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Welcome to viewers in the United States and around the world. I am wolf blitzer in washington. This is a special edition of the situation room. We begin with alarming numbers on the coronavirus pandemic, coming out right now out of the state of florida. The latest from state Health Officials today, more than 10,300 new infections, even worse news. Also reported, 90 florida residents died of the virus. Again, that in just one day. Texas also reporting very alarming numbers. More than 10,000 tested positive in texas for the fifth day in a row. Globally, the number of new Coronavirus Infections is also on the rise. The World Health Organization is reporting more than a quarter million new cases. On your screen now, you can see how many people have lost their lives around the world, and just in the United States because of the coronavirus. You see the numbers on the screen. Lets go straight to the current epicenter of the crisis in the u. S. , rosa flores is on the scene in miami. Rosa, tell us about the icus in florida, how stretched they are, right now were told to capacity. Reporter wolf, here in miamidade county, icu capacity is at 122 . The goal for the county is not to exceed 70 . They exceeded 100 the past few days. Here are the numbers. In miamidade county, there are 484 covid19 patients, but there are only 496 beds available. The good news is that the county said they have more than 400 beds available that they can transfer over to icu beds. Look, in miamidade county, this is the epicenter of the crisis in the state of florida, accounting for 24 of the nearly 340,000 cases. Ventilator use in the past two weeks increased by 64 . I wish i could give you a full report on the Positivity Rate in miamidade county. But today when i went to look for the data, the information was missing. It was not reported by the county. I asked the county about it, they sent a statement saying, quote, county officials are meeting with state doh, department of Health Statisticians on monday to go over discrepancy in the way they count and collect testing data. Once all agree on the appropriate parameters, miamidade will be updating the dashboard to ensure as much of an accurate measure as is statistically possible. The state of florida had issues with transparency of data. What i can tell you about the Positivity Rate is what was reported yesterday. It was a 27 Positivity Rate according to miamidade data. For the past 14 days, the county had exceeded 22 . And wolf, the goal for the county is not to exceed 10 . Wolf . Rosa flores, doing excellent reporting from miami. Thank you very much. Meanwhile, the situation in texas today is not so different from florida, and equally disturbing, coronavirus cases in texas have topped the 10,000 mark for the fifth day in a row. Lets bring in the mayor of austin, texas, steven adler. Thank you for joining us. When you hear that texas now is more than 10,000 confirmed coronavirus cases in a single day, actually every day for nearly a week, whats your reaction . Well, theres a little frustration, a lot of anger that were in this place. The overwhelming urge is to redouble efforts to get the community to be disciplined and wear masks because were finding that is enabling our city with hospitalizations to actually plateau. We shouldnt have been in this position. Were here now. We were late getting to overall state mask ban, but we are the example of why masks are important. We plateaued the last few days, but thats a trailing indicator. The people that have gotten sycamore than three weeks ago before we did the masking are now passing away in my hospitals. Fully a third of my deaths in my city have happened in the last two weeks. Thats very, very depressing. I want to play for you and for viewers, mayor, what the Texas Governor said, greg abbott. He is refusing to consider another shutdown in texas. Listen to this. People are panicking, thinking im about to shut down texas again. The answer is no. Thats not the goal. I have been abundantly clear, i have been saying what the head of the cdc said today, what the head of cdc said today, that is everyone can adopt the practice of wearing a fake mask for the next four weeks, we will be able to get covid19 under control. So mayor, whats your response . I think that there are parts of the state that are seeing so many cases with intensive care units so stressed that are asking for local control to make choices that are the right choices for their city. I wish the governor would give that to them. I will tell you, Wearing Masks, having a mandatory mask order has a tremendous impact. Had a tremendous impact in my community. We have been able to plateau off. There are some indications that some of the other cities are seeing that as well. The local control, ability to make local decisions i think is the right thing. I know you asked the governor for permission it needed to shutdown austin, texas, once again for more than a month, as a last resort. How close are you, mayor, to that point . Well, were on the edge. Not as close as we were three weeks ago. We had a trajectory three weeks ago that was screaming so fast that all of the predictions had us overwhelming icus about right now. But about three weeks ago we finally got the ability to be able to do mandatory masking, directly with the people that lived here. The community adopted that. The messaging becomes clear when it becomes mandatory. So we have been able to see a slowing of trajectory in our city. Us having a shutdown is not needed right at this moment, so long as my Community Stays disciplined. But wolf, ill tell you, a lot of people are doing that on their own. They see the fear in the eyes of our Emergency Room Physicians that have gone public talking about what happens next if were not disciplined, and the Community Starts reacting to it. So i probably have a lot of my community staying home more now even without an order. Thats extremely prudent as you know. You were here with me last saturday night in the situation room. We were talking about that massive Field Hospital thats set to open over at the Austin Convention center next week. I am told it can handle 1500 patients. How much will that ease the burden on your hospitals . Well, if we need it, it will. And were ready to stand that up on the 21st as we talked about last week. You have to make that decision four weeks ago, so it is available when you need it. Were getting really close to having difficulties in our icus and a Field Hospital like that enables you to take some of the less severe cases in the hospital and move them so as to create space in the hospital itself. Thats part of our surge plan. You dont want to do it, but it has to be available just in case. You said this week that more than 10 of Covid Patients are in icus now. Will this Field Hospital help with that potential icu load . It could because what the Field Hospital would do if we actually have to use it, we take some of the patients that are in the hospital and in hospital beds now that are not lower acute patients, you can take them out, get good care in the Field Hospital. That opens up, frees more beds in the hospital. It is sort of like other people in the hospital can move to opened up hospital beds, that frees up more space for the icu behavior, and those are the numbers were juggling right now. My big concern in my hospital isnt the bed, it is the staffing, having enough physicians and Critical Care nurses and special skilled technicians that can handle that work because right now houston, dallas, san antonio and the valley, everybody is trying to get greater resources, personnel than they have. And thats the limiting factor now. Good luck, mayor. I know these are really very tough times for you, for everyone. Thanks so much for joining us. Thank you, wolf. Be safe. You too. Well have more on the pandemic in a moment. First, i want to mention our nations incredible, very sad loss yesterday. John lewis, one of the most important civil rights leaders in American History unfortunately is dead at the age of 80. John lewis passed away yesterday. In his lifetime, he carved a legacy that may never actually be equalled. At 23 years old, spoke at the march on washington, known as one of the big six civil rights leaders. His impact grew as a u. S. Congressman, serving 33 years in the house of representatives. Im going to have much more on john lewis and his legacy later tonight in the situation room. Among others, ill speak with senator cory booker. Thats coming up. Theres more troubling news coming into the situation room. We have details how the president and his administration rushed to shift responsibility to states from the federal government. One of the reporters that broke the story, new york times, is standing by live. Well have all of the latest information when we come back. Book two separate qualifying stays and earn a free night. The open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. Whove got their eczema under control. With less eczema, you can show more skin. So roll up those sleeves. And help heal your skin from within with dupixent. 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As the number of coronavirus hospitalizations, deaths continue to climb across the United States. New york times is reporting a blistering account of failures at the highest levels of the u. S. Government. It suggests the Trump Administration allowed a mix of optimism and patience and politics to influence the response leading to the crisis still playing out across the country, with hundreds of americans dying every single day. Joining us now, one of the reporters that contributed to the story, david sager, National Security correspondent for new york times, a cnn National Security and political analyst. David, this amazing article, truly great reporting, starts with a white house meeting that took place in april in the relatively early days of the pandemic which much of the responsibility when much of the responsibility was handed off to states. What was the rationale for doing that instead of coordinating a full National Response . Wolf, thanks for having me on. I worked on this with some great times colleagues, youll see it on the times website. What we found was the decision to turn it over to the states was a real pivot by the Trump Administration. Youll remember in early april, the president said it would be the most important decision of his presidency, whether to go about doing the reopening. Instead of make that decision, they decided in mid april to basically look to make sure they had provided the states with ventilators and protective equipment and so forth, and then said to the states it is up to you. Youll remember, we all reported it at the time, that they turned out some recommended standards each state should meet before they reopen. The president quickly discovered those were boxing him in, states werent going to be able to meet that standard. Some were reopening already. He simply said liberate the states, open them up. He never repeated his own standards. That paved the way for resurgence we are seeing to this day. Your article is lengthy, extremely detailed. It panlts dr. Deborah birx as someone that told the president what he wanted to hear. I obje in april, she told the white house team, were behind the worst of it. How damaging was her optimism, has her optimism been, david . I think one of the most interesting things about our reporting here was the discovery that dr. Birx wasnt in the same place as her mentor, doctor Anthony Fauci we have had on the show many times. Dr. Birx believed the United States would follow the italian model which you remember went up steeply, then do you know steeply. New york city did, but the rest of the country did not. She had a series of projections that were done by university of washington. I think we have run some of those on cnn. And while she showed some of those in the president s presence to the press in mid april, of course, they were all based on an assumption that full social distancing would remain until june 1st. And it didnt. Most of the states that broke away and started reopening did so later on in april, some early april, certainly by may. So all of the assumptions at the end of the charts which were that there should be very few infections and deaths now turned out to be wrong because people reopened too early. It took this white house a long time to even recognize that and many in this white house still wont admit it. Were all familiar with president trumps aversion to testing, repeated insistence that the more we test, his words, the more cases well find. Do you think hes always viewed the Pandemic Response through the prism, the prism of his Reelection Campaign . Absolutely, and hes tried to figure out what will bring jobs back, what will bring the economy back. And thats a very reasonable discussion to have and many people we interviewed made the point that its not just coronavirus that kills. If you have high unemployment rate, youre going to likely have a lot of people that get sick, for other reasons, youll have suicides and other health effects. But the president never seemed to internalize the thought that the best balm for the economy was to make the virus go away, that until the virus goes away, people will not be willing to go to restaurants, wont be willing to shop in stores, and wont be willing to send their kids back to school. And thats of course what were playing out this summer. David, you and the team did an excellent job. I recommend viewers read it. Thank you so much for joining us. Great to be with you, wolf. Lets talk more about all of this. Joining us, dr. Patrice harris, former president of the American Medical Association and professor lawrence gosten, director of oneal institute for national and Global Health law. Thanks to you both for joining us. Dr. Harris, can you think of a reason why the white house would be so certain the virus spread would peak in april and dramatically almost effectively go away . Well, you know, wolf, i think from the very beginning weve all been clear that this is a new coronavirus, and were not sure how this new Novel Coronavirus would act. We had hoped that it would act like other coronaviruses, but scientists have always been clear that we need to make sure that we are following the data as it came in, that we need to make sure we had transparent access to data, and from that data we would make the best decisions. The other thing thats been true, it is true now and true from the very beginning is that we absolutely have to follow the science and that we need a National Coordinated strategy. We are losing the battle and we wont be as effective unless we have access to transparent data and we follow the science. Professor, are you surprised that Health Experts like dr. Birx, for example, would be so optimistic when so many other experts warned this pandemic could last a whole lot longer . Well, you know, i think, wolf, that this pandemic was clear. We saw it in china, through asia and europe, and while most countries got it reasonably under control, we didnt take it seriously. The science really is pretty clear now, we know what we need to do. First of all, we needed to close down and not open up too soon and the science is telling us, if we did that, we would get a resurgence. We have a resurgence. In addition now were not all usi usi using masks, were not physically distancing one another. We have parsity of testing, contact tracing, isolating. All the ingredients other countries used to bring it under reasonable control, the United States simply hasnt. It has been a tremendous, tremendous failure over these months if you look at the number is, almost a thousand americans have died each day over the past four days, for example. Numbers are going up. If you listen to the latest cdc assessment, maybe another 30,000 or so could die over the next few weeks alone. Dr. Harris, how much did that messaging that we had to open up again hurt the Public Health message that we needed to remain vigilant in the face of the deadly threat . Wolf, you know, unfortunately early on there was a false choice, the economy or Public Health. And that has never been accurate. Certainly if we had the virus under control, we would be able to safely open the economy and get back to our new normal, so it has always been very frustrating that the false choice has been presented. We have always said as we open, we need to be mindful of the data, and it was also not when we opened but what we opened. So clearly a lot of states and local jurisdictions opened too soon but also they opened bars and other high contact, high touch businesses and so we are where we are today. Hopefully Going Forward again we have clear evidence that masks, Wearing Masks save lives. We are not helpless as long as we follow the science, and of course, Wearing Masks is a critical piece f getting to the other side of this pandemic. Certainly is. And not hard to do. Just put on a mask. If everyone did that, lives would be saved. Professor, the white house wanted to shift the burden for fighting the pandemic to the states. Do you think that was a huge mistake . Every other country that has dealt with this, they dealt on a national basis, not necessarily delegating responsibility to local communities, to cities and local districts. Oh, absolutely. And this is a national problem, in fact, it is a global problem. You cant ask a state to take measures on its own when the neighboring state is being lax and people will travel from state to state. Thats a recipe for disaster. Even federalist countries which have very, you know, substantial devolved powers like germany have done well and have done it with a National Response. Youve got to do that. So this is going to double whammy really. The first one is we have not just ignored the science, we actually undermined the science. We so distrust our Public Health agencies like the centers for Disease Control and prevention. Then we send it off to 50 different states, additional territories, indian reservations, and we say you do it yourself, bi thut thats impossible. You need a consistent, uniform, national, rigorous approach following the science. We simply havent done that. Professor, thank you for joining us, dr. Harris, thanks to you as well. We always appreciate you being here in the situation room. Appreciate it very much. Thanks, wolf. Thank you, wolf. Were also following another big story tonight. A titan of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States is gone, the georgia congressman john lewis lost his battle to pancreatic cancer. Cory booker is standing by live. Well discuss when we come back. How they gonna pay for this . They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident. Cut is that good . No you were talking about allstate and. I just. When i. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. Cmon pizzas here. Whoa is that shaq . This is my new pizza the shaqaroni and its bigger than pizza because for every shaqaroni sold, 1 is donated to the Papa Johns Foundation for building community. Balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Whoohoo great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. Well get back to coverage of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States in a few moments. Were also following other important news. The nation is mourning the loss of john lewis, a true civil rights icon that never stopped fighting for equality. Lewis was arrested more than 40 times in his life. 1965, he suffered a fractured skull after being beaten by a white police officer, while marching for the right to vote. For lewis, it was all about getting into what he called good trouble. My mother and my father, my grandparents, my great grandparents always said, white waiting, colored waiting. They said dont get into trouble, but i was inspired to get in the way, i was inspired to get in trouble, good trouble, necessary trouble. He was elected to the house of representatives in 1986, served until his death, never shying away from speaking his mind, fighting for what he believed in. I want to discuss his legacy with the new jersey senator, cory booker. Senator booker, thanks so much for joining us. How great of an impact did congressman john lewis have on our country . I think he is probably one of the more greater titans in the last century really, and powerful thing about him is his career, his age was 80, but since he was a teenager he was on the frontlines of the fight for justice in america. The youngest person to speak on the march in washington leading a major protest from freedom rides to pivotal marches like you saw on bloody sunday. Even in his senior years, he was there at the center in the well of the house of representatives, fighting for Immigration Reform to rights of lbgtq americans. He has an extraordinary career and did it in a way, in a society that can be often too materialistic, too much about possessions and position. He showed you that in this country, you have true power which comes from your capacity to love, your dignity, your grace, and unrelenting commitment to make true the virtues of this country put down on founding documents, yet to be achieved in a reality for all. Truly an amazing american. I had the honor and pleasure of interviewing him on many occasions. He was always wonderful. You told the atlantic, senator, earlier today and i am quoting you now, there are lots of ways to honor him and i will be very frustrated if we stop with words and not with real legislative action. How do you want to see him honored . Well, you know, i have scrolled through twitter and instagram and had nice posts, but the reality is john was in cy cyst and the on so much more. How we choose to live like him while we have remaining years here, theres unfinished business. I cant imagine the sting he must have felt to bleed the southern soil red for Voting Rights and watch Voting Rights eroded with the shelby decision and state law after state law as one state in north carolina, federal judge said that they were now designing laws with surgical like precision to disenfranchise african americans. Theres a lot more work to be done. I think the beauty and power of congressman lewis is that he held a sense of redemptive opportunity to the bull connors, to the man that fractured his skull. What was often challenging is those of us that are comfortable, those of us that are bystanders, he said and you said it in your tape, he challenged us to get in the way. He challenged us to be about good trouble, not to just be witnesses to history but get out there, make it happen. In december as you know the house of representatives passed a bill to restore Voting Rights act. Congressman lewis gavelled in the final vote and was very, very moving. But that bill as you know is now stalled in the u. S. Senate. Do you have any hope his passing might lead to any movement on the legislation . Well, you know, Mitch Mcconnell calls himself the grim reaper. He uses that he says because he takes pride in stopping bipartisan bills that come from the house, they get stopped in the United States senate. When it comes to Voting Rights, i dont have confidence this is something he will prior tiitize his remaining months. If theres a shift that happens, i know there are people of goodwill on both sides of the aisle that understand this is an area we shouldnt restrict the franchise, making it more fair, equal and open. I have a lot of hope by january with the growing movement, with the loss of titans from vivian to lewis and others, people that led the way for us so long but arising generation taking to the streets now, i have a lot of hope for our country, but it is not naive hope, it is bloodied hope, calloused hope that is willing to work, is indeed a muscle thats going to be part of that work to make sure that the memory and legacy of john lewis is the legislation we pass in the coming congress. All right, senator, thank you so much for joining us. Wish we were meeting under different circumstances. You and i and almost everyone agrees he was truly, truly an amazing leader, a great, great american. Thanks as usual for joining us. Thank you. And thank you for recognizing his kindness and gentility, how we show the best of ourselves when were decent with each other. I appreciate that you show that yourself. We have more on his legacy coming up, including interviews that i was privileged to do with him over the years. Thats coming up later. Senator booker, thanks as usual. Well of course continue the conversation. Appreciate it very, very much. Thank you. And more surging numbers of new coronavirus cases. A new poll finds a majority of americans disapprove of president trumps handling of the pandemic. Now the president s campaign is making an about face on plans for campaign rallies. Stay with us. We have new details. vo verizon knows how to build unlimited right. Start with americas most awarded network. Give people more plans to mix and match at a price built for everyone. With 700 off our best phones when you switch. Because everyone deserves the best. This is unlimited built right. Surge, the Trump Campaign decided to dial back rally plans in a stunning about face. During what was described as president trumps first telerally friday, he told supporters until the pandemic is solved, in person rallies will be in his word tough so he will be doing telephone rallies. Ron, is this an admission that the Trump Campaign from tulsa, oklahoma forward has badly misplayed events, is starting to come to terms with the administrations broader failure when it comes to the pandemic . I say the former but not necessarily the latter, wolf. Holding these events in the teeth of the upsurge of cases in these communities ensured one thing. The story would be fundamentally about events themselves rather than anything he said at them. Holding events reconfirmed the majority of the public that consistently said in polls theyre worried he is not paying attention to experts. I dont think it signals a broader shift in direction. I mean, he has put all his chips on opening any cost, despite polls showing two to one, americans would rather prioritize Public Health, and the numbers have only grown as weve had the resurgence of virus, particularly across the sun belt in june and july. A recent poll as you know found 60 disapprove of the president s handling of the pandemic. Some white house aides are thinking about bringing back the daily coronavirus media briefings. They think maybe that would boost the president s standing. Do you think those appearances would restore Public Confidence in the president s handling of the coronavirus . Well, they cancelled them because they were undermining confidence in his handling of the virus. Races involving reelection race for the president is first and foremost and second and third a referendum on that president. As you noted, the Washington Post poll this week as well as National Polls by quinnipiac and the wall street journal found 60 of americans disapprove of his handling of the virus. Thats the core fact that he is dealing with in reelection. He can move perceptions around about joe biden, raise doubts about joe biden, maybe win back some voters that way. But i had folks at nbc, the wall street journal, quinnipiac run numbers for me, and the president is winning in the horse race only 10 or less of the people that disapprove of the way he is handling the virus. He is not running against joe biden at this point, he is running against the virus and he is losing. Yeah. Numbers from his perspective are pretty awful right now. The president was given another chance to depoliticize the issue of masks in clear terms. Instead, here is what he said on fox news. Listen to this. Do you regret not wearing a mask in public from the start and would you consider, will you consider a National Mandate that people need to wear masks . No, i want people to have a certain freedom and i dont believe in that, no, and i dont agree with the statement, if everybody wears a mask, everything disappears. Dr. Fauci said dont wear a mask, the surgeon general, terrific guy, said dont wear a mask. Everybody said dont wear a mask, all of a sudden everybody has to mask. Masks cause problems, too. That said, i am a believer in masks. Masks are good. We saw the president change his stance on rallies. Is he too entrenched politically to fully promote the idea of everyone in the country Wearing Masks when outside or when they cant social distance, for example . First, understand where he is standing with public opinion. The quinnipiac poll, 71 of americans support a nationwide mask mandate. As is often the case, the president is speaking to a minority of the country and trying to energize and mobilize that minority behind him. I think it is revealing. We often talk about how bonded president trumps basis e is to him. But this is indication, refusal to be more explicit on masks is indication that he is a prisoner of the base as well. He is reluctant to get outside the portions of his base and of the fox news type audience that shows up without masks, with automatic weapons at the State Capitol in michigan. That prompts brian kemp, the governor of georgia to sue major cities, including atlanta, to block them from requiring masks. The president is not only leading his base, i thinkesque constrained by it. Ron brownstein, thank you for joining us. Appreciate it. We have an Important Note for viewers, please join cnns jake tapper as he investigates what really happened in the beginning of the u. S. Fight against covid19 and what could happen next. The cnn special report, the pandemic and the president airs later tonight. 10 00 p. M. Eastern, right after our special situation room. Coming up, exclusive look inside a russian lab where the kremlin claims scientists could be close to finding a vaccine for coronavirus. Some experts are skeptical. We have new information. Thats next. Well be right back. Does cleansing drain the life out of your skin . Try garnier micellar water rose. With rose water and micelles that work like a magnet to gently cleanse and remove oils and makeup. And now, even hydrates skin. Its cleansing, reinvented. Micellar waters by garnier, naturally. Youve been avoiding. Like people. And pants. Ings but dont avoid taking care of your eyes, because were here to safely serve you with new procedures that exceed cdc guidelines and value your time. Visionworks. See the difference. They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident. Cut is that good . No you were talking about allstate and. I just. When i. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. Russia is among the many countries racing right now to try to develop a Coronavirus Vaccine, but while russia touts the pace of its program, it also faces serious accusations of stealing research. Cnns Matthew Chance has more from moscow. Reporter for russia, the search for a Coronavirus Vaccine is a global race. Its at this research lab in moscow where it hopes to win. Access to the gamma layer institute is tightly controlled. No cnn cameras were allowed through these doors. But they did give us exclusive footage of the sensitive scientific work taking place inside. A unique glimpse of russias rapid push for a Coronavirus Vaccine. They even sent recorded comments from their director, who controversially injected himself before human trials officially began. Translator it has become a task of unprecedented complexity. In a very short time we have to create a vaccine against this disease. Reporter but that need for speed in russia means corners may have been cut. Russian soldiers, all volunteers according to the defense ministry, were used in the first phase of human trials. And now allegations denied by the kremlin that russian spies have been hacking u. S. , british and canadian labs to steal their coronavirus secrets. Allegations that put the head of the Organization Funding much of russias coronavirus research. Russia needs to develop and wants to develop a vaccine. Isnt that one reason why the kremlin would try to get ahead by stealing other nations vaccine secrets . First of all, were very surprised by the timing of all this because basically it happens the next day after we announce we expect approval of our vaccine in august. Reporter sure, but how do you explain that extraordinary speed . Other countries are working flat out. Why would russia be so far ahead . There are allegations or concerns that this country has been cutting corners when it comes to its research. We have infrastructure for Vaccine Development and once again we will be the first ones because of our scientists and because of the research we have done to date. Reporter lack of transparency and no access to the lab means its hard to know where moscow actually is with its vaccine. But with or without the help of its hackers, it seems russia is going all out for a quick result. Thanks to Matthew Chance in moscow for that reporting. Meanwhile, new dire numbers tonight from texas, where for a fifth day in a row, it has now reported more than 10,000 new cases of the coronavirus. The mayor of san antonio standing by live. We will discuss. Stay with us. The open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. [grunting noise] ill take that. 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Fine for some. But for you, theres a pill that may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about the pill first prescribed for ra more than seven years ago. Xeljanz. An unjectionâ„¢. Welcome to our viewers here in the United States and around the world, im wolf blitzer in washington. This is a special edition of the situation room. We begin with alarming new numbers from the coronavirus pandemic coming out of the state of florida. Right now the latest from the state Health Officials, today more than 10,300 new infections and 90 deaths. Once again thats just a oneday set of numbers in

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