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Theyre afraid theyre going to get covid. Theyre afraid theyre going to get sick and die. Well, tomorrow President Trump is heading to kenosha, wisconsin, despite pleas from the states governor to stay away, warning the president s mere presence will only cause more unrest there. President trump on twitter meanwhile is fanning the flames, attempting to make law and order his Central Campaign message and tweeting the only way to stop violence in socalled crimeinfested cities is with strength, as cnns Jeremy Diamond reports. Reporter ignoring pleas from state and local officials, President Trump is bupushing ahd with plans to visit kenosha, wisconsin, on tuesday, turning the epicenter of the Racial Justice moment into a backdrop for his law and order message. The president wants to visit hurting americans. Highlighting that the federal government has done a lot in the way of using law and order to create peace but showing up for hurting americans is the primary concern. Reporter but those hurting americans dont include jacob blake, the black man who was shot in the back seven times by police or his family. Trump has no plans to meet with them. Instead, touring Property Damage caused by riots. Today the president taking credit for Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers decision to deploy statecontrolled National Guard troops. Tweeting, if i didnt insist on having the National Guard activate and go into kenosha, wisconsin, there would be no kenosha right now. I will see you on tuesday. Trumps tweet coming after evers sent a letter to trump on sunday, asking him to reconsider his visit. I am concerned your presence will only hinder our healing. I am concerned your presence will only delay our work to overcome division and move forward together. Now is not the time for divisiveness. Rather than calls for calm, trump spent the weekend amplifying and encouraging clashes between his supporters and protesters. Today trump assailing radical left mayors and governors and delivering his latest threat to send federal forces to portland, tweeting if this joke of a mayor doesnt clean it up, we will go in and do it for them. Is there consideration of sending in more federal Law Enforcement even in defiance of local leaders . I believe all options continue to be on the table specifically as we talk about portland. We need to bring some normalcy back to portland. Reporter portlands mayor slamming trump after a man was killed after a night of clashes. Do you seriously wonder, mr. President , why this is the first time in decades that america has seen this level of violence . Its you who have created the hate and the division. Reporter while trump tweeted his condolences for the man killed in portland who appears to have been a trump supporter, he is still silent on the shooting carried out by one of his supporters, who killed two people amid protests in kenosha. And the president was watching joe bidens speech today, tweeting, quote, that joe biden is blaming the police far more than hes blaming the rioters, anarchists, agitators and losers which he could never blame or he would lose the radical left bernie supporters. Biden did condemn the looting and the rioting and so thats a plain mischaracterization of bidens speech. The president is focused on the rioting and looting and not on the issues of racism and Police Brutality. If i remember correctly, he condemned it pretty early on in the speech he gave today. Thanks, Jeremy Diamond. I want to go to Arlette Saenz in pittsburgh. The president was we just noticed is saying biden is weak on crime. What did biden have to say . Reporter pamela, this is really joe bidens sharpest pushback yet on President Trumps message of this being a law and order election and also the suggestion that joe biden is weak on crime. What biden was trying to do today was ask voters whether they feel safe in President Trumps america. The president has repeatedly said that some of these scenes that youre seeing play out across the country are part of joe bidens america. But the former Vice President points out that this is all happening under President Trumps watch. And biden condemned the violence that they have seen in these protests. He said rioting and looting and setting fires to buildings is not protesting, thats lawlessness. Biden pushed back on the suggestion from President Trump and his allies that hes part of the radical left. Take a listen to what he had to say about that and crime. The road back begins now in this campaign. You know me. You know my heart. You know my story, my familys story. Ask yourself, do i look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters . Reporter now, biden also, when he talked about americans feeling safe in the country, he said its not just related to violence seen in these protests, hes also asking whether americans feel safe under President Trump due to covid19, both the Public Health and economic repercussions. On Foreign Policy he criticized President Trump when it comes to his approach on russia. He also talked about health care and social security. These are all elements that biden is raising today with his speech as he also is starting to come a little bit full circle to where he was at the start of his campaign. He launched his campaign in part after seeing those scenes in charlottesville, upset with the way that the president spewed hate and division, biden said. Today that is something that he turned back to calling this president toxic and asking if americans are ready to rid themselves of the toxin that he believes President Trump is. Pamela. Okay, thank you so much for the latest there. I want to bring in niamalika henderson and laura coates. Great to see you both, ladies. Nia, i want to start with you because President Trump is playing up his law and order Campaign Message and trying to paint joe biden into someone who is weak on crime, partly because of polls like this one. Trump favorability down to 31 from 35 before the conventions while biden is up 46 from 40 before the conventions. Does bidens speech today where he once again condemned the violence as we heard and that weve seen in portland and kenosha undercut trumps strategy . It does. As you said, hes been out there condemning violence as have people who have been involved in these protests. So i think this very much was a corrective, sort of a fact check. You saw donald trump with all of his allies last week really trying to brand joe biden over and over again as weak on crime, as somebody who would be beholden to the radical left, as they like to say, people like Bernie Sanders and people like aoc, so there was joe biden in a very important area of a very important state, pittsburgh, pennsylvania, really trying to brand himself and take control of the narrative that they worry about really taking hold, particularly in areas like pittsburgh and particularly in suburbs among white americans who do have some anxiety about a changing america, do have anxiety about some of the things that they are seeing in places like pittsburgh, in places like kenosha as well. So you saw him really chapter and verse i think fact check this president , essentially say all of the violence that donald trump is pointing to is happening on his watch. He is the president now, even though he likes to act like he is a bystander, joe biden said. So i thought it was a very effective speech and necessary speech as well given what we saw the last week from this president. It was interesting to see how the Trump Campaign responded with this statement, laura. Heres what it said in part, that biden failed to condemn the left wing mobs burning, looting and terrorizing american cities. But lets listen to joe biden. Let me be very clear about all of this. Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. Setting fires is not protesting. All of this is not protesting, its lawlessness, plain and simple, and those who do it should be prosecuted. Your reaction, laura . Well, that sounds unequivocal to me. It sounds like its doing the opposite of what the statement says that he fails to do. So he actually is unequivocal in this statement. He is being quite clear about the distinction between peaceful protests and those that are hijacking the message. This is a common refrain of course that people have had to defend against. You have people who are righteously protesting what they see as Excessive Force and Police Brutality and then you have people coming in and exploiting these opportunities for self gain and engaging in criminal behavior. These are not synonymous groups of people engaged in that and he was drawing a line to that while recognizing of course that people had every right to protest in a peaceful manner. So the president trying to suggest the idea of rebranding it or in some way trying to distance himself and place this at the foot of joe biden when his presidency unless he is elected or until he is elected would be an abstract concept. Hes trying to on the one hand have his cake and eat it too by saying, look, it may be my country but its not in my city, its democrat run. But hes the head of the executive branch of government. Their job is to enforce the laws. Anybody whos in line with that should be supported by the president. Just to put it in context because that was a big part of it, looking ahead, this imaginary biden america, joe biden was Vice President. So what was what was the situation like when it came to crime stats and violence when he was Vice President . Right. He talked about this in his speech. He said Violent Crime was down 15 , i believe, while the murder rate under donald trump i think is up Something Like 26 . I think that was the stat that joe biden said. We should also remember that when donald trump accepted the nomination for the republican party, he said this kind of Violent Crime would end on his watch. He also said the same thing when he was inaugurated in 2017. He said this will end, talking about violence in cities across the country. So this again is a failure to deliver on what he said, so hes trying to run on this same message. Back in 2016, in many ways it was about what he would like to call Illegal Immigrants and the chant was build the wall. Now he is really focusing on these black lives matter protesters, on black and brown people who have legitimate complaints about systemic racism as well as Police Brutality. Donald trump is saying there is no real Police Brutality, there is no systemic racism. I think thats going to be a dividing line for this contest. Who believes that systemic racism is a major problem and who believes its a madeup problem. Thats how you see i think the electorate divide itself. It was interesting you know, pam oh, go ahead. I was going to say its also odd if you think about based on the point that you just raised, pam, on this issue that the idea that joe biden is soft on crime, when one of the things that he faced as an uphill battle and a hurdle to overcome during his campaign, when you had dozens of people running for the dnc nomination was that his history on crime, his ideas about the omnibus bill, his ideas about the crack cocaine distinction and beyond were some that people touted as saying look at the way in which he viewed the criminal Justice System in a way that even further perhaps what people criticized him about. So now the president is repackaging in a way that joe biden himself is saying, look, im not soft on crime because i believe in protests. Hes saying i am very different from the person who supported the prior legislation, but i still believe law and order should prevail and he was consistent today. Really quick before i let you both go, i want to get your reaction to what we heard in the White House Press briefing today when vigilante violence was brought up. The press secretary was asked about that, if the president condemns it and heres what she said. This white house believes our police should be fully funded. We should have more Police Rather than less. We shouldnt criticize our police, because it is our Police Officers who are responsible for taking to the streets and protecting us. So not exactly a condemnation, nia, of vigilante violence. Not at all. We know how this president feels. If a protester or someone who was violent or somebody who believes in conspiracy theories supports him and backs him and is wearing trump garb and waving a trump flag, then he likes them, no matter what kind of actions they commit. We saw that here, i think. I would be surprised if the president ever came out to criticize that band of people you saw in portland in those trucks and waving those trump flags descend on that area in portland. So this is the president. If youre for him, no matter what you stand for and what you do, the president tends to like you. All right, knee a m niamali henderson, laura coates, thanks, ladies. The presidevaccine for coviy be released. How a group of doctors is banding together. Plus protesters in europe. What some are saying about donald trump, just ahead. Hey, can i. Safe drivers save 40 guys guys safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 thats safe drivers save 40 . It is, thats safe drivers save 40 . Hes right there. Its him safe drivers do save 40 . Click or call for a quote today. Turning to our health lead now, more than 6 million covid cases in the u. S. And a bitter debate over vaccine approval is breaking out with a group of prominent doctors calling for an independent review of Coronavirus Vaccine data after the fda commissioner said he would consider emergency use authorization or approval for a vaccine before phase three trials are done. Cnns Diane Gallagher takes a look at the pressure and pushback over a vaccine rollout. Reporter there is growing concern political pressure could be rushing the covid19 vaccine process after fda commissioner, dr. Stephen hahn, said the agency might consider emergency use authorization or approve even if a vaccine developer applies before phase three trials are complete. So hes not talking about data. Hes basically laying the grounds work for him to be able to say that he believes that the benefit outweighs the harm, which is not a scientific standard we should use for this vaccine that were going to put into tens of millions of people. Reporter hahn dismissed concerns, telling the financial times, quote, we have a convergence of the covid19 pandemic with the political season and were just going to have to get through that and stick to our core principles. This is going to be a science, medicine, data decision. This is not going to be a political decision. Still, one group of medical experts is calling for an independent review board to review the data before the vaccine is approved by the fda, which could boost public trust. Many people have to get vaccinated. If we dont, we can have a vaccine and it wont do us any good. Reporter especially as its looking more likely the eventual Coronavirus Vaccine might require more than one dose. Dr. Deborah birx is urging people to take precautions now, before theres a vaccine. Im hopeful for a vaccine, but im also very convinced right now that we can stop Community Spread by wearing masks, socially distancing and avoiding crowds. Reporter as the United States crosses over the 6 million confirmed coronavirus case mark, there are some areas of improvement. Over the past two weeks, on average daily new cases are down 18 and new deaths per day by roughly 11 . This is good news and its largely because of smart policies in texas and arizona and florida around masking and closing bars. But theres still parts of the country where things are both bad and even getting worse. In the dakotas, in kansas and other states. Reporter and College Campuses are becoming an example of how quickly the virus can spread. Cases at colleges and universities have now been reported in at least 36 states. At suny, a lesson in exponential spread. We noticed that there was a large party early last week that resulted in several covid cases. 20 covid cases became 105 cases. We stepped in immediately. Reporter dr. Deborah birx also says for students on campus, before they go home and visit they need to quarantine for 14 days so they dont risk getting their family members or anybody back in their homes sick. Diane gallagher, thanks for that. Joining me now to discuss this, the chief clinical officer at providence, dr. Anne phillips. First of all, would you walk us through the difference between an emergency use authorization versus an fda approval. What is the significance with that difference . Sure. Well, everything the fda does actually has to balance safety and speed so that when something new comes to market, you want it to be both. But during the time of a Public Health emergency, which is the only time you can use the emergency use authorization, speed becomes more important than ensuring absolute 100 safety. So the emergency use authorization allows us to do a more rapid approval with less data than we would have for a normal times when youre not under this need to move very, very rapidly. So is it possible then for the fda to give approval and then say the benefits outweighs the known risks if the company hasnt finished the phase three trial yet . It is possible to do the emergency use authorization, although i would definitely worry about this, which is exactly why the large group of physicians spoke up. Typically in a phase three trial ur youre still doing an experiment. Youre testing whether the vaccine is safe and effective. During the time of an experiment, you would ask people to give informed consent, saying yes, i consentisent to this, we yet know whats happening. So are we going to get informed consenting on every patient . It would definitely add layers of complexity to something that we normally think of and we want to use broadly for all phases of Public Health. Just on that note so we understand, for those of us who arent in the weeds on this, if a vaccine there are the vaccines in phase three trial. What does it take to get to that point . What data is available and what is the significance of that data versus what you would get at the end of the phase three trial waiting for that to end . Phase one and two trials are quite small and looking at do we have the right dose and do we see the right molecular response, are we getting antibody. Phase three trials are the ones to say does it work in human beings. Those take tens of thousands of people to say does it take time and do they have side effects. What were thinking about, back in the 1976 swine flu vaccine trials that we did or vaccine that we did, we found theres side effects. Theres something called guillenbarre syndrome which is horrible for people to go through. Its that rare side effect that we look at for tens of thousands of people in phase three trials. If we short circuit that, we wont be able to say with confidence to people getting this vaccine that this is safe and effective. And you think about that and look at the cnn poll. This is stunning to me. This is whether americans would try a vaccine. 56 of americans would get the vaccine, a 10point decrease from may. 40 of americans say they wouldnt get a vaccine. Are you concerned that comments like the one we heard from hahn will further erode trust in the vaccine . I am absolutely concerned. You know, weve had mixed messages about vaccines coming from our government without having full and unequivocal support and without having credibility that is unassailable. There has been a few decisions that have been made recently that feel more political than science based. Having politics creep into what should be purely based on science and medical knowledge has eroded confidence in the process. So by doing Something Like having an independent commission made up of scientists who understand the statistics and are able to speak really from nonpolitical, nonbiased medical knowledge, i think we can start removing the rhetoric and getting back to basing this in really what is safe, whats effective and what works best for most people. Given how the ppe has been distributed during this pandemic, are you concerned that the distribution of a potential vaccine wont be as effective as it should be . There is the ppe issues, theres remdesivir issues, theres not really understanding the data about whats where because moving the data sources away from the cdc. So yes, having transparency and understanding the process and understanding that the rules of the road are being followed regularly by everyone would be incredibly helpful. Dr. Phillips, thanks for coming on. Thank you. Without a vaccine yet thats approved, there is a controversial proposal to end the pandemic that one expert estimates could lead to 2 Million Deaths in the u. S. Its an important time to save. With priceline, you can get up to 60 off amazing hotels. And when you get a big deal, you feel like a big deal. priceline. Every trip is a big deal. Coming to the green flag, racing at daytona. Theyre off. In the kentucky derby. Rory mcllroy is a two time champion at east lake. He scores stanley cup champions. Touchdown only mahomes. Expect anything different . The big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. Turning to our health lead now, another possibly dangerous idea. President trumps new medical advisor, scott atlas, is pushing herd immunity to fight coronavirus. This is according to the Washington Post. Sweden is using the model now. Heres what happens. You essentially let the entire country go back to normal and keep the most vulnerable, like the elderly, locked down. The virus spreads through the younger, healthier community and hopes people catch the virus, recover and then become immune. Top doctors like Anthony Fauci and former fda commissioner Scott Gottlieb warn thats a terrible idea. An International Researcher and american medical professionals point out this strategy didnt even work in sweden, the examples people are point to as a Success Story. More than 8,500 people died from coronavirus in sweden which has the about the same population as north carolina. Not to mention stockholm Officials Say by may only about 7 of residents have been exposed to the virus. Now, in the United States the cdc says nearly 7,000 people under the age of 50, or 28,000 people under the age of 65 have died from coronavirus. And the longlasting impact of covid on the heart and other organs isnt known. This afternoon dr. Atlas denied the report by the Washington Post to cnn saying he has never advocated for herd immunity. Joining me to discuss this is dr. Paul offit. Thanks for coming on, doctor. Is it even feasible for the United States to achieve herd immunity to fight coronavirus . No. For a few reasons. First of all, ever since the 1960s when they were first defined, weve had four human coronaviruses that circulate in the population every year. Every year 15 to 20 of the respiratory diseases that we see come into our hospital are caused by one of those four viruses. So they despite their constant circulation have never started to wane because of their spread. The immunity induced by these viruses is shortlived, meaning it lasts for a few years but not decades, and its incomplete. Youre not protected from mild disease or asymptomatic disease. Even if you take viruses like measles which induce lifelong immunity and is ten times more contagious than this virus, even then every year there would still be cases. The only way well stop this virus is with a vaccine and hygienic measures. So if the United States tried to reach herd immunity, if this was something the white house wanted to do, what do you think would happen . How do you see that playing out . We would just see more suffering, more hospitalization and more death as people died. Even those who got the disease and recovered from the disease, who had mild and asymptomatic infection, they could we would see what were seeing with the four coronaviruses. The virus would just continue to circulate. Theres two ways to stop it, hygienic measures and vaccines. The way to let it burnous is fanciful, its never happened with any virus and its not going to happen with this virus. Lets talk about sweden because thats where conservatives point to as a Success Story and a model for the United States to follow. You say it has been wildly unsuccessful. Why do you think that . I think only about 7 of the population of sweden has been immunized and its going to be shortlived and incomplete protection. I just can only imagine that those who are trying to point to sweden as a Success Story are making it up because its not a Success Story. They have had far more hospitalizations and deaths than similar countries in the region, like denmark and finland, so its the opposite of a Success Story. Actually sweden is the cautionary tale for why you shouldnt do it this way. But there are those who argue that the u. S. Is paying too high a price right now with the shutdown, going so many months into this pandemic. That businesses and restaurants cant stay open, students are forced to learn from home. Do you see why an approach like this could be appealing . And what would you say to people who think, hey, we should try it . Well, we dont have a vaccine yet. What we do have is hygienic measures. If you wear a mask and stand six feet away from somebody youre not going to get infected or give somebody your infection. We do have that. When you watch that New Hampshire rally, for example, and the person gets up to the microphone and says its a New Hampshire law were asking you to wear a mask and everybody is booing, youre thinking what do they think, the germ theory is just a theory, viruses arent contagious . There is another way out of this. Wear masks and social distance. Deborah birx just said it as well. Its not that hard. Yet somehow we think its something we dont want to do. Its hard to watch. So you have this push, according to the Washington Post, and then you have the fears the administration is rushing the vaccine. The cdc changing its guidance on testing. What does that tell you about how this administration is handling the virus . I think the administration wants what we all wantin. They want this pandemic to end. Its going to take a lot of hard work to do it. Herd immunity by hoping most of the population is infected is not going to do it. Bleach is not going to do it, light is not go to do it, hydroxychloroquine is not going to do it and convalescent plasma will not do it. What will is a vaccine and hygienic measures. But we should be really good about hygienic measures and were not. Its just a simple thing to do. Its hard to watch this. We have this statement from dr. Atlas denying that hes pushing for herd immunity. Are you skernconcerned that som the policies the administration is pushing could have the effect of trying to achieve herd immunity . In other words, say were not trying to push for this but there might be a push for different policies to achieve that . Well, were not going to achieve it. All well do is cause more suffering, hospitalization and death. Theres no way to get population immunity that will extinguish this virus other than hygienic measures and vaccines. Measles is the best example. Measles provides lifelong immunity and complete immunity. If i have measles as a child, i wouldnt even get asymptomatic measles. Im completely protected against measles. And yet still every year that virus causes hospitalizations and deaths. We have a vaccine. Its never going to happen. All it will do is lead to more suffering. Its ill considered. Okay, dr. Paul offit, thank you so much. Thank you. Two cities are preparing for more chaos after a weekend of unrest and shootings. We are live on the ground with breaking news on how officials are preparing. Truly ormative s. So, no more tossing and turning. Because only tempurpedics proprietary material adapts and responds to your body so you get deep, uninterrupted sleep. Take advantage of our best offer of the year, with savings up to 500. Special guest flo challenges the hand models to show off the ease of comparing rates with progressives home quote explorer. International hand model jonjon gets personal. Your wayward pinky is grotesque. Then a high stakes pattycake Battle Royale ends in triumph. You have the upper hands its a race to the lowest rate, and so much more. Only on the upper hands. Its a race to the lowest rate, and so much more. Toim releasing a plan to save lives in the months ahead. Irus. We need to increase federal support for testing, doubling the number of drivethru testing sites. We absolutely need a clear message from the very top of our federal government that Everyone Needs to wear a mask in public. Every single Frontline Worker should have the personal protective equipment that they need to be safe. We need to support schools and childcare programs so parents, if and when they can return to work, are confident that their children will be safe and cared for. And finally, we need to protect the populations most at risk our seniors, vulnerable populations with preexisting conditions. We need real plans, real guidelines, with uniform nationwide standards. Its a simple proposition folks, were all in this together. We gotta fight this together. Well emerge from this stronger because we did it together. Im joe biden and i approve this message. Well, we are with breaking news. Joe biden now says he hopes to visit wisconsin. This as leaders in kenosha say tomorrow is not the time for President Trump to come. I felt the timing was wrong. We always have room for president s to come to visit, candidates to come to visit. I think that you have a community thats in the process of trying to heal. Theyre calling for calm after more than a week of protests, mostly peaceful, over the Police Shooting of jacob blake. Since then police say they have arrested more than 200 people and more than half from outside kenosha. Im going to go straight to Shimon Prokupecz on the ground there. You have breaking news about preparations for the president s visit tomorrow, is that right . Reporter yeah. So one of the things that the local Law Enforcement here and city officials have done is extended the curfew. The curfew was set to expire at 7 00 a. M. This morning. They told me yesterday they were thinking of extending it through the president s visit, and they did. They were going to keep it through wednesday morning at 7 00. Well, now city officials are saying theyre going to keep it going and move it up to 9 00 instead of ending at 7 00. Obviously with the president coming here theres a lot of concern with the local officials that it could spark some unrest. So what theyre doing is extended the curfew. The other thing they have done is they have kept all of the local Law Enforcement here, the support that theyre getting, also the National Guard remains here. Theres about 1,500 personnel from the National Guard. They remain here. And the concern is outside agitators. As you said, pam, the more than 200 people that they have arrested they have foundi have come from outside kenosha to start trouble. So theres concern. In the press conference today, the sheriff talked about that concern, and heres that sound. There are a lot of outside agitators that try to scare people. They will make phone calls to businesses, to churches, to residents, trying to scare and intimidate. A lot of it, it gets out to the public, it gets spread thousands of times over. By the time we can actually research it, a thousand people know about it and are afraid. Reporter pam, we dont have the plans, what the president s definitive plans are for tomorrow. Hes going to meet with business leaders, hes going to survey some of the damage as well as meet with local Law Enforcement but thats about all that we know at this point, pam. And it appears as of now the white house said earlier that the president does not have plans to meet with jacob blakes family. Do we know if thats because the family does not want to meet with him . What do we know . Reporter yeah, so our colleague, sara sidner, whos been in touch with the family, she just told me in a text that shes been talking to the family and they say that the father of jacob blake, jacob blake sr. , that he has no desire to talk to the president. Has no desire to meet with the president. And so as a result, thats perhaps why they are not meeting. The president clearly has not weve not seen any kind of a great effort from him to try to get to the family. So all of this obviously happening on the heels of the president coming here at some point tomorrow. All right, Shimon Prokupecz, thank you so much for that. I want to turn now to portland, oregon. Police are getting ready for another tense night in the citys 95th straight night of protests. Officers arrested nearly 30 people last night saying many dressed in heavy protective gear took aim at them and it comes after saturdays deadly shooting after a caravan of Trump Supporters clashed with demonstrators. Cnns lucy kafanov joins me from portland. Lucy, what do we know about the groups coming out every night to protest there . Reporter well, pam, portland is very much a powder keg at the moment and here is why. Were entering the 95th night of protests. Almost every evening the crowd size might have carried but its largely been protesters demanding Racial Justice, supporting the black lives matter message, some elements of rioters but only on occasional evenings. What we saw on saturday was a very large group of pro Trump Supporters and februarys of a far right group known as Patriot Prayer. We dont know very much about this group. They dont have much of a National Footprint but theyre well known in the pacific northwest. Some of their leaders are facing riot charges forr inciting violence in the past. The Southern Poverty Legal Center says White Supremacists often attend their events. And so what Law Enforcement officials are worried now in the aftermath of the shooting is that we might see some of those members returning to the streets of portland seeking retribution. That did not take place last night, but the week is still young, pam. And there was that deadly shooting saturday. What are we learning about the circumstances behind that . Reporter well, surprisingly not much yet, even though its been quite a few hours, more than 24 hours since the shooting took place. We know that members of these Trump Supporters and the Patriot Prayer group took to the streets in a convoy of cars on saturday. The police tried to keep them away from Downtown Portland but a Smaller Group of cars managed to get here anyway. We saw confrontations with a black lives matter protesters. All we know officially from official sources is that one man was shot in the chest and he died. According to the New York Times he was wearing the insignia of this far right group, but again, authorities have not released the identity of the victim or the shooter. The shooter as far as we know remains at large. We did see a war of words erupt yesterday between the president and the mayor, with the mayor blaming President Trump for stoking tensions and stoking violence and hatred. The president is attacking the mayor, calling him names, also tweeting rest in peace in regards to the victim, even though, again, authorities have not officially named him. So a lot of concern with tensions and emotions so high. Folks simply dont know whats going to happen in the next few days so we are bracing for another night of protests, it remains to be seen which groups will show up. So what are leaders planning to do . Reporter well, we saw a press conference from authorities, including the mayor and Police Authorities yesterday. They say that they are preparing for more protests, but we havent seen any kind of concerted plan to deal with this. Theres not an influx of more Police Officers as far as we know. Theres no plans to do a curfew. Its not even clear they would have the personnel to enforce a curfew. The only development on plans to deal with this is Governor Kate Brown released a plan yesterday to respectively create a Community Forum for protest organizers, mayor wheeler and Community Leaders to try to work toward racial equality and police reform, but thats going to take a lot of time. Whether that will clear things up in the next few days remains to be scene. Coming up right here on the lead tens of thousands protesting abroad over coronavirus restrictions. Among them, extreme conspiracy theorists. What they told us, up next. Allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident. Cut is that good . No you were talking about allstate and. I just. When i. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. Turning to our world lead now, if you think the United States has problems with anger, division, protests and conspiracy theories, well, its not just the u. S. Check this out. About 40,000 people protesting in berlin against germanys coronavirus lockdown measures. Look at their signs. Take a look. Youll notice some very Fringe Groups joined in. Sound familiar . The protests included qanon supporters. That is the rightwing Conspiracy Movement started in the u. S. That falsely claims satanic members of the socalled deep state are plotting to destroy President Trump. Now its gaining traction overseas as cnns frederick poli pleitgen reports. Reporter they try to storm the German Parliament on saturday. Among them, people carrying flags of the german reich, a symbol associated with germanys far right, along with russian flags, but also u. S. Flags. We also found many supporters of the qanon Conspiracy Theory. This one waving a flag with the qanon symbol and the likeness of President Trump. Do you like donald trump . Yes. Why . The deep state. Long time manipulate the peoples, the human, and that must ending. Reporter qanon is a sprawling Conspiracy Theory that claims without evidence that a group of satan worshipping members of the deep state are plotting to destroy President Trump and establish world domination. They claim measures against the pandemic are part of that conspiracy and at least according to some we spoke to that President Trump is appear angel. Why . Yes. Its the connection. He has a connection. To who . To an important november. The pandemic is finished worldwide. Reporter President Trump has retweeted claims from accounts linked to qanon hundreds of times, and has repeatedly refused to denounce the qanon conspiracy. Well, i dont know much about the movement other than i understand they like me very much, which i appreciate. Reporter but the president s words are undermining germanys own response to the coronavirus pandemic. Angela merkels government is generally viewed as being successful in combatting covid19. But at saturdays demonstration, she and members of her government are pictured in what seemed to be concentration camp inmate suits calling for her to be locked up. Another man in a trump shirt and a maga hat saying this. What do you think about germanys chancellor, Angela Merkel . Internationally shes been praised for the way shes dealt with the coronavirus crisis. I think shes hitlers daughter. You think shes hitlers daughter . Yes, i think. Reporter Angela Merkel is obviously not hitlers daughter. She was actually born well after adolf hitler died. One of the interesting things that we do see at demos like this where people follow some of these extreme conspiracy theories is that in the past you would see a lot of russian flags at a demo like that, but now and now you do see more and more american flags and more and more people who say that theyre followers of President Trump, pamela. What a fascinating look there in germany. Thanks so much, fred. Turning now to our money lead. The three Largest Airlines in the United States are getting rid of change fees as a way of encouraging travelers to returning to the skies during the coronavirus pandemic. American airlines and delta joined united in allowing passengers to change their flight plans without paying any extra costs. Previously that change could cost up to 200 per person per flight. Industry experts expect most Smaller Airlines will now follow suit. The tsa says Airline Passenger traffic was down 75 from last july to this summer. Our coverage on cnn continues right now. Announcer this is cnn breaking news. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Wolf blitzer is off today. Im jim acosta in the situation room and were following breaking news. Were standing by to esoo if President Trump takes questions at a white house briefing. This amid officials in kenosha, wisconsin, urging the president not to visit tomorrow following the unrest over the Police Shooting of jacob blake. The mayor has just extended a curfew saying the timing is wrong for the president to visit, adding you have a community in the process of trying to heal. Well also see if mr. Trump reacts to a

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