Transcripts For CNNW State Of The Union With Jake Tapper 201

Transcripts For CNNW State Of The Union With Jake Tapper 20180805 16:00:00

A mix of newsmaker interviews, political analysis, cultural segments and media analysis.
>> is that the right message to take on trump? former massachusetts governor deval patrick joins us next. plus, russia disconnect, as intelligence chiefs issue dire warnings. >> this threat is not going away. >> president trump continues to sew seeds of doubt. >> we're being hindered by the russian hoax, it's a hoax. >> is the president taking this threat seriously? we'll talk to the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee, ed royce in minutes. and house divided? the first lady sides with team lebron after the first daughter breaks with her father on the media. >> no, i do not feel that the media is the enemy of the people. >> how will the president handle the public pushback? >> hello, i'm jake tapper where the state of our union is hitting the campaign trail after
visiting the site of a special house election in ohio last night. president trump is back at his report in bedminster, new jersey, and also hate tweeting against journalists. sources close to the white house told me and kaitlan collins that the president is increasingly wored by his son's don jr.'s legal exposure in the mueller problem and the "washington post" reported something similar, tweeted a response saying quote, fake news reporting a complete fabrication about the meeting my wonderful son donald had in trump tower. totally legal and done all the time in politics. it went nowhere. i did not know about it. president trump of course acknowledging there that that meeting at trump tower was to get information about hillary clinton from a russian government attorney. that's a complete contradiction to the original explanation that the meeting was primarily about adoption. another worry for president trump, holding onto the republican majority in the november.
>> he is. he is not i don't want to say kind of. he's dividing us. >> what would you say to the president if he was sitting right here? >> i would never sit across from him. >> you would never. don't want to talk to him? >> no, sit across from barack though. >> in response president trump then attacked the intelligence of both don lemon and lebron james in a tweet. you're a former assistant attorney general for civil rights, a lot of observers out there saw the president's tweet as yet another example of the president's racism. do you agree? >> well, you know, it's hard to argue with that but it's nothing new and the tweets are all the same. they are all about -- they are all about division and they are often -- or usually about the president. i think obsessing about the president's tweets and his rants really don't help anything and don't help anyone. i think what we all want as democrats and as americans is leadership that brings us to each other rather than on each other, that encourages us to
allred, a wonderful young candidate, first time candidate in a congressional district in north of dallas. he grew up in the district in modest background, went to baylor. he's a lawyer. he's working with his neighbors and his community. he's talking to everybody, people who agree with him and people who don't. his first question is not whether you're a democrat. his first question is about who you are, tell me what you need. tell me what you're looking for in your representation and his -- the incumbent instead of talking to the voters and to res dents in the community has been talking to big donors and has been for many years in the congress. that's the kind of candidate i want to try to support and try to encourage. and i think that's what will make a difference in the midterms in november. >> i want to find out what you think about some of the issues the democrats are debating right now on a national level. let's start with health care. there's a movement -- big push in your party for medicare for all. do you support that idea? >> i think it's a terrific idea as a sort of shorthand on the basic question on how we get
universal care to everybody. and there's more than one way to skin that cat. i thought the idea of having a public option at the time that the aca or obamacare was debated was critical. i think having medicare for all alongside various of the private options that are available under the aca is a terrific idea. that kind of competition, that kind of innovation is enormously important and medicare is a popular highly efficient way to deliver health care that is affordable and effective to everybody. and that ought to be the aim. how do we get universal affordable care to everyone. that is something that democrats support and i think we've seen at least in this administration and frankly from republicans over the last several years that is something fundamentally they do not believe in. we ought to call that question in the midterms and beyond. >> another major sticking point in your party has emerged in
calls to o abolish i.c.e. immigration and customs enforcement agency. take a listen to president trump last night. >> a vote for troy's opponent is a vote for open borders which equals massive crime. like they don't care about it. they don't care about the crime. the new platform of the democrat party is to abolish i.c.e. and let's not worry about crime. really? doesn't work that way. >> do you support the abolishment of i.c.e. >> first of all, i think what the president says is silly exaggeration, i guess that happens in politics from time to time. i think we clearly need -- we clearly need secure borders, there's not a single democrat i know or have heard about who talks about -- >> there are democrats calling for the abolishment and replacement of i.c.e. though. >> we clearly need some alternative to the policies in i.c.e. whether you call it i.c.e. or something else, the
sadistic policies and practices of i.c.e. today have got to go. separating families, the walking away from daca, the deportation of spouses of immigrants who serve in the military today. really? there's -- we are better than that and you know, the opportunity to have comprehensive immigration reform has been on the table before there is bipartisan support for it. it needs to come back. we need to be serious about it. and the only reason that it doesn't happen today is because i believe our president wants to keep it as an open wound so he can rally his base or the extreme of his base around it for political reasons. >> you call for the abolishment of the policies dictating
i.c.e., that's not the same thing as calling for the abolishment of i.c.e., should i interpret that to say we need to change immigration policies? >> we need somebody to do the job of i.c.e. whether we keep it as in the name of i.c.e. or give that assignment to some other agency with a different name is not as important to me. we need better policies. i think the name of the agency is less important than getting the policies right and what we have today are the wrong policies and wrong practices. >> let me ask you two and three democratic voters say democrats if they win the house should begin the process of impeaching president trump. that's according to a recent poll. would you support that? >> yeah, if the grounds are there, then that -- we should proceed. i think there's a lot of basis to believe the grounds are there. but i don't think that's a first order of business. i think first order of business is acting as real check on this president, having -- doing the job that the constitution requires and expects, that is not happening with the house today. and there's an awful lot of policy and legislative business that is going undone today because we cannot get bipartisan
or nonpartisan behavior out of the house today because of the extreme behavior of a small number -- small minority -- small but vocal minority of the republican -- the republican party in the house. that's got to change. >> governor patrick, stay with us, we have more to talk about with you, including whether or not you are ready to take on president trump when all of the nicknames that might come with that in 2020. stick around, we'll be right back. dear great-great grandfather, you made moonshine in a backwoods still. smuggled booze and dodged the law. even when they brought you in, they could never hold you down. when i built my family tree and found you, i found my sense of adventure. i set off on a new life, a million miles away. i'm heidi choiniere, and this is my ancestry story. now with over 10 billion historical records, discover your story. get started for free at discover your story. but behr premium stain y can weather any weather.
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i want to look at that legislation. you know, circumstances are different. not every deal works and not every company succeeds. that happens in markets and that's not always because of private equity. i think -- i don't know senator gillibrand but do know senator booker and know he's smart enough to understand that. i'm having a terrific time in this fund that we launched. it's a fund that invests in companies in order to drive social and environmental impact and it's part of this impact investing industry or trend. one of my partners describes impact investing as the laboratory where capitalists work to reform capitalism. i think we're doing a lot of good. and we're trying to demonstrate you don't have to trade return for impact. i think we're off to a terrific start. >> i know when mitt romney was attacked for his association
with bain capital in 2012, i know you didn't personally criticize bain back then. but given the way that the democratic party went after bain during that race and the way that hillary clinton faced so much criticism from the left for her speeches to goldman sachs in 2016, did you have any reservations at all about joining bain after leaving the governor's mansion? >> no. first of all, we don't have a mansion but thank you for that. i'm just -- >> it's a metaphor, yeah. >> i know. no, you know, i've excuse me, many long time friends at bain capital, people i know to be highly honorable folks. mitt romney hasn't been there for decades now. and i am -- i describe myself as a capitalist. i'm not a market fundamentalist. i i don't think markets solve
every problem just the right way. but i do believe in opportunity. i think we need an economy that is expanding and is expanding out so it reaches people on the margins, not just up so it's good for people who already have wealth and have -- just want more. and i think there's a right way and wrong way to do that. and i think impact investing is incredibly interesting and exciting way to participate in growth capitalism. so no, i don't buy all of that. but look, i've never taken a job where i've left my conscience at the door and haven't started now. >> you know democratic socialists are asendant in your party and a lot of people on left have a national skepticism about you if you choose to run just because of everything you just said to me about your belief in capitalism. does that concern you at all about fact that there are going to be so many skeptical of you on the left if you choose to
run? >> well, first of all, jake, thank you but don't interview me for 2020 yet, i'm not ready to be a candidate for 2020 but i'm used to skepticism. i've been in -- i grew up in the south side of chicago and have had an extraordinary experience living the american dream. and as a black man in lots of settings where i was not quote, supposed to be, you've got to know i'm accustomed to skepticism and i understand that a lot of people in a lot of settings have a bad habit of looking first at the cartoon of somebody and i have trained myself to look past the cartoon and understand how i have to invite people to look past the first cartoon they see of me. that's part of campaigning. should i go there as part of the experience i had in running for governor. i worked as you know -- i think
you know, most of my life in the private sector before i ran for governor. only run for one thing. and i had to encounter some of that the first time, first time around. as i said i never left my conscience at the door. i'm proud of my record in business and in government. so i just leave it at that. >> you know that a lot of powerful members of obama world including his senior adviser valerie jarrett want you to run for president. you have reportedly spoken with former president obama about it. does he want you to run? >> everybody spoke to the former president about -- he's -- you know, it's incredibly -- i mean this will sound maybe a little corny to you and some of your viewers, but as i said for a kid who grew up as i did, it's mind blowing to have people speak seriously to me and about me that way. i wish my grandmother and mother
were alive. they would be the ones who would probably be the least believing of something like this. right now my focus is on the midterms as i said, helping in a small number of races where i can consistent with my day job. and on my fund which is doing really well with the 14 colleagues i work with, to advance this mission and to continue to invest in these wonderful lower middle market companies around north america. >> you've already said 2020 is on the radar and obviously not discounting it right now. i know you won't announce a decision today. when do you think you will make a decision about this, after the midterm? >> in due course really. you know, the speculation is -- isn't helpful.
it's incredibly -- it's incredibly touching and i've had messages and encouragement from all over the country and some from around the world from friends and from total strangers and it's extraordinary. but i'm trying to keep my focus whereas i said on my fund and on the small number of races where i -- where i've been invited to help and where i think i can be helpful. and i think it's really, really important for everybody to get off the sidelines and get involved in the midterms in the ways that individuals can because if we get the government we deserve in a democracy. and if we want better government, if we want better representation, if we want -- if he want candidates who are focused on voters not just as a means to get or keep a job but as a means to have government help them help themselves, then
we have to get involved in representatives who are trying to do the job that way. >> all right governor deval patrick, thank you for your time. appreciate it. good luck to you out there. >> good to be with you, jake. >> what will it take for most powerful man in the world to take a russian threat to our democracy seriously? we'll ask a republican chairman of the house foreign affairs committee next. stay with us. ♪ keep it comin' love. if you keep on eating, we'll keep it comin'. all you can eat riblets and tenders at applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. sometimes a day at the ballpark is more than just a day at the ballpark. stadium pa : all military members stand and be recognized. sometimes fans cheer for those who wear a different uniform. no matter where or when you served, t-mobile stands ready to serve you. that's why we're providing half off family lines to all military.
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welcome back to "state of the union", you would imagine a warning coming from inside the white house could send the president directly to the situation room and told there was a serious response. instead president trump continued to call the russia investigation a democrat inspired witch hunt. joining me now is the republican chairman of the house foreign affairs committee, ed royce of california. thank you for being here. >> thank you, jake. >> the apparent split between the president and the trump administration was on full display. take a listen to the president's top national security intelligence officer's speaking from the white house podium this week. >> russia attempted to interfere with the last election and continues to engage in maligned influence operations to this day. >> we acknowledge the threat is real. it is continuing -- >> our adversaries have shown we have the willingness and capability to interfere in our elections. >> so that's all the president's
men and women. but yet the president tweeted, quote so president obama knew about russia before the election, why didn't he do something about it? why didn't he tell our campaign? because it is all a big hoax. that's why. how do you as the top foreign affairs republican in the house, somebody who clearly believes that there is a threat that needs to be taken seriously from russia and others, how do you reconcile the division we see between trump and the trump administration on this issue? >> the president should be straight forward with the american people about the threat to our election process that russia or putin in particular is engaged in ongoing. and for years, we have watched russian interference in trying to undermine our values, using weaponized information against the west. not just here in the united states but across the entirety of europe. and as a consequence of those
efforts and us not doing enough, not just this administration but the past administration not doing enough, we are in a position now where we have got to show putin that he'll have to pay a steep price if he doesn't stop this interference now. i'm the author of the bill that put the sweeping sanctions on russia. we need to use that more effectively now and we need frankly to be more aggressive in using other tools we have like the 91 act to go after russia for their use of nerve agents in the uk. across the board, we need to be pressing right now. >> and yet it seems as though president trump from his appearance with putin in helsinki and public comments on this, is completely on a different page than you are. i've heard fellow russia hawks describe his position as appeasement. how do you explain that? >> one of the things in order to try to indicate to the europeans our position on this, our
unified position on this, to pass legislation out of my committee and then off of the floor that was unanimous in terms, for example, of our support of nato and article 5 in nato, in terms of specifically focusing on russian intervention, in elections here and in elections there. so i think part of the answer right now is to step this up, we have a possibility for legislation that we put out a committee that is going to look at their cyber efforts against our elections here in the united states and this cyber deterrence and response act which passed unanimously, i hope to have it up in september when we go back into session. >> you take this all very seriously but the president of the united states is out there undermining the very arguments you're making, calling it all a hoax and the mueller investigation looking to get into bottom of this, the cyber
attacks, calls it a witch hunt. that must bother you. >> what i'm doing in terms of our efforts on the committee is to form a consensus of opinion about russians -- russia's engagement here and a response to it which is overwhelming in terms of support and in terms of where we're leveraging this. for example, when we had the vote on the floor in terms of a response to russia for my bill, that vote, that vote was 430-2. that vote in the senate was two in opposition. i think 96 in support. what i'm showing you is that our efforts in the committee, not just only here but also in europe in building the case for how it is that russia is trying to undermine elections is building a consensus of response that is not only moving legislation and getting it signed into law but laying out a
prescription. >> you're not willing to criticize president trump on this? >> i've already shared that the president should be straight forward with the american public about the ongoing efforts by russia to -- >> why don't you think he agrees with you. why do you think he undermines what you're saying? he's telling voters tens of millions of republican voters who are now under the belief that this is all just a hoax. it's all just a witch hunt. everything you're saying is not true. >> what i'm talking about specifically, is the issue of russia's ongoing interference in our election process. that's the -- that's the issue i'm speaking of. >> that's what you want to talk about. >> i'm just explaining that that's the specific issue at hand because the election is 100 days off. we want the american public to understand that. we want the american public to understand that part of that strategy on part of putin is to
pit, divide our society and how they are doing it. we want that comprehension to be here. that's why we're holding hearings on this and speaking out and passing legislation. >> i want to ask about north korea, because this is an issue you care about, and the president has been touting the success of the talks with kim jong-un. a u.n. report revealed north korea still pursuing their nuclear program and secretary of state says we have a ways to go until denuclearization. what do you make of the major divide between where president trump says we are in terms of the threat being over and where the u.n. and secretary of state pompeo say we are? >> here's the situation. the north koreans have lied in every agreement that they've ever made. they've gone back on every agreement. they've strung out every agreement and used time and order to get concessions and get money to put in their weapons program. what's different this time, we have a maximum pressure campaign on finances, on sanctions, that
frankly make them feel the heat. and so in terms of the diplomatic efforts to get them to the table, to get them into negotiations, what's key is that we not let up. and in that, i think we are in concurrence, secretary of state and me and others in the administration and the president in terms of continuing to rachet up those sanctions as the diplomatic course is pursued. this is going to require a tremendous amount of pressure, especially on russia right now which as you've seen lately is trying to figure out way s around those particular sanctions and their engagement with north korea. >> chairman royce, thank you for your time. appreciate it. >> trumps takes on lebron james a few days away from a critical special election in ohio. air ball, buzzer beater? stay with us.
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we have the greatest economy in the history of our country. we have things that have never happened before. and look, if the democrats get in, they are going to raise your taxes. you're going to have crime all over the place and people pouring across the border. why would that be a blue wave? i think it could be a red wave. >> that was president trump in ohio last night sent in the state in a last minute push to rescue a republican house seat up for grabs in a special election. latest polling in the 12th district has race down to one point. let's discuss. you saw the polling, balderson, 44%, and o'connell 43%. undecided 11%. this is a seat that republicans have held for decades. it's a governor john kasich's former congressional seat. why is it up for grabs? >> a couple of reasons. number one, it's a district with a lot of suburban areas and that's an area we've seen. in my district, doing well in
in the areas and did poorly in the near suburbs. in this case the district is more a suburban district and our candidate is from the rural area. so it sort of stacks up really well for them. having said all of that, i think balderson will win this thing. there was a very divided republican primary, 500 votes separated the two. i think there's been a little bit more coming together because the folks who were sort of anti-balderson were trump people. trump coming there will hopefully consolidate and pull this off. >> i think it's a risky strategy because as the senator was saying it is a suburban area but also an area where you have college educated voters and those are the voters trump is doing the worst with and particularly women. i think the district is just a little bit -- like 50.3% women. and i certainly think that a rally like where probably a lot
people who were there may not be from the district. we were talking whether or not the headlines actually help balderson the next day. it also may remind those voters who are already not with trump that they don't want -- they are not for him. they may not necessarily vote for the democrat but they are probably not going to be motivated to turn out for the republican and democrats on average have been swinging about 10 to 11 points in these midterm elections where we've seen energy from the democrats. >> let's talk about the women vote, if we can bring up the graphic from question number three. cnn did a poll in women. the 2014 midterms women supported the democratic candidates by 7 percentage points. in june, it's 25 percentage points. women are flocking to democrats, at least right now according to polls. is this something you're seeing out there when you visit your district? >> absolutely. i think we're seeing it across the country. women candidates, a lot of push towards women and women's issues
are pretty big when you talk about health care and talk about the difference between the haves and havenots, they affect women. as nurturers and women care about. i think we should have lebron james out campaigning in ohio. that's a great idea. let's take him out and put him up against trump. >> speaking of lebron james who president trump took on after criticism from lebron james in a cnn interview, took him on in a tweet. here's a first state from melania trump's spokesperson, it looks like lebron james is working to do good things on behalf of the next generation. and encourages everyone to have a open dialogue about issues facing children's day and open to visiting the i promise school in akron. what do you make of that? >> i was heartened by that. the women come through again. they have george conway tweeting and commenting in defense of
robert mueller and chas tiesing the trump administration and so forth. then we have the first lady tweeting in defense of lebron james. is it -- i discussed with other people, some people think this is ploy, trump is the tough guy but if you're sort of -- if you are a college educated woman who wants to be for trump. you know, he's got the show for the base but melania, ivanka, they keep it sane. is it a gimmick or appalled by her husband? i would prefer to believe the latter. i like to believe the best in people. >> two thoughts. there's two things about this. she may be appalled. this is -- trump has figured out in an era where we usually say everything is open and you can't really speak to different audiences how to actually do that and bifurcate the audiences. he says crazy stuff on the campaign trail and he tweets all of these things then just as we saw thursday and in the interview you just did, russia
is a hoax and then the national security infrastructure comes in and says, no, it's not, we believe it. everybody -- there's a little bit of something for everybody. to me that's how the lebron piece sort of played out. he says something racist and despicable and really has to stop insulting the intelligence of african-americans, it's getting a little tiresome and really this narrative of him as a racist is only deepening. so this goes to the second point, jake, you and i were talking about this, this goes to so much of his strategy, which is about dividing us as a country, which is about along racial lines and along ethnic lines, attacks on muslim americans and african-americans, journalists and then exploiting that fear and division in ways that are helpful for him and frankly they also remember help the russians. >> all i can say the democratic party has been doing that for decades. you even saw it.
kamala harris defending the divisive politics. democratic party has been divided along race and class in every other thing -- i understand you don't like it. i understand -- >> let me run that sound bite that he's referring to, senator kamala harris, democrat from california spoke at the net roots convention in new orleans and possibly running for president and did talk about those who criticize identity politics. >> i'm aware that some people would say that what i just said is playing, quote, identity politics. but i have a problem, guys with that phrase, identity politics. its purpose is to minimize and marginalize issues that impact all of us. >> do you think that's a problem, that she's doubling down on that? >> look, the democratic party has been a party that has focused on different voter groups, whether it's blacks or
hispanics, you name it, and they have tried to divide this country along those lines, along class war fare, it's been a warfare game for them. trump is taking them at their own game. i don't like it. i didn't like it on either side but i can understand why they are upset. i don't like it either. >> attacking intelligence of african-americans or calling mexicans racists. >> the only one who has been divisive is the president of the united states started on day one of the campaign and if you saw the rally in ohio, it's been anti-immigrant again, painting them as criminals as he usually does. again attacking african-american women, african-americans. i mean, this is his m.o. and the president is the one who has been dividing this country. i think that's something we should recognize and i think that is totally appropriate for you to have a candidate who's part of the heritage who will talk about it. i did it on my campaign, i'm the daughter of immigrants, my mom had a third grade education. that is something people love. even republicans love the story of making it, coming from nowhere and making it, going to
college and becoming a success story. telling your story is not -- >> like lebron. >> of course >> people did criticize hillary clinton for embracing identity politics too much. the phrase, don't want to get in trouble for using it. >> what's your take? >> there's normal identity politics, going on in politics for a long time and then there's the president of the united states, purposely intensifying ethnic and racial and other divisions in the country. attacking the media in a way that really sounds more like putin than even like previous american politicians exacerbated by news coverage. actually saying purposely false dangerous -- >> accused of us leading the country into war. >> possibly leading country into war. that stuff is dangerous, actually. and when the president does it it's more dangerous than the routine things that we all kind of don't really like about politics, which is the kind of ethnic -- >> we unfortunately have to go. thank you one and all for being here. president trump's forever
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a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! the subject of this week's state of the cartoonian. >> paul nmanafort is on trial ad his extravagant lifestyle choices. >> come on, not a comparison here. >> to be sure no doubt his former boss, master of luxury himself may be judging. >> there are very, very good looking combinations of things.
>> prosecutors say with his secret income from a golden goose in ukraine manafort made purchases the president might approve of, millions of real estate and cars. >> there's no more beautiful sight than an american made car. >> prosecutors introduced evidence of a $10,000 karaoke system for his hamptons mansion. >> manafort made fashionable purchases, a $15,000 jacket made from an ostrich and $18,000 jacket made from a python. >> pretty cool jacket, right. >> not an all american look per se but manafort may prefer a more eastern european sensibility. >> thanks to all of you for watching, fareed zakaria starts
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