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Important point. Hello and good morning. Im michaela pereira. Im john berman. Those stories and more right now at this hour. At this hour, weve been watching it all morning, another winter storm. Make it stop, john. This could bring almost a foot of snow to parts of the northeast today and tomorrow. These are the nasty conditions that drivers near cleveland had to deal with this morning. Several inches fell overnight. Now, the area is dealing with wind gusts of up to 40 miles an hour. If that wasnt enough, passengers say it was like nothing they have ever experienced. Did weather play a part in this, we dont know. The plane suddenly dropped and started shaking violently. The plane dropped and hit severe and sudden turbulence. One passenger said, everybody on board were terrified. There was a lot of screaming and a lot of hollering. Another passenger hit the ceiling so hard she cracked the panel that was above her head. Five people in total went to the hospital, some crew, some passengers on board the plane. Right now, we are told United Airlines is investigating. Young people are expressing at this hour protesters back on the streets of venezuelas capital. The young people are expressing their outrage over that countrys slumping economy and rising crime. At least four protesters have died in the last few days. The state department denying that the u. S. Is helping to stir up these demonstrations. President obama making a big move this hour to cut down on Greenhouse Gas pollution. He is targeting emissions from medium and heavyduty trucks. We are showing you a live image from where he is expected to speak today. The president is going to call for new feel efficiency standards. He is not waiting around for congress to get on board. He is going it alone. We will bring you his speech when it happens live from there in maryland coming up. A prisoner swap between the u. S. And taliban is reportedly on the table. This was first reported by the daily beast, picked up by the Washington Post today. It says the Obama Administration is trying to trade five Guantanamo Bay prisoners for u. S. Army sergeant, bo bergdahl. He was captured in june, 2009. At the time, he was just 23 years old. Authorities believe he is being held in pakistan by the hakani network. Joining us from washington, former Deputy Assistant secretary of the army, van hip. And on the phone, cnn military analyst, retired major general, james, spider marks. Thanks so much to both of you for joining us. First, lets talk to you. Should the u. S. Negotiate with the taliban to bring our soldier home despite a long standing policy we have had to not negotiate with terrorists. Negligent yoe negotiating with the terrorist and trying to strike a deal has come back to bite us. The current chief of operations for the taliban, the southern part of afghanistan, who has caused us all kind of problems the last few years, Mulla Abdullah zakir is someone we released back to the battlefield and it has come back to bite us. John mccain has called these prisoners in guantanamo some of the worst murderers in the world. They have been targeting americans. Nevertheless, you think it is a good idea to enter these discussions with the taliban. Why . Well, john, we have a history of being able to dance pretty effectively along the edges of the declaration which states that we wont negotiate with terrorists. We have had communications with all forms of bad guys, to include the taliban in the past. Certainly, the results have not always been what we would prefer. In this particular case, i have to tell you what this administration is really posturing itself for is a complete departure from afghanistan and having a presence in the region through which we could possibly get the soldier returned moving down the road. The clock is ticking. We are moving into a dead stop with the United States if it has, again, i have to underline, if it has any credibility at all in the region. It is now quite questionable that we will be able to get this great young soldier back if we dont do something in the veneer term. I think it is clear that time is running out. I know the Obama Administration is desperately wanting to get him home before u. S. Forces leave afghanistan entirely this year. Weve seen evidence of the taliban providing a video of him. He does not look like he is in good shape. He is still alive. Give us an idea of the other options that are available. If we go through with the taliban prisoner swap right now, we are putting every american soldier deployed all over the world at risk. Were sending a message to terrorist organizations all over the world that it is okay to capture an american soldier, that america will deal with you. That is the wrong message to send. We need to give the green light, the special opts and let them do their job, quietly and methodically as they have done so well in the past. I am encouraged by the fact that in the last month, we have intercepted this video and we were we didnt know anything over the last three years. I think we are getting closer to his actual location. Spider, i want to put you on the spot here. Last week, you were on our show. We were talking about the fact that the Afghan Government was releasing prisoners. 65 prisoners. You thought that was an awful idea and yet now when it is the Obama Administration, releasing prisoners in u. S. Custody. It is a good idea. Isnt that a double standard there. Of course, it is a double standard, john. This is not unusual nor should we be surprised by this. The United States has been holding these folks in guantanamo for quite some time. They have gone through very, very specifically what the charges are and what their activities are. If the United States figures and if our legal system figures that the release of these individuals will guarantee the release of a soldier, that is into the details of how it can be done. It is an opportunity and an option that we should avail ourselves of. Absolutely, its a double standard. There is one thing. Maybe i will put this to the man. This is not the first time that we have tried to negotiate with them to let us bring our soldier home. Last time around, the taliban broke off the negotiations in the talks. It makes one wonder how can you trust them, specially when we are on a time crunch. You want to get this young man home before u. S. Troops come home. If you go back and look what we did two years ago, that should be a red flag to us. In the negotiations, we offered to release one or two just to make sure they would not go back to the battlefield. Guess what . The taliban completely cut off negotiations. When you negotiate with terrorists and release terrorist prisoners like this, all the studies are showing at least 30 are going back to the battlefield. Were finding out right now that youve got former guantanamo prisoners working with terrorists. We need to learn the lesson of history and im afraid it puts american soldiers at increased risk all over the world. Van hipp, general spider mark, thanks for being with us. I like what spider said right there. Of course, it is a double standard. Everybody needs, we need to get him home. How they do that is the sensitive and difficult thing. We are going to take a short break here. Controversy, ahead of this hour, rocker, ted nugent, kicking up major controversy in the texas governors report. We have a live report straight ahead. Ameriprise asked people a simple question in retirement, will you outlive your money . Uhhh. No, that cant happen. Thats the thing, you dont know how long it has to last. Everyone has retirement questions. So ameriprise created the exclusive. Confident retirement approach. Now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. Well, knowing gives you confidence. Start building your confident retirement today. We have some live pictures to show you from Upper Marlboro in maryland where president obama is about to speak. There is president obama. He is very, very small. We are very, very big. Which masks the dichotomy in importance. He is going to speak about some Greenhouse Gas emissions standards, talking about environmental regulations as his part of year of action to do things sometimes without the approval of congress. As soon as he starts speaking, we will take you there live. He is at a distribution for safeway, the Grocery Store chain. He felt that was a place to speak about this. Well take you there live when it happens. In the meantime, were going to talk about a political showdown in texas. Ted nugent versus texas democrats. Now, ted nugent was invited to go on the campaign trail with the Texas Attorney general, greg abbott, republican running for governor. That invitation comes weeks after nugent spouted some pretty controversial comments about the president. He called him a subhuman mongrel among other things. Joining us is dana bash and christie hoppy, the option bureau chief for the dallas morning news. What a pleasure to have you. Here is what nugent said about the president last month. He has failed to galvanize and prod, if not shame, enough americans to be evervigilant not to let a chicago, communistraised, economisteducated, communist nurtured subhuman mon grel like Barack Hussein obama to weasel his way into the top office of authority in the United States of america. He goes on to call for president obama to be impeached. Dana, i know you have had a chance to speak to some folks from greg abbotts camp. What are they saying now . Michaela, oftentimes when campaigns make controversial decisions, they try to mask the decisions. They are not doing that. They are fully admitting that ted nugent, despite of or even because of the comments he displayed is a big drop among republican primary voters in texas. Today marks the first day of early voting in texas. They invited him to campaign with greg abbott and they think that it is going to pay off among republican primary voters. The example i was given was they are doing this event at a very small restaurant in denton, texas. They had about 100 rsvps before they invited ted nugent. It is 300 after they invited ted nugent. They know it is controversial, the things he is saying, not just that but many other things. They say he is a draw and thats why they are doing it. Pretty candid. As cynical as it is, at least it is candid. They arent backing off at all. I have been watching the tweets coming from his campaign. They are very, very proud of this. They are promoting it. The democrats in texas are jumping all over this. The Democratic Party chairman responded, texans deserve better than a statewise candidate running for governor who welcomes ted nugent and his repugnant comments. Abbott is defending it saying is a forceful advocate for constitutional rights, specially the second amendment. Let me ask about the democrats here. This is a very charged election right now. It looks like it will be wendy davis up against greg abbott, the attorney general. Gender issues very much at the center of this campaign. Right. There are two things you have to do to win High Public Office in texas. Thats know how to lead in prayer and know how to shoot a gun and greg abbott has done both. He is underscoring his credentials there by inviting ted n ted nugent. The democrats are jumping on things that he has said about women calling them whores and other things i cant say on tv and elected officials. They are pointing to his early history of dating very young women and greg abbott has a cybercrimes unit that he has been very proud of that looks at sexual predators online. This he are trying to draw the parallels that greg abbott has made an unforced error here. I am curious how you think this is going to play on the longterm and also on a larger scale nationally with the gop. By some accounts, you would think that the gop is sort of struggling from a bit of an identity crisis about who they are appealing to and who is being made feel welcome within their party that flies against all of that . It is such a great question, micayla. Usually, when you make a move like this, it is because you have a very tough primary campaign. That is not the case for greg abbott. His campaign aids fully admit that the biggest challenge is going to be against the democrats. Why put themselves in a position to have the kinds of attacks like you just saw from the Democratic Party down there . It really is a different kind of campaign. I remember and i think john was out there too covering john mccain, who, when it was uncovered that certain talk show host was campaigning with him in ohio had said some nasty things, he dropped him like a hot potato. It is just a very different kind of approach to campaigning. If you ask the john mccains of the world, the elder statesmen of the gop, it is the problem that the Republican Party has. In a place like texas, cindy knows a lot more than i do. This is exactly what you do need particularly when you have got to get out the base, maybe not so much of an imperative in the republican primary. It will be to get all those people out in the general election. Well, ladies, i appreciate you both talking to us about this. There is obviously a lot more we could say. For now, we will say thank you to dana bash and christie hoppe. Thank you so much for joining us to talk about this. I feel like it is not going to be the last we hear about it, not just in the twitosphere. Using such racebaiting is going to upset a lot of people. Mongrel is the phrase that is a loaded phrase. We are going to talk about the olympics, how the medals are stacking up. Russia and the u. S. Tied with 19 medals each, five gold. More way, 18 medals, 7 gold. The dutch, netherlands, canada is dominating the silver medals. You are great at second best with 8 silver medals, 16 total. Germany has the most gold with 8 and 15 total. There are a lot of numbers. Bob costas back in the olympic broadcast booth. You have probably been watching. He missed almost a week because of a bad case of pink eye. Matt mauer, Meredith Vieira filled in for him. Here is what costas said when he took the reigns back. My thanks to you and my apologies to everyone for the unavoidable but uncomfortable circumstance of a broadcasters illtimed affliction getting in the way eve foreign a few moments for what we all came here for, the Olympic Games. Illtimed affliction. An awful case of pink eye to miss the work he missed. He still says he is not 100 . He has not missed a prime time olympic broadcast since the seoul Olympic Games in 1988. Great he has such a good bench he can call upon to help out. Im sure they chomped at the bit to go over there. The ironman the eyes not made of iron. Not so much. Ahead at this hour, president obama goes it alone. Now, he wants to talk about fuel efficiency standards for big trucks. He is not waiting around for congress either. I can download anything i want. [ girl ] seriously . Thats a lot of music. Seriously. Thats insane. And its 15 bucks a month for the family. Seriously . Thats a lot of gold rope. Seriously, thats a signature look. You dont have a signature look, honey. Thats a signature look. [ male announcer ] only at t brings you beats music. Unlimited downloads for up to 5 accounts and 10 devices all for 14. 99 a month. Are you flo . Yes. Is this the thing you gave my husband . Well, yeah, yes. The name your price tool. You tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. Careful, though that kind of power can go to your head. That explains a lot. Yo, buddy i got this. Gimme one, gimme one, gimme one the power of the name your price tool. 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Environmental standards, Climate Change, battling these types of things is one of the key areas the white house has been saying all along that the president can address in his socalled year of action. They say he can do this unilaterally through executive action without congressional authorization or approval. He has done this on several earlier occasions. He now says that in 2015, 2016, you put greater standards on fuel efficiency on these trucks and these school buses and all sorts of other larger vehicles, you are going to save in terms of gas and Greenhouse Gas emissions. Thats going to be a significant advantage. He says he can do it right away. He is going to make the announcement at a Safeway Distribution Center right outside washington, d. C. Safe way has been involved in more fuelefficient trucks. Thats why he decided to make the announcement out there. Athena, lets bring you into the conversation as you heard wolf say, plans to do this without congress in this year of action, taking action on things that dont require this congressional approval. Thats right. This is an example of one of those things. There has been a lot of talk recently. It doesnt really die out about whether Climate Change is real. The president said in his state of the union address, that Climate Change is a fact. This is one of many ways that the administration is attempting to help battle, to tackle the challenge of Climate Change. These rules are the next phase of an effort that began back in 2010 and 2011, when the Administration First announced these new standards for trucks. Those were for models 20142018. This next phase will be for truck models from 2018 and beyond. So this again is one of those examples of the kinds of things that the president can do without congressional action. They want to show the president is doing everything that he can without the help of congress, because we know it has been pretty difficult getting a lot of things through congress. The Clean Air Act of 1970 makes it clear the president can do this without the help of congress. He can instruct the epa to set standards for emissions and also for mileage in cars and trucks. What is the industry saying about this . I know the white house says they will work with the industry to set the standards. Car ad truck manufacturers, are they concerned . They are concerned. This is something that business has been preparing for for a long time in this country. Actually, in some ways, longer than government. Major manufacturers have been preparing not only for emission standards but for the day when there might be a carbon tax. This is something Companies Think a lot about. Admission standards are already prevalent in places like europe. If you are a global company, you are already thinking about these things. You already have certain protocols in place. That said, he is going to get some push back not only from industry but perhaps also from environmentalists. This is good news for him. The administration has an all of the above energy strategy. That means that fracking is something they are in support of at the same time they are trying to combat emissions. It is going to be a mixed bag in environmentalists. I was thinking, what are the numbers here . The heavy duty trucks account for 4 of registered vehicles on the roads here in this state. Whats interesting. They account for 25 of road fuel use in Greenhouse Gas emissions coming from the transportation sector. When you think about that and when you see all of these vehicles on the road, it makes sense. They are making this a focus. I think a lot of people can understand the push. There are going to be people that say, why now, why make this push now . My own sense is, and i could be wrong and this wouldnt be the first time. My own sense is that the president is making a major push on all of these Environmental Issues through executive action. He might be gearing up to approve the Keystone Pipeline which has been very controversial with environmentalists. There was a state Department Report that came out indicating that it wouldnt necessarily have a negative impact on the environment. A lot of environmentalists are very unhappy. My own sense is the president is pushing a lot of these other Environmental Issues right now to sort of help him if he decides to go ahead and authorize and approve the Keystone Pipeline in june or july. You say, why now . I think he has to make a decision coming up fairly soon. That might help him with some of the base, if you will, of the Democratic Party, who are adamantly opposed to this key line pipeline. It has a lot of support. It is a huge issue out there. In my experience, you are never wrong. I do think keystone is a big part of this. I think you are absolutely right. That goes to the point that the president is pushing a lot of strategies that arent necessarily environmentally friendly but are a good thing for Energy Independence which the administration has made a big priority. We are keeping our eye on the president and this speech. We think he will be taking the podium any minute now. We are going to bring our panel back right after the break. So you can have a getaway from what you know. So you can be surprised by what you dont. Get two times the points on travel and dining at restaurants from chase sapphire preferred. So you can taste something that wakes up your soul. Chase sapphire preferred. So you can. And better is so easy withrning you cabenefiber. O Something Better for yourself. Fiber thats tastefree, gritfree and dissolves completely. So you can feel free to add it to anything. And feel better about doing it. Better it with benefiber. 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Vr vr welcome back. There is the president. We want to thank safeway for having us here today at this busy Distribution Center where delivery trucks get everything from doritos to diapers where they need to go. By the way, i have a little soft spot for safeway in my heart, because some of you know i went to high school in hawaii. I was living with my grandparents. Our main Grocery Store was safeway, right down the way. So my grandmother would send me out to go shopping at safeway. Everybody there always treated me very well. So i very much appreciate the good work you guys do. I want to thank all the workers and Business People and labor leaders and environmental leaders who are here today as we take another big step to grow our economy and reduce americas dependence on foreign oil. In my state of the union address, i said this would be a year of action. I have acted to require federal contractors to pay their employees at least 10. 10 an hour. We believe in a higher minimum wage. I have ordered an across the board reform of job Training Programs so we can train workers with the skills that employers need and match them to the good jobs that are out there needing to be filled. I directed the treasury secretary to create something we are calling my ra, a new way to help working americans start saving for retirement. We have brought together Business Leaders who have committed to helping more unemployed americans. I am eager to work with con gris wherever i can. Whenever i connect on my own, to expand opportunity for more americans and help build our middle class, im going to do that. All of you, i think, understand, that although the economy has been doing better, we have spent the past five years fighting our way back from the worst recessions of our life times. Now, the economy is growing. Our businesses have created over 8. 5 million new jobs over the past four years. The Unemployment Rate is actually the lowest it has been in over five years. But the trends, the longterm trends that have hurt middle class families for decades, have continued. Folks at the top are doing better than ever before. Average wages and incomes have barely budged. Too Many Americans are working harder than ever just to keep up. So our job is to not only get the economy growing but also to reverse these trends and make sure that everybody can succeed. We have an economy that works for everybody, not just fortunate few. Opportunity for all. Thats the essence of america no matter who you are, no matter where you come from, no matter how you start out. If youre willing to work hard and take responsibility, you can succeed. So i have laid out an opportunity agenda to help us do that. Part one is create more new jobs that pay good wages. Jobs and manufacturing, energy, exports, innovation. Part two, we have to train folks with the skills they need to fill those jobs. Part three, we have to guarantee every child access to a world class education. Part four is making sure that the economy rewards hard work. With equal pay for equal work and wages you can live on. Savings you can retire on. Health insurance you can count on. Thats there when you need it. Now, there are very few factors that are helping grow our economy more, bringing more good jobs back to america than our commitment to American Manufacturing and american energy. Thats why we are here today. Five years ago, we set out to break our dependence on foreign oil. Today, america is closer to Energy Independence than we have been in decades for the first time in nearly 20 years, america produces more oil here at home than we buy from other countries. All levels of dangerous Carbon Pollution that contributes to Climate Change has gone down even as our production has gone up. One of the reasons why is because we dedicated ourselves to manufacturing new cars and new trucks that go farther on a gallon of gas. That saves families money and cuts down harmful pollution and it creates new advances in american technology. So for decades, the fuel efficiency standards of our cars and trucks were stuck in neutral. Even as other accounts of technology leapt forward. That left families and businesses and our economy vulnerable to fluctuations in oil prices. Every time oil prices shot up, the economy got hurt. Our automakers were in danger of being left in the dust by foreign automakers. Carbon pollution was going unchecked, which was having severe impacts on our weather. Thats why after taking office, my the administration worked with automakers, autoworkers, environmental advocates and states across the country and we set in motion the firstever National Policy aimed at increasing gas mileage and decreasing Greenhouse Gas pollution for all new cars and trucks sold in the United States. As our automakers retooled and prepared to start making the worlds best cars again, we aimed to raise fuel economy standards to 35. 5 miles per gallon for a new vehicle by 2016. Yeah wow that was an increase of more than 8 miles per gallon over what cars had averaged at the time. What we were clear about was, if you set a rule, if you set a clear goal, we would give our companies the certainty that they needed to innovate and outbuild the rest of the world. They could figure it out if they had a goal that they were trying to reach. Thanks to their ingenuity and our work, we are going to meet that goal. Two years later, we have already seen enormous progress. Were building on that progress by setting an even more ambitious target. We are going to double the distance our cars and light trucks can go on a gallon of gas by 2025. We are going to double it. That means thats big news. What it means is you have to fill up every two weeks instead of every week. That saves the typical family more than 8,000 at the pump over time. Im assuming you can use 8,000 that youre not paying at the gas station. In the process, it cuts american Oil Consumption by 12 billion barrels. So we let the automakers decide how they were going to do it. We set the goal and we said, go figure it out. They invested in innovative and Cost Effective technologies. Some are already making cars that beat the target of nearly 55 miles per gallon. They have plugin hybrids and electric vehicles and they are taking advantage of the investments that the recovery act made in american advances in battery technology. Cars are Getting Better and more fuelefficient all the time. For anybody who said this couldnt be done, or that it would hurt the American Auto industry. The American Auto industry sold more cars last year than any time since 2007. Since we stepped in to help our automakers retool, since we stepped in to help the automakers retool, the American Auto industry has created almost 425,000 new jobs. So we raise fuel efficiency, help consumers, helped improve air quality. And were making better cars than ever and the automakers are hiring folks again for good jobs all across the country. More plants are running. More plants are running at full capacity. Some are even running three shifts. 24 hours a day, churning out some of the most hightech, fuelefficient, High Performance cars in the world. Thats a story of american ingenuity, american grit. Everybody has a right to be proud of it. Today, we are taking the next step. Heavy duty trucks account for just 4 of all the vehicles on the highway. I know when youre driving sometimes, it feels like it is more. But there are only 4 of all the vehicles. They are responsible for about 20 of Carbon Pollution in the tran transportation sector. Trucks like these are responsible for about 20 of our onroad fuel consumption. Because they haul about 70 of all domestic freight, 70 of the stuff we use, everything from flat screen tvs to diapers to produce to you name it, every mile that we gain in fuel efficiency, is worth thousands of dollars of savings every year, so thats why we are investing in research to get more fuel economy gains. Thanks to a partnership between industry and my administration, the truck behind me was able to achieve a 75 improvement in fuel economy over the last year. 75 . Thats why i call this super truck. Its impressive. This one right here as well. These are first of all, they are really big. But you can see how they have redesigned the truck in order for us to save fuel economy. Improving gas mileage for these trucks is going to drive down our oil imports even further. That reduces Carbon Pollution even more, cuts down on businesses fuel cost, which should pay off in lower prices for consumers. Its not just a win win. Its a win win win. You have got three wins. In 2011, we set new standards for medium and heavy duty trucks to take effect this year and last until 2018. Three weeks ago, in my state of the up ynion address, i said, w he would build on that success. Today, im directing the secretary of transportation, anthony foxx, right here, the former mayor of charlotte, and gina mccarthy, the administrator of the epa, two outstanding public servants, they are charged, their goal is to develop fuel economy standards for heavyduty trucks that will take us well into the next decade just like our cars. They are going to partner with manufacturers, and autoworkers and states and truckers to come up with a proposal by march of next year and they will complete the rule a year after that. Businesses that buy these type of trucks have sent a clear message to the nearly 30,000 workers that build them. We want trucks that use less oil, save more money and cut pollution. So far, 23 companies have joined our National Clean Fleet Partnership to reduce their Oil Consumption or replace their old fleets of trucks with more fuelefficient models and collectively, they operate about 1 million commercial vehicles nationwide. This is a lot of companies. Some of our competitors. If rivals like pepsico and cocacola or ups and fed x or at t and verizon, if they can join together on this, then maybe democrats and republicans can do the same. Maybe democrats and republicans can get together. When you see these Companies New electric or natural gas powered delivery or garbage trucks, it is due to this partnership. The reason we are here is because safeway was an early leader on this issue. By improving the aerodynamics offer its trucks, investing in larger trailers, more efficient tires, safeway has improved its own fuel efficiency and the results are so solid that safeway now encourages all the companies it hires to ship its products to do the same. So to help our businesses and manufacturers meet this new goal, we are offering new tax credits for companies that manufacture heavy duty alternative fuel vehicles and those that build fuel infrastructures so that trucks running on biodiesel or natural gas or hybrid technology will have more places to fill up. The goal we are setting is ambitious. These areas where ambition has worked out really well for us so far. Dont make small plans. Make big plans. Anybody who had dire predictions for the Auto Industry said we couldnt do it. Manufacturers couldnt bring jobs back to america. Every time they say that, they are proven wrong. Every time somebody says you cant grow the economy while bringing down pollution, it has turned out they have been wrong. Anybody who says we cant compete when it comes to Clean Energy Technology like solar and wind, this ey have had to eat te words. You cant bet against American Workers or industry. You cant bet against america. You will lose money every time. We know how to do this when we set broad, Ambitious Goals for ourselves. So from day one, weve known we had to rebuild our economy and transition to a Clean Energy Future and we knew it wouldnt be easy or quick. We have a lot of work to do on both counts. But the economy is grown. We are creating jobs. We are generating more clean energy. We are cutting our dependence on foreign oil. We are pumping out less dangerous Carbon Pollution. If we keep going down this road, then we are going to have a future full of goodpaying jobs. We have Assembly Lines that are humming with the components of a clean energy age. We have more of the best trucks and cars in the world designed and engineered and made in america. If we keep on going, we are going to leave a Better Future for our children. I am proud of safeway and all its workers for helping to show us the way. If it can be done here, it can be done all across the country. So congratulations to all of you. Thank you and god bless you. God bless america. That was the president speaking in Upper Marlboro, maryland, at a Distribution Center for a Grocery Store chain, safeway, a company that has worked in improving the efficiency of their own truck fleet. If you have traveled across america, there are a few trucks out there, speaking to americans about the need for our own fuel efficiency in our own home and using that as a back drop to do more with the big trucks he says accounts for about 4 of the trucks or vehicles out there. A big chunk of the Greenhouse Gas emission. About 20 of those emissions. The specific thing he did today doesnt sound that earth shattering. He called on the epa and the Transportation Department to come up with some new standards within the next year for these heavy trucks. So, that, in and of itself, doesnt sound like a big deal. I want to bring in wolf blitzer, athena jones and ronifa ruhart. This is part of a much larger theme that is very important in the second term of the president as administration. It is the president saying he is going to act where he can without congress and the environment, fuel efficiency is clearly one of the areas where he sees some possibilities. It is important that he does from his perspective these kind of unilateral actions, these executive decisions without congressional legislation and formal bills being passed by congress and signed into law. The down side is that he can sign these executive orders unilaterally taking these decisions. If there is a republican president of the United States who is elected in 2016 on day one or day two, that republican president can sign another executive order in effect rescinding these kind of decisions if there is legislation thats passed. It is obviously much more difficult to rescind a bill that has become law, the law of the land. It is a lot easier to sign executive orders rescinding these kinds of decisions. Thats why the president in the in the second term, hes doing it a lot more frequently, especially in the face of this Bitter Division that has developed between the republicans and the democrats here in washington. Well, and we all saw and heard that jab in congress. A few chuckles in the room. Athena, lets bring you in, spoke about breaking dependence on foreign oil. Thats true, he has been making this argument, the u. S. Can be as energyindependent as possible. He has been making that since his run, first run, for the white house. Back during the campaign in 2007 and 2008. Its not just about reducing emissions, not just about fighting Climate Change. Its also about saving people money and shaking sure the u. S. Can produce as much of its own energy as possible. And you heard in that speech a lot of focus on innovation. Other ways this could be good for the economy, good for the car industry. The groups that have come out already in support of the president s announce wanted to, groups like the nrdc, National Resources defense counsel council, vehicles on the road or heavier vehicles, you spur innovation in the industry. The president talked about that, those safeway trucks able to increase their efficiency. And so thats all part of this, as well. Sort of another effect of these new standards to help car makers innovate with these new vehicles. Mchalea . Athena jones, thank you so much. It is interesting. Americans dropping their support of more fuelefficient autos, saying the government should not require it. In 2006, 44 said the government should require it. Last year, 27 . Dropped substantially. All right. Well be right back. [ female announcer ] hands were made for playing. Legs, for crossing. Feet. Splashing. Better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. 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I had a guy point a shotgun at me, and i had a guy threaten to cut my throat. But once you get to know people and they become real to you, its hard to forget them. I dropped you off some firewood. On days like this, when temperatures are below freezing, the stakes are especially high. When it gets below 15, somewhere in that range, everybody is at risk. So we do extra patrols. Sometimes you sense when a person is giving up, and i found that that is a pretty strong predictor about who might not make it. Withers says the payoff has been worth it. Thats why he founded this street medicine institute, to bring his vision to cities across the world. I think theres just a sense that if we werent doing this, there would be no one there for them. And it gives incredible amount of meaning to everyday work. I wouldnt give it up for anything. Simple and impactful. Thanks for joining us at this hour. Legal view with Ashleigh Banfield starts right after this. 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So maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. So is she really a satanic serial killer . A 19yearold has police scouring the cold case files in at least five states across the union after telling a reporter that she has killed more people that she has killed more people than she can even count. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com that reporter joins us with the rest of her astonishing story. Also ahead. In a split second, we were tilting

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