Transcripts For CNNW State 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW State 20240703

learn facts on capitol hill well, hello, and welcome into our view is joining us from around the world. i'm becky anderson. it is monday, may the 20, nine in am here in london. it is 11:30 a.m. in iran, where the government is expressing condolences over the deaths of president ebrahim raisi the country's president, and the foreign minister and seven others in a helicopter, crash, rescuers are trans sparing the bodies of those killed from the crash side. and iran's east azerbaijan province to the city of tabriz. iranian officials say the helicopter ran into trouble amid heavy fog on sunday afternoon. at the time of the crash, there were low-hanging clouds and cool temperatures across the region with fog settling in as the sunset will images of the crash site show the remote mountainous area where the aircraft went down. the president and other officials have been attending and inauguration ceremony of a new near the border with azerbaijan i've and watson following action from around the region. first, it's bringing up paula hancocks with more from abu dhabi and we're just hearing from the spokesperson of the iranian guardians council with a response to this news portal, what's being said? >> well, becky, the guardian council has said that they want to share their condolences, saying it is a great loss for the iranian nation. >> also saying that what has happened is a tragedy. but really saying what we have been hearing consistently from iranian officials that this will not be disruptive. now, it's something that we heard earlier from the supreme leader himself. this was before the confirmation that the president, the foreign minister, and seven others had been killed in that helicopter crash. saying that there would be no disruption. it really is a message of stability that the iranian government wants to project at this point, we also heard from the iranian government expressing their condolences over the deaths, saying that president raisi was hard and tireless now we know that this all happened around about 1:30 in the afternoon on sunday. that is when we received the first reports that there was a missing helicopter. now the president and foreign minister, we're in a convoy of three helicopters two of the helicopters landed safely, but there's did not we understand now it did crash into the side of a mountain in an area which is really very inhospitable. it is a very difficult to rain which has been evidenced by the fact that it took rescue teams some 16 i was to be able to find the area where this helicopter went down. now we also know of the conditions, as you mentioned, there are during this helicopter flight that there was low hanging cloud fog made visibility very challenging in fact, as soon as rescue teams started there curations, they said that they were unable to put a helicopter up to try and find the location of the crash because it was simply too dangerous. so of course that will be raising some questions as to why the president was in the air at this point, as well. there has been an urgent cabinet meeting in iran. we saw the seat where president raisi usually sits, had a black sash across it in morning. we're seeing television presenters wearing black. there are in-between all the news bulletins that we are seeing islamic prayers being broadcast. we've also heard that there will be timing and details of the morning procession announced in the very near future, we're really is a sense of the morning already beginning in around becky well, i thank you. >> let me bring in ivan watson you worked for many years, the turkish bureau chief, the bureij chief and in turkey for cnn, you're very familiar with not just a region where there's chopper went down with the internal machinations of iranian politics ivan is paula pointed out the supreme leader, the guardian council, very quick to underscore there will be no disruption to what goes on in iran as a result of the death of the president and the foreign minister and there will be an enormous amount of work going on behind the scenes to ensure that there is no disruption and some stability. what happens next? >> well i. mean there is a transition that paula has been mentioning, but part of this is because iran has been through a bumpy number of years. it's been facing economic challenges environmental issues with reports of water shortages. it's had an uprising in the last two years that was violently crust pushed with reports of hundreds of protesters being killed, not to mention arrests and executions as well. and the ongoing tension with iran's arch enemy, israel, which resulted in exchange of direct fire between these two governments. just last month, breaking press students in the tents and oftentimes deadly history between those two regional rivals so the iranian government has come out with the statement from the supreme leader on sunday, ali common ie's saying, hey, we're going to move forward as i want you to pray for the missing president that was before confirmation. that all the passengers aboard the helicopter had died. and now with statements that yes, there will be continuity. there will not be instability, that there is a system in place to set up for now, the vice president taking over and then for a transition period to another round of elections, the regional reaction becky has been an outpouring of condolences for ebrahim raisi for iran's foreign minister, as well as the rest of their entourage particularly from iran allies. so you have the who ties of yemen, who've come out with condolences. you have the palestinian militant group, hamas, of course, entrenched in this grinding and very deadly conflict in gaza that has come out and expressed sympathies and condolence and hezbollah in lebanon, which is currently engaged in ongoing battles across the border with israel, has come out with its own statement, calling it raisi his eminence, the martyr president, calling him a big brother, a strong supporter, and a staunch defender of hezbollah's issues. and the nation's issues most notably russell m and palestine and a protector of the resistance movement and the prime minister of lebanon has come out declaring three days of mourning in that country as well though russian foreign ministry, minister expressing morning and then iran's neighbor to the west, the turkey, which isn't always lockstep in allegiance, in alliance with iran, has expressed sympathy and even lent a drone for that frantic recovery research sorry, rescue effort when for some 16 in hours, the iranian government could not find their own president after his helicopter went down in this crash good to have you. >> thank you. >> let's pick up where it left off with aly vance, who is the international crisis group's iran project director, joining us via skype from doha qatar. >> today, ali, good to have you let's just pick up there. >> you heard the response regionally from a number of key player is as it were to the news of the death of the iranian president and indeed the foreign minister, what do you make of what we are hearing it's, great to be, with you. again. big key. >> look, the reality is that the sudden demise of an iranian president is obviously a shock to the region that is experiencing, experiencing an extreme level of turmoil and puts everybody in a position that they have to quickly react and figure out what this means. but the reality is the presence of paracentral transitions in iran are often either overestimated or downplayed overestimated because there is a lot of value attached to the tone that the president sets for the country. the fact that his team carry out the systems instructions in terms of foreign or regional policy. but also downplayed the because at the end of the day he's not the ultimate decision maker and especially president racy, i think went further than most of his predecessors in this empowering the executive branch and iran just remind is what does happen next. >> well vice president mossburg, who was very close to the supreme leader and the revolutionary guards, will take over as of today and is in charge along with the head of the judiciary and the parliament to organize an election in the next fifth 50 days. that means candidates would have to announce that they're running. this qualification or vetting process would have to happen through the guardian council, which is in charge of this. and election has to be organized, which at this moment that the regime is suffering from a crisis of legitimacy at home it's a. very risky thing for them to do mass mobilization. by definition, is going to be quite a concern for islamic republic at this moment in time. and then once the president is in office, he has to put together his cabinet and start running the country. all of that means in the next few weeks, iran and we'll be very much internally focused the national security filed and indeed the ideological direction of the islamic republic, not set by the president. >> so the impact for decision-makers in washington in tel aviv and jerusalem in london, and capitals around the world will not be as significant, perhaps says, surely the passing of for example, the supreme leader who have courses at five years old, there is a succession behind the scenes. at present as two what happens next with regard that very important leadership position ali what do we know well, this is exactly vicki, right? >> you're putting your finger on the most important uncertainty that race is passing is going to create. now, i'm not privy to the conversations and i think most people who speculate or not a wetter ac was indeed candidate that the system was grooming for succeeding they 85-year-old supreme leader. but that was a widespread belief and his sudden removal from the stage basically creates a vacuum and creates a jockeying for that position. >> in 1981. >> in fact, the current supreme leader, ayatollah harmony, became president when his predecessor was killed in a bombing in the capital city of tehran and so it is quite possible that the system would want someone with the profile of racy it was very loyal to the supreme leader and extremely subservient to him as well to be elected. so that he could potentially also be the successor to the current supreme leader but it's also possible that the successor would not be a cleric and in that case, the system would have elsewhere for a successor but at the end of the day, it's not difficult to find people in that system who fit that profile of basically being a yes man to the current supreme leader so that he can make sure that he could preserve his legacy and his vision for the future of the islamic republic and of course, his son much taba khymani is certainly one of the names thrown in as a potential for that succession. going forward, although a hereditary succession, of course, was at the heart of khamenei's problem. certainly, one of the one of the problems that he had with the rule of the show beforehand, ally, i think it's important then that while we have underscored how the demise, the death of the president and foreign minister will not be hugely impactful. on national security, on foreign policy and consequently iran influence on the region and around the world. >> where do things stand at present? >> obviously incredibly complex and complicated and worrying period of instability in the region and as yet no clear direction with regard the iran nuclear file, where do things stand? >> a look picky last week, we know that iran and the us had indirect conversations in oman. >> the man who was leading those negotiations was not foreign minister abdullah lian, who was killed in this crash. it was his deputy i reebok every kenny who is also widely seen. it as a potential successor so foreign minister ended up the line. so again, i think those conversations are likely to continue because both iran and the united states do not want further escalation, do not want the nuclear issue to lead to a military conflict. and so they would both try to figure out a way of kicking the can down the road until they know who the next us president is the same to a certain extent applies to what's happening in the region. but there is more uncertainty there, and there are actors over which iran and the us do not have full control for instance, you might have the houthis who are continuing to conduct attacks in the red sea, target, a commercial or worship that would result in a high number of casualties or you might have a situation in which tensions between israel and hezbollah that are growing via the de, again, get out of control. and in those circumstances, the bets are off. i think that iranian political leadership at a time that it believes because of the vacuum that has been created at the top of the executive branch feels vulnerable, does not want to signal weakness and is likely to react to any testing of its boundaries in a much more aggressive and assertive way. so we might see a repeat of what happened last month between iran and israel. but in a much more perilous manner if tensions come to a head in the next few weeks it's good to have you ally, you were speaking to the yemen group, the houthis, iran-backed as far as many, many people are concerned. we have at a response from the houthis, from hamas and from hezbollah as well on the houthi side, our deepest condolences to the uranium people and the iranian leadership, the uranium people will continue to have leaders loyal to their people. our houthis said from hezbollah. >> and we do know that lebanon has announced three days of mourning. >> hezbollah specifically underscoring what we have heard from the supreme leader. they're from houthi. and indeed from hamas that this the passing of the president and the foreign minister according to the supreme leader and others. now, a very much of supporting that narrative, that there will be no disruption to the workings of iran as a result of these two deaths, we will see alvarez. thank you much more ahead. this our on our breaking news out of iran, the death of president ebrahim raisi and the country's foreign minister in a helicopter crash can later i look at what's expected this weekend, donald trump's criminal hush money trial, his former attorney back on the stand today. >> assignments are going off. >> the tornado so here you cannot outs one this you cannot outrun it really is a terrifying experience. it is the stuff of night marriage you could hear it and feel it. nick eyes and my throat. we're burning. >> i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it first. >> we have schreiber premieres june 2 had nine on why is it so hard to find a good pro to work on your house? what i look forward to someone who is reliable is true to their word and skillful. that's where angie comes in with angie find top rated certified pros in your area, plus compare quotes and pricing to help you get all your jobs 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well back to our breaking news story, this out, iranian state media has confirmed that president ebrahim raisi on the country's foreign minister, have died in a helicopter crash. seven other people were onboard search and rescue teams say they found no survivors at this crash site and the body or bodies of those killed in the crash they say will be transported to the city of tabriz the aircraft came down early sunday afternoon as it was flying over iran, east azerbaijan, province, or joining me now is in an senior white house reporter, kevin lip tag has been traveling with us president joe biden in michigan and the delegation there will have been aware since local time sunday afternoon, that of the reports of what was described as a heavy landing for the helicopter in which the president and foreign minister traveling. it was only early monday morning in the cold light of day as it were, that the deaths of those two men were confirmed. what, if anything, have we heard from the president or his administration? >> well, we haven't heard much and i think that's by design. the president certainly wanting to choose his words very carefully. and it was interesting over the course of the last day as us officials were working to ascertain details of what exactly happened, they weren't only just looking for what was happening on the ground at that mountain top, they're also looking to see how the iranians were describing what happened, seeing if there was any indication that the iranians could potentially be looking for a pretext to lameness on the united states are on the west, which is something of course that iran has done in the past. and i think as president biden decides how he wants to respond, uh, going forward, that will be at the forefront of his mind trying to provide assurances that the us, of course, wasn't behind this, but also looking so to deny the uranium leadership any sort of entry into that line of thinking. and of course, president biden's overarching goal here is to contain this volatility. and what is already certainly a very uncertain part of the world at a very uncertain moment. of course, president biden is dealing with the war in israel and gaza, and he is at the precipice moment as he's working to but she has a number of things including a ceasefire paired with a release of hostages but also this broader vision that he's trying to orchestrate between the us and saudi arabia on a defense pact talking about bringing israel and as well normalizing relations with saudi arabia all with the eye to creating this bulwark against iran in the region. and that has been sort of his strategy toward iran ever since those indirect talks to try to revive the nuclear deal fell apart early in his administration. he is looking for a regional multilateral approach. the question now, i think is what? sort of continuity will exist in this space that raisi leaves behind. is there sort of this back channel that still can exist for the us and tehran to talk about, for example, these proxy battles that you're seeing in the region. this for tat back-and-forth between iran and israel, the us has determined through these back-channels that iran doesn't want a broader conflict. that is something that president biden will still be working to determine as he and his team assess this vacuum that now exists at the top and of course, his national security adviser, jake sullivan has been in region not least, in neighboring saudi arabia where he has been in the throes of working out the details all not us saudi bilateral deal which includes of course kevin, a nuclear as civil nuclear hey graham, component bulwark as you say, this bilateral deal to the influence of iran in this region, it's good to have you. >> thank you ahead more on the death of the iranian president ebrahim rising, including what his loss means for iran. and the wider region, stay with this russia for trying to spy on us. >> we you are spying on them i'm sorry, 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foreign minister for saying amir abdullah yan, you see him here in this video addressing the united nations just last month, he spoke with erin burnett. here is part of that interview i have announced several times that the entire nuclear program of iran is in its totality within the of a peaceful the program. >> and we have been strictly focused, put him that amman with that, goal, but we witnessed over the past few months that are repeated certain israeli officials repeated that in order to win in gaza, a nuclear weapon must be used by my israel and i do think that america musk pay closer attention and focus on the adventure seeking regime in israel's. so that such a crisis will not happen in gaza because netanyahu showed that he will not respect any red lines. so he's the one that must be brought under control well, join me now as far as yeoja, it's professor of international relations at the london school of economics and political science, author of making the arab world a good friend of their show in this network, we face of the countries foreign policy was, of course, has saying amir abdullah here on i'm while it can and aligned with the regimes, foreign policy, he had overseen at some described as a relatively successful period of repression. >> want lot least with some of the as regional leaderships, a uae and the saudis. but ultimately at the heart of this story, the death of the iranian president and indeed the foreign minister flowers in an helicopter crash earlier on sunday at the heart of this are our two men who frankly do not hold the most important files when it comes to a round that off national security deep national security. and the ideological direction of the islamic regime. what do you make of their passing and what happens next well, i mean, i think it's a big loss for iran, as you said i mean, it's the two top leaders in iraq even though the president was not, is not the command chief. >> he plays a major role in helping to really, in terms of foreign policy and domestic politics and i'm glad really you have paid attention to the foreign minister hossein, the lahia. i think he has he emerged as the top imbecile for iran worldwide abdullah here and the foreign minister had close relations with the revolutionary guards. in particular, they assassinated general soleimani. he defended iran worldwide he played a major role in iran's rapprochement with saudi arabia and the united arab emirates and other regimes he played a major role in the iranian foreign policy towards israel after hamas attack on israel on 7 october so you will have a major vacuum now, even though as you have reiterated throughout this particular program, iran has a formal system of succession that the commander in chief, the supreme leader, ali and he is at the head, at the top of the hell and you have a national security council. but the reality is, i mean, the loss of the two top leaders come at a very challenging time for iran both domestically, regionally, an internationally we'll iran has, as we've just learned, has elected at the top negotiator ali battery kani as acting foreign minister. >> he of course, was the deputy foreign minister and he's been elected as the acting foreign minister in place of her saying abdullah, he on and of course he has as you rightly point out, been been overseeing indirect negotiations with the united states on the nuclear file she loosely, but i don't think he will be acceptable to the hardliners, the ultra conservatives and the parliament and elsewhere he's not seen as a basically a conservative a hardline conservative as for saying the left former foreign minister, i think what we need to keep in mind, what we tell our audience. >> everything now is in transition. we have to wait and see how the elections take place in 50 days from now. and what the what the supreme leader ali family decides to do with this particular the foreign ministry. but the reality is, i think if you asked me what are the major challenges facing iran now, the major challenge facing your own is for the regime to reassure people inside iran. and outside iran that they will be stability. there will be continuity, there will be order, and there will be peace. i was basically struck before the we knew that the helicopter was scrapped the supreme leader ali khamenei, tried to reassure the israeli public by saying they will be no disruption. don't worry. >> the affairs of the state will continue and surely they will continue because unlike most abstains, iran is a highly institutionalized state you have a formal system. >> of succession, a hierarchy of power so the question of stability the question of order, the question of control leinz, at the very heart of what the regime will try to really for those domestically and internationally. and i think at this particular point, bacchae, there's a ghraieb, the great deal of shock and morning inside iran. but once the dust settles, once the period of mourning and people are going to ask questions why the regime has not been able to really protect and shield its top leaders israel has been assassinating iranian leaders for the past few years the united states assassinated general soleimani in fact, general suleiman, he was as important. in fact, if not more important than the president racing so there are questions that the regimes will have to offer answers to, in particular domestic constituency, giving the extent and the gravity of this particular tragedy yeah, this is a regime whose reputation is an continues to be on the line. the production projection of power, both internally and externally. i think as you rightly suggests, will be important for the leadership at this point, there will be no love lost by for many iranians of the death of the iranian president what do you make of the potential for a revival of the protest movement which has gone quite quiet, has to be said. i mean, it's still there. it's still very active, sort of below the surface. but does this provide an opportunity? this will be a worry i'm sure to the regime for those who seek cracks in the system to re-emerge i doubt it very much even though bagchi, i could be wrong because i mean, i think the leader ali khamenei and the security apparatus in iran has been able to really clamp down against the social. >> this protest by young man and woman to also exclude an isolate reforms, members of the political elite. but i think what we need to highlight is that the regime will have to basically manage any kind of factional politics inside iran between the conservatives and the reformers. but within the conservative hardliners as well because president raisi was considered a senior contender to replace the supreme leader, the supreme leader is at five years old and they are a lot questions about success but now the question, given the the death of the president, people are talking about the fact that the supreme leader, sun mustafa ali, for could basically replace his far and this really goes against the ethos of the revolutionary elements inside iran. they don't really want a hereditary state. so you have many questions now will be asked who could really basically succeed the supreme leader? and the next few years and will the son of the supreme leader position himself? to succeed is far. >> so. yeah, there are many questions now good to have you i'll let you have that wealth of water always a pleasure. far as thank you so much. and we will be right back. >> riyadh says new album is breaking records gets to say what country is comey country. >> bianna, say a nashville's renaissance. next monday. but aid on cnn a heart attack. do they have life insurance? >> no. >> but we have life insurance john, i'm trying to find something we can afford fortunately, it only a few minutes, select boat down, john, a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month and his wife and a $500,000 policy for only $21 a month and go to select now and get the 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expecting monday morning. michael cohen will be back on the witness stand to finish up his testimony. the defense is in the middle of its cross-examination. they are trying to undermine his credibility and trying to persuade the jurors not to believe what he told them about the hush money payments to the adult film actress stormy daniels. the defense at that point when they're done with cohen, the prosecutors will get another bite at the apple. there'll be able to post some questions to him as well. but after five weeks of testimony, they don't have any other witnesses to call. they are going to at that point rest their case and then it's on the defense. they can put on a case. they can put on so witnesses if they want but they don't have to the burden is of course, on the prosecutors to affirmatively prove their case to the jury. so they may have one or two witnesses on the defense sayyed donald trump's lawyers have not said definitively whether or not he is going to testify in his own own defense. it is possible, but seems rather unlikely looking later into the week, the judge has signaled that closing arguments could begin as soon as tuesday, then of course, there would be jury instructions and then what we've all been waiting for jury deliberations. not exactly sure. which day that would begin, but the end is near for this historic trial, the first-ever trial of a former us president marshall cohen cnn, new york. >> and i'm becky anderson here in london, will continue to bring you all the latest developments from iran as we cover the breaking news of president, right? he sees cnn this morning with kasie hunt next it's coming variety i found another body recognizing never seen him before. >> the obvious theory is an alkyl are used the flood to cover their tracks might be careful if i were you there are giant so mughal they are the men and women building navy's next generation so in submarines. de are giant and what they do. because they work in a place where 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firmly defended the interests of their state and gave their lives to selfless service to the motherland. condolences from syrian president bashar al-assad, according to syrian state media quote, president assad, a firm serious solidarity with the islamic republic of iran and with the families of the deceased and his comrades expressing his deep regret and condolences for this painful incident and a great loss that resulted from it will more coming up in the hours ahead for the time being. thank you for joining us this morning. i'm becky anderson in london see in this morning is up next after this quick brakes, they what is circle surplus? >> a to take flight? circle is the energy that gets you to the next level circled is which hope for life tosses limit your way. circle available at walmart and drinks, we had to take our old gas heating in radiant heat. that was a really, really huge project who has the type as a toddler mom, i do not. i was so overwhelmed, so i started contacting 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