Once again, thats a question that the fbi and other intelligence communities, they make determination. Thats not something decided by the white house. It is the same way that it has been im sorry. I missed part of your question. Can you guarantee that you are protecting classified information when you have someone like rob port here didnt have a permanent security clearance i think were taking every step we can to protect classified information. If you have such concern with classified information, theres plenty of it that has leaked out of the hill, out of other communities, well beyond the white house walls. If you guys have real concerns about leaking out classified information, look around this room. Ture ones that publish classified information and put National Security at risk. That doesnt come from this white house. We take every precaution possible to protect classified information and certainly to protect National Security. It is the president s number one priority, protecting the citizens of this country. It is why we spend every single day doing everything we can to do that. And i think if anyone is publishing or putting out publicly classified information, it is members of the press, not the white house. At the end of last week the president said everyone could have done a better job handling this situation. Have you identified anything specific . Youve mentioned Law Enforcement agencies and the fbi and their process. What about your process . Has the white house identified anything could have been done better . I think we are looking at that internally and agreeing that there are things we could have done better and well continue to look at the process and the role we all played and how we can do it better. Not just in this. I think every day we come to work and we hope to do a better job than we did the day before. Well keep doing that every morning we come to work. Well continue on. Thats our goal and thats what well do in every situation as we recognized last week, there were things we could have done better and well certainly look at every single instance and everything we do. How we can always do it a little better than the day before. The story before it came out, the white house praises rob porter, the photo comes out, wednesday afternoon, the white house continues to praise rob porter. Chief of staff john kelly said he acted 40 minutes within knowing the allegations. Can you explain that . As i am, ill going to repeat what i said earlier. Weve learned of this situation involving rob porter tuesday evening. Within 24 hours his resignation was announced. We announced the transition and within hours it happened. I dont have anything else to add to that. I can tell that you a conversation took place within 40 minutes. Beyond that, i dont have anything else to add. We reported and others have too that don mcgahn wassed over a number of months, that he was told by the exgirlfriend, by the fbi, that he was told about these accusations and didnt do anything. Can you explain why no actions were taken by don mcgahn . Those conversations that were reported are not accurate. You keep saying the president says he takes glef very seriously. Moving forward, how seriously will he take it . To raise awareness, particularly, i asked this last week, has this administration ended the violence against women office as well as closing down, what will be new and different as it relates to combatting this . I believe there is an individual in the nomination process to run an Office Specific to Domestic Violence and when we have that process completed, well make personnel announcement bust we are in process of doing that. On infrastructure. Infrastructure is about jobs crease and youre talking about rural america. When you talk about these jobs, are there going to be guidelines as to who can and who wont be hired . Not that im aware of anything to that nature. A lot of the infrastructure projects, during obama years, a lot of those jobs went to hispanics. A lot of those jobs were never completed or started. They were announced but nothing ever happened on they will. Were expecting to announce complete projects versus just announce go. I think youve answered this but i wanted to clarify. Bits the white House Counsel don mcgahn. Are you staying white House Counsel never learned until last tuesday that there was any allegation of any sort that was ever leveled against rob porter . Again, im not going into the specific details of how the process works but i can say that we learned of the extent of this situation. Who is we . The white house generally. To don mcgahn specifically though, had he learned at any time before last tuesday when the story was broken by the daily mail that there was any allegation of any sort leveled by any person against rob porter . Again, i cant get into the specifics. I can tell you that the process for the back ground was ongoing and the white house had not received any specific papers regarding the completion of. Back ground check. So i cant go any further on that. Thank you, sarah. Two brief questions as a followup to the last two questions. What is don mcgahns status as counsel right now . I think the same as it was two weeks ago, two months ago, a year ago. Hes the head of the white House Counsel and i have no indication to see differently. And the other question is, senator corker said last night, he was reconsidering and possibly will reverse his decision not to seek reelection. Already a republican primary is in process in the state. What is the president s view . Should senator corker run again . Would he try persuade him to or urge him to go back home to tennessee . We havent had that conversation about senator corkers plans. As always, i cant weigh in on the specifics of the potential of a race but i would have to talk to the president before making a comment. One last question, frank . That the National Debt is a crisis. Does the president still believe it is a crisis . I missed the first part. The national what . The National Debt. If the National Debt is a crisis, why hit the gas pedal instead of the brake when it comes to spending this. The president , one of the biggest and Top Priorities of the president s first year in office was to pass the tax cuts and jobs act which we think will have a big impact on that moving forward. It has been a major focus on the economy. And the budget today that provides funding for the president s priorities, including National Security. The president also knows that one of the most important jobs he has is protecting this country. Therefore, the need for rebuilding our military that had been ignored for so long. Infrastructure, focusing on defeating the opioids crisis and the border wall. Title, the budget reduces the deficit by over 3 trillion. And it not only funds the president s priorities but puts the country on a path to restoring fiscal discipline. I would encourage you to stick around and talk to director mulvany who will be happy to talk about the budget and other things in the next bit. When will the president come do a press conference . Welcome to the lead. Sarah sanders attempting to defend the administrations handling of the Domestic Violence allegations against former top aide rob port he. She said that the president takes it very seriously. Sanders saying the president supports the victims but it seems a countradiction. She said the president this avoided any mention of the three women who made accusations to the press directly on the record and also to the fbi. My Political Panel is here with me. So first of all, lets just remind people where we were wednesday when the allegation broke, first in the daily mail and then in the intercept. Two exwives on the record, alleging Domestic Abuse. One with the photograph of a black eye. The other with a police report. John kelly had a statement in which he praised the integrity and honor of rob porter. Rob porter is a man of true integrity and honor and i cant say enough request things about him. I am proud to serve alongside him. Remind us what Sarah Sanders said to the press when these allegations first surfaced tuesday night and went. The first one was tuesday night. A second daily mail story came out wednesday morning and this was about roughly 2 00 p. M. At the briefing that day. Sarah sanders, they had issued a statement where she said, quote, i work directly with rob porter nearly every day for the the last year and the person sing someone of the highest integrity and exemplary character. Those of us who have privilege of knowing him are better people for it. Thats after two stories of exwives of Domestic Violence and a black eye. And Sarah Sanders says the white house is still doing a remarkably bad job. Shes saying john kelly had a conversation with rob porter within 40 minutes of finding out about the extent of the allegations. That does not match our reporting which says that john kelly knew about it months ago. It also doesnt match the time line that we all saw play out in realtime tuesday night and wednesday. I want to play this out. Shes talking about how the white house had handled this consistently with an eye toward the victims the entire time. It is obviously not true but lets play the sound. We learned of the extent of the situation involving rob port he last tuesday evening, within 24 hours, his resignation had been accepted and announced. We announce ad transition would happen and within hours did it. The president and the entire administration take Domestic Violence very seriously and believe all allegations need to be investigated thoroughly. Above tall president supports victims of Domestic Violence and believes everyone should be treated fairly and due process. Weve addressed this extensively and we have nothing more to add. So this idea that the president supports above all victims of Domestic Violence, it was not so on tuesday or wednesday or friday. But now theyre saying they learned about porter and he was gone. They keep repeating that, that they take it seriously. Theyre saying the words but the actions arent lining up. All the reporting shows that they knew about it. They just found out about and it follow the time line. If they just found out about it, they still werent reacting appropriately. Even the idea that you need picture. When you have two exwives on record saying this, and they could have merely maybe done a little digging on their own. And they could have found out more about it. Even with that knowledge, that was enough. Lets just take it again, face value. We need a picture of a bruise. Now you have the bruise and theyre still saying it. Even if you look at the second statement. You have the president going on record, on camera saying, not saying a word about the we will and treating porter almost like a victim. So it is not adding up with reality. It sounded like they were nominating him for saint hood. Forget that they were talking about an abuser. Were all better for having worked for him and now theyre talking about as if theyre activists on behalf of Domestic Violence victims. It is within the realm of possibility someone like the can trick people in a professional set go. It happens a lot. But once plunge hyde is there, you dont go on praising mr. Jeckyl as one of the best guys youve ever met. 200 act once you know the information. It is pretty clear they knew it. And nonof this is matching up. We found out tuesday night. Why on wednesday at the briefing they saying, not only didnt ask him to resign. He chose to resign and hes going on to ensure a smooth transition. Youre going to let someone who battered two exwives stick around . In terms of classified information, this was interesting. It was pointed out in the briefing. Somebody at the position of staff sheekt is in charge of getting information in front of President Trump needs to have a high security clearance. Having these allegations out there is, obviously, susceptible to blackmail. Forget bad press the white house has now. Is susceptible to blackmail. When she was asked, her response was to blame the fbi for a faulty process and b, to blame the media for reporting on other secrets. She cant really have it both ways. It cant be terrible when the media leaks things. And there for a while, they were literally obsessed with that. And then be completely ingive someone at the highest levels of government can be black mailed and has access to all this information. You cant have it both ways. Because she was asked about this, and she steamed provide very little rt in terms of answers about what anyone in the white house knew and when. Whether white House Counsel don mcgahn or chief of staff john kelly. No question. Were back to square wound this idea of interim security clearances. Last tweak white house says it will release more information to make it more understood about the security clearances. The pernlt at the center is not porter but jared kushner. Many appointees still do not have their security clearances. This is an issue this white house has not talked about. The entire rob porter situation shined a light on all of this. In this briefing they wouldnt answer the questions of why those security clearances arent granted. Yes, it takes some time but the question is, why is it taking so long on so many people including jared kushner. One person at the center of this is don mcgahn. The fbi does not make recommendations. This he just provide information. It is up to the white house to make a decision. What did don mcgahn know about this . She would not answer the questions about the chief counsels role in this. Im not sure this briefing provided any more information or did anything to move beyond all of this. You had the sense last week that there was more of a time for just answering every question out there. But it steameemed to me to be m retrenching. The white house again is not providing the answers. The security clearance is something that goes well beyond rob porter. Thats an active situation for at least 30 white house officials and political appointee thats it has real consequences. All right. Thanks. The white house seems to think they can keep not answering questions and not providing any sort of time line on this and the questions will go away. And i dont think they will. This is such a clear big mistake. Not only by the people in the normal trump circle but theyre part of this. I wonder if the deeper problem with they will not having security clearances and not having a normally staffed white house led to mcgahn and kelly who would have normal lly actedn this, keeping themselves ignorant because they had one . There. Im trying to think why this would have happened but that may be part of this as well of the will. I think they should highlight what fwhepd the president. Sarah sanders was asked if the president er believes rob porters exwives. She just said he believes in due process. When asked about the response, Sarah Sanders said the president literally dictated the statement she read at the beginning of the briefing. Should i note the oval office is roughly 30 feet away from the press briefing room. He could have walked out and said this. He could have tweeted it. He could have said it when he was in a room full of cameras. We havent heard the president be critical of rob porter yet. On friday, he beckoned the cameras into the room so comake statement praising rob porter. The other thing is the question wasnt just about his Public Statement in fare of rob porter. It was about his history of statements, mike tyson, bill clinton before he was running against his wife, roy moore, roger ailes, bill oreilly, there are too many to count but you get the point. Steve wynn. Theres a record of men other behave terribly toward women and to see that this is photographic evidence, contemporary evidence. Weve got many people saying the same m. O. And they were talking to the fbi for these clearances. They werent talking to just friends which is collaborating as well of will. Who is denying due process . The white house. If they believe that he didnt get his due process, then they have only themselves to blame. The reality is there are two women on the record that the fbi believed. Who are trained to determine whether or not people are telling truth. You have a third person, an exgirlfriend, who had reached out to these women along before the white house. So it involves a lot of doctorsness that somehow theyve gotten together. Exwives are not natural allies. The second wife is more likely to be suspicious of the first wife. But they are now, they have this similar story. And this girlfriend, whose name we dont know, or we havent published, rather, apparently reportedly reached out the don mcgahn because she was concerned about hope hicks, the White House Communications director who is reportedly romantically involved with rob porter. And we heard the white house again don mcgahn knew a year ago about these allegations which is what the Washington Post has reported. But we know the senior staff knew in detail about these allegations as early as last fall, including the chief of staff. And the white house has had five days to get their story state for who knew what when. Instead theyre creating time lines that dont match up and were continuing to see that six days after he resigned. I know this is the smallest defense of the list. But hope hicks who is the Communications Direct or should have made it clear that she would not be involved in the response because she has a conflict of interest. Do you think her judgment was clouded and because the president trusts her so much, that might have created everything were witnessing here . The buck stops with the president. It is very hard to understand the emotional ins and outs of the white house. Even if her judgment were not clouded, you just say im stepping away. Today Sarah Sanders was asked what could have been done better. The Deputy Press Secretary said that last week. There was reporting that President Trump didnt like it when he said it but Sarah Sanders steamed report it. I think were looking at that. Were going to continue to look at the process and the role we all played and how we can do it better. Not just in this but every day we come to work. Were going to keep doing that every morning we come to work. Those words dont mean a lot if theyre not trying improve the process here in terms of what the public understands. Ultimately they work for the ultimate process. The security clearance is that why they retacted way they did. Theyre saying they wish they had done a better job. The same thing they said last week. Something you dont often hear out of the white house is a semiapology for something we should have done better. We reported the president was not pleased last week. The white house isnt giving us what actually happened in the time line of the will and mis r she wrote, the president of the United States just called you a lawyer. Yes, she writes, miss willoughby said, so he did. If the most powerful people in the nation do not believe my story of abuse in the face of overwhelming evidence, what hope do others have of being heard . What does this say about how seriously the white house takes this . This is the opposite message of what theyre saying. The problem here. This is, he has a real knack also for animating the people hes going to battle with. The women in this case might not have been so vociferous had he not implied that they were lying. You get peoples backs up and they will make clear they wont be victimized again. Everyone, stick around. Can democrats capitalize on the snoemt one leading voice from the party will join me with how that might work. [cheers] thats all it takes . Guess ill bring a can of this stuff everywhere. Yeah then ill become the worlds best dad. Made with real cream. Reddiwip. Instant greatification. 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Here is press secretary Sarah Sanders responding about why the president didnt put out a statement about victims of Domestic Violence last week. I spoke with the president and those are directly his words that he gave me. Why hasnt he said that . The president with the entire administration take Domestic Violence very seriously and believe all allegations need to be thoroughly investigated the and above all, the president supports the victims of Domestic Violence. Your response . This president has more sympathy for Domestic Abusers than the victims of Domestic Abuse. It is just sad. It is a continuing litany weve heard from this president. Has the serious issue. At a pataxpayer money to cover abuse. And Congress Needs to do their job of oversight of this administration. Theyve been an abject failure on oversight. We ought to have an open hearing this week. There should be an open hearing congressional hearings youre calling for. Ought to get up and explain this. Absolutely. This was a coverup. Federal taxpayer money being used to cover up. Weve known for a year. The fbi had alerted the white house that we had these issues. Why was this man still there . Why did he not have a security clearance . It is absurd. Could you imagine for a second. This were a democratic administration, think of this, and this had gone on. The human cry that would have gone on. This needs to stop. This is federal tax dollars, the federal government and this money was used to cover up Domestic Abuse. Just because they didnt fire him or didnt come forward . Is that what you mean . First of all he should have been fired immediately. Immediately you had these, both of these women had come out. Both his former wives should come out. Absolutely. The fbi wrote a report and gave to it mcgahn. Who knows what was done with it. First he never should have had the job. You let someone sit in there to see the most secret documents that go to the president s eyes and he could not get a security clearance and we still allowed him to see these documents, and at the same time, knowing his two wives had said that physical and verbal abuse. So obviously, i dont think im making any risky bet by saying, i dont think there will be congressional hearings on this. Republicans in the house there should be. But if that doesnt happen, if there needs to be congressional hearings, and if kelly, mcgahn, if they dont go forward and explain, they should be fired. So what do you think will happen . What do you think should happen with chief of staff kelly and don mcgahn, the white House Counsel . First, have an open hearing. Im saying it wont happen. Then president of the United States ought to show leadership. If he show anything about that, he ought to fire people who are responsible, who knew about it and took no actions. Wives came out and said, and we saw the picture of the one wife with the black eye, this man should have never looked at our Sensitive Data if you knew he couldnt get a security clearance. I want to play with you sound from jay johnson. The secretary of the department of Homeland Security under president obama. A card carrying democrat. I asked him if he thought john kelly should lose his job. Take a listen. I think as donald trump is president , our government is best served if john kelly is in the job of chief of staff. That is my view. I may be in the minority with my democratic friends. He is a friend of kelly. He also respects kelly and thinks that kelly brings something to the job that is necessary when the president is donald trump what a horrible standard. If thats the standard for the chief of staff to the president of the United States, even though they allowed this Domestic Abuse to be in the white house, we just need to keep him there to protect ourselves from donald trump . What kind of response is that . What do you think, the president said he believes in due process and he had gotten divorces from these two women and they have their story. This is not my point of view, this is the white house. They have their story and he has his story and he is entitled to due process. Wasnt like there was an arrest warrant for him. Both these women are very credible. Theyve been on tv. They were very credible. Im sure the fbi felt they were very credible. When this information was related to the white house, forget that due process. That happened a long time ago. He never should have been hired in the first place. Why do you allow an individual to see americas most Sensitive Data when you know he was never going to be able to get a security clearance because of the Domestic Abuse allegations . This went on over a year ago. And there was plenty of time, if he wanted to correct the record. So youre a good friend of bill clinton. Hes been accused of some pretty tough stuff as well. Pretty heinous stuff. What do you think of someone who looks at this and says, you covered up for him. I clearly didnt cover up. I wrote a book and i came out and i was very tough on bill clinton at the time. What were dealing with is a situation where we have someone in the white house. It was federal dollars used to cover up a Domestic Abuse situation. And i think thats very serious for the United States government. Theres been a lot of speculation about who the Democratic Party will run for president. A lot of names. Gillibrand, booker, joe biden, who right now do you think represents the best chance for the democrats to get the white house . You asked me this before. We have the biggest election coming up in 2018. Mid terms. This year. We have the congress up, many seats in the senate and most importantly, we have 36 governors out. Redistricting will be in 2021. We wont be able to redistrict maams. Thats the most important thing for the party. You look at virginia. I had to veto 120 very horrible bills, antilgbt, pro gun, antivoting. If we do not have democratic governors in these state houses with the republican legislatures, the things we stand for, the progressive values, it is all being taken away. It sounds like youre saying governors should be the ones running for president. Not senators. Am i reading that wrong . We are forced, we create jobs. We build the roads. We fund the schools. Theres a back ground for a governor in an executive position. Youve been reaching out to Democratic State parties. When are you going to announce your intentions for 2020 . It seems very clear to people who know you, including fans of yours. Im not just talking about potential come pet toward. Fans of yours. It seems clear that you are on that road. Democrats should not be talking about 2020. If we dont do well in 2018, two thifrth state legislatures are controlled by republicans. We got wiped out in 2010 west paid a horrible price in 2011. Look what happened in virginia. I vetoed bills to sell machine guns out of gun stores. We stopped all that. This is what is happening at the state level. The focus should be on 18. If people are interested in running for president , they ought to look at january, february, march of 2019. But your focus if you care about the principles and the values of our party, youd better be working hard. Thats why im traveling all over the country. Ive done things for house candidates. Thats where my focus is. It is not about winning the office. Bits the values you stand for. It sounds like you said you want to come on in 2019 and announce your plans. Ill be glad to be with you in january 2019. Next, the immigration vote. One group is on the sidelines closely waiting for the outcome. At this point, either i get shipped or not, deported or not. Thats basically what is at stake. The dreamers who are ready and willing to serve the country that could kick them out. Their personal dilemma is an issue that affects many. We the people. Are defined by the things we share. And the ones we love. Who never stop wondering what well do or where well go next. We the people who are Better Together than we are alone. Are unstoppable. Welcome to the entirely new expedition. You or joints. Something for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. 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The two greatest days of your lives are the day you were born and the day you find out why. For us this is our why. Identical twins john and james want nothing more than to serve in the military. Serving in the United States has been our why for a long time. Give as you chance to prove that were americans . Have the two who didnt want to us identify them by last name are under contract with the army but as dreamers, brought to the u. S. From the philippines at age 10. The the decision made by the white house could decide if theyre deployed or deported. Youre watching the did have did have if theyre going to pass permanent legislation for daca or if youre waiting for that phone call to ship out. You dont know. Am i going to ship out or get sent back to a country that i hardly know . They were able to join the program in 2016. That was a Pilot Program to allow skilled undocumented immigrants to end list. You have to be here residing in the United States for two years. Weve been here half of our lives. You have to speak a strategic language. It turns out taggalo was one of them. To understand it, write it. I guess the program was a chance for to us give back. And we want to show you guys protecting this country and potentially dying for it is maybe not a problem. Because we love this country. Foreign born troops can become naturalized citizens only after they complete basic training and extensive back ground checks. The entire process can take years. John and james might not have that much time. Their daca status expires in pocket and their race against time is continually detoured by changing requirements in delays. We were scheduled to leave on october 2016, and then we got delayed. So come march 2017, right . They pushed it back again to october of 2017. So you know, oh, man. John is due to slip out to basic training march 5th. Thats the same day trump has given as a solution to come up with for daca. James has not yet received his call. It is disheartening. Were practically the same person. And for one twin to ship out and the other to wait in limbo, you know, you cant help have anxiety and paranoia to creep in. Just a few days ago, secretary of defense jim mattis tried to peas anxiety saying that Service Members such as yawn and james are in no danger of being deported. Adding, we would always stand by one of our people. Cnn reached out to ask what steps are being taken to keep that promise. Ne they said that they are xft the Service Members are not in any kind of jeopardy. I do hope they find a solution for people like me. And its because they can utilize us. We raised our right hands and swore an oath, and we knew what were the consequences. So thats no problem with us. The only thing that i would want to ask people of authority and the american people, is that a chance to prove that were americans. I want to bring in my Political Panel taeflt listen to what President Trump had to say earlier today about the dreamers and daca. Theyve been talking about daca for many years. And they havent produced west started talking about daca and i think well produce. If the democrats want to make a deal, it is up to them. Is there a deal that the president is willing to sign . Well, depending on what day you ask him. Hes gone from saying hell show whatever they bring him to now, he seems like hes not suggesting hell sign anything other than what hes proposed. Which is the path way to citizenship i know what the 25 billion for his border wall and Border Security in exchange. He doesnt seem open to signing anything else. At times hes been a very complicated player. His support will be crucial but at times the hill has wished it is better if he stays out of discussions. Now we see the president ready to pin the blame if no solution has been thought of to blame it on democrats. The obvious issue is, you need 16 votes in the senate to pass anything. There are only 51 republicans. You need nine democrats. Is there something nine democrats would be willing to support . Not just the Border Security and gauk all the major changes he wants to do, to legal immigration, whether to end the diversity lottery program, bringing down individuals who come because of family reunification or chain migration. Is there a deal that theyre willing to support that the house of representatives are willing to support . I think this is a hostage situation. I think it is inxrebl the United States is considering deporting people who came as children to countries theyve not lived in. Can we just delink the and have one gorgs daca, the dreamers, most americans support. That lets deal with there other stuff on the side. Instead, theyve turned it into a hostage negotiation. The only way youll get that is to agree to a bunch of stuff that you dont think is necessary, that you even think is harmful. Look, president obama did this is an irresponsible way. He used executive authority that he himself acknowledged he did not have. He put them in a very bad situation thinking there would be democratic president whos agree with him forevermore, despite the courts said no, you cant do this. This is the right way to do it. Legislatively. Yes. You need to have a discussion in congress. The president , although i do not agree with him often on immigration, except for his old positions when he was more liberal. He made a promise to the american people. This is a large part of why the he was elected. Democrats, even though i agree with them, the dont get to decide because they did not win. I think there is a deal to be made. Do we have a functional system on make the deal some and trump has been movable in the past, as i noted. So im not sure that you need everyone of those pillars. It remains to be seen if they can pull it together of the will. I think you made an interesting piece about them being deported. Weve seen not only mattis but the president himself and the Homeland Security secretary saying these people should not fear the ones in the military. No, not even that. They said they shouldnt fear a deal if a deal is not made by that a ha march 5 but what do they have to hang their hat on . It is just verbal promises but nothing tank gribl says they will not be deported. Stick around. We have more to talk about. Next, a reaction of fusion and art. daniel jacob for every hour that youre idling in your car, youre sending about half a gallon of gasoline up in the air. That amounts to about 10 pounds of Carbon Dioxide every week. malo hutson growth is good, but when it starts impacting our quality of air and quality of life, thats a problem. 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I think the truth is that it is a vocal minority of one party that gaers the math here. And so when you have Something Like this, when theyre in power, they want to spend everybodys money. The way you get the swamp moving, you pay off everybody on both sides. So they do it. It gets the wheels moving and they ignore the damage theyre doing. And theres a constituency of myself and rand paul and three think tankers. I dont think thats a sustainable majority. Yes, when they were in the minority and it was easier to complain about spending. All republicans complain. When you were in the minority, it was easy to yell about someone else. Eventually well have to answer. The they can just complain. It is all they talk about. Wasnt a side issue. It was nonstop oh, my gosh, barack obama. All he does is spend money and the world will end because of the deficit and the debt. So then the just turn around. This was the biggest crisis we were facing and now that were in control, it is not. I want to ask you a question. The president s budget, and these are just blue prints. His budget which is like a wish list, it cuts or the Health Care Spending by cams on medicaid. Nancy pelosi respond that had there is a tweet for everything with a clip to a President Trump tweet, talking about how to would never be any cuts to medicaid or medicare under him. This isnt necessarily going to happen. It is just a budget wish list. But it does seem to be a stark reversal of his commitment to protect medicaid. It certainly is. It is something he reit rated time and time again. A wish list is putting it nicely. Especially since they just signed a twoyear budget deal. I did think it was funny that the director of budget said he would not have supported this when he was a congressman. The national the portraits of the obamas were unveiled today. Some have said the portrait of Michelle Obama isnt a photographic likeness. Both of them by prominent africanamerican artists. Beautiful, but certainly not what were used to seeing in that sort of thing. Did you have any thoughts . I love these. You love them both. I love them. I loved them first time i saw they will. Theyre fresh, different, mod person and i dont agree that it doesnt look line her. I dont think it is a photograph of her but i think it captures her likeness. I dont think it is supposed to be a picture. I like president obamas. Im not a fan of the first ladys portrait. With president obama, you get two portraits. Thats obamas and a bush. Oh no you really have no response . These are not the white house official portraits which are usually much more stayed and serious. There is National Portrait gallery. Usually more of an artistic flair. Dont pressure her. Look, ill take her time. The other port thing to note is theyre done by africanamerican artists and i think the president and the first lady were really, that was really important to them and i think it has, maybe it has a different artistic expression than people are used the and thats a good thing. The one of obama, google the artists name. He did an amazing one of ll cool j also in the gallery. Thank you for being here with me. Be sure to follow me. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com happening now. Breaking news. Conflicting accounts. The white house tries to clear up confusion created by President Trumps repeatedly defending a former aide after two exwives accused him of Domestic Assault and abuse. Why is the president defending rob porter . And democrats regroup after the claims of a politically motivated conspiracy behind secret surveillance of a onetime Trump Campaign adviser. Is the president s move just politics or does the democrats memo really compromise sources

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