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Thanks so much for starting your morning with us. Weve got much more ahead on cnns saturday morning which starts right now. Good morning, everyone. Im randi kaye. It is 7 00 on the east coast, 4 00 a. M. Out west, thanks for starting your day with us. Victor blackwell is on assignment. We start with the big countdown, ten days left for the white house and congress to reach an agreement on the fiscal cliff where millions of americans will be paying the price in their paychecks. But congress is now on holiday recess. And president obama is in hawaii. Lets go straight to cnns Emily Schmidt in washington. Good morning. So before he left the capitoal, he laid out this threepoint plan to washington. Before he left to hawaii, he left for a gift for lawmakers to ponder in washington. Here are the three main points hes saying. He wants to make sure theres a law passed that ensures 98 of americans know their taxes are not going to go up in just under two weeks. He also wants to make sure that 2 million americans who would otherwise lose their Unemployment Benefits if we went over the fiscal cliff would be able to keep those benefits. And finally he says, look, we can take a look at the longer term proposals, the larger reform at a later point. Just lay the ground work at this point. We also know before the president left, he talked by phone with House Speaker john boehner. He met in person with harry reid, although what the private happened, we dont know. But publicly things sound a lot like they have for the past few weeks. Take a listen. Every member of congress believes that, every democrat, every republican. So there is absolutely no rea n reason, none, not to protect these americans from a tax hike. At the very least, lets agree right now what we already agree on. Lets get that done. What the president has offered so far simply wont do anything to solve our spending problem and begin to address our nations crippling debt. Instead, he wants more spending, more tax hikes that will hurt our economy. Bottom line, right now were hearing a lot less talk about some sort of a grand bargain. And instead, maybe some stopgap measures to give some certainty to americans before that end of the year deadline. Randi . And is it just the taxes thats holding out the agreement or something more at this point . Its hard to know exactly. It seems like the biggest Sticking Point that we are hearing discussed publicly remains those taxes. 250,000 that americans make before their tax, 400,000, 1 million, that number has been shifted back and forth a little bit over the past week. What weve seen still hasnt given us any sure answers. Randi . Whats the hope here at this point . When might they come back to washington . And is there still a chance of a deal even though time is running short . Yeah, if you try to go to a door to door in washington, youd be walking a long time before anybody answered the doors. Everyone has gone home for the christmas break, but everyone has also said they expect to be back some time next week. President obama was saying he would work with lawmakers next week some time after christmas. Chance the house and senate could be back in around the 27th. That gives them four days at best to beat the deadline. So its going to be a lot of work that would have to be done in a little amount of time. Randi . Not looking good. Emily schmidt. Thank you so much. Well, days before christmas, the airports have been packed while some highways are near empty. All signs of the Severe Weather in the midwest that is now heading east. Just listen to that wind. The system that caused this blizzard in iowa and wisconsin traveled through ohio and is now hitting pennsylvania and upstate new york. Plus, there is another blizzard in the forecast for more on that, lets check in alexandra steele. Good morning. So the coasts are getting the bad weather right now, right . Thats it. The northeast and the west coast. And what were really seeing here in the northeast isnt really a part of that massive system that crossed the country, brought the blizzard warnings and a foot to 2 feet of snow. What we really have here in the northeast, very blustery conditions and believe it or not, its those lake effect snow bands. So those lake effect prone areas. So syracuse, rochester, and buffalo, cleveland, down to erie. Getting another 4 to 8 inches of snow. But as an aggregate its very, very windy and blustery and much colder than its been. So even places like new york city seeing a few snow showers, potentially. No accumulation. But its very windy. Heres a look at the current gusts in the last hour or so. Right now in washington, 24mileperhour gusts, detroit, pittsburgh, new york city, gusting to about 39, 40 Miles Per Hour also pretty recently. So snowfall totals during the next really overnight tonight. Heres what were going to see, this i90 corridor. If youre driving i90 to travel, thats where the toughest conditions will be, down toward the spine of the appalachia appalachians. Good skiing from Holiday Valley to western new york down to snowshoe in west virginia. The wettest weather, san francisco, really, randi, thats going to have the toughest travel, biggest airports being impacted today and tomorrow all the way up to seattle. Thank you very much, alexandra for the update. And now to another story that many are following closely with polls showing that more americans now support stricter gun laws, the question of gun control may not be if, but when. And thats prompting Many Americans to go gun shopping right now. Heres cnns david mattingly. Reporter almost 1,000 miles away from newtown, connecticut, gun owners rush to buy more guns. Why are you in here today . I was looking for a gun that ive wanted for a long time and just wanted to get it before possible changes. At this gun shop and firing range north of atlanta, already brisk holiday sales have suddenly bumped up even more. Customers fearing future gun restrictions from congress are looking to buy now. Me and my brother collect weapons and we have plenty of handguns and shotguns and only one assault rifle. And with all the new, you know, talk of new legislation going on to assault rifles. I definitely want to get a few more before, you know, something may happen. Whats the largest clip you can put in there . Gun collector rudy orlando is specifically looking to buy the ar15, a semiautomatic rifle similar to the one used in connecticut. And hes not alone. Demand for the weapon here is driving 1,000 price tag. All the prices are really high, i mean theyre really high on these guns right now, you know. And theyre not going to budge on the prices because theyre going to be sold. Are you going to buy anyway . I probably will. A recent spike in sales reported in Stores Across the country add emphasis to what is already a record sales year in the u. S. Last year, the fbi conducted a record 16,450,000 background checks. This year, the total so far is over 16,800,000. And that doesnt include the month of december. Future legislation could affect availability of certain semiautomatic weapons, features on the guns, and the magazines that hold large numbers of rounds. Without specifics, store president tom deets says any gun owner could be vulnerable. Would the existing rifles that are in the marketplace be legal . Or would they go across the board and make everything that people have previously purchased illegal . The uncertainty bothers nongun owners, as well. Hes a firsttime gun buyer worried about protecting his family. Why now . Why today . So soon after the shootings . Because im worried that the governments going to put so much regulations on being able to do this, you know, come future months that its not going to be an option for me. Industry analysts see this as a possible peak to the sales growth that began with the election of president obama four years ago. U. S. Gun sales totaled 2. 5 billion in 2008, this year that figure could top 3. 5 billion. David mattingly, cnn, roswell, georgia. Well explain what a group of newtown residents are doing to prevent more massacres there. Heres a look at whats coming up. From cnn World Headquarters in atlanta, this is cnn saturday morning. Linsanty, the london olympics and Lance Armstrongs shame, the top ten most memorable moments in sports. More guns, thats the nras solution for preventing another school massacre. All morning long, we put gun control in focus. An olympian with a double life. Why hamilton apologized for her second career in las vegas. I know. 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They call themselves Newtown United. Their mission, to reduce gun violence and prevent other communities from ever having to live their nightmare. This morning, we are putting guns in focus. Bill toomey help put together the group called Newtown United. Good morning to both of you. Bill, to you first, i want to ask how you, your friends, your neighbors and your community is doing this morning. Well, were doing as well as could be expected, randi. Its been really hard on the community as you might imagine. But, you know, were trying to work through all the different emotions. But this morning, were doing okay. Well, i know youre channeling some of those emotions into good work. And you had a meeting this week. And during your meeting, senator Richard Blumenthal and chris murphy said time wasnt on your side. Did they explain what they meant by that . Yes, they did. And we were very fortunate to have the senator and senatorelect join us this week. We had a series of meetings to try to begin a conversation in the Community Around what happened and how we can take this terrible tragedy and turn it into something positive. So what we heard from the senators as well as some of our congressional the rest of our congressional delegation was that the moment in time is now. That the tide is turning in this country as it relates to gun violence and what we can do about it. And we want to try to bring the Community Together as quickly as possible to try and lend our voice to the National Voice so that we can really make something meaningful happen out of this terrible event. And the name of your group is Newtown United. But you say that group isnt just a representation of your community. What do you mean by that . Well, it started with a group of neighbors and friends who were just, you know, trying to channel their emotions and make sense of what happened here and start to put some ideas together on what we might be able to do to, again, turn this into something positive. And what weve heard, not just from folks in the community, but from folks all over the world is that people were deeply touched by what happened here and they do not want these events to go to have happened in vain. We should really try and do whatever we can to lend our voice to the National Debate on this issue around gun violence. Its not just about gun control. Theres a lot of other issues associated with it. And we want to bring people together in the community as well as across the nation to really make a difference and make sure that we do whatevers necessary to protect our children. And some of those voices that you want to bring together and that certainly need to be heard are voices like your daughter right there, the young people who could be victims in these mass shootings. Sierra, good morning to you. Your school was on lockdown on friday during this shooting at newtown at the elementary there. What conversations are you having with your friends about the issue of gun violence . We were very confused and upset. And we were just trying to figure out what was going on. And it was kind of upsetting afterwards, after we found out what had happened. And we didnt know how to react. And sierra, im sure youre aware that im going to try to bring High Schoolers into Newtown United and were going to try to make a difference. I think thats so important. And thats wonderful that youre doing that. People are debating whether teachers should have a gun in the classroom. Sierra, how do you feel about that . I think that the teachers should focus on teaching instead of carrying a gun. Because if theyre trying to focus on keeping us safe at the same time as teaching, then its kind of hard for them to do both at the same time. But they could do other things like keep the doors locked at times and just try to we can come up with other ways. And bill, how do you feel about teachers being armed . I think our teachers have a challenging enough job just being educators and being teachers in our community and i think the issue of gun violence is a challenging one and i think there are Many Solutions to the problem. We just need to be able to bring folks together in a way that we can have sensible conversations about these issues and figure out the best course of action moving forward. Teachers are in the classroom to teach. Bill and sierra toomey we need to support them in that. Thank you both and thank you for sharing your thoughts, and we are certainly thinking about you there in newtown. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much, randi. And we want to let you know that we did reach out to 43 senators of the incoming 113th congress who have an a or a plus rating from the nra, and not one of them agreed to join us for this conversation this morning. Coming up next hour, well continue this discussion with attorney paul callan. Hell explain what the Second Amendment really allows and the original intention. Senator john kerry is ready for a new challenge. Well take a along at how his career has led to his next job opportunity. We actully keep track of how many times this kid picked his nose . Hair pulls, stink eyes, man we see eveything. Oh, its the old man. Hold on, i gotta send something out. You can have two apps open at the same time . Howd you do that . Its the galaxy note 10. 1 man, it just does it. How do you think they made it . Magic. Do more with the Samsung Galaxy note 10. 1. Available at best buy and st buy mobile stores. 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And yesterday president obama officially made him the nominee for the job. Our Congressional Correspondent kate bolduan takes a look at kerrys legacy in washington. Thank you very much, mr. Secretary. His Senate Colleagues have joked about his ambition, what many regarded as the worst kept secret in washington. Even in recent Senate Hearings john kerry already sounded like he was looking ahead to his future job and the anticipated battles over the state Department Budget with congress. That must change. And in the next session of the congress, i hope it will. He wasnt the president s first choice. U. N. Ambassador susan rice took herself out of the race after republican backlash. It was unjustified to give the scenario as presented by ambassador rice. Senator kerry knows himself about being torpedoed by attacks. Accused in his 2004 president ial run about lying about his run. And criticized for his 1971 testimony opposing the vietnam war. How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in vietnam . Kerry was painted a flipflopper and out of touch, unable to grasp the struggles of regular americans. But candidate kerry did put president obama, then an unknown politician on the National Stage at the democratic convention. John kerry believes that in a dangerous world, war must be an option sometimes, but it should never be the first option. Following the loss, kerry immersed himself in Foreign Policy. We stand adjourned. Now the chairman of the Senate Foreign relations committee, hes been an unofficial envoy for president obama helping ease tension with president karzai in afghanistan and helping mend strained relations with pakistan after the killing of osama bin laden. We are Strategic Partners with a common enemy in terrorism and extremism. But kerrys not totally in sync with obama. He has supported limited military intervention in syria, something the president has resisted. Over his 30year career, kerry has built deep relationships with many foreign leaders. There are very few people in our country with greater experience over a longer period of time in Foreign Policy than senator kerry. Perhaps kerrys biggest challenge to date is not his confirmation hearings on capitol hill, but rather following in Hillary Clintons footsteps who has become one of the most popular officials in the obama cabinet both here and abroad. Kate bolduan, cnn, washington. 2012 was a wild year in sports from the giants winning the super bowl to the giants winning the world series. What was the top sports story of the year . Well show you our top ten. At r. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. But if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. Prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. 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