Bombs. Welcome to the lead. Im jim sciutto in again today for jake tapper. Donald trump sounding triumphant in indiana. He stopped in indianapolis and toured the carrier plant, the one that announced it had struck a deal with the Incoming Administration to save jobs that were about to be shipped off to mexico. President elect says this is proof that his administration is already giving voice to the forgotten workers in the rust belt. He also said that manufacturing jobs wont move overseas, at least not anymore. Not without repercussions. Companies are not going to leave the United States anymore without consequences. Not going to happen. Not going to happen. Trump also going to be in ohio later tonight. Another stop and thank you rally. What has the Transition Team told but tonights event . Reporter well, transition Officials Say that this is something that trump himself really wanted to do, that he has really been nearly hold up here in trump tower for the last three weeks since he won the election, Holding Meetings and interviews to fill out his cabinet. So he really wanted to return and get out and get before his supporters, something well see a lot from him in the coming week. Tonight president elect donald trump is taking his show back on the road. Is there anyplace more fun to be than a trump rally . Reporter returning to a stage he revels in for the First Time Since being elected. Trump is holding a Campaign Style rally in sip sin tonight. The first of many thank you events the president elect plans to hold across the country in the coming weeks. I love these rowdy crowds. Isnt it great . The spirit. Their spirit. I said carrier will never leave. Reporter trumps victory lap today also bringing him to indianapolis to deliver on a campaign promise. Theyre going to say mr. President , carrier has decided to stay in indiana. Thank you, sir. Reporter celebrating a deal Conditioning Company carrier to save nearly 1,000 jobs from being shipped to mexico. Companies are not going to leave the United States anymore without consequences. Not going to happen. Reporter sources familiar with the deal tell cnn carrier will receive 7 million in financial incentives over the next ten years from indiana to keep those jobs in the state. The deal getting mixed reaction on capitol hill. House Speaker Paul Ryan welcoming the news. Well, im pretty happy that were keeping jobs in america, arent you . Reporter but Bernie Sanders sounding the alarms saying carrier, quote, took trump hostage and won. Setting up a bad precedent for the new administration by signaling, quote, to every corporation in america that they can threaten to offshore jobs in exchange for business friendly tax benefits and incentives. Meantime the suspense continues to build as trump works to fill out his administration, still hanging in the balance, the most high profile job of the cabinet post, secretary of state. These discussions ive had with him have been enlightening and interesting and engaging. Reporter trump loyalist Newt Gingrich ripping mitt romney for his public vying for the job. You have never ever in your career seen a serious adult who is wealthy, independent, has been a president ial nominee suck up at the rate that mitt romney is sucking up. Reporter meantime massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren returning to her attack dog role, slamming trumps nominee steve mnuchin. What donald trump is doing is hes literally handing the keys to the treasury over to a wall street banker who helped cause the crash. Reporter and transition officials tell us not to expect any cabinet level appointments for the rest of the week. Trump will be back here tomorrow here in new york where he has a slew of meetings lined up including with north today company he take senator heidi hidewho is possibly in con essential for energy secretary. Big implications. Thanks very much. We heard Details Behind the story of the 1069 jobs to be exact at a carrier plant this indiana that donald trump saved. Namely, there was a price ultimately paid by indiana taxpayers, specifically 7 million in financial incentives paid to carrier over ten years. These are mostly tax break, you also hone for job training which works out to just over 6500 for each job. So we decided to a quick mathematical exercise that might over simplify the issue, but the u. S. Has lost an estimated 5 Million Manufacturing be jobs since 2000. If you look at that and you paid a similar rate per job in incentives that would work out to just under 33 billion, with a b, over ten years in tax breaks to manufacturers again working at that same rate we saw in indiana. So joining me now, republican congressman from new york peter king. He also sits on the house intelligence committee. Representative king, thanks very much for taking the time. Thank you, jim. So looking at this deal with this carrier plant in indianapolis, no question good news for those workers keeping those jobs here in america. But you look at that tax plan there, 7 million over ten years, is that a template do you think Going Forward for bringing manufacturing jobs back here to the u. S. . I think, first of all, its a great step forward. And what donald trump is doing is hes sending a signal that there is a new sheriff in town and hes going to do it his way and its going to work. And its sending a signal to corporations, sending a signal to the American People that he will do things different from other president s. And he will get it done. I want to read to you what senator Bernie Sanders said this morning about the carrier deal. Enthe following United Technologies, which owns carrier, took trump hostage and won and that should send a shockwave of fear through all workers across the country. He has signaled to every corporation in america that they can threaten to offshore jobs in exchange for business friendly tax benefits and incentives. He goes on to say even corporations that werent thinking of offshoring jobs will probably be reevaluating their stance this morning. Does the senator have a point if they see that carrier got the 7 million in tax breaks for 1,000 jobs that they could go to the Trump Administration and say hey, what are you going to do for me . Is this the ultimate in bernie be grudgery. The fact is donald trump is saving the jobs. Bernie sanders chased Hillary Clinton around talking about how we have to save jobs for american workers. Donald trump has done it. This is the first day. He is the president elect, not even the president yet and already hes out there saving jobs, showing it can be done. And as muching a anything, yes, its important for those 1,000 and also a great symbol in a donald trump is serious. Donald trump will find a way to get it done. And when you make a deal, you make a deal. It will be made one way or the other. And this is a symbol, a met take forks b metaphor, but it shows that he will get it done. I wish Bernie Sanderstake metaphor, but it shows that he will get it done. I wish Bernie Sanders would say hey, the president elect got off to a good start. Ill support him when i can. But instead, this is the blind bernie be grudgery. So i sort of regret the fact that Bernie Sanders couldnt be more magnanimous. He said donald trump ran as a different kind of candidate and he certainly did. And he talked about draining the swamp, he criticized Hillary Clinton for having given the speeches to goldman sachs, other banks, et cetera. But now hes tapped a wall street tycoon as treasury secretary, a billionaire to run congress drawing from what he called that swamp. Would it be fair for some of his working class supporters to feel that they were sold a false bill of goods . No, because these people will be working for him. They will carry out his policies. What is important is if the i dont be job is done, are they going to carry out Donald Trumps policies. Im confident that they will. Go trumps policies. Im confident that they will. Donald trump wants to make sure that he carries out his Campaign Promises so i dont be grudge someone who made a lot of money to go into government. But it was donald trump who criticize that had very person during the campaign and saying he was going to in effect ban in addition them from government bringing in a different way of doing things here in washington hes one of the richest people around and he got elected. So hes not saying its because youre rich that youre bad, its because there are certain type of lobbyists and certain type of people paying big money out to people who lead politics and go out and make money. What hes talking about here is bringing in people who share his values and beliefs and it if they dont do it, they will be gone. Just like when fdr brought in joe kennedy to be the first head of the s. E. C. You bring in people to get it done pand theyre taking orders from the top. Im not saying making money was a bad thing, but it was donald trump who took particular aim at bankers. They wont conduct themselves that way in this administration. And again, if they do, then donald trump will have to answer for it or they will have to answer for it and they will be fired in the board room. Thats a good standard to hold them to. Congressman king, thanks very much for taking the time today. Thank you. Bernie sanders says United Technologies the Parent Company of carrier held trump as we said earlier hostage and won. Is he right . When it comes to healthcare, seconds can mean the difference between life and death. For partners in health, time is life. We have 18,000 people around the world. The microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and Work Together in real time to help those that need it. The ability to collaborate changes how we work. What we do together changes how we live. You tell your inthey made a mistake. The check they sent isnt enough to replace your totaled new car. The guy says they didnt make the mistake. You made the mistake. I beg your pardon . He says, you should have chosen fullcar replacement. Excuse me . Let me be frank, he says. You picked the wrong insurance plan. No. I picked the wrong insurance company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, well replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. 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Well, i actually would be really surprised to hear lock her up, but i think this is a Trump Victory tour. And its not just the way trump has presented himself today at the carrier plant. It is what jason miller and his communications have been doing, ramping up all week as weve seen. Like cabinet full of winners, hes picking winners. This is his chance to say thank you to the people who voted for him both democrats in places that Hillary Clinton thought would vote for her and republicans. Right . And to show that hes in command, hes making decisions, hes making things happen. Bill, is he going to be open to criticism for you got a lot to do. Put together an administration, for soaking up the adulation . I guess people can criticize him and hell say look, im busy making appointments right and left and draining the swamp here in washington. And hes delivering these jobs apparently by appearing to bludgeon carrier not to move its plant. Im not sure thats a great precedent for every private business in america. There are worrisome implications. But short term, theyre very happy in indianapolis. Meanwhile back here in washington in the swamp, i have to say, if hes training the swamp, the alligators are doing pretty well. So far one senator, two congressmen, three billi billionaires. Not only the most outsider, its one of the most insider. On the whole a lot of the appointments are pretty good. But can trump sustain this, can he govern in a fairly and traditional way, and meanwhile go out and give speeches in Middle America where its im fighting for you, im taking on the powerful guys. Its really not populist demand. Its a damned if you do, tam oiged if you dont. Because if he was selecting who were true outers, you would hear here in washington from the chattering classes were so nervous, what are they going to do, we have no idea what the Treasury Department or their Defense Department would look like. And you would see the markets react which is the one thing trump is trying to avoid. He likes the fact that the markets have responded positively so far. That is a vote of confidence. But again it is the threading of that needle which is how do you keep a populous message going when the things that youre doing are not any of those things that you would say you would do. And when do the supporters start ask have i been sold a bill of goods . I want to show you what Elizabeth Warren said. Have a listen. The American People are furious over what wall street has done. They dont want somebody who will come in here and say, hey, lets help wall street. And what donald trump is doing is hes literally handing the keys to the treasury over to a wall street banker who helped cause crash. Warren causes mnuchin the forest gump in fact of the 2008 crash. But fair criticism there and more specifically how do hisact . I think supporters will be thrilled if he renegotiates trade deals. There are plenty of things that he can do to keep them happy. Trump himself is an extremely rich guy who gave money to democrat, played the system. And they will do little bit of this t. Yet. You have to know the system to fix it. And i think mnuchin is the most vulnerable of ahis appointments. You can imagine democrats picking a fight. But trump will say maybe mnuchin wont make it, he will appoint someone else. I think there are three who are Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders. At least right now. When you look at this and certainly there have been a lot of cagey appointments. Fairly popular across party lines which is interesting, but you are seeing within the trump camp really open fighting, public fighting over particularly the state department choice. I want to lay what Newt Gingrich had to say about the possibility of mitt romney for secretary of state. You have never in your career seen a serious adult who is wealthy, independent, has been a president ial nominee suck up at the rate that mitt romney is sucking up. And i am confident that he thinks now that donald trump is one of his closest common that they both are such wise brilliant people. We should note Newt Gingrich was considered as a possibility for secretary of state, so perhaps a bit of personal interest there. But have you ever seen anything so public . And of course there are comments from Kellyanne Conway earlier in the week. Ive known newt for 30 years and ive always gotten along well with him. But its really deplorable to use that term maybe i shouldnt use that term what hes doing. There are other members of the circle that are publicly criticizing but he thinks romney defeated him. Romney did defeat him in 012 and hes never for given him i suppose. But romney has not apologized, he has not said he was wrong. He said what myself as a never trumper think, that that the Trump Administration administration is off to a pretty promising start and i think if romney thinks he can help the country, he should take it. So the criticism is unfair. But, yes, there were happy split this is trumps world. But one way of thinking about it, threading the needle, or could yyou could keep a couple balls in the air at once. Jeff sessions, that will be a partisan vote for confirmation. Everyone has something. But it does also expose real disagreement inside the circle. I think taking particularly this is actually a smart well, i dont know if its smart. Its an interesting and possibly smart route. Strategically, i think youre planting a lot of seeds of destruction later. You knowment a lot of stuff when you do this. But when you parade everyone through in front of trump tower or a restaurant and you make it like a game of the apprentice oig, the up side is everyboespen youre doing it for everyone, you know right away how everyone feels about everyone. If mitt romney can withstand the on dslaught of all of this now, its done and hes put mitt romney in his place. So you can see tactically kind of the thinking behind that move. But i think in the long term, there are so many bad feelings and kind of seeds of power games that get planted here that if any of these nominees actually gets confirmed and lasts more than a year or so, history began before the presidency even started. We saw people now talking again about the team of rivals, referencing lincolns cabinets. Of course they talked the same about obamas cabinet. That was a pretty tight knit group there, not many rivals by the end of his administration. At the end of the day, governing matters most. So margaret is right. You can juggle the ball, but at some point you have to decide what is our policy towards russia, syria, et cetera, towards the economy. Am i going to renegotiate the trade deals a little or change the World Trading system. But i think for now short term hes doing a pretty good job of juggling. Well see. Thanks so much for joining us today. A pilots desperate plea, an air Traffic Controller trying to blindly direct him to safety. The frantic final moments on board a soccer teams plane just seconds before it crashed to the ground. Vladimir putin suggesting he sees eye to eye with donald trump on u. S. russia relations, but does the United States really want to be friends with the russian president . [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare . Thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover everything. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. 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These kinds of plans could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Youll be able to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. And there are virtually no referrals needed. So dont wait. With all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. Call now to request your free decision guide. This easytounderstand guide will answer some of your questions and help you find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan thats right for you. We have now a transition of power alert. A source with knowledge of the transition tells us that president elect trump is tapping another general for his administration. I want to get right to barbara starr. A source just telling cnn that retired marine general james mattis will be the nominee to lead the against department. This was expected. He was the leading candidate. He seemed to haveagainst dep. This was expected. He was the leading candidate. He seemed to have emerged as the leading candidate after meeting with mr. Trump in new jersey. Trump indicating that he was very favorable toward jim mattis. Jim mattis is a general very wellknown in the pentagon and throughout the military. In fact as many people know, his nickname is mad dog mattis. A marine general, highly de decorated, more than 30 years of service. Served in many jobs, in combat zone, served as the head of the u. S. Central command overseeing military operations in the middle east up until 2013 when he retired. Now, that 2013 date is vital. Because the law requires that an active duty military person be retired for seven years before they can become secretary of defense. So the Trump Administration will have to have legislation submitted to congress for a waiver for jim mattis. And in fact we know very quietly congress itself was beginning to look at what that legislation might have to look like. It will be very short, it will be very brief. It will be a waiver that will allow general james mattis to serve as secretary of defense. Like you, jim, i have covered general mattis for many, many years. One of the most plain spoken blunt generals out there. Do not expect him on revisit the trump campaign, dont expect him to get involved in politics of what has happened over the last two years. Expect jim mattis to look forward very rapidly when he gets to the pentagon. He will have many challenges. He will have to deal with the fight against isis, the upcoming fightretake raqqah in syria. He will an key point man to deal with russias advances in Eastern Europe and the middle east. Can he trust vladimir putin, what advice will he give donald trump on putin. And he will the against secretary that may have to confront and deal with the north Korean Nuclear situation very quickly. We know that north korea even as we stand here is working on its underground tunnels again for a potential Additional Nuclear test. These are the kinds of things in a jim mattis is walking into. He will be a secretary of defense that will be looking to deal with all of this, not to get mired down in the political fights of the last two years. But here is the big question. He will also for the first time have to deal with the mundane day to day business of running one of the Worlds Largest bureaucra bureaucracies. Budget, science and technology. It is a huge portfolio. Can he do it . Absolute absolutely. But it will be interesting to see what he decides to focus on, what his interests will be and how he will interact with other key players. Lieutenant general retired mike flynn, the new National Security adviser who is actually junior to mattis and also whoever becomes secretary of state. In my experience in that five sided building where you are now, hes also a soldiers soldier. Very popular with the Armed Service men and women. But also with commanders who had their own reservations about donald trump. This your view from where you are, a savvy pick, isnt it . Yeah, you know, its interesting. Up and down the 17 1 2 miles of corridors inside the pentagon, over the last several days as mattis name rose to the top, you began to hear that hallway chatter. Everybody is like who do you think it will be is this . We werent want it to be mattis. I think its fair to say at least here in the pentagon he would be very warmly received. They feel he is so knowledgeable and he has walked the walk in combat. He is one of them. He has commanded troops in combat. He has buried troops in cemeteries all over this country in these years of war. He knows about all of this having served in iraq and in the middle east during many different tours. So the feeling is this is a guy who knows. This is not a politician or some sort of, you know, University Geek coming to run their shop. He is one of them. He knows them. I think it is fair to say he will get a very warm reception far beyond the marine corps which it is very fair to say absolutely adores him. No question. Not an arm chair general. He saw his share sadly of blood shed. Barbara starr, thanks very much. Please stay with us. Joining me now is congressman adam schiff of california, Ranking Member of the house intelligence committee. Certainly an enormous amount of experience with the Defense Department. You just heard the news about general mattis. What is your reaction . Well, its largely positive. You know, i met him i think at the time he was the leading the First Marine Expeditionary force. Ive certainly been impressed with what ive seen and read about him and his reputation. So i think hes a very good choice. And i think he will be very well received. Probably the only issue that will come up is this issue the fact that it will require statutory change so that he can even be appointed to this position. In isolation, that might not be as big a deal. But if the Trump Administration is going to be populated with general generals with many issue, it would become a bigger issue. But his reputation is excellent and in my view the bar has been lowered dramatically with some of the appointments that the president elect has made such that when he picks an adult for the room, there is i think a very broad positive reception to that. And he would bring i think a great experience, a great reputation, a great mind with him and some comfort for members of congress on both sides of the aisle that the president will be getting good thoughtful sound advice. And that is not always the feeling weve had with some of the other appointments. You mentioned the waiver that would be necessary. This is law dates back to 1947 requiring the general be retired seven years. I think its only happened once before. To you foresee any challenge getting that through congress . There will be concerns about it. As i mentioned, those concerns will be put in the context of his other appointments. It will certainly be an issue. I dont think it will ultimately be a bar because he is so well thought of that he can overcome peoples unfortunately, i wish you could have this in reverse order so he could be thoroughly vetted and those issues could be explored and then a decision could be made about changing the statute. But my guess is because his reputation is so strong and frankly because there is enough concern among democrats about some of the president elects other choices, there will be a desire to amend the statute if thats what is necessary and i think it will be necessary. One potential issue is posture towards russia. Ive spent time in the pentagon. There is great russ russias military moves, syria, with regard to its fly buys of u. S. Navy warships and aircraft, et cetera. I havent spoken to general mattis about it, but its rainable to assume that he shares some of those concerns. We heard during the campaign that donald trump has a very different view of russia. Is that a potential area of disagreement between them . It is and frankly one of the reasons why im inclined to be supportive of this choice. Because i think general mattis view of nato and his strong support of nato will temper the skepticism that the president elect has expressed. And i think that general mattis has a full appreciation of the threat that is posed by russia. I dont think that he will be any kind of a apologist for russia or view russia with anything but the most deep skepticism. So i would like to see that in a secretary of defense. But it may bring about a conflict particularly when you have the National Security adviser general flynn, so you have these two generals that have expressed i think in the past two very different views of russia. But frankly, id be glad to have the president elect getting insights from general mattis on things like russia and nato. Of course another major issue for the president search but also the man who would be leading the pept gontagon is th fight against isis. Mosul is the power center in iraq. There is talk of taking back rack raqqah, the kacht of capital of their claimed caliphate. A what do you expect general mattis to advise donald trump who has expressed his desire to pull back from some of these crises . How do you expect and how would you advise this new head if hes confirmed to advise the president . I think what you can expect from general mattis because hes a pretty plain spoken person that he would tell the president elect, look, we can do this, we can drawdown our involvement in the area. But here is the consequence. You will be empower the russians, the rash kraniraniansn ban ton support and here are issues that we see in iraq and the increasing iranian influence, the political problems that have still unsolved. Conversely if the president elect is inclined to use force in places and he has also threatened obviously to carpet bomb or to torture or kill families of terrorists, i think general mattis will be quite blunt about what does that really mean, let me tell you how that would be perceived, the impact of those kind of policy, the effect on the military, effect on other agencies. P so i think he will get some sober advice from the general and the general p will tell him just what will be required as far as what the military commitment would be for military engagement and i think that kind of sound advice would benefit the president elect. And that could be consequential advice because weve heard that donald trump is leaning towards pulling back even more so from syria. Finally, before i let you go, congressm congressman, we know he that donald trump has had several phone calls with World Leaders even the Prime Minister of pakistan. This is an interesting situation because oftentimes we get readouts of these phone calls. Very boilerplate, they dont reveal prech, but the readout of this phone call was quite revealing. I want to quote from it here to remind our viewers. This is what they said donald trump said. Youre a terrific guy, your country is amazing with tremendous opportunities. Pakistanis are one of the most i intelligent people. He said i am ready and willing to play any role to address and find solutions to the outstanding problems. As you heard that there and to be clear the trump Transition Teams readout was much simpler saying simply that the two had a productive conversation. But this is a very strained relationship the u. S. With pakistan. Donald trump in the past has said some very critical things about pakistan, outright questioning whether they are a real ally. Delicate important relationship. Did that readout of that call present any concerns to you . Well, it did, but i have to say the read on that call sounded very much like Donald Trumps voice. You can easily picture him saying exactly what was in that back stand any transcript. And it wasnt surprising to me that they would release that, Prime Minister sharif has a lot of difficulties in terms of the balance of power in packkistan d his own standing in that country. So that kind of unbridled endorsement that he got in this call is something that they would want to put out. But what it also told me is either donald trump is not surrounding himself with people who are giving him good advice about what he should say and shouldnt say in these calls, or he is getting that advice and hes ignoring it. I think ultimately we may have a situation where he doesnt listen to good advice, doesnt have the patience or the focus to get good briefings before these kind of meetings. He says things he makes commitments that he will not live up to ultimately. And what i think in the future it means is that the World Leaders will simply not believe what they are being told by him. So that may be the ultimate impact which will have other consequences. But i wish he would take the time to be briefed before these calls and i wish he would listen to the briefers because his words now have a lot greater consequence than i think he really understands or appreciates. No question. Congressman adam schiff, thanks very much. We have other news in, a major shakeup at starbucks. Well have that after this. Since we started shopping at way bfingerhut. Com. First down as close as two friends trying to annihilate each other can be. Ahh, interception thats because with fingerhut. Com we can shop over 700,000 items from brand names like samsung, keurig and sony. Go to fingerhut. Com to get low Monthly Payments and the credit you deserve. And get great stuff like this awesome flat screen tv. 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Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba®, may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing. Fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. Ask your doctor if youre tresiba® ready. Tresiba® ready back now, new evidence of confusion and desperation inside the cockpit of a jet just before it crashed killing 71 people, only six survived. The flight was just minutes from its destination when on approach to the airport an audio recording play order colombia media reportedly captures the pilot frantically trying to relay his location to air Traffic Control telling operators that his plane had lost electricity or fuel. Could anything have been done to save this plane and its passengers . Rene marsh has the latest. Reporter new audio recordings from the doomed charter flight reveals troubling clues about what may have caused the crash killing 71 people including members of a promising brazilian soccer team. Lamia flight 2933 was just minutes away from its destination and rapidly descending when a crew member made an urgent call to air Traffic Control requesting a runway assignment to land. Seconds later, the flight disappeared from radar. The controllers still tried to direct the pilot in for landing. Youre 8. 2 miles for the runway. What is your altitude now . Then silence. The plane crashed just five months from the airport. Investigators confirm it ran out of fuel sflp it. It is an extraordinary event and it borders on negligence. Reporter and also a question as to why this aircraft, designed for short hal oul flig was used in the first place. This plane was questionable in terms of accomplishing the mission. This flight was 1605 nautical miles. Reporter the charter flight was bound iffor a championship game in medellin. This newly released video shows excitement on the flight before takeoff. This woman was the copilot. Incredibly three players, two crew members and one journalist survived. Fans flooded the stadium where they were to play and players who did not travel with the team showed up to pay their respects. Investigators have not determined how they ran out of fuel. Was it human error or something mechanical . But we cannot overstate how rare this is. Pilots are supposed to calculate whether they have enough fuel before takeoff. They consider the weight on board and the distance they have to travel. Here in the United States, pilots essentially have enough fuel not only for the route that they will travel, but also for an additional 45 minutes. So sad when you see the pictures of those people just before they were lost. Rene marsh, thanks very much. There is more questioning news just in. The ceo who redefineded everyones morning rue teen has announced that he is stepping down. This is the guy responsible for putting a starbucks on what seems like every corner in new york and beyond. And in every Shopping Complex across the country. Howard schultz has said that he will step aside as ceo effective next april. Schultz had stepped down once before of in 2000 only to run the company again starting back in 2008. Poppy harlow just got off the phone with schultz. He says this had been in the works at least for a year. He called the transition, quote, a good thing. As for what he will do next, he says he wont leave starbucks preetsly. He will be appointed executive chairman where he will focus on Innovation Design and developing for starbucks. Schultz had been active during the president ial campaign. Some had speculated that he could head here to washington. Schultz says however thats not going to happen. One wivictims mother says e was cooked to death. Now James Archer Ray is barest back in the self help business. Why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis and a 200 savings card. Volunteer for meals on wheels. We had an instant connection. What was that . I said, delivering to you is always a special treat. Oh. Company, companionship, food. We all need those things. When we get in that spot in life, its kind of nice to have em there. avo through the subaru share the love event, weve helped deliver over one point four million meals to those in need. Get a new subaru, and well donate two hundred and fifty dollars more. Put a little love in your heart. [burke] hot dog. Seen it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum see me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know atth psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 skin clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me. See me. See me. On my way. Find clear skin. And a clearer path forward. For a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. I am a First Responder tor and iemergencies 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. My children and my family are on my mind when im working all the time. My neighbors are here, my friends and family live here, so its important for me to respond as quickly as possible and get the power back on. Its an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. Be informed about outages in your area. Sign up for outage alerts at pge. Com outagealerts. Together, were building a better california. Back wheith the pop lead. See the twisted side of the billion dollar self help industry. In 2009, James Arthur Ray was a leading self help guru until one day at his sweat lodge in arizona, one of his challenges went too far and three people died. Ray went to prison, but now hes out and sara sidner explains how ray is trying at the least to make a comeback. A state trooper came to my door and said do you know kirby brown. Reporter this is kirbys mother and that day she learned her daughter was dead. She was cooked to death. Thats how she died. This beautiful woman who was drunk on life and had friends all over. Reporter kirbys life ended while she was trying to improve it. The surfer and avid horseback righter wanted more, a life partner and help agrlp growing business. Thats when she found James Arthur Ray. And i can help you. I really can. Reporter the motivational speaker had already built a multibilliondollar business launched by the movie the secret and appearances on oprah, larry king and the today show. She really was very taken and signed up immediately. Reporter she reached one of the highest level workshops, a retreat which cost her her life savings. 10,000. During the five day retreat at the in the campground, participants were challenged to shave their heads, go on a 36 hour trek into the desert without food or water. And ultimately end up in a steaming hot sweat lodge. All in an effort to transform their lives. It was in the sweat lodge where it all went wrong. Hot rocks doused with water creating steam and temperatures well past 100 degrees. Courtroom testimony revealed that people were screaming, throwing up, crying, and babbling. Others were passed out. 19 people ended up in the hospital that day. Mother of three, liz neuman, died at the hospital. James shore father of three pulled one person to safety right past james ray. Shore went back into get kirby brown p according to witness, they lay dying inside the tent feet away from ray. What did james ray do to my life . He blew up my life. Reporter a jury convicted james ray of negligent homicide. He served 20 months in prison. After his release, ray told cnn this. I didnt know nor did anyone know that anyone was in a death life or death situation. Reporter hes now making another run at success as a motivational speaker as documented in the cnn film enlight p enli enlighten us. I was involved in a terrible accident and i lost three friends. People who i really cared about. Mihis three good friends tha he left in the dirt unconscious and did nothing to help them. Reporter after her daughter died, virginia brown started a Nonprofit Organization called seek safely, an educational tool to protect those interested in self help. The industry is not regular rated. I want the story of her death to be that cautionary tale that willregularrated. I want the story of her death to be that cautionary tale that will and i have sorsave other l. The film airs this sunday night at 8 00 right here on cnn. And i want to give you an update crashing the covert heros of world war 2. Jake tapper introduced you on tuesday. The house has awarded to a worried a congressional gold medal to members of the oss, office of the strategic services. These men and women many now in their 90s were the precursors of the modern day cia. The legislation will now head right to the president s desk for his signature. Thats it for the lead. Im jim sciutto. We turn you over to wolf blitzer who is in the situation room. Happening now, breaking new, dr trumpeting the deal, donald trump it is playing his classic off the cuff style as he visits carrier plant in indianapolis. He explains how he personally intervened to get the company to keep the jobs in the United States, but what did he promise carrier in return . The road show. Donald trump and mike pence kicking off what they call a thank you tour of rallies celebrating their etor

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