this weekend. two others were found dead in a burned home. prosecuteers say the group claims to have killed eight ethnic turks, one ethnic greek and a police officer between 2000 and 2007. the man tapped to be italy's prime minister is still in talks in developing a new government. monte says people may have to make sacrifices to help get italy out of its economic hole. he plans to stay in artist until 2013. eye way way has until wednesday to play a tax bill. he's been ordered to pay a full amount or they'll refer the case to the police, ai wei wei says it's politically motivated. i'm zain verjee. "world business today" starts right now. good morning from cnn london. i'm charles hodson. good afternoon from hong kong. you're watching "world business today." police are moving protesters out of new york's zuccotti park. australian prime minister wants to lift a ban on uranium imports to india. it may be economically sound, but it's also politically sensitive. and the world's richest man tells us why there's always opportunity in the midst of crisis. but first. >> the whole world is watching! the whole world is watching! the whole world is watching! >> you're looking at new video shot in new york just a short time ago. occupy wall street protesters began chanting at police and putting up resistance after officers moved in to evict them from zuccotti park in the middle of the night. a tweet the new york mayor michael bloomberg said the evacuation is only temporary and protesters can return after the park is cleared. the park has been a tent city since protesters moved in back in october. poppy harlow joins us live from the park. tell us what's going on. >> i've been here for about 2 1/2 hours. i got here at about 1:30 in the morning after getting a call from one of the protesters. the sentiment down here, it's not believed they will be allowed back in the park. they believe they won't be allowed back in. what you see to my right are a number of protesters, other people who woke up in the middle of the night or who came down to witness what was going on. what you see here to my left is a barricade and a number of new york city police officers here in full riot gear. this is the separation line. we're about a block and a half away from zuccotti park where the occupy wall street movement started in september. we have not been allowed past the police barricade. we've tried at a number of locations to get into the park for the last 2 1/2 hours. we have not been told why we're not allowed in the park. i spoke on the phone with a number of protesters in the park. some of them have locked arms together and have refused to leave. one told me a chemical substance, she doesn't know if it was teargas, she says a chemical substance was sprayed into the air. one protester says he was removed from the park, a police officer saying he has been here, ex-meive, far too long. we'll allow the protesters back into the partial. but there's growing anger. a number of the protesters were chanting in unison, we are the 99%, they were saying "our streets," they are saying "we are nonviolent" at one point singing "we shall over come." i haven't witnessed any violence whatsoever. that's a positive thing. no violence on the part of the police officers or protesters. it's about 4:00 a.m. in new york, as people try to come down here to wall street for work starting at about 5:00 and 6:00 a.m. right now for blocks and blocks close to the new york stock exchange it is completely barricaded. even the press cannot get through. >> poppy, thank you so much for that update. poppy harlow about a block and a half away from zuccotti park where the occupy wall street protesters are being removed at the moment. we'll stay on top of this story and get back to poppy as new details come up. charles. it's all about economic growth here in europe today. two key eurozone countries have just released positive third quarter gdp figures. we're still waiting for overall gdp. forecasts are for growth of .2% or something like that in the third quarter. in germany, gdp rose by 0.5% in the third quarter, continuing the strong growth we saw in that economy from the start of the year. and second quarter figures were meanwhile revised upwards by .2 percentage points to reflect growth of 0.3% in that period. in france, growth is back again. third quarter gdp rose 0.4% compared to a slight contraction in the previous quarter. largely in line with expectations. consumer spending and production of goods and services were all higher despite the positive numbers out of france and germany. here is how it's playing out on the markets. they're moving around. certainly the london ftse and xetra dax are off. a bit of a selloff going on in the eurozone, andrew. >> after pretty good numbers yesterday, charles, we've seen a pullback here in asia today, not surprising at all given there were those low numbers in the eurozone and also on wall street overnight. this is how the region's leading indices ended up. we've included india. i'll get to that in a moment. certainly the rise in bond yields suggesting there's still plenty of moves to watch in the eurozone before this finally settles down. you've got the nikkei down by about three-quarters, hong kong by about 4/5 or so. shanghai is flat. australia down by .5%. one stock defying gravity is king fisher airlines. it jumped more than 5% on monday. despite announcing today it lost twice as much money in the last quarter as the one before, it's still gained in trading today, up by almost 1%, even though some commentators are saying the airline is close to collapse. on the broader market, the sensex still down by more than 1%. charles? >> okay. in the united states investors had their eyes on europe. once again they didn't like what they saw. main indices were all lower by the close of trade. this followed losses on european market after the german chancellor ruled out major intervention by the german central bank. among the biggest losers on monday were financial stocks, bank of america was down by more than 2.5% after announcing a sale in most of the its stake in china construction bank. let's look at the overall figures for the three major indices. yesterday off by about .25%, nasdaq off maybe a fifth of a percent. actual li these are the futures i should make clear, andrew. >> absolutely charles. i think the dow down by about 2/3 of 1%. obviously still a few fierce out there. features still pointing down for another day. you're watching "world business today." coming up, mining for cash, australia's prime minister flagged a controversial plan to boost the country's economy. it could also help one of the world's growing nuclear powers to extend its reach. the details are next on cnn. if you've just signed up for medicare or will soon, there's no time like the present to consider all your health insurance options. does medicare alone meet your needs? would additional coverage be better for you? well, now is a good time to take a look at an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. get started by calling for your free information kit and guide to medicare. as you probably know, medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. a medicare supplement insurance plan helps cover some of it. that could save you up to thousands of dollars a year in out-of-pocket costs. and you can visit any doctor who accepts medicare patients. with medicare supplement insurance, you'll find a range of plans to choose from 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insurance plans, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. we look at how mining stocks performed on tuesday. the country's prime minister, julia gillard is hoping to lift a ban of uranium sales to india. shares in the country's biggest miners, bhp billiton, rio tinto and energy resources fell. different story for some of the smaller producers and explorers. they experienced gains of between 3% and 10%, andrew. >> this is an interesting development in australia, charles. for years the australian government has banned uranium sales to india because india refuses to sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty, the mpt. but on tuesday, australian prime minister julia gillard made it clear she wants to resume trading. australia already exports to places like japan and die want. ms. gillard says in the world's current situation, it makes sense to resume trades with india, both politically and india. >> we have a good relationship with india. it's the worldest largest democracy, a stable democracy. we have worked on our links with india. but as i have described to the australian people before, australia faces a unique set of opportunities in this, the asian century where we live in the right region of the world which will see strong economic growth and india as a riding giant will be part of that strong economic growth. >> certainly asia has been keeping the australian economy motoring along very happily over the past 15 years or so. india is very much part of that, already an important trading partner with australia. it's australia's biggest export market, about $15 billion of australian exports went into india last year. you can see why julia gillard wants to keep relations moving smoothly with india. >> indeed, and indeed with the united states, with the u.s. president arriving, of course, in the australian capital. what are the broader implications of what julia gillard is proposinproposing? >> this is an interesting one. the arrival of u.s. president barack obama into australia and this announcement by julia gillard, some are saying it's no coincidence that the announcement happened before australia. gillard says the timing is actually uncon nexted. to get the background on this you have to go back to 2005 when the united states signed its own civil nuclear agreement with india which allowed use for uranium in the indian nuclear energy industry. australia did support that agreement at the time but refused itself to lift its ban on sales. changing that decision would bring australia's policy in line with the u.s. it's a sensitive decision, obviously, given india does have nuclear capabilities. it certainly says it politically in australia because the greens which are a very important minority in the coalition government run by julia gillard, they're saying it will add to the nuclear arms race. it's a bit of a tightrope that julia gillard has to walk here, charles. >> indeed. of course, bearing in mind that mining extraction is one of australia's major industrial sectors. what's the impact, though, if this deal does go through? >> well, it's going to be obviously positive. any more mining sales to anywhere is going to be good for the australian economy. let's take a look at the numbers. australia is the third biggest supplier of uranium behind kazakhstan and canada. it holds the biggest reserves in the world. there are three operating mines so far. we saw the stocks of those companies, bhp billiton is working on expanding a massive dam project in australia. it has the potential of becoming the world's biggest uranium mine. in terms of numbers, uranium operators contribute more than $750 million to the australian economy. perhaps more importantly, though -- that's a big number, but not a huge number if you look at how it compares with other resources, but it also creates 4200 jobs. that's a win-win, if you like for the australian prime minister if she can bump up exports and jobs as well. she'll ask her own party, the australian labor party to back the reform. there's a national conference next month. interesting that even while julia gillard pushes to sell uranium to india, charles, she's also saying australia will not use nuclear power. it's got enough cheap alternatives, it doesn't need nuclear power. certainly no nuclear power in australia for the foreseeable future. >> i suppose that will certainly be good news as far as the greens are concerned. interesting stuff actually. now, switching back to this quarter of the globe, gadhafi is gone, but the effects of his decades of harsh rule remain as libya goes about the business of rebuilding its economy, we look at the challenging task of returning property to its rightful owners. let's take a quick look at what oil has been doing. that's how it's trading right now. looking at nymex crude down about a third of a dollar. $97.83. over the past few weeks, the cost of oil is up by about 20%. israel rachs up its rhetoric against iran. crude oil traders say the price could soar to actually $200 a barrel if israel goes ahead with a plan that is being rumored to attack iran's nuclear facilities. welcome back. you're watching "world business today" live on cnn. in libya, mean while, there's a lot of work for the new leaders including how they plan to compensate certain property owners. their homes and businesses were confiscated during moammar gadhafi's time in tower. tens of thousands of properties, in fact, since the 1970s. they're just beginning to sort out the details. >> reporter: halil musri had a dream. today his daughter tells us moammar gadhafi stole his dream. she says the regime seized almost everything her family-owned including her family's main source of income, this printing house. >> this is the first time i come after 40 years. i feel my father's hand in these machines. i fael my father's pain when he comes to this place and find another people take his printer press. >> reporter: many libyans, most of them well off lost much of their real estate in the late 1970s under law number four, a legislation based on gadhafi's green book. she says there was no mercy. she breaks down as she recalls her family suffering. >> the idea at the time was to take from the rich and give to the poor, but for a government like libya who has such enormous oil revenue, they did not have to do that really, but gadhafi did it. >> reporter: the confiscations by the regime were large scale. properties were given away, rented or sold at low prices. graffiti like this can be seen around tripoli, people claiming ownership spray paint the words "sacred property" on walls. they say the main problem now is that some people have lived in these properties for decades, and evicting them will not be easy. >> the government has to step in and say -- repair this damage through compensation or other means. libya is a rich country, and the government can take such burden. >> reporter: officials have said these claims will be resolved by the courts, but this is going to take time. a soon-to-be-formed transitional government have a long list of issues to deal with including this one. there are reports of people taking back property violently. >> this relates to the transitional period, and it is not a tough challenge at all because we are talking here about money, about, i don't know, maybe a few billion libyan dinars, and to buy, say, social justice and peace in society with a few billion is much, much cheaper than ignoring this problem. >> reporter: some revolutionary fighters say they are protecting some sites until these claims are settled. el hilam and her family are waiting for the courts. my father is not here to witness this, she says. i have dreams of him telling me heal my wounds. i don't want to kill or hurt anyone or send them to jail, i just want my rights, ond for the new free libya to give us back every penny that is rightfully ours. a new libya that will have to pay for the injustices of the past to ensure a better future. still ahead on "world business today," as governments squeeze their people with evermore drastic austerity cuts, we met a man who said they've got it wrong, the world's richest tycoon. he knows a thing or two about making money. he'll tell us what he thinks europe should be doing just ahead. with some of the most powerful yet easy-to-use trading tools on the planet all built to help you maximize the potential of every dollar you invest. successful investing isn't done by throwing ideas against the wall and hoping. it's done by lowering your costs and raising your expectations by using unbiased research and powerful screeners to build a diversified portfolio with stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and every etf sold. and we'll help you every step of the way. with 5-star research and free education covering everything from the basics to advanced investing strategies. start now and we'll give you up to $500 and let you trade free for 60 days. visit our website, call us, open an account. 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your screen now... for this free information kit, including this... medicare guide and customized rate quote. from cnn london, i'm charles hodson. i'm andrew stevens at cnn hong kong. welcome back. you're watching "world business today." we're continuing to follow developments out of new york's zuccotti park this hour. police have moved in. they moved in during the early hours of tuesday morning to begin clearing occupy wall street protesters from the park. many began chanting and putting up resistance. they've been using the park as their home base since september now. in a tweet the new york mayor michael bloomberg said the evacuation is only temporary and the protesters can return after the park is cleared. you're looking there at pictures, live pictures. this is not the park, but police have sealed off the streets around the park. we spoke to our poppy harlow about 30 minutes or so ago who said she could get to within about 1 1/2 blocks of the park. we can go back to poppy. she joins us on the line. poppy, tell us what have you been hearing from the people who were at the park at the time about the removal process, and what happens now? >> reporter: that's a very good question, andrew. i've spoken on the phone and in person with a number of the protesters that were in the park, some i spoke with on the phone were still there. they told me