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is spending millions of dollars to flood the airwaves with anti-romney attack ads. is this payback time for newt gingrich? i'm wolf blitzer and you're in the "situation room." president obama dropped a bit of a bombshell a little while ago in an unscheduled appearance announcing bill daily is stepping down after just a year. he'll. replaced by the budget director, jack lou. here's jessica yellin. she's working the story for us. jessica, what's going on over here? >> well, wolf, first of all the president actually said that bill daley wants to spend more time with his family. let's listen to part of what the president had to say and then we'll talk about it a little bit on the back end. here's the president. >> obviously, this was not easy news to hear. and i didn't accept bill's decision right away. in fact, i asked him to take a couple of days to make sure that he was sure about this. but in the end, the pull of the hometown, we both love. a city that's been synonymous with the daley family for generations, was too great. >> so what's this about, wolf, as you know, this has been a fraught relationship from the start. daley has been here for almost exactly one year and there have been management challenges in the white house. another issue, the top priority for which daley was brought into address, repairing the white house's relationship with the business community. no longer became as important to this white house when the campaign decided that the president's top focus would be reaching out to the middle class and fighting for consumers. so that's another issue. then, of course, the number-one -- the overarching challenge has been there's so many senior advisers here who are insiders going back to the campaign. and it's just incredibly difficult to break into that club and there were clashes and challenges as we've reported throughout the year. and in the end, senior administration official made it clear to me that this was daley's decision. and as the president said, daley came to him last tuesday, first, and said, mr. president, i decided in the end, it's just not right. this white house is going to be better off if i'm not the chief of staff. the president said -- no, no, think about it. as he said. daley came back and said, no, i've decide. i need to end thor my resignation and it was decided that -- and then the president asked daley who he thought would be breast to replace him, according to this administration official, wolf. >> a dreary day in washington. it looks like snow is beginning to come down. jessica, we'll get back to you and learn more about jack lou and bill daley out. stand by. we're hours away from the nation's first primary. on the eve of that vote in new hampshire, the frontrunner mitt romney is drawing new fire from his rivals. they're fighting for second place and trying to stay in this presidential race. romney has given them, today, some new ammunition, jim mccosta is joining us. romney under fire for talking about firing people. jim, what's going on here? >> reporter: that's right, wolf. mitt romney has had a couple of stumbles in the last 24 hours over the issue of layoffs. and while the comments may not hurt him here in new hampshire where he's way out in front they could haunt him down the road. touring metalworks factory mitt romney saw the day before, it has manufactured nothing but trouble. at a breakfast event romney used an unfortunate choice of words touting the health care plan he passed in massachusetts. >> that means the insurance company will have an incentive to keep you healthy. it also means that if you don't like what they do, you can fire them. i like being able to fire people who provide services to me. >> reporter: it didn't take long for the rivals to pounce, starting with jon huntsman. >> governor romney enjoys firing people, i like to hire people. >> i was talking about insurance companies. we like to get rid of insurance companies that don't give us the service that we need. >> mitt romney, them guys, they don't care who i am. >> reporter: the remarks come as a pro gingriinge pac -- a pro gh package. >> it hurts so bad to leave my home because of one man that's got 15 homes. >> reporter: and over the weekend, romney told a crowd he knew what it was like to fear for his job despite his privileged upbringing, despite being the son of a one-time presidential candidate. >> i know whether it's like to worry if you were going to get fired. there were a couple of times i worried about if i was getting a pink slip. >> looking ahead to south carolina, rick perry couldn't resist. >> i have no doubt mitt romney was worried about pink slips, perry said, whether he was going to have enough of them to hand out. romney said he was talking about how he worked his way up from the bottom in the business world. >> like anybody that starts at the bottom of an enterprise, you wonder when you don't do so well if you can hang on to your job. >> reporter: democrats are also piling on. back at the breakfast event a woman from the united autoworkers' union chajd him on the auto motors bailout. romney stood by his comments. >> i believe the market works better than a president stepping in to take care of his friends. >> reporter: when we tried to talk to the woman, the romney campaign sound man cranked up the music. as we tried to catch up with the soundman he threw a sheet over his head. and the barrage of attacks on mitt romney has caught the attention of the pro romney super pac "restore our future" the sam pac that took down newt gingrich in iowa plans to talk up mitt romney's accomplishments. pac can do their dirty work for the candidates, wolf, but they can also do damage control and we may be seeing that in south carolina, wolf. >> i'm always amazed at how ridiculous some of these people are. they think they can pump up the music, avoid the sound. we'll hear what the woman has to say. whooi do they do ridiculously stupid things like that out there on the campaign trail? >> reporter: well, the romney campaign is about message control and message discipline. that's why you don't see the former massachusetts governor doing a whole lot of media. the one he did taze f today was the first one he did in more than a week according to reporters that cover his campaign hour by hour, day by day. so when he gave that one news conference, he only took five or so questions. even at the news conference he held today here in new hampshire. so this is really all about message control. it was surprising, though, being in that room, we were all just trying to talk to this woman about her comments about general motors and the bailout and it was right in the middle of those comments when that music went full blast. it could only have been the reason of the romney campaign trying to drown out this woman's comments. we tried to go over to the sound technician and ask miami what did the campaign put you up to this and he said, check with the campaign. >> they always do these ridiculous things and it always comes out and then we move on and learn. i'm sure they learned from this as well. thank you very much, jim mccosta. good reporting. next gotle ground is south carolina. next battleground is south carolina. newt gingrich has been going after romney with a vengeance and now a pro romney super pac has received $5 million from the casi casino sheldon adleson. they are experted from romney's record at ceobain capital. >> the story of greed playing the sk system for a quick buck. a group of corporate raiders led by mitt romney. more ruthless than wall street. for tens of thousands of americans, the suffering began when mitt romney came to town. >> let's go live to our political reporter, peter hambee in south carolina. $3 million, $5 million, what does that buy in the next two weeks if you're looking for a lot of commercial time over there? >> reporter: wolf, that's a good question. to put this in perspective, a campaign typically, if they want a healthy statewide ad on broadcast on able in south carolina, will spend between $300,000 and half a million. when you talk about $3 million, $2 million, $5 million, that far surpasses what campaigns typically see. i talked to one republican strategist here today and i was picking his brain about how many commercials he would see and he said this would put geico to shame. that's the amount of super pac commercials we'll see from this pro-newt gingrich super pac 23 they put in $3.4 million hammering romney on bain. >> the pro romney super pac, they killed newt gingrich in iowa when i was there. you couldn't turn on the tv without seeing an attack ad going after newt gingrich and it really paid off. these ads right now, what are you seeing on television as we speak? i know you've been watching what the ads are right now. >> reporter: i've been down here in south carolina for about a week and it's almost starting to remind me when you watch television of that final week in iowa when you couldn't turn on t the tv without a political ad. romney has a positive ad calling the need to cut spending a moral responsibility. there's a negative ron paul ad calling rick santorum calling him a washington insider. rick perry, positive ad talking about values. a gingrich campaign ad criticizeding romney on his tax plan. those are already flooding the tv airwaves from watching television over the last few days so when the super pacs come in it's going to be nonstop for two weeks until the january 21st primary, wolf. >> rick perry, he got out of new hampshire as quickly as he could. he'll probably come in dead last, the polls show, maybe 1 over 2% in new hampshire. he's in south carolina, presumably, his last stand, to see how he does in south carolina. he really hammered mitt romney in person today, didn't he? >> reporter: he really did, wolf, this is his last stand. he's planting a flag and moving through the conservative upstate and talking about his faith and his conservative values. but you really see this bain attack emerging in the last 24 hours as a common theme among all the candidates. huntsman was hitting romney in new hampshire and perry in anderson, drilled mitt romney on this and he said he looted with bbain, he tried to localizend and he said that romney was profiting off failure. so it's an interesting attack in a republican primary. the romney campaign is defending this saying that these other republicans are attacking the private sector and sound like democrats. but this is a state that's lost a lot of jobs and manufacturing jobs, a lot of textile industry jobs and the unemployment rate is almost 10% here. so it could be a potent theme hitting the sort of wall street corporate-raider mentality in the state where there's a lot of populist frustration with the tough economy, wolf. >> did rick perry, peter, mention the tens of thousands of jobs that bain capital helped to create, staples, domino pizza? other companies? i take it he didn't mention that, did he? >> reporter: curiously, that went unmentioned today, wolf. maybe he'll say it here at stax's restaurant here in greenville. >> and if romney gets the nomination he'll talk about the tens of thousands of jobs bai nichlt capital created. i suspect that will happen down the road. peter, doing an excellent job in south carolina. jack cafferty is next with "the cafferty file." and john mccain, last time around, is backing mitt romney. i'll skl senator mccabe about the escalating attacks on his candidate. plus, a bungee jump disaster. the cord snapped, but the jumper lived to tell the story. a look at the day's other top stories and a lot more news coming up right here "the "situation room" yeah, i'm married. does it matter? you'd do that for me? really? yeah, i'd like that. who are you talking to? uh, it's jake from state farm. sounds like a really good deal. jake from state farm at three in the morning. who is this? it's jake from state farm. what are you wearing, jake from state farm? [ jake ] uh... khakis. she sounds hideous. well she's a guy, so... 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go to file and go to my blog page. >> let the free process go forward. if people like those debates and if they're interesting and they are, let them have all the debates they want. the more the herier. that's just me, jack, as far as i'm concerned. >> but you're opinion matters. you're one of the foremost political debate moderators in this land. >> i moderating those debates. >> i know you do and you do a good job. >> they always learn a little bit more about the candidates and they get more informed about what's going on so that's good. i say the more merrier. thank you. cnn gets a first-hand look at what's going on in syria. lisa sylvester monitoring that. >> reporter: wolf, cnn international core respondent nick robertson is on the ground in syria and said thousands of people gathered for funerals in damascus, many chanting with "down with the regime." but there was a pro government rally in damascus. they had the live broadcast equipment confiscated on arrive value and they are often accompanied by a government monitor. the former pakistani president tells cnn he's succeeded where others failed as leader of his nuclear armed country. and he says he'll return from exile by the end of this month to run for offers despite the threat of arrest. he's wanted in connection with the 2007 assassination of former prime minister. in britain, investigators identified the body found on queen elizabeth's estate. they say it's a 17 year old l-year-old female immigrant from latfia. and take a look at these injuries. this is what happened to a young australian woman who was bungee jumping in africa when the bungee cord broke. aaron langworthy plummeted more than 300 feet into a crocodile infested river. breaking a collarbone and blacking out on impact. amazingly, look at this picture here. she survived and she's expected to fully recover. i'm watching this video along with everyone else. that's unbelievable. and she survived and she's expected to be just fine. >> that's why i will never, ever, ever, ever, ever bungee jump. i don't know about you lisa but that's something i have no desire to do. >> cross that off my list. not doing that one. >> thank god she's all right. that's a dangerous thing to do. wouldn't do it. john mccain, he's backing mitt romney. standing by to talk to us live about the attacks on his candidate by the new super pac supporting newt gingrich. plus the surprised departure of president obama's white house chief of staff. that and much more. donna brazil and mary mat lin are standing by live for our strategy session. [ monica ] i'm away on a movie shoot and it hasn't been going exactly as planned. cut. cut! [ monica ] i thought we'd be on location for 3 days -- it's been 3 weeks. so i had to pick up some more things. good thing i've got the citi simplicity card. i don't get hit with a fee if i'm late with a payment... which is good because on this job, no! bigger! [ monica ] i may not be home for a while. [ male announcer ] the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. jon huntsman rolled the dies on new hampshire and now with the primary only hours away will his bet pay off? we'll go live. dan, what's going on with jon huntsman? >> reporter: well, first of all, wolf i'm inside a bakery where jon huntsman wrapped up his event here in new hampshire. the most recent polling he's been moving up a bit but he understands there's a lot of work to be done in the final hours and that's why he's been criss-crossing the state and going after the frontrunner, mitt romney. >> i need votes. i need help, i need support. >> reporter: fighting to close the deal with voters and close the gap with his opponents, former utah governor, jon huntsman, portrayed himself as the underdog as he rolled across the granite state scheduling seven campaign events. >> we have a terrific grassroots organization in this place all over the state. they're excited and they're fired up and we're moving. >> huntsman couldn't pass up the classic political photo op in this cafe. no kid gloves for frontrunner mitt romney as he quickly pounced on comments the former massachusetts governor made about firing health service providers who don't cut it. >> governor romney enjoys firing people. i enjoy creating jobs. >> reporter: it's the latest effort to chip away at the frontrunner. over the weekend, they questioned huntsman's conservative credentials during nbc's "meet the press" debate. >> he criticized me while he was out raising money for serving my country in china. yes been like my two sons are doing in the united states navy. they don't ask what political affiliation the president is. i want to be clear with people in new hampshire and this country, i will always put my country first. >> reporter: huntsman hammered that theme at every stop. >> i'm willing to put my country first. as compared to and contrasted to mitt romney who wants to put politics first. >> reporter: sengs sing it has caught on and at this stop in concord, supporters insisted huntsman's job under president obama was not a liability. >> the ambassador serves the country not necessarily the president. >> i think that that shows that he can work with the other party. that's a good thing right now. >> reporter: now the huntsman campaign released a new tv ad today paid for with money the campaign says that they were able to raise over the weekend. of course, the target of that ad? mitt romney. wolf? dan loathian on scene for us. in the next hour we'll speak live with three of jon huntsman's daughters. liddy, abbie and mary anne. and now senator mccain is live from capitol hill. senator, always good to have you. let's talk politics for a little while. these pro newt gingrich super pacs if you saw a report from south carolina, they are going after mitt romney with a vengeance right now. i'm going to play a little clip for you. it's getting really, really ugly. republican on republican. watch this. >> mitt romney became ceo of bain capital the day the company was formed. his mission, to reap passive rewards for himself and his investors. >> they don't care who i am. >> he's for small businesses. >> no he isn't. he's not. >> and that hurts so bad to leave my home because of one man that's got 15 homes. >> wow. that's pretty puff. if you turn on a tv station in south carolina you're seeing that all the time right now. senator, what do you think about that? >> well, i think it's part of it is symptom @ic of primaries which are always tough. sometimes even more personal in the attacks than the general election are. but it's also, wolf, and you and i have discussed this in the past, a result of the worst decision, i think, at least in the last 50 years or so, of the united states supreme court, called citizens united, where they basically unleashed without transparency and without accountability, huge amounts of money that are the from these so-called "independent campaigns" which you and i know are not independent. and it is unleashed this flood of money. news reports are wealthy casino owner in las vegas has written $5 million check or so. i don't blame them for doing that. now it's the system under which we operate which leads to this kind of campaigning and will lead to corruption and scandals, i guarantee it. when you have that much money washing around campaigns there will be scandals and i noted this morning, no candidate has applied for matching funds. why should they? when we have all of this unaccountedable money washing around the political campaigns? >> and when i was in iowa a couple weeks ago you couldn't turn on a tv without seeing the pro romney super pacs destroying newt gingrich and his numbers went down. these attack ads, based on your experience, they work? that's why they do it? the negative advertising? >> they all do it but as long as it moves numbers money will be invested in that kind of campaigning and i'm sorry to say it but that happens to be a reality. also, it has to have some basis in truth in order to, i think, have a significant effect. we'll see whether they ads have an effect on romney in south carolina. i kind of don't think so. >> how worried are you, though, that this problem between the republicans, newt gingrich, going after mitt romney. vice versa, that this is simply going to hurt the republican candidate, the nominee, whoever it is, helping to get president obama re-elected? >> i think it's a real danger and obviously, i'd like to see it over with a romney win in south carolina, followed by one in florida. but it is what it is, wolf. i think there will be flen of time for our nominee to recover but it certainly has a damaging effect. >> listen to newt gingrich go after mitt romney yesterday on the "meet the press" debate. it got very personal. listen to this. >> i realize the red light doesn't mean anything to you because you're the frontrunner. but could we drop a little bit of the pious bologna? you ran in '94 and lost. you had a very bad re-election rating. you dropped out of office. you have been out of state for something like 200 days preparing to run for president. >> all right, if you had a chance to speak to newt gingrich what would you say to him right now? >> i would say, you're not helping yourself much because i still think you have to give people a reason to vote for you. and i don't think that some of the language is normal to be used that he's using is normal to be used in, even the most heated of campaigns. but he's a very intelligent man. a very smart man and he certainly -- i wouldn't second-guess his campaign. if he thinks that's the best way to campaign then i wish him luck. >> the other day he said mitt romney was a liar. you heard that. in all the years that you were out there campaigning when you were running for the republican presidential nomination, even running and challenging barack obama for the presidency, did you ever call him a liar? >> no. and i've said several times that that's not something that i think is language that most voters would with respond to in a positive fashion. and you know, i don't intend to analyze newt gingrich or anybody else but i think there was a sense that he had, in his own words, that it was inevitable that he would win the nomination and apparently now it looks like he's not and i think it has stung him rather badly but, look, i lost my general election campaign, so i'm a little bit reluctant to tell people how they should campaign, except that i still believe that mitt romney has experience, the background and the qualifications, the family, to lead us to victory over president obama. >> and what do you say to those folks using this in these campaign commercials that, a lot of people lost their jobs after bain capital. he was the ceo. they took over the companies and down sized and outsorsd and people got unemployed. this is going to be a big issue and already is in the republican contest but i'm sure if mitt romney gets the nomination it will be a big issue against president obama as well. how do you rebutt that? >> well, i compare that with a half a billion dollars that we put into the -- like the $5 million they put into the staples who 450hires 10,000 peo or more. unfortunately, there's winners and losers in the free enterprise system. when you total up what bain capital did the successes far outweigh the failures and if you're not willing to allow, as tragic as it is, for some enterprises to fail, that's the essence of socialism. so i think when you look overall at the job opportunities that bain provided for thousands and thousands and thousands of americans, they can be pretty proud of their record when you look at it overall. any lost job is a tragedy. any lost opportunity is a tragedy. when you're in the business of the free enterprise systems there are winners and losers. bain capital has a clear record of great winnings and job creation. >> one final question and we're out of time, senator. what does it say to you that bill daley is leaving his job as white house chief of staff. jack lou, the budget director is stepping up to be the new white house chief of staff. this sudden switch, what does that say to you? >> well, obviously, i don't know the inner workings of the white house. i had a lot of dealings with bill daley when he was secretary of commerce. i had some dealings with him on the latest free-trade agreements. i'm a great admirer of bill daley and i miss -- and i thank him for his public service. >> nicely said. thank you very much, senator, as usual. senator john mccain joining us. >> thank you, wolf. the surprised departure of president obama's chief of staff. we'll talk about that and more. donna brazil and mary matalin are standing by. and their grandfather is one of the richest men in the united states and their father is running for president. why is the campaign low on cash? the daughters of the republican presidential candidate, jon huntsman. i'll speak with them live in the next hour. [ male announcer ] the cadillac cts sport sedan was designed with near-perfect weight balance from front to back... and back to front. ♪ giving you exceptional control from left to right... and right to left. ♪ the cadillac cts. ♪ we don't just make luxury cars. we make cadillacs. let's get right to our strategy session. joining us our political contributors. the republican strategist, mary matalin and donna brazil. first to you quarterback donna. bill daley's sudden departure from the white house as chief of staff caught me by surprise. what do you make of this? >> reporter: i think bill decided after christmas and spending time with his family in chicago and came back to the white house and he informed the president that this was a good opportunity for him to pass the baton on to somebody lijack lew. he knows the white house and he knows the budget. so it's a great time if you're going to depart and this was a personal decision and this is a good time because jack will have the entire year to make sure that the president priorities are taken care of. >> mary, whenever they say they want to spend more time with their family you know there's something else going on. that sound good but there's really a lot more. >> it doesn't necessarily mean he was pushed out. with disclosure, i love bill daley. he helped my brother in chicago through a health crisis literally, he saved his life. but the change ng of this chief of staff is pretty common, as we've often said, 18 months was the limit for that job. andy carr was the record-setter so i don't think this is in any way a distraction presuming they have a smooth transition which i'm hard-pressed to see why they wouldn't. jack lew has been part of it and i'm sure daley didn't leave anything in a mess so i think it's mitch it's much ado about knotting. >> they got pete ryles and 2011 was a very difficult year. not only with the showdown with capitol hill and the captures of osama bin laden and the debt ceiling debate and the arab awakening. this is an opportunity for the president to have a flesh start in 2012, to, you know, hammer all the priorities he's put forward for the american people. >> let's talk about hillary clinton for a moment. you might remember in early october, on our situation room blog, about the possibility that the president if he feels he needs to throw a hail mary pass i said in the spring or summer, and switch out hillary clinton for joe biden and put her on the ticket, i wondered whether that was realistic or unrealistic. robe robert reich wrote about it and now, today on op ed page says even if obama can win without hillary there's a lot to be said for running up the score. one reason republicans did so well in the twroi congressional elections that they overcame the ep gender cap that carried women voters 51-49. those voters will flock back to hillary and more so if the republican ticket is locked into a culture war agenda. first to you, donna. is at all realistic? do you think it's possible for joe biden to go to the state department and cloif to be on the ticket? >> i don't think so. i know people have been talking about this a long time. not people inside the white house or people inside washington, d.c., hillary clinton has a tremendous fan base across this country and i'm sure all across the world. she's been a terrific secretary of state. i think she's doing a phenomenal job. joe biden has done a tremendous amount of work for this administration. not only with the dealings on capitol hill with foreign policy and domestic initiatives and helping a middle class family so i think we have the ticket to the democratic side. let's see what happens on the republican side. >> mary, what would scare the republican, whoever the republican nominee is more, clinton -- excuse me. biden or obama obama-clinton. >> they left because of his policies. they are not going to flock back to policies they oppose, particularly economic ones because women deal with those so much with personal home budgets, they're not going to flock back because a woman son the ticket and politically it would be awful for hillary. she's the most popular woman in the world. why would she want to anchor thoers a failing administration and a losing president? >> i have to fix mary some red beans, wolf. this has been a good administration. it's getting better every day. the economic numbers are looking better. i really do believe that secretary clinton is going to be a continue to be a plus, plus for this administration, of course, for the united states of america. >> guys, all of you know and a lot of our viewers know as well, we did lose a very good friend of all of ours, a friend of "the situation room," the political strategist and commentator, tony blankley died of stomach cancer. he was a frequent guest on our program and cnn. a spooich writer for president reagan and former press secretary for newt gingrich when he was speaker and he's survived by his wife and three children. he was here in "the situation room" sharing his views on republican politics a couple of weeks ago. >> talking about negative campaigning, if you don't have a strong positive piece of your campaign, then the negatives bring you down. newt has a tremendous positive image of what he wants to accomplish. lots of things that need to be fixed in big ways. >> 63 years old, very, very sad. we loved tony a lot and i know that donna, mary, you want to say something, but mary, first to you. >> politics aside, having worked with tony for over two decades, he was a fine human being. you saw it right there in that cut. that was typical of him. i don't remember any time in over two decades his having said anything negative or trooish-talk anybody. he w -- or trash-talk anybody. he was a fine human being. >> i agree with mary. and fun in the green room. he was a former child actor. he was in "las. ie" and when u met up with him in the green room we would talk about old episodes. the speechwriter for president ronald reagan and press secretary for newt gingrich. he was my editor when i wrote briefly for the ""the new york time times". he was the kind of person -- you would be delighted to sit down and just catch up on culture, politics, history, this was one remarkable man and our deepest condolences to his family. his children, of course, and tony also loved animals and so i just got to tell you. we lost a wonderful gentleman. >> we certainly did. i'll echo to both of you. our deepest condolences to his wife, his children and all of us we'll miss him. after back-to-back debates jon huntsman shows new signs of strength in new hampshire. i'll speak with his biggest advocates on the campaign trail. three of his daughters! this is an rc robotic claw. my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪ violence in iraq. lisa is monitoring that and other top stories in "the situation room." car bomb attacks have killed at least a dozen people in baghdad and westbounded more than 50. the explosions rocked two predominantly shiite areas according to the iraqi interior ministry. they say it is designed to reignite a sectarian war. and one of the newest dallas mavericks wasn't there when president obama honored the team's championship at the white house today. delante west said he was banned because of weapons' charges on his record but the secret service disputes that saying west was on the list for entry. the mavericks won't comment. and passing out cigars is passe for jz. the birth of their daughter saturday in new york. they revealed that beyonce and georgia z previously suffered a miscarriage. hopefully, we'll see pictures of the new baby soon 37 that's what everybody is talking about. where are the pictures of the new baby blue ivy carter. that's her name. >> congratulations to the family. thanks very much lisa. with the new hampshire vote hours away, south carolina looming, mitt romney's rivals scrambling to stay in the race. can ron paul be the anti-romney candidate? and they've given jon huntsman a boost. i'll ask his daughters about his chances in new hampshire. the street a script rightf and had them read it. no, sorry, i can't help you with that. i'm not authorized to access that transaction. that's not in our policy. i will transfer you now. my supervisor is currently not available. would you like to hold ? that department is currently closed. have i helped you with everything you needed ? if your bank doesn't give you knowledgeable customer service 24/7, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. jack lew jack cafferty is back with "the cafferty file." >> how would you reform the political debate process. >> hj in minnesota, i think there should be control over the time limits given to candidates. i can't stand when they two over the limit and tell the moderator, quote, they need to get one last point across. the whole point is to give short, clear answers so we can understand their views, not so they can grandstand. so i say install microphone cutoffs. dave in nashville, ten ten. some silly questions and moderators aside, put the debase on a channel without commercials and let them last for hours to get real answers instead of sound bytes. and pete from florida, the current republican debate process is absolutely invaluable providing detailed insights into the each of the candidate's ideologies record positions and character, i don't care if it takes 100 debates slobz it prevents a contender from rising to the thrown. thank george w. bush. maybe more debates would have kept him out of the oval office. bill in new mexico says the candidates would not be allowed to hear the response to the question by the other candidates. the candidate would not hear the question until it was his time to answer. all candidates will then answer the same questions. if a candidate does not or cannot answer the question, he would get a strike after two strikes, you're out of here. i won't read the rest. dwyane in north dakota -- i like this. make the politicians wear jump suits like nascar so the rest of them will know who their corporate sponsors are. and ned maryland suggests to hook them you will up to looi detectors. go to my blog, file or through our post on "the situation room" facebook page. i almost fell out of my chair. >> we need you strong. the race for second place in new hampshire. why ron paul may be the biggest challenger to mitt romney right now. we're counting down to tomorrow's primary. t make workig and going to school work. it was not until the university of phoenix that i was able to work full-time, be a mom, and go to school. the opportunits that i had at the university of phoenix, dealing wh profesonals teaching things that they were doing every day, got me to where i am today. i'm mayor cherie wood, i'm responsible for the largest urban renewal project in utah, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] find your program at when bp made a commitment and i to the gulf,. we knew it would take time, but we were determined to see it through. today, while our work continues, i want to update you on the progress: bp has set aside 20 billion dollars to fund economic and environmental recovery. we're paying for all spill- related clean-up costs. and we've established a 500 million dollar fund so independent scientists can study the gulf's wildlife and environment for ten years. thousands of environmental samples from across the gulf have been analyzed by independent labs under the direction of the us coast guard. i'm glad to report all beaches and waters are open for everyone to enjoy. and the economy is showing progress with many areas on the gulf coast having their best tourism seasons in years. i was born here, i'm still here and so is bp. we're committed to the gulf for everyone who loves it, and everyone who calls it home. ♪[music plays] when you're responsible for this much of the team... you need a car you can count on. ♪[music plays] here's a look that the hour's hot shots. in nigeria, a man during a protest against rising fuel prices. impact is a man extracts almond 0i8 in a market. in england a recently rescued seal pup looks over an outside pool. and in germany, boats are made of newspaper placed on tables during a new year's party in hamburg. hot shots, pictures coming in from around the world. and to our viewers here in "the situation room," happening now, ron paul gets the political star treatment in new hampshire on this, the primary eve of big crowds and new polls suggest ron paul may be emerging at mitt romney's toughest comet tore. plus, three reasons for voters to take another look at jon huntsman. i'll ask his daughters about their dad's presidential campaign and whether his focus on new hampshire is paying off. and what's behind the surprise resignation of the white house chief of staff william daley. a new bike suggests the first lady have run some past administration officials the wrong way. we welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. breaking news, political headlines and jeanne moos all straight ahead. i'm wolf blitzer and you're in "the situation room." we're just hours away from voting in new ham her sand mitt romney five opponents are hammering on his record and trying to chip away his lead. the race for second place in tomorrow's primaries heating up right now. two polls out today show romney stirl is way ahead in the state next door to his home base in massachusetts. ron paul holds the number two spot and both surveys of likely voters. jon huntsman has moved up to third place. ron fall may be positioning himself as the anti-romney candidate heading into tomorrow's contest and the next critical battle in south carolina. our senior congressional correspondent dana bash is covering ron paul's campaign for us. dana, what's the latest for us? >> the latest, wolf, is that ron paul spent a lot of time here in new hampshire gripping and grinning and doing retail politics with new hampshire voters they like and they even demand. he did it kind of under the radar but today, it was very clear that's over. at mojo's restaurant in manchester, ron paul's off-beat campaign goes mainstream. he came to press the flesh. but had trouble getting through the press. >> there's a lot of congestion up here. >> a crush of cameras and reporters out to see the insurgent candidate on the rise. so he scrapped plans to sit for breakfast and left. ♪ oh, say can you see >> up the road in hollis, a less chaotic scene and a chance for voters to hear first-hand what makes him so different from any other candidate wanting cut all foreign aid. >> every penny you spend overseas doing almost anything overseas is a drain from the economy. >> reporter: appealing to new hampshire's live fry or die, sensibilities. >> our government is supposed to protect us. >> meanwhile, paul's campaign is gaining out how to stay in the race for the long haul and he told cnn it may mean putting resource into caucus dates like nevada, maine and louisiana, and not focusing on florida which comes first. >> we don't have a big campaign plan there but they'll know we're there and we have the caucus states that we're paying more attention to. >> does that say anything about your efforts to actually secure the nomination? it's sort of hard to do it without competing in a state like florida. >> i think it tells you that we're realistic. and that's the way we approached iowa. we thought we did pretty well there and right now, the polls are looking good up here. so we're being realistic, i think. we shouldn't be acting like the government and planning to spend money we don't have. >> translation? he may be able to raise more cash and compete in florida if he does really well here in new hampshire. this independent voter came undecided. now? >> i am going to vote for ron paul. >> did he just convince you? >> yes, he did. i was on the fence last night. i had been considering jon huntsman as well. >> but paul's early exit back at mojos turned off karen keller who tried to follow him outside. >> wait a second. we came early, we held a table and you were supposed to come and talk to us and now you took off. >> we asked paul and he blamed the media madness. >> because you, the media, did that to her. she should have been furious with you. >> reporter: and as you see, dr. paul was less than thrilled with that question but the independent voter made clear to us she's met candidates many times face-to-face, even in the midst of intense media scrums not unlike what we saw today. paul's campaign issued a statement after that saying that he has done lots of face-to-face one-on-one time with voters here but that today's event was deemed unsafe for the candidate because the press created a, quote, mob-like atmosphere for him and his wife. wolf? >> we expect, dana, and correct me if i'm wrong, you're there, maybe 250,000 people to vote in the republican primary tomorrow night. maybe 40% of them will be independents. that's a good, solid base for ron paul. >> it is a good, solid base for him but anecdotally, wolf, a number of voters i talked to who were at events for him throughout the day said they were independents. as you know, people who call themselves independents in new hampshire aren't necessarily really independents. they tend to vote with one party or the other. but i have to tell you i talked to several including some in that piece that told me they voted for democrats in the past. one voted for barack obama last time which is why she said she wanted to listen to ron paul because she wasn't sure if she wanted to make that kind of switch but she said she might. >> i think a lot of democrats who will vote in the republican primary in new hampshire, a lot of those independents like ron paul's anti-war policy. that's probably popular among a lot of them. dana, thank you very much. we'll be here in the cnn election center tomorrow night for complete coverage of the new hampshire primary. the results, the battle ahead. join us beginning at 7:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow night. now to the surprise quit from the obama administration. just as a tough election year is getting under way, the president announcing today, his chief of staff, bill daley is stepping down and that budget director, jack lew, is taking his play. >> my chief of staff, bill daley, informed me that after spending time reflecting with his family over the holidays, he decided it was time to leave washington and return to our beloved hometown of chicago. obviously, this was not easy news to hear. and i didn't accept bill's decision right away. in fact, i asked him to take a couple of days to make sure that he was sure about this. but in the end, the poll of the hometown, we both love it. the city that's been synonymous with the daley family for generations, was too great. >> daley will stay on the job throughout the end of the month and end the president's state of the unioned before a joint session of congress at the end of the this month. we'll talk more about bill daley's exit. john king is here. i knew there were issues because a few weeks ago because the chief of staff was taking on the day-to-day responsibilities but this did come as a surprise. >> a bit. bill daley said sometime around the end of the year he's going to make another re-assessment and he's decided to go home. his brother just lost his wife. it reminds him to be with his family. he's not a young man. he came here expecting -- remember history. kmer secretary and the clinton administration. he thought he would be that liaison, the bridge-builder with republicans on issues like the debt ceiling and deficit reduction and some grand compromise to bring it down or reformed entitlements but we know none of that is happening. jack lew coming in, the budget guy, now the chief of staff, it will be about temporary spending measures. bill daley said, i've done this before. i don't want to be in a campaign environment. he had some frustrations in the white house, i'm told. he said he didn't think it was as disciplined an organization as he would like and decide he wasn't the right fit. >> when you say his brother lost his wife, you mean the former mayor of chicago, did recently lose his wife. he's 63 years old, bill daley. remind our viewers, why we should care who the white house chief of staff is? why is this? we've been white house correspondents and we know how important this job is. people that hear bill daley out, jack lew out, who cares? >> the chief of staff in most white houses control who is sees the president and who doesn't. if the president gets the final say but has the second-to-last say over the president's schedule. in a campaign year, he needs to coordinate with the outside people. the david axelrods with coordinate with the white house chief of staff. if the president has a policy event, campaign staff said, no, we they'd him here. so you're a gate keeper and there's a lot of tension. bill daley will be leaving and jack lew is a long-time men but bill daley will advice the obama campaign in chicago. we were here really late last week in iowa, maybe that's an omen for november. bill daley was the top adviser to al gore in recount land. i was there that night. they said, never mind. >> 30 days later that happened. as all of us remember. we'll have a lot more on this -- >> i don't know if that's an omen or not. >> for our north american viewers you'll have more on this coming up after us. john king, thanks, john. iran, the u.s. nuclear watch dog, the iaea confirmed uranium enrichment has started a new nuclear facility and the move is boosting international concern that the country could be one step closer to building a nuclear bomb even though iran says it's all for medical purposes. the top u.s. official tells cnn no point has been agreed on as to when military action might be taken to try to stop 2 country's nuclear efforts. the iranian president, meanwhile mahmoud ahmadinejad is in venezuela getting a warm welcome from the venezuelan president, hugo chavez. the first stop on a four-nation tour of latin america, all this as an earn ex-amarine fighting for his life in iran after being sentenced to death for spying. a charge both his family and the u.s. government strongly deny. let's go straight to brian todd following this case. he's joining us with more. brian, what's the latest? >> reporter: wofrl, the iranians accuse this man of being a spy for the cia of trying to act as a double-agent among other things. american officials and his family say this is all a big fabrication and they're worried about his safety. his family says he went to iran to see elderly relatives. they're now pleading for the iranian government not to, quote, murder their son. >> this former u.s. marine has apparently been sentenced to death by an iranian court. iran's state-run news agencies say he was convicted of working for an enemy country and during trial he confessed to the motivation behind his efforts to infiltrate iran's intelligent system as a cia agent. the cia referred us to the white house, which along with the state department, calls on the iranians to give him access to legal council and -- >> we consider the charges are a fabrication and he ought to be released. >> the family previously said all he had was a government-appointed lawyer. asked by cnn about his sentencing, his family in michigan would not go on am are but in a statement, his mother said they are terrified by the news. the family denied that amir is a spy and said that his very life is being exploited for political gain. >> could someone come down quickly and talk to us? thanks. the iranian intersection here in d.c. not responding to the family's comment. not saying why they gave him permission to go to iran before he left. even after he had told them about his military service. not really saying, again, what has changed between now and then. also, the iranian mission at the u.n. are not responding to our calls and e-mail. the family says he went to iran in august o'visit elderly relatives and has been detained since when. the family says he worked as a contractor after his military stint teaching languages and foreign culture to soldiers. former cia officer who once tracked iranian intelligence said the cia would never take a exu.s. marine and send him to iran as a spy. >> the regime loves confessions. they love televised confessions. they love beating them out of you. >> how do you this see this playing out? >> i don't know. i'm worried. they could kill him. it's possible. the iranians obviously know lease not a spy. the issue is, what can they get for him? >> when i asked what the iranians wanted and they said they often demand and get cash from families when they arrest and detain foreigners. we tried to get response from iran's representatives in the u.s. to that and to the comment that the regime loves to, quote beat confessions out of people" we still haven't heard back. >> brian, can he appeal the sentence? >> amnesty international said he has about 20 days to appeal this. it's not clear if the defense is carried out regardless of how the appeal goes the obama administration is trying to get the iranians to get the swiss representatives in iran to have access to him. the u.s. does its business in tehran through the swiss government. no indications yet that the swits are going to get access to this young man, so he could be in some trouble right now. >> thanks very much. the president's chief of staff is leaving, just as a new book south revealing details of tensions inside the west wing involving the first lady michelle obama. we'll look closer at the first lady's role behind the scenes. and rick santorum said he was ready for a rematch with romney but is he capitalizing on his near victory in iowa? the countdown to the new hampshire primary tomorrow. ♪ [ male announcer ] how could a luminous protein in jellyfish, impact life expectancy in the u.s., real estate in hong kong, and the optics industry in germany? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 75% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. jack cafferty is back, jack? just as many would predict what would happen a civil war is threatening to engulf iraq. today a car bomb attack in baghdad killed at least 12 people and wounded more than 50 others. the bomb targeted a shy united states mosque in a market. a roadside bomb earlier today killed at least one shy united states pilgrim and woundnd ten others. hundreds of people have been killed in bombings around the country in the last few weeks. all as thousands, hundreds of thousands shiites make their way to karbala for a pilgrimage. the spike in violence coming during iraq's worst political crisis since the u.s. invasion. with u.s. military forces gone now, the iraqi government is tied up in a political gridlock along sectarian lines. and a lot of people are worried a civil war is just around the corner. senator john mccain says iraq is in the process of unraveling and could split into three different states, sunni, shy united states and kurdish. mccain blaming the obama for failing to secure a lermt troop agreement with the iraqi government. republican presidential candidate rick perry said he supports deploying u.s. troops back to iraq. perry said the united states cannot allow iran to come back and take over iraq. the daily becomings, and the power when the american troops withdraw, that's being filled with everyone from al qaeda in iraq, to sunni militants and shy united states militias 5u69 backed by iran. and the turmoil in neighbors syria. if the al assad regime should fall it could send thousands of sunni refugees who fled syria with the fall of saddam hussein, back to iraq. not pretty. here's the question. was it wrong for the united states to just a walk away from iraq? go to and post a comment on my blog. when we first went in there it was argued that saddam hussein, wolf, was the only one capable of keeping a lid on the tribal violence that threatened to engulf the country and it was predicted as soon as we left it would start to rear itself again and it's beginning. >> yup. sort of reminded me of when tito left the balkans, and you'now w u.s. spent nearly nine years doing the best it could. it's now up to the iraqis and wi see what's going on and as you point out, jack, it's not pretty. >> they got to solve their own problems, i guess. >> yup. when we got word that bill daley was leaving as white house chief of staff we started thinking about the new book called "the obamas." it reveals tensions between the first lady michelle obama and some past administration officials. let's bring in our white house correspondent briana. we asked her to take a closer look at the book and what's going on. what are you learning, briana? >> wolf, this is the book. it will be out tomorrow. we got an advanced copy. and from what i've been able to get through in the last few hours, it paints a picture of a transition to washington life, the ups and downs of being in the public spotlight. raising kids under the glaring spotlight. but, of course, there are juicy tidbits in the book getting a lot of attention specifically ones that deal with conflict between the first lady moib and some of the president's top advisers, including the former chief of staff, rahm emanuel and former press secretary robert gibbs who has now offered an apology for one event described in the book. in september of 2010, two french journalists claim michelle obama told french first lady, carla bruin any czar cozee, living in the white house was, quoting with hell. white house aides moves quickly to dispute the story and bruni said it was false. the incident led to one of most eyebrow raising assertion in this new book by jody can'ter. white house press secretary robert gibbs unloaded cursing michelle obama after top obama adviser valerie jarrett said the first lady was zis satisfied with the press office's response to the alleged comments. jay carney said the book overhypes and sensationalizes events. but wouldn't say the account was untrue. >> sometimes that intensity leads people to raise their voices or have sharp exchanges, but the overall picture is one of remarkable collegiatality and a genuine focus. >> reporter: behind the scenesing with administration officials and sources close to the president are pushing back firmly, stressing that canter didn't interview the president or mrs. obama for the book and hadn't talked to them since 2009. one source provided a list of errors in the book. on "the today show" she stood by her portrayals and said they were based on former interviews and white house aids and friends of the obamas and including robert gibbs but the main thrust of her about the first lady was how her role has changed over time. >> this is about michelle obama's learns and transformation as first lady. she, at this point in narrative, is moving away from more of an emphasis on fashion and style and towards much more substantive work. she really wanted to fill her first ladihood with mooeng. >> and just a short time ago, robert gibbs and valerie jarrett put out statements in a coordinated fashion. gibbs' apology saying in any high-pressure work environment there are occasional arguments and disagreements and that's certainly true in the white house and he said, i regret speaking in anger and regret these disagreements became so public but those moments pail in comparison to the important issues facing our country. wolf, valerie jarrett saying that they always worked through their disagreements and out of my clul respect for the president so both jarrett and gibbs trying to show that by gones are bygones and the white house is certainly anxious to move past this, wolf. >> is it snowing there? it looks like you got snow coming down. >> it's beautiful, wolf. i was just in the islands in hawaii last week. and how it's snowing. a rude awakening for me. >> so nice. a little snow in washington. good to see. thank you very much for that, brian briana. jon huntsmans' daughters. i'll speak to them about their dad. and do newt gingrich supporters have their facts straight? in a blistering new ad targeting mitt romney's tenure at a private investment firm. can you enjoy vegetables with sauce and still reach your weight loss goals? you can with green giant frozen vegetables. over twenty delicious varieties have sixty calories or less per serving and are now weight watchers-endorsed. try green giant frozen vegetables with sauce. in new hampshire, a new policy suggests that jon huntsman is making gains while rick santorum is stalling. we're following the last minute appeals before tomorrow's primary. the red-hot fight to be the so-called "anti-romney candidate." joe johns is covering the santorum campaign. what's the latest, john? >> reporter: well, wolf, santorum is certainly looking better than he has in the last two or three weeks. nonetheless, the bad news is he has not been able to capitalize on all of that momentum coming out of his big showing in the iowa caucuses. he was all over the place when the final full day before the primary. shaking hands and taking questions. but this events in nashua said a lot about the santorum campaign. 9:00 in the morning a crowd of about 100 people huddled together in the cold on a big soccer field, hearing santorum explain how he's got to do things on the cheap. >> we buy in bulk. we're sam's club and costco folks and that's the way we operate to try to be as efficient as we can. >> the strain is beginning to show, aggravated by santorum's choice of words or loss of words in that "oops" moment the other day. >> i don't want to make people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money. i want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money. >> santorum said he wasn't talking about black people and he didn't say the word "black." so i asked santorum about that and he didn't like that question. >> that's just absurd. first off, i didn't say the word "black" i got my tongue tied. you guys are making -- look at my track record. look at what i've done for opportunity and helping people. look at my employment record and working in the community. you guys -- >> meanwhile, the thing santorum does like to talk about right now is his populist message, reaching out to blue collar voters while attacking the president. santorum said mr. obama was engaging in snobbery and 'hubris by wanting all american students to get a college education. >> imagine the president saying, everyone in america should go to college. what intellectual snobbery is that? >> and he tie this is to his catholic sfait and it seems like a good fit since 32% of the state's residents are catholic. value voters who are here respond to santorum. >> i think that he's the only one with real and true character. something that this, he stands for what this country was originally based on. >> but new hampshire is fiercely independent and widely seen as one of the least religious states in the country. contrast that with the next primary state, south carolina, which is one of the most religious. santorum went to south carolina over the weekend telling an audience there the presidential race will soon be on their shoulders. >> in south carolina doesn't stand up and say -- we want a conservative on the ticket, ladies and gentlemen, we very well may not have one. >> which raises the question, why didn't santorum just go to south carolina and camp out there rather than trying to push the rock up the hill here in new hampshire? the answer to that is, he hadn't had a lot of money so in order to capitalize on all the free media he had to be where the action is. wolf? >> good point, joe. thank you. jon huntsman is gambling that new hampshire will ignite his presidential bid after pretty much bypassing iowa. three of the most valuable assets to this campaign right now, they're joining me. his daughters, abbie, liddy and marya anne. abbie i'll start with you. if you dad comes in third after your mitt romney and ron paul, is that good enough to continue? >> uh-oh -- >> abbie, can you hear me? >> sorry. it cut out a little bit. i think you were talking about coming in third looking at it -- we're not looking at a number specifically. we're looking at exceeding expectations and what we're feeling on the ground here is a lot of month and a lot of energy and i think you'll see that tomorrow when we see that the votes tomorrow night. so, we're really looking at exceeding the expectations and i think that's going to happen here. we're really excited. >> let me bring in lydia. is it disappointing to a certain degree? he's not doing better in the polls than you would have liked? >> actually, i mean, i think we've seen the last couple of days that he's actually surging in the polls. he's the only one out of the candidates that is actually rising so i mean, i think that's very encouraging to us. it's showing that, you know, we'll beat expectations tomorrow and surprise new hampshire. >> mary anne, let's talk about what it's like on the campaign. your dad you see him all the time. does he ever get discouraged? dishe show discouragement to you? >> you know what, my dad is one of the most positive human beings i've ever met. and so, it's really nice to have the whole family together because every night we see each other and we laugh and tell jokes and that sort of gets his mind off of it. but i will tell you, wolf, he is so energized right now and when you're talking about polling, it's really hard to go off of polls because there is still, i think, 40 to 50% of new hampshire that's undecided. so i think that we'll see a surprise come out of new hampshire tomorrow. >> we'll know soon enough tomorrow night. let me go back to you, abby. did you read the lock article in "the new york times," front page sunday paper yesterday about your dad? >> i probably have heard about it. we've been campaigning full time here so not a lot of reading goes on right now. >> i read the whole thing. in this paragraph jumps out other me. let's talk about it. you know the people better than i do. it talkses about your dad's relationship with your grandfather. >> oh, i did that. >> and kind release of the year that a race being run by the son of one of the richest men in the world, chemical magnet john h jon mechlt huntsman sr. could fail because of lack of money. people familiar with the situation describe a standoff between the two head-strong huntsmans one unwilling to help if not asked and the other unwilling to ask. did that paragraph seem accurate to you? >> not at all. look, resources come with momentum. and what we're seeing here is momentum and we've seen -- thanks can change overnight. we've seen that on the campaign cycle and in terms of my dad and grandpa. they are very best friends. they talk every day. people can think what they want and they're very best friends. like my dad did in utah he won't pay his way to the white house. you mo, you want support of the people. the people's candidate. so i think you're going to see the resources come with momentum and that's what we're seeing on the ground. >> you know this relationship, obviously, mary anne. tell us about this relationship between your father and grandfather. >> they are very best friends. talk every single day. my grandpa has been the biggest support to him. as far as that goes i'll say that they have a very strong relationship and he's been there for us 100% of the time. and is it true, and i'll bring in liddy, is it true that he hadn't asked your grandfather for money? is that his nature 1234 that he wants to do it by snims. >> that's just the nature of my dad. you know, he's the people's candidate and he wants to earn it. he wants to earn the people's trust. and i think that's what makes him such off different candidate. different than anybody else on stage is he wants trust from the people which is exactly what's missing right now in washington. so i think that's what sets him apart from anyone else up there. >> as you guys know i follow all of you on your twitter which is @jon 2012 girls -- is that right? >> right. >> so i sent out to my followers, i said what would you ask these three young women if you could. here's one and i'll throw it to you, abbie. if your father was not running, who would they have voted for? >> who would may parents or who would we have voted for 1234123450 who would you have voted for if you dad wasn't running. >> i don't know if we can answer that. we know that our dad is the best for the job. that's really the only person we're thinking about voting for right now unless my sisters have another idea. >> we're all for huntsman even if he were not running. >> you're not going to tell me who you like the most from the other candidates. >> you can't get us in trouble here, wolf. >> you're going to get us in trouble. >> not the day before the primary. >> you won't be surprised that the most commonly asked question i got a lot of responses when i said what would you ask these three young woman, there was a variation of these questions -- would any of you consider dating a democrat? i would ask them to marry me. love them. dinner sfrid night? obviously, you get a lot of fans out there. and they all want to know your status. so let's start off. maryanne, tells your status right now. are you available to a lot of young men looking and would like to get to know you a little bit? >> well, all i can say wolf is that i hear that you are the best matchmaker, so maybe you can line me up with somebody. >> might be i'll try. that's all i'll say. >> i'd love to be able to do that. >> abbie, i know you're out of the picture. >> i've been married for a little bit over a year now. >> i knew that and you're happen by married. liddy, go ahead. >> the only boy in my heart is my dog, arthur. that's all i'm going to say. >> i'm going to try to work on that match-making and see what i can do. >> yeah, you work on it, wolf. >> thanks very much for coming in. >> thanks for having us. >> thank you. >> thank you. always good to see the three huntsman girls. this note, jon huntsman and his wife, mary kate, the mom of these three lovely young ladies will be guests tonight on erin burnett "out front" for our north american viewers at 7:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. mitt romney touts his record as a job creating ceo but a new attack ad by newt gingrich supporters say that's not the case at all. we're finding out who's right. in an exclusive interview with pakistan's ousted president, that's coming up as well. ♪ baby, baby, come along ♪ baby, baby, come along with me ♪ [ air horn blows ] ♪ i love you and i need you ♪ just to hug and squeeze you ♪ baby, why can't you see? [ female announcer ] the space of a small suv. the fuel efficiency of a prius. ♪ well, baby, can't you see the all-new prius v from toyota. ♪ come along with me battle in south carolina is getting worse. a3.4 million ad. the goal to attack romney's record on creating jobs when he was a ceo of bchl ain capital. . mary snowe is taking a closer look. >> romney touts his private-sector experience as why he should be president. a pro gingrich super pac is saying while he shouldn't. this is the latest, fired by a pro gingrich super pac. a video taking aim at mitt romney's aim of bain capital. >> he became yeo the day the company was formed. his mission? to reap massive rewards for himself and his investors. >> he was head of the private equity firm from 1984 until 1999 and hissed by record has been fodder for the press since 1994. in new hampshire, romney responded to the latest attacks. >> while find out free enterprise will be on trial. i thought i was going to come from the president and the democrats from the left. but instead, it's coming from speaker gingrich and aapartmently others. >> because they are 3r50are pri held it can't have to publicly disclose its financials. "wall street journal" look the at 77 businesses they invested in finding mixed results. for another 8%, all the money they invested was lost and they found 2.5 billion in gains in those 77 deals. those that study private equity firms say their results are complicated. >> the firms that come under control tend to have unusually large amounts of job loss and unusually large amounts of new jobs created and that makes it's easy for both critics of private -- vat equity to cherry-pick the worst cases and the best cases, depending on the position they're trying to push forward. >> one position romney has been trying to push forward is that of a job creator. >> the fact that if you take all the businesses that we invested in over our many years, over 100 different businesses, collectively, they net-net added over 100,000 new jobs. >> a claim that's come under scrutiny. when we asked the campaign for the numbers behind the calculation they provided job gains to the present for staples, the sports authority and dominos, kbeeding 100,000. questions the math. >> it doesn't actually have the number of jobs that were lost under his tenure at bain to keep track. so where's the addition and subtraction that he's using? >> and, wolf, romney was asked about that 100,000 number on saturday night's debate and whether it included joshs created and jobs lost and he insissed he was a good enough numbers guy, in his words, to get both sides of the equation but there's still questions about the math. >> i'm sure there will be. thanks, mary. a coincidence or a message from god ahead? the startling numbers behind tim tebow's winning throw! what's going on? we ordered a gift online and we really need to do something with it... i'm just not sure what... what is it? oh just return it. returning gifts is easier than ever with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. plus i can pick it up for free. perfect because we have to get that outta this house. c'mon, it's not that... gahh, oh yeah that's gotta go... priority mail flat rate shipping starts at just $4.95. only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship and return. lisa is monitoring the top stories and lisa is in "the situation room." the houston area has been hit with torrential downpours triggering heavy flash floods and leaving thousands without power. emergency officials conducted dozens of high-water rescues. the fda is warning patients about a possible mixup involving pain killers and over-the-counter drugs. customers with certain bottles of exsaid doctrine, know-doze, gas-x or bufferin are told to discard them. they were manufactured at a nebraska facility that also produced prescription pain medicine. causing concerns, you can see those on your screen as well. former pakistani president temperatures cnn he succeeded where others have failed as leader of his nuclear-armed country and said he will return from exile by the end of the month to run for office despite the threat of arrest. he spoke exclusively with our reporter. >> you had your chance for roughly eight years you had some success but ultimately you failed and people wanted you out. >> again, illogical. not performs so, therefore, there has to be something to perform. when think say "i had my time" i had my times in cricket terms i played my innings but i scored a century. >> and sit a coincidence the top items trending on google at one point today, john, 3-16, the bible verse promising eternal life to believes in god and number two, tebow and number three, tim tebow, who led the broncos to a nail-biting victory in the playoffs against the steelers. how many yards did tebow throw for the win? 316! and the birthday of the receiver who caught the winning touchdown? december 25th, christmas. tim tebow happens to be a devout christian so we ask you, is this a coincidence or not? i know certainly a lot of folks are talking about this, wolf. >> i was watching that over time and the first one, it was amazing. that was amazing. >> beautiful stuff. >> a great moment. we'll see how they do against new england this coming weekend. he'll need a lot of help. thanks very much, lisa. jack cafferty is ask -- was it wrong for the united states to just walk away from iraq? your e345i8 coming up. and a dog mysteriously getting near this. jeanne moos is coming up with a heartwrenching story. r several . i really can't see myself not taking it. osteo bi-flex is a great product. i can go back and do gardening with comfort. 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[ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex. the #1 doctor and pharmacist recommended brand. an accident doesn't have to slow you down... with better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual insurance, if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy a car that's one model-year newer... with 15,000 fewer miles on it. there's no other auto insurance product like it. better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual. it's a better policy that gets you a better car. call... or visit one of our local offices today, and we'll provide the coverage you need at the right price. liberty mutual auto insurance, responsibility -- what's your policy? right back to jack for the cafferty file. jack? >> question this hour is was it wrong for the u.s. to just walk away from iraq? alexandria writes it was wrong for us to go there in the first place. did we really think we could win that war? within hours after the troops left, the place began falling apart. >> carla writes make up your mind. first, everyone is yelling to bring the troops home and stop the killing and the destruction of our economy that can't afford these trivial wars. now it's oops, maybe we shouldn't have pull the out. jeff writes, we didn't walk away. we were told to leave. did the decision of the iraqi, government make sense? probably not. such is politics. when the ruling government says it's time to go it's time to go. abby writes, just walk away? jack, we were there for eight years. i hardly think that constitutes abandonment. we can't spend all of our money and time baby-sitting. pete in georgia writes, no, what was wrong was going in there in the first place with no more knowledge of the 5,000-year-old insane culture than the average fourth grader possesses. we have to be the most arrogant foolish, nation of our stature ever to grace the planet. >> william writes the only way to prevent techtarian violence is to have american troops in iraq forever. if you want to read more, go to file or through our post on the situation room's facebook page. >> jack, thank you. a heart-wrenching mystery solved. jeanne moos is next with one dog's amazing story. ♪ [ male announcer ] how could switchgrass in argentina, change engineering in dubai, aluminum production in south africa, and the aerospace industry in the u.s.? 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if your bank doesn't give you knowledgeable customer service 24/7, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. will be giving away passafree copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to it may have been the surprise of a lifetime for one fisherman when a normal day on the water turned to peril, not for him but for the dog paddling toward him. here's cnn's jeanne moos. >> reporter: you're out fishing for small sharks and mackerel off florida's siesta key when you catch a dog? well, he didn't actually catch the dog. the dog caught him. >> he seemed to be making a bee line towards me. >> reporter: rory o'connor lifted the hungarian vish la on to his kayak. >> i usually keep a camera running in case i catch the big one. >> you did catch the big one, barney. >> he is a sweet dog. >> but the story has no beat happy ending. >> i immediately saw he was in distress. he was shaking a lot. >> his legs were cut up. one paw was especially bad. hungarian vishlas are excellent swimmers but he seemed in danger from drowning. the dog was half a mile from shore and struggling. rory patted the dog, but the real rob, where did he come from. >> my first thought was maybe he slipped off the back of a boat while the owner wasn't paying attention. >> so rory approached the closest boat. >> you didn't lose a dog, did you? he just came swimming up to me. >> but barney's trip started as a walk. 53-year-old donna, chen, wife and mother of three was jogginging with barney on saturday afternoon when police say this man lost control of his car as he rounded this bend. police say he was driving drunk and speeding away from another accident he had caused moments before. when the dog's owner was struck and killed, barney bolted and ended up running across the key and into the gulf. >> i mean, who knows what he was thinking? he was trying to get as far as away from that scene as possible, i imagine. >> reporter: when he landed the kayak, barney was so scared he wouldn't get off the boat at first. his stis ter took the dog to the vet. the driver who allegedly killed donna chen, blake tolman held back tears in court as his lawyer argued for bail saying he would soon be a father. >> he has a child on the way due in about two months. >> now he's facing charges ranging from dui to negligent manslaughter. barney's injuries weren't serious. he's back with his family. he went for a walk. he went for a swim and ended up in a lifeboat. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> the accused driver, by the way, in this case is being held on bail pending an aarraignment where he will issue a plea. we'll be here in the cnn election center tomorrow night for complete coverage of the new hampshire primary. we'll get the results as they come in. the battle ahead. join us beginning at 7:00 p.m. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." the news continues next on cnn.

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Foreign Policy , Initiatives , Policies , Home Budgets , Ones , Red Beans , All Of You , Viewers , Friend , Commentator , Strategist , Stomach Cancer , Tony Blankley , Wife , Children , Views , Program , Press Secretary , President Reagan , Speaker , Guest , Writer , Spooich , Piece , Negatives , Lots , Image , Big Ways , 63 , Human Being , Tony , Trooish , He W , Child , The Green Room , Fun , Factor , Episodes , Speechwriter , Las , Ie , Culture , Person , Editor , New York , Condolences , Gentleman , Animals , Both , Strength , Advocates , Rc Robotic Claw , Signs , Science Teacher , Build It , High School Science Teacher , Geologist , Chevron , Kids , Science Teachers , Love Science , Servo Motors , Microcontroller , American Education , 100 Million , Four , 100 Million Dollars , Isn T , Cool , Iraq , Violence , Car Bomb Attacks , Monitoring , Least , Areas , War , Wasn T , Explosions , Dallas Mavericks , Iraqi Interior Ministry , Charges , Weapons , Secret Service , Team , Won T Comment , Championship , Entry , Delante West , Daughter , Cigars , Birth , Jz , Baby , Pictures , Miscarriage , Beyonce , Georgia Z , 37 , Thanks , Name , Lisa , Congratulations , Baby Blue , Ivy Carter , The Street A Script Rightf , Chances , Boost , Policy , Doesn T , Supervisor , Department , Everything , Transaction , Customer Service , Bank , Rally , 24 7 , Nonsense , Ally Bank , Minnesota , Hj , Point , Quote , Answers , Over The Limit , Grandstand , Limits , Moderator , Debase , Channel , Microphone Cutoffs , Dave In Nashville , Ten , Character , Contender , Pete , Insights , Positions , Peach , Sound Bytes , Ideologies , 100 , Response , George W Bush , Thank , Oval Office , New Mexico , Rest , Strike , Strikes , Politicians , Blog , Post , Maryland , Sponsors , North Dakota , Nascar , Looi Detectors , Dwyane , Facebook , Challenger , Chair , Opportunits , Mom , University Of Phoenix , Going To School Work , T Make Workig , Wh Profesonals , Cherie Wood , Project , Phoenix , Urban Renewal , Progress , Commitment , Recovery , Bp , Gulf , 20 Billion Dollars , 20 Billion , Direction , Environment , Costs , Scientists , Labs , Samples , Coast Guard , 500 Million , 500 Million Dollar , Everyone , Beaches , Waters , Tourism Seasons , Gulf Coast , Music Plays , Car , Much , Shots , Nigeria , Impact , Fuel Prices , Protest , Pool , Seal , England , Pup , Almond 0i8 , 0 , Newspaper , Boats , Tables , Around The World , Germany , Hot Shots , Hamburg , Reasons , Crowds , Star Treatment , Comet , Dad , First Lady , Surprise Resignation , Bike , Officials , Headlines , Breaking News , Jeanne Moos , Voting , Show , Lead , Sand , Ham , Hammering , Home Base , Romney Stirl , Ron Fall , Spot , Surveys , Latest , Dana Bash , Battle , Radar , The Press , Congestion , Flesh , Mojo S , Off Beat , Manchester , Breakfast , Cameras , Rise , Crush , Drain , Penny , Aid , A Less Chaotic Scene , Hollis , Swiss Government , Sensibilities , Caucus , Campaign Plan , Resource , Haul , Maine , Louisiana , Nevada , Efforts , Competing , Say Anything , We Shouldn T , Planning , Translation , Acting , Voter , Last Night , Exit , Undecided , Yes , Off Karen Keller , Second , Table , Mojos , Dr , Media Madness , Statement , Midst , Face To , Created A , 250000 , Independents , Good , Base , 40 , Number , Mother , Events , Aren T , Anecdotally , Cnn Election Center , Results , Coverage , 7 , 00 , Rahm Emanuel , Play , Holidays , Poll , John King , End , Unioned , Joint Session Of Congress , Issues , Responsibilities , Kmer , Re Assessment , Liaison , None , Compromise , Builder , Debt Ceiling , Deficit , Reduction , Entitlements , The Bridge , Campaign Environment , Frustrations , Spending Measures , Fit , Organization , Mayor , Who Cares , Correspondents , Houses , Schedule , Second To , David Axelrods , Campaign Staff , Policy Event , Tension , Gate Keeper , Adviser , Recount Land , Al Gore , Dog , Move , Iran , Uranium Enrichment , Facility , Iaea , Action , Bomb , Concern , Step , Purposes , No Point , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , Welcome , Venezuela , Hugo Chavez , Case , Brian Todd , Death , Charge , Tour , Spying , Iranians , Spy , Cia , Double Agent , Wofrl , Fabrication , Government , Relatives , Safety , U S Marine , Trial , Court , Motivation , Enemy , News Agencies , Calls , Council , Agent , Lawyer , Sentencing , Michigan , Amir , Comment , Someone , Intersection , Gain , Permission , Military Service , U N , Officer , Contractor , Military Stint Teaching Languages , E Mail , Soldiers , Confessions , Intelligence , Exu S Marine , I Don T Know , Release , Families , Foreigners , Representatives , Quote Beat Confessions Out Of People , Amnesty International , Defense , Sentence , Haven T Heard Back , 20 , Appeal , Indications , Swits , Swiss Representatives , Tehran , Book , Michelle Obama , Tensions , Details , West Wing , Behind The Scenes , Countdown , Rematch , T Rowe Price , Life Expectancy , Optics Industry , Protein , Real Estate , Jellyfish , Hong Kong , Complex , Expenses , Confidence , Investing , Prospectus , Risks , Connections , Request , Investment Information , Lipper Average , 75 , Car Bomb Attack , Civil War , Roadside Bomb , Bombings , Pilgrim , Hundreds , Mosque , Hundreds Of Thousands Shiites , Forces , Crisis , Pilgrimage , Iraqi Government , Spike , Invasion , Gridlock , Karbala , States , Lines , Corner , Unraveling , Sunni , Troops , Troop Agreement , Lermt , Kurdish , Power , Daily Becomings , Al Assad Regime , Militants , Al Qaeda In Iraq , Turmoil , Neighbors Syria , Militias 5u69 , 5 , Refugees , Walk , Saddam Hussein , Lid , Yup , You Now W , Balkans , Tito , Iraqis , Nine , Word , The Obamas , Problems , Correspondent Briana , Learning , Copy , Spotlight , Being , Transition To Washington , Tidbits , The Ups And Downs , Robert Gibbs , Lady , Apology , Moib , Carla Bruin , French , Two French Journalists , Shell , Czar Cozee , 2010 , September Of 2010 , Eyebrow , Assertion , Led , Cursing , White House Press Secretary , Jody Can Ter , Bruni , Valerie Jarrett , Press Office , Account , Book Overhypes , Jay Carney , Intensity , Collegiatality , Exchanges , Hadn T , Interview , Canter Didn T , Scenesing , Sources , Source , Mrs , 2009 , Friends Of The Obamas , Interviews , Raids , Errors , Thrust , Portrayals , The Today Show , Transformation , Narrative , Emphasis , Role , Style , Statements , Ladihood , Apology Saying , Mooeng , Disagreements , Comparison , Work Environment , Arguments , Moments Pail , Respect , Jarrett , Gibbs , Gones , My Clul , Rude Awakening , Islands In Hawaii Last , Facts , Brian Briana , Tenure , Investment Firm , Vegetables , Serving , Sauce , Weight Loss Goals , Varieties , Twenty , Sixty , Green Giant , Joe Johns , Fight , Gains , Appeals , Stalling , Red , Momentum , Bad News , Showing , Hands , Nashua , Iowa Caucuses , Cold , Bulk , Sam S Club , Costco , Big Soccer Field , 9 , Strain , Loss , Lives , Black , Somebody Else , Guys , Community , Track Record , Employment Record , Making , Tongue , First Off , Message , Snobbery , Hubris , Blue Collar , College Education , Intellectual Snobbery , Catholic , Students , Sfait , College , 32 , Value Voters , Residents , South Carolina Doesn T , Shoulders , Conservative , Audience , Stand Up , Ladies And Gentlemen , Answer , Order , Didn T Santorum Just Go , The Rock Up Hill , Bid , Assets , Marya Anne , It Cut , Uh Oh , Expectations , Energy , Degree , Lydia , Let S Talk , Mind , Human Beings , Show Discouragement , Jokes , Dishe , Front Page , Back To You , The New York Times , Lock Article , Abby , Paragraph , Reading , Standoff , Situation , John H , Huntsman Sr , Jon Mechlt , Chemical Magnet , Resources , Campaign Cycle , Support , Grandpa , Terms , You Mo , Nature , Snims , 1234 , Trust , Stage , Twitter , Girls , Anyone , Followers , Best , Dad Wasn T Running , 1234123450 , Huntsman , Sisters , Responses , Variation , Fans , Dinner Sfrid , Status , Somebody , Matchmaker , Heart , Match Making , Boy , Go , Married , Arthur , Mary Kate , Note , Ladies , Out Front , Erin Burnett , Pakistan , Prius , Space , Suv , Fuel Efficiency , Air Horn Blows , Me Battle In South Carolina , Prius V , Toyota , Goal , Bchl Ain Capital , 4 Million , Mary Snowe , He Shouldn T , Aim , Video Taking Aim , Gingrich Super Pac , Private Equity Firm , The Day , The Company , Yeo , 1984 , 1999 , Press , Free Enterprise , Fodder , 1994 , Pri , Financials , Wall Street Journal , Aapartmently , 77 , 8 , Firms , Deals , Job Loss , Private Equity Firms , 2 5 Billion , Cases , Critics , Vat Equity , Private , Position , Job Creator , Claim , Kbeeding 100000 , Job Gains , Scrutiny , Calculation , Sports Authority , 100000 , Math , Addition , Track , Forge Com , Saturday Night , Subtraction , Joshs , Coincidence , Tim Tebow , Sides , Equation , Throw , Message From God , Gift , Flat Rate , House , Gifts , Boxes , It Fits , Shipping , Return , Gotta Go , Oh Yeah , Gahh , 4 95 , 95 , Area , Houston , Downpours , Emergency Officials , Patients , Dozens , Pain Killers , Rescues , Warning , Over The Counter Drugs , Mixup , Fda , Flash Floods , Nebraska Facility , Customers , Prescription Pain Medicine , Bottles , Concerns , Bufferin , Know Doze , Exsaid Doctrine , Gas X , Screen , Temperatures , Success , Eight , Cricket Terms , Innings , Items , The Bible Verse , Google , 16 , Playoffs , Who , Broncos , God , Receiver , Birthday , Touchdown , Christian , Christmas , Steelers , December 25th , 25 , 316 , Stuff , Mask , E345i8 , New England , Osteo Bi Flex , Product , Several , Gardening , Comfort , Bi Flex , Osteo , Doctor , Improvement , Pharmacist , Jill Strange , Glucosamine Chondroitin , Brand , Car Replacement , Accident Doesn T , Liberty Mutual Insurance , Auto Insurance Product , 15000 , Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance , Offices , Price , Call , Alexandria , Destruction , Wars , Killing , Jeff , Abandonment , Baby Sitting , Georgia , Stature , Knowledge , Grader , Foolish , 5000 , Planet , Iraq Forever , Techtarian , William , Heart Wrenching Mystery , Engineering , Dubai , Argentina , Production , Aerospace Industry , South Africa , Saucend Expenses , Street , Script , Copies , Alcoholism , Addiction Cure , Ssagesmalibubook Com , Lifetime , Fisherman , 53 , Security Team , Background Check , Change , Shotgun , Spokesman , Police , Wes , Handguns ,

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