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Leaving the white house. Stand by for our exclusive report. Plus, we are awaiting a final vote in the House Of Representatives on the Debt Limit Deal. This hour ill be getting reaction from a key Progressive Democrat who says she is voting no. Also tonight, attacks on russian territory appear to be escalating. Kremlin officials calling the situation near the Ukrainian Border alarming. One day after Drone Strikes shook the russian capital city of moscow. Welcome to our viewers here in the United States and all around the world. Wolf blitzers on assignment. Im Alex Marquardt, and youre in the Situation Room. And lets get straight to cnns new exclusive reporting on this Special Counsels criminalvection of former president donald trump. Katelyn polantz and paula reid have been working their sources. They are joining us now with the latest. Kaitlan, i want to go to you first. What are you learning about this critical key new piece of evidence . Well, alex, this is an audiotape that the Justice Department now has and is part of their Special Counsel investigation into whether donald trump mishandled National Security secrets and possibly obstructed justice. So, the Justice Department has this audiotape. Theyve heard it. They have asked people about it in a grand jury. They have asked other people about it including the current chairman of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff mark milley. And the reason that they are asking about it is because it appears to be quite significant. So this audiotape we have not heard, but its been described to us by multiple sources. And on it donald trump is at a meeting At Bedminster where he has his golf resort in new jersey. And in this meeting, its trump, some of his aides, some people working on a book for his former Chief Of Staff mark meadows. During this meeting donald trump is talking about apparently a plan that existed from the pentagon where the chairman of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff mark milley was presenting to trump the possible option of bombing iran. Now, all reporting that we understand is that trump wanted to bomb iran or have some sort of Military Attack there. And milley did not want to do that. And at this point in time in july of 2021, there were some stories coming out about how milley and others had stopped trump from taking this really aggressive Military Action at the very end of his presidency. So donald trump was quite angry, and in this meeting hes talking about this plan. Hes talking about a document that milley has. Hes also rustling a paper. That can be heard on the tape. Now, we dont know exactly what document hes having there, but hes apparently referring to a document that he wants to share more widely, and also acknowledging that he cant share it because its classified, and thats a really key piece of this, too. Now, mark meadows, his former Chief Of Staff, he writes about this into this book, this particular episode of bedminster. Donald trump recalled a fourpage report typed up by mark milley himself which contained the generals own plan to attack iran, deploying massive numbers of troops. The Justice Department has locked down this audiotape and gotten testimony about people who were in the meeting, we know at least one person an aide in the meeting. She has testified to a grand jury and shes doing all of this evidence that theyre gathering, this is the sort of thing where donald trump does not have hes talking about Classified Information to people who do not have clearances. Alex . And, paula, how significant is this going to be to jack smith, the Special Counsels investigation . Our sources have told us this is incredibly significant to the Special Counsel. They described this recording as, quote, important to this overall investigation because this is trump in his own words saying that he retained at least one classified document, and while he suggested that he would like to share it, he acknowledges the limits of his ability to declassify materials after he has left the white house. And that is significant because it undercuts all the public explanations he has given for those powers, for that authority, and for the status of these materials that were in his possession. Lets listen to a few of the ways he has tried to explain this. First, what he said to our colleague and coauthor here, Kaitlan Collins at our town hall. Why did you take those documents with you when you left the white house . I had every right to under the president ial records act. You have the president ial records act. I was there, and i took what i took, and it gets declassified. I have no classified documents. And, by the way, they become automatically declassified when i took them. Several months earlier, he gave a different explanation to fox news. Lets take a listen. If youre the president of the in any case, you can declassify just by saying its declassified, even by thinking about it. Because youre sending it to maralago or to wherever youre sending it. When you send it, its declassified. I Declassified Everything. Now, his lawyers also sent a letter to congress insisting that he was only in possession of these classified materials because things were very chaotic at the end of his administration and were inadvertently packed up. But this recording undercuts all of those defenses. Now, in a statement, a representative for former President Trump says, in part, that this is, quote, media harassment, and its just more proof that when it comes to President Trump, there are absolutely no depths to which they will not seek as they pursue their, quote, witch hunts. Now, ill also note that most of the focus so far in this investigation and in the reporting, alex, has been on maralago. But the fact that this meeting happened At Bedminster and that he appears to have had this document up there at his new Jersey Golf Club really brings the investigation into a different theater. We know that they did search bedminster late last year. Based on this recording, it appears that classified materials may have, for a time, been in new jersey as well. A new angle on all this. Paula reid and katelyn polantz, terrific reporting, along with our colleague Kaitlan Collins. Stand by as we bring into this discussion more of our political and National Security experts. Thank you all for joining me. This recording just described by paula and katelyn Capture Trump acknowledging the limitations on the ability to declassify documents. How damning do you think this is going to be . I think its very damning, particularly for the prosecutors decision whether to charge or not. I can easily imagine trump defending himself or his lawyers defending him in trial saying he didnt understand at the time just what he could declassify, et cetera. But for the prosecutors who need to be certain that they have evidence of his state of mind, Something Like this would be very significant to them and could get them over the hump of being worried about proving his state of mind. Beth, you used to brief the former president. When you heard that he was allegedly waving around classified plans to hit iran in front of these people who had no Security Clearance at his new Jersey Golf Club, whats your reaction . Well, i mean, incredible disappointment. If i was doing that, i would be in jail. This cant be okay for someone at a certain level to do something, whereas the average person who works in the government wouldnt. Right. This is something that no one else could do or they would certainly get in trouble for doing. Lets listen to a little bit more of what the former president told our Kaitlan Collins at the recent cnn town hall. When it comes to your documents, did you ever show those classified documents to anyone . Not really. I would have the right to. By the way, they were declassified what do you mean not really . Not that i can think of. Maggie haberman, does this new reporting, in your opinion, speak to trumps motivation in keeping classified documents and then showing them to other people . I dont know if it speaks to his motivation. I think this is an incredible story. And my hats on of to cnn for getting it. What it speaks to his mindset is that whether he knew that those documents were classified and he automatically Declassified Everything that, there was a Standing Order in the white house. Therefore, none of this was improperly in his possession. It depends on the words on the tape. We dont know exactly what his language is. I havent heard it. Theres a small group of people, as i understand it, who have. If he says, you know, something that indicates that he is aware that this material is either classified or sensitive in nature or something, and that possibly he shouldnt have it in his possession, that would undercut what their public defenses have been and, frankly, private defenses have been for some time. I think this gets to mindset as much as anything. The fact that its on tape is very striking. And this is not a secret recording. His own aides routinely taped everything for these book everywheres. They knew they were taping. We do know that the Justice Department recovered hundreds of classified documents from maralago. But as paula just pointed out, this meeting took place At Bedminster, at this other golf club of trump. Do you believe that theres a pattern of behavior here . Well, i think this is something prosecutors have been investigating. We know that there was a huge back and forth between the trump team and prosecutors through much of 2021, the second half excuse me, 2022, the second half of it, about whether there would be additional searches of trumps properties. And, as we know, once there were these additional searches that were done basically under threat of some kind of action by doj, they turned up additional the trump team turned up additional classified material at a storage unit and in trumps own bedroom. So, i think thats something youre going to see prosecutors point to. And this document that trump was allegedly waving around, beth, claims is allegedly about plans to strike iran. What do you make of those claims by trump and about the position of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff mark milley . It was mark milleys job and still is to provide any kind of order that the president would give about a military operation. It doesnt seem to me farfetched that youd get an options paper, and, of course, if the president wanted to attack iran, a Military Officer would have a pretty robust attack plan. But that doesnt mean that mark milley, General Milley is a war mongerer. Quite the opposite. I spoke to him many times during my role as an intelligence official. And he absolutely did not want to go to war with iran. The military does prepare really for many, many different options. Paula reid, back to you. How do we think that this recording is going to be informing this Special Counsels thinking about possible charges against the former president . Well, as one of our sources told me, this is a problem for the former president , for his attorneys. Whats interesting is so much of the reporting was recently focused on questions about obstruction, because thats where a lot of the new reporting has focused. But whats interesting about this recording is it provides possible evidence of other crimes that are under investigation, mishandling Classified Information, retaining government secrets. As ive said in other hits that this Justice Department has been reluctant to bring cases that are solely Obstruction Without an underlying crime, which is why it was unclear if charges would be pursued in this case at all against the former president or against anyone else. But knowing that theyre asking witnesses including mark milley about this, this is significant. It really gives us some insight into the breadth and depth of this investigation, and the legal peril facing former President Trump. Yeah, it is certainly a deepening potential peril that he is in. I want to thank you all for weighing in on this very important breaking story. Just ahead, with eyewitness have much more on the political fallout from this exclusive new cnn reporting on the criminal investigation of donald trump. Plus, were keeping an eye on congress, where the house is preparing to vote. Ill be getting reaction from the chair. The Situation Room w with wolf blitzer, brought to youou verizon. The Network America relies on. E. And where its going. dock worker right on time. vo robots can predict breakdowns and order their own replacement parts. foreman nice work. vo and retails can get ahead of the Fashion Trend of the day with a new line tomorrow. With a verizon private 5g network, you can get more agility and security. Giving you more control of your business. We call this enterprise intelligence. From the Network America relies on. Hi, im michael, ive lost 70 pounds on golo. I spent thousands on other diets that didnt work. On golo, i spent a couple hundred bucks and got back down to my high school weight. 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In washington tonight, all eyes are on the house floor as the bipartisan Debt Limit Deal comes up for a final vote. Our chief Congressional Correspondent Manu Raju Is Standing by for us on capitol hill, and our chief White House Correspondent Phil Mattingly has more on the president s push to get democrats on board with this agreement. Lets begin with you, manu raju. What are you hearing from sources about how all this is going to go down, and whether House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy should be worried about how his caucus is going to vote. Well, there is high confidence on both sides of the aisle that this Bill Will Pass, that would suspend the National Debt limit until january 2025, would include a number of Spending Cuts that were negotiated between the speaker of the house as well as the white house. Even though there has been some concerns on both sides of the aisle, a number of members concerned that their respective leaders did not cut a deal that was good enough to them. And that was borne out on the house floor hojust moments ago. 29 republicans voted against moving forward. That is unusual. Typically those procedural votes happen along party lines. But it speaks among the right flank of the Republican Caucus that Kevin Mccarthy, in their view, did not push hard enough for Spending Cuts. On the left, a number of members are concerned that the white house gave in too much to Speaker Mccarthy and are planning to oppose the bill. Using this process to negotiate legislation and spending which never has happened before, is unprecedented and unacceptable. And we cannot support that president. But the white house says this is the only option and this is what they had to do. You dont buy that . I disagree with that. This is not the only option. Instead of saying, patting us on the head and saying it couldve been worse, they could have said this is the end of the fossil fuel giveaways. Im pretty discouraged and frustrated that it has come to this. The speaker says this is the largest spending cut in history. Do you buy that . I do. I do think its a large spending cut. That said, i think that when youre going to give a basically unending check to the Administrative Branch of government, there probably should be a few more checks. When the house does vote to take up this bill, watch whether or not Kevin Mccarthy can get more than half of his 223 member House Republican conference. There is a belief among Kevin Mccarthy himself who told me earlier today that he does believe a majority of republicans will vote for this and that democrats will also vote as well to push this forward. But that question will be key, because if its under a majority, as some conservatives suggest, it could take a move against him, trying to challenge him for the speakership if that were to happen. But we expect it to pass tonight, then its over to the senate when the republican and Democratic Leaders want this to pass as soon as tomorrow if theres an agreement to get this to the president s desk. Fundamental divisions on both sides. Manu raju on capitol hill, thanks very much. Now to cnns Phil Mattingly at the white house. Phil, Speaker Mccarthy, hes been questioned about whether he can keep his caucus together, keep republicans together. But there are also quite a few Progressive Democrats also upset at this plan, including senator bernie sanders, who said hes also going to be voting no. Whats going on at the white house to make sure there isnt any longterm irreparable damage . When you talk to white house officials, they make clear that they were keenly aware that there were going to be progressives that were frustrated with this deal, felt like there shouldve been some other alternative. And what ended upcoming out of those negotiations between the Top White House negotiators and their republican counterparts. When you talk to white house officials, their view is the alternative here was default, the alternative here was not reaching an agreement at all. And when you take the agreement on that, not only does it push a debt ceiling deadline off for another two years, but it also limits largely what republicans had tried to get into place in the legislation that they had passed before the negotiations actually started. That said, white house officials are cognisant that there is work to do. Theres been dozens of phone calls from Top Administration officials, a series of briefings on specific elements of the bill, as well as the bill in its entirety this morning to the House Democratic caucus, all members were invited to a meeting on the capitol to be briefed on this legislation. White house officials dont view this as something that will cause longterm damage with progressives. However, they do know that there is work to do, and at some point the president will likely have to be involved in that work. Their primary goal at this point, get it through the house and the senate, get it signed and then theyll work through their own caucus. Thanks very much for that report. Now lets get reaction from the chair of the congressional Progressive Caucus, democratic congresswoman of washington, pramila jayapal. Thank you so much for joining us. You have said that you are voting no on this bill tonight. So, does that mean you are essentially signaling that you would rather that the u. S. Default than agree to this compromise . Absolutely not, alex. I think that this is very important that the American People understand that it was republicans who drove us to the brink of default, were willing to sacrifice peoples pensions, working peoples benefits in order to get some ideological priorities through of theirs. And it was democrats led by President Biden that actually said no, were going to responsible. That said, this Bill Will Pass tonight, they dont need progressive votes. I know they dont need progressive votes. I think its really important that Kevin Mccarthy show that he is the speaker of the house that can deliver at least twothirds of his caucus votes. It is ridiculous, we already saw in the rule vote that republicans had to be bailed out by democrats. And now i think its important that he can show he can bring forward at least twothirds of his caucus for these votes. Democrats will supply the rest of the votes. But i think its equally important for those of us who understand that both of principal and in conscious of policy that there are bad things in this bill, not because joe biden or democrats wanted it, but because republicans took us hostage. And it is important that we put up a very strong novote on the board. I intend to do that. I know several of my progressive colleagues intend to do that as well. And to say to the American People, at the end of the day, republicans did what we knew they were going to do. Theyre asking working people to sacrifice so that they can continue tax cuts for the wealthiest. Thats all this is. One of the things that youve harshly criticized, really, in this bill are the work requirements. But the cbo is projecting that nearly 80,000 people are actually going to be gaining benefits. Do you still see this as you told Cnn On Sunday as a terrible policy . I really do. And ill tell you why. The people that we are kicking off are essentially black and brown women. That is the majority of people that will get kicked off from 49 to 54 who have been getting assistance. And, in many cases, Caretakers Cannot Go Back to work for 20 hours a week, which is what republicans want them to do. And instead what were saying is were going to cover and make eligible some other people very important population of homeless folks, veterans, et cetera. But how are we going to reach those people who do not have an address, who are on the streets and tell them that they are suddenly eligible and that in order to be eligible, theyre now going to have to provide a whole bunch of paperwork . So dont be fooled into thinking that just because the same number of people are eligible that that means the same number of people will get the benefit. And, lets be clear, that we are sacrificing black and brown, older women between 49 and 54 who are going to get kicked off of these food stamps. Congresswoman, you did mention how Kevin Mccarthys going to be relying on democrats to get this across the finish line. How many members of your Progressive Caucus do you expect will vote for this deal . I really dont know. I think it will all depend on how many members Kevin Mccarthy produces. But i know that we have several dozen and probably about half of Progressive Caucus members who are clear that when our votes are not needed, were not going to give them. And also i think we also might see more. At the end of the day, this is good for the white house to have a strong novote on the board as well. Because we need to be able to go back to our base of working people across this country and tell them that we stood up and we fought for them. We dont have to win every battle, but we do have to stand up and say we hear you, we know things are tough out there, this is going to make it tougher, people are going to get kicked back into paying student loan payments. People are going to get kicked off of food assistance. People are going to have to suffer terrible Environmental Justice consequences of this bill. We need to say that we are here standing up for you because, listen, our base is really important over the next year and a half, and after this is done, ill be asking for a meeting with the president and members of our Executive Team to say, how do we speak to our base that is really distraught by what has happened. And well be watching closely for that meeting. Congresswoman pramila jayapal, we know its a busy evening. Thank you very much for your time. Thank you. Coming up, what were learning about former Vice President mike pences plans to launch his bid for the white house next week. R network. Fast. Reliable. Perfectly orchestrated. The United States postal service. 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Tonight at 7 00, after serving more than 50 years behind bars as a convicted murderer, could former charles and we are following a series of new moves in the 2024 republican primary. Sources now saying that former Vice President mike pence is expected to launch his bid for the white house next week in iowa, the latest in a growing field of republican president ial hopefuls. Cnn political director David Chalian is breaking this down for us. David, what more can you tell us . Alex, this field is getting larger by the moment. Were going to have three candidates get into this race next week. You mentioned former Vice President mike pence. Chris christie, the former new jersey governor. We have learned is going to be announcing his president ial campaign, his second try for the white house next week in a town hall in new hampshire. And the north dakota governor doug bergham is poised to get into this race next week as well. So it is getting crowded. That tells us that donald trump and ron desantis havent scared off everyone else. Those two frontrunners, though, are in iowa today. Desantis did his First Official event last night in iowa. Donald trump coming on the heels of that. Take a look at this campaign schedule. If you look at the map, youre going to see a whole slew of candidates back in iowa over the weekend on saturday because joni ernst is hosting her roast and ride event. So, this is a field that is getting bigger and a campaign that is intensifying. And it is not even june. David chalian, stay with us. I want to bring in abby phillip and gloria borger. Cnn learning exclusively that sources say that federal prosecutors are in possession of an audiotape of former President Trump acknowledging that he held onto a classified document about a potential attack to iran. This undercuts his argument that he declassified all materials, which means this is a Significant Development in jack smith the Special Counsels criminal probe into trumps handling of classified documents. Thank you for joining us. Abby, trumps team is calling this meritless. We are going to see the former president heading back out on the Campaign Trail tomorrow. Do you think that Republican Voters care about these recordings . Does this land with Republican Voters that trump is trying not just to maintain but bring over to his side . Look, i think that voters in general do care about these legal cases involving trump. And a lot of the polling has suggested that, you know, majorities of americans, which would necessarily include republicans, care. A Quinnipiac Poll poll showed almost half of republicans thought the former president may have done something illegal as it pertained to his documents. Even while some voters might think that he did something wrong, it may not necessarily mean that they dont want to vote for him. And i think thats always been his strength in this field is that they take in the negative information, maybe they think he did something wrong, and then they say, well, well put it aside because we care about these other things more. And thats why its not that hes testifflon, but Republican Voters have a Priority List that may be different from the rest of the electorate. This is where Chris Christie might come in because i was talking to an adviser to him today. He said chris lane is going right through donald trump. And, so, he is going to be the one raising all of these issues, raising the legal issues, for example. And there are more to come. And so we have the atlanta grand jury, and we have the Special Counsel, as we were just talking about. So, it is going to become a topic on the Campaign Trail if Chris Christie has anything to say about it. And then well have to see how voters react. Because some of that exhaustion was we hear about with donald trump may increase as a result of this. Im not saying its going to alienate his base, but it could increase. This is a question of trump in his own words, we dont have a recording of this new tape. We have seen the transcripts of the conversation between President Trump and president zelenskyy. We heard the Access Hollywood tape. Then we have this, this recording from the georgia 2020 election. Take a listen. So, look, all i want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state. David, to what gloria was just saying about this question of Whether Trump is teflon. To what extent are these recordings his own words, whether we hear them or see them or hear reports about them, are they a political liability for him . Well, weve heard that recording from the georgia case for the last two years, and donald trump is still the frontrunner for the republican nomination. Not to say, as abby was saying, that this isnt baggage that piles up. Donald trumps legal problems are totally intertwined with this third bid for the white house here. Literally including the schedule, we know that in new york case in the Stormy Daniels case, its scheduled for trial just a few weeks after super tuesday. So this is going to be totally part and parcel of his campaign. Well see how voters respond to it. Yes, some candidates like Chris Christie may try to make this an issue. Ron desantis, i think were getting an early glimpse, isnt all that eager to delve into all the legal challenges, wants to make a broader ideological argument against donald trump in this republican primary. And this is what is going to make this really challenging for republicans running against trump. I think, by and large, the response from a lot of the other candidates has been, well, the fbi has been politicized, theyre just going after him. They know that that argument works with Republican Voters to basically say that trump is being prosecuted unfairly. But it really is almost like unilateral disarmament on their part. They are taking, in other words, that argument almost off the table and making it much more difficult when these cases do come to bear to actually use them against trump in the campaign. So well see how this turns out. But there are some very serious legal challenges that have already ended in an indictment in one case and could end in an indictment in several others. And many of the republican candidates are already saying that those cases are basically invalid. Well, desantis isnt doing that. And this is why hes so smart. To take him on idealogically, taking on donald trump by saying, you know, im the real conservative in this race. There are going to be other candidates who are going to call themselves a conservative like mike pence, for example. But i think its smart of desantis to say im not going to Pay Attention to every one of these cases because he knows the base makes excuses. So, this is just weaponized Justice Department or the fbi, but hes taking on idealogically because, in fact, ron desantis is more conservative than donald trump. Just ask evangelical voters about the question of abortion. And he showed last night in his Campaign Trail debut, hes willing to take it to trump directly. Not necessarily in his speech. But when he met with reporters afterwards and took questions, there was no shying away from punching up to the guy that sits above him in the polls right now. So i think it may be more than Chris Christie who are willing to take donald trump on directly. In different ways. Yeah. All right, folks, we got to leave it there. Thank you all very much. And we do have a programming note. Abby will be back tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern time for cnn prime time. And among her guests will be the trump attorney jim. Just ahead, we will be going live to ukraine where officials are denying responsibility for another round of attacks on russian territory. Stay with us here in the Situation Room. Get 2. 9 apr for 36 months plus 1,500 Purchase Allowance on an xt5 and xt6 when you finance through cadillac financial. Everything he needs in perpetuity. Thanks to autoship from chewy. I always love that old man and he gets the summer house. What . [narrator] save more on what they love and never run out with autoship from chewy. Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer means i cherish my memories. But i dont just look back on them, i look forward to the chance to make new ones every day with verzenio. Verzenio is proven to help you live significantly longer when taken with fulvestrant. 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If you look at ukrainian officials, we heard today from an adviser to the presidency, and he said, quite frankly, while The Ukrainians are not admitting that they are behind all of these attacks, they are certainly saying that there are going to be more of these attacks and they are going to grow in intensity as well. The message is very clear there. The war is coming to the russians. If we look at a map of whats been going on and where its been going on, its a huge area where the russians are now under pressure. Some of it centering around the town of belgorod. And that area is stroo emily important to the russians. Belgorod is one of the main Logistics Hubs for russias war in ukraine. They dont only have troops there itself, but in the surrounding areas around the border as well. If you look further south, there were two Oil Refineries that were hit. Obviously that very important to russias logistics for its invasion of ukraine. But then all the way to the north in the briansk oblast. They claim the russians said they fended that off. You can feel that the russians are under pressure in a large part of their Border Region with ukraine, which is something that could be extremely important as that Big Counteroffensive by The Ukrainians loom, which they say could happen at any time and is imminent at this point. And the white house saying clearly they dont want ukraine to strike inside russian territory. Fred pleitgen in the ukrainian capital, thank you very much for all that reporting. Coming up, Officials Say at least five people are still unaccounted for after an Apartment Building collapse in iowa and warned that it could topple at any moment. Well go live to iowa for an update, right after this. Enabln and enterprise control, vmware helps you keep your cloudud options open. Beautiful. You see how the light catches the hubcap . Stunning. You sure you dont want your family in the family photos . 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What are you learning about where those Search Efforts Stand right now . Reporter well, at this hour, no one is inside searching the building. The latest information is earlier today we learned from City Officials that the owner of the building has been cited for failure to maintain building safety. So what does this mean . It comes with a potentially 300 fine, as well as court costs. Some who have gathered out here demanding answers, say that is a small price to pay for all that has happened here. We do know five people are still missing, two whom Authorities Say could be trapped under the rubble just behind us. A search crew went in yesterday. They didnt search this exterior area. But they explored a portion of the building that was safe to search. They didnt find any signs of human life. However, they rescued some pets. And this has been difficult on both sides of this story. Listen to the assistant fire chief. As much as we want to, we want to get everybody out, and we want to do it right now. I apologize that i get upset, but theres a lot of things that we have to factor. So understand its not that we dont want to do this, its the fact that we have to do it in a safe manner. Reporter one person who is missing, im told by Friends And Family here on the scene, is a father. They also tell me his son is expected to graduate this week. So you can imagine all of the emotions that are not just from members of not from people who have loved ones here, but you also see and hear the pain in that officials voice that. Music you hear behind me, thats gospel music. There is a lot of people here praying and holding onto hope. Alex . Such a worrying and emotional situation. Adrienne broaddus in iowa for us tonight, thank you very much. This note to our viewers. Coming up on erin Burnett Outfront, former Trump White House lawyer ty cobb will be speaking with erin about cnns new Exclusive Recording on that Audio Recording of donald trump, now a part of the Special Counsels investigation. That is at 7 00 eastern time. Just ahead here in the Situation Room, north korea vows to try another launch of its firstever Spy Satellite after the first crashed into the sea. Can kim jong un recover from that embarrassing setback . And only p pay for what i need. man 2 now im in charge. Of my plan. vo introducing myplan from verizon, the first and only plan where you pick your perks. And save on every one. So you get exactly what you want and only pay for what you need. And it all starts at just 30. On the network you want. Because its your verizon. If we want a more viable future for our kids, we need to find more sustainable ways of doing things. 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We are tracking the fallout from what is really a major embarrassment for kim jong un, the north korean dictators Spy Satellite plunging into the ocean shortly after launch. Cnns brian todd is on the story. What more can you tell us, brian . Reporter were told that kim jong un is eager to have another go at this. And just moments ago his powerful sister kim yojong said another attempt will happen soon, but there are lingering questions over north koreas real capability to do that. North koreas ambitious Supreme Leader suffers a Demoralizing Setback in his quest to keep up with south korea in space. Kim jong uns attempt to launch a Military Satellite into orbit failed when the rocket it was placed on crashed in the sea. What specifically went wrong here . The second stage was start and carry the satellite on the rest of its journey. Looks like they had an issue with the second stage. Reporter south korean intelligence believes the north koreans rushed preparations for it and changed the flight path, according to a south korean lawmaker. South koreas military says it recovered fragments of the rocket about 125 miles off its west coast. Recovering the debris will allow us to understand if the entirety of their manufacturing capability, and if we find western or nonnorth korean created components, we can try to focus in on preventing getting those parts to north korea in the future. Reporter the almost unheard of north korea admitted its launch failed. Its news agency saying it would conduct the second launch as soon as possible. Why is kim in such a hurry for this . South korea last week successfully launched. Kim jong un may even have accelerated this Satellite Test basically to try to keep up with what the joneses are doing. Reporter analysts say kim jong un wants a Military Satellite deployed so he can track american and south Korean Military movements and spy on bases in south korea, japan, and the pacific. How will the young leader take this setback . Its a blow to his International Prestige and his pre prestige at home. Reporter this comes as a south korean lawmaker has given an extraordinary public assessment of kim jong uns health after he got a briefing with south korean intelligence. Translator it is believed that north Korean Leader kim jong un is suffering from a considerable sleep disorder. Reporter the lawmaker says kims weight is evaluated to be over 300 pounds, and that he may have determinititis caused by all allergies and stress. One analyst says this about the speculation. Whatever these challenges may be, hes still a relatively young man at age 39. Hes likely to be the leader of north korea for another two or three decades with all of these health challenges. Reporter this analyst also says sometimes south korean intelligence is influenced by the countrys political leaders when they publicize assessments over the north Korean Leaders health, that its sometimes in their interest to put out information on any potential physical weakness of the dictator even if there are questions over its accuracy. Alex . Brian todd, thank you for that fascinating report. And, finally tonight, if youre a fan of the New York Times cross word puzzle, the clue for 17 across mightve caught your eye in todays puzzle, the longtime host of cnns Situation Room is of course our very own wolf blitzer. Hope you got that right. Thank you so much for watching. Im Alex Marquardt in the Situation Room. Erin Burnett Outfront starts right now. Outfront next, Cnn Exclusive Reporting federal prosecutors have trump on tape admitting he kept a classified Pentagon Document after he left the white house

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