Transcripts For CNNW The Lead With Jake Tapper 20170928 20:0

Transcripts For CNNW The Lead With Jake Tapper 20170928 20:00:00

every relevant document to the committee including those from his quote, personal e-mail account describinged in the news media as well as all over accounts, messaging apps, or similar communications channels you may have used or that may contain information relevant to our inquiry, unquote, in the statement to cnn, kushner's attorney says it is perfectly normal that the committees would want to make sure they received all pertinent records. we did review this account at the time and there were no responsive or relevant documents there. the committee was informed when documents were produced and there is no issue here, unquote. however this issue could become even more serious if it turns out kushner famed to turn over any private communications about the ongoing investigation into russian election interference, and if, if, he was actively trying to hide any information. you may recall that kushner has come under scrutiny for not disclosing contact with 104 officials during the campaign. he was part of that june 2016 meeting in which he, donald
from the senate is although we were inviting to come in and initial stage voluntarily and only subpoena them as necessary, all of our interviews are under oath. so when we ask the witnesses as we often do, have you produced all of the documents that were requested of you, all the documents relevant to this investigation, those answers are under oath. so we often will ask witnesses, and i can't commend on the specific questions that may have asked here, but we often ask them what e-mail addresses did you use, what text platforms did you use? did you use encrypted applications. of course we'll review our information to see what his testimony was. but also, we'll want to follow-up to make sure that that document production was complete. >> representatives of twitter met with investigators from your community today. the company has admitted that fake twitter accounts linked to russia helped spread fake news during the campaign. what more did you or your staffers learn about how this was exploited and what can be
done, if anything, to stop it in the future? >> well, i think we, you know, i would consider this really just the first briefing of a great many to come because i think the investigation still has a lot of work to do. and i don't mean just ours, i think twitter and facebook have to do more investigating of their own platforms to give the american people a more clear answer and a more complete answer about the ways in which russia used their platforms in the case of twitter, the use of bots for example, but also the degree to which they tried to create trends on twitter or push out false news or information that was attacking hillary clinton or helping donald trump. we only i think got some preliminary information today. it was useful, but there is a great deal more that we need to learn. >> these russian operatives who were using twitter, facebook, and other platforms to spread misinformation, lies about hillary clinton, is there any evidence that you need of tieing
any in the trump campaign orbit with any of these russians? >> we're going to ask have an open hearing in october, and that is what can they tell us about the targeting of social media on their platforms? how specific was it? was it at the state level or was it down to the precinct level. did they see more activity directed towards certain individuals that was incompatible with a lack of access to the data analytics of the campaign? they are not in a position necessarily unless they were in direct conversations with the campaign on this subject. to know what conversations the campaign may or may not have had with russians or russian entities. but they can tell us about sophistication of the targeting and they have enough experience i think in this area to give us a sense of is this something that could be done blindly, is this something that could be done just on the basis of public
available information or would the russians have really needed the campaign's data to target this well. >> adam schiff from california, thanks for your time, sir. >> thanks, jake. and this just into cnn, twitter has informed congress that it took down roughly 200 russian-linked accounts that sought to interfere in american politics. they were identified by matching them up with facebook accounts that had already been taken down by that company as with facebook. the twitter account saw to ample if i political discord by highlighting hot button issues such as race and immigration, twitter executives met with the senate and house intelligence committees today amid the ongoing investigations into russia's efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential campaign. coming up, thousands of shipping containers sitting in the ports. is the aid getting to the people who need it the most quickly enough? coming up next.
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back with the national lead criticism, heart breaking and infuriating news report, the trump administration is shifting in the public posture regarding the humanitarian crisis affecting the three and a half million americans in puerto rico. today the pentagon announced it would put a three star general in charge of the relief effort as the head of the efforts told cnn this. >> no, i'm not satisfied because the fact is, is that we will not be satisfied until we stabilize the situation. >> contrast that with president trump repeatedly saying that his administration was getting good marks. >> they know how hard we're working and what a good job we're doing. >> more evidence of a shift today, president trump waived the jones acted to speed up supply shipments. when asked yesterday white house press secretary sarah sanders told cnn owe the, right now it is not needed, but that will not
help this. look at this video. more than 7,000 cargo containers, some possibly with vital supplies sitting at a san juan shipping dock, but the big problem, there are few trucks or drivers to move those containers and many roads are obstructed. let's bring in boras sanchez, he's at the port of san juan for us. clear something up for us, the president's homeland security advisor said that that's not the aid that is not getting to people. so what's the situation? >> reporter: it certainly is confusing, jake. especially because earlier in the day we heard from a spokesperson for the governor of puerto rico who say that there were close to 9,500 containers at port san juan full of aid that weren't getting to the people that were need here in puerto rico. a short while ago, i was able to clear this up with the vice president of the operations here in puerto rico. crowley is the company that manages these shipping
containers. he told me that this isn't designated federal supplies. federal aid, this isn't fema material that is not getting to puerto rico, those shipping containers have already been dispersed, but these are still valuable goods that people could certainly use on the island. things like water, medication, clothing, all kinds of supplies that could help people that are in desperate need. so he says they are just as vital to population here. he was trying to make the case that to the average person whose family is suffering right now who are starving and thirsty, don't have -- doesn't matter who is handing them the aid, it's more of a matter of getting it to them. part of the reason is simply because there are not enough truckers available. we've heard several reasons as to why. it could be that some of these truckers aren't able to communicate with their bosses to let them know they're okay. their homes are still in place.
many may not have the fuel to get to work. there are a series of layers here, jake, that are complicating getting resources where they need to go. one that likely will take some time to unravel, jake. >> boras sanchez in puerto rico for us, thank you so much. with food and water in scarce supply, one chaplain is taking matters into his own hand. making and handing out hundreds of meals from a tiny house in one of the poorest neighborhoods of san juan. stick around, we'll bring you that story. >> working pans. and sandwiches. ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ well i'm gone how much money do you think you'll need in retirement?
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>> reporter: yeah, this is the moment when so many people are trying to just engage in some action, something, as the frustrations over the federal response boil over. i got a twitter message last night from one of the most famous chefs in the world who said hey, i'm feeding 5,000 people tomorrow in one of the poorer neighborhoods of san juan. so i want to check it out. >> ci. >> reporter: happier times he'd be barking orders at sue chefs from spain to beverly hills. but today, jose andres is one of the poorest neighborhoods with volunteers from 8 to 80 working pans and sandwich assembly lines. all an urgent race to feed as many hungry puerto ricans as humanly possible. which is more satisfying to you
as a chef? serving a gastro creation -- >> i always say that chefs like me, we love to feed a few, but i think we love even more feeding the many. >> reporter: he's become almost a fixture in disaster zones from haiti to harvey, but was most recently in the headlines for a two-year legal battle with the president. after candidate donald trump referred to mexicans as rapists, andres pulled his restaurant from the trump hotel in washington, both sides sued and later settled. you've had a public feud with president trump in recent years, what is your reaction to him lifting the jones act today? >> it has been one of the best things that happened to puerto rico. over many years. you wouldn't have the island. you need smart, business like positions. i will say i will clap for him. we need to make sure it's
happening and his use for the detriment for the lives of the people of puerto rico. we know that after situations like haiti, we had between 25 and 30,000 military on the work. i was there. i watch it. of course very good operation for a very big disaster. i hear that we have only 5,000 people in this island. long story short, we have great military, we have great national guard, it's a moment to be using them for the betterment of the lives of so many americans, yes, and what's the moment? the moment is now. >> reporter: half of his job here is navigating around the red tape that snarls massive federal projects like this. some, but not all of the food is donated. and some time after things have calmed down, they'll figure out how to pay for it all. >> who has the money? i don't know. i'm sure rick ross has money, fema has money, i'm sure they're using the money well, but i can tell you that will as the private sector, we can use the money better. >> reporter: turns out the guy
is faster than san juan traffic will allow. but the day's first sandwich delivery is ready, bound for the doctors and nurses at the university of puerto rico hospital. >> thanks, chef. >> all right, here we go. >> reporter: we race across town and as we arrive at a place where an emergency room is full and generators are nearly empty. there is a stark reminder of why they're all working with such urgency. just as the nourishment is wheeled in, a victim of maria's brutal aftermath is wheeled out. reminder of such horror that is still playing out across most of the island. pitbull, the celebrity singer sent a private jet down here to evacuate cancer patients, but, you know, singers and chefs can only do so much. this is a humanitarian crisis on the biggest scale we've seen in
a long time. right now, but for those who do feel compelled just to do anything, even give a sandwich to a doctor, #chefsforpuerto rico is his charity. you can see there it's actually going to very, very good cause and jake after seeing so much misery yesterday, he also vowed to send two boats worth of food out there tomorrow. fingers crossed for those people who are still hoping against hope that help will arrive on a bigger scale. >> all right, bill weir, thanks so much. members of president trump's cabinet are coming under fire for using private jets on a tax payer time. one just made a big announcement about his travel. and that story is next.
planes while on government business. now secretary price says he will no longer take private charter flights as secretary. he's going to write a personal check to the u.s. treasury for the expenses of his seats on those charter planes. now earlier when asked if he would fire secretary price, president trump responded, we'll see. the president has made it clear he's not happy about the practice in which at least three cabinet members engaged. republican senator told cnn's lauren fox quote i think the president's mad as hell. what the f was price thinking, it's just stupid, unquote. renée marsh has been following the story. is he reimbursing for $17,000, $20,000, or just going to do what a lot of politicians do, which is pay for the equivalent of a business class seat on a commercial flight which is really just a fraction of what the tax payers paid for, which is he going to do?
>> that's a full question. that full transparency we do not have the answer yet. we just got this statement from the health and human services department in which price said, and this is his own words, i'm reading to you here. he will today, write a personal check for, quote, my travel on private charter planes, he goes on to say, tax payers won't pay a dime for my seat on those planes. very specific language. it does raise the question, does he plan on only paying a fraction of what those very expensive trips on those private jets cost? of course many times they travel with staff, so it's not just about his seat, but the other people who traveled with him. but that is the headline, but now, it's not just price, but it's also other members of the cabinet facing the heat for flights on private jets and military jets. >> reporter: revelations tonight of even more trips on private planes by health and human
services secretary tom price. over the weekend, price said he only took a total 11 trips. >> these were 11 trips over about an eight-month period of time. >> reporter: but thursday, his agency revealed even more trips. bringing the total to 13. which includes more than two dozen individual flights, including one where he flew private on the short hop from washington to philadelphia. the total cost to tax payers for all of the trips, at least $300,000. >> i'm looking at that very closely. i am not happy with him. i am not happy. >> reporter: the inspector general is reviewing price's travel and the agency says it has initiated an internal departmental review of the procedures to determine any changes or reforms that are necessary. >> the optics in some of this don't look good. and that's why we again have taken this criticism -- >> reporter: after an event on
d.c. thursday, price responded to the president's criticism saying quote, i think we've still got the confidence of the president. >> we're definitely looking at issue they're conducting both an internal and an ig full review. >> reporter: but price is not the only cabinet secretary facing heat. in documents obtained by cnn, senator sheldon white house of rhode island takes epa chief scott pruitt to task for both private and government aircraft. one flight from cincinnati to new york city on june 7, cost tax payers more than $36,000. epa says pruitt needed to fly on a military jet because he was on a tight schedule. flying to italy for a summit the next day. senator whitehouse also questioned a $14,000 flight aboard a government aircraft on july 27th. pruitt flew from tulsa to oklahoma, epa says, there were no commercial flights. well senator whitehouse is questioning the entire reasoning
for that trip. the epa says the purpose was to meet with a group called the panhandle arrogators association. senator whitehouse says he couldn't find a group by that name, similar name been but that website was door the man for some five years. however jake, the epa insists that this group does exist and the purpose of this trip was to speak to people in oklahoma who are impacted by one of epa's egglations. >> oklahoma where he's from, of course. nals politics, the crisis in puerto rico and the trump administration defending the federal response, despite almost half the people without drinking water and most of the island without power and despite, of course, 16 deaths in puerto rico. today acting secretary of the department of homeland security called recovery efforts a good news story. >> i am very satisfied. i know it's a hard storm to recover from, but the amount of progress that's been made and i really would appreciate any
support that we get. i know it is really a good news story in terms of our ability to reach people, and the limited number of deaths that have taken place in such a devastating hurricane. >> good news story. cnn sarah murray joins me live at the white house. we mentioned the pentagon now sending a general to head up the relief effort, what does the white house say about that happening now instead of a week ago? >> well, jake, they're basically saying we heard this from tom bossert, the homeland security advisor that a general wasn't necessary eight days ago to martial. disaster relief efforts in that area. tom made a similar argument about this decision to waive the jones act and loosen the rules for shipping supplies to the island saying they're making this move now, but it wasn't necessary before that. there has been no acknowledgment from this white house that things are moving slowly, no acknowledgment that maybe protocols could have been been going more smoothing up until this point.
they have been adamant that the federal government is doing everything it can, it's the severity of the storm as well as the state of the infrastructure in puerto rico that has made this such a difficult effort, but of course, jake, these assurances coming from the federal government, this insistent that things are going well, it doesn't match-up with what people are experiencing on the ground in puerto rico whereas you pointed out, most people do not have power, only half of people have access to fresh drinkable water right now, jake. >> and at the briefing moments ago, the white house also commented on the president's tax pitch, saying that they can't guarantee lower rates for everyone, does that make it tougher to sell this to congress? >> well, it's been an interesting sort of sales pitch coming from the white house. today we saw gary kohn who has been key in trying to sell this tax plan publicly as well as on capitol hill, he fumbled a couple times in which weather he was able to guarantee this would be a middle class tax cut and he dodged questions about what this would do to the president's own
tax tab. listen to part what have he said. >> i told you it'll benefit the middle class. i think that's what american, american tax -- american tax payers care about what they take home. they care about what they have to spend. that's what they care about. that's what i care about. i care about what i pay in taxes. i bet you care about what you pay in taxes. >> the details are beginning to emerge, but the sales pitch it seems could use tweaking, jake. >> sarah murray, thanks so much. earlier we broke the story about the demanding that jared kush never hand over any and all private communications relating to the russian after failing to disclose the personal e-mail count. more on what that might mean. coming up, stay with us. oup. i . when i first got on ancestry i was really surprised that i wasn't finding all of these germans in my tree. i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. the big surprise was we're not german at all.
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we're back with a bit of a lighter note. caption this former presidents barack obama, george w. bush and bill clinton posing for the president's cup a series of golf matches between the u.s. and international. all three served as honorary chairman. president trump is following trat digs this year. i'm joined by my political panel. i'm not going to talk about the golf thing, although that's a nice picture. that's nice to see that. before the break we reported on this practice of trump cabinet officials using private charter planes for flights that would be easily accessible on a commercial flight. the hhs secretary tom price just issued a statement saying he's going to stop the practice and had this curious little clause i want to read. the u.s. tax payer -- today i will write a personal check for
the expenses of my travel. the tax payers won't pay a dime for my seat on those plane. a dime for my seats. i will break out my lengish to washington, washington to english dictionary, that seems to suggest he's going to reimburse for the business class equivalent of a flight from say washington to nashville, but not pay for the, say $10,000 or whatever. will that make this go away? >> it's interesting, they have been horrible in responding to this story, i mean, this broke in politico, i think on the 19th of september, the initial response was oh, the secretary has to be among americans. so he's got to get there in this way and no regulations -- >> among americans. >> yeah. >> charter pilots. >> exactly. exactly. he can't take commercial flights because he doesn't want to miss these appointments that he has and that no regulations were broken. here they are now, using pretty, i think, washington ease and
saying, maybe they'll pay a couple hundred dollars for these seats, as opposed to i think the total at least the last reports i read were in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. $300,000 i think. this is a cabinet that i think is the richest cabinet ever symbolled and they have very rich tastes. they don't seem to appear to think that this is about public service and this is about using the tax payers dollars wisely. even though that has been the message right of the trump campaign and the trump presidency. this idea they're going to come in and cut out the waste, fraud, and abuse, make all sorts of cuts to the budget, and here they are, again, i mean spending so much money. and i'm sure that other things are going to come out, possibly with tom price, possibly with pruitt as well. of course the epa secretary. >> it's pretty swampy. >> yeah. right. >> i would argue though that secretary price does have a very strong record as a public servant, but this calls it into question. and it was a very you're right,
it was a very thin response from the department of the hhs department to address the initial inquiries. and it hasn't gone really well. and i think that's the problem. and that's where the secretary now has to really point the nose into the wind here because this has now become an issue that the president himself is being asked about. and that just can't happen if he doesn't want to remain on thin ice. so i think it's going to continue unless secretary price comes out directly apologizes and puts in place much stricter standards on what his travel is going to be here going forward. because otherwise, if it this continues to be a problem for the president. he could be, he could be in trouble. >> now he does have very strong support among folks in congress and this is at a time where they are continuing to still look to repeal and replace obamacare. he is a valued member of the cabinet. i think that plays in his favor, but he has to rectify this quickly. >> i also want to get your guy's views on the story we broke at the top of the hour.
the chairman and the vice chairman writing a letter to abby and jared kushner, abby, his attorney, saying we learned about your private e-mail account in the news media. they're not happy, they use the term concerned, when senators use that, it means angry. check to make sure that everything that could be possible to the russian inquiry has been turned over to us on that account or any other account or any messaging apps, et cetera. also not a good look. >> well, if you go back and look at every single crisis that has metastasized in the history of washington, one of the main variables involved was that people thinking that they could just manage information in a drip, drip fashion. and you just cannot. the white house has -- and mr. kushner has to work very vigorously to make sure that he is getting all of this information out as much as possible, to those folks up on capitol hill. and does his best to explain it. because if it continues to be a drip drip, it's going to hurt
him, but it's also again going to be one of the issues that the president himself has to address and it's going to distract from his agenda. the president, while he gives leeway to family on that, ultimately, that is probably where he probably gets the most incensed when he has to explain other people's mistakes and the other thing, it's always going to get out. somebody als finds out whether it's the media or there are leaks inside the investigation. somebody finds this out and it gets out eventually. >> what did you make of the acting head of the department of homeland security saying that she's pleased with the response to the relief needs in puerto rico, and in fact, this is a good news story because there have been so few deaths in puerto rico. >> well, you know, it's not good news to any of those folks in puerto rico. we've been obviously covering this story wall to wall and hearing from folks on the ground there are reporters of the mayor of san juan, they are in dire straits. and it looks like it's only
going to get worse because of the fuel shortages, the food shortages, there was no drinking water in large swaths of the island. so i mean, you always have shadows of katrina when natural disasters happen, shadows of the brownie you're doing a heck of a job that george bush made. i mean, i think that statement and some of this is posturing i think from some of the officials are hinting at that. and it looks like over the last couple of days, they have made some course corrections here with waiving the rule about foreign ships going there, sending the general there to get things under control. so it looks like i think, you know, tom bosset i think today and we have a certain business plan going there. doesn't necessarily sound as empathic as some people expect, but it looks like things are going to change over the next couple of days. >> i think you're right, the most important thing is to make sure there's a methodical flow of information about the response and what they're doing.
and that's not only for the media, but it's for rt people that are on the ground looking for more information about when they can expect relief and thousand respond to that. >> although it's tough for them to get information. half the island doesn't have electricity. >> thank you so much. president trump criticizing or being criticized for his strong words aimed at kim jong-un. former head of the cia says some of the rhetoric might be aimed at a different country. stay with us. your insurance company won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan.
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taking a stand against the nuclear program, but in reality, last month, august marked the largest month of trade between china and north korea in all of 2017. earlier today i sat down with former cia director and retired four star general david petraeus for his take on the ongoing tensions weighing on american's minds. we started with domestic controversy that president trump seems rather fixated upon. i want to start with an issue that is a domestic issue that i just wonder what you think of it. which is this debate going on largely led by president trump about players who protest during the national anthem. >> i have to say, i'm just sort of disappointed that, you know, now we have politicized football, you know, as mike hayden wrote in a wonderful op-ed, it was the only two hours they'd go to the games and you just lose himself in the game. so in that sense, i'm just sort
of disappointed. i hope we can turn the volume down, and let's get back to enjoying football and people not having to make political statements at the beginning of the games. [ applause ] >> the north korean crisis is obviously foremost on the minds of u.s. military right now. to a lot of our friends in europe and in other parts of the world, they see this crisis as two erratic, unstable world leaders, kim jong-un and president trump, squaring off each other against each other and they're afraid of how it's going to end. is that a fair way to look at this crisis? >> well couple items here, i think. first of all, to put this in context and to be fair to this administration, i think you have to acknowledge that they are facing a reality that no other president has faced previously. and that is that this individual, kim jong-un, impulsive at the very least, i
don't think suicidal, and that's a pretty important assessment at the end of the day, but clearly. givenen to extraordinary measures, i think it's more about getting china's attention. and making china realize, this is a strategically important development to us and you've got to help us stop this where it is at the very least get to some negotiations and see where we can take it in the future. >> do you think president trump's rhetoric is aimed at getting president xi's attention more than -- >> very much so. and this is where the mention of military options, everybody knows, obviously there are military options, everybody also knows they're all very ugly. so this is about china. which controls the umbilical cord that literally keeps the lights on in pyongyang. >> i know you have great faith in the generals around president trump, mcmaster, kelly, and mattis, but are you ever concerned that president trump may say or tweet something that
could seriously escalate this crisis? >> these generals are really extraordinary. i've served with all of them on the battlefield multiple times. very strong national security team. arguably as good as any in recent memory, if not better. and frankly, i think the policy process and the policy outcomes generally are quite rational. now, there is something to the so-called, it's called the madman logic if you will, before you get into a crisis, it's not all that bad if the other side thinks you're a little bit edgy. and, you know, nixon had kissinger tell the soviets, he's under a lot of pressure, he has a drink after dinner, you know, be careful, walk on egg shells around this guy. and they sort of did. you know, you avoid getting into a crisis. the problem is, if you do get into a crisis, you don't want the other side thinking that you've taken the slack out of the trigger already and you're
going to do something that otherwise might be irrational because they may do it to you first. and so that's where my concern is. the rhetoric has to be modulated and certainly some of the statements are not ones that i necessarily would have advised. >> i want to ask you about -- >> great potential as a diplomat. deranged left wing gunman opened fire at the congressional baseball practice. morning, walking into the people's house as he called it, congressman scalise was met with a standing ovation and thunderous applause from colleagues on both sides of the aisle. >> when i was laying out on that
ball field, the first thing i did once i was down and i couldn't move anymore, is i just started to pray. and i will tell you it gave me an unbelievable sense of calm knowing that at that point it was in god's hands, but i prayed for very specific things. and i'll tell you, pretty much every one of those prayers was answered. >> house speaker paul ryan was visibly emotional at his friend's return. he said, quote, our prayers have been answered, congressman scalise said he had to learn how to walk all over again. he's planning to continue his outpatient rehabilitation while returning to his job. the congressman scalise and his family wish you nothing but the best and continued best wishes on a speedy recovery. be sure to follow me on facebook and twitter.

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