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Operation from rescue to recovery. Welcome to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. Wolf blitzer is on assignment. Youre in the situation room. Cnn reporting on the Special Counsels investigation into donald trump. The former president s attorneys subpoenaed for a classified document that trump discussed on an audiotape but are unable to find. Our correspondent paula reed is joining with us the details. Tell us what you are learning. Reporter we have learned back in march, trumps lawyers received this subpoena from the Special Counsel. This was the first time the legal team learned about that meeting in 2021 was trump referenced that classified document in that tape. Lawyers were not able to find the document trump describes in that reporting. Its unclear at this point if the government has it at all. Mr. President , why did you take classified documents concerning General Milley . Reporter cnn reporting that donald trump served with a subpoena in mid march, seeking any records related to the same u. S. Military document he talks about on tape just six months after leaving the white house. Everything i did was right. Reporter Special Counsel jack smith, attorney general Merrick Garland picked to oversee investigations into trump, trying to track down any additional classified materials still in trumps possession. The former president s attorneys turned over some material in response to the Justice Departments request, but not the document in question. The one trump was recorded discussing in july 2021 at his bedminster, new jersey golf club. He acknowledges he held on to a classified pentagon document about a possible attack on iran. S there is no crime. Reporter that tape, now in the hands of prosecutors, prompting them to subpoena all documents and materials related to iran and mark milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. Im not going to try the case thats being set up by leaks that i dont believe are accurate. Reporter trumps attorney declining to address where the document is. Has the document been returned to the National Archives . Same vaanswer. Reporter trumps attorneys turned over 15 boxes to the National Archives. The fbi recovered more than 100 classified documents from trumps estate, and trumps team found additional materials in subsequent searches of other trump properties. They have become automatically declassified when i took them. Reporter trump denying wrongdoing. And when asked if he shared Classified Information with anyone not really. I would have the right to. What do you mean not really . Not that i can think of. I have the absolute right to do whatever i want with them. Reporter his former Vice President striking a different tone after retaining classified materials. Those classified documents should not have been in my personal residence. Mistakes were made. Reporter the Justice Department informing mike pence thursday he will not Face Criminal Charges for his handling of classified materials. I take full responsibility. Reporter after a small number of classified documents were found at his indiana home. While pence will be able to hit the Campaign Trail without a Special Counsel probe hanging over him, the same cannot be said of joe biden or donald trump. They both have ongoing Special Counsel investigations. The trump investigation is much more significant. In part, because of the volume, the difference of volume in materials recovered, and also because trumps conduct raised questions about obstruction. And in cnns new reporting, its revealed how much evidence prosecutors have and how significant the legal threat is. Terrific reporting, paula. Thank you very much. Stay with us, as we bring in our guests. The trump team cant find this document, but prosecutors do have this recording. How much does that matter in terms of the Special Counsels investigation . What the Special Counsel is trying to determine is whether there is a version of this document. The Defense Department and elsewhere in government a copy probably exists. So they want to know if there is a version unaccounted for. So they have to track that down. From a prosecution perspective, they have to determine whether or not he or someone else is withholding that document. So they executed a Justice Department fbi search at the maralago residence, but they didnt execute a physical search pursuant to a Search Warrant at the other locations. Instead, theyre Serving Subpoenas that require compliance. Thats different had they executed their own search. Theres still a question whether they would do that. Or whether this document exists. Could donald trump have been lying to impress people . A very important point that the d. O. D. Could still have a copy of this in their system. Youve been speaking with the trump legal team. What kind of evolution are you seeing . When i spoke on wednesday about this, the defense was not really much of a defense. He was basically attacking the doj and attacking cnn, not offering much of a defense. And also trying to claim that trump did two things. One, he declassified, and he also personalized this document. Both of those arguments are called into question by paula and the reporting. First of all, there is just no evidence that its been declassified. That might be contradicted by trumps own comments. The idea that he made a National Security document a personal document would stretch thing it is you put it in front of a jury. But what you are hearing from the trump team is not a whole lot of new this and i said as much to jim trusty on wednesday. Theres no real explanation for trumps conduct as reported by cnn and as put forward by the Justice Department as they have been engaging in this investigation. I dont think that has really changed. Gloria, its rather remarkable that this tape came about because of an interview that Ghost Writers for mark meadows were doing the former president s chief of staff, it was an interview they were doing for mark meadows autobiography that they were ghost writing. It just shows you how remarkable donald trump is, because hes so careless. If if hes talking about Classified Information, who are these people . Did they have a Security Clearance . The answer is no. And why was he talking about it, even if he didnt have the document, why was he talking about Classified Information, and then said, of course, according to the reporting, im not supposed to be talking about this, which shows you that he knew he shouldnt be talking about Classified Information, which also might show us that he hadnt really declassified it as he said he waved his wand and could declassify anything. It tells you something about the cavalier way in which donald trump has always treated Classified Information. Its almost as if he wanted to impress these people writing a book for mark meadows. And the Tape Recording of it is, because he feels like hes been so burned in the past, they wanted to make sure they accurately recorded what he said. But from people who know trump very well, this document may exist, a version of it probably does exist. We have questions whether he physically had it, but also we basically know that his description of what the document was on the tape, as milley creating plans, telling him to attack iran, that is also not accurate. People around trump, you know, just caution that sometimes he i mean, he just fabricates things to make a point. So theres still a lot we need to learn about what really happened here, why that document might be. And if what he was describing has anything to do with what he may have had in his possession. Its just very unclear at this point. This is such a blockbuster, so what more do we know about the timing of the investigation, where it stands . Sure. What its taught me, and we cover this day in and day out, how much they have done that we know nothing about. The fact that they have had this Audio Recording and spoken to General Milley. Those were significant details that we had no clue of. So its interesting to me. It reminds us to be humble, that we dont know everything that they know. And its unclear exactly when they could make a charging decision, but its clear theyre in the final phase of this, and we know that because we have reporters, and we know the kinds of witnesses theyre speaking to now. So folks you would speak to in the later phase of an investigation, the things that they have done. We dont know if any charges will be brought, and we dont know when that could happen. We also know that they are likely to handle this investigation and the one into january 6th separately. So there wont be any waiting to find out what they will do here. Jack smith in charge of both of those. Terry, pauls piece laid out the difference between trumps attitude towards classified documents, and his former Vice President mike pence and classified documents found with him. Mike pence shows how a Senior Leader would handle this situation if the disposition of the documents was an accident, and he wants to return them and do the right thing, and it shows how easily the whole thing gets resolved in a way that does not involve an investigation, that go further, does not involve potential prosecution. So mike pence took responsibility, and the Justice Department does its job and it gets closed out. Complete opposite with the situation of the former president , which is that documents were retained, the Justice Department went down and talked to him and tried to get them back, he refused. You end up with this execution of a Search Warrant, which is a quite dramatic event. And you have this investigation that has now continued month after month after month. And it involves now not just the issue of the mishandling of Classified Information, but also the potential of obstruction. Thats why this new reporting plays in. Is there a document thats been withheld, not provided after a Court Order Subpoena to obtain it, according to legal process, and is it out there somewhere orb was it destroyed or did it never exist . Its so surprised that they did not search bedminster. That is a place that the former president spends time. Clearly, he was dealing with documents there, too. Thats a great point. We know that the prosecutors pushed for subsequent searches. They urged the trump team to do their own searches. And they encountered some resistance when they were going to search bedminster. This is a president who turns his attorneys into witnesses, and this is every single time. This is the problem they now have, because they told the Justice Department, yeah, were giving you all the documents. Clearly, they were taking Donald Trumps word on a lot of this. Clearly, they did not go through all of these boxes. And so now, these attorneys find themselves as witnesses, and theyre in a very difficult situation. It wouldnt be the first time that donald trump has put his attorneys in tough positions. Just to make one quick point, we often forget former president trump, he has two residences that he spends a lot of time in. Both of them are basically public places. Thats why there is such an elevated sense of concern here. This is not like mike pence and his house in indiana. These are basically hotels. For that reason, the Justice Department has some extra concern here. We have to leave it there. Abby phillip will be back at 9 00 eastern and again on Sunday Morning at 11 00 a. M. Eastern for inside politics sunday. Now, just into the situation room, exempts from joe Bidens Oval Office address on the Debt Limit Deal. Well share that with you after this quick break. Because its powered by ththe most potent source of energy there is. You. This is the lexus variety of electrification. Inspired by, created for and powered by you. When you really need to sleep. You reach for the really good stuff. Zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. Its nonhabit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. vo sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. Unpack once and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life and cultural treasures. 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This is our premium platinum coverage map and this is consumer cellulars map. I dont see the difference, do you . Well, that ones purple. [announcer] get the exact same coverage as the nations leading carrier. Starting at 20. Consumer cellular. Tonight, joe biden will address the country from the oval office in just an hours time. And now we are getting a first look at what his message will be. Phil mattingly is live at the white house for us. Phil, what are you learning . Reporter ive been talking to white house officials and one thing they focus on is that the president wanted to talk about just how serious, just how high stakes the last several weeks have been, the gravity of the moment, underscored by the fact that he was willing to make this address from the oval office, his First Oval Office address. Thats reflected in the excerpts that we have seen so far, talking about a crisis averted, talking about the highest stakes. The president talking about the agreement itself, saying no one got everything they wanted, but the American People got what they needed. We averted an economic crisis and economic collapse. Were cutting spending and bringing deficits down and makes clear that Entitlement Programs like medicare and social security, which he committed were not touched, were not touched, and almost all of his legislative agenda enacted over the course of the first two years was protected in this agreement. Thats kind of a frame when you talk to white house officials, the fact that they can keep the primary priorities of the democrats out of the agreement and assured the country didnt default. He paired that reality, given how much of a cloud this has been over the administration and over the u. S. Economy and the country, with todays very jarring look into where the u. S. Economy is. Yet again, once again, u. S. Jobs report coming in higher than expected, showing the economy remains on a row bous pace at this point in time, going against all projections. 339,000 jobs added, and i think it brings together a moment where i think the president and white house officials know they want to ensure Everybody Knows just how dicey things were, and why that leads into the coming weeks and months where white house officials believe they can make real progress. And that the stakes could not have been higher. Phil mattingly, thank you very much. I want to bring in my guests now. Thank you both for joining us. Audi, to you first. Biden will talk about the bipartisan nature of this deal that he struck with kevin mccarthy. But in this very divided environment, do you think that vote rs care about Working Acros the aisle . And this is an oval office address. How much of a victory can he claim here . We only have excerpts so far, so we dont know how much time hell spend on the bipartisan part. Fundamentally, he went into that deal asking for nondefense spending to go up by 7 . It didnt. But House Republicans went in hoping that nondefense spending would be slashed by 20 . So in terms of who moved and who compromised, the president feels he can look the public in the eye and say i protected the things i considered priorities. He also wants to get out ahead of what progressives have been saying because of the changes that will happen to some antipoverty programs. They have carveouts for veterans, for the homeless, et cetera, but there has been a loud contingent saying he did not protect the most vulnerable. So i think that joe biden wants to, as people talk about the narrative. He wants to stop being underestimated, and he wants to come out and say look, this is what it looks like when things function. Thats where the bar is now, functioning. And ron, to the point about the criticism that the president has faced from the progressive thank of his party, how much does he need to address that anger, and how much do you think that hurts him going into 2024 . This was a very revealing episode about joe biden. In the end, his fundamental instinct is to show that he can make the system work. Hes certainly been more critical as president of republicans and of the threat to democracy that he believes they pose. But he did not, through this process, spend a lot of time banging the table and warning that republicans were playing with fire, who mostly held his own fire and focused on reaching a deal, which from their point of view, he would have had to do any way in the budget process, because republicans in November Of 22 won one chamber of congress. So he can basically say to the left of the party, i didnt give away anything in this debt ceiling negotiation, that we might not have had to give away any way in the budget. And that we are talking about, yes, what could be meaningful cuts for the programs, but overall, this entire process, the ends and the means, were so disproportionately out of whack. That we are taking the domestic and Global Economy on 15 of the federal budget, not enough to materially change the longterm index. From bidens point of view, avoiding disaster seems a very acceptable outcome. Alex, theres a Chicken Little factor here, in every two to three years, congress has had this kind of political meltdown over raising the debt ceiling. There are appropriations and budgeting process is so dysfunctional that people see raising the debt ceiling as a moment to wield leverage and bring all kinds of political points into play. So i think the public can be forgiven for not feeling like, well, youre always going through this, how big of a deal can it be, when in fact it was a big deal. I think that the president , as we saw with his confidence about democracy, he goes out of his way to underscore the stakes when he thinks the stakes are indeed high enough, and wants to punch through the noise on that. All right. The president due to speak in a few moments. Thank you both for joining us tonight. Thanks. We have this programming note. Erin Burnett Outfront will have live kompbl of the president s speech at 7 00 p. M. Coming up, a top adviser to president Volodymyr Zelenskyy says the gates of war have opened inside russia. How Vladamir Putin is responding to the attacks on the border. She picks only the perks she wants and saves on every one all with an incredible new iphonene. Get iphone 14 pro on us when you switch. Its your verizizon. Hi, im michael, ive lost 70 pounds on golo. I spent thousands on other diets that didnt work. On golo, i spent a coup hundred bucks and got back down toy high school weight. Youre not gonna believe this thing is possible but it is. 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With global secure networking from comcast business. Its not just possible. Its happening. We are following a series of attacks on russian soil. Territories near the border with ukraine hammered again by shelling as a top adviser to ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy says that the Gatgatef War Have opened inside of russia. Fred pleitgen is in dooekyiv win update. How is Vladamir Putin responding to all this . Reporter he appears to be increasingly concerned about all this. One of the things we have seen over the past year is that the russians have felt pretty invincible on their home territory. Well, today, Vladamir Putin striking a decidedly different note. Lets listen in. Translator today, we will also address these issues in relation to assuring russias security. In this case, domestic Political Security ing the efforts of our foes to destabilize the situation inside russia. We must do everything we can to prevent this from happening no matter the cost. Reporter hes talking about the situation in russia, possibly being destabilize. Thats something we havent heard to that extent before. One to have things the ukrainians were saying is they believe the russians have positioned Special Forces in that region to come to terms with that situation. But it is a vast and large region thats being hit in that cross border shelling. Two people have been killed. But we have also seen Drone Attacks in various areas across the Ukraine Russia border, and that certainly is something that is expanding and probably one of the reasons why that add visor to the ukrainian president said the gates of war are opening for russia. Back in ukraine, that very long frontline, how is that evolving . Reporter it seems as though the ukrainians there are taking the initiative, as well. There isnt anywhere along that frontline where right now the russians seem to be advancing. One of the things were seeing a lot of is Long Distance strikes by the ukrainians. There was one today in a port city. We talked about this in the past. Its an important Logistics Hub for the russians, possibly an arms depot, although that is not confirmed. It is one of the things we have seen a lot of, the longer distance strikes. At the same time, the missile and drone threat here in kyiv is something that persists. The ukrainians are saying in the past night alone, they took down 36 russian drones and missiles with the air defenses here. Those are working very well. Just yesterday, we had that incident where three people were killed, where a bomb shelter wasnt opened. Fred pleitgen in the ukrainian capital of kyiv, thank you very much for all your terrific reporting. Joining me now is democratic congressman jason crow, on the Armed Services and intelligence committees. Thank you for joining us this evening. The Biden Administration has been clear that they do not want ukraine to carry out Cross Border Attacks inside russia. Do you agree, and do you think there should be consequences if these attacks grow . Well, alex, the Biden Administration has been clear that they dont want ukrainians to use u. S. Supplied equipment in intelligence and information to conduct Cross Border Attacks into russia. But they have been very clear that this is the ukrainians fight, that the ukrainians have the ability to defend their sovereignty and homeland, and that we give them flexibility how and when they do that. We will assist them, do table top exercises and provided a vice and equipment. But we have been very clear that the limitations we are facing on the ukrainians are with respect to our supplies that we have been providing. Its been one of the fears of providing the ukrainians with longrange rockets. You have been focal about the f16s. We have heard mark milley cautioning providing those f16s to ukraine will take a considerable length of time, effort, and money, General Milley said. Do you think it was a mistake to not green light these jets earlier . First of all, on the longrange rocket comment you just made, i have been a supporter of providing these longrange rockets that would almost double the range that they have now. We should have provided those a month ago, because its critical for the ukrainians to strike deep into those supply lines. They have been doing that with drones and special operations forces. But that longrange fire would be critical. We have no reason to believe, alex, that the ukrainians will use any of our assistance to do anything in russia. They respected our wishes, and it would be not to their advantage to do that. Now, with regard to the f16s, i have been pushing the Biden Administration to provide those more advanced fighters. It could be f16s or something else. We need fourth generation advanced fighters to combat the longrange fighters that the russians have. Theres different ways to do that, but the main thrust of my position and other peoples position in congress, who have supported the provision of these more advanced jets, is we have to help ukrainians fight the fight now and win the battles. But we dont have the luxury of ignoring the modernization that ukraine needs to get ready for a longer fight with russia, if thats what happens. I want to ask you about china. We learned today that the cia director bill burns, he made a secret visit to beijing last month. Things have been extremely tense between washington and beijing. How much do you think the administration should be trying to engage with china right now to reduce tensions . Im always a fan of talking and diplomacy, alex. I was an army ranger and served three combat tours in iraq and afghanistan. We dont want a war, so discussions, diplomacy, keeping lines of communication are open are essential first lines of defense for the United States. And theres nobody better suited to disbatch to china than cia director bill burns. Hes an exceptional diplomat and exceptional head of the cia. So it was a great move to do that, and we have been doing other things to keep the lines of communication open, because increasingly, theres been danger of escalation, of misunderstanding, as the rhetoric continues to take notches up. We have to figure out ways of reducing the temperature in the room and keeping the discussion going. And the administration is doing that on a couple of different important fronts. A u. S. Official telling me he met with his counterparts while in china. Kopgman, thank you very much for your time and expertise this evening. Ahead, just in to cnn, the Georgia Prosecutor investigating Donald Trumps attempts to overturn the 2020 election is seeking information from two firms that worked with the Trump Campaign. Well have the details, next. This man needs updated covid protection. So does she. Yup, these guys too. 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What your case could be worth. We will help get you the best result possible. The barnes firm, Injury Attorneys call one eight hundred,est resul Eight Million another trump investigateinvestigation we are following tonight in fulton county. Sarah murray has new reporting. What are you learning about the latest moves of the District Attorney . Reporter before she makes this announcement whether she will bring charges, we expect that in august. We are learning that Behind The Scenes, wes gone to two firms that did research for the Trump Campaign and she sought information for them about the work they did for the campaign. Essentially what they did is they looked into trumps claims of voter fraud and debunked voter fraud allegations given to them by the campaign and provided more information to the campaign and reputed what donald trump was saying publicly. So shes gathering more information Behind The Scenes before she makes these indictment announcements. This could shed light into the fact that people around donald trump knew these voter fraud claims were baseless, it could get to the mindset of some of the people involved. It could also help develop a pattern of activity across a variety of swing states. It wasnt just georgia, it was a number of other states where they were trying to make these voter fraud claims stick, but they were hearing that just wasnt the case, that the facts werent there. Sarah murray following another angle. Thank you very much. Florida Governor Ron Desantis is making his first trip to South Carolina as an official president ial candidate, as he wraps up his tour of key early voting states. Were joined live now from greenville, South Carolina. Steve, what has ron desantis message to voters there been . Reporter hes speaking behind me right now in South Carolina. He has been sharing with these South Carolina voters his record in florida. It is a record that is full of conservative policy victories, including a sixweek abortion ban, lifting restrictions on carrying a gun in public, new restruck shuns on what can be taught in schools. He said if he is elected, hell take that war on wokism to the white house. I believe that woke ideology represents a war on truth itself. So as president , we will Wang A War On The woke. We will fight the woke in the schools. We will fight the woke in the corporations and in the halls of congress. We will never, ever surrender to the woke mob. We are going to leave woke ideology in the Dust Bin Of History where it belongs. Reporter now, interestingly, donald trump has been poking fun at desantis for using that woke word over and over again. They have been clashing back and forth since ron desantis got into the race. There hasnt been much discussion with desantis about the other South Carolina candidates in the race. Hes avoided talking about nikki haley and tim scott entirely. And the judge in disneys case against Governor Desantis recused himself today but made some accusations against Governor Desantis. What do we know about that . Reporter yeah, the judge recused himself and he accused desantis legal team of basically judge shopping and trying to push him off this case, because he has a proven track record of going up against them. But he also said that he had to get away from this case because he had a Family Member that had purchased stock in the company. So now this case goes from this judge, who is an obama appointee, to a trump appointed judge. Desantis talking about this case earlier today, promised victory and he talked about the irony of his battles with disney, give than he was married at disneyland. Listen to what he said. We actually got married at walt disney world, if you can believe that. Now, it wasnt my idea in full disclosure, and i didnt think of them i didnt woke wasnt an issue then. Needless to say, we havent been back. Reporter his wife said they havent gone back, alex. Steve in greenville, South Carolina. Coming up, new Surveillance Video revealing possible blues into how a building in iowa collapsed as a Community Waits any news on three people still missing. Dads are special. Fun. Insping. Ways there for you. So make father day extra special wi gifts hell love from weatheech. Floorliners. Cargo liner. Seat protector. Sunshade. Readytowash system and cupfone. Or our newest product, the golf cart mat. Order these American Made gifts or a gift card at weathertech. Com have a very happy fathers day. All across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. So were hard at work helping them achieve financial freedom. Were proud to serve people everywhere, in investing for the retirement they envision. From the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. And help communities thrive. This is our premium platinum coverage map and this is consumer cellulars map. 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You u Mit Bebe Sprisised the Barnes Firm Injury Attorneys call one eight hundred, Eight Million tonight, there is new Surveillance Video that gives new insight into the moments before part of an Iowa Building came crashing down. Cnns reporter is following this story. Adrian, what does this video show . Reporter alex, you will not see the entire collapse, because the power is knocked out, cutting off the video recording. That is according to the person who owned the surveillance camera that captured the video. You will see what happened in the minutes leading up to the collapse. So if you take a look, you will see there are five support braces leaning up against the wall. The one closest to the camera bends over gradually in a nineminute period. About two minutes before the collapse, chunks of bricks fall near a second floor window, and a lower portion of the wall crumbled. 12 people were able to walk out with the help of first responders, and at least eight were rescued within the first hours or so of that collapse. Authorities are still working on a timeline when it comes to the demolition of the building. Investigators say the next step is recovery, but certain things have to be put in place, so that can be done safely. Among the three missing, daniel craig, ryan hitchcock, and brandon colvin. Our thoughts are with all of those families. Thank you so much for that report. We will be right back. Fall. Itit relieves pressure for less ow, and more ahhh. and instantly adapts as you move, without ever disturbing your partner. Amazing. Sleep better. Live purple. Save 800 off mattress sets at our memorial day event. Visit purple. Com or a store near you. When they ask you where you get your edge. be sure to let them know. 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We are now Just Moments Away from president joe bidens address to the nation. The president preparing to speak directly to the American People about the bipartisan Debt Limit Deal passed by both houses of congress. The bill is expected to reach his desk by tomorrow at which point he will sign it into law, avoiding the first ever default and economic catastrophe. Good evening. I am erin burnett. Outfront tonight resident and speaks to the nation in his first televised speech from the oval office. In the address the message will be one of victory from the president become it comes less than 24 hours after Congress Passed the bipartisan bill allowing washington to pay its bills to raise the debt ceiling. A major win for the president following weeks of tense negotiations and very dire warnings of economic catastrophe. It cuts spending and extends the debt ceiling just days before what would have been a devastating default we heard that from bank ceos and not just politicians. The speech also coming on the heels of what was up with esther jobs report. Nearly 340,000 jobs added in the month of may. It was a stunning number and sent the dow surging. This is a significant event. Phil mattingly is out front of the white house where the president will be speaking in just a few minutes. This is a friday night. It is a summer friday night. What more are you learning about why now and what we can expect tonight. Reporter this was put on the schedule last night. Its an Interesting Development for a president that has never given oval office remarks despite the historic significance of the moment it also the timeline itself. The way it has been framed, you can see this since the excerpts we have seen from the remarks with he has been given is that this is a moment after the passage of this legislation on its way to the white house that underscores two things. One, asked how great the lawmakers trying to negotiate this, just how great this was for the u. S. Economy. That is something that officials and the president want to underscore. Despite the fact that it feels like we have had these moments completely over the course of the last 10, 11, 12 years. This one was different. It was very dicey for a period of time. Yet they were able to reach an outcome. A bipartisan outcome with a very big vote in the house. It also is a win, or at worst may be awash in that it does not dramatically affect legislative priorities. Even some of the issues that progresses have had with this legislation on Work Requirements specifically they were able to mitigate some of what republicans wanted. I think more broadly they feel like they have kept out of vast majority of the republican priorities in the agreement. More than anything else, when you see the jobs number you recognize the u. S. Economy durability and stability over the last couple of months have defied the projections of wall street and economist. The fact that the issue of default is off the table. This has been hanging over the white house and the president for the last six months. Given where the economy still is at this moment in time and looking at the weeks and months ahead where this major legislative battles are just simply not on the radar, theres an opportunity to turn the page. That is something the president will focus on as well. The duration of the deal matters a whole lot. Every time you get to one of these moments you have a lot of moments that can have a lot of economic fallout. I realize this is significant. I also want to bring in a few for a couple of minutes before we anticipate the president enter the oval office. This is his first speech from the oval office, but as i mentioned, it is a summer friday. What do you make of his choice of venue in time . I find a very unusual. I think he is entitled to a victory lap, but it does not make sense to me that the purpose is to educate about a grave danger a verdict. If it was such a grave danger than a week ago wouldve been the appropriate time to deliver these remarks. The cynic in me says it is intended to dilute the image of the president taking that stumble at the Air Force Academy and to end the week on a positive note because he did have a major achievement. Fan . I think he is doing well. I think it must be very frustrating for the people in the white house to have a win like this and everybody talking about a momentary stumble. Somebody left a sandbag out side and i stumbled on the way in. These things happen and people talk about that and they dont talk about something that he did well. I think that is what you are seeing. I think people do want to take a victory lap here. It is weird. Usually you do something on a friday night you want nobody to hear. But he wants to celebrate this week so i understand. Usually when you put something out on a friday night you want nobody to see or hear. That is the reality but that is not the case here

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