Stephen great analysis, and it proves this was a fair trial. As the bill of rights clearly states, the accused shall be tried by a jury of people who would have done. Who would have done the murder faster. But, folks, even though justice was served that did not stop some americans from rudely accepting it back to the kitchen, taking to the streets to protest socalled racial inequality. Knock it off because yes, america had racial inequality but by my latest calculations, its evidently. It is now a tie. [ cheers and applause ] stick with me. Stick with me. Heres how it breaks down. Obviously zimmermans acquittal is seen as a point for white people. ding . Then again, o. J. s acquittal was one for black people. ding . Obama, with two black points, one for each election ding, ding . And whites lose one point for joe biden. buzzer of course for the previous 43 white president s. [ cheers and applause ] for the previous 4 white president s, white people accumulated one point. ding now, jazz clearly a point for africanamericans. ding . But white people get a point for smooth jazz. ding now, crucial. In the civil war, white people get one point for winning the fight to end slavery. ding and another point for losing the fight to keep slavery. ding . [ cheers and applause ] evidently no points for black people in that one. Odd time to sit things out. Anyway, as you can see, as you can see, its even now. Okay . So we can just stop this whole racial thing here. White people, stop being so scared where of young black men. And young black men, stop being so scary. Okay. Take some personal responsibility for how white people feel around you. Okay. Lose the hoodies. Wear something nonthreatening. You know what . Start buying your clothes wherever Martin Lawrence and tyler perry shop. I mean, they look harmless. I mean, madea has only been to jail once. Folks, if this trial proves anything and im not sure it does because the prosecution certainly couldnt its that america. [ cheers and applause ] its that america has no patience for transgressors. We punish them harshly, those who break our state or federal laws go to jail while those who break our moral laws go into new york city politics. [ cheers and applause ] recently, i found one man who poses our countrys greatest threat. He is like al capone meets the unabomber stuffed inside voldemort and smothered in a creamy Charles Manson sauce. And tonight i do more than just bring him to justice. I bring him to basic cable. Jim . America is a great nation. Built on a foundation of sacred texts. But some people dont understand that. They demand we embrace their deviant lifestyle. Are you saying its perverted . Its not that way. Its something beyond your prejudiced point of view. This man wants to redefine traditional relationships. Im lynn harrell, and im a concert cellist. And lynn harrell is one of the people destroying america. How dare you. For years, concert kreflist lynn harrell has flown the globe. On a plane like that one right there. Thats a plane. London, paris, rome, new york, San Francisco, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And hes always joined by his lifetime companion. Mr. Cello harrell. And lynn harrell demands his partner, mr. Cello sit in a cabin seat. But one airline is fighting back. The most american airline, delta. Delta airlines kicked me out of their sky Miles Program. Tell them why, lynn. I have a cello. And they confiscated miles for my cello. And they punished me for having a cello. No, lynn, they punished you for opening a frequent flyer account for your cello. I deserved it. Delta noticed he was doing this, reached out to him and told him that this was against the rules. He should not do it anymore and he did. Gary left is the expert at frequent flyer miles. There are people who say im the expert at frequent flyer miles. People like this. As a scholar of sky miles, gary left believes in traditional membership. I think its beyond inappropriate to seta sky miles account in a cellos name because sky mile accounts are four human beings. So to get rid of harrell, delta did the only thing they could. No, but that is cool. My cos miles were confiscated. I was also confiscated of all lynn harrell miles myself because im the traveling companion. And i was never allowed to enroll in any kind of delta sky Miles Program in the future. And thats no laughing matter. Tell them why, gary. They kicked him out of the program. Hes no longer welcome. Because sky miles are a sacred union between one human and one airline. Try telling that to lynn harrell. I do not like that because i think of a concert cello of being like a fellow human being. I call it a name and i think its alive and living and communicates about deep feelings. Feelings he cant keep to himself. I fell in love with this large instrument. Its been the greatest gift that ive ever received. Oh, and he gives as much as he receives. I just romanticize the relationship that i have with this box. The voice is there in the instrument waiting to be awakened. I rub my hands over the strings and suddenly its alive. The cello has been my companion my entire life. Yes, his only companion. If you dont count his wife ellen. Once again gary left. Delta told him it was against the rules. It was against the rules. I mean. And i mean. Go ahead, gary. You got this. They told him it was against the rules. It was against the rules. Got it. Against the rules. And rules are meant to be followed. Even if sometimes its hard. And no one knows that better than gary. I start collecting miles in a serious way 16 years ago. Over 20 years ago i was traveling a good bit even to australia. Thats when he strayed from the program. Im embarrassed to admit that i let my miles expire. But gary has come around and now hes in a committed relationship with delta sky miles. Im passionate about it. I do it all the time. I love my miles. And that is love as delta intended, not lynn harrells unnatural manoncello miles account. But no surprise lynn sees himself and his cello fellow has the victims. I just want delta and all the airlines to treat each and every individual equally not just have lip service to it. But were still in the stages where theres drinking fountains for colored and theres drinking fountains for white only. Sometimes i feel as though im a little voice in the forest trying out but nobody is listening. Oh, were listening, lynn. Thats how we know that you are a person destroying america. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] stephen hey, welcome back, everybody. Thank you so much. You know, folks, though i was on vacation one of the few stories i paid attention to over my break was the tragic crash landing of asiana flight 214 at San Francisco international airport. Three people were killed and everyone affected by this has my deepest sympathies. But ill tell you who has none of my sympathy, the folks over at San Franciscos news leader. We have just learned the names of the four pilots who were on board the flight. They are captain sum ting wong, wi tu low, ho lee fuk, and bang ding ow. [ cheers and applause ] stephen well obviously thats a major fookup. And anchor tory campbell quickly apologized. Earlier in the newscast we gave some names of pilots involved in the Asiana Airlines crash. These names were not accurate despite an n. T. S. B. Official in washington confirming them late this morning. Stephen the n. T. S. B. Responded by saying that the official who confirmed it was a summer intern. Dammit. Timmy had two jobs get coffee and confirm the names of pilots in airline disasters. Folks, i dont care who confirmed these names. It is wrong i mean we too low . Bang ding ow . This is a korean airline. Those are chinese names. Thats racist. Okay. And if youre going to do a racist joke, at least get the ethnicity right. Like captain park ma plen tu sun or ha yu lan dis tang well, understandably, understandably, folks, understandably, Asiana Airlines is pissed and announced today that it will sue k. T. V. U. For broadcasting the names saying they damaged the airlines reputation. Yes, these joke names damaged asianas sterling reputation as a world leader in almost landing planes. And i will tell you another thing. I will tell you another thing. K. T. V. U. May be blaming this on the n. T. S. B. For confirming the names but they still havent explained who put those fake names into the script in the first place. Ill tell you who i blame. K. T. V. U. News director munchma quchi. Well be right [ cheers and applause ] stephen welcome back, everybody. My guest tonight as a book and a documentary called dirty wars. About americas Covert Military operations. Its an honor to be the last person to see him alive. Please welcome jeremy scahill. [ cheers and applause ] good to see you, sir. All right, sir, you are National Security correspondent for the nation magazine. Youre the author of dirty wars the world is a battlefield. You are also cowriter and producer of dirty wars the movie which blew up at sun dance this year. Okay. You say were in some declared some undeclared wars and that somehow is a bad thing. Okay. The world is a dangerous place, sir. You know that. If what we were doing was killing legitimate terrorists. Stephen which we are. No question. Stephen thank you for joining us. Okay. A lot of the actions though that are taking place around the world particularly in the undeclared wars but also in a secret war within afghanistan as concealed by the bigger war, were doing night raids, were killing a tremendous number of innocent civilians. Stephen what do you mean . I havent heard much about that. I was on the ground in yemen, afghanistan and somalia and i went to villages where one of the first strikes president obama authorized in yemen killed 46 people. 14 women and 21 children. Who was the target in that accident in the white house has not provided any information. We say if youre a military age male in a certain region of this country were going to kill you and later say you were a terrorist without ever providing any information that you were actually involved. They had information on these people. They just cant tell us. Thats not true. Stephen how do you know that . Theyre telling us that they have it. Wait. They say that they have it. But them cant tell us because then the enemy will know the means by which they got that information. So you have an undying faith in the obama administrations ability to tell the truth on these issues . Stephen no, no. I believe in our troops. This isnt about a troops. Stephen it is is about the troops. This is about analysts sitting in trailer in the southwest of the United States operating drones that are bombing pakistan and yemen. Stephen are you saying that an unmanned drone is not a troop . Is that what youre saying. They tried to make a medal for drone pilots and it was rescinded by the defense secretary. The troops disagree with your position that a drone is a troof. Stephen i guess i support more of the troops than the dros do. Okay. Wait a second here. So what is your answer . We find out that there is somebody in yemen we think is doing. Planning something nasty for us. Possible hostile intent. What do we do again . What are we supposed to do . Lets hear it. First of all we can indict them and demand their extradition. Stephen like a court. That used to be how we did it. Stephen theyre planning over there. Osama bin laden was indicted. Stephen with a bullet in his eye. Thats how he was indicted. Can we do that . Are you okay with the bin laden thing. The standard should be if someone is posing an imminent threat. Stephen they are capture is not feasible. What youre defending, stephen, is this grotesque form of precrime that you represent an imminent threat to the National Security of the United States. Stephen lets role play. A guy named, lets call it abdul. Hes in yemen. Hes not from there. Weve seen him meet with somebody before. Hes saying bad things about the United States. Hes encouraging people to attack us even if hes not coming himself. Whats. We indict him and then what happens . Wait a minute. Youre saying that someone is saying bad things about the United States. He was an american citizen. Stephen was. Now hes a vapor trial. President obama searched as judge, jury and executioner. Stephen you left out commander in chief. Hes also the commander in chief. If you fast forward to the Death Penalty without an indictment. If an american citizen is going to be executed on orders of a president the government has a burden to show evidence against him. Stephen you dont know that hes not a threat. They say hes an i am net threat. Only by edict. Stephen however you say it, i dont care what language you say it in, you just say it. It doesnt trouble you that the president of the United States is asserting the right to kill american citizens without any actual evidence for indicting them at all. Stephen im not on the list. How do you know. I mean, i watch this show. You could be on the list. Stephen is it hard to get on the list . Thats part of the thing. They meet every tuesday in these terror tuesday meetings. Stephen really terror tuesday . Do they serve talk owes . You get on the list and then can you get off the list. Only from a drone strike it seems. Stephen thank you so much. For joining me. I have to catch a cab. Jeremy scahill. The book is dirty [ cheers and applause ] ste from Comedy Centrals world news headquarters in new york, this is the daily show with jon stewart. Captioning sponsored by Comedy Central [cheering and applause] john welcome to the dail show. Welcome. I am john oliver. Jon Stewart Jon Stewart is still not here. Most of you are probably aware hes currently on a rug springer and he eel be back some time at the start of october. He loves roller coasters. Our guest tonight, the creator of the newsroom, aaron sorkin is here. The prince, the king. It is so great to be ban with you from our twoweek break. It was tough to be away, we were missog many fun things to cover, Kate Middleton about to give birth to the greatest baby in the history of civilization, born in the traditional manner, fighting their way out of her womb and cutting their own um bell d. L. Cord with a sword only they could wield. Last thursday Brian Kilmeade threw a basketball directly into a toddlers face. Wow. That is the worst day that Brian Kilmeade has had since the time they let him hug a rabbit and he squeezed it too hard. And then on friday, a San Francisco tv station got punked into reading these names as a korean flight crew. Captain sum chi wong, wee too low, ho lee fu k