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Youre in the Situation Room. We begin this hour with the intense scrutiny of the federal grand jury investigating donald trump and 2020 election interference. Anticipation about the panels next move running high right now as trump has acknowledged he may be indicted again, and he may be indicted soon. Cnns Senior Justice Correspondent Evan Perez is working the story for us. The federal grand jury was expected to meet today. Where do things stand tonight . We did not see them. Our casey gannon, who spends a lot of time in the court and that courthouse, was there today. And they typically show up on tuesdays and thursdays. And today, we did not see them. So the question remains, when is this going to happen . The former president was notified, as you pointed out, just over a week ago that an indictment could be coming. And so everything indicates that is still the case. That the former president is likely to be indicted by the Special Counsel. Its just a matter of when. Now, weve been its a bit of a guessing game. The last time there was more than three weeks between the time, a Target Letter and the time of the indictment. We dont anticipate that thats going to happen this time. Theres no indication the former president is asking to meet with the Justice Department to try to forestall this, to try to prevent this. Now its just a matter of whether the grand jury will show up on thursday. Now, theres a lot of things that could explain a delay. One of the possibilities is the fact that the Justice Department has another very big case that is coming to Court Tomorrow in delaware. Thats the case of hunter biden. Hes pleading guilty to a couple of tax crimes. And so thats one of the things that we know the Justice Department is very sensitive to. Obviously theres a lot of focus on that. And the idea of indicting the former president right before this other case is probably something that might raise some concerns on capitol hill. At this point, wolf, the possibility or the expectation is that were going to see this grand jury come into the courthouse and hand down an indictment, and then the former president will be notified, then hell tell the world about it. Well see what happens on thursday. Thats the next scheduled meeting of this grand jury. Evan, stay with us. I want to bring in more legal and political experts into this conversation. Elaccurate williams, how do you read the grand jury not meeting today . Is Hunter Bidens case a factor . Hunter bidens case could be a factor, but its hard to know how to read grand juries because virtually everything they do is secret. There could have been personal conflicts on the part of some of the prosecutors or some of the grand jurors for any other number of reasons. Its also important to note that though the Target Letter went out news of it was released last sunday, the former president had until thursday to respond or come in, signify he was coming in to the grand jury. Its really only been four days since that happened. In court terms thats not a long time. And not an incredibly unreasonable delay. So i think backing up evans point, an indictment is probably imminent and imminent can mean a matter of days or weeks when youre talking in prosecutor speak. Kaitlan collins is with us as well. Were learning, its 3 vg, giulianis team gave the Special Counsel a lot of documents about their outlandish and totally discredited Election Fraud claims. How much did they have trumps ear in the process, and how significant potentially are all these documents that were made available . Giuliani certainly was obviously a key player in those days. So he has drawn a level of fascination here, especially when he went and voluntarily sat down with prosecutors for two days back to back. When it comes to these documents, i think they really just speak to the level of unsubstantiated claims, false claims being passed around of voter fraud, when they had nothing to back it up. Something weve heard from top top officials to arizona what we know now. A lot of these documents coming from the former new York City Police commissioner, bernie kerik, who we also know is scheduled to sit down with jack smiths team in the coming weeks. I think that is a small part of this. I dont think its a significant part. But an important thing to note about the grand jury not meeting today, as were reading the tea leaves on this, trumps team is doing the exact same thing. They also dont have an indication of when this is going to happen. Theyre bracing for it, though. They certainly are. Stand by. Dana bash, trump is on the 2024 Campaign Trail Today in louisiana. A new poll shows 72 of republicans are not concerned that trumps indictments weaken him in a general election. What do you make of that . Were showing viewers our pictures of trumps arrival in new orleans. You see the trump plane there. Reporter thats consistent, wolf, with what we have seen since the former president had his first indictment on a state level in new york. In the spring. And that sentiment among republicans, who matter the most to imright now, because he wants to get the nom days when the voting starts early next year, they have rallied behind him. And theres no indication that that has changed. If anything, the indications are that his lead is becoming more and more cemented and that as he gets closer to another indictment, if hes driving in the race for president , hes looking in the Rearview Mirror and Everybody Else who is running, theyre getting smaller and smaller and smaller as he gets in more legal trouble. It is still something that weve almost come to accept with somebody like donald trump. But it is worth noting how incredibly unusual and upside down the sentiment is and this phenomenon is for anybody else who is not named donald trump. What do you make of these development on this the Campaign Trail and trumps mindset as he potentially faces yet another Criminal Indictment . One of thing ive been talking about the last few days is how all this is playing into his decision about that first debate. Were less than a month away from when theyre going to be on stage in milwaukee. Weve seen the candidates who are qualifying. Obviously trump meets the threshold. Right now based on the private conversations hes having, hes not planning on showing up. And thats despite people like rana mcdaniel, the Republican National committee chairwoman, going to him personally and urging him, making their case for why he needs to shown up. As his legal troubles are piling up, as you noted, how well hes doing in the polls and whether or not Republican Voters whether it registers and affects their support, its factoring into his thinking and what hes hearing from advisers whether or not its worth it for him to show up. That matters to people like ron desantis or tim scott, enablingky halley, these candidates who are trying to find momentum. They may not get it being on the stage with trump himself, potentially. Good point. Evan, back to the documents that were made available to the Special Counsel by giuliani and bernie kerik, his former Police Commissioner in new york. Thousands of pages. Thousands of pages. Whats so significant, potentially, about it . Whats fascinating to me, wolf, that the Special Counsels only now getting these documents at this late stage. Again, just within the last 48 hours. And it has to do with witness interviews, research that bernie kerik and his team were putting together, again, to try to support these false fraud claims. And we dont anticipate, just from reviewing the documents paula reid obtained them and we spent time going through them, our team did. And they dont appear to be directly related to affect the timing of a trump indictment. I think to kaitlans point, certainly the Justice Department and jack smiths office, theyre all very keenly aware of the calendar. They know that the first debate is just within a month. And so you have to believe that if theyre going to do this, they know they have the clock ticking. So the former president , if they decide theyre going to indict him and then perhaps come back and address some of the other people who were part of this, these efforts, these schemes to overturn the election, they could do that. But certainly i think it really tells you that certainly on those documents and some of the witnesses that we have coming up, they dont necessarily need them for a trump indictment. Dana, it seems that the rest of the gop field seems to be frozen in place right now. At least until this plays out. Where does all this go from here . Reporter i dont even know if its frozen in place. Its almost as if they are becoming less and less viable as donald trump becomes more and more potentially in the place of being indicted for a third time. Again, these are based on polls. It is the summer of the full year before they start voting. Were not going to see voting until just under six months. But given the way that this is playing and how he is playing it out, what kaitlan noted about the first chance for republican primary and caucus voters to see candidates on the stage, and the fact that as we see the former president feeling more solid in his frontrunner status, the less likely he is to be on the stage. It is a very, very big question whether or not things are going to change. And we dont know. Theres so many unknowns. But there are a lot of people looking at this saying, it could be almost done. We shall see. Thank you very, very much. Important note, kaitlan will be back at 9 00 p. M. Eastern later tonight with her show, the source. Well have a lot more on whats going on. Just ahead, live to ukraine for the latest on the fate of the former u. S. Marine and former captive of russia, trevor reed, after learning he was injured on the battlefield in the war zone in ukraine. Stay with us, youre in the situatioion room. And this is their r playground. 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Well, thats less impressive. The Morgan Stanley Client Experience . Listening more than talking, and a personalized plan to guide you through a changing world. Tonight, former u. S. Marine trevor reed has been getting medical care in germany after being wounded in the fighting in ukraine. His actions coming as a surprise to Many Americans after the u. S. Government went to Great Lengths to win his release from a russian prison. Cnns Alex Marquardt is joining us live from odesa, ukraine. First of all, what are you learning about trevor reed and his condition . Reporter wolf, this is just remarkable. Trevor reed coming to ukraine to fight against the country that held him for three years. What we do know is trevor reid was fighting in ukraine when he was injured. He was taken to kyiv for medical treatment, firstly. Then he was evacuated to germany. We understand hes now being treated at a u. S. Military medical facility, the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center near the ramstein air base. Wolf, theres still a lot of questions we dont have the answers to. Extent of injuries . Where was he when he was injured . What unit was he fighting with . Reed was held in russia in prison for three years, from 2019 until last year. The u. S. Determined he was wrongfully detained. He was traded last year for a russian pilot named constan 9 yare shen co, convicted by the u. S. For drug smuggling. The Biden Administration is making clear they do not want to see reed or others like him coming to ukraine, fighting in ukraine. We heard from u. S. Officials today saying that reed was not engaged in any activities on behalf of the u. S. Government. And the big question is to what extent this may complicate the administrations efforts to get other americans back from russia, notably paul whelan and the Wall Street Journal reporter, Evan Gershkgershkovic what draws fight tort ukrainian cause . What are you hearing . Reporter when it comes to the veterans who come here to fight, they tell us, i know how to fight, i believe in this fight, this is a fight for democracy and freedom. They want to come here and fight for the little guy who is being bullied. Wolf, on our last trip here in february, we spent time with an International Region unit. We met an american named jason mann who served as a marine in iraq and afghanistan. He said when this war started, he had no choice but to come here. Take a listen to a bit more of what he had to say. This is redefining the global order as we speak. This is democracy versus autocracy. Do we want to let Autocracy Drive more peoples lives in the future . For me it was more a moment in your life that you dont have a choice. No regrets . No regrets. Reporter we also met jason manns team leader, a New Zealander whose nickname was turtle. He was very matter of fact about the possibility of dying here in ukraine. But he said that if he had to, then no better way to go than to do so alongside Friends Fighting for what you believe in. And wolf, just a few days later, we did find out that turtle had died. Very sad indeed. Our thanks for that report. Lets get more on all of these develops. Joining us, cnn military analyst, retired air force colonel cedric layton. Thanks for joining us. Watch and listen to what the former defense secretary, mark esper, told me in the Situation Room in the last hour about who goes and fights in ukraine, and specifically about trevor reed. They want to help the ukrainians regain their freedom. They feel very strongly about that. So, you know, its admirable in many ways. Obviously in trevor reeds case, its likely complicated by the fact that he has sore feelings about moscow, for good reason. Maybe wants a little payback there. Whats your reaction to this development . Well, i think, wolf, you know its sad that trevor reed has been wounded in this particular situation. But its very clear that the motivation that he had and so many others have had is something that has been shared by americans for over 100 years. We went to france before we declared war on germany in world war i. Same thing in world war ii. Now with ukraine. You have a situation where so many people believe what jason mann said in the previous piece from alex, that this is a fight for democracy. And if you do it in ukraine, its better to do it there than to do it here on our home turf or in a nato country. I think thats the motivation that many of these people have. Probably was very much trevor reeds motivation as well. Do you think it will make it more difficult to get these other Americans Still being held by the russians home . It could. One of the big problems is, in the state department, theyre taking great pains to make sure that these events are even as separate because those people have absolutely nothing to do with whats happening in ukraine. But when you look at trevor reed and his situation, hes a military man, he clearly went to go to ukraine to fight that battle because he believed in it. And i think for people like the Wall Street Journal journalist and the other marine, paul whelan, you have a situation where those are separate and distinct cases. Hopefully the russians will see it that way. But the danger is certainly there that they wont. Colonel layton, thanks very much. Coming up, President Biden honors emmitt mill. A black teenager whose murder in the 1950s Helped Galvanize The Civil Right Movement here in the United States. Well take a look at why this is happening now and how it figures into a heated political debate about race education in the unUnited States. 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Today, President Biden establishing the emmett till and Mamie Till Mobley National Monument. There is also, as you mentioned, a political backdrop. States across the country are increasingly restricting the teaching of issues related to race and black history. The president saying todays designation of this monument shows that its important to teach all of history, the good and the bad. Tonight, President Biden naming a new National Monument honoring emmett till, The Black Teenager whose gruesome murder in 1955 helped galvanize the civil rights movement. At a time when there are those who seek to ban books, bury history, were making it clear, crystal, crystal clear. Darkness and denialism can hide much. They erase nothing. Reporter the National Monument, which also pays tribute to tills mother and and her critical activive, will consist of three protected sites. The Roberts Temple church in chicago where tills opencasket funeral was killed, and two sites in mississippi, where tills body was pulled from the river, and the courthouse where an allwhite jury who acquitted the two white men who lynched till. It comes after what would have been tills 82nd birthday. It has been quite a journey for me from the darkness to the light. Back then in the darkness, i could never imagine a moment like this. Reporter it also comes amid National Debate over how black history should be caught in classrooms. We cant just choose to learn what we want to know. We have to learn what we should know. We should know about our country. We should know everything. The good, the bad, the truth. Reporter dozens of states have taken steps restricting how issues of race are taught in schools. In florida, new guidelines require middle schoolers learn how slaves developed skills which in some instances could be applied for per reserve their personal benefit. High School Students would learn about violence perpetrated against and by African Americans. The new rules emerge from the Stop Woke Act Florida Governor ron desantis signed last year, which bars teaching that anyone is privileged or oppressed based on race. I didnt do it, i wasnt involved in it. But i think what theyre doing is i think that theyre probably going to show some of the folks that eventually parlayed being a blacksmith into doing things later in life. Reporter Vice President harris flew to florida last week to decry the new guidelines. This is unnecessary to debate whether enslaved people benefited from slavery. Are you kidding me . Reporter hairrris rapidly becoming the voice of the white house pushback on public action on guns, abortion, and education. She carried on that charge. Let us not be seduced into believing that somehow we will be better if we forget. We will be better if we remember. Reporter what you heard there from Vice President harris both at the white house and last week in florida, youll see a lot more of that from the Vice President and from this administration showing a lot more willingness to go after some of these farright republican policies as they see them. And also because they see it as an opportunity to challenge to energize young voters and voters of color ahead of the next president ial election. They used that playbook in the midterms in 2022, and they believe they can use that again heading into this president ial election season. Jeremy, thank you from the white house. Lets dig deeper with our political commentators Scott Jennings and karen phinney. What do you make of the split screen of President Biden memorializing emmett till, while florida under Governor Desantis is trying to limit how black history is taught in our country . Well, its a reminder, frankly, of the journey that america is still very much on. That while we could pause and take a moment to finally honor emmett till and his mother and the sacrifice that she made to keep his story in the fore, during the civil rights movement, that finally we could honor that and that moment in history. And yet at the same time, were still fighting to make sure these stories are told. And its not just remember in florida, its with the book bans, its African American history, its womens studies, its Attacking Lgbtq people. I mean, this whole sort of portfolio of, is this antiwoke that the governor embarked on frankly, as a way to try to win over trump voters in this election. I think as were seeing, its not working. Scott, you just heard floridas new education guidelines saying that slaves actually gained skills. Im quoting now. For their personal benefit. These are the florida guidelines. Are these efforts really something republicans should stand by . The guidelines were written by African American scholars who have come out and strongly refuted everything that Kamala Harris has had to say about this. So it has nothing to do with republicans or ron desantis. Shes really debating the African American scholars who wrote the guidelines which, taken in totality, the scholars who wrote them say show a complete and total picture of the African American experience. And they say that to do what Kamala Harris wants to do would remove the agency of the people that theyre describing in the guidelines. So i think the white house by the way, i should say i strongly agree with President Bidens designation of the emmett till National Monument today. I think this is an underused president ial power. I think these sites are vital. Im glad he did that. I thought using the occasion to demagogue on this issue, unfairly and dishonestly, in my opinion, cheapened it, it was not necessary. Id like to point something out here. I read the standards myself. Part of what they neglect to acknowledge is, African Slaves came to this country, and they maybe already had certain skills. So to suggest that somehow during slavery, while enslaved, they may have learned some skills to personal benefit i mean, this is what we have seen over and over through our history. It is denigrating the culture and the skills and the humanity of the people who came here. What i hope is that we can all agree that it should not be about indoctrinating, it should be about teaching our kids the truth so that they know the full story. So that they know the journey of our country. That were at a date today where emmett till is honored as he should be. Go ahead, ill let you respond, scott. I think if you read the standards, you would see the massive amount of material that was put on paper to encapsulate the full gamut of the African American experience in this country. I think Kamala Harris has tried to reduce this down to one guideline or one sentence. There were over 190 instances where the guidelines talk about the experience of slaves, how they came here, what happened to them. Everything that went on from point a to point b and the journey. So i think what the white house is trying to do is make people believe that something exists here that is more limited in scope than it really is. The guidelines also cover other major topics such as a fulsome and comprehensive look at the holocaust. I think these scholars who wrote this have had the best things to say about it. What they have said is, their work is being lied about by the white house, and theyre none too pleased about it. Scott, its just not true. You can read it yourself whats not true . Read it yourself. The scholars refuturing Kamala Harris . They have strongly refuted what theyve said about her. Its not ron desantis, its the scholars who wrote it. And yet the words that they these words are true. They did talk about this issue of potential personal benefit. They did say that. And that is not a lie. That is an opinion to say, thats not what we want to thats not the conversation we want to be having with our kids. Thats not the conversation we should be having in our country in 2023. We should not be afraid of our history. All right, ill leave it there. Kara phinney, Scott Jennings, thank you. Ahead, the backlash to israels controversial judicial overhaul has extended to almost every part of the society in israel, including the countrys military. Well have a report from well have a report from jerusalem next. Ill be taking meetings with family and friends. And checking voicemail as my y activities permit. Ill connect with you after reconnecting with me. Get 1. 9 apr for 36 months plus 1,500 Purchase Allowance on a 2023 xt5 and xt6 when you finance through cadillac financial. Struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1 . Ask about vraylar. 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What do you think this means for the israeli army . Theres so Much Division in society and unity is so important for the defense of israel. We want to serve the values of the country, not some Prime Minister. We need to have a democratic country to serve. Reporter both Men And Women perform mandatory Military Service in israel, and many later continue as often highly skilled reservists, crucial for a small country under constant threat. But now around 10,000 reservists have vowed to refuse service, saying they believe the judicial overhaul would undermine democracy and the balance of power. This is a very sad day for me. Im volunteering for 23 years already in the reserve army. All my life volunteering in fighting for israel. We feel were doing the right thing and that we are fighting for the democracy of israel. Stop the madness. Stop the destruction of the army. Make sure that israel will remain a democracy. Reporter the move led to backlash from both the military leadership and the government. The Chief Of Staff pleading with the reservists. Translator even those who have made a decision with a heavy heart not to report, the idf needs you. Reporter Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu critical of the dissenters. Translator we all know that the Israeli Defense forces rely on dedicated reservists who love the country. The call for refusal harms the security of all the citizens of the country. Reporter concerns about the future of israels military are so grave, even opposition politicians fighting hard against netanyahus efforts to curtail the supreme courts powers are calling on the reservists to reconsider. Translator even in this very difficult hour, i call upon my brothers who are serving and volunteering, continue to guard our safety, our security. Give us a strong country to be able to amend things. Reporter but many israelis are clearly not betting on politicians amending things, instead taking to the streets to voice their anger. As you can imagine, its a huge topic in israel. In fact, the spokesman for the israel Defense Forces came out later tonight and said, right now the israel Defense Forces are at full Combat Readiness. There have been an increased number of requests to stop reserve as much as. He says reservists dont show up for service for an extended period of time, that will hurt the Combat Readiness of the israel Defense Forces. Fred pleitgen in jerusalem, thanks for that report. James son is out of Intensive Care after suffering Cardiac Arrest at a basketball practice. Our experts are standing by to discuss. Youre in the Situation Room. was that good . I couldnt tell. Theres no such thing as out of f bounds. Find advenenture at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. hey bud. Wow. Whats all this . Hawaii was too expensive so i brought it here. You know with priceline yo could actually take that trip for less than althis. I made a horrible mistake. Go to your happy Pric Priceline theyre off from school, but not really home. Images and videos. Social media, finetuned to suck them in. And steal them away. Alone you cant stop it. Together we will. We have a plan. Join us. are you tired of clean clothes that just dont smell clean . Downy unstopables inwash Scent Boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. If you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have Downy Unstopables inwash Scent Boosters. Tonight, the eyes of the Basketball World are on bronny james, son of nba superstar lebron james, as he recovers from a Cardiac Arrest suffered during a basketball practice. Brian todd has more on the story for us. That was a frightening moment yesterday during uscs basketball practice. Tonight as bronny james recovers, we have a broader look at the bond between father and son and their dream of playing together in the nba. A Hall Of Famer and his Family Rallying around their son tonight. Bronny james, the 18yearold son of nba superstar lebron james, is in stable condition and out of the icu after suffering Cardiac Arrest monday during a practice at usc where hes been slated to play this coming season. The james family in a statement saying they send their deepest thanks and appreciation to the usc medical and athletic staff for their incredible work and dedication for the safety of their athletes. What happened to bronny james is beyond shocking, partially because weve seen him grow up. Reporter bronny james has spent his life around his father and the nba. Observers say lebron james has been a devoted father, dedicated to in your tg touring both his sons basketball dreams. This goat this onceinalifetime generation player coaching aau basketball tournaments offseason. Weve never seen it from Michael Jordan or anyone else who has that stature. Reporter with only about a 20year difference in age between them, lebron james has talked openly, including to espn, about wanting to play on the same nba team as bronny if it can be arranged. Citing baseball stars ken griffey and ken griffey jr. Who briefly played together for the Seattle Mariners in the early 1990s. I would love to do the whole Ken Griffey Senior junior thing. That would be ideal for sure. Being with him, spending a full year with him in the same uniform, that would be that would be the icing on the cake. Reporter could bronny james Health Emergency derail those plans . I expect that he is going to be putting the family bonds and bronnys health before anything else at this point. You know, that being said, this isnt necessarily, as far as we know from the publicly available information, a careerending situation. Reporter it was just this past january that Buffalo Bills safety damar hamlins heart stopped in the middle of a game after a collision. Hamlin was revived and is attempting to return to the nfl. But similar cases have ended in tragedy. College basketball star hank gatams, who had a regular heartbeat, collapsed during a televised game in march 1990, stopped breathing on the court, and died. He was 23. Boston celtics star reggie lewis died at age 27 after suffering Cardiac Arrest during an offseason practice. Heart ailments reveal themselves in periods of physical stress. And the tragic odds are that this is going to be a part of sports in the future, just as its been a part of sports in the past. Reporter analysts say the message to take from this is the importance of having Trained Medical staff with defibrillators and other equipment at the ready during practices as well as games. Those were critical factors in saving the lives of bronny james, damar hamlin, and Danish Soccer Star christian eriksen. He suffered Cardiac Arrest during a game two years ago, and hes still playing. Lets discuss whats going on with cnns chief medical correspondent, dr. Sanjay gupta, and College Basketball sanjay, how rare is it that someone around this age, just 18 years old, would experience Cardiac Arrest . Well, thankfully its pretty rare, wolf. But still when we say rare, it probably happens thousands of times a year that are counted, maybe even more times that arent always recognized. Six to 7,000 times, according to the Cardiac Arrest foundation. A lot of times, as you may guess, it is involved in sports somehow. You see it in athletes more likely to be men if people under the age of 18, 39 of the time it involves sports. As you get older, less and less related to sports, and as you get even older than that into your 30s and 40s, what typically causes the Heart Problem is more related to blockages in coronary blood vessels. Let me just show you here. When someone as young as bronny james, someone has a Cardiac Arrest, which means their heart just stops, it could be that there is an anatomical abnormality with the muscle of the heart. Or there could have been an electrical disturbance. The heart has got electricity always pumping through it to make sure that the chambers pump in some fashion, regular fashion. If those dont work for some reason, that can lead to Cardiac Arrest. Theyre going to figure this out hopefully, wolf, what happened to him. Our team is doing a better job right now to prepare for health risks like this. Yeah. And, first of all, as sanjay knows better than anyone on this network, every situation is different. Every individual and situation that occurs. I mean, already in the last year at usc, its unbelievable. Vincent, a player for the trojans last year at this time had a very similar incident. He was not allowed to play. Played in january, played in 14 games this past season. So the usc medical training staff, obviously at games and certainly in practices are prepared. They have the right equipment and they are trained. Go back to december 12 of 2020. Keyontae johnson, then the sec Preseason Player at the University Of Florida collapsed during a game at Florida State in tallahassee. Had to be revived. Spent a couple of years not allowed to play. Ultimately wasnt allowed to play at florida, went to kansas state, had a great year. But then in may i spoke with him at the nba draft combine in chicago. And the nba has another level of clearance. He had to go through extensive medical testing before the nba was allowed to draft him, which they did in the second round in the Oklahoma City thunder. So every case is different. But it stresses the importance of at the collegiate level, at the High School Level and certainly the professional level of having trained professionals and the right equipment to deal with this at all practices, all sports, and certainly in all games. And quickly, sanjay, what does recovery look like . Well, itll depend on what actually caused this. But as andy is talking about, there are certainly players who have come back from this. If this was an electrical abnormality and he can have that treated. I will tell you its really good that he was taken out of the icu as quickly as he was. We dont know exactly what the underlying problem is. But that bodes well, wolf, because it says that he is stable, and theyre going to figure out what actually happened here. We of course wish him a very speedy recovery. Guys, thanks for joining us. Coming up on Erin Burnett Outfront right at the top of the hour, new details about Vladimir Putins reaction in the first hours of the attempted coup. Thats coming up 7 00 p. M. Eastern. And well be right back. From big cities, to small towns, and on main streets across the us, youll find pnc bank. Helping businesses both large and small, communities and the people who live andork there gr and thrive. Were proud to call these places home too. Theyre where we put down roots, and where together, we work to help move everyones financial goals forward. Pnc bank. [announcer] Tens Of Thousands of customers wrote about carvana being fast in their fivestar reviews, including sheena. This was our second purchase through carvana. It was super easy and really fast. This time, we traded in a car and couldnt believe how easy it was, and we found the car our family really needed and in red. Next thing i know, our new car was here and our tradein was gone. Bye tada. Sheena Chuckles i literally tell people all the time how fast and easy carvana is. [announcer] buy your car with carvana today. Cities across the United States set a number of new heat records today. That includes phoenix, which hit 118 degrees today, the 26th day in a row with temperatures of at least 110 degrees. Heres cnns Stephanie Elam with more on this punishing heat wave. Reporter excessive Heat Warnings from nevadas valley of fire state park, now heading toward the midwest. Were certainly more attuned to looking for those signs of heat illness. Reporter all across the country, people are looking for ways to beat the heat. Very hot, really, really hot. Reporter even more so in phoenix, arizona, where they were headed for a month straight of recordbusting extreme 110 plus high temperatures, it never really cools off even nightly lows havent fallen by 90 degrees for more than two weeks. Shoes melting on sidewalks. The blistering heat sending people to cooling centers. Its just hard to breathe. Reporter temperatures are also searing in el paso, texas, where its been at least 100 degrees for more than a month. In miami, its 44 days and counting. This july is well on its way to becoming the hottest month in recorded history. In all, more than 45 Million People are facing heat alerts across the west, the plains, and south florida. That heat is going to all the way to the eastern half of the u. S. Where new york is going to be 92. In fact, over the next seven days, 85 and even more than that percent of the population of the u. S. Will see high temperatures over 90. Reporter nearly all of the lower 48 states are facing heat waves. And so far this summer, more people are suspected to have died from heatrelated causes in National Parks than in an average entire year. And august, the deadliest month, is just around the corner. Its hot. This south Florida Weather is no joke. Some days its too overwhelming. Reporter 18 people have died in maricopa county, arizona, from heat. In clark county, nevada, theres been at least 16 heatrelated deaths so far this year. And the temperature is still rising. And the heat is extending beyond our coast lines. The florida keys are facing an unprecedented heat wave with Ocean Temperatures of 100 degrees, now threatening coral reefs. And according to the World Weather attribution initiative, this july heat wave wouldve been almost impossible without climate change. And, wolf, you mentioned all of those records that have fallen, well, were not over. Were going to see more falls still to come. Wolf . Stephanie elam, thank you very much. And to our viewers, thanks for watching. Im wolf blitzer in the Situation Room. Erin Burnett Outfront starts right now. Outfront next, all eyes on the federal grand jury. What todays noshow could mean for an indictment against trump. Trumps former white house lawyer ty cobb will be

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