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Sam. Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper. The politics lead. President trump all over the place today, promoting his alternate reality, where the special counsel investigation started by his handpicked Deputy Attorney general was an attempted coup against him. This as he attacked his own former white House Counsel as a liar, slammed democrats as maniacs, promised to fill sanctuary cities with undocumented immigrants, despite legal guidance from his own department of homeland security, that he cannot do that. And claimed that his assessment that there were, quote, very fine people on both sides of that charlottesville, virginia, march was the perfect response. The president today also claimed that gas prices were going down when theyre actually going up. And referred to his 72yearold self as young and vibrant. And any one of these comments during any other presidency would prompt alarm, condemnation, concern. Perhaps even a congressional hearings or two. Around here, we just call it friday. Cnns abby phillip looks into what the president himself acknowledged today that you never know what hes going to claim or do next. The good thing with me, you never know. Reporter President Trump today spinning an alternative reality, starting with an attack on the special counsels investigation, into Russian Election interference. They tried for a coup. Didnt work out so well. And i didnt need a gun for that one, did i . That line aimed at a friendly audience of National Rifle association members. Corruption at the highest level, a disgrace. Spying, surveillance, trying for an overthrow. And we caught em. We caught em. Reporter trump also continuing to mischaracterize the findings of the mueller probe, insisting that he did not tell former white House Counsel, don mcgahn, to fire Robert Mueller. I never told don mcgahn to fire mueller. If i wanted to fire mueller, i would have done it myself. Its very simple. I had the right to. Reporter but thats not true. According to the Mueller Report, trump called mcgahn at home in june of 2017 and told him to tell Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein that mueller had conflicts of interest and must be removed. Mcgahn refused to follow that order and decided he would rather resign than trigger what he regarded as a potential saturday night massacre. Trump now appears fixated on stopping mcgahns testimony before congress. Citing his interview with muellers team. I think mcgahn was in there for 30 hours. Whoever heard of such a thing . Meantime, the president also taking aim at his 2020 rivals. Including former Vice President , joe biden, who launched his 2020 campaign, attacking trumps response to white supremacist and neonazi marchers, who descended on charlottesville, virginia, in 2017. You also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. Very fine people on both sides . Reporter but today, trump is doubling down. Insisting that these chants [ chanting jews will not replace us ] reporter were about historic statues and not hate. I was talking about people who felt very strongly about the monument to robert e. Lee, a great general. Reporter and sources say that President Trump has been quizzing his political aides in private meetings about joe biden. Hes been asking about his strengths with working class voters, particularly in bidens home state of pennsylvania. President trump is keenly interested in pennsylvania, because he turned that state from blue to red in 2016, jake. He sure did. Abby phillip at the white house, thanks so much. Lets chew over all of this. Big picture, jeff. Is this the President Trump were going to see when he is running for reelection in 2020 . This is it, kind of this alternate reality thing . I think, certainly subpoena its the one weve seen up until now. I do not expect any sign of a new donald trump or anything. Look, he is trying to, again, frame all of this for his supporters, constantly trying to program things, reality aside. So one, i was surprised, a little bit, that he allowed himself to be sucked in by joe bidens charlottesville thing. So again, in that conversation there, on the lawn of the white house, as he was leaving earlier today, when hes explaining all of that, that makes many republicans cringe. He is never that is one of the moments i remember when that happened in august of 2017, the most loyalist of all republicans. Even they were offended by that. Members of his cabinet, gary cohn. Almost resigned over it. Of course, didnt. I remember the look on john kellys face. It seems like ancient history, actually. But this is President Trump gearing up for 2020. He never apologizes and he is doubling down. But the question of, you know, just mathematically, how you win an election, expanding his base. That is difficult. I dont know why he didnt talk about the Economy Today more. The economy is going gangbusters. Why is he relitigating charlottesville. But as long as he wants to, lets play some of the sound of President Trump back in 2017, saying he had said today that he answered the question perfectly. Lets take a listen. They started charlottesville excuse me, you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. Now, elsewhere, in those remarks, the president did condemn neonazis and White Supremacists. So hes not saying that the neonazi and White Supremacists are very fine people, but he is saying people protesting alongside those neonazi and White Supremacists were very fine people. Who are they . Remember the context of how those rallies were organized . It was a unite the right rally, organized by a wellknown white nationalist. That kessler guy, right . Richard spencer, i believe. Richard spencer, yeah. These are people chanting very antisemitic statements, and yet the president equivocated on that. Its no doubt that that moment was one of the lowest points, one of the darkest points of his presidency and i think a lot of republicans were just outraged the country, to be fair, was outraged by that. And theres this big effort by Trump Supporters to pretend that the president didnt say what he said. To call this all a hoax. Again, he didnt refer to nazi as very fine people, he referred to the people protesting with the nazis. And i dont know who are the good people there. But friday night was the jews will not replace us, saturday, somebody was killed. At what point were there good people there . I mean, the phantom good people, i guess. In trumps mind, there were good people. And even that way, its circuitous, thinking, why would you even want to be a part of a unite the right white supremacist rally. At what point did these good people decide maybe we shouldnt be here, because theres tiki torches and chanting, blood and soil, and jews will not replace us. Its ridiculous and to be honest, theres a lot of people that dont want to relive charlottesville. And yet, the president cant seem to let it go. And wherever because, again, it speaks to his character and how he feels about this. He continues to play footsie with this white supremacist element thats that has been unearthed here. And he refuses to unequivocally condemn it in ways that if he answered it so perfectly, we wouldnt be here talking about this today. He consistently does this. And republicans dont want to see that. Theyre horrified every time he brings it up. Why would you want to bring up a low point in your presidency . And paul, well, joe biden brought it up. Hes just taken the bait. Youre a son of the south, so i want you to respond to President Trump. Here he is, praising confederate general, robert e. Lee. They felt very strongly about the monument to robert e. Lee, a great general. Whether you like it or not, he was one of the great generals. He was a general that led a treasonous rebellion and fought for the right of people to own africanamericans as slaves. Thats what he is. And a brutal guy. Horrible guy. Thats simply true. And you could have an interesting historical debate about lee and his life. I think youre right, when you wage war against the United States of america, that is the definition of treason. Its in the constitution. Yeah. So theres no question about that, in my mind. But the president isnt really talking he doesnt know robert e. Lee from bruce lee. Oh, kung fu movies hes sending, not just dog whistles, heas sending fog hors to the ultraright fringe, the ra racist right. His party was founded by abraham lincoln. They have such a proud history on issues of race. And he has taken them into such a dark place on this. And hes doing it on purpose. He has chosen, and i think its a good point about broadening. Any other strategist would say, you need to broaden your support. Hes chosen to deepen it. It may work. I dont know, its not what i would do. I think its bad politics, but i know its bad history and i know its bad ethics. He seems to be drawn to these racially divisive issues. All right. Everyone, stay with us. This just in, the Washington Post is now reporting on how Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein tried to save his job in a tearyeyed plea to President Trump. And joe bidens new bragging rights solidifying him as the democratic frontrunner, perhaps. At least for now. Stay with us. This is loma linda, a place with one of the highest life expectancies in the country. You see so many people Walking Around here in their hundreds. So how do you stay financially well for all those extra years . Well, you have to start planning as early as possible. We all need to plan, for 18 years or more, of retirement. 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Bidens entry has prompted some pointed attacks, as well, from his fellow democrats in what had previously been a peaceful primary, as cnns jeff zeleny how reports, bidens walking the line, trying to set him up as the candidate taking on trump, while also addressing some of the criticisms of fellow democrats. Joe biden flexing his fundraising muscle, with his campaign announcing this afternoon he raised 6. 3 million during his opening day in the race. The former Vice President outpacing the firstday totals of all democratic rivals. Trying again today to keep his fight focused squarely on President Trumps conduct in office. The rest of the world, i mean, they look at us like, my god reporter biden also responding to trumps latest attack on his age, despite both men being just four years apart. I am a young, vibrant man. I look at joe. I dont know about him. I dont know. He looks young and vibrant compared to me, i should probably go home. Reporter but appearing on abcs the view, bidens also confronting questions about his own long record, repeatedly declining to directly apologize to anita hill for her treatment during the 1991 Supreme Court confirmation hearings of clarence thomas. I sam sorry she was treated the way she was treated. I did everything in my power to do what i thought was within the rules, to be able to stop things. Reporter expressing regret, but stopping well short of accepting responsibility, considering he was chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee. Hill told the New York Times she was not satisfied with the recent call from biden. The first in 28 years. I think what she wants you to say is, im sorry for the way i treated you, not for the way you were treated. But, um, im sorry the way she got treated. Reporter biden also struggled to apologize to women amid allegations that he made them feel uncomfortable. So i invaded your space. And im sorry this happened. But im not sorry in the sense that i think i did anything that was intentionally designed to do anything wrong or be inappropriate. Yet biden also showing a deeply emotional side, when asked about his late son, beau, who always hoped his father would run again for president. I hope hes proud of me. I hope hes proud. Reporter and it is that joe biden right there, emoting out loud directly before the ladies of the view, that was the message that Biden Campaign, of course, wanted to give. The two key constituencies, of course, women and africanamericans front and center to that audience, jake. So joe biden still seems to me to be trying to work through that im sorry to anita hill. And a big question is, didnt anyone ever check with anita hill to see if she was okay with that phone call . Because this was ringing out as an awkward moment. Probably should have made that call a couple of decades ago. Sunlen, let me ask you, there are some questions about whether biden would be able to run a grassroots campaign. His Team Announced 97 of the online donations, thats not the total donations, but the online donations were under 200. And the average online donation was 41. We should note, biden had less than half the number of donors Bernie Sanders did. But do you think this is going to put any of these questions to rest, or are we making too much out of this 4hour haul. I would also be wondering how successful that fundraiser was last night, at the home of the comcast executive. You have to look at all of those in context. Its a good first day, clearly for biden. Beto orourke had 6. 1 million, even though some of that was for the general election race. Bernie sanders had the 5. 9 million. The biden team is clearly putting a major show of force out there, to show that he is the best funded, most, most able to go up against trump. And i think the early focus on pennsylvania is really driving home that point that i am the guy that can take this state back that we lost from the president. But as we have talked time and time again, so many of his past positions, past how he handled, you know, different events in his Public Service career are really going to come under the microscope, and they already are. And that can only get intensify as we go forward. Paul, in addition to holding this fundraiser last night at the home of a comcast executive for Vice President , david cohen, who i know i do, as well. And Bernie Sanders went after him went after biden for spending the first night of his campaign at the home of a corporate lobbyist. In addition, Elizabeth Warren went after biden for his past position on consumers seeking to declare bankruptcy. She said, quote, i get lets oh, we have the sound. Lets run that sound. I got in that fight because they just didnt have anyone. And joe bidens on the side of the credit card companies. Shes casting this as she was on the side of credit card consumers and biden is on the side of credit card companies, which are in delaware. Welcome to the nfl, right, i guess . She previewed that in her town hall meeting on cnn, sunday night. Where she talked about her moment where she stopped being kind of apolitical and even republican and became a democrat. It was this credit card fight. She didnt mention joe then, because she wasnt in the race yet. But theyre going to fight these things out. I do not have a favorite in this, but i think im like most democrats, though. Im a jfk democrat. I will pay any price, bear any burden, support any friend, oppose any foe to defend the support of donald j. Trump. You can be for the credit cards or against him. Go to my friend cohens house or bernies house. Its fine. Democrats want to win. And i think the faster each of these candidates says, heres how i can beat trump, the better theyre going to do. And tara, take a listen. This is biden today talking about how his presidency would be, theoretically, different from the obama protest, for which he was Vice President. Its not about recreating what we did. Its about taking the same decency and the philosophy that we have, the political philosophy, and taking it into the future. What do you make of that . I thought i watched that interview in its entirety. And i thought that was one of the weaker answers he had. Because he didnt really answer the question. And i think what hes going to get hit on is, what would you do differently with the economy, given that there were some problems under the Obama Biden Administration with the economy. It wasnt until toward the end where things started to pick up and trump is going to use the economy as his one and only soul accomplishment thats keeping him afloat. So bidens got to practice on that, because he didnt really he didnt really answer the question directly. And for peoples in places like pennsylvania, where he only won by 44,000 votes, which is less than 1 , out of 6 million cast. People in pennsylvania who might have been on the fence before, can look at a joe biden and say, you know what, we dont have to hold our nose and vote for trump, because we are comfortable with a joe biden. We know where hes coming from. And the idea that biden is focusing on the empathy part of him, the experience part, i think the pendulum has swung so far the other way, that the American People are craving for someone that has experienced and understands how government works. Who is well respected around the world. So joe biden brings that to the stage. And now as a republican, lifelong, obviously, i havent always agreed with joe biden on things, but i think if he has what it takes to beat trump in those areas where people like me can find a political home backing him, just solely to get trump out of there. And obviously, theres a lot of questions coming from the left, especially we heard today, questions about how he handled the Anita Hill Clarence thomas hearings. And also, whether he gets too touchy feely with people. Do you think he handled that okay . I think its a work in progress. And makes me wonder, what has he been doing . Why isnt there slightly a sharper answer to that. We knew these questions were coming. For sure. Joy behar on the view was basically leading him to water there. To say, why not say, im sorry for. Instead of speaking in past tense, im sorry for what happened. Mistakes have been made. Exactly but he didnt drink. He believes that he did not do anything intentional here. So i think that answer, or that question will be asked again and again. And my guess is hell tighten it and eventually say im sorry. And well move on to other questions. What i learned. Thats interesting. Everyone, stick around. Weve got more to talk about. President trump is banking on the economy to help him in 2020. We went to a swing district in the commonwealth of pennsylvania to find out if its enough to hold on to supporters who voted for trump before. Stay with us. Everyones got to listen to mom. When it comes to reducing the sugar in your familys diet, coke, dr pepper and pepsi hear you. Were working together to do just that. Bringing you more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all. Smaller portion sizes, clear calorie labels and reminders to think balance. Because we know mom wants whats best. More beverage choices, smaller portions, less sugar. Balanceus. Org you wouldnt accept from any one else. So why accept it from your allergy pills . 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Hes not a guy i would want to go and have a beer with or golfing with but youll vote for him . Ill vote for him. Why . Because what hes doing seems to be working. Reporter saddled with college loan debt, trot took a huge gamble years ago. He might soon hire his first fulltime employee. The Strong Economy gets his vote, as does the president. Maybe. Im going to have to hold out and say its probably going to be trump, but im still open to seeing different things. A common refrain. Democrats here hold a sizable registration advantage over republicans, but many voters cross over. Until 2016, no republican had won erie county since 1984, when Ronald Reagan did on his way to winning reelection. Trump campaigned in erie and returned here after his election. He carried the county by fewer than 2,000 votes. Last years midterms saw democrats flip, 35 suburban and rural precincts back to their candidates. One of those places, the bureau of gerard in the erie suburbs. Business owner karla gooden, a democrat who voted for trump, has soured on his presidency. I dont even admit that i voted for him. Why . Because hes so like, his personality is nasty. Like, i dont feel like hes a good role model. Reporter so you wont for him in 2020 . No. I dont think i will. Reporter down the street at the gerard diner, dick crosby credits the president for the Strong Economy. He sees trump as unbeatable in 2020. You can go to almost every business around here and youll see a sign in the window for help wanted. They cant find people to work. So that tells you that somethings going good. Reporter his sister, mary la ry, a diehard democrat voted for clinton in 2016, but says shed have a hard time pulling the lever for a candidate thats too progressive. I dont know what the countrys ready for. I dont know if theyre ready for a woman president or a gay president or any of that stuff, either. Reporter the economy here, paramount. What do we want reporter all 1,700 members of eries largest union, united electrical went on strike earlier in the year. Trump won many rank and file union votes in 2016. Both parties vowed to fight for those same voters in 2020. Going into 2020, were looking very strong. I think 2018 built a lot of momentum. Do you think you can count on union votes in 2020 . Well, weve got to work for them. And i can count on them thinking. And believing in this region. Reporter the rust belt, a major route on the road to the white house. Miguel marquez, cnn, erie, pennsylvania. Our thanks to Miguel Marquez for that report. So we were just talking about the commonwealth of pennsylvania. You just saw a voter who backed obama twice, voted for trump, and he says he will vote for President Trump again, even though he wouldnt want to have a beer with him. Is the economy Strong Enough that it will actually bolster his chances of even doing better in pennsylvania, perhaps . And thats the major question that well see, because if you look at the president s current Approval Ratings, the Washington Post just released a poll an hour or so ago, his Approval Ratings at 39, disapproval at 54. With how good the economys doing, those are remarkably low numbers. You wonder how those numbers would be if this was a conventional president who didnt have the specter of a special counsel investigation hanging over, who perhaps didnt have access to a twitter account. But, clearly, the economy is going to be so paramount in these rust belt states. Ive also been talking to people in wisconsin, ahead of his rally in green bay tomorrow. And while there are republicans there who say, you know, we wish you would stop tweeting, they do like the tax cuts and the new regulation policies. And they like the economy doing well. You just talked about a new Washington Post poll. Take a look at this poll from monmouth, university, which has President Trump at 40 approval, 54 disapproval. Jeff zeleny, one of the things thats interesting about this is President Trump won with very low approval numbers. I mean, it was Hillary Clinton also had low approval numbers, but it wasnt as though he was super popular and he became elected president. There are a lot of people that held their nose and voted for him and also, of course, he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. Exactly. And thats not i mean, i think that will be an increasing trend, most likely, just by how people view politicians. The Approval Rating is not going to be that high. But i think at this point, any poll like that, you must take with a grain of salt. They dont know who is going to be running against him. So joe bidens challenge and task, and other democrats, are convincing those o. T. Voters, if you will, obama and trump voters, to go back to the democratic party. And that is at the heart of joe bidens message. But you also heard the other voters say, shes like, im not sure what progressives are pushing, how much the country is ready for. So that is the balance there inside the democratic party. As you see it sort of veering left, joe bidens trying to, you know and tara, let me ask you. Because your vote is up for grabs, theoretically, a republican who doesnt like Donald Trumps behavior. You want the economy to stay strong. Does the democrat have to basically say, im not going to try anything too crazy to get your vote . Well, i can i can tell you, they Start Talking Green New Deal stuff, theyre not going to get my vote. And Donald Trumps not getting it either. But if they want people like me, the people who crossed over during the midterms and voted democrat in the midterm elections, the moderate rightofcenter folks, they cannot be these pie in the sky, very the socialist idea that trump and the right are pushing. Thats very effective. And so, if they do that, thats a nogo for people that are in a lane like mine. But i worry about trump doing something to manipulate the economy for shortterm gain, just because he knows that the only lifeline that he has, you know, the shutdown didnt affect anything. Who knows, will he do that again . Is he trying to stack the fed because he wants to manipulate monetary policy. It will be interesting. Those kind of things worry me about what hes going to do, because people respond to pocketbook issues. But this is also a big debate for your party, paul. You have democrats, progressives who want boldness and think that the idea is, dont run a corporate democrat like joe biden. Their words, not mine. Run somebody whos going to get out young people, democratic socialists, farleft progressives, minority voters. Get their vote out and stop worrying about the no offense, but the terrorism of the world. Well, theres a lot of us. They should worry the idea here is to win. But can you do that by straddling big, progressive ambitious plan, versus, i dont want to rock the boat on the economy. I like the economy. First, i just want them to focus on the economy rather than say, should the Boston Marathon bomber be able to vote from prison. Are you kidding me . democrats the president s Approval Rating not a fan of that one. Not a fan of that one. The president s Approval Rating took a hit last weak. And we all thought it was because of mueller. Maybe it is. April 15th tax rep funds came out and most middle class people did not get what they thought they deserved. So his idea and i think its the right one, democrats ought to be Holding Hearings on the tax cut and how its not helped the middle class. On the president s proposal to cut 2 trillion from medicare, medicaid, social security, in other words, get back to the meat and potatoes economic issues, democrats. Everyone, stick around. Up next, saving his job, new reports goiabout the lengths th Rod Rosenstein went to to try to convince President Trump to not fire him. Stay with us. Are you going 45 . Uh, yes. 55 is a suggestion. Its kind of like driving with his dad. What a sign, huh . Terry, can you take a selfie of me . Take a selfie of you . Yeah. Can you make it look like im holding it . He did show us how to bundle home and auto at progressive. Com and save a bunch of money. Oh, a plaque. He later navigated northward, leaving. Progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents. But we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. But we can protect your home and auto plants capture co2. What if other kinds of plants captured it too . If these industrial plants had technology that captured carbon like trees we could help lower emissions. Carbon capture is Important Technology and experts agree. Thats why were working on ways to improve it. So plants. Can be a little more. Like plants. What dit looks like georgeailure having a busy day. The beat goes on george has entresto, a Heart Failure medicine that helps his heart. So he can keep on doing what he loves. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. It helps improve your hearts ability to pump blood to the body. Dont take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if youve had angioedema with an ace or arb. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. The beat goes on ask your doctor about entresto for Heart Failure. That was great entrust your heart to entresto. The beat goes on we have some breaking news for you now. The Washington Post is reporting that Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein sought to reassure President Trump that he was on his team last fall, reportedly telling mr. Trump that he would make sure that he was treated fairly in the mueller probe. Quote, i give the investigation credibility, rosenstein said, in the words of one Administration Official offering their own characterization of the call. I can land the plane. This call happened, according to the Washington Post, shortly after the New York Times reported rosenstein discussed secretly recording the president. In response to the story, rosenstein tells cnn, quote, the only commitment i made to President Trump about the russia investigation is the same commitment i made to the congress, as long as i was in charge, it would be conducted appropriately and as expeditiously as possible, unquote. So paul, rosenstein oversaw the russia investigation. He helped the current attorney general, bill barr, spin, i think its fair to say, muellers findings to make them sound more favorable to trump than the 400plus pages actually did. He also helped make the determination that trump did not obstruct justice. So what do you make of this . I think hes trying to clean up his reputation going out the door. I think all of those things are true. I think he did a heroic job of protecting the investigation. Were only learning how much the president wanted to end that investigation. And the release also was pretty impressive, by barr and rosenstein. We got most of the Mueller Report released. I still think there are too many redactions, but short of National Security stuff, i dont think that the grand jury material should have been excluded. We have a right to that. You can go to the judge. There was a fear we werent going to see any of it. I agree. Sorry. He was complicit in the attorney general misleading the country and that is a really big deal. And hell have to live with that in his legacy. And then this bizarre conclusion that somehow mr. Mueller didnt see obstruction of justice, when you see ten different times, mueller basically said, he obstructed justice here, here, and here, but i cant charge him because your rules dont allow me to charge a sitting president. Your newspaper also reports that rosenstein had gotten tearyeyed in a meeting with chief of staff john kelly. A source said that rosenstein was actually not tearyeyed. Rosenstein unloaded in a speech last night, we should point out, on the obama administration, on james comey, and on the media. Heres a little bit of that. One silly question that i get from reporters is, is it true that you got angry and emotional a few times over the past two years . Heck, yes, didnt you . it is, i think, a mark of this administration that people come in and a lot of them wrestle with how to do their job. And some of them end up leaving with reputations worse off than they were before. Yeah, and as my wonderful colleagues point out in their story, this does really illustrate that tightrope that mr. Rosenstein has had to walk in the last two years. He has to be the defender of the russia probe, but hes also, at the same time, a trump Administration Official. He is a trump appointee. I do find it interesting, when and if democrats will really turn their focus on rosenstein at this point, we havent had that too much yet. But, as you both pointed out earlier, he did have a role with the attorney general, whom democrats are furious at, over how hes handled the rollout of the report. And other issues related to the investigation. He was part of that Decision Making to not pursue obstruction of justice charges. Right now, democrats obviously are going after barr, they do want to speak to mueller soon. And when they do they turn their attention to rosenstein at some point, well wait to see. I want you to take a listen, jeff, to President Trump denying that he told white House Counsel don mcgahn to fire special counsel Robert Mueller, which mcgan testified under oath about to Robert Mueller and provided contemporaneous notes and a contemporaneous account to his lawyer and he was testifying under threat of perjury. Take a listen. I never told don mcgahn to fire mueller. If i wanted to fire mueller, i would have done it myself. Its very simple. I had the right to, but im a student of history. I see what you get when you fire people. And its its not good. So, obviously, they see this as a vulnerability. They see it as a vulnerability, but also, it just is trying to create a new reality. Like, once again, like, the Mueller Report says what it says, and don mcgahn, you know, hell have to testify likely, at some point on this, so he has obviously shown that he is his own man on this and hes not beholden to the president and host telling an honest account here. So the president there, he has fired a lot of people. A lot of people have quit, but he doesnt actually fire as many as you think. And he was always afraid of firing mueller. So i think that hes just trying to rewrite history here. And maybe his hardcore base believes him, but the rest of us, i dont think will. And he also did not have the right to fire mueller. Only the attorney general could actually fire bob mueller. And you know, look, don mcgahn, the special counsel lays out pretty clear, trump tried multiple times to get him to fire mueller in this investigation. That is the strongest part of the obstruction of justice part of this. Stick around, everyone. President trump touts it as a signature accomplishment, but up next, why some military families, some gold star families are calling the new tax law an absolute betrayal. Stay with us. s. Hello to the best part of the day. With italian quality pizza. Get two medium, onetopping pizzas for just 6. 99 each. Every store. 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Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty a travesty in our National Lead. Advocates for gold star families who have lost loved ones in the military during a time of conflict, they plan to go to capitol hill next month over a disturbing consequence of President Trumps tax bill. The families of Fallen Service members saw the death benefits to which theyre entitled suddenly and unexpectedly taxed at a much higher rate. As cnns alex mar quartquardt r, some families are calling this an absolute betrayal by the u. S. Government. Reporter its been almost five years since Elizabeth Davis lost her husband, matt. He was a marine, a first lieutenant, father to aubrey, who was just 6 when her father died. As if that pain werent enough, aubrey, whos now 11, has just had to pay 10,000 in taxes on the benefits from her dads death. It is an absolute betrayal of the families who have already given so much, and this is, you know, money that is intended for children who are essentially orphaned. Davis is one of thousands of gold star widows grappling with President Trumps changes to the tax code, which have resulted in a surge in taxes on benefits to military families. I had a hard time understanding it at first. I thought, for sure, like, this figure is wrong. Theres no way she owes that much in taxes. But it wasnt. Reporter both the departments of defense and Veterans Affairs offer benefits to spouses of fallen troops. But the full amounts cant be received simultaneously. Theyre offset against each other. So, parents often put the taxable dod benefits in their childrens names, in order to receive both benefits at the same time and the new tax code then puts those kids into a bracket known as the kiddie tax, smacking them with taxes as high as 37 , which can be triple what it used to be. It changes everything, financially. Week to week and month to month. Reporter davis is giving politicians the benefit of the doubt, that they didnt set out to target military families. But she and others affected say that congress has to fix the problem to allow spouses to receive both benefits in full, so they dont to put them in their childrens names and get taxed so high. When you are at a military funeral and they are folding up, you know, in my instance, as theyre folding up my husbands flag off of his casket and the marine that handed it over to me said, this is on behalf of a grateful nation, im looking for someone to stand up for me in the way that my husband stood up for this country. Im looking for someone to take care of my daughter and my family in the way that i know my husband would do for this country. Jake, congress is taking action to try to rectify this. There are two bills, one in the house, the other in the senate. These efforts supported by a wide range of lawmakers from both parties. Now, a spokesman for the house ways and Means Committee tells cnn that the higher taxes for these Survivor Benefits were an unintended consequence of the tax bill. That they didnt realize it would affect these children of Fallen Service members. Jake . Well, then, they should fix it. Theyve paid enough. Alex mar quarter, thanks so much. Coming up next, whats motivating a woman who spent five years in prison to head to the hill to lobby members of congress . Stay with us. My experience with usaa has been excellent. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another Insurance Company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa were the webber family. 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Pam nguyen spent five years in prison for bank and health care fraud. Oh, and im a democrat, but im voting for you. All the time. Reporter never imaging that she would be lobbying members of congress in the years after her release in 2013. So i felt like the least that i could do is to fight and try and do something to stop this so nobody would have to experience it again. Reporter while wynn was pregnant and awaiting sentencing, she stumbled while her ankles and hands were shackled. I was sent a medical request for several weeks and nobody responded to me. I never got scene. I ended up miscarrying before i could get any care. Reporter the prison says it has no records of complaints substantiating wynns claim. She fought for a provision in the First Step Act that prohibits the shackling of pregnant women. The bill was signed into law in december and is the Biggest Initiative the federal government has ever taken to reduce the number of people in federal custody. Among other provisions, it shortens mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent drug offenses and eases the three strikes rule, to impose a mandatory 25year sentence instead of life. Wynn shared her story with republican congressman doug collins who cosponsored the bill. As we started this, we started getting calls from all over the country to say, this is what my story is. Reporter the First Step Act has already led to the release of nearly 650 federal inmates. Including april johnson. Thank you for signing the bill. I got on compassionate release for my daughter. Reporter who is now at home in georgia taking care of her 24monthold daught2 24yearold daughter who has terminal cancer. Its time for us to really take a fundamental look at why were so focused on punishment and retribution and how we can start promoting healing and opportunities for people to succeed that make our communities safer. Lawmakers say plans are already in the works for a second step act. Jessica schneider, cnn, atlanta. More stories like this on the redemption project with van jones thats this sunday night at 9 00 on cnn. And you can join me for state of the union this sunday. My guest will be white House Counselor Kellyanne Conway and 2020 president ial candidate, congressmans seth moulton. That is sunday morning from 9 00 to noon only here on cnn. Have a great weekend. Ill see you sunday morning. Happening now. Breaking news. Lie to the public . New poll numbers just out show 58 think President Trump lied to the American People about matters at the heart of the Mueller Report, which he continues to try to discredit. Tonight, he has a new line of attack. Running scared . President Trump Defends his response to the white supremacist rally in charlottesville, trying to rewrite what he said after joe biden makes it a centerpiece of his campaign announcement. Is the president running scared of his newest democratic challengers . Cashing in. The Biden Campaign says it hauled in 6. 3 million in just 24ho

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