More than 30 Million People are newly out of work and wondering what the future will look like. Im an optimist, to me, thats the key. Will there be more aid for the struggling americans . Larry kudlow joining me to discuss next. Now running for president. I believe i have to defend the constitution in whichever way it works best. How will his candidacy affect the race . Libertarian president ial candidate, congressman justin amass joining me in moments. Hello. Im jake tapper in washington where the state of the union is worried. More than 60,000 people in the United States have died from coronavirus at this hour. Just think about this, one coronavirus death in this country was reported every 44 seconds during the month of april. And many experts predict another major wave of coronavirus could happen in the fall or the winter. Yet President Trump spent his, quote, working went at camp david on twitter tweeting not primarily about those who lost loved ones but attacking journalists, criticizing george w. Bush and the Mueller Investigation and expressing happiness that kim jongun is alive and well. Despite concerns from Health Officials that its premature, americans across the country are no longer under stay at home orders. More than half of states are relaxing their guidelines as states look to ease the severe economic pain the pandemic caused. Top experts are predicting the worst economy of our lifetimes. In the last six weeks, more than 30 million americans have filed for unemployment. Thats equivalent to the entire population of texas. Joining me now to discuss the economic challenges from the white house President Trumps top economic advisor. Larry kudlow, thank you so much for joining us. I want to start with what the government is doing to help americans through the crisis. Do you think theres going to be a phase four stimulus bill . If so, should it njd include money for state and local governments . Well, i dont want to get too far ahead of the story, jake. There may be additional legislation. Theres kind of a pause period right now. You know, we put up 3 trillion of direct federal budget assistance in one way or another. Federal reserve is actually put in as much as 4 trillion. Its a huge package. Lets see how its doing as we gradually reopen the economy. We probably will have some ideas and i want to say this that regarding the states, as you know, the president has, from time to time, spoken about linking that to sanctuary cities. I dont think anything has been decided yet regarding health care and all matter of medical equipment. We have poured hundreds of billions into the states. Perhaps there will be more but well wait to see. From our perspective, too, jake, look, we know the economy is still in terrible contraction their phase. Tremendous hardships everywhere. Thats why weve put up several rescue packages lead by President Trump and with the bipartisan support of the congress. So were working through that. Its going to be very difficult in the months ahead. No question. Having said that, i will note that the Congressional Budget Office and a bunch of private forecasters, wall street journalist surveys, and so forth, are looking for a strong second half economic rebound and suggesting that 2021 next year could be one of the fastest growth rebounds in American History or recent history. So were trying to get from, you know, one side to the other. Were trying to get through this. Were trying to work through this. Dont want to rule in or out anything now. We are in discusses internally and with leading members of congress. Right. But you talk about a pause. A moment of pause were in now. The fed chair indicated this week he believes Congress Needs to pass additional measures providing direct fiscal support to americans. I dont understand the reason for a pause. Why not take action aggressively now considering how dire a situation so Many Americans are in . Well, look, first of all, we have to execute the last package. And the numbers are very strong. These are the Small Business loans. As of, i guess, friday weve put up over 100 billion already just in a few days. Thats, of course, on top of the prior 350 billion. Look, jake, 175 million americans, 175 million americans have received federal assistance in one form or another. That includes the direct checks, of course, and the Unemployment Compensation and the Small Business assistance. So i guess what i say to you, at this particular juncture, lets execute the continuation of what weve already done. Lets see what the results are. The outlook in the weeks and months ahead directly is not positive, as youve noted. The unemployment is very high. Almost 30 Million People. We are covering them with generous relief packages. Just trying to stabilize things and get folks through this. Then well see. Well see in a couple of weeks, jake, what needs to be done and perhaps how to do it. So the second traunch of money for the Small Businesss Paycheck Protection Program sba just a few minutes ago released new numbers suggesting of the 310 billion, 175 billion hello everyone i want to take you live to new york governor Andrew Cuomos press conference. Joining him today is phil murphy, as well. And new york city. Sunday for me is a day of reflection. Do a little reflecting. Day is day 64 since we closed down new york. Only 64 days . It feels like a lifetime. But only 64 days. The total hospital ration rate is down and thats good news for all concerned. 9,786. Below 10,000, which is a big deal for us. You have to go back to may 18th or 19th to see where to get near that number. March. Im sorry. The number total hospitalizations is down. The number of intubations is down and thats good news because intubation is generally bad news. The number of new cases is 789. Thats good news. We were hovering at about 900 1,000. That may be just a reporting anomaly because this is over the weekend and the weekend reporting tends to be a little different. Remember, this reporting system we just put in place, this never happened before where hospitals were reporting on a daily basis. And hospitals have a lot going on. I wouldnt bet the farm on any of these specific oneday numbers but the overall trend is good. The number that is the most important number that we look at, which is still tremendously distressing is the number of deaths 280. You can see the number hasnt moved dramatically over a number. The overall direction is good even though its painful. I think its important we take a moment and learn the lessons of what weve been going through. This is unprecedented what weve been doing for the past 64 days. This was an urgent situation. This was hurry up. We had to quickly figure out a plan. Quickly enact a plan. But now were a couple of months into it and i think simultaneously we should be learning the lessons of what we just went through. People talk about this like its going to come and go and so once in a lifetime. I dont know its once in a lifetime. I dont know it is going to come and go. There are people now talking about a second wave. Theyre talking about a possible mutation of the virus. So caution would suggest that as we go through this, we learn at the same time to make sure if we have to go through this again or if this is a prolonged situation that we are learning from what were implementing. Edmund burke, a great irish philosopher, those who dont know history are doomed to repeat it. Wise words. The macro questions are bigger than just new york questions. Bigger than the governors questions. What happened in china . You know, people are talking about it. Where did this virus start in china . How did it start . How did we not know . What should china have told us . Above my pay grade but important questions. How did the virus get from china to the United States . And we assumed it got on a plane from china and flew to the United States. That was the first thinking. When this started. Now it appears its not so. As were going through this, what could we have done more differently . More importantly what should we do differently if this is a prolonged situation or if there is a next time. Again, caution. I would assume theres a next time. Anyone who sits back and said its the only Public Health threat that were going to face, its not the case. Were seeing increasing threats all across the board. Environmental threats, mother nature, natural threats, threats from emergency weather that weve never seen before. And if you look back as far back as 1918 when they had the flu pandemic people talk about, it took 10 months. It came in three different waves. And the second wave was worse than the first wave. So even if you put aside all the modern day challenges, and this happened in 1918. It came in three different waves. So lets be prepared and intelligent. Some of the lessons to learn, the cdc did a fascinating report it put out on may 1st, which starts to take a deep look at what happened. I think theres a lot of Important Information in that. It pointed to something weve been looking at here in new york. The report says that when we look at the different strains of the virus in the United States, that there are different strains. We were looking at the west coast. The west coast had cases well before the east coast. Remember. Maybe six weeks before the east coast. Those strains came from china. What we saw in the state of washington, in california, they came from china. Flights from china land predominantly on the west coast. But we have seen in new york it didnt come from china. But actually is a different strain of the virus that came from europe. Thats an important fact to note and study. From february you had 239,000 travelers coming from italy. 1. 7 million from other European Countries where the outbreak was spreading wildly and rapidly. So everybody is looking at china. Meanwhile, the virus had traveled from china to europe, was in europe spreading from europe we european travels coming. They come to the east coast, they land in new york, go to new jersey, connecticut, they are in the new york area. Were still looking at china. We were looking at china and the travel ban on china may have been helpful but the horse was already out of the barn in china. The virus had left. The virus was in europe. We have european travelers coming to the United States and theyre bringing a different strain to the east coast. This is from the cdc report. They delayed travel bans allowing the virus to spread throughout the United States and contribute to the initiation and acceleration of covid cases in march. Extensive travel from europe, once europe was having outbreaks, accelerated our imploation and the rapid spread. The timing of our travel alert should have been earlier. Thats an important fact. And something we have to learn from. Person from the Grossman School of medicine, knowing the number of flights coming to new york from italy is like watching a horrible train wreck in slow motion. Nobody was watching italy and europe at the time. Nobody was thinking about it. Today we must consider an outbreak anywhere is an outbreak everywhere. I think those are words to remember going forward. Outbreak in china and a number of days is going to be in europe. From europe its going to come to the United States. Assuming it didnt come from the United States immediately from china. Another lesson we have to learn is want hospital system. You know, we talk about our hospital system, we dont really have a Public Health system. We have a hospital system. And we learned the hard way about the capacity, the equipment, and the management of our hospital system. New york city we have only 12 Public Hospitals. They are the health and Hospitals Corporation that are run by new york city. Theres only 12 hospitals in that Public Hospital system. 44 hospitals are private hospitals. Private institutions. Theyre regulated by the state. But they are private institutions. They have their own area of expertise. They have their own basic clientele, and theyre doing business as individual entities. Like an individual college. Right. We have a system of colleges but each college is individual. Same thing with hospitals. Each hospital is a individual entity. Long island we have four Public Hospitals but 19 private hospitals. Westchester 1 Public Hospital. 12 private. Rockland one public and two private. Hudson valley the rest of the state two Public Hospitals. 87 private hospitals. So, really, your Health Care Capacity in the state is in the hands of private hospitals. Right. You have 176 private hospitals in the state. Thats the capacity, but that means you have to now rely on those private hospitals. Get them all to be part of one system, which daytoday that does not happen. Theyre operating themselves. We have state regulations that say this is how much you must operate. But they operate as individual entities. In the middle of this outbreak, we had to go back and do what we call the surge and flex management system. We said to all 176 private hospitals, we have to Work Together and we have to manage this system as one. Because hospitals are getting overwhelmed. Maybe within the public system, they can share patients and doctors and staff because you have in new york city h h has 12 hospitals. Okay. You can share among your 12, but we have to get the 176 hospitals now all to Work Together. Even with the Public Hospital. Hospitals were getting overwhelmed. Now you need a system to share patient capacity. Share equipment. Share ventilators. Share staff. That had never been done. We did this all basically on the fly. And we put together a de facto Public Health system. But it was a lot to do on the fly. We need to institutionalize these lessons. Part of what we have to learn is what happened with the equipment. I mean, this was just a situation that nobody anticipated. It happened all across the country. You couldnt get enough gowns or masks. Were going to put in a state requirement now that every hospital has to have a 90day supply stockpiled. Their own stockpile of all the ppe equipment they could need for a 90 day supply at the rate of usage we saw with the covid virus. So every hospital has to have 90 day supply. Period. We cant go through this daytoday moving masks across the state. This mad scramble were in and still are in in many ways. As a nation, we cant go through it again. There was Competition Among states. There was Competition Among private entities to get this equipment. The federal government was trying to buy it. Im bidding on behalf of new york, were bidding against other states. Texas, california, other states across the country are trying to buy the same masks from the same vendor. Literally bidding up the price. I have people in china im trying to Contact People in china to figure out how to buy masks from china. It was totally inefficient and ineffective. The state of massachusetts, governor baker was good enough to work with robert kraft, who had a personal airplane he sent to china to get masks. And massachusetts was good enough to give us some of the masks that a private airplane picked up. I mean, this is not the way to deal with this situation. Plus we just drove up prices by our own competition. It was a limited supply. It was primarily in china. Then you have 50 states and all these private entities in the federal government trying to buy from china. It made no sense. Lets fix that. New york state alone buys about 2 billion of medical supplies this year. 2 billion this year. And thats one state. Thats us purchasing from china and around the world. Were going to form a consortium with our seven northeast partner states, which, by about 5 billion worth of equipment and supplies. That will then increase our market power when were buying. And we will buy as a consortium, price as a consortium for ppe equipment, ventilators, medical equipment, whatever we need to buy when you put awe all the hospitals together. All that Public Health capacity together which will make us more competitive in the International Marketplace and i believe it will save taxpayers money. I also believe itll help us actually get the equipment because we have trouble still getting the equipment. And just buying the equipment because these vendors on the other side theyre dealing with countries, theyre dealing with the federal government, why should they do business with one state, right, when they can do business with an entire country. So this consortium, i think, will help us get the equipment and get it at a better price. We will come up with a region identification of all the equipment we need. Basically its all standard equipment. A smask is a mask. A gown is a gown. Lets come up with a total amount that we need. Lets stop doing business with vendors who we found to be irresponsible. And we found out the heart way. I cant tell you how many orders we placed with vendors who are acting basically as brokers. Who just started businesses in the middle of this pandemic because they saw an opportunity. Lets compare notes among the states to find out who was good to do business. Who was not good to do business with. Le