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The days top stories from around the world, from politics and money, to sports and pop culture. Saw as obvious that he is all about protecting trump. Good afternoon, everyone. We begin with the politics lead. President trump seemingly signaling he could be taking some sort of move against the Special Counsel Investigation Tweeting out a series of debunked claims about the probe before writing quote stay tuned. It was eight days ago that the president tweeted that Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stop the Mueller Investigation. Keep in mind this president did fire the then fbi director with the russia probe foremost on his mind. We could hear directly from the president as he is hosting a Round Table Event from new jersey and also possibly factoring in the stand off between him and mueller about whether the president will ever sit for an interview. Rudy giuliani saying the president will not answer muellers questions about his decision to fire comey or any e the president s lawyer Rudy Giuliani now saying the russia investigation could be a life line for trump in the Mid Term Elections. Giuliani telling cnn the continuance of the investigation would help because people are getting tired of it and the president needs something to energize his voters. Its a witch hunt hoax. Reporter the president repeating his rallying cry saying this is an illegally brought rigged witch hunt. His lawyers still insist they are open to having the president sit down with the Special Counsel if Obstruction Of Justice questions are set aside. The reality is he doesnt need to ask a single question on obstruction. He has the answers. The president is not going to change his testimony. Stop the nonsense. Reporter mueller is not commenting on the negotiations. Giuliani is and seems to be inviting a mid term election show down. I think if it isnt over by and the Prosecutor Says it. If another witness says that not the what happened, now you get charged with a crime. I think that is why lawyers are saying we dont know who is cooperating and saying what, making it up, not making it up. That is why we cant have you go in and kind of wing it with a really important investigation. Its not just that he might lie. It might be a witness that comes in and says i remember something completely different. If they find another witness that says that now he has a problem and they can charge him with perjury. Its a question of whether he said he said versus he said he said he said. His decision to fire comey was only in his head. The meeting with comey in which he allegedly brought up flynn was just the two of them. I guess there are other meetings in terms of when he talked to sessions and rosenstein when coming up for the excuse for firing comey. There is a constant concern among the president s advisers of the people around the president flipping on him. There is a fear that these people are going to flip on him but the never gets back to what are they flipping on him for . Clearly there is a fear there. The question that bob mueller is trying to figure out is what is the fear and is there valuable information that they can turn over . Why Didnt He Say Donald Trump would be interested in bringing this investigation to a close . I know Rudy Giuliani argues that. They need to keep this going. If trump refuses to speak with mueller he puts mueller in a position of im going to subpoena the president. Why would you subpoena the president if you are not going to indict him . Mueller might write his report and we know donald trump will write his report. His son could get wrapped up one snapshot happened in ohio where it is neck and neck right now with Senator Balderson and oconnor. In a district where he won 11 of the vote, the president , it is still too close to call. Im not sure this will necessarily energize the base in a way that gets the political calculus they are looking for. Support for the Mueller Investigation keeps dropping as the president keeps waging his campaign against him. The demonizing of Robert Mueller is working. Its been incredibly effective. That is why when you look at what giuliani has said you look through a political lens. The reason he is the president s Chief Attorney is because he has the political experience and lens through which he views the world. When he is talking about the Mid Term Elections and the value of drawing this out, you have to take him seriously. You have to take the possibility seriously that the president is happy to go back and forth with Robert Mueller exchanges these letters about a potential interview all the way into the mid terms. Thats why when we see the president having dinner with Rudy Giuliani tonight you have to keep in mind they are not just talking about the letter but how many more letters Rudy Giuliani said something completely untrue last night on fox news about the investigation and how the investigation cant even continue through the mid terms. I want you to take a listen because as a former fbi agent you know the facts. I think if it isnt over by september then we have a very, very serious violation of the Justice Department rules. You shouldnt be conducting one of these investigations in the 60day period. Thats not right. There was an old precedent in the fbi that if you had an investigation that didnt look like it was going to come to any decision within 60 days of an election of an elected official then you pause for the election to happen. You didnt want to influence it. You dont make any announcements during it. You can still continue the investigation. You can do all of that. You dont stop the investigation. It doesnt mean your clock runs out. He said you shouldnt be conducting one of these investigations with 60 days. Thats not accurate. You are not supposed to Say Something publically. They cant come out 60 days and say we are going to serve a warrant on your house this week as a part of this investigation. By the way, its a rule that isnt really hard pressed, either. As james comey showed us in 2016 and other places. If you look in public corruption places around the country they have dipped into the 60day rule for whatever extenuating circumstances. The Trump Legal Team Doesnt View Bob Mueller in the same way as james comey. They think he will try to respect it. Coming up next, trial and error. The feisty judge in the Manafort Trial is calling out his own behavior in court. The ambitious plans laid out to create the United States space force. The Trump Administration is all in. What about congress . What about the pentagon . 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The bigger question, of course, could the judges style sway the jury away from the prosecution . Kara, some of these exchanges have been quite testy as i understand it. Reporter thats right. Yesterday the judge admonished the prosecutors for reminding the judge of his ruling from the day before. This morning he came into court after prosecutors asked to address this to the jury. The judge called the jury in. He said put aside any criticism, i was probably wrong in that. This Robe Doesnt Make Me anything other than human. This is now the tenth day of the trial. You know it is tough when they began bringing in the case. They have several vendors who were the people who sold Paul Manafort his mercedesbenz and ostrich jacket. The judge criticized prosecutors then when they wanted to show pictures of the evidence. The judge said mr. Manafort is not on trial for having a lavish lifestyle. This is something that does happen in courts. Judge ellis is a judge who likes to command his courtroom and move it along. There was an exchange that took place on a side bar where he was giving prosecutors another hard time. This is where they were just having a discussion, the judge said look at me when you are talking to me. The prosecutor responded these are not tears in my eyes, judge. The judge said they are watering. The defense hasnt began their case. Well wait to see if the judge does take a hard line on them. It doesnt necessarily mean he is putting a thumb on the scale. This is a case with a lot of documentary evidence. It looks like he is trying to move it along especially when he sees evidence that he might be seeing repetitiveness. We have assistant u. S. Attorney. The judge in reprimanding the prosecution or defense might influence the jurors in how they think about this. I clerked for a judge like this. He did the same thing. I think that the jury can see through and focus on the facts in the law. There is an argument to be made for this kind of tight courtroom producing a better result for both sides. Its harder to get away with stuff. I think this judge is mindful of a possible appeal. If there is a conviction he wants to make sure couldnt it if there is not a conviction the government cant appeal it, that is it. Is it always better to lean on the prosecution to be tougher with them than with the defense . Judges handle it different ways. Some of us are old enough to remember the o. J. Trial where things are kind of out of control. That is actually not a good outcome. That being said, judges command a tremendous amount of authority and there might be people who say this judge doesnt like this prosecutor. Maybe i shouldnt trust the prosecutor. That is something to be mindful. Is it reversible error . Probably not. How common are these kinds of reprimands and how unusual is an apology from a judge . Some judges are extremely cordial and gentle and kind and dont get into that all. How unusual is an apology . It strikes me that that is not something that a guy like this does easily. That is somewhat unusual. Normally if Something Like that happens there could be a request in the Jury Instructions before the jury goes back to deliberate to say maybe this will be included. What comes out from the court is not evidence. But frankly i think it was refreshing to see someone in that kind of position of power admit that he made a mistake and that he is only human. I think we should all kind of take a note from that page. We dont see a lot of that in todays society. Secret tape revealed. House Intelligence Committee chairman suggesting what many have thought for months. Hear the recording yourself coming up next. Ion is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Join the fight with the alzheimers association. You may be learning about, medicare and supplemental insurance. 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The controversial chairman of the house Intelligence Committee, republican devon nunez of california is once again under fire in a secret recording, nunez says republicans must retain the majority in order to protect President Trump from the Mueller Investigation. The Comment Signaling that nunez has corrupted the committee he chairs. The remark was made during a closed door fundraiser. Republicans today are suggesting that nunez is stating what many believe that if democrats win the house they will begin Impeachment Proceedings so republicans need to keep the majority. Some are not commenting including paul ryan. Kathie rogers is in a tough reelection fight of her own. This recording taking at a fundraiser with nunez and her. This is all the latest surrounding the controversial chairman of the house Intelligence Committee. Devon nunez in private confirming democrats long Standing Suspicion that he believes House Republicans must protect President Trump from Robert Mueller. Its like your classic catch 22 situation where the process is such a tough spot. Reporter speaking at a private Fundraiser Nunez was secretly recorded saying the house g. O. P. Must retain the majority this fall for one clear reason. If we have we have to keep the majority. If we do not keep the majority all of this goes away. Reporter it is the latest controversy in nunezs tenure atop the powerful committee. Last year he rushed to brief the president about his concern in secret intelligence reports. These intelligence reports are out there and i have a duty to tell him that. Reporter despite stepping aside from running the russia probe he continued to exert his influence. Privately he mounted his own investigation into the Justice Department to sow doubt over the mueller probe. Its courageous. Congressman devon nunez. Reporter it Cull Miinated in the release of the socalled nunez memo. A conclusion democrats reject. Its appalling. Its a misrepresentation. Reporter nunez soldiered on, this time threatening to impeach rod rosenstein, the man who oversees the Mueller Investigation for not providing enough records to congress. At the Fundraiser Nunez said impeachment should wait until after the Senate Confirms Brett Kavanagh to the supreme court. So i dont think you are going to get an argument from most of our colleagues. The question is the timing of it right before the election. Reporter as nunez has demanded more documents from rosenstein we have been told he has not read some of the key documents including one he is reading now which is the full copy of the application to Surveill Carter page. He wants that publically released but has not gone to the Justice Department to read it. My experts are back with me. Mike rogers, you used to be the chairman of the house Intelligence Committee. I want to play the full comment made by nunez and get your reaction. So its like your classic catch 22 situation where were at a it puts us in such a tough spot. If sessions wont unrecuse and mueller wont clear the president were the only ones we have to keep all of these seats. We have to keep the majority. If we do not keep the majority all of this goes away. What democrats and other critics are saying is it is not the job of the house Intelligence Committee chairman to protect President Trump. It is the job to find out what happened and share that information with the American People. A partisan member goes to a partisan event and gives a partisan speech. The problem is that the dysfunction of the Intelligence Committee. Both sides have been far too aggressive partisan in these investigations. Now you dont know what is right. The democrats issue their report. The republicans issue their report. Is that right . The only way we get to the bottom of what is happening in all of this is through these i. G. Investigations. D. O. J. Is looking at the fisa issue. They looked at the Clinton Emails and said there were mistakes made. Those are important to correct. What you have now is this absolute scrum on what is happening inside the Intelligence Committee and why partisanship has no business in there. They are issuing subpoenas too. Just like you dont want the fbi to be partisan you dont want the power of a Congressional Committee in the intelligence business issuing a partisan subpoena either. Just to remind our viewers, you were the chairman when there was a bipartisan report on what happened with benghazi. He doesnt know what a catch 22 situation is. He is in one. The shady things he is doing to protect the president are actually putting him on a path to imperilling the president. It is funny to me that this is viewed as somewhat as a devon nunez problem. He was speaking at a fundraiser for number four in the house. I think it is an interesting choice that she has him headlining her fundraiser. My question for leadership is that are you putting your stamp of approval for the house intelligence chairman to speak in this manner to view his role as protecting the president . I hear a lot of impeachment talk being tossed around. The republicans are the only ones campaigning on impeachment. You have to elect republicans to protect him and use my role as chairman to protect him. That was his message at a fundraiser. So thats the position of the party is the president more guilty than that seems to be an admission of guilt. The idea that he is vulnerable to something coming from mueller. They seem to be very worried about this. That is an argument we will hear republicans making more and more. I talked to one republican strategist today who said you are going to see more people make the same argument that devon nunez did Behind Closed Doors out in public because there is this Enthusiasm Gap between the Republican Base and Democratic Base and 2018 will be all about turning the republicans who turned out in 2016 because they supported the president but may not have in the past and getting them to show up. One of the ways to do that is through fear and through this fear of if democrats take back the house and take control of the senate you are not only going to see an impeachment, you could see the president removed from office. The Impeachment Process we all know is a political process, however, nunez was telling the truth. He just laid out there that he cares more about the president and the president holding this office whether he has done right or wrong above democracy. He cares more about his relationship with the president. He cares more about protecting the president than he does about the people and getting at the truth. He laid bare for the American People to see this is the job. We can protect our political behinds. Your former official state senator in ohio what is the hunger among progressives for impeachment . Do they want impeachment . Some do. For me, i have been to about 33 states in the last ten months. People really are still very much focussed on those bread and butter issues that dont get a chance to bubble to the top because we have to constantly endure the drama that is this president. As long as we continue to collectively play on his ground, his platform then the needs of the American People are never met. Can we look at the investigations . Can we look at all of the things, the strife that is happening in this country and at the same time deal with the every day needs, medicare for all, clean water. There was a period of time about a month and a half ago where our sisters and brothers in iowa, for example. We never get a chance to talk about the issues because we get trapped and wrapped up into all things President Trump. We only have 30 seconds. He talked about impeaching rosenstein after the Mid Term Elections are over assuming that the republicans hold on to the majority. No Administration Member not including president s has been impeached since i think 1876 when the Secretary Of War was impeached. Do you think that is a good road for the republicans to go down . I think it is asinine that they talk about it. If they wanted to hold him in contempt as eric holder was held in contempt for not giving documents that is a different conversation. They have an obligation to answer subpoenas. Talk about impeachment, for what . Because they disagree with the direction of the investigation. It makes no sense. I hear why they are doing it. I think it is a mistake. There are democratic president ial candidates running on impeachment. Some notion that only republicans are talking about it we are not hearing the ground swell of that. We are coming back. We will have more panel discussions. It sounds like this is really happening. The Trump Administration announced the grand plan to create the space force. The new deadline to get it done next. This is amazing. With moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, are you okay . Even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. So i talked to my doctor about humira. I learned humira can help get, and keep Uc Under Control when other medications havent worked well enough. And it helps people achieve control that lasts. So you can experience few or no symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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I think i heard today that his opponent hasnt really raised much money and there is not much going on there. It does kind of feed this general notion that a lot of the people who have been associated with the president are increasingly coming under federal investigation or indictments or the trial of Paul Manafort. Chris collins, i covered the Trump Campaign and he was one of the earliest to support the president. He formed a trump caucus with a handful of other members at a time when most were trying to stay as far away from trump as possible. That being said, sources that i have talked to say they are not particularly close. The president is closer with a lot of other members of congress. There is this kind of stain of Chris Collins association with the president and how that carries further is up to the voters. Democrats in 2006 did this thing about a Culture Of Corruption. This is after the mark foley scandal. Im just saying can be tough when there are head winds already for one party to have individual members of that party get in trouble with the law. Completely. I dont think it is enough. I read the indictment. It looks pretty clear cut to me. I think he will have an uphill legal battle. They will start feeding the Conspiracy Theory that the only reason this happened is for that reason. I think that republicans will make a big mistake if they are only centered on we need to be there for trump. What we find with Republican Voters now is that they are saying dont like the persona, love the policy. I can hold my nose for some time because i like the policy that is being implemented. Republicans need to go home and talk about economics, jobs, the economy, education, health care, all the things that there are republican and conservative answers for and things that they have accomplished. Small business through some of the regulatory relief is hiring more people than ever including africanamericans and hispanics and minority populations. I would get away from all of this other stuff. What do you think in terms of democrats using the Chris Collins indictment as a way to paint a picture of corruption . You have manafort, rick gates, scott pruitt and his ethical problems. It is the gift that keeps giving. He talked about draining the swamp. It is his swamp. You drain other folks swamp but not your swamp. Dealing with that is one thing. Say it but also the other side of this is that what are we running for . The democrats should point out the atrocities that are happening under the republicans. They also have to say to the people this is what we will do when we get the power. It cant be a one sided proposition to motivate people to come out to vote. You have to continue to talk about what you are going to do when you get the power. Let me put up the full screen if i can for others. Washington post reporting they invested in the Bio Tech Company collins was on the board of. And then also it dove tails with tom prices resignation, former health and Human Services director who resigned. People figure it is mostly because of the expensive plane rides but he was grilled by democrats on capitol hill about the Health Stocks that he bought and traded and sold while he was a member of congress with oversight over those issues. This does get into a trump issue, a republican issue. There are all of these scandals going on that we dont have a chance to talk about with wilbur ross right now. So this is a bigger issue that dove tails with a lot of Culture Of Corruption themes that republicans havent had time to answer for. I think it also flows from the democrats that made this argument that it flows from the top. We have seen the president have kind of a different attitude about ethical laws, about his practices with his business. So obviously democrats will say this is the Trump Presidency and trump era. Turning now to the battle for control over the final frontier. Vice president pence announcing the creation of a multi dimensional space force. Because of the way the proposal has been presented and scoffed at there has been a lack of serious discussion of what many experts consider to be a legitimate need for the u. S. To fend off threats from adversaries that have brought new weapons of war into space itself. Barbara starr picks up the story. Reporter President Trump calling for a Radical Change in u. S. War fighting. We have the army, navy, air force, the marines, the coast guard. We have the air force. Now we are going to have the space force. We need it. Reporter today at the pentagon Vice President mike pence unveiling details of the white house plan. The time has come to establish the United States space force. Reporter pence making the case the u. S. Is under threat. Russia and china, north korea and iran have pursued weapons to jam, blind and disable our Communication Satellites. Reporter in 2007 china used a missile to destroy one of its own out of date satellites. What if it had been targeting u. S. Satellites . What that means is that it put every single thing that we have in space at risk, that includes gps communications, all of the Communication Satellites that we have, all of the things we depend on nowadays for our daily life was all of a sudden put at risk by that one action by the chinese in 2007. Reporter the kremlin working on a similar threat. Russia has been designing an air borne laser to disrupt our space based system and claims to be developing missiles that can be launched from an aircraft mid flight. Reporter defense secretary james mattis was initially unenthusiastic about adding more to the pentagon telling congress in 2017 i do not wish to add a separate service that would likely present a narrower and even parochial approach to space operations. Mattis now says he is on board with the plan. Congress would have to approve a new branch of the military. And there are questions if more Military Offices are the right solution for a 21st century threat. I think this is maybe the wrong bureaucracy for the problem. Reporter if there was an attack one analyst says it can push American Life back into the 1940s and 50s. No internet, no weather forecasting, no online activity. Barbara starr at the pentagon. Was it really a make shift Shooting Range used to train children to be terrorists here in the United States . The Text Messages raising new suspicions about the compound where 11 children were found abused in new mexico. Stay with us. Not so cute when theyre angry. And we covered it. 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Stop taking ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, itching, rash, or trouble breathing. Serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. Tell your doctor if you have Diabetic Retinopathy or vision changes. Taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase the risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. I discovered the potential with ozempic®. Oh oh oh ozempic® vo ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. The u. S. State department called upon the Saudiled Coalition fighting the war in yemen, a war that the United States is a part of to conduct an investigation into a horrific event. A warning the video we are about to show you some might find disturbing. Wounded children, these are the lucky ones who survived after their school bus was blown up in an air strike in yemen. Officials in the area held by rebels say dozens of children many on their way to summer camps were killed in the saudi arabiaen led attack. 50 people were killed in all. The red cross said one hospital received 29 dead bodies of Mainmain Ly Children Under 15 years old. Its unclear whether the school bus was specifically targeted. The saudis are backed by american intelligence and air support. Amnesty International Says civilians account for two thirds of the thousands killed in yemen since the war began. One activist said the saudis have shown they have no ability or interest without conducting the war without massive civilian casualties and are doing so with arms, intelligence and air support provided by u. S. Tax dollars. The father of the man accused of Training Children to be School Shooters speaks for the first time saying his son must have a Mental Disorder where 11 children ranging in age from 1 to 15 were being abused. The father was a Character Witness for the World Trade Center bombing master mind. You have the text mess mg messa one of the suspects. Reporter he seems to be asking for things like Borrowing Equipment or taking his wife to the grocery store. What is odd is he had his own vehicle. He says he cant leave this compound during the day light hours. This is a strange fact in a story that keeps getting stranger. When sheriffs deputies raided this remote compound in northern new mexico they found 11 children forced to live in squalor. It is hard to imagine a more appalling scene. According to the criminal complaints for child abuse filed against five adults on the compound a Foster Parent says the adults had trained the child in the use of an assault rifle. The accusation has not been proven in court. In a statement the suspects attorney questioned the basis of the allegation. An ar15 and six other guns were found on the compound and had its own make shift shooting range. Local sheriffs considered the occupants armed extremists. One was wanted in georgia after disappearing to new mexico with his then 3yearold son late last year. We want to find out what happened. If it is against them we stand in judgment. Reporter his father spoke to reporters today. He is the first muslim to lead a prayer in the house of representatives and served as a Character Witness for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. My son can be a little bit extreme. When i say extreme, not radical killing people stuff like that, just a little bit high strung. Reporter according to a Search Warrant two of the children told social workers that lucas morton had buried the body of a long missing child near a primitive bathroom. Police located the remains but have not identified them. Cnn has obtained Text Messages between a neighbor and a man he says is morton. He can only leave the compound after dark explaining only that it is gods orders. His father said his son lacked resources to safely live off the grid. The day before the raid he sent his father a text. They ran out of money and they were starving. Reporter and that tunnel that deputies mentioned in their Search Warrant starts over there under that white plastic tarp. It resurfaces right over here about 40 yards away. There is a ladder inside of it. It is barely big enough for the tiniest of humans to get out of it or into it. Why it is built is really

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