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Seconds. We stayed under the table until the shaking stopped. I said well be okay. Were starting to get the initial video and pictures. Obviously everybody is posting things. That were seeing from the effects of that tremor. What were seeing is an impressive fire. This is not from the yesterday. This is from now. This is from a im waiting to get the location. It maybe ridge crest, california. Where alex it is ridge crest. Confirmation. You might be looking at video that we sent in. Were working on cell phones and were pitch back. Its a very impressive explosion. What appears to be a house fire. I know yesterday authorities told us this were several, numerous loose and broken gas pipelines. Thats always a danger. Sure. We certainly saw out of the restaurant and everyone was able to get out. We headed back to the neighborhood that we have been in earlier today. The neighborhood that was more affected by thursdays quake. A number of mobile homes and Trailer Homes there. A couple people screaming they were trapped inside their house. We helped one woman out and another man. Excuse me. This is what you heard as you left the restaurant . This is what we experienced we regrouped outside the restaurant sp headed to the neighborhood down the street of the mobile homes. There was a Woman Shouting she was trapped in her home. We went in to help. And we started to see just down the street im going interrupt you. Were getting a briefing by the u. S. Gs. Further away from the los angeles area. My expectation is ridge crest is having a difficult time tonight. It is a fore shock. After shock becomes bigger than the main shock. We change the name. Everything before the 7. 1 would be considered a fore shock to this. This is an Earthquake Sequence. It will be ongoing. It is cloerly a very energetic system. Sequence. So theres no reason to think that we cant have more large earthquakes. The largest after shock on average to a 7. 1 would be a magnitude 6. Another 6. 0 similar to yesterday would not be surprising to anybody. We dont have a lot more information. You can see on the map where the locations of the earthquake and after shock are, the blue are all earthquakes that happened before the 7. 1. The last 24 hours. And so you can see this basically happened at the end of the zone that moved previously. Were seeing a few earthquakes way up to the northwest. We know the faults extending that far. It may welcome back down to where the 6. 4 was. We can guess at the size of the fault. From the magnitude. 40, 50 kill mometers. Something like 30 miles long. What were seeing is about 15 miles. So probably involving the lower part too. Okay. Briefly, actually when this occurred we were on a call with geologists from the survey in california. Who are out in the field. And so they are going to go out and start looking and seeing what actually happened to the ground. The earthquake yesterday did cause Surface Rupture. I would highly expect the quake tonight is also going to break up to the ground surface. So we will be getting information from them. Hopefully later this evening. And relay that information to you. As we can. Ongoing . Typically how long. Usually after shocks lasting for years. Yeah. The expectation is well have after shocks tonight and will continue on. We will continue well come back in 30 minutes. As we get information and analyze the data. Thank you, very much. How much bigger good evening, everyone. All right. Just been Hearing Officials from the survey and what they told us what this is an earthquake sequence. What happened yesterday was a fore shock. For today. Which was a much bigger quake. Ranking at 6. 9 and this they are not ruling out there could be a bigger tremor or bigger quake after this. They say its ongoing sequence and this is a strong one. Lets go to paul. Hes in rich quest as well. I have been speaking to alex. She said it was the most terrifying moment of her lie. Shes covered earthquakes before. What did you see . All right. Well go back to him in a moment. Well be speaking in a second to karen. Our meteorologist. Shes with us now. You were listening to what they were saying. An ongoing Earthquake Sequence. That was one of the most interest things i have heard out of that conference from noted seismologist. She all along said we have a about a one in 20 chance that were looking a at stronger earthquake. I thought okay, this could happen in a couple days. I thought we may have been in the clear. I was wrong. They have now revised the intensity of the earthquake to 6. 9 magnitude. Initially it was 7. 1. She did say this was a very dynamic situation. And it has been. Because we have seen hundreds and hundreds of fore shocks. All those events that we Saw Yesterday were fore shocks including the 6. 4 magnitude. That we reported that happened just after 10 30 a. M. Local time. The folks in l. A. Felt it. People in bakersfield and las vegas. This is 6. 9. And were still getting and collecting some data. She said there might be a stronger one than this. This is not part of the fault. That is the fault line. There are all kind of tiny little fault ts across the region. Let me go ahead. Ill zoom in across the region and give you a view. Well zoom in. This is the ridge crest area. A very tine n town. Theres a Naval Air Station. Near china lake. A huge facility. And yesterdays epicenter occurred just on that particular base. The naval weapons base. This one were trying to get the exact location. Look at the pattern here. Hundreds and hundreds of reports of fore shock. Everything is now is an after shock. She referenced some of the activity that is more towards the northwest of this epicenter. And thinking maybe this is the part of the fault line that extends further than they had anticipated. Thank you. We can go to paul. Hes in ridge crest. What did you feel, whats the situation . Just moments before you tossed to me we felt another after shock. You can see down there the Flashing Lights of fire engines. A house was completely a blaze. I took a still photograph earlier. They did quick work to put it out. This is the two step you get in earthquakes. The Ground Ruptures and at times you will then see the rupturing of gas lines and fire follow. Its strongly suspected this is one of the gas fires. People around the neighborhood saying this was that previous 6. 4 earthquake. It rattled the neighborhood here. When we were driving beginning to wrap up. We were on the the street and everything was rocking and swaying. Extreme intensity. Compare it to north ridge earthquake of 25 years ago. And remarkably to me this is a quake that in l. A. Killed almost 60 people. Injured almost 9,000. This felt stronger. It was in serious strong jolt. And people came out of their houses. They had the look of terror. Because it had been all week long that they had been suffering through this. In the last couple days they had been suffering through the quakes. The next thing theyre looking for is house fires. Back to you. Paul, thank you. That is great reporting. We did see the pictures that he took. That was the house on fire that we showed you. That was one of the gas fires he was describing. Will the me recap. Its a few minutes after 9 00 p. M. Local time in california. Its after midnight on the east coast. And short while ago, a 7. 1 magnitude earthquake was felt. I pause on that number. Because its just been updated. We had it as 6. 9 the early read. Thats been upgraded to 7. 1. That tells you how much stronger it is compared to yesterday. 6. 4. Were realizing that yesterday was a fore shock. With today seemingly being the main thing. They are not ruling out there maybe a stronger quake to come. In the even today could end up being the fore shock to something else. An Earthquake Sequence that is ongoing. We just got the explanation. I want to go to alex fields also in ridge crest. Tell me more. You told me of the scene you saw when you left the restaurant where you were. When you fell the quake, you went out and went to the areas that you thought was vulnerable. Tell me again what you saw. What we saw were people yelling inside their home. Some saying they were trapped. We were of course trying to call 911. Unable to get through. Our photographer got to two homes to help people out. We saw heavy smoke and flames down the block. The power is out. It is very dark here this happened just around the time of sun down. As we were walking through the neighborhood. We smell gas. We backed out of the neighborhood. Were in the parking lot of the Regional Hospital here. The hospital that was affected by the earth wake earlier in the week. Parts of the hospital were closed. There is a tree oj center. They set up outside of the hospital. And the we can see not just ambulances coming in but a number of cars who have been able to get out. And seeking help here. Tell me more about the center. The hospital announced yesterday it Wasnt Running at full capacity becaus of the the quake thursday. Youre there now. Saying the center. This is small town. Talking about 30,000 people. Give us a rough number of volume. The people coming in. The volume is population about 28,000. Were seeing i cant really begin to give you an estimate of how many people. Its dark. We have seen a few ambulances come through. We are being pushed back a chaotic situation here. Its quite dark. We have seen a number of people come by and getting help. I have not seen any injuries that appear to be terribly great. Its way too soon to tell. When i was in the restaurant where all the glasses were smashing and tables were falling and things were falling off the wall, people were screaming. Some did appear to be injured. One man was screaming he believes his wife broke her leg. Its certainly going to take time to get a handle on the injuries. It seems very clear people are beginning to arrive here looking for help. I want to give viewers context. I said this 7. 1 earthquake today was a lot stronger than the 6. 4 yesterday. I can put a number on that now. It is eleven times stronger. Todays quake. Compared to yesterday. Thats the information thats coming in. That certainly puts perspective on what just happened to you. And the people in ridge crest. Also, minutes ago you three minutes before i spoke to you. Paul said he felt another after shock. Did you feel that . We felt it adds well. Standing in the parking lot in front of the hospital. We felt it. We were certain of that. We expect that to continue. So, i think people are just navigating without power on. Concerned about utilities and downed power lines and concerned about gas leaks. Things of that nature. The fire we saw in the neighborhood. You have to be prepared for the possibility of an after shock and people now potentially in their homes and no longer knowing if they are structurally sound. Are people staying in their homes . Or is it one of the situations where theyre going out. There was a neighbor by neighbor effort to evacuate on the street that we were on. Again its tough to get around to. On the street we were on with the mobile homes, people were in the streets yelling to each other. Get out. Stay away from the power line. There was absolutely the sense of urgency people needed to leave their homes. They were concerned. That you could see another after shock or there could be individual damage. Or something falling over. A desire to help neighbors get out and get to some kind of safety. Thats what people need to do. Get to safety. Youre right to point out obviously the structural viability of the homes especially in ridge crest is of paramount importance. Well come back to you before long. I want to go back so sarah in l. A. We now know that today that yesterday was just a fore shock for today. And todays quake was eleven times stronger than felt yesterday. Yeah, i want to give you perspective. For those folks and people Around The World saw what happened in 1994 here. In north ridge. Where the earthquake there significant damage, people killed. In a very pop late td area. One of the images in my mind is when an overpass collapsed. That was a 6. 7 quake. Okay. That gives you idea of the potential of damage. The only good thing in this that this is not in a heavily populated area. But still, 28,000 people are feeling this. At the epicenter. That is significant. Going back to 1989. It happened in the San Francisco bay area. Significant damage there. Lots of fires. The part of the bay bridge collapsing. A freeway collapsed on itself. So this is stronger even than that earthquake. Those images are set in peoples minds. When they hear earthquake. Because those are the last really large earthquakes in really populated areas. Now youre seeing one of a 7. 1. They have revised the magnitude of the quake. And that is a significantly large earthquake. So the potential for damage as we talk about it growing. Thats exactly right. Eleven times. As you heard from the seismologist there are going to be large after shocks. Its just expected. The large after shocks that are going to effect could be a six. That is if this isnt a fore shock again. The renown seismologist made sure to say over and over again you do not know whether or not youre dealing with a fore shock or the main event. Yeah. She said at this stage what we know is this is part of a sequence. We dont know if theres something stronger coming or whether it will climb down from here. What do they need to do . Theyre 150 miles from the epicenter. What precautions do they need to take . So when we got the first feeling of an earthquake it was a 4. 5. It was 6. 4 lt first one thursday. In Ridge Crest Epicenter there. Los angeles felt about a 4. 5. What it did is remind everybody that lives in earthquake prone areas whether it is here in the u. S. Or across the world, that you must be prepared for these things. For example, people are starting to get water. Starting to talk about the things they need as far as supplies. Just in case their supply chain is cut off. Everyone knows to make sure to have a full tank of gas. If it happens on the road you may have places fo go around. And remember when you feel the quakes the best thing to do is to get underneath something that is sturdy. A Kitchen Table work ts fine. Seismologists tell you even if its something kind of cheap. That isnt a big fancy table. Keeping your head safe. People get hurt from falling debris. It could be a cup falling off a shelf or painting or picture. And the glass breaks. If it breaks over your head youre dealing with an injury. To try to keep yourself safe getting underneath Something Like a Kitchen Table. Is really important to remember when you have these kind of events. Theres also the fear of gas leaks. Theres a real and present danger there. We see in many of the events, certainly that happened in north ridge. That happened during the quake for anyone who lived here at the time. Everyone remembers seeing the marina on fire. And that was partly because you saw gas lines broken. Pipes break they burst. You get fires. And that could cause quite a bit of damage. You can have explosions as well. People are reminded where is can i turn off my gas. If i feel this quake. There are many homes that have been fitted with something that automatically if they feel a hard enough shake will switch the gas line off and keep homes safe. Ill ask you to pause. Theyre briefing us again. This is going to more intense shaking. This kayyem through as a 3. 5. This was on the same fault line at the 6. 4 . The same fault system. It has multiple strands to it. We have already seen the two. I think it got the magnitude wrong. Yeah, unless it hasnt come through yet. Can you explain the shake alert again . People just got the initial report. It quote on quote wasnt working. Can you explain again that lets let the u. S. Gs handle that. The system worked. That was a 5. 1. The system the Shake Alert System worked on the u. S. Gs side and the shake alert l. A. Side. The reason why alerts didnt go out to l. A. County is that the threshold for shaking was set above what the estimated shaking would be. So, it was just the way that the system was designed. The same thing happened again tonight. My understanding the alerts didnt go out on shake alert l. A. The magnitude that was estimated with a Early Warning system was 6. 2. So the initial magnitude estimate was too low. Consequently the intensity fts below that threshold. So, the system is not perfect. But again, what was experienced here in pas dean, l. A. Area. These are not damaging motions. Ridge crest those are damaging motions. Those folks are feeling it. Whats the chance of another large quake tonight . Theres a 5 chance that this could be followed by a larger quake. The number of 5 is usually for a few days. The most likely time is within a day. We saw 30 hours or something. You dont recall of Niz Earthquakes Sequence was a 7. 1 was followed by a bigger earth. Just not in california with the series. Places elsewhere in the world. There was a 8 fore shock to a 9 in chile. In this state. You have never seen anything follow a 7. 1 . Boy, yeah. That doesnt mean we have in nevada. Fair field earthquake. The take away here as we have just seen between yesterday and today. Quakes that when you say are main shocks can be fore shocks to larger quakes. We wont know until it does or doesnt happen. Theres a small percentage. Yeah. 17 kilometers. The epicenter is deeper. But we have geologists in the field. We havent got reports back. Thats the ten mile. Its ten miles down. Where the one yesterday was more like six or seven. However, a bigger earthquake also involves a larger fault. I probably this is coming to the surface. And is there what youre worried about is are we going to trigger something outside of the region. Probably not. Why . Were too far away. The ability to trigger another earthquake is spatially defined. The most likely place to trigger it is at the same fault. As you go away a distance its much less likely. How far from the san and reese . Quite a ways. Over 100 miles from the location. The gar lock fault is another long fault. If we were triggering something really big it might be a source. This is like when landers happened. And we said if were going to set off something bigger. Of course it didnt happen. It was a possibility. A low probability possibility. The gar lock really runs through the isolated parts of california. There were two faults making the l pattern. There was a lower leg. The top part. Its the northwest part thats extended. The southwest striking one doesnt seem to have had more earthquakes. Is that a surprise to you . This fault system was capable of this earthquake . No. There was a magnitude 7 and a half in 1872. There have been sixes. Theres a whole series in nevada. 1915 and 1954. They were 7s. Series of earthquakes with several events within them. Six to seven. In 1980, four magnitude 6. 5s in about ten days. This part of california is characterized by the groups of earthquakes there might be several that end up larger the first is often not the biggest. Knowing which is the biggest meaning wait until we see we arent getting another one. What was the last time we had something sizable in garland . Prehistoric. This extending 25 miles. Approximate guess off looking at the figures. North western fault is that moving in to china lake . The southwest striking one goes from china lake down to ridge crest. The northwest is going up through the china lake. I know that there has been trouble tries to get geologists onto pace. Have you made progress . Our geologists have contacted the na vi. And are able to get on the base. With some limited access. That was prior to tonights event. So presumably i would expect there maybe further damage on the naval base. We dont know yet. I havent gotten reports. My suspicion is the gee olss will get out there quickly and look at potential rupture. The other following on what dr. Jones was saying. When we have events that where a main shock becomes a fore shock, typically the triggering is relatively close. Thats what we saw here. These two earthquakes are very relatively closely located. The triggers typically doesnt happen at a dpraet distance. Its close by. I cant think of any example where we have seen this type of fore shock triggering that isnt within just matter of a few kilometers. The famous widespread one. Superstition hill. A 6. 2 on a Southwest Striking Fault and set off a 6. 6 on the northwest striking fault. The epicenter of the ranch was here. The fault extended down the superstition hill. And what we were seeing after shocks pounding at the Superstition Hills Fault into the time the earthquake happened. The main shock. We have a similar situation here. We have had after shocks along the fault. We had the 5. 4. Breaking through a big toward the northwest. And had it again. We now see more after shocks up to the very northwest end. And chances are we stop now. Its possible well continue to extend up to the northwest. 7. 1 you kp expect after Shock Sequence of over a year. Yes. The 7. 3 Landers Earthquake the last magnitude happened in 1998. Six years after of the main shock. We should be expecting to record earthquakes here for a listening time. Can you describe that terrain . Of the main shock was. Well, the terrain is very isolated. Its desert. Not a lot of population. So actually in a sense for being able to get people out there and look at it, theres a good opportunity. Also because its not densely populated the chance of having damage to structures and injuries is much lower. It is still very its hard rock. These are faults that are breaking through hard rock. They create the waves that we feel strongly. We have been down here in los angeles. So the blue heens it happened more than an hour ago. Less than 24 hours ago. You can see the yellow underneath. Were more than 24 hours since the main shock. All the blue dots are the after shocks over 24 hours. And thats the red are within the last hour. The main shock is already turned blue. Thats right there. The epicenter of the 6. 4 was at the corner. And we think ruptured clearly ruptured to the southwest probably also some rupture to the northwest in the same event. Maybe in the after shock after wards. Then the 5. 4 after shock was the one this morning located in there. Moved the fault further. We have the seven. Look at the cluster to the northwest. We think right now we arent getting many of the after shocks recording yet. The system is strung out. And so, pretty sure that is a continuous after shock zone. That is the extent of the fault. Just the length of the fault a magnitude 7. 1. We would expect its probably at least about 25 miles long. That would imply probably the whole length from where the 6. 4 happened to the after shocks are. China lake up there . Yeah, so naval. The Naval Air Station is that whole area. So this is all within the Naval Air Station. Theres a fault system. We see the little faults on the ground. Rather than naming each piece separately its called the Little Lake Fault system. These are the length of the fault itself has been defined by the 7. 1 earthquake. No. We dont know. If you look at the map we can see. One of the things we can do if we got a break and found stuff. We could pull out well try to get out the state geology map. But notice theres a little string of and it was not a through going fault. It was pieces through here. And we have pieces further up. We cant say all the faults. Most likely if we were to see more going on. I would be much. Think more likely heading to the northwest than turning around to the south again. The Surface Rupture. How close would that be to the epicenter . Are they tied together. The epicenter is only the place where the fault started to move. Its not the location of the earthquake. The earthquake happened over the whole surface. If i were going to tear this, i cant do this. What i would do is start a tear here and rip down this way. And thats the epicenter. This is the fault surface. The earthquake is happening over this whole fault. We think that whats happening here is a fault about 25 miles long. We started at the end the part that hadnt broken before the 7. 1. Potentially ruptured in both directions. About 80 of earthquakes are unilateral rupture in One Direction and 20 in both directions. There was a slip of six inches. Can they grow . Theres on the southwest striking fault. Down here and its not at all clear that part moved in the 7. 1. Do you know what kind of earthquake it was yet . What do you mean by kind of earthquake. Strike slit. Thats something we can get from the seismic records. Just to follow on with that the event yesterday was left lateral. Strike slip. When released some compression on what we think is the fault that ruptured this evening in the 7. 1. This that presumably is a right lateral strike slip. With it. Basically motion horizonly. And again with this magnitude and this length, the expectation of having Surface Rupture is much greater. And by being able to go out and measure it. In a 7. 1 im thinking back to landers. There was up to i dont know ten feet of displacement. 18 feet the max displacement. 18 feet of the fault ran between now and me. Youre listening to the details. The early readings of this earthquake that took place. Before sometime before 9 00 p. M. Pacific time. California time. I want to go to jessica a resident of ridge quest. She was eating dinner when the quake struck. Tell us what you felt. What happened . Well, it was pretty major shaking. And my house it like waved. We can hear you. Okay. Anyway, so i missed the first one. I was out of town. And i came home to little destruction. My house is okay. Im okay. I have friend here that are okay. What about the neighborhood, what about the neighbors . Everybody was outside. I think everybody is okay. Maybe our theres no fires. We have electricity. Are you speaking to us from your house . Im sorry . Are you speaking to us from nd your house . No. Im outside. Is everybody all the neighbors outside their house . They were. Im sitting on the back porch. A couple went back inside. What about you, would you be comfortable going back inside . Can you spend the night inside . At the moment, no. Its like it stops for a minute and rolls again. Its pretty bizarre. No. At the moment im not comfortable inside. So, right now if i understand its you and the neighbors. Most of you outside your homes. And just riding through the after shocks. Yeah. Thats it. What are your plans for the night . How will you ride it out . Ill see if it settles down. Sleep in my own bed. I have a door near my nearby so i might go out. I dont know. Right now stay outside. All right. Speaking to us from ridge crest. The town of 28,000. The epicenter of the earthquake. Thank you. I want to go to another jessica. Shes also in ridge crest. The city editor for the daily independent. What was it like for you . I was actually in the car with my mom. And it just started bouncing up and down. It was not as scary as the earlier quake being inside. Are you saying i can hear you. You saying it was not a as scary as yesterday . No, it wasnt. Im joking after the first quake when the next ones i want to be in a car. That was actually it was like the car. A brand new car with shock absorbers. We bounced up and down. She pulled over. The primary the Phone Service was out. I couldnt find my phone and tried to call it. We went back to the restaurant where we had just eaten. And all of the people in the restaurant were huddled outside. And i said i think i left my phone here. And the manager wouldnt let me inside. As we were standing around swapping gossip about how big that was it. We saw the smoke starting in the trailer park where the fire was. We saw picture ts. Lets put them up. We saw pictures of an impress i have house fire. Gas leaks and how dangerous they can be in times of earthquakes. And clearly that has come to pass. At least one house. That we know of. How much smoke do you see . Did it look like this was one house or more. It was a trailer park. I was guessing more than one trailer. It was i believe it was a the same trailer park they were having issues with trailers earlier. At first there was smoke. Like gray smoke. And then there was boom. Fire. It was just a couple blocks from where we happen to be when it happened. My mom parked the car and i got out on foot and walked over and took pictures. And i actually was carrying my were seeing the picture now. Yeah. Thats a cell phone picture. I had my cannon with me. I joked as we were walking into the restaurant. This guy goes why are you bringing your camera . So if a big one hits while were eating i can get pictures. So that turned out to be. Pause for a second. When you walk into the town that just less than 24 hours before maybe more, experienced a 6. 4 quake and walk in with a camera and say i have this in skas the big one hits. Do people find it funny . Yeah. Theyre tough out here. California and a sense of humor. People are kind of rattled. Yeah. But they thought it was funny. What are your plans for the night . I just spoke to a resident shes outside of her home and not comfortable going back inside. She doesnt know if its structurally sound, what about you . Ill attempt to go to my office. And sleep in the car. I already decided that. Is it that what you did last night . I just decided on the mattress on the floor by the front door. And every time theres an after shock i jump and ran out the door. And i decided if theres another reason to be concerned ill sleep in the car. Because the car seems safer. It bounced. It absorbs the shock from the quake. Im not a seismologist but it seems like that. What about the neighbors . Are they outside. Do they feel safe . I saw them coming in and out. We were lucky. We escaped damage. And my cat survived. My neighbors were all kind of, you drive up and down the street people are standing on the street. Its warm here. Its warm outside. And everybody is standing around afraid to go inside. By the way we were just listening to the officials and talking about the alert system. I want to check whether anything trickled down to you. Did you get an alert before the tremor . No. I was had just eaten dinner. I was off the grid for the moment. So, no. I didnt get an alert. I do not have the phone alert system. I probably should. It sound like you should. I do have county alerts. I dont believe i got one. But my Phone Service was kwir y squirrely before this. Last question. Do you have power . I do. At home. And my mom is driving. I jus drove up to my office and it has power. Most of the town is dark. All right. Thank you so much. For your time. Thanks for sharing that and the picture. Well speak again. Thank you. I want to go to alex in ridge crest. Are you still at the hospital where you were when we spoke . Yes. We are. Just outside the hospital which i will remind you was closed because of the earthquake on thursday. Certainly they have set up an area out here. They were tri ojing people. Other people arriving on foot and car. They pushed us back from a distance from the medical tent. In order to protect the privacy of the patients. Dont forget this happened maybe about 8 00 at night. Some people maybe having dinner. This caught people off guard. They were dealing with the hundreds of after shocks all day long. To have something of this Magnitude Rock this area. It was stunning. So you are certainly going to see more people who have injuries who need help. We dont have a handle on how many injuries there are at this point. Or how extensive the injuries are. And whether or not people are still trapped in the buildings they were in. The immediate minutes following the quake we saw a couple people yelling for help from their homes. That was within the first few minutes. It will take time to get the update from law enforcement. Who could be in need of assistance. I hear helicopters. I know you dont have precise numbers of people seeking treatment and might be injured. Do you see a lot of people coming . Needing help at the hospital. Or is it more of a contingency situation and preparing for anything that could happen . There are a couple handful. A dozen people. Who appeared were getting help and treatment. Im really hesitant to give a number. Were at a distance now. This is not a steady stream of ambulances by any measure. This is not a chaotic scene. There will be people who experienced injury. Im sure people are could have been hit by things falling. Or scraped. We had glasses falling off the table. Certainly people in the restaurant appearing to have minor injuries at least. A lot of people want to be checked out. Were not seeing a huge influx of people. There was some who arrived early. Across town can people sleep in their homes . I have been speaking to people and getting different reactions. Some not sure if the homes are safe. Others were sleeping on a mattress and want to sleep in a car tonight. Because who knows what will happen next. Yeah, really if you think about it, theres a lot of difficulty getting the information out for the people just affected. By this latest quake this evening. The first thing this many did was run from your house with whatever you have. You run with nothing. Its whatever is on your body. There is confusion. People are out on the streets trying to get neighbors out of their houses. I dont know that everyone knows exactly where they should go. If they should head to a shelter or a friends house. We had difficulty with cell phone connectivity. People were set up at the hospital and emergency workers gathering. But the difficulty especially with the time of day this happened. Pitch black. Many people might not know where to go and people might just trust their gut in terms of where they are safest. Its almost 10 00 p. M. Where you are. Thanks. Well speak to you again. And well do so shortly. I want to show you new video from our other team. This was the scene when he shot it moments ago. Talking about an hour ago. Paul was the one who took the picture of the house fire. Remember earlier paul was explaining this is a current occurrence in earthquakes gas lines are ruptured and find yourself with these house fires. This being one example. An hour ago in ridge crest. The epicenter of the earthquake. Ill show you some of the other footage were getting. This is a supermarket in california. This was felt in las vegas. 150 miles away. Roughly. A Summer League game was being played. And all of a sudden, the stadium started shaking. You see the people leaving their seat. The stadium started shaking. You saw the Screen Shaking and had to stop the game. Well go to the game next. This is this is the game. They had to just interrupt the game. Now to the dodgers game. There it is. That game not interrupted. Cnn was there. The way she put it, people knew what was happening. When it happened. They noted the tremor and felt it. But they just theyre used to this. They sat mostly and went through the game. All right. Live with us. You can comment on the moment for us. We saw the shaking there. Yeah. It was significant. We all felt it. We need to be clear the difference what we felt here in l. A. More than 150 miles away from the epicenter. And las vegas. A shorter distance. Would be different. It would be stronger for example in las vegas. Los angeles has been through this. We went through the biggest feeling of an earthquake a 4. 5 magnitude as a result of initially thursday 6. 4. That was on thursday. Today it felt stronger. I felt both of them. I was hear thursday when it happened. Inside of the dodgers stadium. Watching a game with everybody else. That was there. And we felt the stands move. I was up in the close to the nosebleed seats. And we could feel it move. And people sort of look at each other and they say earth wake. And we confirm to each other p. We knew because it probably a big one. We didnt know it was going to be bigger than the quake that we thought was going to be the main quake on thursday. It turns out, usgas saying it was a 7. 1 magnitude. That is what theyre calling it at this time. Sometimes these things get downgraded and upgraded. It was downgraded to a 6. 9 and back up to a 7. 1. That is a significant earthquake people are certainly feeling shaken up. Las vegas got quite a shock as well from this earthquake that turns out, the 6. 4 was a fore shock. Now, we should be clear that seismologists and one of the most well known Around The World, lucy jones, made clear there was a 1 in 20 chance, the 6. 4 could be a fore shock. It turns out, it was. Looking at the magnitude now of a 7. 1, were talking about a major earthquake that has the potential to do quite a bit of damage, damage not only because of the shaking and not only because of how long the shaking goes on, because that can of course cause structural damage, injuries, knocking things off shelves, for example, were talking about the damage it can do to the pipes, whether it is water main breaks or the more dangerous version, gas line breaks. We are seeing those fires. The likelihood is, is that those are from gas lines that have ruptured and started fires. That happened very significantly during two big earthquakes that this area and Northern California experienced, the north ridge earthquake was a 6. 7. To put into perspective, north ridge was a 6. 7, it showed the collapse of a freeway. There were many deaths in that particular earthquake because it was in a very populated area and you did see fires there. Also in 1989, it happened in Northern California, the San Francisco bay area. Every whos ever seen video of an earthquake, usually sees the picture of the bay bridge, but there were significant fires along the Marina Where Gas Lines were broken and one after the other, things were catching on fire. That is from the very moment, i was sitting there when it happened, when the earthquake occurred while there are thousands of fans inside Dodger Stadium. The way that angelina dealt with this, it was certainly a lot smaller, the feeling of it here, than the 7. 1, were talking somewhere in the fours. So people reacted to it basically by acknowledging it and then laughing about it. And the dodgers, by the way, just kept playing the game. These are events that people feel here, every now and then. But this is significant and i dont want to make light of what has just happened. A 7. 1 is a large earthquake. Something we havent seen in the past two decades in Southern California or Northern California for that matter. This is significant. It happened in an area that is in the mdesert. But the Regional Hospital there in ridgecrest has worried about worse affects, whether it is an aftershock or fore shock, you could have more structural damage. One of the things that authorities want to make very clear, if theres an emergency, call 911. If there isnt, if youre just wanting to know information about the earthquake, or where to go, do not call the Emergency Line because those get all filled up and there are people who really do are experiencing an emergency, whether it is an injury or something going on in their neighborhood that needs immediate attention, theyre telling people, look, try to go check on your neighbors, but a lot of folks feel more scared, for example, inside their homes, because you can tell an earthquake is happening when things are falling off the shelves, the walls. When your chandeliers are going back and forth. Its very unnerving. You have no control over your surroundings. What people are told to do and this is important, is to get under something thats sturdy. If you have a table in your home, if you have you go to your front room, go underneath the Kitchen Table if you have that available. If you have a coffee table, get underneath that. Find something so that you have something to cover your head because a lot of injuries come from things falling from above. They may be small, but getting hit in the head with something and getting a cut, it tends to bleed quite a bit. Theyve had more than 1,000 aftershocks since the initial event, the fore shock of 6. 4. There are going to be aftershocks, not just today, tomorrow, the next day, but as you heard the seismologists say, this can go on for weeks, months, even years. Usually the aftershocks get smaller over time. Youll start noticing that theyre impactful. That is if were not in another event where this is a 1 in 20 chance that this also is a fore shock. Let us hope it is not. Something bigger than that, were talking about much more damage. Each time it goes up, were talking about more power and shaking depending on how shallow the earthquake is. But for sure, you know, more than 150 miles away, thats the result of an earthquake there in ridgecrest, thats los angeles, inside Dodger Stadium where there are Tens Of Thousands of people, and theyre still there at the game at this hour. I want to put out a few numbers out there to put this in context. You said theres a 1 in 20 chance this is going to be a bigger earthquake. They were telling us, theres a 5 chance this could be followed by a larger earthquake. The time frame on that, they say this could happen within a few days, typically 24 to 36 hours. So were on a watch to find out whether theres a bigger earthquake after this one. Also another number, the 7. 1 magnitude earthquake that we saw today, a couple hours ago, is five times bigger than yesterdays earthquake but released more than 11 times the amount of energy than yesterdays earthquake. Our metrologists are helping me get the terminology on that. Well come back to you. I want to go to your metrologist right now. What do we need to know at this hour . Just as sarah quoted dr. Jones saying that the aftershocks are going to occur for years. We see this often Around The World with the ring of fire where theres a major earthquake or great earthquake. The earthquake or the fore shock that we Saw Yesterday, that was considered a strong earthquake. This 7. 1 magnitude earthquake is considered a strong earthquake or major earthquake and it was very shallow. That was the interesting thing in looking at the data on this. And right before this earthquake occurred, there was a 5. 0 magnitude fore shock. It too was shallow. The deeper they are, and we have seen these earthquakes in this region running around 5 miles to almost 10 miles deep, but this was very shallow. We have a report of someone who lives near the los angeles airport. He said he noticed that almost all the water in his Swimming Pool was out. So this was great shaking that took place and was felt all the way towards los angeles. Lets zoom in across this region and youll see the cluster of fore shocks across this region. But this is where the latest epicenter on this latest earthquake that occurred around roughly 8 30 local time, that was in los angeles, but do you know this, this is referred to as the little lake area. And indeed there are all kinds of intersecting fault lines but they refer to this cluster and dr. Jones mentioned between this little lake right where this is perpendicular to the activity here, this is all called the Little Lake Fault. This is not associated with the san andreas fault. That goes for hundreds and hundreds of miles. Thats where we see the great majority of the tectonic plates. These are localized fault areas and this is where were seeing one that intersects the other. But lately, some of those quakes have been occurring further to the north in the vicinity of the Naval Air Weapons station. And so you can Better Believe its a huge facility, that they are investigating everything that is going on in that facility. It is critical. But these represent earthquakes, fore shocks, that happened 24, 36 hours ago. This represents that epicenter, reevaluated it, 7. 1, and its

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