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Hello, im wolf blitzer reporting from washington. Learning new details about the condition of the freed Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. We have the latest on the political firestorm over the deal that freed him. The possible now saying, bergdahl is showing signs of improvement. He said to be speaking in english, described as more engaged than his treatment. Previously, Senior Defense official said bergdahl was having trouble speaking english, the pentagon Spokesman Says hes not talked to his parents yet. Bergdahls being treated at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in germany, where he was taken after his release from captivity. No word when hell head off to a u. S. Military base in san antonio. President obama, meanwhile, offering an impassioned defense of the deal that freed Bowe Bergdahl. The agreement to release five taliban prisoners from the u. S. Military prison at Guantanamo Bay in cuba in exchange for bergdahl set off a political firestorm. A News Conference in brussels today, the president reiterated that he followed a basic principle, leave no soldier behind. He also talked about bergdahls parents who are caught up in the backlash. You have a couple of parents whose kid volunteered to fight in a distant land, who they hadnt seen in five years and werent sure whether theyd ever see again, and as command and chief of the United States armed forces i am responsible for those kids. And i got letters from parents who say, if you are in fact sending my child into war, make sure that that child is being taken care of, and i write too many letters to folks who unfortunately dont see their children again after fighting a war. I make absolutely no apologies for making sure that we get back a young man to his parents and that the American People understand that this is somebodys child. So will president obamas comment dozen anything to calm the furrer over the bergdahl deal . Joining us now to talk about the fallout, chief National Security correspondent jim sciutto, Time Magazine Washington Bureau chief, Michael Scherrer and cnns senior washington correspondent joe johns. Did the president make a convincing case . He made a firm case, unapologetic, impassioned case, saying these are he said in his words im responsible for those kids. They volunteer to go fight in foreign lands, we have a responsibility to them. But also taking a Military Point of view here, saying we leave no soldier behind, and this is a point thats been repeated in recent days by general stanley mcchrystal, commander in 20009, he said the same thing, forces go missing, we rescue them, you settle questions how they went missing after the fact and thats the president s position. New issue of Time Magazine, ill put the cover up on the screen, viewers can see it. A headline, simple headline, was it worth it . There it is right now. Youve got all of your reporters, a lnt lengthy analys. Was it worth it. We dont know yet. A number of people in the country and congress is skeptical. No ones disagreeing with the principle, we dont leave a soldier behind. The question, was the cost too high, freeing five taliban prisoners denied release before because of secret and top secret information about the possibility return to the battlefield and was the process appropriate, not telling congress, following the law, using a statement of the president 2007 during a campaign he wasnt going to use as a way of getting this done. Were they surprised, based on your reporting, Time Magazine reporting of the uproar that developed since saturday, out there the in the rose garden with the parents of Bowe Bergdahl making the announcement. Have they been surprised, taken aback. You can see it by the way they framed the initial rollout. One of the big problems the president s had is that they framed that event on saturday as a very clearcut were bringing a hero home, they had National Security adviser rice go out on sunday, say he basically he was a hero. The facts of his case, known in the white house and around town for years now, weve written about it years ago, are far more complex. This guys, its a complicated case, a lot of gray areas. By framing it as cut and dry lets rally around the hero story, i think they did some damage. Youve been on the hill getting reaction. Theres a lot of developmentses up there i want to play a clip, the president of the United States, talking about the failure to go ahead and do what the law stipulated, notify congress 30 days in advance before anyone is allowed to leave. Listen to this. We had discussed with congress the possibility that Something Like this might occur, but because of the nature of the folks that we were dealing with and the fragile nature of these negotiations, we felt it was important to go ahead and do what we did, and were now explaining to congress the details of how we move forward. So hows that playing on the hill . Its not playing real well, wolf, quite frankly. This issue has kind of been overshadowed by the National Security concerns, the five for one swap. But its still important because of what michael talked about, the process issue. And theres been a question of course whether the law was broken, and who got notified and when. So, we have harry reid, Senate Majority leader, actually one of the few people who said, he was actually, perhaps, notified beforehand, one day beforehand, which still would not have satisfied the law, but he was asked about that again today and listen to what he said. We all know that the president had a very short period of time to make a decision, he made a decision to bring him home and im glad he did because in my opinion, based on nothing that was in the classified briefing, in my opinion, every day he was there was a day closer to his dying. How come it seems youre the only one who got a heads up. Im not sure im the only one. Its a big deal over nothing. The whole deal, is it friday or saturday . What difference does it make . It does make a difference because if he was the only person in the loop, thats important. Hes a democrat of the president s party, and there are other leaders, even republican leaders, who could have been notified as well. It wouldnt have satisfied the legal requirement of 30 days, and thats part of the uproar on capitol hill. You know republicans, that phrase, what difference does it make, theyre going to play that and play that, referring to Hillary Clintons comment when she was testifying about the benghazi terror attack when she said, paraphrasing, what difference does it make . Theyre going to have a field day with that one. Absolutely. Its going to ring in the ears both republicans and democrats. The administration initially said the big issue was health of Bowe Bergdahl, people looked at the classified video and said, well, maybe he was just drugged. So, that raises a question, too, about the administrations motivation. One of the things you do have to say, though, theres been an Operational Security concern on things like this predating the obama administration, concerns about going to capitol hill, telling them about a negotiation that was going on, and that information leaking out and then killing the negotiation they were trying to have. So the question is whether their big concern was about letting the secret get out. Jim, you wanted to Say Something . Two things, the other, negotiation they didnt speak to the hill about the iranians over the nuclear program, another secret. But we talked about how his Health Situation changed, that added urgent sip the other thing that changed the president s announcement of withdrawal of troops. Youre drawing down in afghanistan, youve set a date, the military knows, you lose leverage, that added to the urgency as well. More to discuss, stand by. Right after the break, theres also new information about how Bowe Bergdahl was finally freed by the taliban. It it took a year of secret talks to make it happen. Details coming up. Bergdahls hometown reacting to the backlash, surrounding his relief. A big party for his homecoming gets called off. Fascinating, new details emerging about the release of the u. S. Army captive, Bowe Bergdahl. The tense meeting saturday between u. S. Special forces and the taliban took a year to put together though it went off without a hitch no one on the ground was sure what would happen. Americans took off as soon as they had bergdahl in the military helicopter. Lets bring in our Foreign Affairs reporter, shes joining our National Security correspondent jim sciutto and Time Magazines Washington Bureau chief. You have new information on what was going on. Give us a few of the headlines. Negotiations started in 2010, 10 20 11 but it was the last year when qatar got involved being a mediator, a middleman, between the u. S. And the ltalibn that the negotiations took off. This was no shuttle diplomacy going from hoetel room to hotel room. Sometimes the team would land on the ground to pass a message and it would be a week or so, several weeks, before they heard back. Wasnt until the final week when the messages became fast and furious almost on a daily basis the u. S. Figured they had a deal, that was sealed with the amir of qatar and the president. But as we said, it wasnt until they special forces said they had Bowe Bergdahl in hand that they knew that this was really happening, because they didnt have the confidence that those foot soldiers that were holding Bowe Bergdahl were really going implement and execute their taliban political orders. Yeah. Stand by, because i want to bring michael back into this. The cover story in Time Magazine, was it worth it . Thats the cover. Your reporter in beirut, erin baker, major exclusive, she spoke with some taliban haqqani terrorists if you will, holding Bowe Bergdahl for several for five years. Give us the upshot of what these guys told your correspondent. They said a number of things. Headline coming out of it though, they feel this was enormous success for them, gave recognition to the taliban from the u. S. Government which they hadnt gotten before and saw it as a blueprint for what they could do in the future, erin asked the commander, would you look to kidnap other american soldiers in the future and the answer was, yes. To go after someone like this, you can bargain with, has so much value, more effective than kidnapping large groups of people who wont have so much value. Well speak to her 5 00 p. M. Spoke with the haqqani captors, if you will the people tolding Bowe Bergdahl. This is exactly what the administration doesnt want to hear, these guys are now saying, big victory, huge victory, and you know what . Were going to do more, were going it capture more american soldiers because this administrations going to release more taliban detainees from gitmo if we do. Those are pretty blunt words from these taliban guys. No question, thats the reason why the u. S. Generally stuck to the rule, we dont negotiate with terrorists and thats had a real effect. Iraq and afghanistan, when journalists or others were taken, the groups that take these take hostages knew the italians, french and others would negotiate, pay money, knew they would get what they wanted out of that. The circumstances here, hes the only one, hes the only soldier, youre drawing down forces, and taliban, the terrorist group but happens to be the enemy, right in a 13year war who else do you negotiate with if you want to gain his freedom . Its a tough the administration was in a tough place and made a tough decision, and the cost, were not going to know what the costs are for some time. Youve got good sources watching whats going on in qatar right now. These five freed taliban i guess detainees, whatever you call them, they got a pretty good life going on for the next year. Theyre not really under house arrest. They can walk around, if they want to go around to a restaurant, a mall. The beach. They can basically do whatever they want. Theyre not under house arrest. Certainly theyre able to roam the country. Whats key, the u. S. Would say, the qataris are restricting activities theyre not allowed to take part in taliban movement, not allowed to fundraise, engage incitementinc. Distinguish between the quality of life, living in doha at the expense of the qatar ri government may not be bad and the difference it would make to u. S. Forces on the battle feel to help the taliban and u. S. Says thats minimal. 600 other guantanamo detainees released since the prison was open and recidivism is a problem, its had to be dealt with. Generally one in six return to terrorism, another 10 suspected. This is an issue faced before, as you empty out Guantanamo Bay. Well have a lot more coming up. Jim, of course, youll be with us throughout the day and elise. Thanks for your good reporting. Concerns over public safety, the reason for calling off a big welcome home celebration for Bowe Bergdahl. The organizers worries and the communitiness reaction to the bash lack of bergdahls release, next. Humans. Even when we cross our ts and dot our is, we still run into problems. Thats why Liberty Mutual insurance offers accident forgiveness with our auto policies. If you qualify, your rates wont go up due to your first accident. Because making mistakes is only human, and so are we. We also offer new car replacement, so if you total your new car, well give you the money for a new one. Call Liberty Mutual insurance at. And ask us all about our auto features, like guaranteed repairs, where if you get into an accident and use one of our certified repair shops, the repairs are guaranteed for life. So call. To talk with an Insurance Expert about everything that comes standard with our base auto policy. And if you switch, you could save up to 423. Liberty Mutual Insurance responsibility. Whats your policy . Crestor lowered bad cholesterol in its a fact. Highrisk patients more than lipitor. 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Reporter well, wolf, youre right, there was a lot of excitement about this event here in hailey, idaho, to see Bowe Bergdahl return here, but as you mentioned, it did come down to a matter of public safety, first by the organizers, organizers who would have to foot the bill to cover the extra security, to watch over, to keep order with all of the people that could come to town. That was also the citys concern. You know this is a city of 8,000 people and you know, the police chief told me an hour ago he was worried, heard word that some 2,000, 3,000 protesters from texas, california, could be part of the mix here, and there could be many, many more. Protesters and supports, just too big for the city. They dont have the infrastructure to support it. And i spoke with the police chief earlier, also the county commissioner, about what happens when Bowe Bergdahl does return here to hailey. Take a listen to this. You know, were going to put together a plan that we need to put together. Right now weve got plenty of time, you know, theyre going to take time with bowes recovery and now until we have a date certain, weve got a lot of time to work on that plan. You know, as time goes on, well know more about what type of plan we have to put together. Our people, they live here, we need to stand by them. Theres a lot of controversy about sergeant brergdahls release. But the most important thing for us in Blaine County to stand by the bergdahls. So backtoback, you hear two dpishls, the police chief tell me hes known the bergdahls for many years. He supports the family. You hear from the county commissioner saying, look this community, this city, Bowe Bergdahls hometown, they stand by him, though many opinions, many people, talking about this case, and officials here worry that there could be a lot of people come to town had they had the big celebration. How are they reacting to criticism from some fellow soldiers in afghanistan that he actually was a deserter . Reporter you talk to people day by day as new elements come out this case, around Bowe Bergdahl. But people here seem to stay out of it. They read those headlines that are coming out but they want to hear it directly from Bowe Bergdahl. Theyre waiting for him to return here to hailey to hear the story from him directly. So theyre staying out of the politics for this time being, wolf, waiting for this hometown son to return here to hailey. So no big hometown celebration for this returning american soldier. George, thanks very much. Coming up motives, mistakes and excuses in the deal that freed the sergeant, Bowe Bergdahl. Gloria borger standing by to discuss. Later bergdahl may be out of afghanistan but still a long way from home. Brian todd, hes standing bias well. Hes got a closer look at the psychological hurdles bergdahl is likely to have to overcome. Marge you know, theres a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. Try phillips fiber good gummies. 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The deal that freed the psychological hurdles bergdahl im never surprised by controversies that are whipped up in washington, all right . Thats thats par for the course. But ill repeat what i said two days ago, we have a basic principle, we do not leave anybody wearing the american uniform behind. We had a prisoner of war whose health had deteriorated and we were deeply concerned about it and we saw an opportunity and we seized it. I make no apologies for that. President obama speaking at the g7 summit in brussels defending the deal that freed u. S. Army Sergeant Bowe bergdahl from the taliban. Police takes and excuses are both part of the mix of five days after bergdahl was freed and theres a key question, what were the motives for his release . The white house is getting a lot of backlash over the affair and a lot of politics involved as well from republicans and democrats. Gloria borger is here, she writes about this in her latest column on cnn. Com, an excellent column as well. Speaking to some former National Security advisers of this president. What do they say . I was told that secretary of defense bob gates was, quote, very uncomfortable with the idea of this guantanamo prisoner swap for Bowe Bergdahl when it was raised in 2011. This has been a topic of discussion for a couple of years. The fundamental discussion at that time, im told, was over the notion of whether you should negotiate with terrorists and hostage takers. And we now know that former cia director leon pa netter, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and gates were part of a powerful triumvirate that rejected this idea at the time. What my source would not confirm that gates still opposes it because the secretary doesnt want to go there at this point, but leon panetta yesterday gave a speech and according to the pittsburgh newspaper he said, i dont fault the administration for wanting to get bergdahl back. I do question whether the conditions are in place to make sure these terrorists dont go back into battle. And that was a key concern that was also raised in 2011, when they were there. How can you ensure they dont go back. All of the president s top securitied a advisers were opposed to any such deal. Theyre gone almost all of them are gone. Clapper is still there. He was strongly opposed at the time, as well. What the administration says, its changed now because his health, Bowe Bergdahls health has deteriorated and they had inside information from whatever source that this guy potentially could have been killed. Thats right. His health was in danger, his life was in danger, and jim acostas reporting that in fact the senators were told yesterday when briefed if word had gotten out, that they were threatening to kill bergdahl and that may have been one of the reasons that they didnt notify or consult with the congress in the timely fashion, which is what congress is so upset about. I think what they need to do at a certain point is start declassifying some of this information who these prisoners are, about the discussions that were had, what occurred so that the American Public can understand and lift the veil on how these kind of decisions are made and why theyre made. The president said, we dont leave anyone behind, i dont think anybody quarrels with than i think the question is, how do you make this decision, why did you make this decision, and what can we learn from it . Does it make any difference if in fact he had willingly deserted his unit or not, is that an issue at all in a very difficult, complex Decision Making process. Theres a line you write in your column, at least theyre consistent, micromanaging Foreign Policy from the west wing has always been a hallmark that it wins you any friends or political support, i guess its too late for that now. A lot of people have complained outside of the white house theres too much coordination coming in from the white house. Well, how about the democratic chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence committee who went out and called it outrageous, that she had not been informed. I mean, even, you know, say sergeant bergdahls life had been in danger, shes the chairman of the senate intel against committee. Shes paid to keep secrets. If you cant trust her to keep a secret, i think thats a real problem. And this notion of micromanaging Foreign Policy from the west wing has been a large issue. It seems to me two ways the white house manages, either micromanaging from the west wing or not managing at all, as in the v. A. And delegating that totally, seems to me there ought to be a middle ground in which you do consult and talk to people outside your bubble and get input from people who are paid to give you input. Its their job to give you input and then maybe they can help themselves when they try to explain what happened with sergeant bergdahl. If they cant trust Diane Feinstein or carl levin, two of the best friends this white house has, theres a real problem. Totally. Thanks very much, gloria. If you want to read more of her column, go to cnn. Com. Bowe bergdahls recovery from years of captivity, could be a long and painful ordeal. The pentagon has specific guidelines how to deal with this trauma. Brian todd standing by, hes got specifics. The russian president takes a verbal jab at former secretary of state Hillary Clinton but his insult ended up offending a lot of women around the world. Whats go on in the verbal battle between putin and clinton. Let me ask you a question. If youve had chickenpox, what do you think the odds are of getting shingles . Those odds are high enough. But add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance. 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More on the psychological hurdles that this soldier is now going it have to deal with and its going to take a while. It will, wolf. This reintegration process is laborious, methodical. Bergdahls only father had a very good analogy for. Take a listen. Bowes been gone so long that its going to be very difficult to come back. Its like a diver going deep on a dive and has to stage back up through recompression to get the nitrogen bubbles out of his system. If he comes up too fast, it could kill him. Now, Army Officials have told us this is a threestage process. Stage one initial recovery, emergency medical care, thats early psychological support, time sensitive intelligence briefings, thats at a Forward Operating base in afghanistan bar he was handed over. Hes in phase two, the decompression, thorough, psychological treatment. This is a lot of medical and psychological debriefing, trying to make sure hes ready for regular and more extensive social contact. This is going on right now for him at the landstuhl Medical Center in germany. Then, hes going to be accompanied by specially trained doctors trained in this program which is Survival Evasion Resistance and escape, the mill taerps program, theyre going to accompany him to the san antonio Medical Center in texas where phase three will go on. That is the family reunion. Thats the longest phase of his recovery, of his reintegration, and whats interesting about that, wolf, in that initial meeting with your family, hes not met with them yet, and hes not even spoken to his parents on the phone yet, they give you a few minutes with your immediate family because its emotionally overwhelming you cant take much more than that, youve got withdraw. We talked to a former hostage in columbia, thats coming up late, he said it was so intense, he had to withdraw after a couple of minutes seeing his family. Its very interesting. Youll be working the story throughout the day. More in the situation room later today at 5 00 p. M. Eastern. Coming up, Vladimir Putin delivers a sexist jab at former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton. Well tell you what he said, thats coming up. And the world on the brink, the height of the cold war focus of tonights episode of the cnn series the sixties what author and historian evan thomas has to say about that era. Im ted and. Say hi rudy. [ barks ] [ chuckles ] id do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. Thats why im so excited about these new milkbone brushing chews. Whoa, im not the only one. Its a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth. Clinically proven as effective as brushing. Ok, here you go. Have you ever seen a dog brush his own teeth . The twist and nub design cleans all the way down to the gum line, even reaching the back teeth. They taste like a treat, but they clean like a toothbrush. Nothing says you care like a milkbone brushing chew. 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Remember, all Medicare Supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay and could really save you in outofpocket medical costs. Youll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. And with these plans, there could be low or no copays. You do your pushups today . Prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] dont wait. Call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan to go the distance with you. Go long. Back in 1968, just minutes past midnight, robert f. Kennedy was shot three times as he walked through the kitsch often the Ambassador Hotel in los angeles. He just won the primary in california. The assassin, Sirhan Sirhan later claimed he shot kennedy because of his support of israel. He died of his wounds nearly 26 hours later. The russian president , Vladimir Putin, is taking direct aim at Hillary Clinton. Criticizing the former secretary of state in a new tv interview. But his harsh words are insulting to a lot of women around the world. Brianna keilar working the story for us. What exactly did the russian leader say . U. S. And russian relations are strained at this point in time. Weve heard a lot of criticism from Hillary Clinton towards Vladimir Putin, but putin firing back, taking aim not at the substance of her remarks but partially based on her gender. Reporter russian president Vladimir Putin taking a jab at former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, saying its bert not to argue with women, but miss clinton has never been too graceful in her statements. His sexist barbs come after criticism of clinton. In march she compared his tactics to the most reviled history in modern history. If this sounds familiar its what hitler did in the 30s. Reporter she walked that comment back a bit but called putin this a tough guy with a thin skin. Reporter then this memorable description of putin in early april he will even, you know, throw an insult your way, he will look bored and dismissive, hell do all of that, but i have a lot of experience with people acting like that, so its not like, you know, it goes back to elementary school. Reporter late that month, she dinged putin as she slammed nsa leaker Edward Snowden to russia. I have a hard time of thinking somebody whos a champion of privacy and lebty has taken refuge in russia. Reporter putin saying when people push boundaries too far its not because they are strong but because they are weak. But maybe weakness is not a worst quality for a woman. Kicked out of the g7 and facing further sanctions if russia doesnt help stabilize ukraine, but this bomb bast serves a political purpose. Putin playing to a home audience with a nationalist pitch. But clinton looking for support, a possible president ial contender, seen as distancing herself from an unpopular president by highlighting her harder line on russia. Now putin clearly wanted clinton to know that he had said this, wolf, because, again, these are its an english transcript of his remarks on the kremlins website. It was purposeful that he put it out there. But the politically speaking and assuming shes going to run for the democratic president ial nomination, being criticized like this by putin is not necessarily from the american political perspective a negative. I dont think so. I think in a way, youve seen her try to distance herself a little bit from president obama, be a little harsh on putin, thats somewhat helpful and getting under his skin, reinforces that. But i would say, even more than that, women are going to be so important to her if she does close to run. And i think this is something that will aggravate a lot of women. One of the things i will also say a reporter said at the end of his remarks, but women should be respected, giving him a chance to kind of clean it up, and he didnt really respond. So i think this will work to her benefit. Hes Vladimir Putin. Yeah, he is. Thanks very much, breaux anna keilar. Tensions between the was russia nothing new. The cold war, the focus of tonights cnn original series the sixties. But first, take a look at part of tonights episode. A Supreme National effort will be needed to move this country safely through the 1960s. Seven minutes past 1 00, a man went around the world. The spaceship was built in russia. If you could put a man into space, you can put Nuclear Warheads into space. The temper of the world is crisis. There was palpable fear in the United States and in the soviet union the two sides were going to get into a nuclear war. I do not shrink from this responsibility. 25 russian ships are en route to cuba on a collision course the next 48 hours will be decisive. Should we bomb . Should we invade . Back and forth. Unless something is done, humanity will destroy itself. Who is going blink first . The sixties, cnn, thursday the sixties, cnn, thursday at 9 00. A more enjoyable way to get your fiber. Try phillips fiber good gummies. Theyre delicious, and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. Wife mmmm husband these are good marge the tasty side of fiber. From phillips. This should have never happened. Our customers need to know that they can count on our cars, trucks, actions, and most importantly our word. We let our customers down. The gm ceo with a soapering talk to employees about why it took years for a company to fix a faulty ignition switch. The internal report found no evidence of a company wide cover up. Wall street initially reacted favorab favorably. Right now trading at around 36 a square. Right now the Dow Jones Industrial average. They were all part of the 60s, a decade of danger and fear around the world. It was the height of the cold war. Thats the focus of tonights episode of the new cnn original series, the 60s. Heres a closer look. The two sides were going to get into a nuclear war. The temper of the world is crisis. Architect of the crisis . As the head of the soviet union, he believed that the future belonged to communism. He said America Needs to be contained and the only way to do it is to create crises all around the american empire. The author is here. How dangerous looking back on the 60s was that cold war era . Dangerous enough. Cuban missile crisis was dangerous enough. We came pretty close in 1962. It was his finest hour. He was a rooky coming in. By 1962 he had arose to it. He was the cool hand on that. You can listen to the tapes of those meetings. Kennedy was cool and got us out of a real jam. He was surrounded by real people. Maybe not necessarily when it came to the vietnam war later. He had some of the best and the brightest. Some of those smart guys wanted to invade and bomb. If we tried to invade cuba, that could have started a nuclear war. We certainly exaggerated the soviet missile strength. Kennedy played on that and he shouldnt have. There were real risks. They still had nuclear weapons. He was not the most stable guy in the world. The risk was real. Maybe we exaggerated the threat. What do you think by deploying the missiles in cuba . Ed hardy wanted respect. He was a bully that wanted to be respected. Right now were seeing echoes of the korld war coming back right now. You think back to then and you see whats going on now. You say its uncomfortable. It is. Pew tin is doing this bullying thing. Not as bad as i think putin is smarter. There are echoes and rimes. And the nationalistic. When Hillary Clinton makes a comment, it is reminiscent of what hitler did in 230s. She finessed that back, but those are tough words. I think what got us into trouble was too much hot rhetor rhetoric. He said we will bury you. Its a dangerous game to play. Youre one of the best historians ever. Youre working on a biography. Well, you know, this we leave nobody behind is a great tradition. But war is complicated. They are deserters. People run. Its it underscores the essential tragedy of these fights. There is nothing clean about this. Its all messy. The taliban are terrible. I feel sorry for this guy. Looks like he possibly was a deserter. We should never forget. I want you to watch tonight 9 00 p. M. Eastern part two. I dont know if you saw it but it was excellent on the music of the 60s tonight. The cold war. Check it out. If you cant watch it tonight, dvr something. You will learn something. Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin starts right now. Good afternoon to you. Here is what we know right now. This is all coming to cnn from a senate aid that the u. S. Was warned. Strong words from the president saying no matter what, no soldier is left by hind o

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