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Eastern time here on cnn. This week its about movies from the 70s, and starting monday live nonstop coverage of the big democratic debates. We will see you back here this time next week. Taking the stage, with the cnn democratic president ial debates only days away, which candidates will convince voters theyre the partys future . I think weve got a Straight Path to victory in this country. Ill speak exclusively with president ial candidate senator Bernie Sanders next. And impeachment escalation, House Democrats take a major step towards possible impeachment. We must make the strongest possible case both to our colleagues and the american public. Are democrats inching closer to an Impeachment Vote . Ill speak with the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, congressman jerry nadler next. Plus battleground divide, michigan narrowly swung for President Trump in 2016. Its a great state. We won michigan. Now as Democratic Candidates arrive to make their pitches to voters, the president is hoping personal attacks on his opponents will help keep the state in his column. Detroit congresswoman Rashida Tlaib joins me exclusively in moments. Hello, im jake tapper in detroit, michigan where the state of our union is counting down until the debates. We are live outside the fox theatre in downtown detroit, where 20 president ial candidates will meet on stage for the cnn democratic president ial debates. As the candidates prepare to take the stage in michigan, a state trump narrowly won, democrats are signaling their disagreements over issue. For his part the president is continuing to use divisive and even racist attacks on members that are minority groups. A Campaign Tactic that he signaled two weeks ago he would make the foundation of his Reelection Campaign when he told four minority members of congress to go back to the countries where they came from, even though three were born in the u. S. And all four are american citizens. Yesterday the president attacked Elijah Cummings quoting that the africanamerican Congressional District which includes parts of baltimore is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mass. If he spent more time in baltimore maybe he can help clean up this dangerous and filthy place. No human being would want to be there. 718,000 live in cummings district and President Trump is their president as well, though the president apparently views them and the city of baltimore as someone elses responsibility. Moreover, President Trump attacked those four freshmen congresswomen of color under the guys of the criticisms of the u. S. Joining me now in detroit, 2020 president ial candidate senator brr Bernie Sanders. I know you want to talk about issues but i want to talk about what President Trump said about Elijah Cummings and his district being a rat infested place that no one would want to believe. Its unbelievable that we have a president of the United States who attacks American Cities, who attacks americans, who attacks somebody who is a friend of mine. Elijah cummings is one of the most decent and outstanding members of the house of representatives. I do find it interesting when we have rural republican districts where the Life Expectancy is going down, where downtowns are boarded up and people are struggling. Theyre struggling and our job is to bring people together to improve life for all people, not to have a racist president who attacks people because they are africanamericans. That is a disgrace and that is why were going to defeat this president. He obviously things that these racist attacks will be effective. Are you concerned that they might be . No. I dont. I think the American People understand that what we need is an agenda that works for all of us and not have a president who divides us up. We need health care for all, we need to lower the cost of Prescription Drugs. We need to make public colleges and universities tuition free. We need to cancel student debt. The American People are behind those issues. They will not accept the president trying to divide us up by the color of our skin. Lets talk about one of those issues. Specifically you and other 2020 democrats are going to be debating on the stage. Your medicare for all plan will be front and center. Kamala harris says she supports it and she will not raise taxes on middle class americans to fund it. I want you to take a listen to what former Vice President had to say about that. Well, i find the people who say medicare for all but theyre not going to tax the middle class because you dont need to do that. Come on. What is this, is this a Fantasy World here . Do you agree with former Vice President biden. We have to understand that under medicare for all people are not going to pay any premiums or deductibles or co payments. So if you call a premium a tax, were getting rid of that. But i do believe that in a progressive way people will have to pay taxes. The wealthy will obviously pay the lions share of the taxes. But at the end of the day people will pay substantially less for the health care that they receive because were going to do away with hundreds of billions of dollars of administrative waste. Were going to do away with the incredible profiteering of the Insurance Companies and Drug Companies. But overall people are not going to be paying premiums and deductibles, so theyll be laying less. So is the former Vice President incorrect . Well, obviously health care is not free. We pay for it through premiums and out of pocket expenses. In canada its paid through taxes and well have to do that. The Debate Strategy in a new memo that they issued this weekend, the strategist writes hes going to draw contrast where there are Policy Disagreements like health care. Booker, jill brand, harris and warren all have signed onto Bernie Sanders health care for all. Thats a nonstarter for joe biden. Youre not going to be on the stage with him because of the luck of the draw. That is disingenuous on the part of joe. If i raise your taxes hypothetically by 8,000 and i lower the Health Care Costs that youre now paying with premiums and deductibles that are now 12,000, youre 4,000 in the good. We are the only major country on earth that does not guarantee health care to all or have a National Health care program. So we under a medicare for all are going to substantially lower Prescription Drug costs, were going to do away with the incredible complexity and waste in the system. But at the end of the day, you may pay more in taxes. Youre not paying premiums or deductibles. You will pay less for your Health Care Costs. And you think Vice President knows that . Of course he does. No study tells us. Last year the Drug Companies made 69 billion at the same time americans cant afford the medicine that they need. So youre seeing massive profit earring on the part of the Health Care Industry and incredible bureaucracy. Anybody who deals with an Insurance Company understands the bureaucracy. Youre seeing now over 80 million americans who can not afford the Health Insurance that they need. This is a Disfunctional System designed to make profits for the people in the Health Care Industry, not to provide quality care to all. You just talked about the Drug Companies. Youre taking a bus to canada later this morning to fight for more affordable insulin for people with diabetes. At a fundraiser last night here in detroit you appeared to compare Pharmaceutical Industry Executives who are artificially jacking up prices murders. Take a listen. Somebody goes out and shoots somebody, theyre called a murderer. We all agree with that. Put them away. But what happens if somebody runs a Pharmaceutical Industry and artificially jacks up the price . Pharmaceutical executives, i think first of all i misspoke. Pharmaceutical executives see themselves as people who help save lives. Do you really see them as murders . This is a philosophical issue that we have to deal with. If in the case of insulin people are dying right now because the cost has soared in recent years. You have three companies who control over 90 of the insulin market. One out of four people we have 7 Million People use insulin and people are dying. There is strong evidence that there is price fixing and these companies simultaneously raise the prices at outrageous levels far more than the cost of production. If i have a product that costs me a few dollars to make and i jack up that price and you cant afford it, and you die, what do you call me . You can call them whatever you want, but i will tell you as president of the United States were going to take on the Pharmaceutical Industry. Were going to have an Attorney General who is going to deal with the incredible concentration of ownership and were going to use antitrust legislation. Im going right now in a fu minutes into canada. The cost of insulin is onetenth of the price. 10 of the price. Same product we have in the United States. So you can call the drug Company Executives whatever they want, but what theyre doing involves corruption, it involves unbelievable greed with them making, as i mentioned the Top Ten Companies last year made 69 billion in profits. The top three insulin Companies Made 14 billion. And people are rationing. One out of four are rationing their insulin. That is unacceptable in the United States and im elected president theyre not going to get away with that. You recently approved a plan to forgive 1. 4 trillion debt. Cory booker had some criticism. Youre not going to be on the stage with him so i want you to address it. Its canceling debt for people in high income brackets going into jobs, whether theyre large corporate jobs or wall street jobs that are going to give them the ability to pay back their money. Why should the american taxpayer pay the debt for a millionaire . Those are not the people who have the student debt. The majority are working class people, low income people, africanamericans and latinos. They are struggling right now and many of these people i talk to them every day, they cant afford to get married and have kids or buy a house. They cant afford even to buy a car. Theres a tremendous weight of oppression around their shoulders. They were told go to college and they did. They took out huge loans. They were told they were going to get goodpaying jobs. That did not happen. My view is if the United States could bail out the crooks on wall street who destroyed the economy, if we could give a trillion and a half. Large organizations like amazon, doesnt pay a nickel a federal tack taxes. If we do that we can help save a millennial generation. Biden is spending time supporting the 1994 crime bill which he authored. You were concerned about Mass Incarceration at the time. Lets roll that clip. We are dooming today Tens Of Millions of young people to a future of bitterness, ms. Ry, hopelessness, drugs, crime and violence, and mr. Speaker, all the jails in the world, and we already im prison more people per capita than any other country, will not make that situation right. And yet you voted for the bill because there were many provisions in it that you did like. How do you explain to communities of color in particular why that yes vote was worth the cost, even though you saw the Mass Incarceration problem coming down the pike . Ill tell you what, when you have a large bill as you well know, jake, that has many features in it, many provisions in it, you have to make a choice. And the choice that i had made is i had run for office and this was back in 88 and again in 1990. You know what i said to the people of vermont . By the way, that was a state that had virtually no Gun Control Laws at all. I said we have got to ban the distribution of Assault Weapons. That was way back then. Thats what i told the people. This bill, the crime bill did have a ban on Assault Weapons and it also had a provision if there dealing with violence against women. So i was on the floor when you just showed, me understanding how bad aspects of that bill was. But i made a promise to the people of vermont and since then ive been doing my best helping to lead the effort for real criminal Justice Reform so we end the disgrace of having more people in jail than any other country. We have Hundreds Of Thousands of people that are too poor to pay for cash bail. I helped lead the effort against the terrible war on drugs which has destroyed so many lives. And im proud at my last campaign we talked about the need to decriminalize or legali legalize marijuana. I know hindsight is 20 dsh 20, but are you still glad you voted for it. No. Im not happy i voted, it was a terrible bill. People lose faith in politicians because they say one thing and do another. If i tell people in vermont i am going to do everything i can to put a ban on Assault Weapons, and then you dont do that, thats the other side of the coin. The u. S. Is on track to apprehend more than 1 million undocumented immigrants this year. In the past you have suggested that increases in Migrant Workers drive wages down for American Workers. I want you to take a listen to yourself on lou dobbs. If poverty is increasing and wages are going down, i dont know why we need people to come into this country as Guest Workers who will work for lower wages than American Workers and drive wages down even lower than they are right now. Let me just ask you, the larger philosophical question, how do you balance compassion at the border with compassion for americans and their wages . What i said about that one, the reason why i voted against that Immigration Bill is there were a number of groups, including leading latino groups, that understood that the Guest Worker Program in that legislation was akin to slave labor. The workers coming in had no rights at all. So i dont apologize for that vote. But right now what we need is a comprehensive Immigration Reform package, which does a number of things. Number one, it leads to a path toward citizenship for the 11 million who are undocumented right now. Thats what weve got to do. It provides legal stats for the 1. 8 young people who are in the daca program and it develops a compassionate and humane process for asylum at the border. People traveling 1,000 miles by foot with little children are not criminals. They are people dealing with violence and incredible poverty in their own country. So we need a rational asylum process. We dont need to be ripping little children from the arms of their mothers. Senator Bernie Sanders, good luck in canada today and well see you on the debate stage on tuesday tonight. Thank you so much. Are House Democrats taking steps toward impeachment . I would lead to House Judiciary Kparm jerry nadler. And President Trump said she should go back to where she came from. Thats right here in detroit. Were home with congresswoman Rashida Tlaib. Stay with us. And we walk so that one day, there will be a white flower for alzheimers first survivor. Join the fight at alz. Org walk. At tmobile, for 40 line for four lines, its all included for the whole family. Like unlimited with netflix on us. And now with each new line, get one of our latest smartphones included. 40 line for four lines and smartphones are included for the whole family. Woman 1 this is my body of proof. 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With nine grams of protein and twentysix vitamins and minerals. Ensure, for strength and energy. Welcome back to state of the yun yen. After Robert Muellers longawaited testimony, democrats took a major step towards possibly impeaching donald trump. The house judiciary went to court to try to get the secret jury materials behind the report, arguing that information is needed to make a decision on impeachment. Joining me now, the House Judiciary Committee chairman jerry nadler of new york, the man who would theoretically lead any Impeachment Proceedings or hearings. Congressman nadler, thanks so much for joining us. I want this clear this up because there was some confusion after your Press Conference on friday as to whether the House Judiciary Committee is formally pursuing an impeachment inquiry. You wrote, quote, the Judiciary Committee is investigating whether to recommend articles of impeachment. I want to clear this up here. Youre investigating possible impeachment, but you havent formally opened an impeachment inquiry. Are you trying to have it both ways here . No, were not trying to have it both ways. We said exactly what we are doing. We are investigating the question of we are investigating the corruptions of the administration, the abuses of power. What mueller showed, the possible violations of the Emoluments Clause. Everything that might cause us to recommend articles of impeachment. There are articles that have been recommended to the committee and we are investigating and determining whether we should report those articles to the house. Thats exactly what were doing. Were going to court to get more evidence. I understand the role you need to play as kpachairman of Judiciary Committee. Im wondering your view as a member of congress. Do you personally support impeaching President Trump . My personal view is that he deserves impeachment. He does done many impeachable offenses. Hes violated the law sex ways from sunday. But thats not the question. The question is can we develop enough evidence to put before the American People. The president and the Attorney General were lying to the American People consistently saying that the Mueller Report found no obstruction, no collusion, and exonerated the president. I think the hearing the other day was an Inflection Point because it showed quite clearly that the report did not exonerate the president. That it found that the russian government tried to influence our campaign. They interfered in our election. They attacked our election. The Trump Campaign welcomed that assistance and cooperated with the russian government in trying to affect the campaign. And then the president lied repeatedly to the American People and investigators and conducted a corrupt coverup with at least five criminally indictable acts of Obstruction Of Justice. These are very serious offenses against the rule of law and we now have to get further evidence and put it before the American People as we consider articles of impeachment in the committee. Do you think the president should be prosecuted after he leaves office . I leave that to a prosecutor after he leaves office, but it is clear that well, let me put it this way. It is clear that if it werent for the Department Of Justice opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted, anyone else who had done what he did would have been indicted for at least five different major crimes. And a president who is immune from prosecution by virtue of the Justice Department saying that every president is immune from prosecution, should be prosecuted after he leaves office, or at least impeached and removed from office if you can prove those crimes. You just said that the mueller testimony this week in your view was a, quote, Inflection Point. I have to say only nine House Democrats after the testimony came out and called for an impeachment inquiry. Its still just a minoriy of the Democratic Caucus who supports proceeding with an impeachment inquiry. About 43 , about 100 democrats. It doesnt seem to have been an Inflection Point for many House Democrats. Why do you think that is . I think it was an Inflection Point that it broke the administrations lie, the Attorney Generals lie that the president was totally exonerated by the Mueller Report. Quite the contrary, there was very damning evidence put forward on the record. And i think as the American People understand that, as people absorb that information, as we bring out more evidence, people will understand the gravity of the situation. Its not one that can be ignored. At your Press Conference on friday you said that mueller had a, quote, Remarkable Exchange with congressman ted lu of california, that he said but for the department of Justice Policy prohibiting him from doing so, he would have indicted President Trump. Those are your words. But mueller walked that whole statement back before his Afternoon Testimony before the house intelligence committee. Take a listen. I want to add one correction to my testimony this morning. I said, and i quote, you didnt charge the president because of the olc opinion. That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as i said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime. Were you not aware that mueller had walked that back . Well, mueller very carefully in the report said that he did not make a decision, but he did not make a decision only because he thought and he says this in this report. He thought it unfair to the president to say he was guilty, likely guilty of a crime when the president couldnt defend himself in a trial that wouldnt occur because he could not be indicted because of the Department Of Justices decision. But it is very clear from what the Mueller Report lays out, it lays out five instances of Obstruction Of Justice and it lays out the three elements of the crime very clearly with all the evidence that shows that had he not been the president , he would have been indicted for those crimes. Right. But the exchange with ted lu is misleading because mueller walked it back. He said he didnt mean to say what he said. He was very careful not to say what the report makes clear, if you read the report. Because he doesnt think its fair to charge to say the president is charged when he cant when there can be no trial because of the Department Of Justice rule. But he lays out in the Report Evidence that clearly establishes all three elements of the crime of Obstruction Of Justice on at least five different counts. You subpoenaed some of the underlying materials, the information for the Mueller Report on friday, saying that there appears to be compelling evidence of the president s misconduct outside of whats in the Mueller Report. Are you suggesting that mueller and his team left pivotal evidence out of his report and testimony . No. The mueller team conceived of its purview in rather narrow terms. They looked at a couple of things. There were things that they didnt really look at. For instance, all the financial entanglements of the trump with the russians. And to what extent did that influence the russian attempt to help the Trump Campaign win and the cooperation the Trump Campaign gave to the russians. There were quite a few different things. The e monthly u ments laws. The fact that trump seems to be making money from his hotels and other things, in direct violation of the Emoluments Clause of the constitution, which is meant to prevent him from being influenced by different powers. Congresswoman jackie spear told me a few weeks ago that if Impeachment Proceedings have not begun by september, then really theres no point in going on and beginning them. Do you agree that there is a deadline of sorts just because of the 2020 election . No, i dont. We have to defend the constitution and its not we have to defend the constitution against these kinds of unconstitutional and illegal deeds and we have to make sure that the president pays a penalty so that kind of conduct is not normalized for the next president. So we have to do this in whatever time frame there is and were doing it now. Were engaged in an investigation into these different allege crimes and to whether the president violated his Oath Of Office to take care of the laws that were faithfully executed to the various abuses of power and were looking into it. As i said, the articles of impeachment that have been referred to the committee and there are other articles that might be drafted. Chairman jerry nadler of the House Judiciary Committee. Thank you so much for your time. We appreciate it. Youre quite welcome. My next guest has been a very vocal supporter, to say the least, of impeachment since the day she was sworn in earlier this year. Thats gotten the attention of President Trump who told Rashida Tlaib and three of her colleagues to go back where they came from. Well, Congresswoman Tlaib came from here. She was born and raised in detroit. Were sitting in her Congressional District. Congresswoman, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you for having me. I know you want to talk about michigan, but i do want to get your reaction to a couple things in the news. First, you just heard chairman nadler talking about impeachment. Youve been in favor of impeaching President Trump since you were inaugurated. Why do you think so many House Democrats are not with you . Why do you think youre in the minority among democrats . I know in my district, very much rooted in what theyre thinking and how theyre feeling in regards to a lawless president. Especially one that hasnt divested in businesses in what we feel is play to play. If you want to do business with the federal government, go stay at trumps hotel in dc. So there is very alarming to a lot of my residents who dont want any kind of corruption. Its something that we fight against all the time, even on Different Levels of government here. And they dont want to see people being able to pay into mergers that he just approved that hurt working families, increased Cell Phone Bills when he allowed the merger of tmobile and sprint. And i tell people all the time, tmobile spent over like 200,000 alone at the dc trump hotel. And that kind of tainting of the process and not upholding the United States constitution, which requires every single president prior to donald trump has divested in their businesses. Even president carter sold his bean farm. But youre saying youre more sensitive to issues of corruption than other House Democrats . No, i think we are worried. But theyre also more i think theres always this cautious of whether or not theyre going to win. But i always remind people the watergate class, and this is the largest incoming class since watergate, did not rely on whether it was going to go through the senate. They did what was right for the country. They said is this right now a crisis, a constitutional crisis . Do we need to move forward . And they did right by the country and i think very much it was something that benefitted all the American People. I want to get your responses. Youre on the House Oversight committee with chairman and congressman Elijah Cummings of maryland. The president referred to the district as a ratinfested mess and said no human being would want to live there. I dont want to project, but he very easily could have said those things about detroit. Absolutely. And he continues to say things about American Cities all across this country. The president has a hate agenda. Right now as people are in my district every single day, i talk to folks that are losing their jobs, not getting paid what they need. Theyre literally working three or four jobs just to make ends meet. So many voeks folks at the fron are really suffering and they want somebody thats going to follow through on reducing Prescription Drugs. But this hate agenda is now seeking into policy making. You see the deregulation in epa and you hear from residents in down river and even in southwest detroit, we have a right to breathe clean air. There is something going on here. We dont feel like our government is protecting us. And its because the corporation is seeping in. This is a crooked ceo in the white house that is Making Decisions based on profits and his friends and his forprofit industry would benefit from versus what is best for the American People. Were not going to get played in the 13th congresional district. We can see from far away that hes incompetent and he hasnt followed through on the promises he made. So lets talk about the hate agenda. And you have heard there have been criticisms from you from even your fellow democrats, especially for our support for the bds movement. Its an antiisrael movement. Its criticizing the racist policies of israel and its a boycott. I think folks dont know when you say bds, especially around the country when you say bds, theyre not sure what it means. Buy cot die vest sanction. I want to get your reaction to something senator schumer said. He said, quote, when there is such a double standard, when the world treats everybody one way and the jewish state another way, theres only one word for it antisemitism. Let us call out the bds movement for what it is. I think some of the questions they have is why focus on just israel . Why not also call for sanctions against other countries where you might have issues such as egypt or pakistan or saudi arabia . Absolutely. And i think if there is an Economic Boycott Movement around saudi arabia i would be the first to sign up for it. I can tell you theyre all around college campuses. There are jews, muslims, all different kinds of back ground who are pushing back against the policies in israel because they see the Human Rights Violations of children being detained. The fact that my grandmother who lives in the west bank right now does not have equality. She is someone that right now under occupation is feeling less than. And i grew up in the most blackest beautiful city in the country where every corner in detroit here, you will see a reminiscence and we did it through economic boy scott. It is a form of freedom of speech. But people want to dismiss it because they say its antisemitism. Thats a way to discredit the fact that we all know under netanyahus Regime Violations have gotten worse. Why not boy scott egypt . I would boycott them, of course. But right now there is not a bill or resolution on the floor that is saying sktop boycotting egypt. And i would absolutely oppose any sort of oppression of freedom of speech. Its a slippery slope, because tomorrow if folks want to boycott saudi arabia and theres a movement and its got a name, theyre going to go ahead and pass a resolution saying you dont have freedom of speech, you dont have a right to a First Amendment. You cant be double standard. But of course i would oppose any kind of oppression of that sort, of dismissing somebodys right, First Amendment right. We have cases around the country from teachers who dont even know Whats Going On in israel who do not feel like they should wipe away their First Amendment right to be able to speak out through economic boycott. The last question on this. Do you think the jewish people have a right to a state in the area where israel exists now . I truly believe the state of israel exists, but understand, does it exist in the detriment of inequality for the Palestinian People . Detriment of not really moving in a peaceful resolution . Were never going to have peace, i truly believe is separate but equal is the way they want to go. And i can tell you i learned that from my africanamerican teachers in detroit Public Schools who showed me what a pain of oppression looks like. Were not going to have peace if we do not understand that were dehumanizing pal staen yen. Does israel have a right to exist. Yes. But palestinians also have a right to human rights. We cant say one or the other. We have to say it in the same breath. I know you want to talk about michigan. President trumps pin in michigan is one of the main reasons hes p. And when it comes to pitching voters, the economy is better in michigan now . Really . Because gm is leaving. Im sure you can point to individual cases. But the employment rate has dropped from 5. 1 to 4. 2. The gdp has increased 8 . Why should voters turn over the economy to democrats . Its not handing it over to anybody. It is making sure that they come priority before anybody else. The numbers that come out, thats not whats felt here. Theyre lowwage jobs. Some have multiple or parttime. The wages are going up. The wages are going up because the people with demanding it. Not because donald trump wanted it to go up. Because the movement for fight for 15 is growing. The movement to hold corporations accountable is growing. Its not because of who is president of the United States. Transpore magz from the Civil Rights Movement to the labor rights didnt happen because somebody introduced a bill or who was president at the time. It happened because people here on the ground in wayne county and detroit, they demanded it change. And so you see a movement of saying no more. One job should be enough. That we should be pushing back against this kind of form of putting corporations and giving them the tax give aways versus putting in the pockets of American People. But the economy is doing better in michigan under President Trump. But i dont put President Trump as the reason. Its because of the people demanding it. If you dont think the labor Rights Movement is growing, especially in the service industry, there was just a strike downtown from Security Officers saying we deserve health care. If you havent seen whats happening at airports right now across the nation, thousands just showed up at reagan. Were going to have tons of folks down at the delta terminal at wayne metro airport. And you see what is happening is that theyre demanding it. Not because theyre relying on who is president of the United States. Very quickly, we have the debate coming up. The mayor of detroit just endorsed joe biden. Do you think that joe biden or do you think one of the more progressive candidates has a better chance of turning michigan blue in 2020 . This might be controversial but i have an amazing Attorney General and i wish she was running. Shes not. Shes not. But let me tell you why i need somebody like her thats fearless. Every single time you turn around, she doesnt hesitate and puts people first. I want folks to know this. Dont watch on the performance of someones debate. Watch what their previous votes were. Watch the previous policies. That is more important than how they perform in debates, how theyre answering questions. Because all of us can perform. How are we voting . How did the person in their previous roles and every single one thats running has been in some sort of role where theyre Making Decisions whether they choose people or profits for corporations. And Pay Attention more to that than Pay Attention to how they perform in debates. Thank you so much. And thanks for welcoming me to your beautiful city here. Welcome. Coming up, senator Kirsten Gillibrand says some of her democratic rivals do not believe women should work outside the home. Plus what else to expect on the debate stage. Thats next. Take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. So you dont have to stash antacids here. 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Joining me ahead of the cnn debates, Trump Campaign adviser david irvin and former utah republican congresswoman and former adviser to president obama and our own cnn host van jones. Do you agree with senator warrens assessment that the president is trying to divide the country with racism and other forms of rate. The blame game has been going on for years, but in the recent tweets and the things that i have seen, enough is enough. It really is disheartening. The greatest threat that we face is the division of america and i dont believe that any president should be playing a part in dividing america. I am so i actually say this not just as a former represent, im saying this as a republican and as a mother. I think this is exactly what the russians want, what our enniece want, to see america just tear each other up and the president has gone way too far. Anything less than an apology is unacceptable to me. Can i just say thank you, thank you for being a republican who has stood up. We need more people like you saying enough is enough. We are not a country that craves that division. He is not going to profit electorally by using division as a way of getting to the office again. I think its going to backfire and i really appreciate you saying that. Governor, you should also call out our democratic counterparts when they do it as well. I do. I sit up here and condemn is president when he does it. I believe that we should appeal to our better angels. What do you think of his tweets this weekend . This weekend i think the tweets we talked about this a little bit. This is the president counter punching. Elijah is going after the border saying it stinks, youre doing a tesh job. And the president says look in our own back yard. Look in west baltimore. Theres some pretty awful neighborhoods. He called them not human. No, he didnt. He said no human being would want to live there. Go look at the videos that are posted by some folks in west baltimore. There are some places that people would like to leave and we can do better as americans. Van, let me bring you on. First of all, the president is failing kindergarten. A kinder gardener would be taken out avenue a classroom for talking like this. I dont think that the republicans can get out of it this time. If all he said was just to be fair, if the president said you dont like the border, clean up your back yard, that would be fair. He went beyond that. He said no human being would want to live in baltimore. That is so beyond the pale, because it resonates in the idea you are sub human if you live there. And ive got to say, im so proud of Victor Blackwell on cnn for coming out and just speaking from the heart the way that he did. Millions of people have seen he speaks for me and an awful lot of people, black and white, who do not want to see the provided stooping so low to dehumanize an entire american city. They had a scathing op ed about these tweets, we would remind from trump that the seventh district, baltimore included is part of the United States that he is supposedly governing, the white house has far more power to affect change in this city for good or ill. Better to have some vermin living in your neighborhood than to be one. This is the problem we have and i wanted to say this. One of the answers that i have a problem with is that republicans cant get out of this one. I want to remind everyone that republicans are not racist. They are not. The policies that we believe in are good for everybody. The making sure that we lift people from the lowest common denominator up, we should be talking about that. The problem that i have is the president of the United States is supposed to represent all americans, and when you go after americans, you can go after their policies and you can even go after when they say things that you disagree with. But when actually your words hurt americans and divide us, that is unacceptable to me. And again, i would just say the president should be pointing out all the positive things his administration is doing to lift people up. Real wage increase. The things youre pointing out, too, to the represent about how detroit has actually benefitted. The president should be tweeting out about, look what ive seen for you, baltimore. Dont listen to Elijah Cummings. Look at wage growth and unemployment. Mr. President , tweet out about the good things, okay . Can i just say to your point about republicans not being racist, i know that thats true. There are an awful lot of republicans who are not racist. The problem is when elected republicans do not stand up against these racist tweets, they are aiding and abetting a racist president. And that is such a shame for republicans. If you want to add to your ranks, you dont turn people off like that. Racism, socialism, these words are thrown about so kwe frequently and freely now that i was talking about this earlier, those words arent thrown out. Ive been very, very careful and ive given him the benefit of the doubt. Because when you throw out words like race ist and it doesnt really reach that level, it diminishes what that word means. This is an issue where those comments thats exactly what they are. And if this president is not racist, he should come out and say i am sorry, this is not what i meant by these words, but i havent seen any of that. And that is really disheartening and it hurts not just americans, but the Republican Party and all of those people who are trying to promote those policies, trying to promote the fact that unemployment has gone down. He thinks it helps him because he thinks going deeper into that base helps him rather than hurts him. And i would say that most republicans are not racist. Lets talk about all the postives things. Lets go back to the postives. Lets move on. We have the debate Coming Up Tuesday and wednesday. When it comes to the race conversation coming up, former Vice President is taking some incoming when it comes to racism, especially from cory booker. Take a look at some of their back and forth from earlier this week. If he wants to go back and talk about records, im happy to do that. But i would rather talk about the future. It is easy to call donald trump a racist now. You get no badge of courage for that. The question is what were you doing to address structural inequality and institutional racism throughout your life . And i wonder, van, i mean this has been a posant line of attack from Corey Book Skpr Kamala Harris against Vice President biden. The president , thats a policy debate, busing integration, clarence thomas, anita hill, et cetera, versus tweets go back where you came from kind of thing. I think a couple of things are going on. First of all, biden is paying the cost for doing things that were popular in the 90s. Nafta or criminal justice deform, the criminal justice bill. I think biden makes a mistake when he gets sucked into that and forgets biden was not bill clintons Vice President. He was Barack Obamas Vice President. And the Obama Administration made Real Progress on criminal Justice Reform. And he never seems to mention that or talk about it. I think thats a mistake that hes making. I think on the on the other hand hand, when kamala and when Corey Come Guns Blazing After Biden and theyre going to be flanking him wednesday night rnlts exactly. They put themselves at some risk and peril because neither of them have perfectly clean hands. So biden is going to have to figure out how to counterpunch on this question. What i love about it is for the first time were having a substantive debate with both parties about criminal Justice Reform. You have no fear in the Democratic Party about talking about reform because republicans are also talking about criminal Justice Reform. So you do have a bipartisan agreement to do something. Youre arguing now about the details. I just want to warn if youre Kamala Harris or cory booker, your hands are not one hundred percent clean on these issues either, and biden does have room to counterpunch. I want to bring up some polls. Biden is taking a lot of incoming but hes still nominating. The new fox pole has him up 33 , among africanamericans in south carolina, a monmouth pool, biden is 51 and harris is the next with 12 and in a hypothetical match up in ohio, biden 50 , trump 42 . Hes still the man to beat. Each of these debates i think he does look a little sluggish, a little slower. Well see how he looks tomorrow. But in his responses he doesnt look as crisp as everyone else. I still think hes the most for biddable candidate from the republican perspective, but can he get out of the primary. And then im sitting here listening earlier to senator sanders and representative tlaib and i was telling the governor good luck with that 2020. If thats the message, the message is were going to raise taxes to pay for Free Education and retiring student debt for everyone in america, were just going to raise taxes. Sure, people are going to pay for it. People in america dont know what theyre getting into. And when they do, those numbers are going to plummet. The first night of the debate is going to be interesting because it really will contrast this large group of moderate democrats and what large group of moderate democrats . Hickenlooper, delaney. The guys that are polling at like 5 . Theyre going to want to try to get in on this exact issue which is to talk about go ahead. They want to try to make the point. That whole group, including amy klobuchar, that it is the Electoral College map that is going to make a difference, which means there has to be somebody who speaks to people in the independent and who might be able to lure republicans. Steve bullock is going to be making that point. Who is Steve Bullock . The governor of montana. I know Senator Jill Brand said something that raised a lot of eyebrows. Take a listen to new york senator gillibrand just yesterday. We have Democratic Candidates running for president right now who do not believe necessarily that its a good idea that women work outside the home. No joke. We have president ial candidates running right now who thinks the me too movement has gone too far. We have members, we have people who are running for president of the United States as democrats who believe the standards for the Democratic Party are too high. She did not specify who she was talking about and neither did her campaign. I suspect joe biden is why . He voted against increasing a tax credit for women working outside the home. But joe biden was the author of that. Im not defending it. Im just saying its a complicated issue. She is doing what they all believe they have to do, which is dig into those numbers that Joe Biden Has. The only thing that Joe Biden Has to do really is to show that hes tough enough. Keep breathing. And stand up against some of these attacks, but the thing that is actually working for him is the fact that hes actually saying, look, Bernie Sanders is in a Fantasy World if he thinks hes not going to raise taxes. Hes speaking to a general electoral. Senator sanders admits hes going to raise taxes. But very quietly. Go ahead. So senator sanders does admit hes going to raise taxes but he says were going to save money overall. I dont know what shes talking about. If thats her strategy, shes not going to be president of the United States. I see it slightly differently on this question around Student Loans. I know from older people like myself, we think this is a crazy idea. You have people in this country who have a bs or a ba who are a quarter Million Dollars in debt. Ill tell you what, i think the democrats go too far left on immigration and health care. I dont think you can go too far left from Student Loans because you tell people if you come vote for me, im going to help you, i think the Student Loan Thing is actually a good thing for democrats. Governor granholm, you have twice run a swing states. Three times. Are you worried about the Democratic Party going too far to the left in the primary . No. I think that weve got to be careful. Obviously theres a huge spectrum inside the Democratic Party and going too far left, yes. But i dont think i dont know, well see what happens

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