Transcripts For CNNW The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20

Transcripts For CNNW The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20200701

southern california and the bay area is now closed for the 4th of july weekend. >> a weekend that has raised a lot of concern. >> reporter: bars, dine-in restaurants, and movie theaters will also now close again in 19 california counties for at least three weeks. today the daily death toll in the state like we haven't seen since april. >> do not take your guard down. please do not believe those that somehow want to manipulate the reality. >> reporter: and record numbers now hospitalized in arizona. >> i'm not sure what more we can do with the short of a total shutdown. >> reporter: record high hospitalizations also in texas and long lines to be tested. >> while we opened in phases, we went from one phase to the next phase to the next phase too quickly so we weren't able to see the data. >> reporter: he is echoing dr. anthony fauci one of the most respected voices on this virus, but no longer respected by all. >> he doesn't know what he's talking about. we haven't skipped over anything. the only thing i'm skipping over is listening to him. >> reporter: 37 states are seeing their case counts climb. at least 22 of them now pausing or rolling back reopening. new york city was due to open indoor dining monday. not anymore. and a warning from the governor for the complacent and the scofflaws. >> we're back to the mountain. that is what is going to happen. and that is an inarguable fact. >> reporter: and a new warning from the federal official in charge of testing. those under 35 are driving out breaks right now and testing alone will not be enough to stop them. >> testing is critical but we cannot test our way out of the current outbreaks. we must be disciplined about our own personal behavior especially around the july 4th holiday especially young adults. >> reporter: a vaccine would be the game changer. promising data from pfizer today. >> we have a vaccine that is proven on january 1st this thing does not end january 2nd. it could be a year before we get it distributed in enough shoulders to make a meaningful difference. >> reporter: now the official death toll right now in the u.s. from covid is 127,681. a study out today, though, suggests that that could be a significant under count. maybe by as much as 30%. what these researchers did is they took how many people died in the u.s. between march and may this year and last year and then they factored in the covid deaths and there is still a gap. there are still other deaths they believe may well be connected to covid. we are still learning so much about what we're going through right now. jim? >> learning while going in reverse. nick watt, thank you very much. we appreciate it. also just in texas just reported a single day record of more than 8,000 new coronavirus cases. despite the dramatic surge in houston the state's lieutenant governor says texas did not step over reopening guidelines. but that's not true, right? >> reporter: it is not true, jim. in fact, the white house guidelines for reopening include the total number of coronavirus cases going down over a period of two weeks or a downward trajectory of positive tests as a percentage of over all tests. texas does not meet either guideline. in fact, since memorial day we saw the state rate record after record in terms of hospitalizations as well as new cases so it is puzzling that the lieutenant governor would say he doesn't need the advice of dr. fauci the nation's top infectious disease expert as his own state struggles with the record breaking numbers and also saw the highest fatality numbers since the pandemic began. the fact is we haven't seen any new statewide measures announced since yesterday. we spoke briefly about how the governor extended four more counties where elective surgeries are halted to make more space in hospitals but there is no statewide mask mandate and that puts the onus on local officials to try to protect their populations. harris county home to houston extending the disaster declaration to august 26th and that means for example businesses will have to require their employees and patrons to wear masks. it is a patchwork approach county by county, city by city. testing is another issue. this location is closed for now but we saw lines of cars snaking around the corner for miles with people struggling to get tested at locations like this one it takes ten days to get those critical test results. so this could get a lot worse before it gets better especially as we head into the 4th of july holiday weekend. >> thanks for staying on top of that. we appreciate it. let's turn to some medical experts for more analysis joined by our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta as well as a professor and dean of medicine at baylor. thank you gentlemen both of you for what you do. dr. gupta, let me start with you first. california has largely been seen as a state that was doing everything right. people were patting california on the back. now it is heading back into near lockdown as cases surge. what does that demonstrate about how quickly the virus can get out of control and become a resurgence in this country? >> i mean, it reminds us, jim, this is a very contagious virus. no question about it. the data doesn't lie. the numbers are going up there. so obviously there were significant events where the virus spread. i think governor newsom talked a little bit yesterday and today about private gatherings in home large gatherings that could be driving this. not even necessarily public though that was contributing as well. but all the, you know, if you put this all together it has clearly led to the significant rise in cases. when we talk about exponential growth and the idea of doubling rates, how quickly something doubles, jim, it is kind of like the thing you learned as a kid you get one penny today two pennies tomorrow four pennies the next day after 30 days it'll be worth some $5 million. point is, they can grow very quickly as people continue to spread the virus. >> the governor of california is taking steps to address the surge including stopping indoor activities in 19 counties. will that be enough to slow the spread of this virus or are they going to have to hunker down for a while? >> yes, i mean, these numbers are really accelerating and here in texas it is even -- it's just as bad or worse. we just heard 8,000 cases today. just to give you a perspective of what that means if you remember dr. fauci said yesterday we could reach a hundred thousand cases per day in the united states. when you extrapolate times the population of texas that would be 10,000 cases a day. guess what? we're almost there. the apocalyptic numbers dr. fauci predicted were there in tex texas and probably arizona and florida. this thing is spiraling out of control and we will have to take more aggressive measures. i've not seen evidence that the surgical strike methods proposed are going to be adequate, unfortunately. and some of the models are really dire in terms of the predictive models that we're starting to see come out of the university of pennsylvania. we're looking at doubling or tripling even beyond what we have right now in houston. >> sanjay, california is one of 37 states currently seeing surges. when you look at this comparison of new cases in our country one month ago compared to where we are today, how concerned are you about this trajectory just described as spiraling out of control? how do you see it? >> yeah, i mean, i think it creates a situation now where, you know, maybe before it was sort of more localized areas and you look at that and it is hard to think about any place on the map that is not vulnerable as a result of this. it is an infection, spreading. i often use the metaphor as thinking of the country as a human body and before maybe the infection was localized in a few areas but now it is clearly all over the place and you heard governor cuomo sort of talking about new york being held up as an example of how things could go well there but even they're concerned now. they can't let their guard down over there. >> doctor, earlier today you told some of my colleagues here that, quote, there is not a dark enough color on that map to accommodate what is to come. that is an ominous warning. what do you fear lies ahead for this country but also for your city of houston? >> well, as i say shall the numbers are going to continue to accelerate very aggressively, and the piece of this not a lot of people are talking about but i've been trying to sound the alarm about, i think a lot of this is occurring in the low income neighborhoods where it is harder to do the social distancing. so i am really worried about african-american, latinex population here in texas and elsewhere, native american populations. they often have higher underlying rates of comorbidy. i think those are the ones piling into hospitals and icus and that is why i'm trying to be as vocal about this as i can to stop it. i'm calling it a humanitarian tragedy. we can't do this to vulnerable populations. we have to relook at this, and very soon, throughout the southern half of the united states. we can't allow business as usual. we need a national road map, a national strategy. this is the time we need federal leadership. this idea of leaving it to the states and providing extra measures like ppe and fema and that sort of stuff, it is not going to work. this is clearly where we need federal leadership. we need a really strong, empowered cdc at the very minimum telling us what needs to be done and giving us that guidance. >> i think we're starting to see what happens when you leave it to the states and not all of the states are onboard with doing everything as forcefully as others. dr. gupta, dr. hotez, thank you very much. we appreciate that. it's a wakeup call no question about it. just ahead president trump claims he is all for masks but still saying they shouldn't be mandatory. we'll talk more about that coming up in a few moments. later we'll go inside the surging pandemic in arizona. the mayor of tucson is standing by to answer questions. usaa is made for what's next no matter what challenges life throws at you, we're always here to help with fast response and great service and it doesn't stop there we're also here to help look ahead that's why we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so you can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most and that's just one of the many ways we're here to help the military community find out more at little things can become your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. i tat newdayusa that's whatany vet thatwe're doing.lutely. and if you're pregnant or planning to be. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase, we can help them and provide that financial solution for they and their families. it's a great rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. if you're a veteran homeowner, here's a smart way to save money. use your va benefit to refinance your home loan at today's near record low rates. one call to newday can save you $3000 a year. newday's va streamline refi requires no income verification, no home appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. it's the quickest and easiest refi newday's ever offered. your va home loan benefits never expire. so call newday now. latonight, silence it with newd byzzzquil night pain. because pain should never get in the way of a restful night's sleep. new zzzquil night pain. silence pain, sleep soundly. a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! breaking news tonight sources telling cnn there is a growing divide inside the white house over whether the president should confront the coronavirus head on more or keep his focus on reopening the economy. as sources tell me and jeremy diamond the president and his aides are increasingly worried about the pandemic's impacts on mr. trump's re-election chances. president trump has been nearly silent on the resurgence of the virus in recent days instead turning to twitter to stoke racial and cultural divisions but others like vice president pence are urging americans to wear masks and socially distance. let's go to our cnn white house correspondent jeremy diamond. give us the latest. >> reporter: that's right, jim. sources are telling us this evening there is this divide inside the president's inner circle focused on this issue of whether the president should be focusing on the pandemic once again or whether he should continue with what he is doing now which largely ignoring it and focusing instead on reopening the economy. the breakdown, jim, as we're told this evening, is that the chief of staff, jared kushner, the senior adviser and son-in-law to the president, are on the side of stay the course and continue to focus more on the economy than on this public health emergency but the vice president and trade adviser peter navarro are on the other end of this. regardless, what is clear is there is this concerted effort inside the white house to down play this second surge we're seeing of the virus to portray it very differently from the way they did when there was a first surge of major cases in the united states. part of that is white house aides and their efforts but another part of it is really just the president downplaying this and that is something that he is continuing to do today, jim. the president once again going with this kind of wishful thinking saying that these efforts are -- that the virus is going to simply disappear. >> i think we'll be very good with the coronavirus. i think that at some point that is going to sort of just disappear i hope. >> reporter: tonight president trump betting on wishful thinking to stop the alarming surge of coronavirus across the country. >> just disappear -- >> i do. sure. at some point. >> the president is confident it will disappear and he is confident he has put together a revolutionary, first class team that is going to break through bureaucracy and get us a vaccine. >> reporter: with coronavirus cases trending upward in 37 states and his own public health experts calling for swift action, trump, who once called himself a war time president in the face of a pandemic, now appears to be taking a back seat. he hasn't appeared at a briefing along side health experts in weeks and he undermined cdc guidelines by rallying thousands of people at an indoor arena last month. but today -- >> i'm all for masks. i think masks are good. >> reporter: the president who has found himself increasingly isolated over the issue of wearing masks now saying this. >> you would wear one. >> i would. oh, i have. people have seen me wearing one. if i'm in a group of people where we're not 10 feet away, but usually i'm not in that position and everyone is tested. actually i had a mask on. i sort of liked the way i looked. okay? i looked like the lone ranger. >> reporter: the president is still resisting calls for a national mandate. >> i don't know if you need mandatory. you have people, many places in the country. people feel good about it they should do it. >> reporter: the comments after a slew of republicans have stepped up calls for americans to wear masks while also resisting instituting a requirement. >> we shouldn't have to require a mandate for people to wear masks. it's the right thing to do. i trust people to do that if we ask them. >> vice president pence also stepping up his calls for mask wearing if local officials agree. >> we believe americans should wear a mask whenever state and local authorities indicate it is appropriate. >> reporter: the president's campaign meanwhile finding a fall guy for the president's tulsa campaign rally, re-assigning the chief operating officer to a new role after trump privately fumed not about the lack of health precautions but because the arena was not packed to the brim. and then there's the culture wars. trump keeping up his defense of monuments to the confederacy and threatening to veto a military funding bill because it would strike the names of confederate generals from military bases. he is also attacking new york's mayor for plans to paint black lives matter in front of trump tower on 5th avenue calling the slogan a symbol of hate and suggesting police officers should block the painting. the white house press secretary claiming trump was referring to the organization accusing it of being hateful toward police. >> all black lives do matter. he agrees with that sentiment but what he doesn't agree with is an organization that chants, pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon about our police officers. >> reporter: amid mounting evidence that russia tried to pay taliban fighters to kill u.s. troops, the president stepping up his attacks on those reports discrediting the intelligence as just another hoax. even as his administration prepares to brief the congressional gang of eight on the issue tomorrow. >> this didn't rise to the occasion. and from what i hear, and i hear it pretty good, the intelligence people didn't even, many of them didn't believe it happened at all. i think it's a hoax by the newspapers and the democrats. >> reporter: jim, a senior administration official tells me tonight that we will see the president focus more on the virus next week. but not necessarily talking about the alarming rise in cases. instead, focusing on what his administration is doing essentially giving the message that while there are these outbreaks across the country that the administration is better prepared to handle them now. but that of course, jim, is a question of whether the president actually sticks to the messaging that his aides want him to follow. >> we're hearing from an adviser close to the president, jeremy, that the president and his top aides, they have a fair amount of concern inside the white house right now that this pandemic is doing grave damage to the president's re-election prospects as well. jeremy diamond, thank you very much for that. let's discuss today's top stories with "new york times" columnist thomas freedman the author of "thank you for being late." thomas, thank you so much for joining us. great talking to you. tell me, tom, the president is again repeating the claim that this virus will sort of just disappear. he made the comment earlier today in an interview with fox. how is the denial working out for the president? we've heard him say it repeatedly throughout this pandemic. >> well, you know, obviously it is not going to just disappear. the president is up against a foe he's never been up against, mother nature. you can't sue her. you can't seduce her. can't sweet talk her. she is just going to do whatever she is going to do. what she is going to do with a virus is no matter what trump says she is going to spread it mercilessly, silently, and exponentially. let's put this in really simple terms that people can understand, jim. let's say that you're a money lender and you charge 25% interest if i wanted to borrow money from you. i came to you, jim, and i said i want to borrow $1. i take that dollar. you charge me 25% interest every day. and i don't do anything for 40 days. i just sit around. after 40 days i owe you $7,500. jim, if i just wait three more weeks and still do nothing, i owe you almost a million dollars. that's what it means to be in an exponential. just like that dollar grew to a million dollars, the virus grows exponentially, the same way, no matter what trump says, believes, or desires. >> right. he can't talk his way out of this one no question about it. tom, the president now says he thinks masks are good but he won't mandate wearing them. he won't wear them himself. does any of this make sense to you? >> you really have to step back and say, just look around the world. nobody else is doing this. this is like dark ages stuff. nobody else is -- >> putin is not wearing a mask. >> yeah. i'm not talking about leaders. i'm talking about other countries. >> right. >> we're up against mother nature. when you're up against mother nature she does not reward the smartest. she doesn't reward the strongest. she rewards the most adapted and basically asks three things of you when she throws one of her fastballs like a virus at you. she asks, first, are you humble? do you respect my virus? if you don't it'll hurt you or someone you love. second she asks are you coordinated? i evolved my virus over millenia to find any crack in your immune system. lastly she says are you building your adaptation response to my virus on chemistry, biology, and physics? that's all i am. okay? that's all she asks. because if you're building your adaptation response on politics, ideology, and your election campaign, she will hurt you or someone you love. >> tocyou write in your new klu abo -- column, this embrace of conspiracy theories, undermining of truth and data by our president and vice president is not happening in other countries. this is a form of american exceptionalism that we never imagined possible. wooer' not leading. we're not following. we're lost. can you ung of another crisis in american history that met with a similar lack of attention from the president? we understand woodrow wilson did not really keep his eye on the spanish flu of 1918. i suppose we are in a similar situation right now. >> yeah, i think the important thing, jim, i've been listening to the news on your show for the last 20 minutes or so, is to remember, no matter what trump says, no matter what the deputy governor of texas says, the fact is if the vast majority of texans or americans are worried that they, if they go out they're going to contract the coronavirus, if they go back to work, go back to a bar, go to a stadium, get on an airplane. they're not going to do it. the idea they're sitting in the white house saying, gee, should we talk about masks or the economy, if this virus continues to explode exponentially, each individual citizen is going to do what they're going to do to protect themselves uflt matly. and that is why what is so crazy, jim, is trump in the eyes of history, i think you could argue he won't be judged for what he didn't do early on on this virus when it was hard, when it was uncertain, when it was widely debated. but history will damn him for not acting now when the solution is clear. it's obvious. it's easy. wear masks. social distance. test, track, and trace. >> you also write, you come up with the phrase that should appear on joe biden's bumper stickers. respect science. you write respect nature. respect each other. why do you think that is becoming a winning message for the vice president? he seems to be doing that basically in principle. he wears the mask out in public. he is not holding a lot of events. why is this working for him? >> well, i'm proposing that should be his bumper sticker, respect science, respect nature, respect each other because i think it really touches what so many americans want out of a current president and certainly will want out of the next president. we want someone who believes in science. and doesn't bop around from one crazy quack miracle cure to another. we want someone who is ready to respect nature, respects the power of nature but also respects the next looming pandemic which could be climate change. and most of all, in this moment in our history of black lives matter, and so many social protests of black and brown people asking for their rights and opportunities, let's respect each other. let's talk to each other in a respectful way. and that begins with the president not using the bully pulpit of the presidency as a platform to insult and denigrate people. you know, i was listening to kayleigh mcenany the white house spokeswoman explaining trump's latest, black lives matter is some giant insult. it must be like this incredible, creative writing exercise that goes on there every day as they try to normalize whatever bizarre thing he has uttered that morning. she should teach creative writing when she is done as white house spokesman. i am amazed at the way they -- the words and formulations they come up with to normalize what a racist, vile, and denigrating statements. >> we know she is performing for an audience of one. tom friedman, thank you very much for that. great talking to you, sir. just ahead record new coronavirus numbers in arizona. the mayor of tucson is standing by to join us live. plus a closer look at what went wrong in california. leading the governor to put almost 75% of the population back into near shutdown. this is nothing new. throughout our history any time something bad has happened to us ...we've recovered. every time. we fall, we rise. we break, we rebuild. we stumble, we learn. we come together. we work together. we innovate and create. we meet up and get to work. we find our way forward. every time. this has been the key to our survival, the key to our growth that whenever we thought we were at our weakest, this is when we became the strongest, became the best version of ourselves, and found our way home. together. masimo. together in hospital. together at home. from grills to play setsutdoor together in hospital. and more one of a kind finds. it all ships free. and with new deals every day you can explore endless options at every price point. get your outdoor oasis delivered fast so you can get the good times going. ♪ wayfair. you've got just what i need. ♪ 49i found you! good job. now i'm gonna stay here and you go hide. watch your favorites from anywhere in the house with the xfinity stream app. free with your xfinity service. now any room can be a tv room. stream live tv, on demand shows and movies even your dvr recordings. download the xfinity stream app today to stream the entertainment you love. xfinity. the future of awesome. arizona is one of several states reporting record new coronavirus cases prompting the governor to shut down many businesses including gyms. cnn's evan mcmorris santoro is joining us. you are inside one of the gyms defying a new order to shut down. what's the latest? >> reporter: that's right, jim. i'm wearing my mask right now because i'm inside a gym that the governor of arizona wants to be closed. this is one of 18 locations of the mountain side fitness chain which is a chain that is currently suing the governor over the new rules set forth this week to shut down things like movie theaters, gyms, large gathering places, once again to deal with what is a rising pandemic here. now, you can see there aren't that many people in here right now but we've been at mountain side locations throughout the day. people are out working out. i spoke to one person, at another location earlier this morning and asked, why are you coming to the gym? the governor wants it closed. and the guy told me, look. the gym is open. i want to work out. so i'll do it. that is the kind of thing the governor is concerned about. people here at mountainside say, look. we're wiping things down, calling for social distancing inside the building. obviously health officials are concerned about people being inside in groups during this pandemic. and here at mountain side masks are not required. they do have them available for people who want to use them. some people are using them and most people we've seen working out are not. so it is just, that is the battle here in arizona right now where the governor is saying, we need to close the gyms down and the gyms are saying we need to stay open. jim? >> all right. we know you'll stay on top of that evan mcmorris santoro thank you very much for that. let's discuss the growing crisis in arizona with the mayor of tucson. mayor, thanks for joining us very much. arizona is reporting a record high coronavirus cases right now and deaths today. why is your state being hit especially hard right now? >> the rise in covid cases are direct directly correlated with the opening of the state by the governor. we were in a space at the beginning of may where we were seeing daily, at least here in the city of tucson, in pima county, we were seeing -- we were at a plateau of 20 cases a day. just yesterday we had 460 cases in pima county alone. and today we are hearing a record setting 4,800 cases throughout the state. it is very devastating and the governor took a step too quickly and went from opening the state from zero to 60 and now they're seeing the consequences of those actions. >> as a matter of fact, you clashed with the governor of arizona when he refused to mandate masks in your state. and would not give you the power to do so to have that kind of mandate in tucson. he is now embracing the practice. do you think this crisis would have become as severe had the governor mandated this sooner? >> well, he still has the opportunity when he signed his executive order back in march he preempted cities, towns, and counties from doing any steps to help prevent the spread with his executive order and we really had our hands tied. we pressured and pressured for the governor to untie our hands and pass our own mandatory mask ordinances but i believe now is the time for the governor to push ahead and enact a mandatory mask executive order throughout the state of arizona because the virus just can't tell from one town to the next city whether they can step over, whether the virus can step over that particular jurisdiction. it is happening throughout the state. the crisis is everywhere. we need swift action by the governor. >> do you feel like saying, i told you so? >> no. this is not a republican or democratic issue. this is science. this is something medical professional and public health experts give us advice on and i've been really listening to the public health experts. it is not about really putting it in his face and telling him toiled him so. it's about saving lives. and so it's important that he takes swift action. that he do everything he possibly can to protect the lives of arizonans in our state. that is all i'm wanting and advocating for. >> the governor is rolling back some reopening plans, closing bars, night clubs, gyms, and more. would further action at the state level help you get a handle on the surge and do you need more help out of washington? >> yes, unfortunately, what we're seeing here in arizona is a microcosm of what's happening with the lack of leadership in the federal government. here in arizona, cities and towns and counties throughout the state have had to do what we need to -- >> you mean the president? or the federal government? >> yes, i do. yes, i do. i mean the president has expressed very little care about having an organized approach to attacking this crisis and this pandemic. the same thing is happening here in arizona with the governor. i do thank him for taking extra steps this week to help curb, bend the curve down. we need him to take additional steps. it is a state of crisis. arizona is one of the hot spots not only in the country but the world. right now is the time for governor doocy to take action. he can implement a statewide mandatory mask executive order. that has proven to protect residents and people by 80% so it is one additional step that public health experts throughout this state are asking for as i am. >> all right. mayor regina romero thank you very much for joining us. stay safe there in tucson. >> thank you so much. >> just ahead what went wrong in california after avoiding the worst of the pandemic in the spring the state has emerged as a hot spot. we'll take a closer look. plus new details on president trump's resistance to the intelligence community's warnings about russia. stay with us. you're in the situation room. [♪] are you currently using a whitening toothpaste, but not seeing results? try crest 3d whitestrips. its enamel-safe formula lifts and removes stains to provide 100% noticeably whiter teeth or your money back. try crest 3d whitestrips. tonight despite implementing some of the strictest restrictions in the country, california is reporting alarming coronavirus numbers. the state's governors ordering 72% of residents into a near lockdown shuttering indoor activities like bars, restaurants, museums, and movie theaters. this as the state hits a single day record for infections, shattering the previous high. all of this has experts asking what went wrong. cnn's senior national correspondent reports. >> reporter: to understand why california is losing the battle against covid-19, meet manhattan beach. at restaurants, partitions are up. tables sit empty for social distancing. talk to the residents? >> i mean, i don't want to swear too loudly but i want to go to the beach. it sucks. this is not the same situation we're dealing with where people from all over the world are partying on a beach in miami. >> i don't agree with being told we can't do anything especially on a holiday that this country is supposed to be celebrating independence. >> reporter: call it covid exhaustion. and it's showing up in the numbers. after early signs of success controlling the outbreak, california is now bending the wrong way. with little sign of slowing. >> i suspect there will be plenty of people walking around not social distancing themselves, not wearing their masks. we see it quite a bit. >> reporter: los angeles county alone has more than 100,000 covid-19 cases. that's higher than all of these states in the u.s. with the exception of the top seven. governor gavin newsom ordered indoor restaurants, movie theaters, and museums closed in 19 counties and warned all residents to not gather in large groups on the 4th of july. >> you have 40 million people in the state of california and if 40 million people turn their backs on these guidelines and common sense, that is not something we can enforce. >> i'm pretty gloomy and a little bit angry and sad. >> reporter: despite how dr. robert wachter feels watching california slide backwards he does credit governor newsom for shutting the state down early. most of the governors and states seeing a resurgence of covid cases are republicans. california is an exception and that is the public health lesson here says wachter. >> i think the problem is less about governance and more about human nature. and if enough of them say, all right. the rules are beginning to loosen up, and i am just going to get together with friends and i'm going to stay a couple feet apart, it really doesn't matter what the rules are. the virus says i see an opportunity and i'm going to pounce. >> reporter: another big test this weekend as the 4th of july looms in the golden state. cnn, los angeles. >> thank you very much. just ahead how president trump's resistance to intelligence warnings about russia led to fewer briefings about russian threats. new details, next. attention veterans with va loans. record low mortgage rates have now fallen even lower. by refinancing, you can save $3000 a year with one call to newday usa. our team is standing by right now to take your call. and from start to finish, you can do it all without ever leaving the house. with our va streamline refi, there's no income verification. no appraisal. and no out of pocket costs. nobody works harder for veterans than my team at newday usa. new information on president trump's disdain for warnings about russia. let's bring in cnn's national security correspondent. jim, what are you learning? >> well, we are learning that early in trump's intelligence briefing we discovered it included intelligence related to russia's activity against the u.s. with evident of its interference in u.s. politics trump would often blowup at them demanding to know why they kept focusing on russia in his view and questioning the intelligence itself. this is based on accounts of multiple former trump administration officials who briefed trump and were present for his briefings and who prepared documents for the briefings and who i spoke with for the book, the madman theory, trump takes on the world. here is a quote from one of the officials saying the president has created an environment that prohibits the mentioning of any intelligence that is not favorable to russia according to a former member of the trump staff. one former security official explained if the president was obsessed with just one threat he wouldn't listen to intelligence on other threats and a key line of information would be damaged. >> so the officials stopped including intelligence related to russia in the briefings? that is incredible. >> not entirely but less often and reduced the amount of russia-related intelligence. this is remarkable. the president's briefer had a simple rule with trump, never lead with russia. they would often place the intel in his written briefing book and they discovered over time he often did not read that book. we had accounts of that this week relating to the taliban intelligence leaving him unaware of crucial information. another official said it creates a self fulfilling prophecy where he hears less and less of what he doesn't want to hear and believes more and more the russians are not doing anything bad from someone that served on trump's nsc. the direct off of national intelligence told cnn. this is totally false. radcliffe took his job in may of this year. >> more news just ahead. stop struggling to clean tough messes with sprays. try clean freak! it has three times the cleaning power to dissolve kitchen grease on contact. it works great on bathtubs. and even stainless steel. try clean freak from mr. clean. ♪ the open road is open again. and wherever you're headed, choice hotels is there. book direct at finally tonight we share more stories from people that died of the coronavirus. maria, 89 years old. a strong work ethic that she instilled in her family. her daughter said the family was preparing to celebrate her 90th birthday last month. timothy worked as a photographer and artist. may they rest in peace and may their memories be a blessing. ♪ as coronavirus cases surge the president claims he is fine with masks and said his administration has done everything right in the pandemic and the virus will just disappear. what world is he living in. and officials pleaing with young adults to avoid bars. i will speak to a 30-year-old that got the virus after going to a bar and was hospitalized for a week. and the president calls black lives matter a symbol of hate and tonight the white house defending the comments. good evening. out front tonight 127,970 americans are dead from

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