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Dm but the president is pushing ahead with efforts to reopen the economy, proclaiming, im quoting him now, vaccine or no vaccine, were back. Nearly every state in the u. S. Has loosened some restrictions as the overall rate of new cases and new deaths declines across much of the country. Lets begin our coverage with our chief White House Correspondent jim acosta. Jim, the president is raising serious hopes now that the search for a Coronavirus Vaccine could pay off by the end of the year. Reporter thats right, wolf. And President Trump sent some conflicting signals today on the development of a Coronavirus Vaccine as the president and other Top Administration officials were touting what theyre calling a warp speed effort to have a vaccine ready by the end of the year. Mr. Trump also said he wants to reopen the country with or without one. At one point the president told reporters he doesnt see a reopening as dependent on a vaccine. As President Trump introduced the two men who will lead the governments race for a Coronavirus Vaccine, he made one thing clear. Hes ready to reopen the country even without a medical breakthrough. I just want to make something clear. Its very important. Vaccine or no vaccine, were back. And were starting the process. Reporter still, one of the two leaders of whats being called operation warp speed, moncef slaoui, said hes optimistic the u. S. Could have hundreds of millions of doses of the vaccine ready by the end of the year. I have very recently seen early data from a Clinical Trial with a Coronavirus Vaccine. And these data made me feel even more confident that we will be able to deliver a few hundred million doses of vaccine by the end of 2020. And we will do the best we can. Reporter thats an ambitious timeline. Many Health Experts arent so sure its achievable. Coronavirus Task Force Member dr. Anthony fauci cautions americans should remain realistic. Theres no guarantee the vaccine will be effective. If it doesnt have the immune response that is protective, given the way the body responds to viruses of this type, im cautiously optimistic that we will with one of the candidates get an efficacy signal. Reporter at his own rose garden event mr. Trump appeared at times to downplay the importance of a vaccine. Other things have never had a vaccine and they go away. So i dont want people to think this is all dependent on vaccine. But a vaccine would be a tremendous thing. Roesh reporter the president speculated Many Americans may be immune to the virus although the Scientific Community isnt convinced of that. They not only recover, they have immunity, whether short term or long term, but they have, probably, immunity. Reporter mr. Trumps comments came one day after he questioned the helpfulness of testing. It could be that testing is, frankly, uh, overrated, maybe it is overrated. When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong. With people, if we didnt do any testing, we would have very few cases. They dont want to write that. Its common sense. Reporter the president returned to his argument that schools should reopen in the fall but without older teachers. Mr. Trump didnt sound concerned students could bring the virus home to their families. I dont think that you should have, uh, 70yearold teachers back, yet. They should wait until everything is gone. I dont think you should have a professor thats 65 and has diabetes or has a bad heart, back, necessarily, or somebody thats older than that. But, uh, we want to see our schools back. We want to see our country start to work again. Reporter fauci warned earlier this week that is risky. I think weve got to be careful that we are not cavalier in thinking that children are completely immune to the deleterious effects. Reporter the president said he would be willing to accept a vaccine from china. What happens if its china . Will the u. S. Still have access to that vaccine . Uh, i would say the answer to that would be yes. Roes reporter the president was touting other advances like a high speed missile for mr. Trumps pet project, the space force. I call at it super duper missile. The space force is the future. Were now the leader in space. Reporter in case people were wondering what that noise was during the news conference, those were truckers in washington, honking their horns and protesting that their industry, theres some video right there, is being hammered during the pandemic. The president said they were demonstrating in show of support for him. Thats not true, though. They were protesting on behalf of their industry. Vice president mike pence was absent, he is steering clear of events at the white house today out of an abundance of caution, but white house Officials Say hes healthy and will be at events next week. Its because his press secreta secretary, katie miller, tested position for coronavirus. Jim acosta, thank you so much. Cnns erica hill joins us from new york with late breaking developments. Erica, the reopening movement is certainly gaining steam across the country. Reporter it is, in fact just a few moments ago restrictions were lifted in maryland. That happened at 5 00 tonight. Its just one of the states were seeing reopen. By the end of the weekend, wolf, 48 states will be partially reopen, although what this looks like really depends once again on where you are. A nationwide experiment shifting into high gear. The one thing we know is that tomorrow will be different than today. Thats the only certainty we have. Reporter restaurants in ohio and virginia can now offer Table Service outside. Floridas hardesthit counties, miamidade and broward, will begin seating customers on monday. In maryland, barbershops, salons, and churches can reopen at half capacity. Casinos are back in louisiana as stores large and small adapt. I am excited. But its you know, like i said, its just nervewracking. Reporter consumer spending, the lifeblood of the american economy, has taken a massive hit. Retail sales plunging more than 16 in april. The largest drop in nearly 30 years. Im sinking. The calvary never showed up as promised. Its either open or close my doors for good. Reporter the number of new cases is trending lower. In 28 states, including colorado, georgia, and oklahoma, which started lifting restrictions weeks ago. New cases each day in texas, however, are 20 to 30 higher than they were when stayathome orders were relaxed on may 1. So what do those numbers tell us about the impact of reopening . These numbers that were looking at are not real time. What were seeing is actually a reflection of whats probably the virus was doing a week or two weeks ago. Open your business now reporter protests continue in michigan where the stayathome order was extended through may 28. When people are showing up with guns, when people are showing up with things like, you know, confederate flags, it tells you that this really isnt about the lockdown or about a perception of a stayathome order. Its really an organized political statement. Reporter resistance is also brewing in north carolina, where some restrictions were lifted last week, though not for large gatherings, including religious services. How long is this gonna last . They didnt build sanctuaries to sit in their cars in the parking lot and look at. Reporter several regions in new york state moving into phase i of reopening on friday. Still, the stayathome order extended for the most Populated Areas including new york city until may 28. Though there is some relief in sight. Governor andrew cuomo announcing a multistate plan to reopen beaches in time for memorial day. What one state does will affect other states. That is probably nowhere more clear than when it comes to opening beaches. One state doesnt open beaches, another state does open beaches, you will see people flood to that state. Reporter new jersey, connecticut, and delaware all part of that effort, as americans across the country prepare for summer. And as folks here in new york city are preparing for summer, its important to point out, mayor bill de blasio said this is really a day to day operation as theyre looking at things. New york city beaches are not expected to be open by memorial day. The mayor saying the summer is going to look very different. Also its supposed to be a beautiful weekend, its a Beautiful Day here in new york city. They will be limiting capacity at some of the citys parks and moving forward, he said theyre buying 74,000 air conditioners for low income seniors in the city. There is a real concern about what could be to come this summer, especially if they cant do cooling centers and people cant get out as they would normally. A Beautiful Day here in washington, d. C. , erica, as well, about 85 degrees and sunny. Erica, thank you very much. Lets continue the discussion with the mayor of baltimore, maryland, mayor jack young. Mayor young, thanks for joining us. Marylands stayathome order was lifted at the top of the hour. Tell us why you decided your city is not yet ready to join much of the state of maryland in beginning to reopen. Well, wonderful, the reason why is because we havent seen a decrease in the number of cases that weve seen here in baltimore. We had over 3,600 cases, almost 400 hospitalizations and baltimore, and 183 deaths. And, you know, we just dont feel that were ready to open right now. And im going by what our Health Professionals are telling us. Leading institutions like Johns Hopkins are saying were not ready to open at this time. I would love to open up because i know businesses are suffering, restaurants are suffering. But my responsibility is to protect the life and safety of the citizens of baltimore and thats what i intend to do. These are life and death decisions youve got to make. Marylanders in other parts of the state can now return to stores, hair salons, other nonessential businesses. Do you fear, mayor, that your residents of baltimore will simply travel to other counties, take a quick drive elsewhere with fewer restrictions, that kind of partial reopening, that could put your residents potentially at greater risk . I think so, but im hoping our citizens will heed to my executive order and only travel for essential businesses that they have to take care of right here in the city of baltimore. Like you said, those other cities and other states are opening, and if they can go, i know theyll get in their cars and go. Theres a possibility of them doing that and come back and spreading, you know, whatever things they have to their family members and friends, and im very afraid of that. Im sure you are. The president said, you probably saw his remarks, he said Health Officials he said vaccine or no vaccine, im quoting him now, were back. Health officials continue to point to the need for a vaccine to truly stop the pandemic. Can you safely reopen completely without a vaccine . Well, i think we can reopen our city with testing. If we can get the testing kits that we need, so we can get a handle on whether we have the majority of our population with signs of covid19 or whether theres a decrease. No one wants to keep our city locked down, all of us want to go out safely and enjoy ourselves and go to restaurants and go to the manifeovies and t kind of things. Im quite sure well get there one day, but now is not the time. Youve suggested xhuvents col communities of color are most at risk. What steps are you taking for those who are at greater risk right now from this virus . Were setting up Testing Centers in areas where theres the highest concentration of covid19. Weve stood up mobile operations that will travel to communities and they dont have to have a Doctors Orders or any that have, and theyre being tested. Were looking at setting up even more around the city of baltimore. We have to get those test kits. Our state of maryland needs to make sure they provide these testing kits to all of the local governments in the state of maryland so that we can get our people tested. I know youre handwritirelyia to determine the timeline for reopening baltimore. What do you need to see specifically before youll begin to relax these stay at home restrictions . I would need to say data that suggests that were on a downward trend. Right now were on an upward trend. We have 3,600, you know, cases. We have almost 400 people hospitalized. And 183 degrees. My job is to protect, like i said earlier, the life and welfare of the citizens of baltimore and im following the guidelines that are being established by our Health Professionals and our scientists who know what to do in these cases. And youve got Johns Hopkins university, the medical school, the experts are right there in baltimore. Im sure youre relying on their expertise as well. Mayor jack young, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you too, i really appreciate coming on. Thank you, good luck. Up next, well ask our experts about the Trump Administrations claim that a Coronavirus Vaccine will be widely available by the end of this year. And with just about every state now reopening in various ways, why are coronavirus cases actually dropping in so many of them . Well be right back. T now. And right now, is a time for action. So, for a second time were giving members a credit on their auto insurance. Because its the right thing to do. 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At carvana the safer way to buy a car. At the white house today, President Trump claimed a fullyapproved Coronavirus Vaccine will be available to the public by the end of this year. Lets discuss the medical realities of this with our chief medical correspondent dr. Sanjay gupta, also joining us, dr. Lena wen, former City Health Commissioner of baltimore. Sanjay, the president seemed to downplay the need for a vaccine at one point today, declaring, and im quoting him now, vaccine or no vaccine, were back. How critical is a vaccine to our nations recovery . I think its pretty critical. I mean, theres no guarantee, wolf, that were going to have one. I mean, everybody wants one, everyone on the planet is hoping these vaccine trials bear fruit. But, you know, its a critical part of this. The virus itself is still there, wolf. I mean, its still a contagious virus, its still in the communities. I think, you know, for the most part, the United States for a while has done a really good job of staying at home and decreasing the amount of spread of this virus and its made an impact. But its really going to be the vaccine ultimately, wolf, that allows us, i think, to i dont know that were ever going to have a complete normalcy again but it will allow us to get back as close to normalcy as possible. Dr. Wen, the new vaccine chief announced today said a few hundred million doses of the vaccine could actually be available by the end of this year. Is that realistic, that timeline . I mean, i would love that to be true. I think thats what we all hope for more than anything else. But im really struggling to see how this will happen. Its already going to be extraordinary if we can get the vaccine, if we can develop this vaccine in time. It will already be recordbreaking to develop a vaccine by the end of the year. Then were talking about manufacturing hundreds of millions of doses of this medication, and then administering it, which its not like manufacturing a machine. We still have to actually get this vaccine to people. We have to have the vials, the syringes, we have to have the staff. I just really worry, looking at the efforts thus far by the federal government, we still dont have widespread testing. There is still no widespread testing in sight. How are we going to get it together in time to have this national effort, massive effort thats going to be required to vaccinate hundreds of millions of people . And you have to convince the American Public its safe, that theres no side effects, dont worry, it will help you. There will be a lot of nervous people out there when it comes to a new vaccine. Sanjay, the president said the pharmaceutical companies are working to manufacture multiple vaccines before theyre even approved. Explain the thinking behind this strategy. Yeah, ive had some conversations with people who are working on these vaccines. And the basic idea is this, that typically you would wait for a vaccine to go through all phases of these Clinical Trials and prove it is safe and effective, and at that point to start doing the mass production of the vaccine. Here, within phase ii, even, what im hearing is theyre going to be looking for what is called efficacy signals. And this is not proof that its going to work in larger populations, but its a signal that it has some effectiveness. And based on whether theres enough of these efficacy signals, what the country may start doing is saying, okay, were going to go ahead and take a gamble and start manufacturing it and producing it and getting it ready for distribution before weve proven more convincingly that it will work in more populations of people. So its a risk, wolf, but its the kind of risk, i guess, that may be justified by the situation were in. There may be a few vaccine candidates that are looking promising, again, not definitively, but promising enough where they start to accelerate the process ahead of time. Very interesting. Dr. Wen, when asked today about concerns that the abbott labs rapid coronavirus test used by the white house produces potentially inaccurate results, false negatives, for example, the president said its a great test that can be very rapidly doublechecked. Those were his words. Can a test simply be doublechecked . Is that how medical testing is supposed to work . I think that the president means there is another test that you default to. So if this one test ends up having a particular result, theres another test that can be done to doublecheck it. But i think that the whole issue of testing at the white house, im glad that the president is still talking about it, because i think its something that the American People should really model. What the white house has, this daily test for staff members, i think thats what the American People are also asking for. This type of reassurance. Ideally we have as reliable of a test as possible. Certainly we dont want to have false negatives, we dont want to falsely reassure people theyre negative when theyre not. We want a rapid test thats point of care so you find out those results within minutes, and its widely available, ideally people can get tested as they go to school, as they go to work. If thats what the white house needs for the president to feel safe, then thats what the American People are saying we need to feel safe returning to school and work too. Because as you pointed out, sanjay, and others have pointed out, 15 of those who get this rapid test get whats called that false negative, theyre told youre fine, go ahead, you go home, and you spend the next several days potentially giving this virus to other people, you may be asymptomatic in the process. Thats a serious problem. Yes, thats exactly the problem, wolf. And i should point out that the fda put out an alert about this abbott i. D. Now test as well, saying that practitioners need to be aware that its been giving, as lena said, these false negatives, 15 in one study, 25 in another study, and then a third study that came out of nyu this week showed that the false negative rate was up to 48 . So you think about that, thats really no better than flipping a coin. Abbott says they want to look at that study and see if maybe something was done incorrectly with the testing. But those are not good numbers. Thats the point. People are going to think theyre not carrying the virus and they are. Thats potentially very dangerous as well. Sanjay, well have you back. Thank you so much, dr. Wen, as always we appreciate your expertise. An Important Note, tomorrow night cnn honors the graufduate of 2020 with a twohour event that begins at 7 00 eastern, the class of 2020 in this together, featuring former president brooklyn, gal gadot and others. Then at 8 00 p. M. Eastern, join former president barack obama. It starts tomorrow night, 7 00 p. M. Eastern right here on cnn. Ill anchor a special edition of the situation room immediately thereafter at 9 00 p. M. Coming up, why did the Trump Administration disregard the Pandemic Response plan left by the Obama Administration . And President Trump says, vaccine or no vaccine, the United States is back. Is it really . When i was a young kid in third grade, i remember my dad coming up the stairs in my grandpops house where we were living, sitting at the end of my bed and saying joey, im going to have to leave for a while. Go down to wilmington, delaware, with uncle frank. Theyre good jobs down there, honey. And in a little while, ill be able to send for you and mom and jimmy and val, and everythings going to be fine. For the rest of our life, my dad never failed to remind us that a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. Its about your dignity. Its about respect. Its about your place in the community. Its about being able to look your child in the eye and say, honey, its going to be ok and know its true. You never quit on america. And you deserve a president who will never quit on you. Unite the country is responsible for the content of this advertising. vo what does it mean to be americas most Reliable Network . It means helping those who serve stay connected to their families. And now verizon wants to give them something back. Our best pricing ever. 30 per line for all nurses, teachers, first responders, military, and their families. Not for a few months, but for as long as they need. Plus, up to 700 off the oneplus 8. Because the people we rely on deserve a network they can rely on. The Trump White House today downplayed a decision to scrap the Pandemic Response plan left by the Obama Administration. Listen to what the press secretary, ankle anklkayleigh m toll reporters. Some have suggested the Trump Administration threw out this thin packet of paper. But it was replaced by these reports commissioned by the Trump Administration. So we exchanged this one for these two Pandemic Response plans. Joining us, chief political analyst Gloria Borger and the former director of the National Security councils medical and biodefense preparedness. Dr. Borio, you worked at the fda during the Obama Administration. But then you worked on medical preparedness on President Trumps National Security council unit that was disbanded. Whats your response to what we heard from the White House Press secretary . So there was a pandemic playbook, there is a pandemic playbook that was left behind. And i think its important to realize, though, that this pandemic is the biggest Public Health crisis weve had in a century. And its much bigger than any playbook, okay . Much bigger. And i dont know that its fair to say that had a playbook been followed, we would be in a very different situation than we are now. I dont think a playbook was a solution here. On the other hand, its important to realize we have a third of the global cases of covid19 here in the United States. And we have to really have a lot of work Going Forward to be able to change this trajectory. There are plans continued, and i think shes right there is a National Biodefense strategy developed, an influenza vaccine executive order, so work on biodefense continued. And you were warning of this potential disaster when you were in the nsc, right . Thats right. This work was supported, and i was warning, and we convened the interagency. Our work admittedly was a lot more focused on influenza because there was an epidemic of avian flu in eastern china when i was there. That was very concerning for us and for the cdc and others. So a lot of the work that was effectuated was around pandemic influenza. Gloria, does it work to blame the Obama Administration when the Trump Administration is more than three years in the white house right now . Of course it doesnt, wonderful, but, you know, this president likes to have enemies that he can blame things on. Sometimes when you make mistakes theyre actually your own mistakes. But i think questions need to be asked about why, for example, the white house disbanded the Global Health security team, what happened during that lost month of february, for example, why was the white house consistently downplaying the virus, why was the president of the United States consistently saying china was doing a great job and there is a lot of transparency there, now, you know, china is the great enemy, she hes chosen a new one in addition to obama. But what happened in january and february when the president was saying things were great, china was doing a terrific job . I think those questions really need to be asked. Blaming the Obama Administration three years into your own administration is ridiculous. Let me get dr. Boria to weigh in. Kayleigh mcenany, the press secretary, also said that President Trump in her words streamlined the National Security council and did away with what she called a confusing organizational chart. Did that change make the administration more or less prepared to handle this Current Crisis . Look, wolf, i think there will be a time to look back at those decisions, and when i was there, the work was very supported by the National Security adviser that i reported to, ambassador bolton. There was an ebola epidemic in the drc, we were workiavidly wo to contain it. I dont want people to think this was completely neglected when i was there. Right now is the time for us to look forward. The pandemic is still in our background, its still in our communities. As we reopen, we have to be really careful not to lose all the progress made in the last few weeks to bring a downturn in the number of cases. I was really happy to see a very serious effort put forward today to accelerate vaccine development. I think its highly ambitious, but well need a vaccine to restore our health and economic security. So i think there will be a time to go and ask those questions about what happened in the reorganization. But right now we need to come together and develop this vaccine so that americans can resume their lives. And the whole world, if they can get a vaccine, need to do as well. Gloria, does the president s rhetoric, what we heard from him today, his message delivered in the rose garden, does it match the reality . Well, look, i agree that moving towards a vaccine at warp speed, as the white house calls it, is a good idea and a great thing to do. But this is a president , as you know, wolf, who doesnt have a great deal of empathy, it doesnt come naturally to him, so he doesnt like to talk about the number of deaths and the growing death toll. In fact he said today, one death is one death too many, and of course we all agree with that, but then he turns the page very quickly and says this never should have happened and blames it all on china. And of course then continues to make this a political issue by saying that the states who are holding back on opening up as quickly as he would like are doing it for political reasons and hes called it a matter of freedom, for example. And i think, you know, putting the politics into this right now is not a good idea. Hes doing it for political reasons. But these governors are going more slowly because theyre trying to save lives. Gloria borger and dr. Luciana borio, thank you to both of you for joining us. Coming up, todays surprise claim that the u. S. Will have millions of doses of a Coronavirus Vaccine ready to go by the end of this year. Every Financial Plan needs a cfp® professional confident Financial Plans, calming Financial Plans, complete Financial Plans. Theyre all possible with a cfp® professional. Find yours at letsmakeaplan. Org. And ask your doctor about biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete, onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in certain adults. 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But there are still hard liners, voices within the chinese establishment that do not hesitate to bash the u. S. The global Times Newspaper which can be relied upon to do this has raised the scenario of listing American Companies as, quote, unreliable entities and suggested the possibility of decoupling between the u. S. And china, the worlds two largest economies. Wolf . Ivan watson, thank you. Breaking news were getting, well get back to the coronavirus pandemic in just a little bit. Were learning more about a deep split that developed within the u. S. Justice Department Just before the decision to ask a federal judge to drop the case against President Trumps former National Security adviser Michael Flynn. I want to bring in our senior justice correspondent evan perez. Evan, what are you learning . Reporter wolf, we noticed two of the prosecutors who are doing the Michael Flynn case were prosecuting the Michael Flynn case, and did not sign their names to the document that called for the dismissal of these charges. Now we know what was going on behind the scenes, infighting behind the scenes between the prosecutors and the Justice Department over exactly how to do this. One of the issues that emerged was whether or not the department should defend the work of these prosecutors, saying essentially that they did nothing wrong, that these documents that the Justice Department was producing to Michael Flynns attorneys did not necessarily have to be turned over. There was a big disagreement behind the scenes over that. Were told, wolf, that as they were drafting these documents, there was this language in there that said that there had been no misconduct by the prosecutors. It was removed before it was filed. That has left open the question among the lawyers as to whether or not the Justice Department is essentially saying they might be disciplined in the future over the way they handled this case. This is a big deal, wolf, simply because we know that the president and his allies have been attacking these prosecutors, have been attacking the work done here. We know the attorney general and this brief that they filed in court to dismiss the charges says that they should have turned over this information, but they never explicitly say that they wrongly withheld it. Very interesting indeed, evan perez, thank you so much. Coming up, cnns don lemon will join me live to discuss the impact of the pandemic on communities of color here in the United States. And a special program on the subject, the color of covid, that airs later tonight. Well be right back. We are the thrivers. Women with metastatic breast cancer. Our time for more time. Has come. 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That actually makes you feel better, introducing tommie coppers shoulder centric support shirt, their biggest breakthrough yet. Advanced engineering promotes Healthy Posture and relief for achy shoulders and back. Visit tommiecopper. Com to see the entire line of wearable wellness compression. They have you covered from head to toe. Tommie supports my back and my life. [narrator] go to tommiecopper. Com right now and save 25 . Life hurts, feel better. The coronavirus pandemic is taking a brutal toll on communities of color all across the United States. Cnns don levin is joining us to talk about a special program airing later tonight. Im so happy you are doing this. This is the second color of covid special you have done. Tell us why you feel it is so important to do another special. I am very proud of this network for meeting the moment. There was a study that came out recently that said almost 60 of the deaths from covid19 was from africanamericans. I presented it to our bosses and looked at it and said something had to be done about it. We did the first color of covid and those studies had not come out showing those numbers. This network is meeting the moment by doing another special and trying to present to people what needs to be done and the fact that if it was any demographic, to have Something Like this, a pandemic or any illness who was killing people who were 13 to 14 of the population and having 60 of the deaths, its unbelievable. We are trying to present to people what to do and why this is going on. Tonight at 10 00. Van jones and i will do it. The first one was excellent. Who will you be talking to . What kinds of solutions will you be addressing . The former Surgeon General will be on with us. She will talk about the medical aspect, why this is happening and offering up solutions. I am not a doctor, wolf, not a medical personnel. I will leave it up to the medical types, like dr. Sanjay gupta who does an excellent job on this necessary work network. I dont know if if its because of economics in our society. I will leave that to dr. Benjamin to explain. And the spiritual aspect, to get it across to the communities. And we will have ceo robert smith on. Remember him at moore house when he offered the class to pay off their Student Loans . He will be on to talk to us about how we deal with all of these issues and all of these disparities in our society and how to help heal it and make it better for everyone. The reaction to your First Special was amazing. We are really looking forward to this one later tonight. Thanks for doing it as well. An Important Note to our viewer, stay with cnn for the color of covid tonight at 10 00 p. M. Eastern. Coming up, from the centers of Disease Control and prevention. Stay with us, you are in the situation room. And ill tell you some important things to know about medicare. First, it doesnt pay for everything. Say this pizza. [mmm pizza. ] is your part b medical expenses. This much about 80 percent. Medicare will pay for. Whats left. This slice here. Well. Thats on you. And thats where an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company comes in. This type of plan helps pay some of what medicare doesnt. And these are the only plans to carry the aarp endorsement. Thats because they meet their high standards of quality and service. Wanna learn more . Its easy. Call Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company now and ask. For this free decision guide. Inside youll find the range of aarp Medicare Supplement plans and their rates. Apply any time, too. Oh. Speaking of time. About a little over half way and theres more to tell. Like, how. With this type of plan, youll have the freedom to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. Great for staying with the one you know. Or finding. Somebody new, like a specialist. There are no networks and no referrals needed. None. And when you travel, your plan will go with you anywhere in the country. So, if youre in another state visiting the grandkids, stay awhile. Enjoy. And know that youll still be able to see any doctor who accepts medicare patients. So call unitedhealthcare today. They are committed to being there for you. Tick, tick, tick, time for a wrap up. A Medicare Supplement plan helps pay some of what medicare doesnt. You know, the pizza slice. It allows you to choose any doctor, who accepts medicare patients. And these are the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. Whew call unitedhealthcare today and ask for this free decision guide. And i recently had a heart attack. It changed my life. But im a survivor. After my heart attack, my doctor prescribed brilinta. Its for people who have been hospitalized for a heart attack. Brilinta is taken with a lowdose aspirin. No more than 100 milligrams as it affects how well brilinta works. Brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. In a clinical study, brilinta worked better than plavix. Brilinta reduced the chance of having another heart attack. Or dying from one. Dont stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor, since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. Brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Slow heart rhythm has been reported. Tell your doctor about bleeding new or unexpected shortness of breath any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. If you recently had a heart attack, ask your doctor if brilinta is right for you. My heart is worth brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Yeah. This moving thing never gets any easier. 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We continual to see a downward trend in cases nationwide. More than half of the states see a decline even as much of the country moves to reopen. Fears of a second wave are persistent and real. The president is making ambitious claims that a vaccine will be available to the public by the end of the year. The president sending mixed messages about a potential break through saying the country is coming back, and im quoting the president right now, vaccine or no vaccine. Jim, a disturbing new forecast of deaths

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