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Director Stormy Daniels to keep it away from voters right before the 2016 election. Lets discuss now with p2, people who know key players in this case, Stacy Sneider is a manhattan Criminal Defense Attorney and a former contestant on trumps tv show, the apprentice. She has also worked with Manhattan District Attorney alvin Braggs Office and appeared before judge juan former engineer r trump is a cotructionrojects and author of the ok, tor of lies, what my years of working with donald trump reveals abouhim barbara, lets start with youwhat do you think donald tmps mindset is right now as he sits in court foris very first criminal trial, is a former president yeah, an someone asking me a yea barba, cau not hear me all right. Hear you . T go to see anything. Ok. Lets go to acy. Scy, you haveorked with bh trump and jue mercn. Tmp has ready centlyled dge ooked. Ow do you expe this ll all play out so i think judge ma seanto and thanu for having m jake, i thk judgmae sean it has cpletntrol of his courtroom. His kno to have contof this courooand a very interesting thing about him is is that on the wednesdays when this case will not be heardthats the one day they hava break. Judge, mug shot and Actuallrunshe Mental Heah felony part of manhatn courouse. So if theres any judge ats used to an outbst in court who can hand that perfectlwith that would judd more sean. So i thintrump is gng to control himself a lot more than he did in his civil trial. In t other cothouses ere he what do you seetacy as Donald Trumps Bestefenses D the biggest weaksses in kay. L, t case. A is reallengaging in a novel precutn heeyve charm with the felony records a mismeanor. Its Easyo Ove All You Ha to the records of a n york enterprise. Thisase goes a step further. In that e is alleged to have had this affair. Thadulfilm sr th office is saying this is an additional crime because those Paffs Anthe Cor up the poffs in his Busine Recos Re used to influce both the state and feder election. Thats ection so this is almost like a dual crime prosutio within one charge. O umps Best Densethk is sayin i am an international celebrity. Ias before i became predentand if anotwoman had come forwa looking r ney fr me its st of ing business. I would ve paid this person to go awaanyw so in order for the das officeo pre intent, and this is thatth problem with the dacaseis they have Show Th Trump tended to inrfere wi the calls of conversatns betwe michl cohen, trumps atrney, who alledly Made Thespayoffs or who pled guty, acally, not alledly, but Pleguilty Makinghe Payoffs to ormy das and Trump Planning Ts and both sidesave stngth ses do you thk stacy, its going be fficulr partial Juryn Maattan Ere Votersreverwhelmingly Democratic Capital De D voted for joe biden i wodnt use thword dficult, but i uld use the wo painstaki and lengthy. I think aft today, th jury Selection Process has already n us wh halff the panel dismissed. There are 100 jurors who g brought int e courtrm at large. And o run through the Ror Questinaire Panel and they get cked out sort of for cant see, theyre not y there are going to be lot of ople in manhattan by nature. This inot approach from Ty Whare Going to be against trump, but in y case, on any issue that comes up in court, whether its drug use, the are always goingo be pple with an opinion and they will find enough jurors to serve. Th need 12 and say six alternat. They will fi enough people to come to court listen to the idence, put any biases or feelings they haveside and give a fair verdic so it just tas time alrit. Barbara, im told that we ha your audio and video back. Sorry about that. Let me ask you, barra trump is essentially being accused of trying Tcover Up Hush Ney Payments Tsilence an extra marital girlnd aut an alled affair. When you work wi trump, did you ever s any indition that heould be involv . In any sort of cover up or paying someby to be quiet the cente im used always had a beard. There that was just his own personal thing and yeah, hes dealing with minor frankly, i think that south would love not to have covered it up. You would love to say, im going over at this point, ill stop but intentionally, he knew that. Hurt him and that was the reason for the payments. And theres no other reason to the payment so saysomething about hiwi were yeah. I dont pull reports, barbara, t reporters in e room say that trump turned jurors as he was introduced as the fendant. Do you think thats part of an attempt to charm em . What do you think i think its his way of showinw confident he is. Tough years his persona and each carrying it through its going to carry thisuit tthe trial. All right. By resin, stacy. Thas. Hanks to both you joining me now to discuss former tru attney ji trusty. He left e trump lega yll team after the former president was dicted in the classified documents case, jim thanks so much. For being here. So you worked for do trump. What do you k hee saying to his lawyers, Right Noter Th First Day of yeah. Look, i think thehe biggest conversation is about about the process of jury selection. It is a challenge in todays world where the jurors want, unlike history, a lot of them want to get on a jury like this. They want to have that opportunity to be a Celebrity Juror at some point to go on tv and announce all the things that are supposedly secret but by way of deliberations and i think that makes a real challenge for trumps attorneys to try to fair it out. Which ones are sleepers . Which ones areuiding the answers to the courts questions in a way where they say, well, i know. I voted democratic for the last 52 years, but i think i could be fair its a very easy task asd to shade your qualifying answerin a way where you might get selected or at least you cut into the number of team has to get rid of jurors thout cause. Si think the challenge is to really keep an eye on whether the judge tries to rehabilitate jurors that might be unfair to President Trump, or whether hes very quick to dismiss them as long they Say Something about being biased and thats s not fun watching jury selection. But thats the challenge for the next few days is to figure out whats the mode of interrogation, whats the mode of disqualification is taking place . He appears to have been on pretty Good Behavior today, keeping quiet when he needed to keep quiet, answering the judge. In fact, Mega Haberman says she was in the courtroom. She says he even appear to nod off at one point which maybe many of our viewers can find relatable if youve ever been to court. But do you think his attorneys are worried that he will ultimately get in his own way by acting out in courts he did for instance, durinthe e jean croll case . Yeah. I dont i dont think so. I mean, i dont have any inside scoop there in terms of talking to the attorneys, but yeah. Look, this is even in new york, even if the judge has some hostility to President Trump which the gag order would suggest he does. This is a tribal case. I mean, any litigator is champing at the bit notion of crossexamining Michael Cohen i think the strategy, if youre President Trumps lawyers, yeah, theres whole nch of noveltwhich i would call frailty to this case. But at the end of the de you want to make it about Michael Cohen . And then if you can make it about a convicted perjurer, about a failed cooperator and say, folks, would you even buy a car from this guy much less base your verdict on this mans word that could be something that at least gets a hung jury, which would be a victory here. So first, lets talk about Michael Cohen and lets talk about the hung jury strategy. Sure. We had lainey davis here, he used to be Michael Cohens attorney and his basic argument was, and this is an attorney for Michael Cohen, former that yes. Michael cohen perjured himself before congress, but he did so at the direction of donald trump. And thats going to be what Michael Cohen says. Yes, i lied, but i did so because donald trump told me too, because i worked with him. But now, now the truth is setting me free. That will be easy. You think for the defense to poke holes in . Yeah. Ihink thats kind of the ll mu wants fo me twice commt, like, which time are we supposed to Belve Mike Wa again . Hes got a longer track record of saying tngs contradicting himself over time wh it comes to the President Trump. So look hes heasnt a great lawyer to pick. You can always go back and saywell, yourehe one that picked them, esident trump, i get that. But hes going to collapse of his n weightnd a lot of way i mean, hes li to ngress. He is a fail cooperator Southern District of neyork which has not shy to take cases walk aw not only from this case, bufromim directly sayi were not going to give many credit for cooperation. Hes too slippery to dishonest. So you have to make ion as a trial lawyer for psident trump ists all about this ke it the bank. And n blaming ing thvictim of his dishonesty probably wont. So jimusty, thanks so much. Priate it. Will have you back to talkore as his case continues, Donald Trumps Upt Trump Tower any mont, l trump is railing about the legal system bng rigged ainst him. Is the legal system actually kinder to him, however, then it might be two the average american were gointo talk to somebody who believes that thats next this situation with blitzer didnt night it six. Once cnn ai is redefining work, Artificial Intelligence is supercharging our own Human Intelligence and thats what well move business forward. 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We just need to protect nature will do the rest corbin plus cnn filled sunday at nine close captioning brought to you by mesobook if you or a loved one have mesothelial not well send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and well come to you 808 to one 4,000 heres some video from just moments ago outside trump tower, were a former President Trump just arrived waving and giving us supportive fist two fans for months up until this morning, former President Trump has been lashing out at the judge and prosecutors and potential witnesses in the new york criminal trial. So the judge put him under a gag order, banning him for making public statements about many of the people connected with the case. And also from attacking the judges Family Members as trump has as mr. Trump is still allowed to talk about Manhattan District Attorney alvin bragg and new york judge juan roshan, which he did over the weekend have a crooked judge, a highly conflicted and corrupt judge. You suffers from tds, Trump Derangement Syndrome theres no evidence that the judge has any antitrump feelings or biases or tds, james moser, the legal editor for politico, joins me now and james, youre out with a new story. You say, quote, how donald trump gets special treatment in the legal system thats what its titled. And you write in a quote, trump is unmatched in a two system of justice. He often says, and hes right, there are two tiers. But trump frequently has been the beneficiary, not the victim, unquote. So mr. Trump constantly claims to be a victim of an unjust system. You write its quite the opposite. Explain well, i think there are many examples of how donald trump, in his odyssey through the criminal Justice System over the last year is being treated differently and more favorably than almost any other criminal defendant standing in those same shoots there are a number of examples of this, and i think the principle example is some of the comments that you just mentioned, jake. The way that trump has relentlessly attacked almost everyone involved in all these cases. Hes denigrated the prosecutors, the judges, judges, Family Members, witnesses against him and he is under some gag orders in these cases, and he certainly toes right up to the line of those gag orders and sometimes violates those guy goiters. But even aside from the gags, in all of his criminal cases, trump is under strict pretrial conditions. He has to abide by certain rules. And those rules preclude him from doing things like attacking potential witnesses against him. But he has done that. Hes just this weekend, he attacked Michael Cohen, the star witness, and the prosecutions case in the new york trial. And what ive had criminal Defense Attorneys tell me, is it that any of their clients were to make those sorts of comments while theyre on pretrial release theyd be thrown in jail pretty quickly what stood out to you today in terms of the thesis of your article, in terms of the Two Tiered System and i agree with you by the way, there is a Two Tiered System and its, and its poor people who cant afford good legal representation and who often get shoe horned into into prosecutions, and weve covered that a number of times on this show, but but today, did you see any examples of this i thought it was incredibly ironic that much of the morning session today, the first day of the trial was about trumps comments over the weekend and in fact, the prosecutors were asking the judge to hold trump in contempt for basically violating those rules that i just talked about over the last few days and attacking Michael Cohen. And then just an hour after that whole discussion happened in open court during the very lunch break in the trial, trump went on truth social, and he posted a video of one of his allies attacking Michael Cohen and attacking the judges wife after the judge issued a gag order explicitly prohibiting trump from attacking Family Members, including Family Members of the judge and i think what youll hear from lawyers is that if any other defendant worked relentlessly attack the judges own family, that would not be stood for. There would be no leeway for that. The pretrial conditions would be revoked. The person would be thrown in jail, fines, ban from social media like roger stone was banned from social media when he was attacking his judge in his case instead, what happened today is that the trump set a hearing from a week a week from now to consider e prosecutors requests to hold them in contempt. So just the leaof your story is really interesting. A Firebrand Politician named donald is about to stand trial just a few days before jury selection. He goes on tv to slam the charges as baseless of is de attacks the fbi,nd the justice department. But this is not donald trump. Its a man named don hi, a former Dallas City Council member facing bribercharges. Whats the difference . Prince, how and how those two words were treated well, yes. So its interesting, iame across that antigen and my research and i found this analogy of sort of relatively hh ofile politician, defendant, at least highprofile in his own community and when he was on trial, he made a series of comments ciming at he was e victim of a litically Biased Prosecuon justice trump always does. And if this ys comments areuite tame compared to what trump, what weve become used to fr donald trump. And in that case, one single comment claiming a politically biased prosecution got that politician slapped with a contempt order, slit slab with a gag order, and send us two 30 days in jail and so i just the differential treatment was striking to me and there may be very good reasons to treat donald trump differently in some ways. Hes a former president. Hes a president ial candidate. He has a First Amendment right to criticize the cases against him. Of course. And americans want to hear him criticizing the cases against him. Im not necessarily making a Value Judgment about exactly how trump should be treated or say that any of these judges and the chrome in jail willynilly, but i think its Worth Poting O that trumps clai about the tiered system are somewhat onic beuse he is treated fferently from other defeants in manyays. Jam moser from politico. Thanks so muchappreciate it real intesting story. How will israel respond after irans unprecedented attacked over the weekend, what were learning about israels latest war Cabinet Meeting next every weekday morning, cnns five things has what you need to get going with your de, its the five Essential Stories of the morning in five minutes or less cnns five things with kate bolduan, Streaming Weekdays exclusively on macs i was born to live in the limelight as psoriasis kept me in the shadows until i got cleaver skin with themselves most people got 100 clean your skin. Some after the first dose serious side effects, including suicidal thoughts and behavior, infections, and lowered ability to fight them, Liver Problems and Inflammatory Bowel Disease hes have occurred. 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The world is on edge and awaiting israels response after the unprecedented attack on israel directly by iran over the weekend, more than 300 Attack Drones and missiles launched from iranian land towards israel, us and israeli Officials Say almost all were intercepted as President Biden is telling israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the us will not participate in any israeli Counter Attack directly on iran cnns Jeremy Diamond is in tel aviv and jeremy the israeli war Cabinet Meeting ended hours ago. How should we read the fact that there has been no public announcement yet over for any decision to Counter Attack just out well take its very interesting because yesterday when the war cabinet met for nearly five hours, we were quickly told that there had been no decision made today after nearly three hours of meetings, israeli officials have been quiet it about whether or not a decision was made. What i was told though by one israeli official is that the sense coming out of this war Cabinet Meeting was that a Swift Response to this iranian strike was generally the consensus and that has really been one of the key points of debate within the war cabinet. Is not only the scale of this response, how big to go, how measured this response should be. But also the timing of it, how quickly israel should respond. But one thing is clear is that they are in agreement that a response is necessary. I spoke with the former ced of Israeli Military intelligence today that who said that israel needs to reestablish deterrence does not want that to be a part of the tool in the toolkit in the future operational friction, we do not want to create some kind of routine. Something need to be done in order to to reestablish the deterrence against iran and so jake, now the question just comes down to timing. How quickly will the Israeli Military carry out the next steps to de the Israeli Militarys chief of staff, general herzi halevi, saying, only that israel will indeed respond toronto, jake, jeremy, you also have some new reporting about hamas significantly decreasing the number of hostages. It says that theyre willing to release whats that . Yeah, thats right. Jake, hamas has actually slashed by more than half the number of hostages that it would be willing to release over the course of six weeks. This is according to an israeli source, close to the negotiations, who i just spoke with, they said that while the basis of these negotiations has been 40 hostages released over the course of six weeks. This has been the basis of negotiations for months now. And now, hamas is saying that it will only release fewer than 20 hostages over the course of six weeks. I even got comment from basem naim, a hamas spokesman who told me that hamas had proposed releasing three captured israelis each week. But he said that no one is talking about final numbers. Im also told that hamas is demanding more Palestinian Prisoners be released in exchange for fewer israeli hostages. They are also asking for more Palestinian Prisoners who are serving heavy sentences in israeli prisons. And the israeli source who i spoke with said that they believe that hamas is, does not want a deal that is their belief as they see this, the talks effectively backsliding with this demand. And of course, beyond this issue of Palestinian Prisoners, there is also the issue of the withdrawal of israeli troops, a total end to the war. Those are some of the other hamas demands that they are making right now. That is really officials simply are not going to go for jake. All right. Jeremy diamond and israel for us. Thanks so much joining us now to discuss former us defense secretary under president obama and former cia chief leon secretary thanks so much for joining us, your fellow former Cia Director Retired general David Petraeus told me yesterday that israel is going to have to take some action and respond to iran. But he added as a whole menu from which to choose what would you advise the Israeli Government to do right now to respond . On to the iranian attack, if anything well, jake, look, theres theres no question this was historic and unprecedented attack. But 300 drones and Cruise Missiles and icbms is an unprecedented attack but its also an historic failure the reality is 99 of those weapons fail and israel i think came out of winter after that attack so my approach would be according to the old saying that revenge is a dish thats best served cold. And while i understand the need to reestablish determinants i really think that israel has to think long and hard about what approach should they should take they have a chance to establish an Unprecedented Alliance in that part of the world United States, great britain, france, saudi arabia, jordan uae that could be one hell of a coalition to confront not only iran, but also a terrorism in that part of the world. So i would just be very careful about what targets you go after. Do you think refraining will ultimately make . Iran less likely if i mean, if israel does not respond the thinking by many in israel and The Middle East in general is that you have to respond or else you do not achieve deterrence. Many people think that israels response to hamas in gaza is based and rooted quite a bit in deterrence and making sure hezbollah in iran understand what will happen if they ever do anything like what hamas did october 7, you think, and actually could be stronger for israel in the long run if they dont respond and instead tried to forge more of a Regional Alliance with saudi arabia. The uae, et cetera i think theyve got an unprecedented opportunity here to really build a very Strong Coalition that theyre going to need in The Middle East not only to confront iran and terrorism but theyre going to need that coalition when gaza comes to an end and they have to determine what the next chapter is. Look, i understand the mindset in The Middle East. Its always for tat you cant let the other guy get away with anything. Otherwise youre undermining deterrence. I understand that mindset but what im saying is israel has to recognize what theyve been able to, to, to achieve here their country was strongly defended by a Strong Coalition that brought down every missile that was aimed at them. Thats when precedented. And i think you want to build on that. You want to build on that coalition. You want to build on that strength to think carefully about what the next steps should be. Look there are some tier one targets. They could go after that would clearly escalate the war in The Middle East. Theres also some tier two targets, whether its cyber, whether its going after proxies like hezbollah and others theres also the possibility of bringing gut the gaza war to an end and beginning to build some kind of stabilized palestinian control in gaza that would be a major step forward. For israel and for that region. So theres a lot of different approaches here that could be taken that i think could strengthen israels hand rather than weaken. I also want to get your take on what Jeremy Diamond just reported. A source telling cnn that hamas a slashing the number of hostages. It says its willing to release by half from 40 to 20 in this first round, hamas is asking for even more Palestinian Prisoners in exchange. How significant of a backslide is this you think . I think i think it is a significant backslid and it. It only confirmed in my mind the worst, which is that many of the hostages that we think they have probably are are dead for all we know. And this kind of backsliding on hostages clearly is going to undercut any chance for a viable ceasefire its it just tells us more and more that ultimately israel is going to have to decide how to continue to target hamas leadership how to continue to try to make sure that hamas never again attacks israel and how in the end we can try to find a way to better stabilize that part of the world. I think this could be a great opportunity israel just had a Great Coalition come to their defense you dont want to blow that Secretary Panetta dollars good to see you, sir. Thank you so much, President Biden today again called on congress to pass funding for israel and ukraine. The senate did so more than two months ago, but a group of hardline conservatives in house do not want to follow suit their Putting Pressure on House Speaker mike johnson and a critical meeting is getting underway this hour. That story for the next higher Shipping Breaks may be the cost of doing business. But at what cost turns shipping to your advantage . With low cost ground shipping from the United States Postal Service bought the ill put it on my chase freedom unlimited car, and im a cashback on a few other things to start with. 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Only xiao powering progress the sinking of the titanic, how would really happen, especially to what power premier sunday, april 28 did nine on cnn back with our politics lead a Bipartisan Group of lawmakers are imploring House Speaker mike johnson to immediately take up that National Security bill passed by the senate two months ago that included aid for both ukraine and israel. Cnns manu raju is on capitol hill and bondo republicans are in a Conference Meeting right now to discuss this. And you just pulled an important significant congresswoman aside, congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene fromeorgia. What did sheave to tell you . Yeah, theres a lot of anticipation for this mont right now because we expect decision, Ke An Announcement a about how you approach seed foreign aid stalled foreign aid. Youtioned the senate bill that passed two months ago, including 95 billion for d to ukraine, israel, d taiwan. Mike johnson has not move on that package because it does not include Border Security measures, even as republicans in the house and the senate scuttled, Bipartisan Boer Security Plan in the senate nevertheless, because it does not have Border Security measures that bill has to stop. Now, johnson has been moving bend the scenes for the past several weeks. Youre trying to co up with a new proposal . So to try to gain more support among republicans on the Iue Ofkraineit is still a major question right now, exactly what approach youre johnson will take and whether he would tie ukraine aid to israel aid at this, particularly in the aftermath of theranian attacks that happened ov the weekend. Nowon top of all at, you mentned, Marjorie Taylor greene, she has raise the specter that she could call for a vote seeking mike johnson ouster. She said that for some time she only one member of the house can do that and she has threatened to do so and she might go that far if he moves forward with ukraine, he is dead set against anymore us dollars going to help ukraine in its war against russia. And i asked her, will you will that be enough for you to pull the trigger and move ahead with this call . From Mike Johnsons ouster, she would not go that far since she said she wants to hear what mike johnson said and johnson, of course, went to maralago on friday to get donald trump trumps support to align them so when trump trump said that he stands by the speaker and raised concerns about the efforts to push out johnson. I asked green whether or not trumps comments chains johnsons her approach towards mike johnson anyway,he indicated it does not. She said that perhaps there could be more support to oust johnson if he moves ahead with aid to ukine. So jake, this is a critical moment. Just for the future of ukraine, b aid to israel, aid to taiwan. And Mike Johnsons speakershi how does he hang on here for the push fm the far right the house, republican conference. We do expect john concept to address the press in about an hour to talk about his path forward here. So jake, he told reporters going in, hes ready toake a play call, and republicans are in this meetg waitg for him to hear wh i call this. Yeah. And margin Taylor Greene threatening s speakership motor. Thanks so much. This debate over us funding goes well beyond just house republicans. How might this all, and well try to game it out here next. Start your day with nature me. 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So having President Biden keep it from getting worse while also running for reelection, my political panels here to discuss. And now youre i understand President Bidens desire to avoid a wider conflict in The Middle East. Nobody wants armageddon, nobody wants world war three. Well, maybe some people do, but no nobody the administration up do you think telling Prime Minister net tenth and yahoo that the us is not going to participate in any offensive action against iran is the right move. Its also the message that hes given ukraine, right . In terms of being an ally in this moment where countries are under attack, where democracy is under threat. And those beacons of democracy under threat, President Bidens made it very clear he will work in coalition he will surprise arms and armaments, but he will not allow us boots on the ground to engage. I draw this parallel because this aid package is about ukraine and israel. And that question has been brought up by republicans in congress of what does it mean to defend it . Israel and what does it mean to defend ukraine . And i would say that the Biden Administration is drawing a boundary between the longstanding ally of israel and the more newer protection of democracy. After a russian invasion. And to be clear, the United States has always stood by israel when israel has come under attack, the entire iron dome system, all of these systems that allowed israel to survive this weekend are because of the United States support. And one of the big moves going on right now is speaker johnson is trying to decide how to deal with this push to their are those in his conference that dont want any foreign aid going out the door at all. Marjorie Taylor Greene, for example, like says, oh, this weekend she said that he should separate the israel aid from the ukraine aid. So people can vote just on the israel aid that he did that already its already happened twice. She voted against it, by the way, not that that was included in her tweet, but then there are those in the conference and republicans who say, no, we need to fund both of them. Lets get both of them out the door. What do you think should happen . I think the speaker needs to move forward with funding and providing a to both countries, jake and the last thing we want is for the iranian government too. Move forward with uranium program. There is 60 currently, i was talking to colonel Cedric Leighton earlier today about that and he was telling me its only within a couple more months that they can potentially be at close to 90 . We dont want that possibility for israel i also think with ukraine we certainly cannot allow genocide on our watch, me, bill clinton, do you remember the african issue he came late years later . Died were wanda for not taking action . I dont think that will be good for the Republican Party to appear to not support our allies during their time of need. We know that there is a reduction in democracies around the globe right now. So i would argue and republicans may disagree with me, but we have to stand firm. Were protecting the democracies that remain and theyre going to need our help and leadership to do so. After nine 11, this idea that if we are able to as a country stop threats overseas, at home is a very potent idea that is a message that president and allied republicans can lean into. This is all about determining the challenges and keeping them overseas. So the divisions in the republicanarty are one thing theres also divisions in the Democratic Party for instance, i want you to take a listen to what democratic senator John Fetterman of pennsylvania told me yesterday. He has been basic. He basically suggesting that he thinks President Biden is too wobbly on israel. Take a listen i think it really demonstrates how its astonishing that we are not standing firmly with israel and there should never be any kinds of conditions all that. When a nation can launch hundred of drones towards israel. And im not going to be talking about conditions ever. President biden has suggested and other democrats outright saying there needs to be conditions attached to any future military aid for israel. I think that this is a very difficult hello line that biden has to walk because hes going to alienate people on his side either way. Like there are people on the far left that are saying and in places like michan are saying, they will not turn out if theyeel like den has not d up enough for the pastinians and ga and stood up again what is happeninthen another places like pennsylvania,es going to Facthat Pushbacthat he is not supportive enough of isra. Heas tried to walk this line. I dont knowow at the same time, he has had israel even that attack on the consule that led to this anian attack. I mean, youve had these its difficulties where you n see that the us is saying israel, can you pull back, can you do this . Can you do something differently . And theyre not necessarily getting that support from that allies. So i think that its a some difficulties with. E had all right. Thanks to all of you. Areciate it coming up next. So dratic video, ndalislake mead, stawith of us when youre the leader is that cleup on restoration . How do you ke like it never evenappened . Whatever comes your way. Theres a pro for that. Serve pro like never even didnt happen. Shop etsy until may 12 and get up to 30 off special mothers day gifts that go beyond the usual suspects but if she wants candles, our selection is lit order until may 12th for up to 30 off personalized julia fresh start original decor and other things. 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We helped people customize and Save Hundreds on Car Insurance with Liberty Mutual anyway, we got a bit of a situation here sure, i can only pay for what you need those frozen empire in theaters now you. Will made to find inner peace we were made to track Flight Prices to paradise this situation with wolf blitzer. Next they want cnn our leaders around the world begins with our money lead and a weekend email from elon musk announcing job cuts at tesla his electric car company. The layouts will hit at least 14,000 members of Teslas Global staff around 10 of its workforce musks emails says the cuts are needed for Cost Reductions and increasg prodvity unquote, four are what were they thinking lead in our National Lead checkout, this video of twasyet in meadational Recreation Area along the arizona, nevada border as theyandalized rock formations, shoving wide slabs off of them to watch them smash apart on theround around heo, whaa bunch of idiots. The roormations ar i dt know, merely around 140 million years old the damage, of course, irreversible park rangers are so angry they released this on blurred photo of the vandals for the public could help identify them and bring them to justice that look like anyone you know. And our worldly, the findings of a new review of the actions us troops in afghanistan took leading up to the deadly abbey gate bombing in 2021 13 Us Service Members were killed tragically in that blast, which cementum its it in the eyes of the world, just how chaotic americas withdrawal from afghanistan was. Cnns Natasha Bertrand joins us now from the pentagon and natasha, the biggest finding reveals whether us troops actually saw the Suicide Bomber before the attack. Tell us more yeah, jake, this review interviewed over 190 people over the course of several months. And what it found is that these Service Members, many of whom have said since last year that they believe they did see that bomber and had the opportunity to take him out before he actually detonated that bomb. Actually did not. Those Service Members did not. In fact see the individual who was ultimately deemed to be responsible for that deadly bombing. His name is Abdulrahman Allegory and he is a member of isis k, and he was as cnn previously reported, released by the taliban as part of a prison break just days before the fall of columns well, you see him there on your screen now, many Service Members, including one Sergeant Tyler vargasandrews, a marine corps sniper, who testified last year about this, had identified someone that has been described in these reports as the bald men in black, as the individual who is suspected to be that bomber. You can see them right there on the screen in the middle there it turns out, according to this exhaustive review by the us military that he was not the one who ultimately carried out that attack. And that the identification of him by some of these marine corps snipers was the result of conflating two different pieces of intelligence. In fact, the real isis k bomber did not show up until just several hours before that deadly abbey gate bombing when in fact the bulb menn and black was identified about seven hours up prior to that attack. And so you see clearly that the military is trying to address these concerns, that they could have prevented this. But clearly according to the military, they could not have an attached, there are also questions about a Marine Battalion commander on site at abbey gate and whether he understood the rules of engagement, did the report look into that . This was another complaint that some sniper marine corps snipers had, which is that they inform their Battalion Commander about this bald man in black and saying that they wanted to engage him. It was not clear what the response of the Battalion Commander was to that request. But of course, ultimately that shot was not taken however, the military says that the Battalion Commander understood very well what the rules of engagements were in that there is no evidence to the contrary, jake. All right. Natasha bertrand at the pentagon for us. Thank you so much. You can follow me on facebook, instagram threads, x formerly known as twitter, also on the tiktok, all of it under jake tapper, you can follow the show on x at the lead cnn if you ever miss an episode will lead. You can listen to the show once you get your podcasts, all two hours, just sitting out there like a big ripe peach. Are covered. Engineers now with wolf blitze

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