Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703

palm beach florida, kristen trump and johnson set to begin speaking in moments. what do you expect any new here >> well, i am told that they are likely to relitigate the 2020 election, which isn't surprising since both of them were part of the effort to overturn that election. but i'm also told that they are going to highlight this issue of non-citizens voting now, to be very clear, there's already a federal ban in place that would stop non-citizens from voting in federal elections. however, there is some nuance here. there are some cities in some states that allow non-citizens to vote in local elections, like the school board election or certain mayo or phil elections. >> but it >> is not an issue in terms of widespread fraud. however, i got some pushback earlier today from advisors to donald trump who said this is also a way to prove it. then that from happening and looting to the immigration crisis at the border, talking about this influx of migrants at the border, this is a way for donald trump speaks for johnson to talk about an issue that they both want to talk about. and link it to immigration, which is an issue that americans care deeply about voters, particularly care. it's one of the top the issues and something that they believe will help them in november in the election cycle. now, again, there is no real evidence that we have seen that this isn't it? issue, but they are say that this will be a way to prevent that from happening in the november election. this is also a way as we know, for speaker johnson to get some support port from the former president at a time where his speakership is really in parallel. >> all right, kristen holmes, thanks so much. we're going to monitor the live feed of those comments and bring some highlights of what trump and speaker johnson have to say and perhaps a fact check if one is warranted, who knows. meanwhile, on the other side of the country, vice president kamala harris is in tucson, arizona, right? now getting ready to talk about abortion rights in arizona. her remarks come just three days after the supreme court of arizona upheld a law from the 160s, one that would ban abortion in every case including rape, including incest, except when it's quote, necessary to save a person's life arizona's legislature had a chance on wednesday to repeal this 18 64 law, but some state lawmakers say republicans left the chamber after blocking the vote causing this reaction let's go straighten out to cnn's priscilla alvarez, who's in tucson, arizona, where vice president harris will be speaking momentarily. i'm talking about this issue of abortion rights. priscilla what are we expecting her to set? >> we'll take the program is just getting underway here. we anticipate that the vice president is going to directly tie these unpopular abortion bans including the state supreme court ruling here, too. the president donald trump, i'm told by sources that this has been top for the vice president and she wanted to hammer home this message here in arizona, particularly that the former president poses a threat to health care and to personal freedoms. and we got a preview as to what harris is expected j that includfor example, the overturning of roe was a seismic event, and this ban in arizona is one of the biggest aftershocks, yet she's also attracted to say that second term, a second trump term looks like more bands, more suffering, less freedom. now, a forsake defining campaign sees abortion as a salient political issue, going into november and just this week they announced a seven-figure ad buy to air more abortion-related ads in this state on the heels of that state supreme court ruling and the vice president has been uniquely positioned mr. don, this early on this year for team position, her to tackle this issue head on over the course of the year by going on her reproductive freedoms tour. and while this is on a stop on that toward this is campaign event, it goes to show that they are leaning into this issue and i talked to a democratic strategist who said this court ruling, essentially as another data point for this ongoing argument that democrats both are making, that republicans are the extreme ones that they are the ones that pose a threat to personal freedoms and to health care. so that is the message that we anticipate the vice president is going to camera home here in a state of course, that is a battleground state. it's a critical one for this campaign and one that president biden only narrowly won in 2020. jake, know, by about 10,000 votes per cell how confident is the biden campaign? in securing a wind because of this issue in arizona arizona is one of a nearly it doesn't state that could have an abortion rights measure on the ballot that makes a difference, especially in helping with voter turnout. of course, this has been a rite of an election year there's voter apathy, whether it's not so much enthusiasm for either one of the candidates. and so >> this is to be on the, >> on the ballot. it essentially helps them know i suppose are voters get them out and galvanize that momentum and in the campaign believes to vote for president biden and to protect, they say abortion rights. but again, jake, of course, this is a critical state for them. it's one that they hope to get a win in november, but it won't be easy. and also it's a steep were immigration, as you heard from kristen, is top of mind for voters and they think that this may be a way in to get those because waters to the polls. >> all right. priscilla alvarez in tucson, arizona. thanks so much. let's discuss all this with my political panel. >> david, >> what's your take on the biden's campaign? the biden campaign's decision to send the vice president and to arizona trying to galvanize voters just a couple of days after the arizona supreme court brought back this or said that the 18, 64 law was the one that had to be the law of the land almost a complete abortion ban. >> yeah. i mean, jumping on it instantly converting this event to a campaign event where she can go directly at the president, free an unencumbered by an official event as vice with the office of the vice president. >> priscilla said she's uniquely positioned here, i think we also have to remember she's the first ever woman to serve in the role of vice president. and that makes a huge difference in talking on this issue. not that the president can't talk about a two you saw in that ad that he talked straight to camera on it. but if you have the first ever female vice president and the united states, as you're running mate on the ticket this is an issue animating your party to show up. you put her everywhere and anywhere where it is a relevant issue as it is instantly in arizona after that ruling, ashley i'm sure you think it's wise for her to go. how much do you think this issue of abortion rights is going to be a factor in places where lack of access to it is stark, such as arizona. >> i think it'll be an issue where access is diminishing, but also where it's not because of what can happen in the future if we do not, if joe biden does not secure the white house, we are most likely looking at some form of a national abortion ban. so it won't matter what your access is. you will now then have to fall under the law of the land. i do think it's smart that kamala harris is going out there and talking about this. she's been doing it since the fall of roe and a lot of the pole polls and 2022 said that this was not going to be an issue that really carried democrats and it absolutely was. we saw it again in 2023, and i think what this issue does in states, if you're someone who's like, i don't know, i'm not really super excited about the ballot, but this is an issue that resonates with you it gets you to the polls. and once you're at the poles, the likelihood that if you're a democratic voter, that you'll go ahead and cast your vote for joe biden. and commonly harris, it works to the dems advantage for sure. >> sure. michael, arizona's governor i'm a crowd. hobbs. she's going after republicans pretty hard for refusing in the her view, to clean up a mess. they started by overturning roe v. wade. here's what you had to say today. >> on the view. take a listen i am pretty tired of cleaning up donald trump's message in arizona political after coming from these folks who who wanted this. this is what they wanted when they, when they work to overturn roe v. wade. now that they see it as a political albatross, they're all of a sudden trying to run away from it. they can't do that we see the senate candidate kari lake, republican big mega woman has now completely gone from almost 100% pro-life to >> 100% pro-choice? yeah. just in i'm not surprised with that, jake, yesterday evening, i did a focus group with some republican voters in south georgia, rural georgia, and some from the suburbs of savannah. all evangelicals, most of them were pro-choice or most of them were not pro-choice. there's only one pro-choice individual >> and when i >> asked him, what did you think about president trump's remarks, this should be returned to the states. they all agreed with the caveat. they all agreed, but they said that voters should actually have the right to vote on the issue. as i said, so if the president were to moderate somewhat to appeal to a broader electorate would you be okay with that, even though you don't agree they said yes, one guy, not a south georgia town by about 5,000 people. he said sure. michael, the folks in atlanta view this differently than those versus south georgia. sure. he said, i don't want atlanta dictate in our values and we shouldn't dictate our values on atlanta it was a very surprising responses by many of those individuals. so i think trump, kari lake and many other republicans are realized that is not just democrats who were saying we don't want this. there's a lot of republics zero saying this is a step too far >> and jaime trump is signaling that he wants the republican legislature in arizona to change this almost total abortion ban in arizona. this is what he sad to say on truth, social earlier today, quote, the supreme court in arizona went too far on their abortion ruling, enacting and approving in inappropriate law from 18, 64. so now the governor and the arizona legislature must use heart common sense, and act immediately to remedy what has happened. he went on to accuse democrats of being extremists on the matter, although obviously this is a rather extreme law, i think we can all agree on that this is a case of the dog catching the bus >> you took my >> line or did i >> the key parts that meet as one you want to be jane always the keywords too far. yeah, this is, you know, priscilla talked about it being a salient issue in the campaign. i would use another word. >> it's a winner. >> and the democrats feel it is, and they're all saying they don't want this kind of legislation, but they are in effect saying, thank you arizona, because it is, as you said, bringing this to light >> and david, regardless of trump's opinion about leaving states, leaving this issue up to the states there are states that are taken exactly where they wanted to go, like arizona, florida has a six week ban and then i want you to listen to what tony perkins of the conservative family research council had to say. and one of the reasons why he's significant is the family research council is one of the groups behind project 2025, which is a group of conservatives that are preparing for the next trump term. so he's a very significant person in the conservative movement, but also in trump's second term. and this is what tony perkins said on monday i applaud the president for all the work that he did and has done as president, but their work is not over and this is not simply a state issue. this is for every level of government to protect the unborn so david and ensure michael, i mean conservatives, people who want a 100% ban are not going to stop even if >> it's an unpopular they're not going to stop. there had been advocating since dobbs was overturned, donald trump, of course to try and push back on that in trying to make a broader appeal to a general election electorate said he would not sign a national ban should it come to his desk. he is trying. so does that mean we take that trumpet his word, if he is in office again next year, we'll groups like that, succeed in convincing him to actually signed legislation that this week he said he would not clearly trump is fine trying to find a way to broaden his appeal on this issue. too muddy it up a little bit so that it's not such a clear lumen cser for him, kari lake doing the same, but it goes at odds with these powerful voices inside the republican coalition. yeah, i >> tony perkins as a powerful guy inside the trump movement. >> i think there's a bit of a disconnect i read quotes from mike pence it's van der plan, the president of susan b. anthony, pro-life americans to the focus group. and i asked him, what, what are your reactions to these? and they all said a lot of time, shall michael, these folks are a bit out of touch with what we actually think it was one lady catherine. now divorced a mother of three her oldest daughter is 18 years old and she said, sure, michael, if something were to happen to my 18 year-old daughter. yes, it's against my religious beliefs, but i would want the option to at least consider it i mean, jake, we're talking about pro-life people here, but that's not pro-life i've looked oh, no, no, i know they're saying that they're against abortion, correct. option, but they want the oxygen deficit of foot, but that's the point that i'm making here. jake is when you listen to some of these voices, i do believe that there is a bit of a desk let's connect. are there some who are absolutely no compromise? i believe so. >> it was two individuals, a part of the >> folks who said, you know, i think the federal government should do something, but most of the country doesn't the want that. i want to respect that. i don't think these leaders, i don't think individuals like mike pence, i don't think even individualize lindsey graham with the 15 weeks appear to be in touch with at least some of the folks that i've been talking with. and then about a week or two, i'm gonna talk with republicans in arizona and i'm willing to bet. >> i >> think the sensors will be the same >> what those folks were saying to jake's point is a pro choice agenda. it's about individuals having the right to choose what they do with their life. that is actually a principle that runs pretty close to the republican ideology will at least it used to and so it will hit the independents and moderates that are the swing voters in these states. it will definitely mobilize our base and for the folks in your focus group, they probably were already going to vote for donald trump it's not going to move them. yeah. but it i think it helps the biting very interesting much more with >> the panel we're going to dive more into this contrast happening right now out there in the real-world and politics were back in a moment this situation, which blitzer locked in knighted six, once cnn. so which like are we operating? >> asking the right question? can greatly impact your future? >> sure. you're an >> orthopedist, especially when it comes to your finances? yes. certified financial planner. i'm a >> cfp professional >> cop professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's gotta be a seat. yeah >> the rise >> discovered. our newest resorts, sandal st. vincent and the grenadines. now open, visit, or call one 800 that sandals. >> i started bright star care to provide a higher standard of care. it's been my goal for 20 years and it always will be. if you're an experienced caregiver with that same passion join the brand, the support which you most >> now, adt professionally installs google 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people, millions of people are dead right now. both sides, millions of people are dead cities are blown to ashes. you'll never rebuild the cities that's certainly not like they were so beautiful. and this is something should have never happened. october 7 should have never happened in israel, should have never happened what happened? there was outrageous a ran was broke when i was president. people weren't buying oil from iran. they weren't allowed to, if they were going to buy you off from iran, then they weren't going to do any business and the us and i said that the china. i said it everybody, they weren't doing business. they were broke. they didn't have money for hamas, they didn't have money for hezbollah it would have never happened october 7 would have never happened. it did happen. and now it's a disaster and it's only getting worse. so it's very said no, i said with the speaker, we've had a very good relationship while we're not that. >> she said that it would >> sign a federal abortion ban of congress sent to your desk. watson in their construction work? i would not do it now, if you were real because we don't need it any longer because we broke roe v. wade and we did something that nobody thought was possible. we gave it back to the states and the states are working very brilliantly in some cases conservative in some cases not conservative but they're working and it's working the way it's supposed to. every legal scholar, real legal scholar, wanted to have it go back to the states democrat, republican, liberal, conservative. and we're able to do that. what we did was give it back to the states. and now the states are working their way through it and you're going, you're having some very, very beautiful harmony to be honest with, you have well, you have some cases like arizona that went back to like 18, 64 or something like that. and a judge made a ruling. but that's going to be changed by government. they're going to be changing that. i disagree with that excuse me. >> over the last few decades, mr. president, you have both consider yourself pro-choice and pro-life. which one >> but you know exactly which one it is. and when i was in new york and when i was a democrat also, just like ronald reagan, ronald reagan was a democrat we're sort of followed a very similar path but if you look at what we've done with roe v. wade, we did something that everyone said couldn't be done and we got it done and i give great credit to the supreme court. the justices for having the courage to do it. what they did is very simply give it back to the state. and i'll tell you the democrats or the radicals on this because they're willing to have abortions. and the seventh, eighth ninth month, they're even willing and you can call it what you want. but you go back to the governor of virginia of the previous governor of virginia that governor of virginia we've talked about execution of a baby after birth. and you can say what you want, but that's extreme and that's radical and nobody should have that. and it has to be ended. please go ahead. go ahead, please. >> you take a motion to vacate rule should be fine change or do you base that it's just creating chaos right now? >> well, it's unfortunate that people bring it up because right now we have much bigger problems. the country is a, were a nation in decline were declining nation. we have tremendous inflation. the inflation is coming back at levels that nobody thought they really would have if you look at the categories of inflation, that have the worst categories, many categories are not included. and if you included that, you're inflation number would be substantially higher than it is now. and it's already at records so inflation is back. and a lot of bad things are happening in our country, but that's the least of it. you've got russia could end up and you could end up in a world war between russia, ukraine, and all of the chaos. and that's something should never happened. it would have never happened. what's going on with israel? october 7. and what's going on with israel could end up been a world war. we have a president, they can't put two sentences together. we have a president that they can't find the stairs offers stage. we have a president that doesn't know what the hell he's doing. and we could end up in a world war. we have just a little bit less than seven months. now, months before november 5. but that's an eternity when people are in competent >> go ahead, please >> which one >> and did you talk to anyone? >> i'm not a big fan of fisa. i looked at it and i studied it and i've no would probably better than anybody. they spied on my campaign. you do know that, right? and they did lots of other bad things. i'm not a big fan of but i told everybody i said do what you want. they put a lot of checks and balances on and i guess it's down to two years now so that it would come due and the early part of my administration on the basis that we live up to the polls because all the polls we just had another one come out with leading by a lot but it comes out quickly. i said, you do what you want, but i'm not a big fan of fisa. i think it's terrible. yeah >> to testify, you're fine. >> yeah. i would test if i absolutely. it's a scam. it's a scam that's not a trail. that's not a trend, that's a scam. if you read jonathan turley, if you read andy mccarthy usually read the legal. they said there's not even a case there that's election interference by the biden administration. they actually took their top guy, one of their top guys put them into the da's office to run it. and it's a shame what they have done is incredible. this election interference and it's got to stop. it's a third world country. get this country has never done it. but you read jonathan turley, you read andrew mccarthy, you read the legal scholars every single one of them said that whole thing is a scam. it's not even a crime. and what they're doing is a crime. they are criminals at bob why do you believe it is important for you to testify? take the stand in this upcoming trial. and what are you watching? every selection begins yeah, new york. >> well jury selection is largely luck. >> it >> depends who you get. >> it's very unfair that i'm having a trial there. it's very unfair that we have this judge who hates trump and has tremendous conflict as you know, tremendous conflict. nobody can believe that this judge isn't recusing himself the conflict is at a level that nobody has ever seen before so i have that and i have venue. we have all of these things that we've asked for it. they don't give us anything it's a witch hunt that takes place in new york and that is taken place and it's very bad for new york and is very bad and is very bad for the jews. additional system in new testifying. i tell the truth. i mean, all i can do is tell the truth and the truth is that there's no case they have no case. and again, you have to read the scholars read all of the legal scholars. i haven't seen one legal scholar that said this is a case. and in fact, even can you people said o.j. that's too bad. this, the first one. all of them are scams. they're all about election interference. interference. we have we have a president that doesn't know where he is. he can't speak the whole world is collapsing. the world is on fire. they have no respect for our country anymore and the only way he thinks he can win is by doing this trials of trump we have fani in atlanta, who's been so discredited now that was a setup with her boyfriend, so they could take trips and take a lot of money out and that's something that should be dismissed, not just the prosecutor dismiss the case should be dismissed every single one of them is red. look at what happened with biden. he gets off scot-free with 50 years of documents and classified information. he gets off scot-free and i'm still fighting that trial the whole thing is a disgrace and it's a disgrace to our nation >> according to us and israeli i'm have you spoken with this random prime minister benjamin netanyahu how should the united states responded to say question, i don't want to say who i spoke to but for the president of our country to actually put out a warning that he thinks that we're going to be attacked or they're going to be attacked it's pretty pathetic. they wouldn't be attacking israel if i were president that i can tell you, and they never did they wouldn't be attacking iran was in no position to attack. they had no money >> they were broke >> but now they have 221 billion and they have a rack who has $300 and iraq has become a subsidiary of iran with all that we've done with all of the fighting, all of the death, look at what happened, how incompetent the whole thing is. but i don't want to say who i spoke to, but i think it's a very, very dangerous period. this is a very dangerous period of time and our nation and a big reason that it's dangerous that we have a president that's grossly incompetent. thank you all very much >> all right, god been listening to former president trump, house speaker mike johnson was also they're taking questions at the news conference at mar-a-lago in florida they were asked about the border. they were asked about abortion trump is even asked about speaker johnson's job security as he faces a threat from trump, ally congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, who wants to have him removed as speaker. cnn's tom foreman is standing by to do some fact checking of what was said but while he prepares that, let's bring back cnn anchor kaitlan collins, caitlin. obviously, he said a lot of a parse things, false things, things that are brag a dosha says he might say, what's your take on what we just heard? >> well, a few things stood out to me, jake, and one, you didn't hear speaker johnson actually take any questions there. he talked to the beginning about some legislation that he wants to stand up, that i should note has zero chance of getting past through the senate. but, but in essence of how this went for speaker johnson, i mean, you see why he got an a plane today in washington and flew down to mar-a-lago because he just stood next to the presumptive republican nominee and leader of his party as he stood by him and said he's doing a good job under tough circumstances. and did not throw any support behind marjorie taylor greene's efforts to potentially oust speaker johnson from that job. and the way that she has said she has no confidence and the way he's handling that job. instead, foreign president trump, they're speaking up for him and praising the job that he's doing. but jake, what broke through, obviously from that is held trump is feeling about what monday is it's going to look like when he becomes the first former president to face a criminal trial. and he did say he's willing to testify. we'll see how his legal team feels about that. he has had a lot of animosity toward past attorneys who encouraged him not to testify. the e jean carroll trial, but what he said there, jake really underscores the significance of what monday is going to look like in the former president said, jury selection is largely luck. it depends on who you get, and certainly those two sentences are true. jake, among the things that he did say and what that jury looks like is something that his team is hyper-focused on right now because all it takes is one juror for this case to not go the way that the district attorney, alvin bragg, hopes it will go and so clearly you can see just how focused he is on what monday is going to look like. jake, the other thing that we've been talking about all week is abortion. a new heard the former president, their asieh a by why we should believe now that he won't sign a federal abortion ban if he's in office. again, he says it would not be necessary because roe versus wade was overturned earned by the supreme court. and i think a statement that the democrats will probably be using in their ads. he said we broke roe versus wade, obviously, taking credit for that and giving credit to the supreme court and the three justices that he put on that court >> but when he was >> asked one point, jake, if he was pro-choice or pro-life, he said, you know, the answer to that, but he did not say what that answer is. and that just stands out to me. i mean, remember governor ron desantis that he doesn't think trump is pro-life, that he thinks he actually is someone who puts forward policies that aren't conservative and isn't actually a believer in that underlying policy. he didn't actually answer that question, jake. >> yeah. i mean, i think that gets into a question about whether or not he actually personally cares about this issue or if he's just doing so because republicans do and that's a way to get elected. i remember in 2016, new york times column this morning doubt asked donald trump if he had ever paid for an abortion. and he said such an interesting question, what's your next question? we should note that he did this big press conference talking about elections and such with this trial coming on monday, his legal team had tried to delay it with any number of motions, every one of them was rejected it looks as though jury selection is going to begin on monday in the first haim in the history of the united states of america that a president a former president, faces a criminal trial. you say he's, he's made his peace with it, but one might suggest that this press conference, this event today was, is rooted in that yeah. >> well that's what monday is going to look like, jake, i mean, this is him making clear. you heard him just reciting everything they are about the merits of this trial, which we've heard him say time and time again and has been fact check your on cnn time and time again. he doesn't agree with it, but it is going to be happening and i should note jake as this is happening putting his legal team is arguing with the judge was going to be overseeing that trial about what monday is going to look like and about the questions that they are going to ask the jurors. i think you should expect that jury selection process to take a lot longer than it is normally going to because they want to question each individual juror and you can see just the emphasis of that. and what did he that means for trump that he is also thinking about what that jury is going to look like and how it could affect him here, whether or not he's ultimately convicted in this trial and what that means for him and you, he tried to downplay the legal threat that it poses to him there, but still, he is going to be on trial. there are going to be a slew of witnesses getting on the stand and testify to and this comes as his legal team is debating what that jury selection is going to look like, what they're allowed to ask the jurors whether they can ask them if they feel that they are biased and cannot serve on a jury in a fair manner. that is something that is happening right now, 5:30 p.m. on a friday as this trial set to kick off on monday, jake. >> all right. kaitlan collins. thanks. and we'll see you back tonight. it's on cnn on the source, which airs at 9:00 eastern. everyone tune into that. let's discuss this with our political panel, david, what comes to mind after watching that will no doubt he wanted to set the stage for monday and i think the scheduling of this press conference, it was impossible not to expect that he wanted to set the stage for monday to some to some effect. and i thought it was interesting to hear him say jury selection, it's just luck. it's just luck. he was tossing that out with his litany of complaints against the judge that we're used to. but this notion that he's just putting his fate in the hands of luck must be very discomforting for him. no doubt about that >> on the abortion issue. >> i agree wholeheartedly with what katelyn pointed out. not only did he not answer the question, are you pro-life or pro-choice? >> he >> said nothing >> that would speak to a >> commitment to protecting life. talk about this issue in the way that many in his party have spent decades doing. >> he in fact >> doubled down on the overturning of roe on getting this back to the states and adjusted is going to provide this opening two democrats to say yes. back in the states, let me show you what's happening in ai. well, let me show you what's happening in florida. let me show you what's happening in arizona. he is helping the democrat to make that argument by sticking to this line about we just wanted it to get back to the states. it was interesting to hear him stay in that space and then the repetition, which just, we've heard him say it many times, but as he's getting asked these questions about ukraine aid and the like, this line of the ukraine, russia would never have attacked ukraine if i was president, the attack on october 7 would never have happened if i was present. i don't know how you're supposed to deal with that. >> is how you can >> it's such a absurd statement to make because there is no way you can prove that in any way whatsoever. he has no idea of those world events. would have happened or not if he was president but he uses this as a contrast with biden to try and say biden is overseeing a world on fire higher. >> and i think >> that is something that the biden team is concerned about. this notion of chaos in the globe, not necessarily due to biden's actions, but trump clearly wants to feed into this uncertainty globally, right now in the world and attach it to biden. and you saw them do that repeatedly in this press conference? sure. michael, yeah. i think there's a a sense among a lot of americans, including many democrats and the president isn't strong on the economy that the president isn't strong. russian president biden at the president isn't strong on any of the international conflicts. i mean, we see that a ram may potentially attack israel any day now you have people wondering what does that mean in terms of potential us military involvement. and here's trump providing this contrast of im, the strong individual. now, before covid, at least the first two years, we had none of these disasters. life was great as trump would argue. in many people believe that to be the case. i think it's why you see many democrats looking for another option instead of president biden, i think is why many democrats are worried about rfk, about cornel west, about jill stein, and many of those battleground states do they said some of that very critical support to any one of those other candidates >> what do you think is the best way for biden to counteract the international charges here that we're discussing. the idea that this is interesting because one of the reasons that president biden, one and beat donald trump, which did fair and square was because there was this perception that trump was chaos. the trump represented chaos and who knew what he was going to do when it came to north korea and who knew what was going to do when it came to this world issue or whether he's going to pull out of nato, et cetera >> there is >> chaos right now in the world. now, how much you blame it on president biden is up to you, but there is chaos in the world and trump is almost portraying himself as mr. stability well, i still wonder what donald trump would do about north korea. and i, he has the question out right now. what would you do around ukraine to protect the democracy? and it is not that the united states will step in and do what is right here. and so i hear the point about pre-covid. i think there are a lot of people in this country though pre-covid did not feel like things were great, whether it started with the muslim ban or family separation, or, you name it calling african countries derogatory names a lot of folks felt the chaos pre-covid, as well as during covid, i think joe biden has to continue to remind people to your original question about how do you draw this contrast? i think people have to continue to remind folks what was your life like four years ago? and when i look at my facebook post that come up, they weren't fond memories quite honestly in a political round, like some there is this jaded perception that everything was great under trump and that just is not the case. people felt the chaos. and if he comes back, we will fill it again. it's not to say that things around the globe are stable by any stretch of the imagination, but i do feel more comfortable with having joe biden having the nuclear codes and donald trump at this there is this other perception out there are rooted in some reality that there is chaos in the united states because of the border issue, >> because there has been such an influx of undocumented immigrants who are who whatever you think of the political stunt, a governor abbott and others have sent to cities blue cities, chicago, detroit, washington, dc, new york, boston, martha's vineyard and they are a drain on resources that american citizens need. so there is not just chaos abroad. there was a perception and again, how much you blame on unbridled is up to you. but there is a perception also of chaos at home there is no question that the whole immigration and border issue is a problem for joe biden. >> end of story. >> the most never trump republican i know every day say to me, when is he going to do an executive order? he has to take stronger action >> that said and that's why >> donald trump won welcome to this press conference today to underscore that >> but to >> me, this press conference was classic trumpian press conference. he was on the attack. he attacks the judge. he attacks joe biden. and what are the words you hear over and over again for joe biden in competent? and competent in competent on all these other issues, dangerous period of time. it wouldn't happen. but that's not the donald trump we all know from the last four years certainly not the one from from january 6. >> just >> one point. >> it's not the donald trump way now well, i think the chaos and dysfunction or two words we use during the donald trump presidency over, over and >> over again, this notion that he's gone going to pull it all together and be mr. stability. one word on the jury selection that you mentioned about his saying that it's up to luck just remember, he lost the e jean carroll case. that jury pool was a lot tougher. jury pool to draw from. there were there were more potential pro-trump jurors. there >> he has to >> have a reality check. maybe that this is a case that doesn't rely on testimony going way back in time. they're papers here, it's black and white >> and this is >> potentially a harsher jury pool. >> so before the q&a with reporters that we aired for you, mr. trump, and speaker johnson talked about elections as bill johnson cited the motor vote order laws which allow people to register to vote at the dmv while they're getting their driver's licenses. johnson said people can check a box saying there's a citizen. but that states don't require that they have to prove their citizen. johnson said he's going to introduce a bill it's a require citizenship in order to vote. take a listen >> going to announce, to get a day here, stand alongside president trump that we will do everything within our power to ensure do we do have free and fair elections in this country. if we don't have that in a constitutional republic, we have nothing. it's the basis of who we are as a nation and we owe that to the american people what we're going to do is introduce legislation to require that every single person who registers the vote and a federal election must prove that they're an american citizen. first, have to prove it >> let's bring in sienna and stop forming. tom, help us put this into context. >> the speaker is jumping on a bandwagon here with a very wobbly wheel that's what we know. the simple truth is that there they're talking about something that doesn't exist. we do not have a problem in this country of people who are here illegally voting. not at any measurable level if you want registered to vote, you have showed driver's like you have to have a social security number. they do check that information against other databases. and you have to affirm that you are a us citizen under very stringent penalties. if you're caught, including jail time deportation fines, maybe that's one of the reasons that even when the conservative heritage foundation looked at possible fraud cases from 22 from 2002 to 2022 they looked at roughly more than 1 billion lawfully cast ballots, more than 1 billion, and they could only find 100 examples of non-citizens voting. and usually when these are found, it's often a confusion because somebody went and did something else with the government and thought they were entitled to vote. so that's one of the reasons critics all along have said the republicans here are talking about a solution to a nonexistent problem. again, jake, to make it very clear, this country does not have a problem of election security in any measurable level, and certainly not based on people coming from other countries, right? >> it happens, but very, very miniscule numbers. it's not a serious threat when it comes to election security. again, it happens, but very self lee small, so small all that it's, it's just beyond compare in the same with the claims about people coming from venezuela and emptying the prisons and congo is he used to say, by the way, i want to point out that trump has been making this claim about people coming in from other places. the claim that the speaker jumped onto their, that people are coming in illegally and then voting. he's been making that claim way back. he said that's why he hillary clinton tim with the popular vote. he said in 2020, that's why joe biden did well and arizona and there is zero zero evidence. >> time farm. and thanks so much. let's bring and cnn, sara murray, sarah, what did you make speaker johnson's claims regarding proof of citizenship and voting? >> well, just to echo again what we've said, it's already illegal if you are a non-citizen to vote in us elections, there are steep penalties. we also heard speaker johnson talk about states needing to look through their voter rolls. states are already required to maintain their voter rolls and to remove an eligible voters. if they did come across someone and who managed managed to register to vote as a non-citizen. again, states can run that against other databases. they have access to if they find that they do remove those people, the other thing i thought was interesting that we heard from mike johnson today was he wasn't even coming out here saying that this is a widespread problem. he was floating this sort of conspiracy theory that migrants are coming into the country great, that they're going to welfare offices and that sense they're going to these welfare offices. they're definitely going to register to vote when they're at these welfare offices. so he's sort of creating this problem out of thin air that again, the numbers don't show and saying this is why we need all of these additional steps. >> all right. sara murray. thank you so much. vice president kamala harris is speaking now at battleground, arizona. let's listen to the vice president afternoon >> can we give it up for you? same if it takes so much courage and we've seen this from moving around the country to tell what is a private, personal matter. and you do it for the sake of all of the people who must here and must understand. and to remind so many women that they're not alone. >> you a great leader. thank you. you're saying where is mayor romero >> thank you. thanks. thank you. thank you. are an extraordinary leader the mayor and her daughter met me on the tarmac as doug and i got off of their four is two. and i want to thank you for the warm one. welcome, and for your courageous leadership as well. >> good debbie >> and it is good to be here with the next unit. hey, did states senator from this of arizona, reuben day and i have worked with rubin and i will tell you he is a tireless fighter for the people and families of arizona and essential partner to >> president biden and me representative grijalva, wanted to be here today. >> i know >> that we are all praying for him we iced his wife is here and i said to her, you know, the thing i love about role, he is such a fighter and he is a street fighter flight. he is a fighter >> and so we know he's going to be okay. and we're thinking of him as he begins his treatment for cancer. i want to thank as well my dear friend and the president of reproductive freedom for all mini terrazzo, where she thank. you many for your leadership and a special thank you to all the organizers in arizona who are collecting signatures to put the right to reproductive freedom the. ballot in the state constitution >> and to the >> thousands of organizers from across our nation who are joining us virtually today. and i also want to thank the secretary of state, adrian font and all the other leaders of the arizona state legislature nature including of course, senator eva burch, who's so bravely shared her story thank you for your incredible courage and determination arizona >> this fight is about freedom this fight is about freedom. and the freedom that is fundamental to the promise of america. the promise of america. it's a promise of freedom. in america. freedom is not to be given. it is not to be bestowed >> it is ours by wright and that includes the freedom to make decisions about one's own body and not have the government telling people what to do however, as we know, almost two years ago, the highest court in our land, the court of thurgood and rbg took a constitutional right that had been recognized from the people of america, from the women of america. and now in states across our country extremists have proposed and passed laws that criminalize doctors and punish women laws that threatened doctors and nurses with prison time, even for life simply for providing reproductive care and then just this week, here in arizona, they have turned back the clock to the 1800s all right >> to take away a woman's most fundamental right the right to make decisions about her own body this decision by arizona's state supreme court now means women here the women here live under one of the most extreme abortion bans in our nation no exception for rape or incest prison time for doctors and nurses and a bortion made illegal before most women even know they're pregnant the over turning of roe was without any question, a seismic event and this ban here in arizona is one of the biggest aftershocks, yet and understand this long was passed in the 1800s before arizona was even a state before women could even vote what has happened here in arizona is a new inflection point it has demonstrated once and for all that overturning roe was just the opening act just the opening act of a larger strategy to take women's rights and freedoms part of a full on attack state by state, on reproductive freedom and we all must >> understand who is to blame >> former >> president donald trump did this during his campaign in 2016. donald trump said women should be punished for seeking an abortion. >> now forget that it's a women should be punished. as president donald trump hand picked >> three >> members of the united states supreme court because he intended intended for them to overturn roe. and as he intended, they did and now because of donald trump, more than 20 states and our nation have bands now because of donald trump one in three women of reproductive age in our country live in a state that has a trump abortion ban let us understand the impact of these trump abortion bans the horrific reality that women face. every single day. now in our country because since roe was overturned we all know the stories and i'll tell you, i have met women who were refused care during a miscarriage i met a woman who went to the emergency room and was turned away repeatedly because the doctors were afraid they might be thrown in jail for helping her and it was only when she developed sepsis that she received care i've visited a clinic in minnesota and met with courageous, dedicated medical professionals who seek clinics like there's 40 to close denying women across our country access to essential and life saving care breast cancer screenings contracept, contraceptive care, pape's donald trump is the architect of this health care crisis. that is not a fact by the way, that he hides in fact he brags about it just this week. he said that he is proudly the person responsible for overturning roe proudly responsible for the pain and suffering of millions of women and families. >> proudly >> responsible that he took your freedom just minutes ago >> standing >> beside speaker johnson donald trump just said the collection of state bands is quote working the way it is supposed to and as much harm as he has already caused. a second trump term would be even worse. donald trump's friends in the united states congress are trying to pass a national ban. and understand a national ban would outlaw abortion in every state even states like new york and california and trump wants us to believe he will not sign a national ban enough with the gas lighting enough with the gas lighting >> we, >> all know if donald trump gets the chance he will sign a national abortion ban. and how do we know? >> just look at his record. just look at the facts. >> you all know. i'm a former prosecutor. just look at the facts congress tried to pass a national abortion ban in 2017 and the then president trump endorsed it and promised to sign it if it got on his desk well, the great my angelou once said when someone tells you who they are believe them the first time donald, trump has told us who he is >> and >> notice that team trump having additional plan to attack reproductive freedom a plan that they intend to implement on day one, even without congress. they want to use another law from the 1800s. it's called the comstock act to ban medication across all 50 states. >> no >> matter if it's currently legal or not so here's what a second trump term looks like. more bands, more suffering and less freedom just like he did an arizona, he basically wants to take america back to the 1800s all right >> but >> we are not going to let that happen because here's the deal this is 2024, not the 1800s >> and we're not going back. we are not going back joe biden and i trust >> women to know what is in their own best interest and women trust all of us to fight, to protect their most fundamental freedoms so arizona, this november up and down the ballot, reproductive freedom is that stake? >> and >> you have the power to protect it with your vote. >> it is, >> your power it is your power that will put this right in the arizona state constitution and a lack the state legislature who will defend freedom i'm not trying to take it away. it is your power that was sent leaders like reuben go to the united states senate and help so pure on of members in the united states congress who simply agree, who simply agree this is all we want. simply agree that the government should not be making these personal decisions for other people >> and it is your power that will send joe biden and may back to the white house and when congress passes a law that restores, all right, you've been listening to live remarks from tucson, arizona vice president kamala harris talking about abortion rights in that state, a place where the state supreme court just said that the 18, 64 ban on abortion in almost every single case has to be the law of the state of arizona. let's go straight to cnn's mj lee at the white house, mj, the vice president, really gone after a former president trump in the speech yeah, and listening to those remarks, jake, you got a really good distillation of why the biden campaign is going all in on the issue of abortion. you heard the vice president, they're saying governments shouldn't be able to tell people what to do with their bodies. and she said that the arizona supreme court ruling was one of the biggest aftershocks after roe v. wade was overturned. >> and >> then she asked the question, and who is to blame for that? it is donald trump. and in fact, she pointed to the fact that minutes before she took the stage, they're in arizona. donald trump down in florida, took credit for and boasted for what happened under his administration and that he was basically responsible for row being overturned. and this has been the biden campaign's a broader strategy on this issue. is to paint a picture of how families have been affected by this landmark ruling obviously, doctors and medical professionals fearing for being penalized for doing their jobs and their message over all is basically this is what the world is going to continue to look like if the other guy i comes back to the white house, that of course is donald trump and under the other party, that of course refers to republicans, jake. all right. mj lee at the white house. thanks so much. let's bring back david chalian >> david, >> i suspect that we're going to hear a lot more of that from vice president harris from now until november perhaps on a daily basis, jake, i mean, three arguments were really clear. there. it's donald trump's fault that that's clear as mj noted, donald trump is gaslighting you and lying to you when he says that he won't sign a national abortion ban, she said enough of the gaslighting and then she turns it and says she makes it a proactive argument to this democratic group where going to prevent this from happening, he wants to take us back to the 1800s. this is 2024, so it gives that forward-looking proactive, not just negative on trump, but mobilize for joe biden and kamala harris around this. that's the argument. >> all right. a preview of what? the next seven months are going to be courtesy of donald trump and kamala harris. just now on the show coming up sunday on state of the union, democratic senator john fetterman from a great commonwealth of pennsylvania, and republican senator jd vance of ohio that sunday morning at nine and new and only here on

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Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703

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palm beach florida, kristen trump and johnson set to begin speaking in moments. what do you expect any new here >> well, i am told that they are likely to relitigate the 2020 election, which isn't surprising since both of them were part of the effort to overturn that election. but i'm also told that they are going to highlight this issue of non-citizens voting now, to be very clear, there's already a federal ban in place that would stop non-citizens from voting in federal elections. however, there is some nuance here. there are some cities in some states that allow non-citizens to vote in local elections, like the school board election or certain mayo or phil elections. >> but it >> is not an issue in terms of widespread fraud. however, i got some pushback earlier today from advisors to donald trump who said this is also a way to prove it. then that from happening and looting to the immigration crisis at the border, talking about this influx of migrants at the border, this is a way for donald trump speaks for johnson to talk about an issue that they both want to talk about. and link it to immigration, which is an issue that americans care deeply about voters, particularly care. it's one of the top the issues and something that they believe will help them in november in the election cycle. now, again, there is no real evidence that we have seen that this isn't it? issue, but they are say that this will be a way to prevent that from happening in the november election. this is also a way as we know, for speaker johnson to get some support port from the former president at a time where his speakership is really in parallel. >> all right, kristen holmes, thanks so much. we're going to monitor the live feed of those comments and bring some highlights of what trump and speaker johnson have to say and perhaps a fact check if one is warranted, who knows. meanwhile, on the other side of the country, vice president kamala harris is in tucson, arizona, right? now getting ready to talk about abortion rights in arizona. her remarks come just three days after the supreme court of arizona upheld a law from the 160s, one that would ban abortion in every case including rape, including incest, except when it's quote, necessary to save a person's life arizona's legislature had a chance on wednesday to repeal this 18 64 law, but some state lawmakers say republicans left the chamber after blocking the vote causing this reaction let's go straighten out to cnn's priscilla alvarez, who's in tucson, arizona, where vice president harris will be speaking momentarily. i'm talking about this issue of abortion rights. priscilla what are we expecting her to set? >> we'll take the program is just getting underway here. we anticipate that the vice president is going to directly tie these unpopular abortion bans including the state supreme court ruling here, too. the president donald trump, i'm told by sources that this has been top for the vice president and she wanted to hammer home this message here in arizona, particularly that the former president poses a threat to health care and to personal freedoms. and we got a preview as to what harris is expected j that includfor example, the overturning of roe was a seismic event, and this ban in arizona is one of the biggest aftershocks, yet she's also attracted to say that second term, a second trump term looks like more bands, more suffering, less freedom. now, a forsake defining campaign sees abortion as a salient political issue, going into november and just this week they announced a seven-figure ad buy to air more abortion-related ads in this state on the heels of that state supreme court ruling and the vice president has been uniquely positioned mr. don, this early on this year for team position, her to tackle this issue head on over the course of the year by going on her reproductive freedoms tour. and while this is on a stop on that toward this is campaign event, it goes to show that they are leaning into this issue and i talked to a democratic strategist who said this court ruling, essentially as another data point for this ongoing argument that democrats both are making, that republicans are the extreme ones that they are the ones that pose a threat to personal freedoms and to health care. so that is the message that we anticipate the vice president is going to camera home here in a state of course, that is a battleground state. it's a critical one for this campaign and one that president biden only narrowly won in 2020. jake, know, by about 10,000 votes per cell how confident is the biden campaign? in securing a wind because of this issue in arizona arizona is one of a nearly it doesn't state that could have an abortion rights measure on the ballot that makes a difference, especially in helping with voter turnout. of course, this has been a rite of an election year there's voter apathy, whether it's not so much enthusiasm for either one of the candidates. and so >> this is to be on the, >> on the ballot. it essentially helps them know i suppose are voters get them out and galvanize that momentum and in the campaign believes to vote for president biden and to protect, they say abortion rights. but again, jake, of course, this is a critical state for them. it's one that they hope to get a win in november, but it won't be easy. and also it's a steep were immigration, as you heard from kristen, is top of mind for voters and they think that this may be a way in to get those because waters to the polls. >> all right. priscilla alvarez in tucson, arizona. thanks so much. let's discuss all this with my political panel. >> david, >> what's your take on the biden's campaign? the biden campaign's decision to send the vice president and to arizona trying to galvanize voters just a couple of days after the arizona supreme court brought back this or said that the 18, 64 law was the one that had to be the law of the land almost a complete abortion ban. >> yeah. i mean, jumping on it instantly converting this event to a campaign event where she can go directly at the president, free an unencumbered by an official event as vice with the office of the vice president. >> priscilla said she's uniquely positioned here, i think we also have to remember she's the first ever woman to serve in the role of vice president. and that makes a huge difference in talking on this issue. not that the president can't talk about a two you saw in that ad that he talked straight to camera on it. but if you have the first ever female vice president and the united states, as you're running mate on the ticket this is an issue animating your party to show up. you put her everywhere and anywhere where it is a relevant issue as it is instantly in arizona after that ruling, ashley i'm sure you think it's wise for her to go. how much do you think this issue of abortion rights is going to be a factor in places where lack of access to it is stark, such as arizona. >> i think it'll be an issue where access is diminishing, but also where it's not because of what can happen in the future if we do not, if joe biden does not secure the white house, we are most likely looking at some form of a national abortion ban. so it won't matter what your access is. you will now then have to fall under the law of the land. i do think it's smart that kamala harris is going out there and talking about this. she's been doing it since the fall of roe and a lot of the pole polls and 2022 said that this was not going to be an issue that really carried democrats and it absolutely was. we saw it again in 2023, and i think what this issue does in states, if you're someone who's like, i don't know, i'm not really super excited about the ballot, but this is an issue that resonates with you it gets you to the polls. and once you're at the poles, the likelihood that if you're a democratic voter, that you'll go ahead and cast your vote for joe biden. and commonly harris, it works to the dems advantage for sure. >> sure. michael, arizona's governor i'm a crowd. hobbs. she's going after republicans pretty hard for refusing in the her view, to clean up a mess. they started by overturning roe v. wade. here's what you had to say today. >> on the view. take a listen i am pretty tired of cleaning up donald trump's message in arizona political after coming from these folks who who wanted this. this is what they wanted when they, when they work to overturn roe v. wade. now that they see it as a political albatross, they're all of a sudden trying to run away from it. they can't do that we see the senate candidate kari lake, republican big mega woman has now completely gone from almost 100% pro-life to >> 100% pro-choice? yeah. just in i'm not surprised with that, jake, yesterday evening, i did a focus group with some republican voters in south georgia, rural georgia, and some from the suburbs of savannah. all evangelicals, most of them were pro-choice or most of them were not pro-choice. there's only one pro-choice individual >> and when i >> asked him, what did you think about president trump's remarks, this should be returned to the states. they all agreed with the caveat. they all agreed, but they said that voters should actually have the right to vote on the issue. as i said, so if the president were to moderate somewhat to appeal to a broader electorate would you be okay with that, even though you don't agree they said yes, one guy, not a south georgia town by about 5,000 people. he said sure. michael, the folks in atlanta view this differently than those versus south georgia. sure. he said, i don't want atlanta dictate in our values and we shouldn't dictate our values on atlanta it was a very surprising responses by many of those individuals. so i think trump, kari lake and many other republicans are realized that is not just democrats who were saying we don't want this. there's a lot of republics zero saying this is a step too far >> and jaime trump is signaling that he wants the republican legislature in arizona to change this almost total abortion ban in arizona. this is what he sad to say on truth, social earlier today, quote, the supreme court in arizona went too far on their abortion ruling, enacting and approving in inappropriate law from 18, 64. so now the governor and the arizona legislature must use heart common sense, and act immediately to remedy what has happened. he went on to accuse democrats of being extremists on the matter, although obviously this is a rather extreme law, i think we can all agree on that this is a case of the dog catching the bus >> you took my >> line or did i >> the key parts that meet as one you want to be jane always the keywords too far. yeah, this is, you know, priscilla talked about it being a salient issue in the campaign. i would use another word. >> it's a winner. >> and the democrats feel it is, and they're all saying they don't want this kind of legislation, but they are in effect saying, thank you arizona, because it is, as you said, bringing this to light >> and david, regardless of trump's opinion about leaving states, leaving this issue up to the states there are states that are taken exactly where they wanted to go, like arizona, florida has a six week ban and then i want you to listen to what tony perkins of the conservative family research council had to say. and one of the reasons why he's significant is the family research council is one of the groups behind project 2025, which is a group of conservatives that are preparing for the next trump term. so he's a very significant person in the conservative movement, but also in trump's second term. and this is what tony perkins said on monday i applaud the president for all the work that he did and has done as president, but their work is not over and this is not simply a state issue. this is for every level of government to protect the unborn so david and ensure michael, i mean conservatives, people who want a 100% ban are not going to stop even if >> it's an unpopular they're not going to stop. there had been advocating since dobbs was overturned, donald trump, of course to try and push back on that in trying to make a broader appeal to a general election electorate said he would not sign a national ban should it come to his desk. he is trying. so does that mean we take that trumpet his word, if he is in office again next year, we'll groups like that, succeed in convincing him to actually signed legislation that this week he said he would not clearly trump is fine trying to find a way to broaden his appeal on this issue. too muddy it up a little bit so that it's not such a clear lumen cser for him, kari lake doing the same, but it goes at odds with these powerful voices inside the republican coalition. yeah, i >> tony perkins as a powerful guy inside the trump movement. >> i think there's a bit of a disconnect i read quotes from mike pence it's van der plan, the president of susan b. anthony, pro-life americans to the focus group. and i asked him, what, what are your reactions to these? and they all said a lot of time, shall michael, these folks are a bit out of touch with what we actually think it was one lady catherine. now divorced a mother of three her oldest daughter is 18 years old and she said, sure, michael, if something were to happen to my 18 year-old daughter. yes, it's against my religious beliefs, but i would want the option to at least consider it i mean, jake, we're talking about pro-life people here, but that's not pro-life i've looked oh, no, no, i know they're saying that they're against abortion, correct. option, but they want the oxygen deficit of foot, but that's the point that i'm making here. jake is when you listen to some of these voices, i do believe that there is a bit of a desk let's connect. are there some who are absolutely no compromise? i believe so. >> it was two individuals, a part of the >> folks who said, you know, i think the federal government should do something, but most of the country doesn't the want that. i want to respect that. i don't think these leaders, i don't think individuals like mike pence, i don't think even individualize lindsey graham with the 15 weeks appear to be in touch with at least some of the folks that i've been talking with. and then about a week or two, i'm gonna talk with republicans in arizona and i'm willing to bet. >> i >> think the sensors will be the same >> what those folks were saying to jake's point is a pro choice agenda. it's about individuals having the right to choose what they do with their life. that is actually a principle that runs pretty close to the republican ideology will at least it used to and so it will hit the independents and moderates that are the swing voters in these states. it will definitely mobilize our base and for the folks in your focus group, they probably were already going to vote for donald trump it's not going to move them. yeah. but it i think it helps the biting very interesting much more with >> the panel we're going to dive more into this contrast happening right now out there in the real-world and politics were back in a moment this situation, which blitzer locked in knighted six, once cnn. so which like are we operating? >> asking the right question? can greatly impact your future? >> sure. you're an >> orthopedist, especially when it comes to your finances? yes. certified financial planner. i'm a >> cfp professional >> cop professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's gotta be a seat. yeah >> the rise >> discovered. our newest resorts, sandal st. vincent and the grenadines. now open, visit, or call one 800 that sandals. >> i started bright star care to provide a higher standard of care. it's been my goal for 20 years and it always will be. if you're an experienced caregiver with that same passion join the brand, the support which you most >> now, adt professionally installs google 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people, millions of people are dead right now. both sides, millions of people are dead cities are blown to ashes. you'll never rebuild the cities that's certainly not like they were so beautiful. and this is something should have never happened. october 7 should have never happened in israel, should have never happened what happened? there was outrageous a ran was broke when i was president. people weren't buying oil from iran. they weren't allowed to, if they were going to buy you off from iran, then they weren't going to do any business and the us and i said that the china. i said it everybody, they weren't doing business. they were broke. they didn't have money for hamas, they didn't have money for hezbollah it would have never happened october 7 would have never happened. it did happen. and now it's a disaster and it's only getting worse. so it's very said no, i said with the speaker, we've had a very good relationship while we're not that. >> she said that it would >> sign a federal abortion ban of congress sent to your desk. watson in their construction work? i would not do it now, if you were real because we don't need it any longer because we broke roe v. wade and we did something that nobody thought was possible. we gave it back to the states and the states are working very brilliantly in some cases conservative in some cases not conservative but they're working and it's working the way it's supposed to. every legal scholar, real legal scholar, wanted to have it go back to the states democrat, republican, liberal, conservative. and we're able to do that. what we did was give it back to the states. and now the states are working their way through it and you're going, you're having some very, very beautiful harmony to be honest with, you have well, you have some cases like arizona that went back to like 18, 64 or something like that. and a judge made a ruling. but that's going to be changed by government. they're going to be changing that. i disagree with that excuse me. >> over the last few decades, mr. president, you have both consider yourself pro-choice and pro-life. which one >> but you know exactly which one it is. and when i was in new york and when i was a democrat also, just like ronald reagan, ronald reagan was a democrat we're sort of followed a very similar path but if you look at what we've done with roe v. wade, we did something that everyone said couldn't be done and we got it done and i give great credit to the supreme court. the justices for having the courage to do it. what they did is very simply give it back to the state. and i'll tell you the democrats or the radicals on this because they're willing to have abortions. and the seventh, eighth ninth month, they're even willing and you can call it what you want. but you go back to the governor of virginia of the previous governor of virginia that governor of virginia we've talked about execution of a baby after birth. and you can say what you want, but that's extreme and that's radical and nobody should have that. and it has to be ended. please go ahead. go ahead, please. >> you take a motion to vacate rule should be fine change or do you base that it's just creating chaos right now? >> well, it's unfortunate that people bring it up because right now we have much bigger problems. the country is a, were a nation in decline were declining nation. we have tremendous inflation. the inflation is coming back at levels that nobody thought they really would have if you look at the categories of inflation, that have the worst categories, many categories are not included. and if you included that, you're inflation number would be substantially higher than it is now. and it's already at records so inflation is back. and a lot of bad things are happening in our country, but that's the least of it. you've got russia could end up and you could end up in a world war between russia, ukraine, and all of the chaos. and that's something should never happened. it would have never happened. what's going on with israel? october 7. and what's going on with israel could end up been a world war. we have a president, they can't put two sentences together. we have a president that they can't find the stairs offers stage. we have a president that doesn't know what the hell he's doing. and we could end up in a world war. we have just a little bit less than seven months. now, months before november 5. but that's an eternity when people are in competent >> go ahead, please >> which one >> and did you talk to anyone? >> i'm not a big fan of fisa. i looked at it and i studied it and i've no would probably better than anybody. they spied on my campaign. you do know that, right? and they did lots of other bad things. i'm not a big fan of but i told everybody i said do what you want. they put a lot of checks and balances on and i guess it's down to two years now so that it would come due and the early part of my administration on the basis that we live up to the polls because all the polls we just had another one come out with leading by a lot but it comes out quickly. i said, you do what you want, but i'm not a big fan of fisa. i think it's terrible. yeah >> to testify, you're fine. >> yeah. i would test if i absolutely. it's a scam. it's a scam that's not a trail. that's not a trend, that's a scam. if you read jonathan turley, if you read andy mccarthy usually read the legal. they said there's not even a case there that's election interference by the biden administration. they actually took their top guy, one of their top guys put them into the da's office to run it. and it's a shame what they have done is incredible. this election interference and it's got to stop. it's a third world country. get this country has never done it. but you read jonathan turley, you read andrew mccarthy, you read the legal scholars every single one of them said that whole thing is a scam. it's not even a crime. and what they're doing is a crime. they are criminals at bob why do you believe it is important for you to testify? take the stand in this upcoming trial. and what are you watching? every selection begins yeah, new york. >> well jury selection is largely luck. >> it >> depends who you get. >> it's very unfair that i'm having a trial there. it's very unfair that we have this judge who hates trump and has tremendous conflict as you know, tremendous conflict. nobody can believe that this judge isn't recusing himself the conflict is at a level that nobody has ever seen before so i have that and i have venue. we have all of these things that we've asked for it. they don't give us anything it's a witch hunt that takes place in new york and that is taken place and it's very bad for new york and is very bad and is very bad for the jews. additional system in new testifying. i tell the truth. i mean, all i can do is tell the truth and the truth is that there's no case they have no case. and again, you have to read the scholars read all of the legal scholars. i haven't seen one legal scholar that said this is a case. and in fact, even can you people said o.j. that's too bad. this, the first one. all of them are scams. they're all about election interference. interference. we have we have a president that doesn't know where he is. he can't speak the whole world is collapsing. the world is on fire. they have no respect for our country anymore and the only way he thinks he can win is by doing this trials of trump we have fani in atlanta, who's been so discredited now that was a setup with her boyfriend, so they could take trips and take a lot of money out and that's something that should be dismissed, not just the prosecutor dismiss the case should be dismissed every single one of them is red. look at what happened with biden. he gets off scot-free with 50 years of documents and classified information. he gets off scot-free and i'm still fighting that trial the whole thing is a disgrace and it's a disgrace to our nation >> according to us and israeli i'm have you spoken with this random prime minister benjamin netanyahu how should the united states responded to say question, i don't want to say who i spoke to but for the president of our country to actually put out a warning that he thinks that we're going to be attacked or they're going to be attacked it's pretty pathetic. they wouldn't be attacking israel if i were president that i can tell you, and they never did they wouldn't be attacking iran was in no position to attack. they had no money >> they were broke >> but now they have 221 billion and they have a rack who has $300 and iraq has become a subsidiary of iran with all that we've done with all of the fighting, all of the death, look at what happened, how incompetent the whole thing is. but i don't want to say who i spoke to, but i think it's a very, very dangerous period. this is a very dangerous period of time and our nation and a big reason that it's dangerous that we have a president that's grossly incompetent. thank you all very much >> all right, god been listening to former president trump, house speaker mike johnson was also they're taking questions at the news conference at mar-a-lago in florida they were asked about the border. they were asked about abortion trump is even asked about speaker johnson's job security as he faces a threat from trump, ally congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, who wants to have him removed as speaker. cnn's tom foreman is standing by to do some fact checking of what was said but while he prepares that, let's bring back cnn anchor kaitlan collins, caitlin. obviously, he said a lot of a parse things, false things, things that are brag a dosha says he might say, what's your take on what we just heard? >> well, a few things stood out to me, jake, and one, you didn't hear speaker johnson actually take any questions there. he talked to the beginning about some legislation that he wants to stand up, that i should note has zero chance of getting past through the senate. but, but in essence of how this went for speaker johnson, i mean, you see why he got an a plane today in washington and flew down to mar-a-lago because he just stood next to the presumptive republican nominee and leader of his party as he stood by him and said he's doing a good job under tough circumstances. and did not throw any support behind marjorie taylor greene's efforts to potentially oust speaker johnson from that job. and the way that she has said she has no confidence and the way he's handling that job. instead, foreign president trump, they're speaking up for him and praising the job that he's doing. but jake, what broke through, obviously from that is held trump is feeling about what monday is it's going to look like when he becomes the first former president to face a criminal trial. and he did say he's willing to testify. we'll see how his legal team feels about that. he has had a lot of animosity toward past attorneys who encouraged him not to testify. the e jean carroll trial, but what he said there, jake really underscores the significance of what monday is going to look like in the former president said, jury selection is largely luck. it depends on who you get, and certainly those two sentences are true. jake, among the things that he did say and what that jury looks like is something that his team is hyper-focused on right now because all it takes is one juror for this case to not go the way that the district attorney, alvin bragg, hopes it will go and so clearly you can see just how focused he is on what monday is going to look like. jake, the other thing that we've been talking about all week is abortion. a new heard the former president, their asieh a by why we should believe now that he won't sign a federal abortion ban if he's in office. again, he says it would not be necessary because roe versus wade was overturned earned by the supreme court. and i think a statement that the democrats will probably be using in their ads. he said we broke roe versus wade, obviously, taking credit for that and giving credit to the supreme court and the three justices that he put on that court >> but when he was >> asked one point, jake, if he was pro-choice or pro-life, he said, you know, the answer to that, but he did not say what that answer is. and that just stands out to me. i mean, remember governor ron desantis that he doesn't think trump is pro-life, that he thinks he actually is someone who puts forward policies that aren't conservative and isn't actually a believer in that underlying policy. he didn't actually answer that question, jake. >> yeah. i mean, i think that gets into a question about whether or not he actually personally cares about this issue or if he's just doing so because republicans do and that's a way to get elected. i remember in 2016, new york times column this morning doubt asked donald trump if he had ever paid for an abortion. and he said such an interesting question, what's your next question? we should note that he did this big press conference talking about elections and such with this trial coming on monday, his legal team had tried to delay it with any number of motions, every one of them was rejected it looks as though jury selection is going to begin on monday in the first haim in the history of the united states of america that a president a former president, faces a criminal trial. you say he's, he's made his peace with it, but one might suggest that this press conference, this event today was, is rooted in that yeah. >> well that's what monday is going to look like, jake, i mean, this is him making clear. you heard him just reciting everything they are about the merits of this trial, which we've heard him say time and time again and has been fact check your on cnn time and time again. he doesn't agree with it, but it is going to be happening and i should note jake as this is happening putting his legal team is arguing with the judge was going to be overseeing that trial about what monday is going to look like and about the questions that they are going to ask the jurors. i think you should expect that jury selection process to take a lot longer than it is normally going to because they want to question each individual juror and you can see just the emphasis of that. and what did he that means for trump that he is also thinking about what that jury is going to look like and how it could affect him here, whether or not he's ultimately convicted in this trial and what that means for him and you, he tried to downplay the legal threat that it poses to him there, but still, he is going to be on trial. there are going to be a slew of witnesses getting on the stand and testify to and this comes as his legal team is debating what that jury selection is going to look like, what they're allowed to ask the jurors whether they can ask them if they feel that they are biased and cannot serve on a jury in a fair manner. that is something that is happening right now, 5:30 p.m. on a friday as this trial set to kick off on monday, jake. >> all right. kaitlan collins. thanks. and we'll see you back tonight. it's on cnn on the source, which airs at 9:00 eastern. everyone tune into that. let's discuss this with our political panel, david, what comes to mind after watching that will no doubt he wanted to set the stage for monday and i think the scheduling of this press conference, it was impossible not to expect that he wanted to set the stage for monday to some to some effect. and i thought it was interesting to hear him say jury selection, it's just luck. it's just luck. he was tossing that out with his litany of complaints against the judge that we're used to. but this notion that he's just putting his fate in the hands of luck must be very discomforting for him. no doubt about that >> on the abortion issue. >> i agree wholeheartedly with what katelyn pointed out. not only did he not answer the question, are you pro-life or pro-choice? >> he >> said nothing >> that would speak to a >> commitment to protecting life. talk about this issue in the way that many in his party have spent decades doing. >> he in fact >> doubled down on the overturning of roe on getting this back to the states and adjusted is going to provide this opening two democrats to say yes. back in the states, let me show you what's happening in ai. well, let me show you what's happening in florida. let me show you what's happening in arizona. he is helping the democrat to make that argument by sticking to this line about we just wanted it to get back to the states. it was interesting to hear him stay in that space and then the repetition, which just, we've heard him say it many times, but as he's getting asked these questions about ukraine aid and the like, this line of the ukraine, russia would never have attacked ukraine if i was president, the attack on october 7 would never have happened if i was present. i don't know how you're supposed to deal with that. >> is how you can >> it's such a absurd statement to make because there is no way you can prove that in any way whatsoever. he has no idea of those world events. would have happened or not if he was president but he uses this as a contrast with biden to try and say biden is overseeing a world on fire higher. >> and i think >> that is something that the biden team is concerned about. this notion of chaos in the globe, not necessarily due to biden's actions, but trump clearly wants to feed into this uncertainty globally, right now in the world and attach it to biden. and you saw them do that repeatedly in this press conference? sure. michael, yeah. i think there's a a sense among a lot of americans, including many democrats and the president isn't strong on the economy that the president isn't strong. russian president biden at the president isn't strong on any of the international conflicts. i mean, we see that a ram may potentially attack israel any day now you have people wondering what does that mean in terms of potential us military involvement. and here's trump providing this contrast of im, the strong individual. now, before covid, at least the first two years, we had none of these disasters. life was great as trump would argue. in many people believe that to be the case. i think it's why you see many democrats looking for another option instead of president biden, i think is why many democrats are worried about rfk, about cornel west, about jill stein, and many of those battleground states do they said some of that very critical support to any one of those other candidates >> what do you think is the best way for biden to counteract the international charges here that we're discussing. the idea that this is interesting because one of the reasons that president biden, one and beat donald trump, which did fair and square was because there was this perception that trump was chaos. the trump represented chaos and who knew what he was going to do when it came to north korea and who knew what was going to do when it came to this world issue or whether he's going to pull out of nato, et cetera >> there is >> chaos right now in the world. now, how much you blame it on president biden is up to you, but there is chaos in the world and trump is almost portraying himself as mr. stability well, i still wonder what donald trump would do about north korea. and i, he has the question out right now. what would you do around ukraine to protect the democracy? and it is not that the united states will step in and do what is right here. and so i hear the point about pre-covid. i think there are a lot of people in this country though pre-covid did not feel like things were great, whether it started with the muslim ban or family separation, or, you name it calling african countries derogatory names a lot of folks felt the chaos pre-covid, as well as during covid, i think joe biden has to continue to remind people to your original question about how do you draw this contrast? i think people have to continue to remind folks what was your life like four years ago? and when i look at my facebook post that come up, they weren't fond memories quite honestly in a political round, like some there is this jaded perception that everything was great under trump and that just is not the case. people felt the chaos. and if he comes back, we will fill it again. it's not to say that things around the globe are stable by any stretch of the imagination, but i do feel more comfortable with having joe biden having the nuclear codes and donald trump at this there is this other perception out there are rooted in some reality that there is chaos in the united states because of the border issue, >> because there has been such an influx of undocumented immigrants who are who whatever you think of the political stunt, a governor abbott and others have sent to cities blue cities, chicago, detroit, washington, dc, new york, boston, martha's vineyard and they are a drain on resources that american citizens need. so there is not just chaos abroad. there was a perception and again, how much you blame on unbridled is up to you. but there is a perception also of chaos at home there is no question that the whole immigration and border issue is a problem for joe biden. >> end of story. >> the most never trump republican i know every day say to me, when is he going to do an executive order? he has to take stronger action >> that said and that's why >> donald trump won welcome to this press conference today to underscore that >> but to >> me, this press conference was classic trumpian press conference. he was on the attack. he attacks the judge. he attacks joe biden. and what are the words you hear over and over again for joe biden in competent? and competent in competent on all these other issues, dangerous period of time. it wouldn't happen. but that's not the donald trump we all know from the last four years certainly not the one from from january 6. >> just >> one point. >> it's not the donald trump way now well, i think the chaos and dysfunction or two words we use during the donald trump presidency over, over and >> over again, this notion that he's gone going to pull it all together and be mr. stability. one word on the jury selection that you mentioned about his saying that it's up to luck just remember, he lost the e jean carroll case. that jury pool was a lot tougher. jury pool to draw from. there were there were more potential pro-trump jurors. there >> he has to >> have a reality check. maybe that this is a case that doesn't rely on testimony going way back in time. they're papers here, it's black and white >> and this is >> potentially a harsher jury pool. >> so before the q&a with reporters that we aired for you, mr. trump, and speaker johnson talked about elections as bill johnson cited the motor vote order laws which allow people to register to vote at the dmv while they're getting their driver's licenses. johnson said people can check a box saying there's a citizen. but that states don't require that they have to prove their citizen. johnson said he's going to introduce a bill it's a require citizenship in order to vote. take a listen >> going to announce, to get a day here, stand alongside president trump that we will do everything within our power to ensure do we do have free and fair elections in this country. if we don't have that in a constitutional republic, we have nothing. it's the basis of who we are as a nation and we owe that to the american people what we're going to do is introduce legislation to require that every single person who registers the vote and a federal election must prove that they're an american citizen. first, have to prove it >> let's bring in sienna and stop forming. tom, help us put this into context. >> the speaker is jumping on a bandwagon here with a very wobbly wheel that's what we know. the simple truth is that there they're talking about something that doesn't exist. we do not have a problem in this country of people who are here illegally voting. not at any measurable level if you want registered to vote, you have showed driver's like you have to have a social security number. they do check that information against other databases. and you have to affirm that you are a us citizen under very stringent penalties. if you're caught, including jail time deportation fines, maybe that's one of the reasons that even when the conservative heritage foundation looked at possible fraud cases from 22 from 2002 to 2022 they looked at roughly more than 1 billion lawfully cast ballots, more than 1 billion, and they could only find 100 examples of non-citizens voting. and usually when these are found, it's often a confusion because somebody went and did something else with the government and thought they were entitled to vote. so that's one of the reasons critics all along have said the republicans here are talking about a solution to a nonexistent problem. again, jake, to make it very clear, this country does not have a problem of election security in any measurable level, and certainly not based on people coming from other countries, right? >> it happens, but very, very miniscule numbers. it's not a serious threat when it comes to election security. again, it happens, but very self lee small, so small all that it's, it's just beyond compare in the same with the claims about people coming from venezuela and emptying the prisons and congo is he used to say, by the way, i want to point out that trump has been making this claim about people coming in from other places. the claim that the speaker jumped onto their, that people are coming in illegally and then voting. he's been making that claim way back. he said that's why he hillary clinton tim with the popular vote. he said in 2020, that's why joe biden did well and arizona and there is zero zero evidence. >> time farm. and thanks so much. let's bring and cnn, sara murray, sarah, what did you make speaker johnson's claims regarding proof of citizenship and voting? >> well, just to echo again what we've said, it's already illegal if you are a non-citizen to vote in us elections, there are steep penalties. we also heard speaker johnson talk about states needing to look through their voter rolls. states are already required to maintain their voter rolls and to remove an eligible voters. if they did come across someone and who managed managed to register to vote as a non-citizen. again, states can run that against other databases. they have access to if they find that they do remove those people, the other thing i thought was interesting that we heard from mike johnson today was he wasn't even coming out here saying that this is a widespread problem. he was floating this sort of conspiracy theory that migrants are coming into the country great, that they're going to welfare offices and that sense they're going to these welfare offices. they're definitely going to register to vote when they're at these welfare offices. so he's sort of creating this problem out of thin air that again, the numbers don't show and saying this is why we need all of these additional steps. >> all right. sara murray. thank you so much. vice president kamala harris is speaking now at battleground, arizona. let's listen to the vice president afternoon >> can we give it up for you? same if it takes so much courage and we've seen this from moving around the country to tell what is a private, personal matter. and you do it for the sake of all of the people who must here and must understand. and to remind so many women that they're not alone. >> you a great leader. thank you. you're saying where is mayor romero >> thank you. thanks. thank you. thank you. are an extraordinary leader the mayor and her daughter met me on the tarmac as doug and i got off of their four is two. and i want to thank you for the warm one. welcome, and for your courageous leadership as well. >> good debbie >> and it is good to be here with the next unit. hey, did states senator from this of arizona, reuben day and i have worked with rubin and i will tell you he is a tireless fighter for the people and families of arizona and essential partner to >> president biden and me representative grijalva, wanted to be here today. >> i know >> that we are all praying for him we iced his wife is here and i said to her, you know, the thing i love about role, he is such a fighter and he is a street fighter flight. he is a fighter >> and so we know he's going to be okay. and we're thinking of him as he begins his treatment for cancer. i want to thank as well my dear friend and the president of reproductive freedom for all mini terrazzo, where she thank. you many for your leadership and a special thank you to all the organizers in arizona who are collecting signatures to put the right to reproductive freedom the. ballot in the state constitution >> and to the >> thousands of organizers from across our nation who are joining us virtually today. and i also want to thank the secretary of state, adrian font and all the other leaders of the arizona state legislature nature including of course, senator eva burch, who's so bravely shared her story thank you for your incredible courage and determination arizona >> this fight is about freedom this fight is about freedom. and the freedom that is fundamental to the promise of america. the promise of america. it's a promise of freedom. in america. freedom is not to be given. it is not to be bestowed >> it is ours by wright and that includes the freedom to make decisions about one's own body and not have the government telling people what to do however, as we know, almost two years ago, the highest court in our land, the court of thurgood and rbg took a constitutional right that had been recognized from the people of america, from the women of america. and now in states across our country extremists have proposed and passed laws that criminalize doctors and punish women laws that threatened doctors and nurses with prison time, even for life simply for providing reproductive care and then just this week, here in arizona, they have turned back the clock to the 1800s all right >> to take away a woman's most fundamental right the right to make decisions about her own body this decision by arizona's state supreme court now means women here the women here live under one of the most extreme abortion bans in our nation no exception for rape or incest prison time for doctors and nurses and a bortion made illegal before most women even know they're pregnant the over turning of roe was without any question, a seismic event and this ban here in arizona is one of the biggest aftershocks, yet and understand this long was passed in the 1800s before arizona was even a state before women could even vote what has happened here in arizona is a new inflection point it has demonstrated once and for all that overturning roe was just the opening act just the opening act of a larger strategy to take women's rights and freedoms part of a full on attack state by state, on reproductive freedom and we all must >> understand who is to blame >> former >> president donald trump did this during his campaign in 2016. donald trump said women should be punished for seeking an abortion. >> now forget that it's a women should be punished. as president donald trump hand picked >> three >> members of the united states supreme court because he intended intended for them to overturn roe. and as he intended, they did and now because of donald trump, more than 20 states and our nation have bands now because of donald trump one in three women of reproductive age in our country live in a state that has a trump abortion ban let us understand the impact of these trump abortion bans the horrific reality that women face. every single day. now in our country because since roe was overturned we all know the stories and i'll tell you, i have met women who were refused care during a miscarriage i met a woman who went to the emergency room and was turned away repeatedly because the doctors were afraid they might be thrown in jail for helping her and it was only when she developed sepsis that she received care i've visited a clinic in minnesota and met with courageous, dedicated medical professionals who seek clinics like there's 40 to close denying women across our country access to essential and life saving care breast cancer screenings contracept, contraceptive care, pape's donald trump is the architect of this health care crisis. that is not a fact by the way, that he hides in fact he brags about it just this week. he said that he is proudly the person responsible for overturning roe proudly responsible for the pain and suffering of millions of women and families. >> proudly >> responsible that he took your freedom just minutes ago >> standing >> beside speaker johnson donald trump just said the collection of state bands is quote working the way it is supposed to and as much harm as he has already caused. a second trump term would be even worse. donald trump's friends in the united states congress are trying to pass a national ban. and understand a national ban would outlaw abortion in every state even states like new york and california and trump wants us to believe he will not sign a national ban enough with the gas lighting enough with the gas lighting >> we, >> all know if donald trump gets the chance he will sign a national abortion ban. and how do we know? >> just look at his record. just look at the facts. >> you all know. i'm a former prosecutor. just look at the facts congress tried to pass a national abortion ban in 2017 and the then president trump endorsed it and promised to sign it if it got on his desk well, the great my angelou once said when someone tells you who they are believe them the first time donald, trump has told us who he is >> and >> notice that team trump having additional plan to attack reproductive freedom a plan that they intend to implement on day one, even without congress. they want to use another law from the 1800s. it's called the comstock act to ban medication across all 50 states. >> no >> matter if it's currently legal or not so here's what a second trump term looks like. more bands, more suffering and less freedom just like he did an arizona, he basically wants to take america back to the 1800s all right >> but >> we are not going to let that happen because here's the deal this is 2024, not the 1800s >> and we're not going back. we are not going back joe biden and i trust >> women to know what is in their own best interest and women trust all of us to fight, to protect their most fundamental freedoms so arizona, this november up and down the ballot, reproductive freedom is that stake? >> and >> you have the power to protect it with your vote. >> it is, >> your power it is your power that will put this right in the arizona state constitution and a lack the state legislature who will defend freedom i'm not trying to take it away. it is your power that was sent leaders like reuben go to the united states senate and help so pure on of members in the united states congress who simply agree, who simply agree this is all we want. simply agree that the government should not be making these personal decisions for other people >> and it is your power that will send joe biden and may back to the white house and when congress passes a law that restores, all right, you've been listening to live remarks from tucson, arizona vice president kamala harris talking about abortion rights in that state, a place where the state supreme court just said that the 18, 64 ban on abortion in almost every single case has to be the law of the state of arizona. let's go straight to cnn's mj lee at the white house, mj, the vice president, really gone after a former president trump in the speech yeah, and listening to those remarks, jake, you got a really good distillation of why the biden campaign is going all in on the issue of abortion. you heard the vice president, they're saying governments shouldn't be able to tell people what to do with their bodies. and she said that the arizona supreme court ruling was one of the biggest aftershocks after roe v. wade was overturned. >> and >> then she asked the question, and who is to blame for that? it is donald trump. and in fact, she pointed to the fact that minutes before she took the stage, they're in arizona. donald trump down in florida, took credit for and boasted for what happened under his administration and that he was basically responsible for row being overturned. and this has been the biden campaign's a broader strategy on this issue. is to paint a picture of how families have been affected by this landmark ruling obviously, doctors and medical professionals fearing for being penalized for doing their jobs and their message over all is basically this is what the world is going to continue to look like if the other guy i comes back to the white house, that of course is donald trump and under the other party, that of course refers to republicans, jake. all right. mj lee at the white house. thanks so much. let's bring back david chalian >> david, >> i suspect that we're going to hear a lot more of that from vice president harris from now until november perhaps on a daily basis, jake, i mean, three arguments were really clear. there. it's donald trump's fault that that's clear as mj noted, donald trump is gaslighting you and lying to you when he says that he won't sign a national abortion ban, she said enough of the gaslighting and then she turns it and says she makes it a proactive argument to this democratic group where going to prevent this from happening, he wants to take us back to the 1800s. this is 2024, so it gives that forward-looking proactive, not just negative on trump, but mobilize for joe biden and kamala harris around this. that's the argument. >> all right. a preview of what? the next seven months are going to be courtesy of donald trump and kamala harris. just now on the show coming up sunday on state of the union, democratic senator john fetterman from a great commonwealth of pennsylvania, and republican senator jd vance of ohio that sunday morning at nine and new and only here on

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