 "cars" of the year. with t-mobile and iphone 6 you can make wi-fi calls beyond the reach of cellular networks. hey brandon what's up? so you can talk from down here. smile for grandma! or text pictures from up here. ok, there we go, should we send a photo? you can even make calls, way over here. talk and text over wi-fi, with wi-fi calling on iphone 6. only from t-mobile. now get iphone 6 for $0 down. w...who has done somethingear.. .special. give them the gift for those who fly beyond. mmm... all this crispy cand just a buck 29! a buck 29? clear my calendar. i got a deal to close. just a buck 29 for wendy's monterey ranch crispy chicken. our creamy ranch sauce meets crispy chicken and monterey jack cheese. ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. ( cheers and applause ). >> stephen: thanks very much. welcome back everybody my guest tonight has claws like spears. a tail like a thunder back in a moment, wings like a hurricane, and breath like death, please welcome the last great fire drake of the third age, smaug! ( cheers and applause ) now, smaug, where's the dragon? smaug, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) i want you to know they am not intimidated by you, even though you have a reputation as a tough interview because you often eat the host. >> i eat a lot of things, stephen. but you needn't worry. you're my last interview of the day. i've already filled up on the few. >> stephen: well, that's good to know. now, smaug the impenetrable, thank you for being here. it's an honor. >> yes. i imagine it is. ( laughter ). >> stephen: now, i think you and i have a lot in common. we both live in gated communities and we're both fiscal conservatives who sleep on giant piles of money. >> quite right! time to return to the gold standard. rand paul, 2016! yeah! get in, rand! >> stephen: now, i like your style, but not everybody does. >> really? >> stephen: no. so let's go over your resume. you're centuries old. >> correct. >> stephen: you destroyed dale. >> correct. >> stephen: you captured the dwarf kingdom and all its treasures. all very impressive. >> thank you. >> stephen: yet, in this movie you come offaise bad guy. why that? >> it's typical liberal hollywood bias. it's hard for conservatives to get good roles in this town. that's why kelsey grammar and i are always up for the same part. >> stephen: okay, but-- over here, big guy. don't eat the audience. come oover here. look, you're not playing the dragon card here, are you, smaug, because not all dragons get bad press. >> stephen, i'm not asking for sympathy, but i am talking about real dragons, not the lizards of can the game of thrones." god, it disuftz me. >> stephen: okay, what about toothless from "how to train your dragon." he's the hero. >> no, he's not a hero. he is a captive who allows himself to be ridden by filthy children. more like bull. i am an old-school, keeping it real, " why o, doing what dragn do. boom. i'm the original radar. i invented the hostile takeover. i take your treasure. i drink your milk shake. >> stephen: okay. i get your point. stay with me. stay with me. come on. now, listen what about looking out for the little guy. >> stephen: did you or did not not try to kill bill bo? >> stephen what, would do you if someone broke into your house wearing a hoodie. i was standing my ground. do you have a problem with that? >> stephen: no, no, no. no, i don't. let's talk about the new film "the battle of the five armies." tell me, does it stay true to the book? >> i actually haven't read the obamacare so don't spoil it, please. >> stephen: oh, really? well, then, i think the ending is going to get you right here. and i think we have a clip. do we need to set this up? >> what are you talking about? no, i don't like this. i don't know what they sent. this is always so embarrassing. i'm blushing. i can turn my head away without killing anyone? >> stephen: jimmy? ♪ ♪ ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: wow. that looked dangerous. do you do your own stunts? >> yes. but most of it is c.g.i. i think we have a photo from the set somewhere. do we? to show the audience. >> stephen: jim. >> motion capture can be so genius. i spent most of the movie reciting lines to a tennis ball on a stick. and i'm not even talking about orlando bloom. >> stephen: okay, enough. can we talk about the real smaug? >> it's smoug? >> stephen: smauk. >> smoug. >> stephen: smauk. >> i don't hear the difference. >> just call me dude. >> stephen: dude, you've been called a most specially greedy strong and wicked worm. how does that make you feel? >> pretty excited in a wormy kind of way. who was it who said that? was it peter jackson? did he say that? >> stephen: no, actually it was professor tolken. >> who? >> stephen: forget about it. look, we've got to go, but before we do, any upcoming projects? >> you know, i was offered on a role on "sherlock." i turned them down, of course. i mean, who wants to play second fiddle to that hack cumberbatch? >> stephen: well, martin freeman doesn't seem to mind. >> martin's cheap. he doesn't need much feeding, apparently. sweet, little martin. little, little, little man. >> stephen: yeah, but he got the better of you, though, didn't he? bilbo, he tricked you. >> no. >> stephen: you know, there's that moment in the second movie when you finish toying with him and you rear back. you're like how do you choose to die? >> that's not how i did it, but carry on. >> stephen: yes it was. and he pops on the ring and he disappears. and you're like "wha-what?" >> i see, stephen. did my people not tell you? >> stephen: tell me what? >> never laugh at a live dragon ( bleep ). >> never laugh at a live dragon ( bleep ). >> stephen: we'll be right quality.... uncompromising.... unchanging.... it's our golden rule. and apparently others agree. my at&t cell phone bill. in your hand? verizon bill? yeah. that's cool. nooo... how much are you spending per month? $110 bucks $120 bucks $260 what if sprint could cut your rate plan in half? and give you unlimited talk and text in the u.s., and match your data. goodbye verizon. i am done with at&t. don't miss the cut your bill in half event. bring us your verizon or at&t bill, turn in your old phone, and we'll cut your rate plan in half. visit us online or visit a sprit store today. only pizza hut's new menu takes flavor to the edge. get any one of our ten new crust flavors for free. like, toasted asiago crust... salted pretzel crust... or fiery red pepper crust, for free. order now and score two medium pizzas for $6.99 each. get it all at if every driver in the u.s. kept here's a qtheir car's you: tires properly inflated, how many gallons of fuel could america save each year? 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( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: well, that's it for the report, everybody. before we go, i want to thank smallsmaug and all his handlers, thank you. let's see-- benedict cumberbatch, peter jackson, fran walsh, philippa boyens, matt aitken, marvyn young, zoe saker-norrish, philip korsika, mat monro, alexander berson, sebastian bommersheim, douglas mchale, cody amos, jason lazaroff, simon baker, gerardo aguilera, chay johansson, max telfer, aaron gilman, alex burt, anthony mcindoe, ben folkman, carlos fraiha, carmelo leggiero, caz ting, daniel zettl, dave clayton, drew park, edwina ting, jerry kung, joseph king, julian legge, kevin estey, ludovic chailloleau, mark smith, matthew riordan, merlin maertz, mike clark, peter chen, simeon duncombe, victor huang, david farmer, brent burge, jason baker and matt lappin. ( cheers and applause ) i speak for everyone here at the report when i say, holy captioning sponsored by comedy central captioned by media access group at wgbh from comedy central's worldview headquarters in new york, this is "the daily show" with jon stewart! (cheers and applause) ♪ captioning sponsored by comedy central >> jon: hey! welcome to "the daily show"! my name is jon stewart. my guest tonight, wrestling star and all-around greatest guy in the world, mick foley with his movie, "i am santa". (cheers and applause) we'll be excited to talk to mick again. but first! ahhh! for the past 48 hours, america has been forced to ask itself some very difficult questions about the way we force other people to answer some difficult questions. (laughter) >>on

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