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Negativity behind. With the gop roster set to expand this week, how many candidates will make the debates and will their strategies to topple the frontrunner work . And caught on tape. Cnn learns the Justice Department has audio of the former president talking about a classified document he kept after his term. Are charges coming . Ill speak to ranking democrat of House Oversight committee jamie raskin, next. Plus, making the case. President biden celebrates an unexpected political win. I was told the days of bipartisanship are over. Did democrats get the better deal . People are furious. Key Negotiator Omb T Shallond Young and ken buck coming up. Hello, im dana bash in washington where the state of our union is on the trail, riding hot. Its Campaign Season and Republican White House hopefuls hit the Trail Saturday in iowa for senator joni ernst annual roast and ride. In some cases wearing leather motorcycle vests, as they try to position themselves ahead of a highly anticipated august debate. This week, three more republican candidates, including the former Vice President are officially poised to join the race. The president is sharpening his own pitch for reelection, highlighting the bipartisan deals he struck with congress, including the lastminute Debt Limit Deal he signed yesterday with just two days to spare. And in a speech to the nation on friday, he also warned of the consequences of electing a republican president. His predecessor was notably absent in iowa yesterday, though donald trump remains firmly at the top of the campaign pack, even as we learn more details about his growing legal peril. Here now to talk more about that and much more, the Ranking Member of the House Oversight committee, democrat jamie raskin. Hello, how are you . Thank you for coming in. Let me first just ask how you are feeling. You have finished cancer treatment, youre in remission . Yes. And i got a clean bill of health. Im in remission. They cant find any cancer cells, so im waiting for my hair and eyelashes and everything to come back. Fantastic. Its important that youre feel better. Thats great news. Thank you so much. Lets talk about your reaction to cnns reporting this week that federal prosecutors have an Audio Recording of the former president talking about holding on to classified documents, at least one, about a potential u. S. Attack on iran. He had that after he left office. Do you think this tape could be a smoking gun . Well, apparently the recording also reflects Donald Trumps knowledge that he had not declassified the documents, or he knew that it was still classified, and thats an additional element of importance to this recording. And can you explain why thats an additional element . Well, for a wihile, at least there was a halfhearted effort to claim by donald trump that he could just magically declassify, you know, telepathically or mentally, and this seems to reflect his clear understanding that he had not declassified this document and that it was still classified. So the document is missing at this point, as i understand it, according to published reports. Do you believe based on this and Everything Else that youve seen that the former president should be charged . Criminally charged . Thats obviously a decision for the Department Of Justice and for a grand jury, but the i mean, these charges are very serious. I mean, the allegations that he took all of these documents, including topsecret documents and then didnt return them and deliberately withheld them are very serious. I mean, i dont think any president has ever been accused of doing anything like that before. And just quickly, how much does the fact that he clearly, in this tape, suggest that he knows that he cant, as you to use your words, magically declassify, how much does that play into the dojs case . Well, a lot, because, i think a key ingredient in determining the intent with which a person acts is consciousness of guilt. And if a person acts with consciousness of their own guilt or consciousness of their own potential wrongdoing, that demonstrates that if they go forward, nonetheless, theres intent. And you know, my understanding is that there were hundreds of documents taken, many of them were classified, some of them were topsecret. And yet, they were deliberately withheld. And if the prosecutor, jack smith, has information to that effect, thats very serious business. I want to ask about something that youre dealing with on the oversight committee. Republican chairman, who you work with, of course, james comer, says he will hold the fbi director, chris wray in contempt over an fbi document containing an unsubstantiated bribery allegation involving then Vice President joe biden. Wray offered to let you and comer view the document and do it in a secure location, comer wants it physically turned over to the full committee. What are your thoughts. Youre the ranking democrat on that committee. So the fbis coming Tomorrow Tocomer and me the document theyre looking for. So in other words, the republican chairman on the committee is getting everything theyre asking for in terms of seeing the document, by the way, which they say they have already seen, and yet theyre still talking about holding the director of the fbi in contempt. Even though theyre getting exactly what they want, even though the fbi has been overwhelmingly cooperative and accommodating to this request. So, that demonstrates to me that what theyre really interested in is in holding the fbi director in contempt, not in getting a document that theyve already seen. And you know, i dont know what this document is, because the majority has closed us out. The democrats on the question, they are no longer respecting a bipartisan agreement, that the committees had for the last several congresses. You have no idea whats in it . Well, there have been published reports, which suggest that it has to do with ukraine. That was a period, youll remember, when Rudy Giuliani was running around with a russian agent, who later was found to be so by the treasury department, trumps treasury debate. And he was waving different kinds of documents. Attorney general bar, trumps own attorney general, was so skeptical, that he created a panel to look at all of this information, saying youve got to take the ukraine stuff with a grain of salt. So i think it probably has to do with ukraine and allegations that went nowhere. In other words, this was looked at by the trump Justice Department, and i think they ended all of it in august, with no prosecutions, no indictments. And theyre going back to recycle these unfounded accusations. Lets go back to the initial question about how much access the congress will get to this document, whether you can actually have it. If the roles were reversed, and you found out that the fbi had a document containing an allegation about donald trump, wouldnt you want unfettered access to that document . You always want unfettered access, but youre talking about somebody who was in the majority when donald trump was president when he ordered every department of u. S. Government not to comply in any way with requests of the House Oversight committee. So it would have been remarkable if every time we requested a documents, they brought it over to show it to us, much less give it to us. So they keept c changing the ded torrid to find some reason to find fault with fbi director wray, which is why i say, what theyre really going after is a Contempt Citation against him, and its all part of what Chairman Comer admitted was an effort to get Donald Trumps poll numbers out. Its all about the 2024 campaign. Let me ask you about what happened this past week, where you work, in the house of representatives, the debt ceiling deal. The president said that Kevin Mccarthy worked in good faith. Do you give him credit for this bipartisan deal . The president . Yeah. Excuse me, Kevin Mccarthy. The speaker. Well, look, there is a maga extreme element within the republican caucus, which really wanted to plunge the country into default and economic crisis. Thats the chaos caucus. The same people that supported Donald Trumps Government Shutdown what about Kevin Mccarthy . Right, im distinguishing him from them. I think he recognized and he listened to the voices on wall street and in corporate america, who said, you cannot crash the economy, just because you have an extreme element that is heckling you and he cyou to do. So the center held briefly, because we were able to avert going over the cliff. But we should never come remotely close to that again. The constitution says that the validity of the public debt shall never be questioned. Thats in the 14th amendment. Should that be changed . Well i know you know you think it should be changed. The constitution already establishes a backstop against what they wanted to do. But i think, yes, having a Debt Ceiling Statute is a threat to us, because they will keep trying to careen the whole country over a cliff. I have a few other topics i want to get to. First, you saw, im sure, what happened at the Air Force Academy this past week. President biden tripped over a sandbag, he fell hard on the stage. He says over and over to people concerned about his age, watch me. Now, we want to be clear, he wasnt hurt, which is great. Also want to be clear, president s have tripped. Every tripped. Ive tripped, youve probably tripped. Ive never tripped. Youve never tripped. Okay. But you also as a politician know about how events feed into a perception that already exists. Questions about his age are already there. Are voters wrong to be worried about electing a man who would be closer to 90 at the end of his second term than 80 . You know, america is a country that loves youth and vitality, which is why we have laws against age discrimination, because we tend to favor youthfulness and the new thing. In a lot of countries, people who have been in office a longer period of time are praised for their wisdom. And i think that joe biden rightly says that he has grown very wise in his many decades in public office. And i respect that. So i think that he deserves to be judged by the results of his administration and what hes gotten done in terms of a bipartisan infrastructure law, the inflation reduction act, lowering prescription prices. Really, thats what should matter to us as the people. Off decision to make and that is whether or not you are going to run for senate in maryland for ben cardins seat. He is retiring. Have you decided . Are you going to run for senate . I have not decided. I love the house of representatives, i love the people i serve with, and i love being in the peoples house, but as some of my house colleagues have pointed out, these senate seats only up up over 25 or 30 years. A lot of people are encouraging me to check it out, because theres certain constitutional functions that the senate has that the house doesnt have, like advice and consent, Supreme Court nominations, judicial confirmations. A lot of things im interested in. Thats why im seriously considering it, but i have not decided. When will you decide . Im hoping before the fourth of july, i will have an answer for everybody. The election is not until may 24th, 2024. The primary. The primary, and then the election is a year and a half away. Your fellow marylander, steny hoyer, who was a leader of your party for a long time, he endorsed a different candidate. Obviously, steny hoyer is my friend. Ive talked to him and all of my colleagues about it. Weve got awesome political leaders in maryland and i would not run against anybody else. I mean, its totally based on the experience ive had trying to defend our democracy and our freedom and the bill of rights against the trump movement. That sounds like youre getting ready for your Campaign Message there. Well i suppose you can never be too ready. But i really havent decided and theyre compelling reasons that my constituents are presenting me with on a daily basis. And i love hearing from people. Congressman, thank you so much for coming in. And again, such great news about your recovery. Youre very kind. Thank you, dana. Thank you. President biden is praising Speaker Mccarthy, as we just talked about. But is the conservative backlash to the speaker growing . Thats next. Plus, new rules for the gop debate. Which candidates are worried they wont make it on stage. Stay with us. Nice Iphone 14 Proro cute coup. Trips dont last forever. Neither doeses summer love. So, sadidies moving on. Apple music . Check. Introducing myplan. The first and only unlimited plan to give you exactly what you want, so you only pay for what you need. And get iphone 14 pro on us when you switch. Its your verizon. From prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if yo teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccation for meningitis b. Although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. 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But after the Concessions Mccarthy made to get the gavel, can he keep those members that criticized the debt vote from trying to remove him as speaker . Here with me now is a member of the Freedom Caucus, Congressman Ken Buck of colorado. Thank you so much for joining me this morning. I want to make clear, you dont vote to raise the debt limit, so you certainly didnt vote on this deal, but i want to ask you about it in the context of the Freedom Caucus. You called the deal atrocious, and yet it passed by almost 200 votes, including a majority of republicans. President biden signed the bill yesterday. What does this say about the power of your colleagues in the Freedom Caucus . First, dana, if i may, i want to correct something that jamie raskin said earlier, my colleague from maryland. There is no maga group in the house that wants to make sure that we default. Thats just a Talking Point that is unfair. There are a lot of people in the house and a lot of rechts in the house Freedom Caucus who want to make sure that we dont spend more money than we have and that we dont spend ourselves into a really bad situation. But i think the house Freedom Caucus, with a fivevote majority in the house still retains a lot of influence in the house. The key is that we use that influence in a way brings conservative results. Thats what we tried to do in this case and we failed. The speaker Got Democrats to vote for this bill because the bill is a democrat bill. It not only avoided a default, but locked in the progressive gains that the president made in the last two years. You said that Speaker Mccarthy should be concerned about a motion to vacate. When one member can vors a vote on whether to remove him from the speakership. Is that going to happen . I dont know if a motion to vacate will happen right away. He promised when he was running for speaker that we would use the 2022 Baseline Numbers as the Appropriation Numbers for this year and went back on that promise with this particular legislation where he promised and signed into law the 2023 numbers. So we continue to see the swamp winning and the folks who want to spend less money and really act responsibly losing. And so i think Kevin Mccarthy has an issue in a broader sense. Whats going to determine if you and some of your colleagues will actually use the tool motion to vacate effectively, tryin trying to push him out . I dont think it can be used by a few people. I think there has to be a consensus in the republican conference and really, i applaud Kevin Mccarthy for saying that he wants to bring people back together again. Lets see if he does that in a way that involves spending responsibly in the future. Thats what we have to see, if hes going to regain credibility. He doesnt seem all that concerned about a motion to va vacate. I want you to listen to what he said. Look, everybody has the ability to do what they want. But if you think im going to wake up in the morning and be worried about that, no. It doesnt bother me. If someone thinks theyre right, they have the right to do it. He did show strength. A majority of the House Republican conference did vote for the deal. You just told me it wouldnt happen unless there was consensus in the conference. Based on the vote, youre not going to get that. Hes going to say where he is, because hes claiming victory. A lot of people voted for this because they have other interests that Kevin Mccarthy assured him of. That doesnt mean that theyre satisfied with his leadership or that theyre happy about the fact that he had to vote for this. Nancy pelosi and her years and years of being speaker never once asked republicans to vote for the rule, a procedural mechanism, that put the bill on the floor. Kevin mccarthy in his first five months had to ask the democrats and received 52 votes from the democrats to actually have the bill heard. Thats really unheard of and shows weakness. And i think thats the sort of weakness that republicans are looking at and trying to make a determination whether he will be fit to serve. Just one more question on this. The other side of that coin is, being able to get democrats to vote on a procedural measure that democrats almost never vote on could be seen as a sign of strength, that he is a speaker Who Is A Constitution Al Role Fr the entire house, not just the krve caucus. Sure. It could be considered a sign of strength to those who are outside the u. S. House. When you are forced to get democrats to vote on a bill that lox in President Bidens Progressive Agenda and huge spending increases, which have resulted in inflation, which have resulted in really damage to our economy, youre not strong in the view of republicans. Another topic is cnn reporting that federal prosecutors obtained an Audio Reporting of former President Trump talking about holding on to a classified document, about a potential u. S. Attack on ran, after he left office. Youre an elected official. You know it is legal to take classified documents and the tape appears to show that he knew he had those documents. Do you find what President Trump did, the former president , irresponsible . As a former prosecutor for 25 years, i think it goes beyond irresponsible. I dont know if anybody has located the document or if theres a copy of the document somewhere that can show just what kind of information that and classification that that document had or if anybody saw the document. I know he was waving some paper, but i dont know if Anybody Saw A Document with a stamp on it. It wouldnt be the first time that President Trump has talked about things, and he may have been illustrating something, but it depends what the testimony is. If it is found or they can prove it at doj, based on your years as a prosecutor, did he break the law and should he be charged with a crime . Again, i am not going to second gez the prosecutors at doj. I work there, i have a huge amount of respect for them and im sure theyll do the right thing. But without knowing or seeing the witnesses, without examining the documents it would be irresponsible for me to suggest that he should be prosecuted or should not. You have acknowledged more broadly that donald trump is facing some ethical challenges in his campaign and in addition to what were talking about the classified documents probe. Hes under investigation for Election Interference in georgia, for january 6th. Hes already been indicted in new york. Would republicans be better off with a candidate thats not facing multiple criminal investigations . You know, its interesting. I think that the multiple investigations and civil lawsuits that have been brought almost give this president ial candidate and former president credibility. Does he give all of these actions sorry, forgive me, but you say i know what youre saying, it gives him credibility with maybe with some in the electorate, but for you, ken buck, does it give him credibility to you . I have seen him for four years, i was in the white house he was president , ive voted on his bills and against his bills sometimes, his budgets and what not. So i have seen him personally. I dont look at the actions that he has taken that are sbregted as much as his role as a former president and what his policies were. One last question. You attended an event for Florida Governor ron desantis here in washington in april. You sat next to him on the House Judiciary Committee when he was in the house. What do you think of his campaign so far . Do you have advice for him . Zpl yeah, i actually mentioned to him when we talked at that event in washington, d. C. , my advice is not to try to outtrump donald trump. There is nobody that is that really operates in the same area as donald trump and i think ron desantis has a strong record of accomplishment in florida when he was dealing with covid and other things and those are the things eshd he should be running upon i have not endorsed ron desantis and i would go to events for nikki haley or tim scott or others who are friends, but i think that he, ron, should do his very best to run on his strong record as governor. Ken buck, thank you so much. Appreciating you on this mor morning. Thank you. President biden is refining his reelection pitch. Ill talk to onene of his top aides about that message, nenex. What do we do now . We live. Save time and money with progressives homequote explorer. What you do afterwards, is up to you. Oh, whoa, i was actually just thinking i would take a nap. Pretty tired. Okay. 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Republicans may not like it, but ill make sure the wealthy pay their fair share. Some of our republican colleagues are determined to gut the clean energy investments. I said no. President biden may be giving a hint there about who he thought got the upper hand in the debt ceiling deal. Here with me now, a key negotiator in the debt deal, white house budget director, shalonda young. Thank you so much for coming in. Its nice to see you. I want to read a comment from democratic congressman brad sherman after vote. He said, now we are allowed to say it. We rolled them. So now that its over, do you believe that this deal was better for democrats than republicans . Did you roll republicans . This is what i think. I think at the end of the day, the long view, the short and the medium view is, dwaul was not an option. So not who can win, certainly went our goals are to make sure that we got nothing close to what you saw in the House Republican bill, that would have been unacceptable for us, unacceptable for congressional democrats. So we had to do everything in our power to make sure everything was passed. Didnt have many of those elements, and we succeeded. It was a reasonable bipartisan agreement. You would expect to see in divided government. And ive done this a long time. And we had to talk about the budget at some point this year. This is about what you would like to see. A question, what the congressman was clearly suggesting was is that democrats intentionally downplayed enenthusiasm about how good you all thought this deal was in order to give Speaker Mccarthy some cover and allow republicans to frame it as a win. When you see 76 of the House Democratic caucus vote for a budget deal, 70 of republican Conference Vote for a budget deal you do about the fact that this was a crisis. And it was such a crisis, basically, the biggest crisis was averted, of course, is what youre talking about. But Fitch Ratings is warning that they could still downgrade the u. S. Credit rating this fall because of the political brinksmanship, saying it lowers governance on fiscal and debt matters. Are you worried that americas coverage could be downgraded . You heard me, many other officials, the president of the United States saying, we cant threaten default. Brinksmanship is bad. And while we dont control the fitch process, this is exactly why we talked about this for months, that we should not have this brinksmanship around Something Congress has done a hundred times in its history. And im glad we finally got there. But we have warned against this br brinksmanship. Its bad for the economy and the world. Are you worried about the Credit Rating being downgraded . We dont control that process. I will say this was not down to the wire for d. C. Time frame. This is a bipartisan agreement. It sets a tone for the way were able to Work Together over the next two years. And we dont control what fitch does. But we have warned against this brinksmanship. And we need to Work Together in a way that gives the American People some confidence. You mentioned that you have been involved in a lot of negotiations in your time in washington on the hill before being at the white house. The white house repeatedly said that it would not negotiate on the debt ceiling. Thats exactly what ended up having. President biden drew a red line. He said that he wouldnt do it. He came to the table anyway. How is it going to go the next time President Biden draws a red line and the other side is going to look at him. Are they going to say, but you dont really mean it . Dana, ill remind everyone watching, we have to fund the government. That comes up october 1st. So we were going to have to deal with the issue of how much we spend in this country today or tomorrow. We decided to have that conversation now with republicans, and i think its about as good a deal as we would have had in five days. But he did say that he would not negotiate on the debt ceiling . We did say there was a time and a place to do those budget talks, but we brought those forward. And i think we ended up in a result that would have been ambitious to say the least, even two months from now. This is the first highstakes negotiation you have been involved with Speaker Mccarthy, how did he do . I have been involved with Speaker Mccarthy when he was on the hill, i didnt know him personally. I know him a little better after this process. And it was a very professional Working Relationship with him and his team. I got a lot of day care dropoff time with chairman patrick mchemc mchenry. And he and his team, i really do appreciate the way they approached this. Look, people say what they need to say outside. It matters what we do in the room. And thats what our focus was. Shalonda young, thank you so much. At least three more republicans are jumping into the race this week. What we expect. Plus, you see it there. Motorcycles and barbecue. Well talk about that with my panel, next. Ike to. Move it were reinventing our network. Fast. Reliable. Perfectly orchestrated. The United States postal service. If we want a more viable future for our kids, we need to find more sustainable ways of doing things. Americas plastic makers are investing billions of dollars in new technologies and creating Plastic Products that are more recyclable. Durable. And dependable. Our goal is a cleaner, healthier planet for generations to come. For a better tomorrow, were focused on making plastics better today. Yes, i need a trim. I just want to be able to cut the damage. We trieded dove instead. So, still need that trim . Oh my y gosh i am actuaually shocked i dont need a haircut. Dont trim daily damage. Stop it with dove. My name is brian delallo. I teteach ap and honors economis in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. Financial wellbeing to me is knowing that i can be free to do the things that i love to do. I hope when i retire someday, they say, that guy made this place a special place to come to school and gave as much as he could to help the community. As president , i will be an energetic executive. Weve got to restore hope. Its time for a new generational leader. Lots of candidates are long shots until they arent. Can you say 2016 . I am the first millennial to ever run for u. S. President as a republican. Come this wednesday, im announcing in iowa. Welcome back to state of the union. Declared and undeclared president ial candidates in iowa yesterday for senator joni ernsts annual roast and ride. My panel is joining me now. Nice to see you all. Were going to hold off on you, with since you actually work for mike pence and well get to that in a second, but generally speaking, what you saw not just yesterday in iowa, but what youre seeing at this point generally in the republican primary process. The candidates are staking out their lanes and its to be determined where thats going to fall. You have desantis thats in some ways running to the right of the former president. Mike pence is going to run in a krishl conservative lane, not dissimilar to a tim scott, and nikki haley is looking for ways to break through. The Iowa Caucuses are about eight months away. There is still time for people to emerge in a way that we have not seen yet. I think this is an important time to make the case to the voters, but i also remind people, iowa hasnt mattered for some time and i say that with deep love for the state. A republican has not went on to win the presidency winning iowa since george bush in 2000. You need to be thinking not just what youre going to do in iowa but whats your plan for new hampshire, south carolina, and son. Bakari, youre a democrat, but also live in south carolina, which is a very important state for the republicans. You see a lot of whats going on there. Do you think that based on your political acumen, there are any communities for real for any of these candidates to overtake trump . Not really, i dont think the talent level is there i dont think theyll challenge donald trump. I think there are people who provide alternatives like tim scott or nikki haley with the appearance. Im not certain that particularly in south carolina, that is Donald Trumps state until someone else proves oerz. One thing the republican party, we were talking about this in the back. The advantage they have other democrats and the white house and the dnc both need to wake up is by having this healthy, and i dont mean healthy in terms of ideas, but just competitive primary, theyre actually going to engage their base, register voters, have a voter enthusiasm advantage. And were not doing anything. We had a president who spoke late on a friday night. We did mass an amazing piece of Bipartisan Legislation again. We expect that, but we have to do more to build energy, because right now in iowa i dont like ron desantis saying woke every other word, but hes building excitement. People are excited about it. I want you to weigh in for one second, because you worked for brrnds, who was part of a dynamic on the democratic side. I agree with bakari is saying, when hes sitting behind a lectern and delivering an address on friday night, thats not his strength. His strength is talking to real people. He speaks like a normal american, talks like somebody you can understand and not using dc lingo, whens the last time you can remember President Biden talking to a regular person off the cuff. Now youre in a campaign and the opportunities to enact with an iowan or a carolinan is going to go up and youre going to see those opportunities. At 20 ol at this point, Rudy Giuliani was way ahead of the field. In tlempb, in the summer of 2011, Michele Bachmann won the iowa straw poll. In 2006, it was kscott walker. Before it was jeb bush, before, is it donald trump. Its about to become real and real issues will be put forward. To alyssas comment, i think that mike will run, candidly, as the only conservative in this race. And he will be apologetically prolife. And for a limited free market economy. You mentioned debate, so lets talk about that. Because the rnc has put out their criteria for being able to get on the debate stage, which will be august 13th in milwaukee. You are going to have to reach at least 1 in three national or rnc recognized polls, a minimum of 40,000 unique donors with at least 200 unique donors in 20 states and pledge to support the eventual gop nominee. While i have you, mark, is i think that the rnc wants a lot of candidates on the debate stage at first to be honest with you. I dont think those are that significant a threshold. The reality is, a lot of candidates can go online and ask for people to give a 1 contribution and it counts towards that threshold. It sounds more significant than it is. I think most candidates will meet that threshold. The challenge is committing to supporting the eventually nominee. Theres a number of candidates who i think that would be a challenge for. Asa hutchinson, probably not going to support donald trump, if someone like a chris sununu or will herd gets in, but at the end of the day, its not necessarily binding, the same way the rnc will not be able to enforce it if donald trump is not the nominee. Theyll not be able to compel him to support the nominee. Especially when youre looking at someone like Chris Christie or Chris Christie this is donald trump. He said he wont sign it. But these debates will be fascinating. Im not sure hes going to get on the debate stage first. These debates will be fascinating to watch. Its a car accident. I mean, you know people slow down and they look over and they peer and they watch whats going on. And thats what these debates are going to be like. You have somebody like ron desantis, who i compare to icarus. And he has a problem, because the more people actually meet ron desantis, the less people actually like ron desantis, and being on this debate stage with people like Chris Christie, donald trump, people who know what theyre talking about, i dont think mike pence is the only true conservative running for president , mark. Tim scott is a very conservative individual as well. But this is going to be fascinating to watch. People are going to watch it. And i dont know what the counterprogramming is from democrats. I keep going back to that. Nobody has yet articulated an argument against donald trump. Thats what Chris Christie purpose is, by the way. Hes got to get in the race, and somebodys got to be a comkamik of some sort. Not many people will say, heres whats wrong with donald trump. These are his weaknesses, these are his failures. I dont think thats hard. I think the reality is that i think that january 6th was the Dividing Line for a lot of people. And it is something that if you basically violate your oath to the constitution, thats important to a lot of voters. Even since then, what hes done is hes basically said now, the life of the unborn is on the negotiating table. He said, i welcome putin invading ukraine when our administration took out 100 russian mercenaries in syria and actually canceled nordstream 2. But those are policies. Hes making Policy Statements. Now, theyre flawed, theyre antiamerican, and just backwards Policy Statements that i dont think anybody around this table agrees with. However, theres no one right now articulating a clear policy on the economy. Theres nobody articulating a clear policy on foreign policy. Nobodys articulating they just im sorry, not to bring it to a level. But in the time of trump, we learn Tad Personality is maybe some Policy Statements matter, but personality might matter more at times. Nobody is going to outpersonality donald trump. Im excited for the summer of substantive campaigning. And leading with third and fourth tier issues, whether it is trans women in sports, but they have a opinion but not the top ten issues facing american voters. This summer is the time to convince people we could make our live better and here is our vision for the future. Well have to leave it there. Nice to see you. See you in iowa. Much more on president ial politics coming up. Used mt by dermatologistscared for themselves and their families. Vital protection for all your days in the sun with neutrogena® beach defense®. Somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. uplifting music nothing is everything im celebratin my clearer skin. My way. With skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months. In another study, most people had 90 clearer skin, even at 5 years. And skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. 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