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authenticity of this. opposition activists say at least 5 the people were kill add cross syria monday and another 12 were killed this tuesday. more than 50 world leaders gathered in seoul, south korea to discover nuclear weapons casting a shadow on the summit is north korea's plan to launch what it calls a peaceful satellite next month despite pressure, north korean state media says pyongyang will not abandon the launch. i'm monita rajpal. "world business today" starts right now. good morning from cnn london, i'm nina dos santos. >> and good afternoon from cnn hong kong, i'm andrew stevens. welcome to "world business today." the top stories this tuesday, march 27th. >> the u.s. signals support for the economy here to stay and investors are taken aback with a reason to buy. raising fuel prices and protesters are out in force. >> falling further from grace, former imf head dominique strauss-kahn is now being investigated over alleged links to prostitution. >> now, markets are rallying today despite the head of the u.s. central bank warning that the world's biggest economy is not as strong as it looks. federal reserve chief ben bernanke says robust jobs growth in recent months in the u.s. does not reflect the strength of the real economy. yet stock prices around the world are up sharply today. why? because investors are now betting that the u.s. central bank will once again step in to support the economy by pumping more cheap cash into the u.s. financial system. that is a move known as quantitative easing. the fed did it twice and even though bernanke gave no hint that he plans another round of q'ing investors are belting he will. stocks are rallying on his comments that the fed will continue its, quote, a accommodative policy because they can't be sure the u.s. jobs market will keep improving. it's strange, nina, when you have the head of the bank saying the economy is weak, we get this big pop in share prices around the world. >> yeah, and ali velshi has pointed out on "world business today" that ben bernanke is no strange story dousing these flames when they start moving and the markets get a little too optimistic he is often the first to caution, wait a minute, guy, let's have a look to see if there's more data to underpin this. let's look at the kind of optimism we're seeing on the economic markets. no guessing what bernanke has said or hasn't said that is moving them. we have a series of economic figures that came out in europe just yesterday. germany's biggest economy and coming out with an efo index of investor confidence that was better than people expected and that's been helping to lift markets particularly in germany but across the board it's still looking positive despite the fact that we've had some of these indices posting five consecutive days' worth of losses last week, some like the dax and cac 40, an excuse to buy. that's more or less what's happening. >> if you look at the markets in asia certainly getting a pop today, nina. got that positive number from wall street overnight. that was the follow-on through the asian markets today. to their highest level in six weeks. across the board except for the shank shy composite which tends to go its own way, the nikkei up 2.3%, big jump for japan. post tsunami high. the country's largest exporter sony closing up more than %, hong kong's hang seng index rose 1.0% and australia getting a boost of 0.9%. this is what happened to the u.s. markets and asia does tend to follow those movements closely. all three rallying on the bernanke suggestion. here's how the close was. the nasdaq 1.8, the dow 1.2, the s&p 1.4%. now, at another four-year high for the s&p. interesting, nina, what i was reading about, some of these comments, the point that bernanke did not explicitly talk about, qe3. a lot of angeliss are saying the markets may well be getting ahead of themselves so there could be pullback soon. >> there's been a lot of concerns, haven't there, over the course of the last year or so about moral hazard, andrew, when investors think because we've had one or two rounds of quantitative easing they're printing money so that money is worth less eventually when they have to pay that debt back. well, there's been a lot of argument that the markets are to a certain degree pricing in moral hazard and quantitative easing and a third round of that, not the first time we've seen one of these statements, andrew. it is difficult to know where to put your money to try to avoid the inflation bubble if people are still expecting governments like the united states to be printing more money. >> well, it's a good point. because if there is going to be a qe-3, it's implicit many acceptance that qe-1 and 2 have not worked so you get more money flushing around the system. what do you do when your money starts to lose money like that. we know what jim rogers would do? let's move on. thousands of demonstrators are taking to the streets in several indonesian cities this tuesday for another day of protest against a planned rise in fuel prices. opposition party supporters say anti-government chants from jakarta, protesters broke down a fence outside the country's parliament where a vote on the increase is expected to take place on thursday. around 22,000 security officers have been sent to control the rallies. protesters say that larger demonstration will take place ahead of the vote in two days' time. economists meanwhile, say slashing fuel subsidies will lower indonesia's deficit and free up funds to help the country's poor. infrastructure could also be dealt a boost by that money. many indonesians feel at least in the short term fuel price increase also take a toll on locals from all walks of life. account executive sissy torres' job requires driving to at least three clients a day. she spends just under $200 for gas every month. a 33% hike in fuel price, she says, will cut deep into her income. >> frankly, speaking i don't get gas allowance so it will affect that i can do my monthly cost for gas. but indirectly also there's going to be a price hike. >> reporter: indonesia has one of the cheapest fuel prices in the region. the government subsidizes almost 50% of its premium gas and diesel. in 2011 it spent $28 billion on fuel subsidy, rising global crude prices could increase that to 32 billion this year according to the world bank. >> they just spent 2.2% of gdp, the government did, on energy subsidy, sorry, on fuel subsidies and 1.5% on infrastructure and 1% of gdp on what we would call social assistance programs, okay, so there's an imbalance there that this move by -- this proposal by the government tries to correct. >> reporter: analysts say cutting subsidies which leads to a lower budget deficit will help their recent gains and say the money the country saves could be better spent on much needed infrastructure development and on education and health programs that benefit the poor. >> there's no doubt fuel subsidies help households but help the rich much more, okay. so that reason for trying to do -- for reducing fuel subsidies is try to find a better way of helping the bottom half of the population. >> reporter: but the price hike is expected to spike inflation by as much as 3 percentage points. economists say it will be temporary but hardest hit will be the millions of indonesians who live on less than $2 a day. in 2008, the last time indonesia hiked fuel price, the government gave cash handouts to about 19 million poor families. the government says similar social safety nets will again be put in place. but not all are convinced. labor and student groups threaten to stage large protests. until the government abandons its plans to cut subsidies. many doubt the government will use the money it saves on programs that will truly benefit the poor. >> translator: it depends on the government. the subsidies are corrupt the, it won't be effective. >> reporter: the challenge now is for indonesia to convince the public that higher prices at the pump will drive the country in the right direction. assad andrew stevens, cnn. now, certainly nina, this is not a dilemma unique to indonesia but same in india and china, facing this major problem, oil prices rise. petrol prices go up, what does the government do? do they bear the cost or pass it on to the consumer? you get unrest and a lot of discontent but keep the books balanced at the federal level which is so important. >> yes, some of these countries, one of the big producers of oil, we remember on "world business today" covering the strikes in nigeria when the country there tried to raise the cost of fuel and bring down those subsidies, they ended up having to backtrack. often what you see because the signs of social unrest are too significant but as you said, the oil price for the moment only seems to be going in one direction, it's a problem for governments worldwide. live from cnn hong con you're watching "world business today." coming up after the break. another scandal for dominique strauss-kahn, the former imf chief is facing serious charges of involvement in a prostitution ring. we'll bring you the latest after this. 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[ female announcer ] travelocity. get great deals on all kinds of beach vacations. welcome back. you're watching "world business today" live from london and hong kong. >> french prosecutors say the former head of the international monetary fund dominique strauss-kahn is facing charges of aggravated pimping. it follows a french racket and suspicions of regular involvement as a customer and also as a facilitator of this operation. it's just the latest in a series of scandals that have ruined dominique strauss-kahn's political career of late. for more on this let's go over to jim bittermann who can join us on the telephone or live from paris on the champs elise si. jim, remind us what the allegations involve. >> reporter: well, basically this is a prostitution ring which the police are investigating an hour north of paris investigating it for more -- almost a year since last april and towards the end of the summer, early fall last year, dominique strauss-kahn's name kept coming up and basically it kept coming up because he was a client and involved in parties, sex parties here in paris and also in washington where some of the prostitutes apparently were flown in. he says all along -- he says all along he didn't know these young women were prostitutes. but other people say otherwise including the eight other people who have been charged in this case. they are ready to implicate strauss-kahn as someone who was, in fact, in on the organizing of it. in terms of organizing a party, it becomes pimping and that is what the investigators are saying he is guilty of. of course, his lawyer says he's not guilty. here's the way he put it. >> translator: mr. dominique strauss-kahn has today been formally placed under investigation for pimping. he declares in the strongest terms he is not guilty of any of these acts and particularly that he was never aware of the fact that some women he encountered might have been prostitutes. something which mr. pardonkowski has confirmed after being detained for four months. mr. strauss-kahn could not have known about the details of these women's remunerations. >> reporter: being placed under investigation is not the same as being charged but it's one step below that and usually follows that if you're placed under investigation you are eventually charged and then a court date set near. >> jim, obviously following what happened in new york in may of last year when he lost his job as the head of the imf or indeed had to resign on the back of allegations of sexual misconduct yet again, this is going to leave his political career in tatters. any chance he could recover a couple of years from here on? >> reporter: i have my doubts, nina. he is in such disrepute and from this charge he could be sent away to prison for 20 years if he's found guilty of this charge and he could also -- have to pay a 3 million fine so i think his political career is pretty much in tatters at this point. he's out on bail right now, 100,000 euro bail. he cannot talk to any of the other people in the case and he can't talk to the press, so we're not going to find anything out about his real thoughts at this point, but it's hard to imagine that he would ever be able to get back into french politics again, nina. >> okay, jim bittermann joining us there live from the champs elise in paris. >> certainly an extraordinary fall. hundreds of flights are cancelled in germany. we've got the latest on a public sector strike when we come back and we'll take you to the break with a check on what's happening in the currency markets. not a lot of movement this tuesday, certainly a bit of movement after ben bernanke spoke and the dollar weakened. currently though seems to be holding around these levels, euro, 1.33. virtually flat against the dollar, the pound about the game. the yen up 82.75 coming off -- almost 84 last week and that's been what's obviously closely by japanese exporters. what makes the sleep number store different? the sleep number bed. the magic of this bed is that you're sleeping on something that conforms to your individual shape. wow! that feels really good. it's hugging my body. in less than a minute i can get more support. if you change your mind once you get home you can adjust it. so whatever you feel like, the sleep number bed's going to provide it for you. at our semi-annual sleep sale, save $400 to $700 on our most popular bed sets. sale ends march 31st. only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699. on december 21st, polar shifts will reverse the earth's gravitational pull and hurtle us all into space, which would render retirement planning unnecessary. but say the sun rises on december 22nd and you still need to retire, td ameritrade's investment consultants can help you build a plan that fits your life. we'll even throw in up to $600 when you open a new account or roll over an old 401(k). so who's in control now, mayans? a beautiful day here in hong kong. welcome back. you're watching "world business today" live from hong kong and london. >> hundreds of flights have been canceled in germany after workers walked off the job in a pay dispute. the union says 95% of employees are currently on strike at frankfurt airport. lufthansa is among the airlines most affected canceling 400 of its scheduled flights today, however a spokesman did tell cnn passengers can reschedule free of charge or otherwise transfer tickets for railway vouchers. pay discussions are set to resume wednesday. first european crops suffered damage by winter freezes and now the threat is the ever worsening drought. let's go to ivan cabrera at the cnn center with more details on that. ivan? >> yes, we need the rain obviously right to help the crop situation out here and also the cold temperatures did not help at all. let's break down what has been happening here across europe. can't catch a break, first the freeze that you probably don't even remember now. it's just been so warm in western europe over the last few weeks but we did have a winter and it was cold in february. in fact, it was so cold it killed 5 million tons of winter wheat if you recall. now we're talking about not the cold, it's warm but now we don't have rain and we haven't had rain in a very long time here. we continue to see the drought worsening for the region. i will leave you with this, late spring rains, we'll be talking about that hopefully into april and may. summer too late, forget about it so hoping for april and may and i'll tell you why. i don't think it's going to range until then. drought increasing here talking about portions of northern italy, france has been impacted. spain, england, as well and, well, where's the rain? it's coming from the atlantic, as it usually does but it's taking a trip to the north and then around because of this big dome of high pressure here and atmospheric traffic jam, if you will and these weather patterns will continue to or these weather systems will continue to move around that high and east bypassing the areas that need the rainfall here so we're going to continue to see very mild temperatures which everyone, of course, loves that, spring is here but the farmers particularly the wheat farmers here are in trouble and we are going to hope for this pattern, well, this pattern will break but we'll hope for some april and may rains to come in and save the crop by the time we get into those couple of months, otherwise, we are going to be done. it's going to be abysmal because by the time we get into summer it's too hot and too late. andrew, we'll hope for some rain here soon but i know you have been enjoying fantastic weather in london and you in hong kong, as well. >> no, the weather has been great but back to that story about the drought in europe, obviously that's going to affect food prices as well, ivan. it just goes on and on. thanks very much for that, ivan cabrera at the cnn weather center. nina. >> andrew, russian bankers currently in critical condition in a london hospital. the investigation into a shooting may lead back to moscow. full details when we return. from cnn hong kong, i'm andrew stevens. >> and i'm nina dos santos at cnn london. welcome back. you're watching "world business today." 90 minutes into today's trading session. a look at how the european markets are faring. second day of optimism on these markets and as you can see, many of them up to the tune of 0.8% or 0.7%. a lot follows xhiptss made by the u.s. federal reserve chief ben bernanke saying supporting monetary policies and low interest rates will continue for the next couple of years. when we zone in on the london ftse, one stock has been benefiting. world bank of scotland gaining more than 6% on the back of reports that the uk government now sell up to a third of the lender to ab du dhabi. it is heavily skewed towards the banking stocks but really it is the eurozone markets doing the best today. >> funny you should in emption that. hsbc getting a big pop today. up almost 5% a big move considering it's such a big stock on the hang kenge, on the back of comments by angela merkel talking about a new willingness to support the -- any other moves to tackle european debt problems. so the banks getting a boost here, the hong kong hang seng closing up 1.8%. it was all about the nikkei, up 2.4%, 10255. the country's largest exporter, sony, leading the way up by more than 3%. >> andrew, when it comes to the united states markets all three major indices on wall street rallied by more than 1% on the back of ben bernanke's speech. the dow saw its biggest gains in nearly three months. here's felicia taylor with a full wrap of the action on wall street. >> reporter: a rally to kick off the new week. the dow recorded its second biggest gain following a speech by ben bernanke. the fed chief said recent jobs data has been positive but it's still out of sync with the modest growth. investors pleased since that implies the bank will continue to hold interest rates low and keep the door open for further quantitative easing. at the close the dow surged 160 points to 13,241 recouping all of the 150-point loss the blue chips suffered last week. the nasdaq gained 1.75%. health care and pharmaceutical shares rose. pfizer, eli lilly and tenet gained as they began the consideration of president obama's health care bill. lionsgate shares gained. "the hunger games" had its opening. that surpasses estimates for sales of 70 to 90 million by a long shot. lionsgate has grown more than 75%. home builder linar and walgreens will report earnings. that's a wrap of the day on wall street. i'm felicia taylor. >> a mystery story coming out of china. the united kingdom is investigating the death of a businessman. neil haywood was reported to have died of excessive alcohol intake after he was found in a hotel room. he was subsequently cremated without an autopsy. the questions have been raised about the official findings. with friends quoting as saying that he was not a heavy drinker. and now seeing reports in western media his death could be linked to a political scandal centered on chongqing. the provincial leader and rising star of the communist party was removed from his post in mysterious circumstances earlier. in february, the one time police chief appeared at the u.s. consulate after a following out with his former boss in cho. "the wall street journal" is reporting that neil haywood's death was part of the reasons for their parting of waist. cnn has been unable to confirm this with any of the parties involved. nina? >> andrew, let's turn our attention to the shooting of a russian banker. police are still trying to work out who repeatedly shot 45-year-old german gorbuntsov on the streets of east london in the area of canary whatever. atika schubert explains the attempted fallout of this could hold the key. >> reporter: so this is where it happened at around 7:30 last tuesday evening. german gorbuntsov stepped out of a cab and was about to enter this apartment building when the gunman attacked him. now, he was shot at least four times and witnesses have described this gunman as being tall, slim, wearing a hoodie and by some accounts carrying a s weapon -- he was critically injured and barely escaped with his life. the gunman, however, still at large. he escaped down that road running off and police are still searching for him looking for any witnesses who might be able to identify him. now, german gorbuntsov remains in critical but stable condition at an undisclosed hospital under armed guard. who could have been behind the shooting and what could have been the motivation? gorbuntsov has been part of a number of bank deals gone bad not to mention the attempted assassination of his former business partner in moscow. in fact, it was a shooting that gorbuntsov had just provided testimony for. so there are plenty of possibilities and motivations there but whatever criminal elements gorbuntsov was running from in russia have made it clear he's not safe on the streets of london either. atika schubert, cnn, london. >> now, money is flying out of afghanistan and much of it is in suitcases. we'll look at why the governor is struggling to keep billions at home just ahead. whwheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! whwheeee! ! whwheeee!! whwheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ahah h heaeadsds u up. whwheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! evevererytythihingng y youou l , nonow w momobibilele.. dodownwnloloadad t thehe n nep totodaday.y. watching "world business today" today on cnn. outside the highest court in the united states there were protests and speeches. and that's not an unusual scene by itself but inside one of the most important legal challenges of this generation is getting under way. the primary question before the court, should the federal government be able to mandate that every citizen sign up for health care plan by 2014? kate bolduan tells us the justices first had to hear another challenge. >> reporter: more than 100 people lined up very early to get the very limited seats allotted for the public at the supreme court. big names in the obama administration like attorney general eric holder were also in the courtroom along with members of congress. this, the kickoff to the landmark supreme court argument though the first day of oral arguments was somewhat of a dress rehearsal to the main event, pretty dry and pretty legally dense. the justices were looking at the gateway issue we like to call it. should they even be hearing the case now since the major provisions don't go into effect until 2014, the requirement that nearly all americans have health insurance by 2014 or pay a penalty. the issue potentially delaying the legal challenges by years, lower courts brought up this question in relation to a 19th century tax law so the justices felt obligated to address it even though they signaled in the courtroom that they don't -- they didn't think much of the argument. here's justices breyer and justice scalia. a majority agreed on. >> congress nowhere used the word tax. what it says is penalty, moreover, this is not in the internal revenue code but for purposes of collection. and so why is this a tax? and i know you point to certain sentences that talk about taxes within the code and this is not attached to a tax. it is attached to a health care requirement. >> if it's not jurisdictional what's going to happen is you're going to have an intelligent federal court deciding whether you're going to make an exception. and there will be no parade because all federal courts are intelligent so -- it seems to me it's a question you can't answer. >> pretty dense stuff but all eyes turn to day two, two hours of arguments on the central issue of this battle. is it constitutional? that's the question. stay tuned. kate bolduan, cnn, washington. confidence in the afghan economy is deteriorating and the wealthy are getting their money out of the country fast. we know $4.6 billion left kabul just last year. that's almost the equivalent of the entire state budget. the government thinks that the same amount again may have left the country unrecorded. here's sara sidner. >> reporter: this is commerce in kabul, afghanistan. where money sits in piles on the streets to be bought and sold in the open air. but all the money changing before your eyes here isn't a drop in the bucket compared to all the cash being siphoned out of the country in suitcases. >> it's hard to exactly estimate how much is going out of afghanistan. but i can tell you that in 2011, 4.5 billion was out of afghanistan. >> reporter: and that's just the money being lugged out of kabul airport. it's estimated $8 billion in cash is brought out of this country every year. that is almost double the entire country's budget for last year. the government is making a move to try and stop the outflow of money to other countries and encourage investment here. so it's capped the amount of cash that can be taken out of afghanistan to $20,000. >> it's not an easy job. definitely there is a challenge and people will try, you know, to use other channels but we will not let anybody take out the physical cash from afghanistan. >> reporter: developer haji hopes the plan works. he and his family have made a huge investment constructing large self-contained communities complete with mosques, schools and markets. each apartment sells for $70,000 and up. and the projects have created dozens of jobs for people like abdul-wahad who has 13 family members to provide for. >> translator: it's hard to find work and to find good work. >> reporter: he wants others to help build up the country instead of storing their cash in already posh dubai. but he also understands why people have moved out large sums of cash. there's a looming fear that when nato forces leave, so will any semblance of security. both physical and economic. "we are only worried about security, that it doesn't get any worse. we want a stable system here in afghanistan after foreign troops withdraw. we worry about this and nothing else," he says. the ten-year war has brought heartache but also more stability. foreign aid is propping up afghanistan's economy. question on every potential investor's mind is, will afghanistan be able to sustain itself when the war is finally over? sara sidner, cnn, kabul, afghanistan. >> as sara mentioned in that report, the amount is roughly double the country's budget and the government has its work cut out not just to limit the cash crossing border but to reduce temptation for people to take it elsewhere. john defterios caught up with the governor who you saw in that report and he began by asking what's being done to stop what's become a vicious circle of economic exodus and domestic poverty? >> this is one of the reasons we have stopped further physical cash transfer from afghanistan and the reasons are very clear on that, we would like our own sector to develop. we would like to build the country and economy of afghanistan and it's part of the afghan laws, the 20,000 that are equivalent that somebody can take from afghanistan. however, this -- the new policy will help the banking sector to develop and it will help the economy to develop and people will definitely trust on the sector and on the economy of afghanistan. on the other hand, it will also help the investor who has invested in the banking sector and in other sectors to generate the profits, to generate the deposits and as well as the bank will -- the bank will be able to balance their liquidity positions in the bank so this was the reasons that we wanted all this cash be channelized to the banking sector. but we will have not stopped the transfer of the money from afghanistan as long as you declare and you determine the origin of the funds. the only policy, the now policy has to go through the banking sector of afghanistan and this was the reason that we stopped the further physical cash transfer were not be taken from afghanistan. >> live from cnn hong kong in london, this is "world business today." coming up after the break, it may be an old american favorite, but bourbon liquor is now catching on in the developing world. we'll hear from the head of a top u.s. spiritmaker in just a moment's time. the next generation of investing technology is now within your grasp with the all-new e-trade 360 investing dashboard. e-trade 360 is the world's first investing homepage that shows you where all your investments are and what they're doing with free streaming quotes, news, analysis and even your trade ticket. everything exactly the way you want it, all on one page. transform your investing with the all-new e-trade 360 investing dashboard. [ male announcer ] brake problems? stop in to meineke today for a free brake inspection and you'll say... my money. my choice. my meineke. welcome back live from cnn in hong kong and london this is "world business today." >> spirits are high in many emerging markets and profits on spirits there are also high, as well. the maker of jim beam, a kentucky straight bourbon says india and china are developing altace for american alcoholic drinks. this is a company that goes back seven generations, poppy harlow spoke with the ceo of beam incorporated. ♪ >> reporter: where are you selling the most jim beam products right now? >> our heartland market is the u.s. and that's the foundation of our business but what's exciting about bourbon it's an american success story. we're america's largest spirits company and bourbon is our cornerstone business. over half of our sales go to markets around the world. the emerging markets is where i see growth happening. in india we have the leading scotch in india it's called teacher's. consumers are moving from international spirits and scotch is their entry point. i'm certain in the next ten years their palate will play well into bourbon. >> reporter: why are exports surging of bourbon out of this country elsewhere. >> i think it's two jean reasons, first, people are interested in america and are interested in american whiskey. what better way to fill your aspirations than through an american spirit. >> reporter: the numbers have been strong. any company would be happy to be in your position in terms of the growth. what could stall that? what could stand in the way of this? >> i think we certainly continue to look at the global economy and we certainly look at markets such at western europe. that's still a tough environment and have businesses there and continue to mine that. certainly we look at the macro economic conditions but at the end of the day we do think our destiny is in our hands. if we keep investing, we stay focused and keep our people energized. we have colleagues who believe in this business. if we keep focusing on that, we'll be good. >> reporter: have you seen a drop-o drop-offs. >> spain is down at the moment. that's tough with the unemployment and challenges, however, if you go further east to germany, the number three market for bourbon our sales there are doing well. the bourbon market was up 12%. the further east you go from central europe to russia our business is doing well. we have a balanced portfolio which we can play to. i pour a little in a glass there. >> reporter: the growing middle class in china, in india, how much does that play into premium brands selling better overseas? is that a big driver. >> yes, it is. it is an important driver. as the consumers in markets like india and china emerge and as their income grows they will convert from their local spirits to international spirits. we see it going forward 25% of your growth coming from the emerging markets. very important part of our business. >> the due bay art fair just wrapped up for another year. it was a showcase for contemporary artwork as much as $45 million. we have more. ♪ >> reporter: art has often served as an alternative investment for those looking to avoid the turbulence of the global stock markets. in art dubai the art fair gives collectors from all over the world an opportunity for big buys. this man is one such art lover. he dabbled in graphic design himself, works in visual media and now looking to expand his own art collection. >> i refer to myself as a baby collector. i like collecting some art. it became a little bit of a habit just to keep collecting prettier and prettier things or at least interesting things. ♪ >> reporter: you're going to show me the very first piece of art you bought. >> i can't remember exactly if i bought them both for $50 or each for $00. it was about like $8,000 and that was about maybe 4. >> reporter: today wael is hoping to find a new piece of art within his budget. >> i want to spend around $10,000 maybe but i have a leeway of, okay, if, you know, i can afford going up to like maybe 15 maximum. ♪ >> reporter: with that it's off to the fair. so we're at a special preview for buyers, patrons, collectors of art due by which wael is one of them. you're looking very business i. >> i do a preselection and mark then down in a different ones and then i create the floor plan. >> reporter: he has over two hours until the preview closes. he is determined to make it through all 75 galleries. >> nice to meet you. >> wael. >> this is 2010 before the spring -- >> reporter: the second gallery. >> yes. ♪ >> reporter: trudging through thousands of visitors he makes his way through thousands of artworks. after two hours of examining, viewing, mingling and contemplating, success. he's found something. is this it? >> it's exquisite. >> reporter: tell me were it. >> it's basically -- >> reporter: first of all, how much are you spending? >> $80,000. >> reporter: can i tell them? >> fine. $18,000. your budget was so. >> 10 and the other was 15. 14 so this is -- >> reporter: okay. >> i'll be thin again. no longer food. we'll do art for food. >> reporter: what's it called? >> three-part flair. >> reporter: congratulations. >> thank you. >> afraid to say it looks a little bit like a radiator to me. there you have it. not quite sure whether i have the eye or not. that's it for this edition of "world business today." i'm nina dos santos in london. >> if you spent two hours looking at that many artworks, it must be pretty confusing. at least that was quite easy to discern what it was supposed to be. probably was a radiator. i'm andrew stevens in hong kong. we'll be back in a couple of hour, a few hours in fact. maggie lake will join us with the opening bell. make sure you join us then.

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People , South Korea , World Leaders , Kill Add Cross Syria Monday , Seoul , 50 , 12 , 5 , Plan , Pressure , Weapons , Summit , State Media , Shadow , Satellite , North Korean , Pyongyang , World Business Today , Cnn London , Launch , Monita Rajpal , U S , Cnn , Andrew Stevens , Nina Dos Santos In London , Hong Kong , Stories , Signals , March 27th , Tuesday March 27th , 27 , Dominique Strauss Kahn , Investors , Economy Of Afghanistan , Fuel Prices , Reason , Protesters , Force , Grace , Aback , Imf , Markets , World , Head , Prostitution , Central Bank , Links , Warning , Ben Bernanke , Jobs Growth , Stock Prices , Strength , Federal Reserve , Cash , Move , Financial System , Quantitative Easing , Comments , Ground , Stocks , Hint , Bank , Quote , Share Prices , Jobs Market , Big Pop , Its , Story , Little , Ali Velshi , Optimism , Look , Data , Kind , Guy , Caution , Hasn T , Germany , Series , Economy , Figures , Western Europe , Guessing , Efo Index , Investor Confidence , Fact , Some , Board , Indices , Positive , Losses , Five , Number , Pop , Excuse , Asia , Cac 40 , Dax , 40 , Level , Follow On , Composite , Wall Street , Six , Country , Way , Sony , Tsunami , Hang Seng Index , Japan , 2 3 , Boost , Movements , Rallying , Australia , 1 0 , Three , 0 9 , Close , Thigh , S P 1 4 , Dow 1 2 , S P , Bernanke Suggestion , Nasdaq 1 8 , 1 8 , Four , 1 2 , 1 4 , Point , Lot , Pullback , Angeliss , Qe3 , Course , Moral Hazard , Concerns , Haven T , Rounds , One , Two , Money , Argument , Printing Money , Degree Pricing , Time , Statements , Debt , Governments , Qe 3 , Inflation Bubble , 3 , System , Money Flushing , Jim Rogers , Acceptance , Let S Move On , Qe 1 , 1 , 2 , Streets , Thousands , Protest , Chants , Rise , Demonstrators , Cities , Opposition Party , Jakarta , Supporters , Place , Increase , Vote , Parliament , Demonstration , Rallies , Fence , Security Officers , 22000 , Fuel Subsidies , Funds , Poor , Infrastructure , Economists , Deficit , Indonesia , Indonesians , Fuel Price , Sissy Torres , Job , Toll , Locals , Walks Of Life , 200 , 00 , Income , Gas , Don T Get Gas Allowance , 33 , Reporter , Government , Cost , Price Hike , Region , Prices , Fuel Subsidy , Diesel , 8 Billion , 32 Billion , 28 Billion , 2011 , Gdp , Energy Subsidy , World Bank , 1 5 , Subsidies , Programs , Imbalance , Analysts , Assistance , Proposal , Gains , Budget Deficit , Health , Infrastructure Development , Education , No Doubt , More , Half , Households , Population , Points , Hit , Inflation , Millions , 2008 , , Families , Cash Handouts , Nets , Safety , 19 Million , Wall , Protests , Plans , Doubt , Labor , Student Groups , Translator , Challenge , Public , Pump , Problem , India , China , Oil Prices , Dilemma , Direction , Petrol Prices , Consumer , Discontent , Books , Countries , Fuel , Yes , Soil , Producers , Strikes , Nigeria , Break , Oil Price , Backtrack , Unrest , Signs , One Direction , Cnn Hong Con , Prostitution Ring , Scandal , Involvement , Announcer , Charges , Kid , Crowd , Sneeze , Allergies , It , Zyrtec , Hair , Claritin , Powerful Allergy Relief , Try Zyrtec , Deals , Kinds , Beach Vacations , Dig It , Come On , Travelocity , French , Prosecutors , Pimping , Latest , Scandals , Facilitator , Customer , Suspicions , Operation , Racket , Career , Paris , Telephone , Jim Bittermann , Champs , Let S Go Over , Elise Si , Allegations , Police , Summer , Sex Parties , Parties , Name , Client , Washington , Prostitutes , Women , Eight , Case , Someone , Organizing , Terms , Communist Party , Investigators , Lawyer , Investigation , Many , Facts , Something , Details , Pardonkowski , Step , Women S Remunerations , Court Date Set , Back , Sexual Misconduct , In May , New York , Charge , Couple , Chance , Tatters , I Have My Doubts , Prison , Disrepute , 20 , Fine , Euro Bail , 100000 Euro , 3 Million , 100000 , Politics , Anything , Press , Thoughts , Champs Elise , Flights , Strike , Hundreds , Public Sector , Bit , Movement , Dollar , Currency Markets , Euro , Levels , Check , 1 33 , Game , Exporters , Pound , Japanese , 84 , 82 75 , Sleep Number , Mind , Support , Sleep Number Bed , Bed , Magic , Shape , Body , Store , Mattresses , Bed Sets , Queen , Sleep Sale , Sale Ends March 31st , 99 , 31 , 700 , 699 , 400 , March 31st , On December 21st , Retirement Planning , Space , Shifts , Pull , Earth , Sun Rises On December 22nd , 22 , 21 , December 22nd , December 21st , Investment Consultants , Account , Life , Td Ameritrade , Mayans , 600 , 401 , Workers , Pay Dispute , Employees , Union , 95 , Lufthansa , Airlines , Passengers , Spokesman , Frankfurt Airport , Drought , Pay Discussions , Threat , Tickets , Winter Freezes , First European , Railway Vouchers , Damage , Rain , Temperatures , Let S Go , Crop , Situation , Ivan , Cnn Center , Ivan Cabrera , Winter , Freeze , Winter Wheat , Cold , 5 Million , Spring Rains , May , Spain , Trip , Portions , North , Northern Italy , England , Atlantic , Weather Patterns , Weather Systems , High Pressure , Areas , Dome , Traffic Jam , Spring , Pattern , Rainfall , Everyone , Farmers , Wheat Farmers , Trouble , Trains , Weather , Condition , Bankers , Food Prices , Thanks , On And , Weather Center , Russian , London Hospital , Shooting , Moscow , Tune , Trading Session , 90 , 0 8 , Interest Rates , Policies , Xhiptss , 0 7 , Reports , Stock , Third , World Bank Of Scotland , Ftse , Lender , Uk , Ab Du Dhabi , 6 , Hsbc , Banking Stocks , Big Pop Today , Funny , Emption , Moves , Willingness , Hang Kenge , Angela Merkel , Banks , Debt Problems , Nikkei , 2 4 , 10255 , Dow , Speech , Wrap , Chief , Rally , Action , Jobs Data , Gain , Felicia Taylor , Growth , Sync , Door , Health Care , Chips , Loss , Recouping , 150 , 1 75 , 13241 , 160 , Lionsgate , Pfizer , Consideration , Shares , Health Care Bill , Tenet , President Obama , Eli Lilly , Sales , Opening , Estimates , Shot , The Hunger Games , 70 , 90 Million , Earnings , Mystery Story , Walgreens , Home Builder Linar , 75 , Death , Neil Haywood , Businessman , Alcohol Intake , Questions , Drinker , Hotel Room , Autopsy , Findings , Friends , Western Media , Leader , Post , Circumstances , On Chongqing , Rising Star , Police Chief , Consulate , Boss , Cho , Reasons , Reporting , Part , Haywood , Parting , Waist , Wall Street Journal , Banker , German , Area , East London , Canary , Attention , 45 , Elements Gorbuntsov , Key , Cab , Fallout , Last Tuesday , Atika Schubert , 30 , 7 , Witnesses , Slim , Hoodie , Times , Accounts , Apartment Building , Gunman , Weapon , Road , Gorbuntsov , Hospital , Guard , Motivation , Business Partner , Assassination , Motivations , The Streets Of London , Testimony , Possibilities , Russia , Governor , Afghanistan , Suitcases , Billions , Whwheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee , Whwheeee , Whwheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee , Ahah H Heaeadsds , Nep Totodaday Y , Evevererytythihingng Y Youou L , Nonow W Momobibilele , Dodownwnloloadad T Thehe , Court , Scene , Speeches , Question , Challenges , Generation , Health Care Plan , Citizen , 2014 , Justices , Seats , Supreme Court , Kate Bolduan , Names , 100 , Courtroom , Arguments , Eric Holder , Members , Landmark Supreme Court , Administration , Kickoff , Dress Rehearsal , Congress , The Main Event , Issue , Provisions Don T Go Into Effect , Americans , Health Insurance , Gateway , Courts , Penalty , Relation , Tax Law , 19th Century , 19 , Majority , Justices Breyer , Justice Scalia , Tax , Collection , Internal Revenue Code , Word , Purposes , Code , Health Care Requirement , Taxes , Sentences , Intelligent Federal Court , Parade , Exception , Eyes , Stuff , Answer , Battle , Wealthy , State Budget , Confidence , Equivalent , 4 6 Billion , 6 Billion , Amount , Kabul , Sara Sidner , Piles , Isn T A Drop , Country Unrecorded , Bucket , Lugged Out Of Kabul Airport , 4 5 Billion , 6 Billion , Budget , Investment , Outflow , 20000 , 0000 , Channels , Communities , Works , Family , Anybody , Developer Haji , Family Members , Abdul Wahad , Jobs , Apartment , Mosques , Schools , Dozens , Projects , 13 , 70000 , Work , Others , Sums , Posh Dubai , Doesn T , Security , Nato , Fear , Worse , Semblance , Leave , War , Investor , Heartache , Troops , Nothing , Stability , Aid , Ten , Report , John Defterios , Temptation , Crossing Border , Cash Transfer , Exodus , Poverty , Vicious Circle , Sector , Laws , Policy , Banking Sector , Somebody , Profits , Sectors , Hand , Bank Will , Liquidity Positions , Deposits , Transfer , Origin , In London , Spiritmaker , Favorite , Grasp , Bourbon Liquor , Investing Technology , Investments , Investing , Homepage , Analysis , Trade Ticket , Quotes , News , E Trade , E Trade 360 Investing Dashboard , 360 , Everything , Page , Problems , Brake Inspection , Choice , Meineke , My Meineke , Spirits , Jim Beam , Company , Generations , Altace , Ceo , Maker , Beam Incorporated , Alcoholic Drinks , Kentucky , Poppy Harlow , Seven , Heartland Market , Products , Foundation , Business , Cornerstone Business , American Success Story , Consumers , Scotch , Entry Point , Growth Happening , Palate , Teacher S , Elsewhere , First , Exports , American Whiskey , Position , Numbers , Aspirations , American Spirit , Businesses , Conditions , Environment , Colleagues , Hands , Destiny , Drop O Offs , Unemployment , Portfolio , Bourbon Market , Market , Least , Central Europe , Driver , There , Glass , Class , Brands , Play , 25 , Art , Due Bay Art , Alternative Investment , Artwork , Showcase , 45 Million , Oman , Collectors , Stock Markets , All Over The World , Art Lover , Opportunity , Turbulence , Buys , Art Dubai The Fair , Art Collection , Baby Collector , Media , Graphic Design , Habit , Piece , Things , Prettier , Which Wael , 000 , 8000 , 0 , 4 , Fair , Maximum , Leeway Of , 15 , 10000 , Patrons , Mark , Preselection , Preview , Art Due , Floor Plan , Galleries , Ones , Nice , Gallery , 2010 , Artworks , Visitors , Trudging , Viewing , Mingling , Success , 80000 , Food , Mother , 10 , 18000 , 14 , Radiator , Congratulations , Flair , Eye , Eedition , To Moscow , U N Special Enjoy , Consent , Condemnation , Premier , Both , Authenticity , Prime Time , Coach , Exclusive , Bloodshed , Descent , Attack , Kofi Annan , Tiger Woods , Shirr Ya , H Ochoms , Opposition Activists , Bell , Maggie Lake ,

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