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Reporter there were a number of hours leading up to this swirling around that rumor that they could be released. He was very careful the words he used. He said this was extradition, not deportation, that he will carry out the rest of his sentence in straldaustralia and it is up to australian officials to see that. It is highly unlikely that he will serve any time in australia as the Australian Government has condemned his detention in the first place. Ian, thank you so much. Well continue to monitor this story and check back with you for any updates. Today, february 1st, is exactly one year from the iowa caucuses. The first contest, of course in the president ial nominating season. In 2008 Mike Huckabee was the triumphant winner. I was never sure i would be able to love a state as much as i love my home state of arkansas. But tonight i love iowa a whole lot. That night, i remember it well, but huckabees white house bid fell short. But the preaching guitar playing a former arkansas governor has quit his job at fox and hes not exact will i making it a secret that hes interested in making another run in 2016. Governor huckabee, thank you for coming on. Well get to iowa in a second. I want to play a tv moment that everybody is talking about. Foxs megan kelly had you on her show to explain that when you sparked controversy talking about trashy new york women you didnt mean your former colleagues at fox. Then she said this. We are not only swearing, were drinking, were smoking, were having premarital sex, with birth control, before we go to work. And, sometimes on a bus with a bunch of men. I love that. I just dont want to hear that. I dont want to hear that. Sorry. Thats just reality, gov. Governor i want to tell you that here at cnn, the women are not smoking, drinking having premarital sex, in fact no sex before work no cursing. So welcome back to cnn. Thank you, dana. By the way, you know, i think what i should have told megan was, my gosh, megan, ive only been gone three weeks and the place has just gone to the dogs. They need you there. It was a funny moment. Yeah, no, it was funny. You know, i was in on the joke as was megan, yet i read stories where people said, megan kelly really took it to Mike Huckabee. Im thinking, you guys are hilarious. I thought you guys need a sense of humor. We had a lot of fun with it. Lets see if anybody takes it seriously. Lets move on to something that is serious. A brandnew poll out this morning in iowa that shows that youre doing okay but youre not at the top of the heap there. Scott walker, the governor from wisconsin, is at the top. 16 . Rand paul, 15 . You are at 13 and the list goes on and on and on and on. Lets just talk about scott walker first. What do you think of his mojo . Well, hes definitely moving forward. A lot of people are interested in him. Hes done a great job in wisconsin. Weathered three elections so, sure, hes an incredibly important contender for our party but, i mean, look at the stable. There are a lot of people. I just remind people that eight years ago when i was starting this i wasnt even mentioned. I was an asterisk if i even got mentioned in a poll or any conversation. It was, oh, and by the way there are some other people running including. So, its a little early to take too much into it. Now quite honestly if i were at the top of the poll id tell you this is very significant. The fact that im not im going to tell you, well, its not as important as it seems to be. Thats how this game is played. And dana you know it as well as anybody in america. Its an interesting to see where iowa is moving at this point. Im delighted to be where i am. Its a very tight bunching. Its a long way. A year from the caucuses today. You mentioned 2008. I just want to put on the screen the pack back then. It was small but it was a lot smaller than today so that sort of gives you a sense of how different it is. But also back then, you ran very successfully with no money, i was there, by getting out the grassroots conservatives, the evangelicals, the home schoolers, but you didnt have a lot of other candidates in that part of the field doing that. This time you do, a lot. How are you going to compete with that . Well, i think the most important thing is that i never really got most of my support from the evangelicals so that was the narrative. A lot of my support came from people who felt like they were in the bottom of the economic pool and one of the reasons that we attracted a lot of working class people, people who had been democrats, people who werent that politically connected and people that lets say werent regular goers to the Party Meetings were because they saw in what i was talking about how we could truly change this country and make the economy work for the people at the bottom. Heres a sad fact. Over the past 40 years the people in the bottom 90 of america have had stagnant wages, stagnant. Largely because of the instability of the dollar. I think when we talk about these things and how to lift people up, the message gets through. I dont see myself as a one dimensional candidate just with value voters. Sure. To that point, the person that you one of the people that you beat back then was mitt romney. We have to talk about his big news on friday saying that he was not going to run for a third run a third time. Listen to what he said when he talked to some of his supporters. I believe that one of our next generation of leaders, one that may not be as well known as i am today, one who has not yet taken their message across the country, one whos just Getting Started may well emerge as being better able to defeat the democrat nominee. In fact, i expect and hope that to be the case. The next generation. Hes trying to tell you to get out of the way . What do you think . I dont think so. You know, i mean, mitts slipped aside. I looked at it as one down, several more to go. Im hoping the others drop out and leave me by myself. That would be delightful for me. If that happens the rest of the next few months i would be delighted, dana. That would be great. Dont hold your breath. Governor were going to squeeze in a break. Were going to talk about your book and what you stay about bubbleville. Stay tuned. On of a new engine. Painstakingly engineered without compromise. To be more powerful. And, miraculously, unleash 46 mpg highway. An extravagance reserved for the privileged few. Until now. Hey josh new jetta . Yeah. Introducing lots of new. The new Volkswagen Jetta tdi clean diesel. Isnt it time for german engineering . Ring ring progresso i cant believe im eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sisters wedding well its only 100 calories, so youll be ready for that dress uhhuh. You dont love the dress . I love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. Because it gives me. Zero heartburn prilosec otc. The number 1 doctorrecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Were back with former and likely future president ial candidate Mike Huckabee. His new book is god, guns, grit, gravy debuting on the New York Times best seller list. The whole concept here is about bubbaville, what you call the flyover region of the country versus bubbleville which is where i am in washington, new york, l. A. And the cultural contrast between the two. You talk about it in detail, a whole range of issues. What i want to ask you is if you want to be president you need to reach out to people in bubbleville because you consider yourself part of bubbaville. How do you do that . Think by being honest. The inches fluns of new york, i dont think many people who are honest about the influence of new york washington and hollywood. If they actually read the book, are going to say, no that just doesnt happen. I mean people are have some understanding about how influential the culture of those three communities are on fashion, finance, Politics Government music, entertainment, television i think they wop underuld understand, yeah, there is a difference. That doesnt mean that you dont relate, it just means that you recognize the difference. Of course, dana, this book was not so much a political treatise as it is sort of a cultural review of the country and what polarizes it. I think its not just polarized by democrats and republicans, i really do think its polarized culturally. Thats the essence of the book. Its not safe, sanitized, sterilized as you well know because you read it. I think you would attest to the fact that it is not a typical book written by somebody who is likely to run for office. That is a good point. That is true. But lets talk about gay marriage because that is one of the topics in this book and you write about your opposition to samesex marriage as a religious conviction but you also say this, and im going to quote, i have friends who are gay. My wife and i have entertained gay friends including gay couples in our home. I do business with gay people and have had gay people working for me. My beliefs and convictions dont change with the people im around. I accept people who disagree with me and genuinely appreciate that they accept me as a friend and associate. You write that you think thats going to surprise people. Do you do that and put your tolerance out there because you believe being gay is not a choice . You know, for me thats not the big question. The bigger question is how does it relate to law . How do we change law . We dont change law because some people in a black robe just decide that they dont like the fact that 70 in some case 80 of the states population have affirmed natural law marriage. I write a lot about process and the fact that barack obama had the same position i had when he spoke about it in 2008 and for the same reason. He said it was because he was a christian and god was in the mix. Those are his words. Im going to ask you about gay marriage in one second but just staying on this topic. Because you do write very eloquently about it being a religious conviction to oppose gay marriage but then you also talk about the biblical backings of being heterosexual. Given that, how do you kind of square that religious conviction with being open to having gay friends . People can be my friends who have lifestyles that are not necessarily my lifestyle. I dont chuck people out of my circle or out of my life because they have a different point of view. I dont drink alcohol but, gosh, a lot of my friends, maybe most of them do. You know, i dont use profanity, but believe me, ive got a lot of friends who do. Some people really like Classical Music and ballet and opera. Its not my cup of tea. Id like to think theres room in america for people who have different points of view without screaming, shouting, wanting to shut their businesses down. What worries me in this new environment were in, its not that someone might disagree, they dont want to argue with me, take a different point of view, they want to close someones business down, put them really in an economic position of disenfranchisement. I find that very, very disturbing. Governor, you talked about gay marriage so lets talk about that and how much your own party has changed even since you ran in 2008. According to pew, in 2008, 19 of republicans supported gay marriage. Now its all the way up to 30 . Thats a pretty big jump in not a lot of years. So you talk about the big ten in the Republican Party. Shouldnt there be room for those who want samesex marriage to be the law of the land . Sure, theres room in the tent. I hope the party doesnt change its overall view, but, you know, the very fact that i talk about the relationships i have with friends who are gay indicate that im not a person who shuts everybody out around me who disagrees. To be honest with you, dana, i find a lot more interesting conversations that i can have with people who dont agree with me. I accept a lot of people as friends maybe whose lifestyle i dont necessarily adhere to, agree with or practice. Doesnt mean that i cant have a Good Relationship with anyone or lead them or govern them, but for me as it was for president obama in 2008, this is not just a political issue, it is a biblical issue and as a biblical issue, unless, you know, i get a new version of the scriptures, its really not my place to say, okay, im just going to evolve. Its like asking somebody whos jewish to start serving bacon wrapped shrimp in their deli. We dont want to do that. Were not going to do that. Or asking a muslim to serve up something that is offensive to him or to have dogs in his backyard. Were so sensitive to make sure we dont offend certain religions, but then we act like christians cant have the convictions theyve had for over 2,000 years. Governor, i have to ask you who is the Super Bowl Team from bubbaville, is it the seahawks or the patriots . Gosh, once the cowboys werent in it it kind of lost its interest for me and i didnt even hug jerry jones. Im a cowboys fan and that kind of broke my heart. Im probably going to go with the seahawks because i like their style and i think itll be fun. They havent been there as much. Give them a shot. All right. Sounds good. Thank you very much for joining us, governor. Appreciate it. Thank you, dana. Great to be with you. Thank you. The vietnam war veteran takes on antiwar protesters. Youre going to have to shut up or im going to have you arrested. Get out of here, you lowlife scum. Does john mccain regret calling that protester a lowlife scum . Stay tuned. Vo introducing the starbucks flat white. Crafted with two ristretto shots for bolder caramelly espresso. Whole milk. Steamed to a sweet velvety microfoam delicately poured, so the espresso rises to the top. 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The only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1 when you buy and 1 as you pay. With two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem onesided. If a denture were to be put under a microscope we can see all the bacteria that still exists. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher brighter denture everyday. Joining me now is senator john mccain whos chairman of the Senate Armed Services committee. Thanks for joining me. Thank you, dana. 2016 politics, mitt romney deciding at the end of the week he is not going to run. You know him, he was your competitor and your friend. Does that surprise you . I thought he was going to run to tell you the truth when i had heard all of the rumors. I had talked to him on the phone about it and i think he seriously considered it and then i think he decided that it was not in his best interests. Im a great admirer of mitt romney. I think theres going to be many ways he can continue to serve this country. But he may have, frankly, spared his family from the ordeal, which we all know is a very difficult one. You said you thought he was going to run. What did he say to you that made you think that . When we talked on the phone he made it very clear to me that he was seriously considering running again, and im sure that he spent a lot of time with his family and friends and came to the decision that he made and, again, i have Great Respect and affection for mitt romney. I think he ran an honorable campaign. Do you think he could have won the primary even . I dont know because the reason why i dont know is, you know, you only have so many chances at the brass ring and then people say, well, its somebody elses turn. Theres no education in the second kick of a mule. Another person who you knew from those days, sarah palin, she was in iowa this past weekend. Im sure you saw. Shes taking some heat from some conservatives about the speech, the way she spoke and the content of it. Just listen to some of it. We need to ask who carries on reagans legacy . Who will lead our Freedom Movement to victory . Its going to take more than a village to beat hillary. The man can only ride ya when your back is bent so strengthen it. What do you make of that . Shes very popular with a lot of people. I think if she wants to run, thats her choice. She still has a strong base of support. I love her. I am grateful to her. I will say again, i thought the treatment that she received when she was my running mate was still the worst that ive ever seen any politician receive but, you know, thats over and done in my life and im sure in sarahs. You move on. Do you think sarah palin should run for president . I think that she ought to do whatever she feels that shed like to do, and im very supportive of anything she does. Obviously senator Lindsey Graham is a person im supporting, but i wish her every success. After the speech in iowa even some of her conservative supporters said what was that all about, byron york for example wrote that it was rambling and no one understood what she was doing, but also specifically the Republican Party needs to figure out what her place is going to be in 2016. Do you think she could be an asset in 2016 . I think so, but i did not see her speech so i cant comment on that. But she still has a strong base of support around the country and, again, i think she is still a degree of popularity. If she did not give a good speech, shes not the first politician that didnt give a good speech from time to time, including me. You had her come and campaign with you during your last reelection campaign. Youre on the ballot again. Yes. Yes. Will she come and campaign for you again . Oh, sure. Im sure of that. No question. The whole question of 2016 seems to be settled with you because your dear friend Lindsey Graham is running. Are you happy he made this decision . Im happy lindsey has decided he wants to explore it. Hes smart. Hes got a Great American story of a young man whose parents died, raised his sister, serves in the military. There is no one in america that knows better than Lindsey Graham about the threats to this country and his knowledge and depth on National Security are unmatched by anyone. Do you really think Lindsey Graham could win the republican nomination . I think Lindsey Graham will do very well in debates in new hampshire. He will shine in the town hall meeting. I asked him about you but specifically whether he would run the maverick Campaign Like you did in 2000. Heres what he had to say. John is a dear friend. One of the highlights of my time in politics is for him, and he i know he loves me dearly. Were truly friends. But he wouldnt say to anybody that i should be president if he didnt really mean it and believe it. I would point out that he has served his active duty in iraq and baghdad and kabul. He knows the men and women in the military. He knows what theyre going through in these foreign places in a way that no one standing for presidency does. Lindsey graham does and im proud of his service to the country. Lets turn to israel and the Prime Minister being invited to speak before congress. The speaker did so without informing the white house, which is traditionally protocol. Was that a good idea . I think that given the way that relations are between the president and the speaker and majority leader, senator mcconnell, its not surprising. Obviously we would want everybody to work together, but theres a real crisis going on and that is these negotiations with iran which many of us believe are already fatally flawed, that the speaker felt the overriding concern was to have him appear before the American People and tell them about the dangers of a very bad agreement with iran on nuclear weapons. I know you. You are somebody who reveres institutions. And you are an institutionalist. Would you have done it a different way though . I mean, and informed the white house about it . Its certainly caused a diplomatic rift. Obviously i would have talked to the white house, but i may have, and i hate to put myself in these leaders place, i might have at least informed them but i certainly agree that we dont need their permission given the state of relations. What about the relationship between Prime Minister netanyahu and the president , which is, you know, widely to be known as not great. Its poor, as we know, and its the worst that ive ever seen in my lifetime, and that in itself is a tragedy because its the only functioning democracy in the entire middle east. Why do you think its the worst that youve seen in your lifetime . I think because the president had very Unrealistic Expectations about the degree of cooperation he would get from israel particularly on the palestinian issue as well as the Nuclear Issue with iran, and im not putting the entire blame on the president of the United States but i will say this no other president has had such a difficult relationship with the state of israel since it became a. Country. Bush 41 didnt have the greatest relations at times. He didnt, but at the same time it never reached this level. I agree with you about bush 41. I remember when jim baker testified before congress, if they want to call me, my number is 202 i remember that. Relations with israel have not always been excellent, but i think any observer would argue theyve never been worse. This past week you had a widely covered moment when you were chairing the Armed Services Committee Hearing with Henry Kissinger where protesters called him a war criminal and worse. Arrest Henry Kissinger for war crimes. And you used some language that was also pretty intense. I have never seen anything as disgraceful and outrageous and despicable as the last demonstration that just took place about you know, youre going to have to shut up or im going to have you arrested. Get out of here you low life scum. Now that were past that, past the heat of the moment, do you think that that was the way you would handle it again . Yeah. These people were physically threatening Henry Kissinger. Im used to people popping up at these hearings and yelling and theyre escorted out. Thats at least some version of free speech. These people rushed up. They were right next to Henry Kissinger waiving handcuffs at him. Hes a 91yearold man with a broken shoulder who was willing to come down and testify before congress to give us the benefit of his many years of wisdom. Of course i was outraged and i am still outraged. Its one thing to stand up and protest, its Something Else to physically threaten an individual, particularly an individual who has served so much to his country, whether you agree or not. I happen to believe hes one of the great statesmen of my lifetime or maybe of the whole 20th century. You called them scum. That namecalling do you think i think theyre terrible people, okay . I think theyre terrible people that would do that to a 91yearold man with a broken shoulder that to physically threaten him. No one deserves that much less Henry Kissinger. On a much lighter note super bowl is in your state, in your hometown later today. Whos your team . I have reason to dislike both teams because they have beaten the arizona cardinals. But this if there was ever a closer game where it is going fob a tossup and were going to see it right until the very end, these are two very closely matched teams with two great quarterbacks. And we are going to have more on the big game later. In fact this is a live signal outside the stadium where shortly well talk with fourtime super bowl winner and mvp lynn swann. But next whos the winner of mitt romneys 2016 stand. Down. Whats up with Hillary Clinton . Will she . Wont she . When will she . I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. Because it gives me. Zero heartburn prilosec otc. The number 1 doctorrecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Whats that thing . I moved our old Security System out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. Why dont you switch to xfinity home . I get live video monitoring and 24 7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. Hear ye the awkward teenage one has arrived dont be old fashioned. Xfinity customers add xfinity home for 29. 95 a month for 12 months. Plus for a limited time, get a Free Security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit comcast. Com xfinityhome. Republican candidates around the country are courting mitt romneys donors as we speak, and thats just one of the ripple effects of romney deciding against a third try at the presidency. Washington post chief correspondent dan ball and donna brazile. The democrat who ran al gores president ial campaign. Thank you, all of you. I want to show a poll. A year out from iowa scott walker, top of the pack. Dan, you broke the story this week that scott walker started his pac to make the run. What do you make of the fact that hes at the top of the heap . Well i have a slightly counterintuitive notion on this. I think its good for him but i think its early for him to be at the top of the pack. I always thought he was somebody that would creep his way up and be a real factor in this race. He gave a very good speech in iowa a week ago and he clearly got a bump out of that. But to be at the top of that means hes now a target. Youre exactly right. Kevin, its nice to be at the top but you dont want to peak too early. Right. Iowa is a particular opportunity for someone like a Governor Walker to build a profile in that state with those voters then ultimately build a national profile. One handshake at a time. But i didnt think it would happen this early. One of the big risks is that the element of surprise is gone. We usually see somewhere in the summer somebody gr from 2 to top percent. Thats now gone. Hell get another level of scrutiny. It will be interesting to see whether or not his campaign is ready for that. It goes to show that on the republican side the race is wide open. Just a week ago when scott walker appeared he seemed nervous but you know what, the crowd reacted. They liked what he had to say. Hes a fresh face. Hes run three times over the last four years, won in a blue state. He is somebody are you trying to talk him up because you think you can knock him down . I would like to knock down a few of them. As a democrat. There are so many republicans running right now. This gives him an advantage to go out there, raise money, get to meet activists. But i still believe that were a long way from deciding which candidate from the establishment, from the group of rabblerousers because those are pie favorite republicans, the ones who just like to stir the pots. And of course the cultural wars. Mike huckabee being a lead contender. You mentioned the establishment. One member of the establishment will not be there, mitt romney. That was the big news this week. I want to read a quote from, dan, your story this weekend. When he was deciding whether or not to run, of course he did a very romneyesque thing. He gathered a lot of data, tried to figure out if it was worth it. Heres what you wrote. During the deliberations romney and bush, jeb bush, met once at romneys utah home on january 22nd. Romney arrived armed with a mountain of polling day that which his team had collected that seemed to shape his view of the race. Romney shared that information as a way of explaining his motivation to thinking about running again. How do you think he went from that to days later saying, oops, never mind. Its very interesting. The information he got, which was polling data a donor of his from the past had commissioned. It showed him in very good shape at this point in a lot of states, up to 20 states as i was told, but what he came to conclude and in part because of the reaction he got after he announced his interest in running again, he concluded that by the time he got through another really tough, brutal republican nomination battle, he might not be in the kind of shape to be able to take on presumably Hillary Clinton in the general election. I think that according to a couple of people close to him shaped his ultimate decision to not run. Thats his head. What about his heart . I mean kevin, knowing him, you spent so much time with him both of his president ial campaigns. You know how he makes decisions. You even talked to him so enlighten us. No, i think there was a genuine struggle between the head and the heart. I think in his heart he believes he would be a great president. Hes uniquely positioned to help the country given some of the challenges that we have. But there is also this other side to mitt. Theres the clinician, data driven guy. I think looking at the field, looking at the prospects of a very divisive primary. He recognized having a republican president come january 2016 this is much larger than him. Thats hard for somebody anybody who runs for president has to have had enough of an ego to think theyre the best person. Its ego but also that inner circle around them. Those of us closest to him really also do believe hed make a great president. They do. Felt a loyalty to that desire he had. Ultimately this was a decision, i think, that he made because it was much bigger than him and because he didnt want that divisive primary. Wlet let me ask you about Hillary Clinton. A lot of talk about when she should get into the race. Where are you on this . Thud she get in and get her sea legs . Shes casting a wide net. Im sure that Vice President biden and former governor omalley and many others thinking about it jim webb former senator from virginia this is an opportunity for her to really figure out is she ready, does she want to put her body through this . Whats the rush . Theres no x mark she needs on the calendar prp the democratic. The Democratic Party hasnt even decided on a venue for the convention. Take her time. My is guess is we will see her out if not a formal candidate, as a politician by mid spring. I dont think shes going to wait entirely until summer. She may wait until summer to make a formal declaration ever candidacy but shes a politician at this point. The idea that she can avoid the notion that shes still, you know, not a politician is, you know, fanciful. So shes in the arena in one form or another. Shes taking her time to put together a team that shes comfortable with, that shes different from last time, one that perhaps will be less dysfunctional than the previous one. And as we all know shes trying to figure out what that message is really going to be. Thank you, kevin, donna, dan. Best. Politicians of all stripes are not just thinking about their own futszures believe it or not. They are going to be thinking about the super bowl tonight. Tonight, former nfl star lynn swann. When heartburn comes creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. Its the family plan families are flocking to. Now at tmobile, get 4 lines for just a 100. With unlimited talk, text, and up to 10gb of 4g lte data, plus devices like the galaxy note 4 for 0 down. Well even buy out your Family Service contracts. So switch to tmobile and get 4 lines for a 100 today. 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Politicians have been football fans long before Chris Christie hugged jerry jones at the cowboys game. Teddy roosevelt kept the sport from many outlawed for excessive violence. Gerald ford helped the michigan wolverines win two national titles. Ronald reagan played college ball, made his mark in the movies playing senator games george gip. Go out there and win one for the gipper. Republican Vice President ial nominee jack kemp led Buffalo Bills to two afl championships and before he ran for governor lynn swann was a fourtirmme super bowl champ with the pittsburgh steelers. Joining me from the site of super bowl xlix is lynn swann and rachel nichols. Thanks for joining us, guys. Lynn swann, i want to talk to you. Talk about what it feels like you won four super bowls with the steelers in six years, you had that famous 64yard catch and run in super bowl x. What do the players feel like in a few hours, the anticipation. Just that. Its the anticipation, the excitement that 30 other teams are sitting at home watching them play for the championship and one team is going to walk away with a ring. I should say another ring. Its kind of interesting because seattle will come into it having just played and won a super bowl. So they feel like, okay, this is where were supposed to be. A lot of guys from the patriots who have never been in the super bowl. So guys like tom brady will be trying to get them to focus and say, look, dont think youre going to get this opportunity every year. The games you played in, you lose, missed opportunities to get to the super bowl. So take advantage of this moment. Everybody, play as hard as you can and leave nothing behind. Just go after it. Rachel, everybody wants to know about tom bradys cold. What do we hear about his health. Hes got a cold, right . We have evidence finally, tom brady is mortal. He had a problem a lot of the rest of us have. He got sick because his kids got sick at school. The cold ran through his family. Apparently giselle is also human this week. Sheep got the sniffles, too. It caused him some problems early in the week. The only reason this is an issue for the super bowl, hell obviously be able to gut it out and play through it. The quarterback is the one yelling on the field. Its going to be loud in there. He gets hoarse throughout the course of the game, it will affect the patriots offense. He says hes feeling okay and his voice is okay. Well keep an eye on that as we go on. Lets talk, rachel, about your moment with roger goodell. You asked the nfl commissioner about investigations into deflate gate. About investigations into the ray rice Domestic Violence incident. And whether they can be independent. Heres what you asked. Even when you do everything right in one of those situations, it opens you guys up to a credibility gap with some of the public and even with some of your most highprofile players. I think we have done an excellent job of bringing outside consultants in. Somebody has to pay them, rachel. So unless youre volunteering, which i dont think you are, well do that. I said to wolf blitzer, when i grow up, i want to be rachel nichols. I know how hard it is to ask tough questions and i also know that generally when somebody attacks the questioner it means youve struck a nerve. How did you read it . Yeah. Look i just thought it was a little bit of a missed opportunity for roger goodell. This is a huge issue that people have been talking about. All week from the time we got to arizona, and one of the most highprofile players in the game, Richard Sherman of the Seattle Seahawks questioned whether nfl office could really do an investigation into a team where the owner pays the commissioners salary. In fact, robert kraft who owns the patriots is so close to roger goodell, a recentkrentcent gq article named him the assistant commissioner. There are conflicts here. It does present a problem. Even if they do things with the highest integrity, even if they do everything right, there is that credibility gap. Unless you erase that in the publics mind, unless you erase that in the minds of your own players, it doesnt matter how that investigation ends up. They have got to start to take steps to mitigate that. You hope they are more open to that in the future. These issues are going to keep coming up. Its not like you can make them go away by shooting down a question. Lynn swann, what do you think about how the nfl is handling these investigations . I think most of it is just a matter of process. Their process hasnt been very good. They have to learn, put better processes in place. Youve got 32 owners. They have got to empower the commissioner to do things in a particular way. Where he doesnt have to play favorites or do any of those kinds of things. So the commissioner has to have power to be able to make decisions, to bring in a special investigator and have a process that everybody can rely on to make sure. Now you take deflate gate. Okay. Youre not going to have that issue in the super bowl because they changed the process. That process in and of itself is going to change probably for every game throughout the year so it no longer is an issue. You mentioned deflategate, so ive got to go there. You were a wide receiver. Would you rather be catching a fully inflated ball or a slightly deflated ball, lynn swann . Id rather be catching any football in the super bowl, whether its flat, whether its too hard, whether its too high or too low, i get paid to catch a ball. I dont care where it is. I think the ball is supposed to be coming in my hands and i hold onto it. And so tom brady, you know, played a great game. If this game was a point or two points, maybe there might be some impact from a softer football. I really dont know. In pittsburgh, bradshaw threw it so hard everything hurt so it didnt really matter. Weve got to leave it there. Very diplomatic answer. Lynn swann, rachel nichols, have a great day. Have fun out there. We are all very jealous. Well be right back. Welcome back to showdown jerry rice here with 8 year old Andrew Hunter debating who will win the big race between the tortoise and the hare. What do you think andrew . Rabbits are faster. Its not a rabbit, its a hare. Whats the difference . Maybe figure that out before debating the best wide reciever of all time. Wait, are you Odell Beckham jr. . When it comes to good nutrition. Im no expert. That would be my daughter hi dad. Shes a dietitian. And back when i wasnt eating right, she got me drinking boost. Its got a great taste and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. Helping me stay more like me. 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To drones on the white house lawn. From Nuclear Talks with iran. For us to undermine diplomacy is a mistake. To Prime Ministers in etten en

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