Transcripts For CNNW Unfinished Business The Essential Hilla

Transcripts For CNNW Unfinished Business The Essential Hillary Clinton 20161106

does it make? >> i think there is a lot of scar tissue from the battles that she's fought. >> from first lady -- >> human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights. >> -- to senator. >> seeing it shows what a total hell it is. >> to madam secretary. making headlines -- >> will you explain the e-mail, secretary clinton? >> -- and making history. >> i accept your nomination for president of the united states! >> she's not the great heroine and she's not the evil enemy that others think. >> do you ever see a version and think who is that person? >> oh, all the time. >> who is the real hillary clinton? a cnn special report "unfinished business: the essential hillary clinton." >> hillary clinton sale, folks. >> in june of 2008, after a year and a half long campaign, hundreds of hillary clinton's friend and supporters gathered in the nation's capital. >> it was like running 7/8 of the race. you could see that finish line and you knew you weren't going to cross it. it was surprisingly emotional for all of us. >> the woman who many hoped would make history as the country's first female president had fallen short. >> she was surrounded by her daughter. on the other side of her was her mother. >> well, this isn't exactly the party i planned, but i sure like the company. >> i did feel as if i was standing there at another step in history because my grandmother was born before women had the right to vote and she lived long enough to vote for her daughter for president. that to me is an amazing american arc. >> although we weren't able to shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling this time, thanks to you, it's got about 18 million cracks in it. >> i think that hillary clinton's a fighter first and foremost. we knew that this was not going to be the last chapter. >> always aim high, work hard and care deeply about what you believe in. and when you stumble, keep faith. and when you're knocked down, get right back up and never listen to anyone who says you can't or shouldn't go on. >> these are the lessons that have guided hillary clinton throughout her life, lessons she first learned as a young girl from her mother dorothy. >> i did not know how hard her childhood had been until i was a teen-ager. when i was growing up, she was my mom. >> abandoned as a young child, dorothy rodham was abandoned. >> i always wondered how would i manage being abandoned, rejected, not being able to go to college. all of that she pieced together of what she wanted to do as a mother and i was the beneficiary of that because she was an absolutely fabulous mother. >> so this is where hillary rodham grew up. >> this is where we grew up. park ridge, illinois. salt of the earth. a town that took a great deal of pride in its middle class values. >> the conservative, nearly all-white chicago suburb is where hugh and dorothy rodham would raise all three of their children. ernie richt was a neighborhood friend. >> on this corner we would play baseball and the manhole covers were the bases. >> in addition to baseball, her friends said hillary loved a good debate. >> he loved nothing better than to throw out a topic that he knew we would go, "no way!" and i think we all learned to debate by sitting around their table. >> but according to a biographer, hugh rodham turned debates into something much less palatable. >> he would go around the table and call on her brothers and and call on hillary and then her mother would try to express herself and he'd say "what the hell do you know, miss fancy pants?" it was disdainful. >> how tough was he? >> he was tough. he had trained thousands of young sailors to go off mostly to the pacific. so my dad was very old fashioned. if i would bring home a good report card, he would say, oh, you must be going to an easy school. he was always trying to push me further than what i thought i could go. >> hillary's mother taught her no matter what stood in her way, she could always push through. >> one day she took a carpenter's level and held it up to hillary for a lesson in life. when all hell is breaking loose around you, you want to come back to center. >> part of finding that center was her religion. >> her faith, her prayer is something she could always turn to. it has served her well in difficult times in her life. >> dorothy rodham was a sunday school teacher at a church where hillary would meet her mentor, don jones. >> not only did he preach the gospels of christ, he also came with bob dylan record and most significantly he took them downtown in chicago to hear martin luther king speak. >> meeting dr. king was transformative for hillary, who had rarely made it outside the confines of park ridge. >> here's a white kid growing up in an all-white suburb who actually gets a chance to hear one of the leaders of the civil rights movement and then shake hands with him. what a just unbelievable experience. >> an experience that would also mark the beginning of hillary's political evolution. >> she and i were goldwater girls together in park ridge and set up the goldwater headquarters. and then we went away to college. >> in the fall of 1965, hillary arrived at wellesley college, an elite, all-women's school outside boston. >> it was a huge change because suddenly she was at wellesley and hillary's upbringing had been very sheltered compared to these girls. >> when janet hill arrived at wellesley that same fall, she, too, felt a fish out of water and quickly bonded with hillary. >> i found her to be friendly and easy to get along with. >> when hillary was at wellesley college, she was very popular and it was popularity that results from exercising leadership and being successful at exercising leadership. >> alan schechter was hillary's political science professor and faculty adviser. >> she was very interested in the major issues of the era, issues of race, gender, poverty. >> issues that would soon push hillary to abandon her republican roots and begin leading the way for change. >> she was no doubt the leader of not just the senior class but the entire college. >> it was that leadership which led her classmates to insist that hillary be their voice at graduation. >> there had been no tradition of a student speaker at wellesley, but the student body insisted that there be one and they chose hillary. >> she was scheduled to speak at commencement after the invited guest, republican senator edward brook of massachusetts. >> and he gave a speech that was dismissive and patronizing about the anti-war movement, about what students were going through in the country. >> there was polite applause but mostly from our parents. then hillary spoke. >> and it is a great pleasure to present to this audience miss hillary rodham. >> she got up and discarded her prepared, vetted remarks and spoke extemporaneously. >> we've had lots of empathy, we've had lots of sympathy but we feel that for too long our leaders have viewed politics as the art of the possible and the challenge now is to practice politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible possible. >> while the administration was stricken by hillary's rebuttal, the students erupted in applause. >> i'll tell you what, we were ecstatic. we gave her a standing ovation. we were so proud of her. >> the following week hillary rodham made national headlines for the very first time. >> it got tremendous attention. "life" magazine did a story on her and on her political future. >> and her future appeared wide open. >> someone put a sheet of paper in the dorm predicting things about different people. they predicted i would marry a football player. the only thing written in about hillary was that she would be the first female president of the united states. 1969. >> up next -- >> she said bill's asked me to marry him again but i'm afraid if i say no, he will never ask me again. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? which is good for me a 200-degree range of sight... hey! ... and bad for the barkley twins. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. 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like nancy. >> she had big grasses and wore bell bottoms and work shirts. the thing that was most different about her was this focus on children. while the rest of us wandered around taking various kinds of classes, she was focused on women and children, children's welfare from the first. she never deviated from that at all, ever. >> perhaps the only thing that would break hillary's focus during her time at yale was the adoring gaze of one promising young law student, a scrapping, smooth-talking scholar from the great state of arkansas. >> he was tall, 6'2" and this huge head of sort of frizzy, reddish hair. and he had an accent. >> did he make his political ambitions known? >> absolutely. when i first met him, i remember he'd been at law school maybe two or three days and we went through the line in the lunchroom and he knew the names of everyone in the lunchroom. he knew all the servers, called them by name. >> but it wasn't until the spring of 1971 in the yale library that bill clinton would learn the name of the young woman who would change everything. years later hillary recounted the exact moment. >> i put my books down and said if you're going to keep looking at me and i'm going to keep looking at you, we ought to at least know each other's names. i said i'm hillary rodham. who are you? he says he can't remember his name. that makes me feel so good when he says that. >> what were they like together? >> yin and yang. i think he saw in her a great partner, somebody who was smart, who was driven, who was utterly disciplined and persistent. i think he saw someone who is exciting and emotional. since they both cared about public policy, it was a terrific combination. >> a combination so special that soon bill would ask hillary for her hand in marriage for the first time. >> what was holding you back initially when bill clinton was asking you to marry him? >> i just hadn't thought about getting married. i was clearly in love but i wasn't quite ready to commit to marriage. i also didn't know what i wanted to do. it was very clear what bill wanted to do. he wanted to go into politics. i thought before i get married i should know what i want to do. so i said no that first time. he came back and asked me again. i said, no, i'm still not ready. >> so instead of tieing the knot and moving to arkansas where bill was forging his political career, hillary followed her passion to massachusetts and went to work for her mentor, marion wright eddelman at the children's defense fund. >> my work at the children's defense fund showed me how much we needed to do to help abused and neglected kid, kids with lousy schools, all kind of problems. i was fixated on what we could do as advocates to make changes. >> everything she did she did very well. i trusted her to send her out to do any bit of research, whether it was basic research or to go into the field. hillary was always a star. >> but soon, another opportunity emerged that gave hillary a front row seat to history. >> what did the president know and when did he know it? >> in 1974, hillary moved to washington, d.c. to work on the investigation into president nixon's impeachment and called her friend, sara irman, looking for a place to stay. >> so she moved in with all of her junk and hillary and i really became sort of like roommates. >> was she a good roommate? >> well, she doesn't appreciate my telling this story, but i'll tell it any way. she never made her bed and that really got me. >> did you ever tell her, will you make your bed? >> i said hillary, for crying out loud, hillary, make your bed. >> did she start making her bed? >> no. she never made her bed. >> she may not have made her bed, but hillary certainly made a name for herself in washington. >> she earned the respect of every attorney and staff member that was on that committee. as well as the house judiciary members. >> terry kirkpatrick was also an attorney working on the investigation. >> and we worked hard. we worked seven days a week 12 to 16 hours a day until the president resigned. >> i shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow. >> that same week, hillary had an announcement of her own. >> she said, i'm going to move to fayetteville, arkansas. i said why? she said i want to be with my boyfriend. that was bill clinton. but he was from arkansas. i said to her, you're not going to move down there. >> i was stunned, and i did not know anything about it. i was obviously like, who is he, and arkansas? >> i said you've got the world in front of you now. you can go work on the hill. you can go do anything you want. and she said, "i love him and i want to be with him." there's no arguing that. >> that wasn't going to stop sarah from trying. so she devised a plan to drive hillary from washington, d.c. to fayetteville, all the while trying to convince her to change her mind. >> all the way down, as she would tell it, sarah would stop every 20 miles and say for god's sake, do you know what you're doing? you're throwing your future away and why are you doing this? and she would say i love him and i want to be with him. so we drove and we drove. >> after two and a half days of meandering through the south sarah's strategy had failed. hillary had arrived in arkansas. >> it was the beginning of the life that she wanted. when she hugged me goodbye, i thought, well, that's it, i'm probably never going to see her again. and the next day i went to watch bill clinton running for congress. he stood up on a tree stump and he talked. >> we are on the verge of a great economic prosperity boom in our state. >> and that's when i knew she was right. >> we need a government that cares more about helping small farmers and consumers than pleasing the big companies and buying foreign friends. >> he was brilliant. he was charming. he was articulate. he was down home. he was himself. he was amazing. >> clinton asked his friend to make sure hillary felt right at home. >> and right before she came, he did call me and said don't forget, she's coming, she's coming. i want you to call her. i said, okay, okay, i will. i will. i did call her the second day she was at the law school and that's when i met her. >> hillary accepted a position to teach at the university of arkansas law school. and to expand the school's legal aid clinic. but while hillary was starting her new career, bill was busy running his first campaign. >> i had never known anybody in politics before. so i was a little bit hesitant to be thrust into that but it was his dream. i wanted to support him but i also wanted to be sure that i was continuing my work as well. >> i mean, she was so smart and she was so good. >> jim blair and his girl friend, diane, bonded with hillary almost immediately. >> you would be very surprised to know that an awful lot of times politics was discussed. they loved talking politics. >> but in the fall of 1974, the only politics they were talking was bill clinton's run for congress. ♪ there's a fella here that's been talking some about running for congressman ♪ >> though bill clinton lost that race, a year later he would take one last shot at something else he had been fighting for. >> she said bill asked me to marry him again. i want to marry him. i want to spend the rest of my life with him but i don't want to get married right now but i'm afraid if i say no, he will never ask me again. my advice to her, which may not have been the best advice anybody ever gave her, was to say yes. >> in a small ceremony in their fayetteville home on october 11, 1975, hillary and bill would say "i do." >> bill saw the smartest woman he had ever seen, a woman that could read his mind, a woman that understood him down to the core. she saw somebody that could make her laugh no matter how bad things got. >> but hillary would have no way of knowing just how bad things could get. coming up -- >> yes, i was bill clinton's lover for 12 years. the world is full of surprising moments. they're everywhere. and as a marriot rewards member, i can embrace them all. the new marriott portfolio of hotels now has 30 brands in over 110 countries. so no matter where you go, you are here. join or link accounts at this is a victory for the future of arkansas. >> 1978. >> so help me god. >> bill clinton and hillary rodham officially entered the national political stage. >> bill was elected as the youngest governor in the country and now hillary's star is hitched to bill. you now have, quote, the journey. >> there is still a lot to learn and a lot to be done. >> right off the bat it was clear that journey was going to be a bumpy ride. >> does it concern you that maybe other people feel that you don't fit the image that we have created for the governor's wife in arkansas? >> no. just as i said before, i think each person should be assessed and judged on that person's own merits. >> but for hillary it wasn't going to be that simple. >> for one thing she had a job. >> a big job, the first female partner at little rock's renowned rose law firm. >> i can't think of any other governor's wife up to that time who had actually had an 8:00-to-5:00 kind of job. >> but what hillary didn't have was her husband's last name. >> that name thing is what got everybody. people talked about that forever. >> they just simply thought she should take his name. >> ann mccoy would get to know the first lady while working as a governor's mansion administrator. >> she was really surprised about the upheaval about his name. >> it is one of the reasons he might have lost the governorship after one term. >> after only two years in office voters kicked bill clinton out of the governor's mansion in a stunning defeat. >> i regret that i will not have two more years to serve as governor. >> bill clinton raised the price of their car tax for their license plate, and evidently that made people furious. >> bill clinton loses the election and goes into a total depression. >> a heartbreaking end to a year that began with pure joy. >> back in february, hillary had given birth to their little girl, chelsea victoria clinton. >> the next two years are very important years for our child's development. you know, they're really pivotal years. i'm grateful that i'm going to be able to spend some more time with her. >> more time with their daughter and more time to figure out where to go from here. >> hillary decides that the only way to restore and have their life is if she can bring him back. so what does she do? she takes over. >> hillary constructed a political comeback plan. step one, bill's apology tour. >> you betcha i'm asking for a second chance. i'm proud of it. i asked hillary for a second chance more times than i care to remember. >> step two, hillary's new name. >> i'm thinking of perhaps changing my name. >> she said, well, i love my name but if that's something that makes a difference with the people of arkansas, i'll change my name. >> she became mrs. clinton and she changed her looks and she started taking more of an interest in clothing. >> and of course she cut her hair. it was like, oh, now we have a first lady. >> and just like that the clintons were back. >> i think what i'm supposed to say is it appears we have won the election. >> she did everything and organized everything to make that happen. >> bill clinton would win back the governor's mansion in 1982, and three more times after that. it's where the clinton family would live for the next decade. >> she was a magnificent first lady of this state and she will be again. >> i thought he was smart. i thought she was smarter. >> skip rutherford was working for arkansas senator david pryor when bill clinton returned to office. >> probably the toughest policy initiative that bill clinton faced as governor was in education. he tapped hillary to lead that effort. >> we want to be sure that our children get the best possible education. >> hillary took on some very tough issues. when you go in to small town arkansas and say it's important that you teach foreign language. it's important that you have an updated chemistry lab. and by the way, we're going to have to pay for it as a state. that creates some criticism. >> there are large numbers of children who are written off at an early age. >> ultimately what she got done was that arkansas adopted new state of higher education standards. >> it meant higher expectations for children across the state, just like the expectations they had for chelsea at home. >> they treated chelsea almost as an equal. i mean, she was in on all the conversations that they had. i think that's why she is so smart, number one, and interested in everything. >> i played softball in our local hillcrest league and took ballet and piano. >> but no matter what chelsea was in to, both of her parents were always cheering her on. >> i think my dad was more the embarrassing one. i would like walk out on the field, and my dad was, yes! my mom would cheer with just as much enthusiasm but probably more appropriate intervals. >> rutherford spent many evenings with the first lady, cheering on their daughters from the softball stands. but in the summer of 1991, clinton had something else on her mind. >> we started talking about presidential politics. i was bemoaning the fact and saying, well, i don't think the democrats have a chance in 1992. there is absolutely no way. she looked over at me and said what the democrats need is the right message and the right messenger. >> october 3rd, 1991 on the steps of little rock's old state capitol -- >> today, i proudly announce my candidacy for president of the united states of america. >> a candidacy that many said would amount to a test run quickly picked up steam. >> what we think stands at the end of it is a real opportunity to change the country. >> i just felt like, oh, my god, she's such a powerful person, she should be running for president. >> patti solis doyle was the first person to join hillary clinton's staff during the '92 campaign. >> whenever there was a strategy meeting, she was at the table. she was the only woman at that table. >> did she hold her own at the table? >> oh, my god, she ran the table. she ran the table, with her husband. >> my husband, bill clinton. >> ladies and gentlemen, you just heard a stunning illustration of my real campaign slogan, buy one get one free. >> she was the first spouse of a candidate to play an active issue role. people weren't ready for that. she was controversial. >> i suppose i could have stayed home and baked cookies and had tea. but what i decided to do was fulfill my profession, which i entered before my husband was in public life. >> when you heard her say that, what were you thinking? were you saying we might have a problem here? >> that's what i was thinking, uh-oh. >> but tea and cookies was a walk in the park compared to the bombshell allegation a month earlier that had rocked bill clinton's campaign and his marriage. >> yes, i was bill clinton's lover for 12 years. >> january 27th, 1992 former nightclub singer jennifer flowers came forward in a nationally televised news conference. >> the truth is i loved him. >> it looked like the campaign was going down and they had to do something. >> i think it's real dangerous in this country if we don't have some zone of privacy for everybody. >> just weeks before the new hampshire primary on super bowl sunday, hillary clinton appeared on cbs' "60 minutes" alongside her husband. >> you know, i'm not sitting here some little woman standing by my man like tammy wynette. i'm sitting here because i love him and i respect him and i honor what he has been there and what we have been through together. and, you know, if that's not enough for people, then heck, don't vote for him. >> she called me right after it and asked my opinion on how i thought it went. i said i thought you were strong and forceful and committed to your husband and your family. i thought it went great. >> weeks later hillary was by her husband's side again when his strong second place finish in the new hampshire primary jolted his campaign back to life. >> new hampshire tonight has made bill clinton the comeback kid. >> bill clinton went on to win his party's nomination and that fall the white house. >> i think if it weren't for hillary, bill clinton would not have been president for sure. >> so help me, god. up next -- >> the fact that hillary had an office in the west wing was a big deal and ruffled a lot of feathers. will your business be ready when growth presents itself? american express open cards can help you take on a new job, or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. find out how american express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at find out how american express cards and services ♪ just look at those two. happy. in love. and saving so much money on their car insurance by switching to geico... well, just look at this 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succeed vote yes on 51. ♪ ♪ >> and i will faithfully execute the office of president of the united states. >> january 20th, 1993, bill clinton's inauguration filled with ceremony and tradition. inaugural balls and celebrations. even a saxophone-playing president. bill clinton joined the band at nearly all 11 balls with his wife by his side. >> god bless bill and hillary! >> and when they returned to their new home, the white house, the party continued. >> what was it like the first night? >> well, it was eerie because all of bush's items had been taken away and the clintons' items hadn't been unpacked. >> close friend jim blair, his wife diane, and a couple of other friends were there. >> bill clinton wanted to play hearts so we found a card table somewhere and dragged it out. >> did hillary play? >> she did not play. she's too smart to get caught up in those games. >> it didn't take long for the clintons to settle in. and from day one it was apparent they would do things differently. >> the fact that hillary had an office in the west wing was a big deal. >> patti solis doyle was hillary's senior adviser. >> traditionally first ladies had their office in the east wing. so the idea that she would have an office not in the west wing but in the white house ruffled a lot of feathers. >> she was going to be an adviser to her husband. >> hillary clinton wanted to focus on policy, not parties. lisa caputo was the first lady's press secretary. >> no one was even thinking about hosting state dinners or moving screenings and inviting members of the washington establishment. they were about getting things done. >> she got off on the wrong foot with the arbiters of d.c. society, and she could never get back on the balance beam. >> unfortunately, those were relationships she'd soon need, barely a week after the inauguration. >> today i am announcing the formation of the president's task force on national health reform. this task force will be chaired by the first lady. >> he saw what she had done in terms of education reform in the state of arkansas and he better than anyone knew how brilliant she was. >> i think that in the coming months the american people will learn, as the people of our state did, that we have a first lady of many talents but who most of all can bring people together around conflicts and difficult issues, to hammer out consensus and get things done. >> what we are trying to do -- >> she traveled across the country, learning about the health care problems that faced patients, doctors and nurses. but when she returned to washington, she retreated with a tight circle of trusted advisers to privately draft the legislation. >> her management of health care is really clumsy. her secrecy, her combativeness, her insistence on my way or the highway. >> critics say she was far from the inclusive, consensus builder her husband had promised. republican congressman peter king. >> having this secret team of experts, it was very secretive, arrogant plan coming that's going to be imposed on the american people. >> less than three months after she arrived at the white house, hillary's father, hugh rodham, died. >> it was, you know, just a terrible loss. >> he was very demanding of his kids. i think hillary gets a lot of her tenacity and her determination from her father. >> tenacity and determination she'd need five months later for her marathon health care testimony before five subcommittees on the hill. >> first of all, there is no free lunch in this health care plan. it is not going to be free. everybody's going to be paying something, even people who are on medicaid now will be paying something if they work, unlike today. we think that is a big step forward for responsibility. >> the detractors were surprised. it was a tour de force. it was incredibly sensitive, direct. >> republicans saw it quite differently. >> i don't think it swayed the average person on the street. if it doesn't sway average person on the street, it's not going to sway the country. >> and it didn't. it was a significant defeat for especially hillary. and that was far from their only issue. as part of a larger investigation, federal officials were looking into a failed business venture in arkansas in which the clintons were investment partners, known as whitewater for the real estate deal that was part of the federal probe. it sparked mistrust of the first couple, especially when missing billing records from hillary clinton's arkansas law firm were suddenly found in the white house residence. she was called to testify. the first time a first lady had been subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury. >> nothing was going to throw her. and if they want to bring her before the federal courthouse to testify, by god, she's going to do it. i remember her saying that's what they want, i will walk in with my head held high. >> i was glad to have the opportunity to tell the grand jury what i have been telling all of you. i do not know how the billing records came to be found where they were found. >> though their investment partners, jim and susan mcdougal, were both convicted as part of the larger case, the clintons were never charged with any wrong doing involving whitewater. >> it was a dark time. you know, the feelings of humiliation and vulnerability. >> while the clintons weathered these scandals, many democrats did not. mid term november 8th, 1994. >> estimating that the republicans will take enough votes to gain control of the house of representatives in more than 40 years. >> i have to take responsibility for that. >> and she felt terrible. she felt guilty, it was her fault. >> there were failed times in your career in the white house. looking back, what was the hardest moment for you in the white house? >> when my father died and when bill's mother died in the same year. the tragedies that make a big hole in your heart because you lose somebody that you know, you care about, a family member, those were the hardest. the others, of course, had their difficulties as well but it was the loss of my dad and my mother-in-law that were really tough. >> so hillary clinton went back to her roots, advocating for children, women and veterans. she became an ambassador of sorts for her husband. it was september 1995. >> no one had any idea what she was going to say. >> hillary clinton traveled with her chief of staff to china for the united nations conference on women. >> there were expectations that she probably would tread lightly and not say a whole lot that was news making. >> but those expectations were wrong. >> we are the primary caretakers for most of the world's children and elderly, yet much of the work we do is not valued, not by economists, not by historians -- >> this vast room filled with hundreds and hundreds of people began to awaken as though the sun had come up in the morning. and with each utterance got more and more excited. >> let it be that human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights once and for all. >> she realized that she had a role to play that could make a difference, not just at home, as important as that is, but around the world. >> hillary clinton had orchestrated her own comeback. until an unexpected revelation -- >> i did not have sex with that woman -- >> that almost ended it all. >> she was devastated by it. she felt betrayed. ♪ uddy, dforget anything! [kid] i won't, dad... [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it's pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ it's your tv, take it with you. with directv and at&t, watch all your live channels, on your devices, data-free. switch to directv and lock in your price for 2 years. offers starting at $50/month. in einstein since he started the new beneful recipe. the number one ingredient in it is beef. (einstein) the beef is fantastic! (becky) he has enough energy to believe that he can jump high enough to catch a bird. 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what would she do when you would bring boys home? >> she already knew them. i'm so close to my mom. she had already asked me and grilled me on anything she felt she needed to know. >> i remember one stage she brought and he was going through that stage where he would wear a baseball cap all the time. i finally said you have to take that baseball cap off. we're in the white house, we're having dinner and you cannot sit at the table with that baseball cap on. so it was just being a regular mom. >> another regular mom moment, when chelsea graduated from high school and left the nest, fall 1997. >> she was teary almost every day that her child was going away to college. >> my mom just i think couldn't believe that i was going to california. i think that was more upsetting to her than just me going to college. she was like can't you find somewhere closer? >> chelsea arrived at stamford on air force i. was welcomed by fans and friends. she had a secret service detail, but hillary still tried to make it as normal as possible. >> my mom put contact paper, like, in every drawer. she kept, like, trying to find things to reorganize and finally my dad was like we need to go. mom was like there has to be something else. my dad was like it's now time. i think if dad hadn't intervened, my mom would have still been there when i graduated four years later. >> chelsea was an adult now, on her own. shielding her from controversy as hillary had done for 18 years would be much harder. >> how difficult is it for you to hear so many people harshly criticize your mother? >> well, it's just been something i've got i don't know accustomed to over my life. i mean, i don't remember a time when my mom wasn't be attacked. >> charges of sex, lies and audiotapes. >> there is not a sexual relationship, that is accurate. >> january 1998, halfway through chelsea's freshman year, news broke that bill clinton had an affair with white house intern monica lewinsky. he denied it. >> i want to you listen to me. i'm going to say this again. i did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss lewinsky. >> and as she had done so many times before, hillary stood by her husband. >> she immediately said it's just not true, patti. so she felt get out there, get ahead of this, deny it and save it. we're not going to let this affect your job. >> she kept her commitment to a previously scheduled appearance on the "today" show. >> what is the exact nature of the relationship between your husband and monica lewinsky? >> it wasn't going to be easy. >> there's a vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband. >> that's what she believed, this was another attempt to bring down her husband and attack them. >> meanwhile federal investigators and a grand jury looked into the allegations of perjury and obstruction of justice. by mid summer, monica lewinsky agreed to testify and supply evidence in exchange for immunity. the president was scheduled to testify as well. it was the middle of august in the early morning hours before he was to be deposed when bill clinton confessed. >> he let her know that it was actually true, and she was devastated by it. she was -- she felt betrayed, she felt lied to, she felt that she had been defending him all this time and unknowingly she was lying. >> indeed i did have a relationship with miss lewinsky that was not appropriate. in fact, it was wrong. >> i don't know what got her through there, but being in the white house, subject to all that scrutiny -- >> hillary was desperate to escape washington, d.c. the morning after admitting the affair, bill clinton and his family left to go on vacation. the world was watching. >> you know, she was angry, she was upset. it's an iconic photograph with chelsea in the middle, and i think at that point that's who was keeping them together, chelsea. >> chelsea. >> yeah. >> there's no program. >> it's the president's birthday. >> the president and first lady have shown little affection following the grand jury testimony. >> this is a family that's got some healing to do. >> how difficult was it to go through something so private, so personal under the glare of the spotlight of the first lady? >> it was really hard. it was painful. and i was so supported by my friends. my friends just rallied around. they would come, they would try to make me laugh, they would recommend books to read. we'd go for long walks, we'd hang out, you know, eat bad food. just the kinds of things you do with your friends. and it was something that you just had to get up every day and try to deal with while still carrying on a public set of responsibilities. so it was very, very challenging. >> hillary clinton took care of her daughter and stood by her husband. even when others didn't. hillary confided in jim blair's wife, diane. >> and she explains to diane why she was sticking by her husband during this time. she said she's in it for the long haul, partly because she's stubborn, partly her upbringing, partly her pride. >> i think there's only one real reason and that's because she loves him. that's the end of the day. >> simple as that. >> simple as that. >> hillary clinton during this period i think rises really to the status of most admired women. >> clinton pollster mark penn. >> people looked at this and they said, well, look, anybody that could go through this, i mean, that's a strong woman. >> an image she'd carry into her next stage in life as the first lady becomes a senator. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit ♪ and if you want to be free,ut, be free ♪♪ ♪'cause there's a million things to be ♪ ♪ you know that there are ♪ where do you think you're going-going, girl? 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is the respondent, william jefferson clinton, guilty or not guilty? >> as bill clinton was fighting for his political legacy, hillary clinton was planning hers. it was february 12th, 1999. >> it was such a surreal moment. >> mr. mccain, guilty. >> because as the impeachment vote was happening on the floor -- >> mr. moynihan, not guilty. >> -- she was with the quintessential expert on the state of new york, of all things new york. >> that expert was senior adviser harold ickes. inside the private quarters of the white house, hillary clinton and ickes were contemplating a run for senate. >> we ran the gamut. >> hillary pored over research and debated strategy. then the phone rang. >> she told the white house operator to put whoever was calling on. >> so i just called and said i'd like to talk to the first lady. >> we didn't have a television or radio on. and she listened and said "i understand." >> i thought i was the 30th person to call. i had no idea i was the first guy through. >> new york republican peter king who had voted against impeachment delivered the news. president clinton had been acquitted by the senate of perjury and obstruction of justice. >> she put the phone down and there was a slight pause and she was like, harold, weren't we talking about a county in upstate new york? >> so instead of talking about the fact her husband had been acquitted -- >> she wanted to get right back. i could see in her body language that there was a sense of real relief, but she is not easily distracted from the issue at hand. >> that issue was the launch of her own political career. >> bill was really encouraging her to do this. lots of people come forward and say you really should think about doing this. >> hillary clinton felt like she needed something of her own. she needed to essentially move away from being an adjunct of her husband. >> maggie haberman was a local newspaper reporter covering the senate campaign. >> she saw an open seat and the field was basically cleared for her. >> i'm starting a listening tour of new york. >> the senate race had been a mini presidential race in terms of stress from day one. >> the idea that the circus was coming to town was really pretty dramatic. we chronicled literally every single movement of the precampaign and then the eventual campaign. it was literally seen as the greatest show on earth. >> the press even followed along as hillary clinton house hunted for the first time in decades. >> they spent most of their married lives in public housing. so hillary wants a real house with a real yard and dorothy looks at her and says, now hillary, the park service is not going to come mow this yard. >> she settled on this house in the quiet suburb of chappaqua, new york, 300 miles away from the white house and her husband. >> it was astonishing. in the final few months of her husband's term, she was not there at all. it was extremely unusual. >> but necessary. >> the question is how do you go from the white house to running in new york state? you didn't live in new york state, you didn't represent new york state. >> clinton had to convince new yorkers she wasn't an outsider. so she went on a listening tour of the entire state, all 62 counties. >> this notion of listening first, understanding people's problems first and then kind of explaining what you thought the solutions might be really just worked powerfully. >> i'm not in a campaign yet. >> i think they even have flies in arkansas. >> her opponent, mayor rudy giuliani, hit her hard on everything. >> kind of the way the clintons play politics. in the name of uniting, what they're really trying to do is divide, which is sad. >> then giuliani dropped out for personal reasons. clinton's new opponent rick lazio came out swinging. >> i'd be happy to when you give me the signed letters -- >> i want your signed signature -- >> this was rick lazio coming and downgrading her because she was a woman. whether she wanted it or not, the woman's card worked for her. >> two months later, hillary beat lazio. >> wow, this is amazing. >> hillary knew when she arrived on capitol hill she was just the freshman senator from new york. >> she decides i'm not going to be a bull in the china shop. >> from the beginning, clinton made a point of crossing the aisle, even quietly joining a republican prayer group. >> the idea is sending a signal that if we find common ground, i can work with you on it. >> he was working across the i'll from republicans and people who wanted to impeach her husband years before. >> that was the real irony of it. >> ten months in her first term came the defining moment as junior senator of new york, september 11th, 2001. >> the impact of seeing it firsthand shows what a total hell it is. >> amidst the devastation and mourning, a harsh reality. >> this is the kind of devastating attack and loss of life that is almost beyond imagination. and new york is going to need a lot of help. >> and money. and it was not just getting it but the painstaking task of figuring out how to distribute it. >> you had police officers, firefighters, wall street executives, investment bankers and how do you decide how much a human being is worth. i mean, it was very tough stuff. she was the senator who took the most active role in that meeting with everybody. >> she also sponsored a bill to cover medical costs for those who became sick after working at ground zero. it finally passed in 2010. and when president bush sought congressional authorization to use force in iraq, claiming that saddam hussein had weapons of mass destruction, the memories of what had happened at ground zero weighed heavily. >> she was looking at it from the perspective of the senator from new york after 9/11 and all of those people who died and all those families who lost loved ones. >> so it is with conviction that i support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. a vote for it is not a vote to rush to war, it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our president, and we say to him use these powers wisely and as a last resort. >> it's very painful. that was not one of the easier decisions of a tenure in the united states senate. i have to live with my vote. hillary does, too. >> a vote she would wrestle with from that day forward. on the "today" show in 2006. >> obviously if we knew then what we know now, there wouldn't have been a vote and i certainly wouldn't have voted that way. >> and in her book, "hard choices" writing, "i wasn't alone in getting it wrong but i still got it wrong, plain and simple." her critics say that little else about her senate career was memorable. >> she was not relative in terms of national legislation or policy initiatives. >> she was never afraid to invite somebody else to share the stage with her. >> now a politician in her own right and a senator in her own right, but was she ready for a bigger stage? >> i found my own voice. they'll be smilin ♪ seags ♪ and the rocks on the sand... ♪ it's so peaceful up here. yeah. 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>> with some discomfort, some amusement, a little bit of tension. >> they didn't want to call too much attention to the fact that she was a woman. >> while barack obama engaged young voters in a new way, clinton's campaign seemed stuck in the 90s. >> there was a stiffness about hillary in the early part of the campaign. too measured. >> there was a lot of debate among her strategists about exactly how to humanize her, how to make her more accessible to people. >> in fact, there was a lot of debate among her strategists about everything. >> it wasn't just good old fashioned healthy debate. there was some infighting. >> you know, but you know, campaigns under stress have that. it's true. >> the race was tight as they approached the all-important iowa caucuses, so the campaign turned to its secret weapons. >> so i wanted to introduce you to my mom and my daughter. >> an ad called "dorothy" hit the airwaves. >> what i would like people to know about hillary is what a good person she is. >> and chelsea joined her mother and grandmother on the stump and in the diners. >> just laughing a lot with my grandmother and mother because my grandmother was really excited about the egg salad sandwich that she said was like the best egg salad sandwich she'd had in, i don't remember, 20 or 30 years. >> to show voters more of her humor and humanity, hillary clinton started to talk less about policy and more about people. >> my mother had a difficult childhood but worked hard to provide a loving home for us. >> but it was too late. obama beat her badly in iowa and looked likely to do the same in new hampshire. >> things looked really, really bleak. there were a lot of options put on the table. one of those options was dropping out. and she was just like, no, i'm not a quitter. >> hillary clinton was a fighter, like during this debate on abc. >> what can you say to the voters of new hampshire who see your resumé and like it but are hesitating on the likability issue, where they seem to like barack obama more? >> well, that hurts my feelings. >> i'm sorry, senator. i'm sorry. >> i don't think i'm that bad. >> you're likable enough, hillary. no doubt about it. >> the turning point came on january 7th at a local diner in portsmouth, new hampshire. clinton was asked a simple question. what gets you up every day? >> this is very personal for me. it's not just political, it's not just public. i see what's happening. we have to reverse it. >> what do you remember about feeling in that moment? >> i'd been through a grueling campaign and there had been ups and there had been downs and it was incredibly intensely exhausting, physically and emotionally and every other way. and i lot of the emotion that had been there but suppressed because had you to get up every day, do ten events, travel a thousand miles just came flooding out and -- >> i imagine that was liberating. >> it was surprising. >> well, you're human and we all have emotions. >> don't tell anybody. that's one of the best kept secrets. >> huge wins tonight for hillary clinton and john mccain. >> that gave her a lot of energy and focus to continue the fight. >> i found my own voice. >> and her sense of humor. >> thank you for coming. i love your outfit. >> well, i love your outfit. but i do want the earrings back. >> oh, okay. >> now she campaigned like a challenger, not an incumbent. >> there were instances where we'd stay at the same hotel. we'd get there at 10 and she would get there at midnight. we would leave at 8 and she'd have left at 7. and it was extraordinary to watch. >> clinton turned up the heat. >> shame on you, barack obama! >> her debate performances were more aggressive. we finally did the 3 a.m. spot that would become iconic. >> it's 3 a.m. and your children are safe and asleep but there's a phone in the white house and it's ringing. >> and chelsea clinton emerged as a force on the trail. >> i wound up doing like more than 400 events in less than six months. i think in 40 states. sometimes two people showed up, sometimes 1,200 people showed up. >> some called it the chelsea effect. whenever she appeared, the gap between her mother and obama seemed to shrink. >> i need to go tell anyone and everyone who may have an iota of interest in listening to me why i'm so passionately supporting my mom as a daughter, as a democrat, as an american. >> oh, i think she'll be more than the voice of change. >> the tide slowly started to turn, but there was not enough time to catch up. june 3rd, 2008, the last day of democratic primaries. clinton took south dakota. >> i will be the democratic nominee. >> but obama won enough delegates to clinch the nomination. it was over. hillary clinton responded with the speech of a lifetime. >> although we weren't able to shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling this time, thanks to you, it's got about 18 million cracks in it. >> i was so proud of how just graceful and gracious she was and how full of gratitude she was for everyone who was in that old post office building, who had supported her and the 18 million people that she talked about who had put cracks in the glass ceiling. >> hillary clinton's race for the white house was over, but more surprises were still to come. ♪ hey, is this our turn? 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then be sure to vote yes on proposition 55. prop 55 doesn't raise taxes on anyone. instead, it simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians to prevent education cuts that would hurt our kids. no wonder prop 55 is endorsed by the california pta, teachers and educators. because all of us want to help our children thrive. it's time to vote yes on proposition 55. ♪ ♪ days after conceding a hard-fought democratic primary, hillary clinton got a surprising invitation. >> i called her and suggested that maybe she would meet with barack obama. >> the secret summit took place on june 5th, 2008 at feinstein's d.c. home. clinton got there in a minivan, hunkered down in the back seat to avoid reporters, while obama sent his press corps packing. >> it was only after the plane took off that we informed them that obama was not on the plane. this did not sit well with the press corps, by the way. >> i'm not going to get into details of his schedule. >> what do you remember about them arriving at your house, seeing each other for the first time after this hard-fought battle? >> i remember some strain. i had two chairs facing each other in the living room, and i left and went upstairs. and about 20 minutes, a half hour later i heard laughter and i said done. >> mission accomplished. >> mission accomplished. >> a good soldier, clinton campaigned hard for obama. >> the time is now to unite as a single party with a single purpose. >> after obama's victory, another surprise. he asked clinton to serve as his secretary of state. on february 2nd, 2009 -- >> i, hillary rodham clinton -- >> hillary clinton was sworn in. >> during the first couple of years, it was about rehabilitating our reputation in the world. >> former adviser shapiro. >> she would always arrange for a combination of a town hall and interviewed and it enabled her to establish a real connection with the people of those countries. >> her mission, to meet not just world leaders, but also regular citizens was called people-to-people diplomacy. >> the young woman right there and the young man right there. >> and brought attention to important issues clinton had long supported -- women's rights, child welfare, the environment. >> oh, he's beautiful. >> but sometimes other tactics were required. >> secretary clinton and president obama were both in copenhagen. >> clinton's deputy chief of staff was with them, helping to hammer out an agreement on climate change. but key delegations were conspicuously absent until someone suggested the chinese might be hiding in a conference room down the hall. >> and so the president and the secretary looked at each other and said, "let's go." >> are you ready or do you need to talk some more? >> president obama came to the door first and the chinese guards had their arms up and he sort of pushed his way through. then secretary clinton came up to the door and ducked under. >> they took seats at the table. hours later the foundations of a landmark climate change agreement were in place. but not everything went as planned. >> i wanted to present you with a little gift. >> there was this badly bungled moment with her russian counterpart. >> and that is we want to reset our relationship. we worked hard to get the right russian word. do you think we got it? >> you get it wrong. >> i got it wrong. >> as secretary of state, she could have had some kind of landmark moment and she never did. >> conservative commentator amanda carpenter said clinton made little impact. >> you talk to her people and they will say, well, she traveled around, she visited a lot of countries. that's not a signature achievement. >> but what happened in may of 2011 was. >> when i became secretary of state, it's one of the things that i said to the president, that if there's any chance we can track and find bin laden, i think we have to do it. >> that chance came when intelligence said osama bin laden might be at a hideout in pakistan. >> it was a tough call because really experienced people looked at the intelligence differently. i became convinced that it was the right thing to do and made that recommendation to the president in that meeting. >> obama and clinton watched the mission unfold from the situation room. >> your heart was in your throat the whole time we were in there. i've never spent a more stressful 30-plus minutes in my life. >> remember, she was the senator from new york on 9/11, so this was personal to her. so getting bin laden i think was, for her, such an important way to close a chapter, a very painful chapter. >> not long after a more personal chop ter was about to close with her mother dorothy. >> she was such a great support to me during my entire life but she lived with us the last ten years of her life so she was just there every day, and she gave me a lot of good feedback and advice. >> on november 1st, 2011, dorothy rodham passed away. >> when hillary was traveling as secretary of state, she'd leave the light on on the piano and wait for her to come home. the first time she went away after her mom died and she was coming back from a trip, i know she was upset about coming home to the house without her mom there. and bill and chelsea came in from new york to be in washington. >> ten months after her mother's death, clinton faced her greatest diplomatic crisis. september 11th, 2012. >> a radical islamic group -- >> armed men stormed the benghazi post in libya. four americans died, including ambassador chris stevens. >> the militants were apparently enraged -- >> conflicting reports immediately emerged. publicly the obama administration said what happened was the result of spontaneous protests. >> today we bring home four americans -- >> privately clinton referred to the assault as a, quote, planned attack. do you think that hillary clinton misled the country during benghazi? >> i think she went along with the obama administration in misleading the country, yes. >> years of investigations and hearings concluded that the state department should have taken much stronger security precautions and that intelligence warnings were ignored. investigators concluded clinton was not directly to blame, but she took responsibility in this cnn interview in 2012. >> i take responsibility. i'm in charge of the state department, 60,000 plus people all over the world, 275 posts. >> the tragedy in benghazi -- >> that wasn't good enough for patricia smith, whose son, shawn, was killed that day. >> i blame hillary clinton personally for the death of my son. that's personally. >> how do you feel when relatives of the four americans killed that might continue to blame you personally for their deaths? >> well, i feel very sorry for them. i understand the grief that they still must be experiencing and i'm, you know, very sympathetic to their feelings. there have been nine independent investigations, most of them done by the other party and there's no basis for their feelings but that doesn't mean their feelings aren't real so i respect that. i just have to accept that, you know, one or two people are going to feel that way and that's their right and then the weight of the evidence is pretty clear about, you know, what was happening and what we were trying to manage at the time. >> in fact, the last of the investigations was revealed to also be politically motivated when the number two republican in the house said this -- >> everybody thought hillary clinton was unbeatable, right? but we put together a benghazi special committee, a select committee. what are her numbers today? her numbers are dropping. why? because she's untrustable. but no one would have known any of that had happened had we not thought and made something happen. >> benghazi remains a haunting legacy for clinton. >> you know, i would imagine i've thought more about what happened than all of you put together. i've lost more sleep than all of you put together. >> but the political fallout didn't keep her from running for president one more time. >> let's go out and make that promise to america. >> next. beyond is a natural pet food that goes beyond assuming ingredients are safe... to knowing they are. going beyond expectations... because our pets deserve it. beyond. natural pet food. ♪ well, if you want to sing out, sing out ♪ ♪ and if you want to be free, be free ♪ ♪ 'cause there's a million things to be ♪ ♪ you know that there are ♪ and if you want to be me, be me ♪ ♪ and if you want to be you, be you ♪ ♪ 'cause there's a million things to do ♪ ♪ you know that there are ♪ i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit ♪ where do you think you're going-going, girl? ♪ ♪ ♪ girl, where do you think you're going? ♪ test. congratulations! >> after stepping down from her post as america's top diplomat, hillary clinton soon added another title to her resume, grandma. >> being a grandmother, i imagine that's a big priority for her. >> i think it's the number one priority for her. she face times with us every day. she's very hands on. she changes diapers, she helps give charlotte her bottle before bed and i had no doubt that that's the type of grandmother she would be. >> when you have grandchildren, you can really enjoy them and you can spend time thinking about their futures and i want every kid to have every opportunity to just go as far as their hard work and talent will take them, starting of course with my grandchildren but i don't want to stop there. that's not enough. i want kids in our country to feel like the american dream is alive and well for them. >> i've spent my life fighting for children, families and our country and i'm not stopping now. >> in june of 2015, children were a centerpiece, as clinton announced her second run for president. >> what do you think ultimately pushed her to run again? >> i think that she had unfinished business. in 2008 she was very much still running as bill clinton's third term. she was now emerging in her own right and i think that was very important to her. >> breathing a big sigh of relief. thank you, iowa! >> clinton won the iowa caucus but once again, a surprising challenger emerged, 74-year-old self-proclaimed democratic socialist senator bernie sanders finished a strong second. >> iowa, thank you! >> and the race was on. >> sanders was really able to create a grass roots movement. the clinton machines simply failed to see this coming and take it seriously, as did many in the press. >> i'm sure there were people involved with her in 2008 who had those moments, how could this happen again? but the advantage they had was that it did happen before and they were better prepared for it this time. >> better prepared and better organized to amass the delegates needed to win the nomination. >> thank you so much, south carolina! >> by june, the clinton campaign's hard work had paid off. >> the first time in our nation's history that a woman will be a major party's nominee for president of the united states. >> it is historic but it's almost more than historic. this is profoundly important not just for the direction of our country but for women. >> but one big shadow still hung over the campaign. >> will you explain the e-mails, secretary clinton? >> back in march of 2015, a "new york times" report launched the investigation that would unravel throughout her campaign. clinton had used a private server as her only source of e-mail communication for official state department business, and it was not government sanctioned. >> looking back, it would have been better if i had simply used a second e-mail account and carried a second phone, but at the time this didn't seem like an issue. >> but it was an issue and the fbi launched an investigation. >> why was her use of a private e-mail server so problematic when she was secretary of state? >> a, because it poses national security risks. but then also it's very clear that she put this offline so that no one else could see it. >> and that just feeds into this perception that she's not trustworthy in your view? >> correct because there's just been such a legacy of these types of scandals built up over time. >> the muddled response only made matters worse. >> there were different approaches, some were dismissive. >> did you wipe the server? >> like with a cloth or something? >> some were remorseful. >> i used a single account for convenience. obviously these years later, it doesn't look so convenient. >> but they weren't consistent. >> it would take six months before clinton said the words many had been waiting for. >> that was a mistake. i'm sorry about that. i take responsibility. >> if you look at polling, she took a big hit when that story surfaced. in terms of those measures of trust, honesty. she's never fully recovered from that. >> how much personal responsibility do you take for those poll numbers showing that people have a hard time trusting you? >> i think i have to take ultimate responsibility because clearly i am not communicating effectively. there is a disconnect between how i'm perceived when i'm doing a job and how people are viewing me when i am seeking a job. >> just one month after clinton clinched her party's nomination, the fbi announced the results of its investigation. >> although we did not find clear evidence that secretary clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information. >> thoughen clinton did not face any criminal charges, in the -- questions continued throughout the campaign. >> you've covered her for so many years. do you find she has a problem with honesty and transparency? >> i think they're not the same thing. i think she has a problem with transparency. i think every politician has some problem with transparency. by the net effect doesn't matter because voters see it that she's has an honesty problem. >> i think as a guardedness. i think there's a lot of scar tissue from battles thought. -- she's fought. she's learned to be reserved. she's learned words can be use against you so use them very carefully. >> but yet that hurts her. >> it does hurt her. it does hurt her. but people are complicated. >> there's no one element that's the real hillary clinton. you're talking about a woman who likes to know how thick the ice is before she steps out on it. there is the engaging, warm, delightful, seductive hillary. so there are several hillary clintons. >> she's a complex person, but she's not the caricature, she's not the great heroine her supporters think she is and she's not this evil person that her enemies think. >> there are so many versions of you out there. who is the real hillary clinton? >> just the same person i've always been. i'm always amused by the various scenarios about me and the kind of caricatures of me. again, i don't have a lot of control over that. i just get up every day, do what i believe is the right thing to do. i don't know anything else to do other than to be me. >> but do you ever see a version and say who is that person? >> oh, all the time. i read things about me and i say i wouldn't like her either. i mean, really. who is this person? >> it's so clear to me who my mother is. she's kind, hilarious, compassionate, warm, loving. she does have i think the best laugh. i wish more people could see that. i wish more people on the kind of public advocacy side could recognize her lifelong commitment to children and to families and that really has been the core thread of her life. >> the core of her life and the core of her mission, to break that final glass ceiling. >> please welcome chelsea clinton. >> that moment when your daughter was on stage and introduced you as her mother and the first female presidential nominee of a major party, what was that like for you? >> oh, my gosh. i was watching backstage and i thought i'm such a lucky person no matter what happens. i just feel blessed. >> my mother, my hero, and our next president, hillary clinton. >> i was worried that i might just burst into tears. i really thought, oh, my gosh, this is going to be so emotional. >> thank you for that amazing welcome. >> thinking about my mother, seeing my daughter, knowing that i was about to accept this nomination and the responsibility that went with it was an overwhelming moment. and i will never forget it. >> and so, my friends, it is with humility, determination and boundless confidence in america's promise that i accept your nomination for president of the united states! >> announcer: the following is a cnn special report. he's the most unconventional candidate in modern history. >> i'm not using the lobbyists. i'm not using donors. i don't care. i'm really rich. >> an outsider -- >> our politicians are stupid. >> -- upending the rules of the game. >> he represents sort of an earthquake in a box to washington, d.c. >> winning more primary votes than any republican ever. >> you've given me the honor to lead the republican party to victory this fall.

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