political university for the republican white house hopefuls. most of the candidates have iowa on their schedule today with their eyes on the all important caucuses less than three weeks away. that includes newt gingrich, who's iowa campaign director resigned amid reports he called romney's mormon faith a cult. but do voters share that view? and could that be part of the reason why mitt romney isn't xweting even more support? joe johns is joining us with more. he's been taking a closer look at romney's faith. i guess the question is mormon faith holding him back? >> it's a very good question, wolf. what about mitt romney's faith? one of those questions a lot of people dismiss as soon as it's asked. partly because people of both parties say they want to believe that a presidential election ought to be about issues, that the religion is beside the point, but polls show it was an issue four years ago and believe it or not, it's still an issue today. >> when you ask a lot of evangelicals and social conservatives about mitt romney's faith, this is a kind of absolutely you'll get on the record. >> i don't think that his faith is a consequence to most cauc caucusgoers. what they're concerned about is his stance on issues and his commitment to those things. >> but a top aide in iowa because he referred to mormonism as a cult, in a state where evangelical voters could have a big voice. >> romney's mormon faith has implications for his run in the primary season, but not for a general race against barack obama. certainly, white evangelicals take a dim view of romney generally. they support newt gingrich by a wide margin and most do not see the mormon faith as a christian faith. >> last month when pew asked white protestants to use the word, 11% used the word, cult, and a majority of voters, 53%, said they don't believe mormonism is part of the christian religion. richl ard lamb said this shouldn't disqualify him. >> i would describe mormonism as another religion. perhaps as the fourth abrahamic religion as joseph smith playing the role of mohamed. orthodox christianity is not, but it's another -- it's a new religion. it's an american religion. >> theologically for the record, it is known as the jesus christ of latter day saints. church found eer, joseph smith, who lived in the u.s. in the 1800s, established documents different from the catholic and protestant churches. but politically, what does this mean for romney? people may have thought this was answered four years ago. apparently, it wasn't. the study shows opinions about mormonism are almost identical to views the public held about romney the last time around. bottom line, republicans who say it is not a christian religion are less likely to support romney for the republican nomination, yet 79% of white evangelical republicans would strongly back romney in a general election run against the president. the issue though, he's got to get past the primaries. south carolina is a state where four years ago, the majority of the people voting in the republican primary were white evangelicals, so that could be an issue there as well and i'm also told by pew, could be an issue in florida, too. potential problems going forward for mitt romney. on the other hand, it's very clear from him that he says there are some people he's just not going to get the votes from and if religion matters to them that much, that could happen, but he thinks that's not what a majority of american voters are going to do, wolf. >> thanks very much. kind of thing that a lot of people don't speak about publicly. they don't even mention it, but privately, apparently, has an impact. the religion of mitt romney. i want to go to jim acosta in iowa city, iowa. something just happened that could be of interest. what's going on over there? >> that's right, wolf. as you know, this is a big day for newt gingrich. he's coming to iowa as he is leading in many of the polls in this state and he was scheduled to have an event a few moments ago here on the campus of the university of iowa, where he was going to talk to some students and faculty members about his plans for a big brain science project if he's elected president and as he was getting started, some occupy wall street protesters here on campus started to interrupt his speech. just play a little bit of that to give you a sense. >> attitude towards poverty and poor people! insulted by your disregard for -- this country! and so this went on for several minutes. after a while, security had to remove those protesters. there was one gentleman in the crowd who was clearly a gingrich supporter who walked up to one of the demonstrators in the audience and actually snatched a piece of paper from that protester and so, it got a little tense at one moment, but then the former speaker was able to get on with his speech and give his comments to that crowd and coming up in an hour from now, we're going to talk about the other problems newt gingrich is having today. mainly coming from mitt romney. he has opened up a major offensive against the former speaker to try to blunt his momentum here in this state. he gave an interview to the "new york times" in which he called the former speaker zany. a web video, a web ad that is highly critical of the former speaker and there's a lot more than that to tell you about coming up at 5:00. we'll tell you about that and more. >> he's got a news conference scheduled as well, isn't that right? >> that's right. he's scheduled to give a media availability as unfortunately the jargon they use out here. that means they don't answer the questions that we have. just a few and then move on. but he's scheduled to do that in about an hour and he'll obviously be asked about this assault from the romney campaign w. so little time left before the voting in iowa, newt gingrich, this is a big moment for him because just a day ago, a couple of days ago in new hampshire, he put out this plea to all the gop candidates to say let's make this a positive campaign, stay away from the negative attacks. mitt romney has basically put that aside and said, no, i'm coming after you, newt gingrich. i want to take you down to prevent you from having any momentum out of iowa. >> we'll stand by for live coverage of that so-called media availability. we'll check back with you, jim. thanks very much. and then there's ron paul. he hasn't had a turn as republican front-runner, but he's a top tiered candidate, certainly in iowa, with a powerful and passionate operation and a victory there is not out of the question. he is in new hampshire right now and will join me this hour. but first, let's bring in lisa sylvester. she's got more of what i'm calling the ron paul phenomenon as it's going on right now. tell us about this amazing support that he has. >> well, wolf, ron paul supporters have literally spent years building up support in iowa and he has found his perfect target audience in that state. reducing the size of government and lowering caucuses and now, paul is running neck and neck with rockne. >> so many people know him for his flashing smile and charisma. >> at the headquarters in des moines, volunteers work the phones. it's a hub of activity in contrast to the iowa campaign offices of mitt romney, which was still closed at mid-morning. paul is leaps and bounds ahead of romney and newt gingrich in the ground game in iowa and it's now paying dividends. >> when people join our campaign, they rarely leave. they're real solid, determined supporters. they understand the message about about agree with that. so i think it's a very good sign and i think in political terms, it means that we're probably piquing at the right time. >> the latest polling shows romney and paul tied at 17% in iowa and gingrich at 22%. paul supporters are not likely to sway in the political breeze. they eagerly eat up his message. smaller government, fiscal discipline and strict interpretation of the institution. paul's support comes from a variety of passionate groups. the youth, tea party members and home schoolers, a group very politically active in iowa. steve day says paul has a good cannes of pulling off an upset in the state. >> organizationally, he's very well organized. has a devoted following. also several people that have done a very good job for lack of a better word, ev. >> he has a style that plays not well in just iowa, but also in a new hampshire deli. he also has what some see as political baggage. particularly on foreign policy. paul wants to end all foreign aid including to israel and he wants the u.s. to have a much smaller role on the world stage. that might make it tough for paul to sell his message beyond the iowa caucuses. ron paul's strategy included wooing independents in iowa. if there is enough momentum coming out of iowa, that could reshuffle the whole gop field. >> we're going to be speaking with him live this hour in a few mings. thanks very much. president obama welcomes home soldiers. for some new and personal battles are just beginning. plus, a congressional hearing exposes disarray at the nuclear regulatory commission. >> for each of the commissioners, do you believe that employees, professional staff of the nrc have experienced intimidation, hostile or offensive conduct on behalf of the chairman, by the chairman? >> yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> yes. ♪ making your way in the world today ♪ ♪ takes everything you've got ♪ wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪ you want to be where you can see ♪ ♪ our troubles are all the same ♪ ♪ you want to go where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪ you want to go where everybody knows your name ♪ confidence, with depend in color. now available in gray. looks and fits like underwear. same great protection. depend. good morning. great day. ♪ my hair is gone ♪ cheap cologne ♪ motor home ♪ i'm the rocket man! 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[ male announcer ] crystal clear fender premium audio. one of many premium features available on the all-new volkswagen passat. the 2012 motor trend car of the year. ♪ and i think it's gonna be a long, long time ♪ jack cafferty has the "cafferty file." >> he probably wouldn't aappreciate the comparison, but romney might turn out to be hillary clinton of 2012. politico talked to veterans of the clinton campaign who point out some erie similarities between the two. they say clinton has followed the party playbook so closely, you would think she won the nomination, end quote. another talked of suffering post-traumatic stress disorderer -- both clinton in 2008 and now romney in 2012 were supposed to be their party's nominee. both well funded, establishment blessed candidates. clinton lost in the battle to barack obama while romney faces a morn serious threat from gingrich. where clinton took a stand on the vote to authorize the iraq war, romney refuses to apologize for the health care mandate, which some republicans see as a fatal flaw. both ran cautious campaigns, when that didn't work, they went negative and both suffered a major debate gaffe. for clinton, it was the muddled answer she gave about driver's licenses for illegal immigrants. for romney, the now infamous $10,000 bet comment. but there are also differences. while romney has faced a series of opponents. the clinton team battled a politician in barack obama. another difference that could work in romney's favor, clinton's rival, barack obama, had an extensive organization in the later voting states. and lastly, is there is a chance that romney could win this thing if newt gingrich somehow implodes. any way, here's the question. is mitt romney the hillary clinton of 2012? go to cnn.com/caffertyfile. post a comment on my blog or go to our facebook page. meanwhile, president obama and the first lady at ft. bragg today welcoming home u.s. troops. >> i can't tell you, i have to tell you that when i look out at this crowd, i am simply overwhe overwhelmed. i am whoever overoverwhelmed and proud because i know the level of strength and commitment that you all display every single day. when ever this country calls, you all are the ones who answer. no matter the circumstance. no matter the danger. no matter the sacrifice. >> i'm sure you realize why i don't like realize following michelle obama. she's pretty good. and it is true. i am a little biased, but let me just say it. michelle, you are a remarkable first lady. you are a great advocate for military families. and you're cute. i'm just saying. gentlemen, that's your goal. to mary up. >> for some u.s. troops, the end of the war marks the beginning of a difficult new phase in their lives. david is joining us from ft. bragg with more. what are you seeing and hearing there, david? >> wolf, troops came here today with questions on their mind and they walked away feeling that the president gave them some strong answers. >> welcome home. welcome home. >> soldiers out of iraq and home for the holidays. that alone is worth celebrating. but troops at ft. bragg are looking for more. assurances from the president their sacrifices will not be overlooked. >> there's a lot of stuff behind these things that we will never understand. we do know the government's going to do its cutbacks. >> after eight years, soldiers worry about holes opening in safety nets, medical support and treatment for pt srsd. >> how much pain are you in now? >> on a daily bases, it's aches and pains. >> iraq vet wesley dodd came home in 2008 with a knee injury, ptsd and eventually, an addiction to pain medication. do you consider yourselves lucky? >> absolutely. i'm alive. i came home alive and i can't say the same. i've got a number of these bands. this is corporal ryan woodward. he was killed when i was there. sergeant brian tutan. he was killed when i was there. there's a lot of people that don't come back. it's not easy, you know? >> and addiction wasn't dodd's only problem. his addiction led him to falsify a prescription. he got caught, arrested and is now on probation. he's worried more soldiers coming out will have problems like he did and he's worried that safety net may not be there are for him. right now, the president -- and america will stand up for you, whatever your needs are in the future. >> let's hope so. thanks very much, david. here's a question. should the federal government be allowed to order drivers off their cell phones? we're going to put that question to republican presidential candidate, ron paul. a lot of other questions as well. he's standing by to join us live. also, elizabeth taylor's jewels are sold at auction. that and a lot more news coming up. lisa sylvester is monitoring some of the other top stories. the united nations chief issues a desperate plea. >> ban ki-moon says the bloodshed in syria cannot go on any longer. he cites reported that more t n than,000 people have died during the civil unrest. an activist group says 33 more people have died today in sierra. and contrary to his claim, james murdoch may indeed have known about widespread hacking that went on. the paper's former lawyer testified today that he is pretty sure he showed the e-mail evidence to murdoch in 2008, years before the scandal broke. yesterday, parliament posted that he was warned about hacking. and facebook takes a step to help prevent suicide. a new mechanism allows users to anonymously flag suicidal posts. facebook then investigates and may come back with an e-mail offering the person a private chat with representative. and liz taylor's jewelry seem to carry the same allure. her collection brought a record breaking $150. that includes the diamond that fetched $8.8 million and the 50 karat pearl, it sold for $11.8 million. this was given to her by actor richard burton and was once part of the spanish crown jewel. they say that's the highest reported price ever for a pearl at an auction. a gorgeous piece of jewelry. $11.8 million. someone's going to have a nice holiday present there. not even close. >> thanks very much. we're waiting for newt gingrich. he's getting record to take reporte reporters' questions in iowa. also, is the u.s. right now on the verge of another government shutdown? we're talking about that and much more when the republican presidential candidate, ron paul, he's standing by, live. and a hostile, dysfunctional workplace. what's going on at the nuclear regular la tear commission? >> i have offered to my colleagues that we sit down with a third party. someone that we all could agree on. >> we really need a koucounselo for the nuclear regulatory commission? we need a counselor for that? get the technology they love, on the network they deserve. like the powerful droid charge by samsung, or get the samsung stratosphere, and for a limited time, get twice the data for the same low price. verizon. this was the gulf's best tourism season in years. all because so many people came to louisiana... they came to see us in florida... make that alabama... make that mississippi. the best part of the gulf is wherever you choose... and now is a great time to discover it. this year millions of people did. we set all kinds of records. next year we're out to do even better. so come on down to louisiana... florida... alabama... mississippi. we can't wait to see you. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. a possible federal government shutdown is looming as congress bickers about funding. let's talk about that with ron paul of texas. he's joining us right now from the first in the nation primary state of new hampshire. congressman, thanks very much for coming in. before we get to the presidential campaign, put your congressional hat on for a moment. agree on almost anything nowadays and there could be a government shutdown as early as this weekend unless the appropriations bills are passed. what's going on? why is congress so dysfunctional? >> this seems to be business as usual. how many times have we gone through this in the last couple of years? sort of to be routine. at the last minute, they go down to the wire and negotiate to the bitter end. always trying to get one angle over the other one. i don't think think the government's going to shut down. it hasn't happened in a long, long time. i don't think it's in the interest of either party to do it, so they'll probably come up with some compromise at midnight and settle the argue. >> but it does send a horrible message when various agencies are told, get ready, so-called nonessential personnel may be out of work as early as saturday or sunday. it sends an awful message that the people in washington can't get their act together. i'm just saying it. if you disagree, go ahead. >> no, i think the problem is is that the people in washington that i know don't admit that we have a serious crisis on our hand. a financial crisis and they don't know how bad it is. because we're bankrupt and yet, we're getting -- and we're preparing ourselves through the federal reserve to bail out all of europe and there's no money and the debt is the problem, so they're up against a wall and nobody wants to cut anything. but if they knew how bad it was, they would cut and start living within our means. and that means looking at all the budget, but no, they're going to delay it. they think it's a football game and they're going to play it and see who's going to get the best edge in the next election to see who can maintain or gain power and they haven't changed their ways, but they won't admit the necessary admission of that we are bankrupt and we better do something abt or this condition in our country and through the the world is going to get much worse. >> a couple of the issues on the agenda right now, increasing taxes unless action is taken. the payroll tax cut will go away