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At why the country they serve is still failing them. Good afternoon everyone. This is the lead with jake tapper. Republicans clashing on stage last night, not with the media but on each other. Made for prickly exchanges and this morning another controversial statement from donald trump, the front runner on immigration. Jeff zeleny fresh off the plane where he talked to trump earlier this morning. Jeff, trump made his first big splash in this race talking about undocumented immigrants. And hes raising eyebrows again with talking about how he plans to carry out his plans to deport 11 or so million undocumented immigrants. Today in New Hampshire trump said two words that are gaining a lot of attention now. Deportation force. Thats how he said he would get 11 million undocumented immigrants out of the u. S. He said it would be very humane and pulled off with Good Management practices. This is one of the many flash points underneath the big tent of the republican party. Donald trump set off on a victory lap today in New Hampshire. Never mind a victory was hardly in hand. We started off with 17. And one by one by one theyre disappearing. Disappearing. Its a beautiful thing to watch as they go out. Reporter his republican rivals did go out to the campaign trail fanning across the country on the day after the fourth republican debate. Ben carson arrived in virginia rallying young evangelicals at university. In all the ways you acknowledge him and he will direct your path. Reporter jeb bush, marco rubio and Chris Christie turned up in iowa doing whatever it takes, even pouring coffee to win over republicans. Bush picked up a veterans day endorsement from former senator bob dole. He said republicans need to win the white house. We need to start thinking about whos the person that can beat Hillary Clinton rather than get into small differences between each campaign. Reporter perhaps a not so subtle jab at trump, who took part in a New Hampshire tradition politics and eggs. You said its a beautiful thing to watch these candidates drop out one by one. I think youll see quite a few people starting to drop out. Reporter whos next . Well, i dont want to predict. I think i know, but i dont want to predict. But theyll be a lot of people dropping out. I mean, they have to drop out. Theyre not resonating. Reporter trump kept above the fray on the debate stage but told cnn he has no plans of softening his edge on the campaign trail. 3 no, well its not doing speeches. Because i think people would be very disappointed if i was but i think during a speech its different. And during a debate you have to give other people a chance to talk. Reporter and talk they did. Often loudly. Highlighting deep divisions in the party. On foreign policy. You cannot be a conservative if youre going to keep promoting new programs that youre not going to pay for. We cant even have an economy if were not safe. I know that the world is a safer and better place when america is the Strongest Military power in the world. Reporter and on immigration. Were a country of laws. We either have a country or we dont have a country. We all know you cant pick them up and ship them across back across the border. Its a silly argument. Its not it makes no sense. 12 million Illegal Immigrants to send them back 500,000 a month is just not possible. And its not embracing american values. Tell me the how are you going to have a massive Deportation Force . Youre going to have a Deportation Force. And youre going to do it humanely. Reporter hundreds of people came to see trump today, but some voters simply wanted to see the show. Shes looking for another candidate. If you told me right now you have to pick, i wouldnt be able to. This is still wide open. She is hardly alone. So Many Republican voters we talked to in New Hampshire in the last couple days say they are still trying to make up their minds. One question we heard again and again, who would be the most electable against Hillary Clinton or whoever the democratic nominee might be. Debates have driven this president ial campaign more than previous election cycles, and its 34 days until the next one. So this race could be frozen in time until then. Only 81 days until iowa. Jeff zeleny, thanks so much. Joining us now to talk about the debate, Donald Trumps performance and the state of his Campaign Michael cohen. Thanks so much for being here, appreciate it. How are you . Good. So let me find out more about this Deportation Force that mr. Trump talked about on msnbc earlier this morning to deport millions of undocumented immigrants in this country can i jump in for a second . Sure. You talk about them as undocumented aliens. Theyre not. Theyre Illegal Immigrants. Why is it that we have a problem in calling somebody exactly what they are . They snuck across the border. They shouldnt be here in the first place. Now thats not to say we dont want them, but they have to come into this country, as mr. Trump will say, again and again and again, legally. We need to know exactly whos in this country. Its national security. We want to know exactly who is in this country. Im actually confused and i would love an answer even from you as to why this question is still floating arntd. The bottom line is if you sneak into the country, you dont belong here. Thats an illegal act. Mr. Trumps position is you must leave. We want you to come back through this big beautiful door in this border that hes going to talk about. I am confused as to how anybody, any candidate, republican or democrat, can think otherwise. Well, to answer your question as to why somebody might use the word undocumented immigrant instead of illegal immigrant is i think there are lots of reasons, one of them is that some of the people in this country were brought here as children and therefore they didnt necessarily commit the illegal act. So the more encompassing term would be undocumented. And call them whatever you want to call them, michael, by all means. Just to probe further on what mr. Trump was talking about this morning, was he calling for a new Government Law Enforcement Agency to do these deportations . Or was he talking about immigration and Customs Enforcement . I believe immigrations and Customs Enforcement. But like everything in this country thats broken, mr. Trump is going to need to fix it. How hes going to fix it, i dont think anybody has the answer to that right now simply because i dont think we really know, number one, how many people are here undocumented in this country. I dont think we have an exact number. And i think that the number is not 11 or 12 million as everybody says. Its probably substantially more. And the funny thing is that mr. Trump gets a lot of slack in regard to his positions on immigration. And i think people forget the fact that his wife is an immigrant, that she went through the process, she went through the documentation process. And thats really the way that we as americans want we want our people to come to this country legally. To give them all the benefits and rights that are conferred upon u. S. Citizens. I believe his first wife was immigrant as well, legal immigrant. Turning to some politics. Toi i want to ask you, ben carsons adviser, Armstrong Williams yesterday on this show told me that trump has not yet found a way to go after carson effectively. And he called trump, quote, desperate. Your response. I dont know how hes desperate. He was in the number one spot in the dead center of the, you know, of the debate stage. Mr. Trump continues to do incredibly well. Hes traveling the country to packed crowds. And hes actually enjoying what hes doing. Hes giving people answers despite what people say. And, you know, there were six or seven polls that i saw early this morning all of which had mr. Trump winning the debate yesterday and doing exactly what he needed to do to stay the front runner. You would agree you have the time poll, the wall street journal poll, drudge. Right. You had but, michael, you would agree carson is giving him more of a competition than he thought he would give him. Do you disagree with the assessment jake, this is the president ial race. Right. You know, theres nobody other than possibly hillary, right, on the other side thats running away with her partys nomination. Mr. Trumps a fighter. Mr. Trump likes to win. And hes going to win. Have you found an effective way to go after carson yet, i guess thats the real question. I think ben carson has his own problems. I think his autobiography is just the beginning. They really havent focused on him for the last five, six weeks everybody has focused predominantly on donald trump because, again, hes been the front runner for just so long. What else besides the autobiography . Im sorry . What else besides the autobiography . I think theyre doing their operative work and theyre certainly going to be coming out very soon with information about ben carson. And hes going to have to answer the tough questions the same way donald trump has been doing since the inception of this race. Do you what do you think about ted cruzs comment to me the other day where he said he thought it was very plausible that this race might come down to him versus marco rubio, not even mentioning you, donald trump or dr. Carson. Yeah, well, thats obviously one mans opinion. Hes a nice man, ted cruz. I dont think marco rubio has sustaining power. You know, these unfortunate stump speeches that he gives to every single answer i was not impressed by his performance yesterday. I thought the back and forth with rand paul rand paul actually got the better of him on that exchange. I dont find marco rubio to be engaging. And i find his comments are predictable. We know your father was a bartender, your mom was a housekeeper. Nobody paid for your schooling. You did it all on your own with the help of maybe individuals like norman brayman and others. He is part of the establishment. He is the establishment. American people are sick and tired of the establishment and thats why they choose donald trump. Michael cohen, thanks so much. Always a pleasure to have you on. Thank you, jake. Thank you so much. It was an awkward moment last night marco rubio seemingly dissed by jeb bush when he tried to shake his hand. That and the bake story next. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. 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They give 40 of the lobbying money, that sort of corporate welfare is why were bankrupting our kids and grand kids. Sugar subsidies. Can you think of any, any republican president ial candidate who might support sugar subsidies . Lets talk about last nights debate with cnn political commentator ana navarro and katy paco. For the record im doing low carb so all i do is splenda these days. Theyre my friends, but im not in their pocket. And sugars not in your pocket is the point i guess. But that seems to be a preview of something to come a major difference between ted cruz and marco rubio. Ted cruz is opposed to the sugar subsidies and jeb bush because hes from florida said hes in favor of winding them down. I think that youre very perceptive and you caught whats going to be a coming attack line against marco rubio from ted cruz. I think yesterday we saw that the two of them are its going to be the cuban american primary, cigars and rum. I think that ted cruz is going to try this out. Theres fertile soil there. You know, marco, sugar has been a very important part of the industry and the lobbying world in florida. Marco has received a lot of support. And i think he now is forewarned that hes going to have to explain it, which im sure hell be prepared for. Katy, cruz got a lot of praise from conservative outlets and the conservative circles for his debate performance last night. National review rich lowry said he was the winner. But he had one moment perhaps he wishes he could have a doover. Lets play that. Today we rolled out a spending plan, 500 billion in specific cuts, five major agencies i would eliminate, the irs, the department of commerce, the department of energy, the department of commerce and hud. Five agencies, the department of commerce, the department of commerce, the department of commerce so the other one is the department of education, but you know whats interesting he had kind of like an oops moment although he barrelled through and listed one of these agencies twice. Its not sticking to him at all like it did to rick perry, why not . I think he showed rick perry how to do it. If you cant remember, you just push through. But im starting to wonder if in texas maybe they dont teach them all the cabinet agencies and maybe they cant grab them all when theyre under pressure. Probably also because nobody doubts the wattage on ted cruz. Yeah, i mean, i think with rick perry it was kind of playing into, you know, the concern that people had about h him. It wasnt the first time, the oops moment was a few oops momenting along the way. It was so painful. I think a lot of republicans think the department of commerce is such a boondoggle we can get rid of it twice. I need to get some insight from you, ana. Oh, for the love of god. You support jeb bush, but i want you to watch during one of the breaks last night. What looks like the protege, marco rubio, we slowmoed it, going over to jeb, his former mentor. And jeb gives him a heisman, nods his head and rubio turns away. What was that . What happened . You know, jake tapper, all youre missing is the telanovela background music at this point. Frankly i think folks are overreading that moment. Both marco and jeb have said today that it was all right. Look, i know these guys pretty well believe me. If they hated each other like donald trump said they do, you could see it readily. That looked tense. That moment looked tense. You disagree . You mean that darkened hard to see moment that you just played in slow motion and sped up during a president ial debate you should see what i wanted to do with the sound track. Listen, i think is it awkward that theyre running against each other . Absolutely. Are there tense moments . Absolutely. Are these guys longtime friends, and theres a lot of good water under that bridge . Absolutely. Quick moment. I want to play for you Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire. A, i believe democrat, who does not like Carly Fiorina asking her a question about Carly Fiorina. Take a listen. Every time i see her on tv i want to reach through and strangle her. [ laughter ] i know that doesnt sound very nice. I wouldnt mess with you. Ive heard from conservatives saying if this was a republican voter saying to someone else that they wanted to reach through the television and strangle Hillary Clinton and the republican president ial candidate laughed it off, that there would be hell to pay and there wasnt in this case. Absolutely. The Hillary Clinton campaign, paul begala and all their henchmen out there crying domestic violence, abuse against women, theyre basically condoning, you know, somebody being violent to women. The secret service would probably be on this guys doorstep, you know, by proposing Something Like that. I think that republicans tend to be a little less politically correct and they dont get exercised as much. But absolutely if this was something that was said about Hillary Clinton people would be going nuts. She also missed a moment. One of the best moments john mccain had in 2008 was when he stood up to a questioner who made add homonym attacks against barack obama and he pushed back against it. Hillary clinton is now leading by a wide margin, the presumptive nominee, seriously its about time she started acting president ial and not laughing at moments like this. Ladies, thank you so much. A fireball after a jet crashes into an Apartment Building with no warning. What investigators are now saying about that deadly crash. Plus were just learning of a new video threat from an isis affiliate in the same area the russian passenger plane crashed. Is isis plotting a new attack . 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Authorities are investigating why a small plane fell out of the sky and crashed into an Apartment Building in akron, ohio, killing all nine people onboard. The charter flight in a fiery explosion was on a path to akron but somehow missed the airport. Today new details emerging about the victims including seven employees from a florida company. Boris sanchez joining us with more. Jake, were learning more about what ntsb investigators are looking at when it comes to figuring out how this plane went down. First we learned they had Surveillance Video of the plane shortly before it went down. Weve also learned that they have a flight data recorder that was onboard the plane that theyve recovered theyll be looking at to try to gather some evidence from that. And lastly they tell us that the plane apparently clipped some power lines and the left wing slammed into the ground. Theyre going to look at all these pieces to figure out exactly what happened. Flames, shock and confusion in a southeast akron neighborhood tuesday just before 3 00 p. M. Neighbors say they saw a plane falling fast. All of a sudden this plane just dropped out of the sky. It just like veered sideways and just plowed right into the duplexes there. And it was just instant boom and flames and smoke. It was horrific. It was terrible. Reporter the twin engine hawker 700, similar to the one shown here, taking down power lines before slamming into a brick Apartment Building and then sparking a fire. The ohio state Highway Patrol confirming that none of the nine people onboard survived. While the fuselage is mostly in tact, Officials Say the fire has made the recovery effort difficult with crews still working to positively identify the remains of those onboard. The medical Examiners Office is currently involved in the recovery process. We are continuing to gather Additional Information about the souls that were on this plane so that we can make positive identification. Reporter the plane was on a chartered trip run by execuflight based in fot. Lauderda lauderdale, florida. Their ceo confirmed his pilot and copilot were wellseasoned fliers whod been with the company for about a year. They were among those killed. The crew are people that we know. Theyre like family for us. And so were very, very sad to see them go. It was very hard for me to go and give that news to their loved ones, to their wife, parents. Reporter meantime peb enterprises, a Real Estate Company based in boca raton confirmed the seven passengers onboard were employees. The Company Posted a statement on their website writing in part, quote, we are shocked and deeply saddened for the families, colleagues and friends of those who perished. Our First Priority is to give our fullest support to the family members and loved ones of our coworkers. The families of those killed mostly live in florida, with many now arriving at the scene. On the ground Officials Say they are lucky no one was inside the fourunit Apartment Building when it was hit. But after flames spread to two nearby buildings, up to a dozen families may have lost their homes. No one was injured on the ground from the crash itself. We are very fortunate of that. One more thing the ntsb is looking at, a flight that landed at that Akron Airport shortly before this one was set to land, theyve interviewed the pilot of that flight to try to get an idea of the conditions in the air and on the ground. However, they havent revealed what that pilot told them because they say this is an Ongoing Investigation and, jake, they may have to interview him once again in the future. Boris sanchez, thanks so much. In our world lead u. S. Investigators now being asked to take part in the metrojet crash investigation in egypt as an isis affiliate releases a new video threat. That story next. If yand youre talking toevere rheumyour rheumatologiste me, about a biologic. 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Topping world lead, u. S. Officials confirming to cnn that american investigators could soon get a chance to examine physical evidence from the russian jet crash. The Egyptian Government has accepted the National Transportation safety boards offer to assist in the probe. All of this coming as isis in the Sinai Peninsula releases a new video threatening more attacks. Lets get right to cnns barbara starr. Shes live at the pentagon. Barbara, what can you tell us about these new threats . Jake, on the video the speaker expresses suicide bombers all just the latest challenge facing the cairo government in dealing with isis. Egyptian president abdul fatah el sisi visited Sharm El Sheikh airport wednesday promising his government will hide nothing. Translator we will announce the results of the investigation with complete transparency and clarity. Reporter for the first time the u. S. Has been asked to get directly involved in the investigation of what brought down russian metrojet flight 9268. National Transportation Safety board investigators now on standby to go to egypt. The first indication came from egypts foreign minister saying the government was willing to accept american personnel. They have to be given full access to the crash area site. And they will undertake the same and have the same accessibility to all of the international investigators. Reporter security still a question in the egyptian resort city of Sharm El Sheikh. Cnn has seen security personnel using handheld bomb detectors that british officials and Security Experts say just dont work. Isis in sinai believed to be behind the attack released a new propaganda video. The speaker threatens attacks in egypt and israel, but no mention of the metrojet crash. The pressure is on egypt to do more than just find the perpetrator. Experts say especially given the Tourism Industry that egypt does not want to scare off. They need to take stock of what could potentially be a growing threat in the sinai potentially with this franchise of the Islamic State growing in its capability and capacity. Reporter all of which may explain egypts continuing sensitivity to letting outside personnel into the crash investigation, jake. Barbara starr live at the pentagon for us. Thank you so much. Joining me now is republican congressman mike mccaul, chairman of the House Homeland Security committee. Mr. Chairman, thanks so much for being here. All signs point to isis in sinai being behind this attack, but then in this video that they released no mention of the attack. Does that affect whether or not an intelligence ultimately believes theyre behind it . No, i dont think so. Theyve already taken credit for the bombing of the airline. I think all indicators, information that i have points towards a bombing event by isis on a Russian Airliner. Remember, this is sort of twoprong attack for them. One is against el sisi in egypt to hit their Tourism Industry. And the second one is to hit the russians who theyve declared war against because of their presence in the region and syria. I again have a high degree of confidence this was an isis attack getting a bomb on an airplane. The question is how did it get on the airplane. Do you think that the terror group is capable of carrying out an attack like this that hits americans . Well, if this was in fact an Insider Threat, we can have the best vetting procedures from a Screening Technology standpoint, but if somebody can be compromised and corrupted from within, or radicalized to put a piece of luggage in the hull of an aircraft, jake, thats a very hard thing to stop. And, jake, that is the biggest vulnerability in the aviation sector that i see with respect to aircraft coming into the United States. Having said that ive talked to the tsa administrator, secretary of homeland security, they have beefed up their measures in last points of departure airports in addition to screening and vetting employees. But now that isis has this capability, we knew aqap had this. Right. And a new technology by the way. But now that isis has demonstrated if this in fact is the case that they have that kind of capability, thats a whole new chapter in terrorism. Youre talking about tsa and those who work behind the tsa security lines in american airports. Thats almost a Million People who are able to get past the tsa security for their job. Is there sufficient screening of these individuals . You know, with tsa i believe so, but there are thousands of airport workers and those who have access to the airplane that i passed legislation out of my committee to more properly vet and screen them. And i do believe the secretary is cognizant of this. The tsa administrator knows about this Insider Threat being probably one of the greatest vulnerabilities we have. And so i think moving forward in a proactive way we need to screen them better. Have you seen any uptick in chatter of officials seeing any uptick in chatter about this incident in sinai by people who are sympathetic with isis in the United States . Im not quite sure i understand your question, but the information that i have that has come to my attention again indicates this is an isis related event with an explosive device. They obviously have very they have several enemies. One is the Egyptian Government. And they hit that through the tourism at Sharm El Sheikh. The other is the russians here in the region. And of course the west and the United States have always been declared enemies of isis. So its not a far stretch to imagine a scenario where they would try to put a bomb on an airplane inbound into the United States. Just a quick question, sir, on another topic. There was a disturbing incident on the campus of university of california merced last week. A Muslim American student stabbed four people before being shot by police. He had a manifesto, praised allah, reports he had a printout of an isis black flag. Law enforcement there saying this was not terrorism related. What can you tell us about that incident . Do you believe hes a selfradicalized lone wolf . I think so. I mean, i dont think theres any link between isis and this individual. But its a classic case, jake, of this radicalization online of a lone wolf type in the United States. This is a very case thats probably the most difficult to stop because you cant see it happening in advance to stop it. And so i think this individual radicalized over the internet and perpetrated the stabbing. This can happen anywhere, any time, any place. I think thats whats concerns us the most. How do you stop these random acts that could happen anywhere . And the internet is filled with this type of isis propaganda. Congressman michael mccaul, thank you so much. Appreciate your time, sir. Thanks, jake. Two white supremiste did little known pagan religion play a role in their plot . And one restaurant chain now officially telling customers tipping is not allowed. That storys next in our money lead. Across america, people. Are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes. With noninsulin victoza®. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. But it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza®. He said victoza® works differently than pills. And comes in a pen. Victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. Its taken once a day, any time. 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Com checkup and get started today. Welcome back to the lead. New details today on a foiled White Supremacy plot. Two arrested in virginia after allegedly trying to buy guns, silencers and explosives from an undercover fbi agent. The pair were planning to start a, quote, race war, according to the fbi. A third man is also in custody accused of wanting to help them. Lets bring in cnn justice reporter evan perez. How close did these men get to carrying out their plan . And what exactly was this . A race war . Exactly. They wanted to rob businessmen to raise money in order to start this race war. Now, they were according to the fbi which was conducting using confidential sources, wiretaps, surveillance to watch these guys. They had plans to kill a jeweler, rob him and use that money to purchase land to stockpile weapons for this planned race war according to the fbi theyd met with an undercover fbi agent as part of a sting operation, jake. They placed an order for automatic weapons explosives and a pistol with a silencer when they showed up to pay for these weapons is when the fbi carrie out these arrests earlier this week. And these men have some sort of allegiance or adherence to an extremist version of what faith . Its apparently a pagan religion that grew up in the 1960s here in the United States. And some of these people are, you know, both practicing this nordic faith as well as being racist. Some of them are not. These guys apparently were part of the one group that believe they were White Supremacyist. And how did these guys initially get on the radar of the fbi . Well, the fbi apparently found out about in meeting that they were having where there was this plan coming forward to attack jewish synagogues and black churches. Now, this brings up reminders of dyl dylann roof. Thats what really alerted the fbi here. They wanted to make sure they stopped this. They didnt get really very far with their plan. They just wanted to make sure they stopped this before they got any closer. Evan perez, thanks so much. Classes going on as planned today at the university of missouri under tighter security however after new threats of violence against africanamerican students. Campus police say they have arrested a suspect accused of posting online threats including one post that said, quote, im going to shoot every black person i see. The threatening posts come after days of protests over the universitys handling of racism complaints. Theres protests and other things that were part of the protests forced the resignations of the universitys president and chancellor. Campus police say the suspect was not on or near the universitys columbia, missouri campus when the threat was made. Turning now to our money lead. Put away that calculator app millennial, you will not need to figure out that pesky math your teacher tried to convince you you would need to know, at least not to calculate your servers tip if youre dining at 18 select locations of joes crab shack that is. Its the first major chain restaurant to roll out a no tipping policy at some of his restaurants. The practice has been picking up steam with fine dining in an effort to pay restaurant staff a higher fixed wage that comes with a price though of course. The ceo of joes crab shack told investigators that prices are now expected to rise about 12 to 15 . You dont need to play fantasy football, you dont even need to be a football fan, all you need is eyeballs to be aware of sites like fan duel and draft kings. Spent more than the entire Beer Industry in the early part of the football season showcasing giant checks and Success Stories of fans who have played. Well now just like online poker about a decade ago, the ride may be over. New yorks attorney general has declared draft kings and fan duel are illegal gambling, not fantasy, and ordered them to stop taking bets from new yorkers. The tide started to turn on these sites after allegations of insider trading, of player information surfaced last month. In our buried lead coming up on this veterans day, he put his life on the line for fighting for his country, so why did he end up sleeping in a park when he got home . That story next. So jill, i know the markets have taken a hit lately. Mm hmm. Just wanted to touch base. How did edward jones come to manage over 800 billion dollars in assets . Huh. Okay. Heres our latest market outlook. Two things that id like to point out. Through face time when you really need it. So thats interesting, you know we had spoken about that before. Its how edward jones makes sense of investing. The possibility of a flare swas almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications havent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Raise your expectations. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, control is possible. Learned how to work on teams, how to stay committed to a mission, how to solve seemingly intractable problems, they get stuff done. [ technical difficulties ] on the lead we try to honor them not merely by saluting those at the front of the veterans day parades, whom it is easy to praise. But by also paying attention to their brothers and sister who is are having a tougher time of it including this year those living in the streets on which those parades are marched. Tens of thousands of American Veterans are homeless in this country. In 2009 the Obama Administration vowed to end this problem by the end of this year 2015. Progress has been made, but not enough. Every time i was thinking every night i was sleeping i put my life on the line for this country, why am i sleeping in this park right now, why am i in this shelter . Reporter its a good question. Why do so many people, tens of thousands who once put their lives on the nation, live on the streets in their own country . 25yearold army veteran andre jones served in afghanistan before struggling with homelessness. It got pretty bad. Got pretty, pretty bad. Reporter in 2009 the Obama Administration announced it would make ending veteran homelessness a top priority. President obama and i are personally committed to ending homelessness among veterans. And we targeted the next five years as crucial. Reporter a multiagency push aimed at ending it this year. It is an audacious goal, but it is achievable. It is absolutely achievable. Reporter absolutely achievable, but it will not be achieved this year. Though the Administration Says nearly 60,000 housing vouchers along with education and Addiction Treatment have reduced the numbers by more than a third. Its not like it ends. And the measure of our success is have we put a system in place that when a veteran becomes homeless in short order we can get them a place to live. Reporter today almost 50,000 veterans remain without homes. Its a larger concern in cities such as new york and los angeles where rent is pricey. While others including houston, phoenix and new orleans say theyve solved the problem publicly declaring victory however can be a problem in itself. We are calling people for donations. Some of them actually have said, well, i thought we licked that problem, i thought we were done. Why are you asking us for money . Reporter steve peck is the president and ceo of u. S. Vets, an organization helping thousands including andre jones. V. A. Funding helped peck build this transitional housing facility in washington, d. C. , a place that also provides job training. When i came here, the others came here, we had a chance to kind of stabilize a little bit, catch our breath so to speak. Reporter stan star, like a majority of homeless veterans, served in the vietnam era. Unlike most however he built a career on wall street before falling into debt. Is there any more humbling experience than where we are . Probably not. Reporter u. S. Vets helped star begin teaching finance and get his own apartment. Whats the biggest misconception that the public has about the homeless . They see homelessness as someone whos not educated, someone who doesnt have motivation or want anything out of life when actually we want all of that. Reporter matilda says she was sexually harassed in the military which contributed to her drug abuse which eventually landed her in prison. I just made seven months clean. Reporter in the past addiction prevented many vets from being eligible for housing, but today treatment and housing go hand in hand. This is one area where washington has actually worked. Reporter worked for some, yes, but for Many Employers and landlords the perceived stigma of homelessness remains. Even when these veterans land job interviews, theres no guarantee theyll be hired. Now, you did communications gnat army . Yes. Reporter and those skills at no time transfer . It wasnt most the skills didnt transfer, i just didnt know how to apply them properly. Reporter thanks to u. S. Vets jones is able to focus here on the future instead of where hes going to sleep tonight. And of course it does not end with providing a home. I think its really important that we take the long view on this. Its a human issue. Its a patriotic issue. And we have to be prepared to deal with this for as long as there are wars. Progress is being made. The commonwealth of virginia announced today that it had effectively ended homelessness for veterans. The white house today also announced that the cities of syracuse, new york and las vegas have eliminated effectively veteran homelessness. To all our veterans out there, thank you for your service. For me, my family and everyone at the lead, i thank you. Turning you over now to wolf blitzer in the situation room. Happening now, isis threat. U. S. Sources say intelligence is poring over cell phone records and other intercepts trying to track any terrorists who may have been involved in the downing of that Russian Airliner over sinai. And were now learning that before that plane exploded isis called for attacks on russia. Holding pattern, egypt says it will let u. S. Experts help with the airliner investigation, but how much will the american investigators be allowed to see . And whats behind the delay . Stun gun suit, Surveillance Video

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