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Im Michael Smerconish in philadelphia. We welcome our viewers. Today big day, the antigun march for our lives on organized by the survivors of the recent shooting at the Marjory Stoneman high school, protests in d. C. , here in philadelphia, and more than 800 other cities in america and abroad. But will it change anything . And facebook losing both users and stock value in the wakescan. Data used to target voters during the election. Here is one lesson. Be careful what you like on line. Ill explain. Plus, i just sat down with governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, he told me it is time for john kasich to run for president starting right now. And no first lady has ever had to deal with this, dueling tv interviews with an explayboy play mate and adult film star about their alleged affairs with the president. How is melania weathering the storm. But first as tens of thousands prepare to protest in the march for our lives, i want to ask if their efforts will be in vein. Said differently, will americas gun culture ever change . It is a question ive been asking all week long at my website smerconish. Com. And this week i did Something Special on my radio program. I set aside an hour each day to examine the gun culture in america. I called it aiming for facts. And content included mostly new interviews plus some pulled from my archives, all meant to address a different aspect of guns in america. And all sides were represented. My guests including john lott, more guns less crime, with his interpretation of gun data. Her man lopez from vox who has published american gun violence explained in 17 maps and charts published american gun violence explained in 17 maps and charts. I featured lawrence tribe from harvard who addressed the second amendment. I reaired interviews i conducted with the brothers nugent, ted and jeffrey, former ceo of revlon. They disagreed on the need for back ground checks. Dr. Amy barnhorse was a guest, vice chair woman of Community Psychiatry at uc davis joined knee explain why sme to explain why she thinks Mental Health system cannot prevent mass shooting. And also andrew lee from the Australian Parliament on the often cited australian gun control measure. Here is the kicker. After all of that and more, after five full hours of content and over a dozen guests, the statistical result to my poll question never changed from monday to friday. Over 11,000 voters. And ive got a 50 50 deadlock on this question. Will americas gun culture ever change . So i want you to break the tie this hour. Go to smerconish. Com right now. And answer that question and i will report back at the end of the hour. Joining me right now, the of aforementioned herman lopez and john lott. I want to begin with the research the data that you com piled under the headline americas unique gun violence problem explained in 17 maps and charts which unfortunately upda. Among the data that you cite this, america has 4. 4 of the worlds population. But almost half of the civilian owned guns around the world. You point out that america has six times as many firearm homicides as canada, nearly 16 times as many as germany. That since december of 2012, the shooting at sandy hook elementary school, the u. S. Has had more than 1600 mass shootings, that is more than one per day. That states with more guns have more gun deaths. And that states with tighter gun control laws have fewer gun related deaths. It sounds like it is not rocket science. We have a disproportionate share of weapons in this country and consequently a disproportionate share of gun violence. Does that sum it up . Yeah, that sounds about right. If you look at the research and data on this question, the weight of the evidence suggests when there are more guns, there are more gun deaths. And one way to think about this is every country in the world has disputes, conflicts between people, people get in arguments with their family and whatever. But when there are so many guns around, it is a lot easier for those conflicts, those disputes to escalate into deadly violence. And this applies in all aspects of life. We hear incredible stories where people get into arguments and they turn deadly over somebody cutting in line over a restaurant. And things like that. And that is why essentially there are so many gun deaths in the u. S. Relative to other developed nations. It is just the abundance of guns makes it easy. We dont have a monopoly on Mental Health issues, a those with a propensity of violence. It exists around the globe. What we have according to the data is a disproportionate share of weapons which in combination with the Mental Health issues and violence lead to gun violence. Thats right. Yeah, i mean generally that is just what you see fin these numbers time and time again. There are some studies that will dispute this, but overall the weight of the evidence suggests this is the case. All right. Let me bring in the other side. John lott, you counter that defensive gun ownership actually prevents a lot of crime. But there are by definition no statistics on prevented crimes. And then statistically he points out the following. While, yes, the u. S. Makes up about 4. 4 of the worlds population, it only accounts for 4 aboutment 4. 1 parent 4. 1 of deaths from mass shooting. And israel and australia and africa have higher mass shooting death rates. All about two of the 25 worst mass public shootings, 59 of the worst 67 occurred outside the United States and in 2015, france whose population is just 66 million suffered more casualties from mass public shootings and the u. S. Endured during Barack Obamas entire presidency. D dr. Lott, is your message if you want to keep us safe, we should weaponize more americans . Police are extremely important in protecting people. They are the most important factor. But i think the police themselves understand that they swrirn virtually always arrive after the crime has occurred and the question is what should people do when they are having to confront a criminal by themselves. By far the safest course of action is to have a gun. One thing that wasnt just mentioned in the previous discussion is the huge role that drug gangs have in murder and Violent Crime in the United States. We have over half the murders in the United States take place in 2 of the counties. If you look at within those counties, there is usually two or three small areas that account for the vast majority of those murders. You know, it would be nice if we didnt have a drug gang problem in the United States, but the solutions to them are quite different in an going and talking about banning guns. I mean, these drug gangs can bring in Illegal Drugs from other countries, they can bring in guns. Dr. Lott, do you dispute germans interpretation of the day take which says that we have a disproportionate number of guns in our country and consequently a disproportionate share of the worlds gun violence . Look, easiest thing do is graph how gun ownership varies across country and something look whom sihomicide. You find those with the highest gun ownership rates have low real differenrelatively homicid. People will say that the uk has low homicide rates, low gun ownership and strict begun control laws, so it might be the structure gun control causing low homicide. Egun control laws, so it might be the structure gun control causing low homicide. Gun control laws, so it might be the structure gun control causing low homicide. Academics would point out before they had the strict gun control laws, they had even lower homicide rates. The homicide rates went up and the United States is still lower. But there are lots of things that still varynd you want to try to look before and after a law changes and how that compares to other places that arent changing. And when you look at gun ownership rate in the United States, the states that have had the biggest increases have had the biggest relative drops. One simple question. If you look around the world, anyplace that has banned guns, either all guns or all handguns, every single time the murder rate has gone up. You would think out of rand randomness you would get one time where murder rates have gone down, but you cant find it. German, i want to give you the final word. Were short on time. Respond to dr. Lott. Your viewers can put at the charts. If you look at it, i think johns claim that the countries with the most gun ownership have the fewest that is not true. But furthermore, there have been academics that looked at the research on what happens after you pass gun control measures. There was a study two years ago where they looked at 130 studies and they found time and time again that when you you pass gu control might bes, it is followed by lower death rates. And Ingersoll Rand looked at the studies in the u. S. And they found thatbes, it is followed by lower death rates. And Ingersoll Rand looked at the studies in the u. S. And they found that they continued to correlate with a reduction in gun deaths. So i think that is what we should be focusing on. It is not just that there is a correlation between more gun ownership and more gun death. There is also a lot of research, the body of evidence suggests that gun control leads to fewer gun deaths. Very quickly dr. Lott. Go to crime research. Org. We have a long list of academic papers. The vast majority show when you have stricter gun control, you have increases in murder rates. You can go and look at our graphs that look at the whole world or look at developed countries rather than selectively pick. And one thing people dont know, a lot of developed countries dont even report firearm homicides. And they have high homicide w t rarts. Rates. Gentlemen, i appreciate you being here. We cant even agree on the data and may i just say maybe that is a reason why the cdc ought to be empowered to study an issue like this. I want to know what you think. Did any minds just get changed . Go to smerconish. Com and vote on this question, will americas gun culture ever change . Ill report back at the end of the program. Up ahead, facebook under fire for allowing political operatives to mine its users data without their permission. To me, what is fascinating is what ways exposed with how we all get categorized by the things we like. And by the way i took a personality test. I want to share with you those results. Plus californians are fleeing the Republican Party. I speak with Arnold Schwarzenegger about why that is. And what they need to do and who he thinks ought to be running for president right now. Shes d for her compassion and care. He spent decades fighting to give families a second chance. But to help others, they first had to protect themselves. I have afib. Even for a nurse, its complicated. And it puts me at higher risk of stroke. That would be devastating. I had to learn all i could to help protect myself. Once i got the facts, my doctor and i chose xarelto®. Xarelto®. To help keep me protected. Oncedaily xarelto®, a latestgeneration blood thinner. Significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. It has similar effectiveness to warfarin. Xarelto® works differently. Warfarin interferes with at least 6 bloodclotting factors. Xarelto® is selective, targeting just one critical factor interacting with less of your bodys natural bloodclotting function. 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Ask your doctor about lyrica. Youre looking at a live cnn washington, d. C. Ahead of the march for our lives, more than a half Million People expected for the main event which starts at noon eastern. Now, facebook is in crisis because of the way in which users data was harvested for political purposes without their consent. And here is how it happened. In 2013, cambridge researcher alexandksandr kogan created an called this is your digital life and about 300,000 installed it on their phones. He was eventually able to collect data on ten of millions of those users. And he shared the data with Cambridge Analytica which is owned by Robert Mercer which later used the material to target american voters. This enabled the collection of data from more than 50 million Facebook Users without their consent and it facilitated the building of election models to target specific voters. Keith collins and gabriel dance did a nice job in the times this week explaining how it all worked. I took a very similar 100 question quiz developed by the psycho Metrics Center at cambridges Judge Business School that assessed my openness, conscientiousness, extroversion. And i answered 100 personality questions with responses ranging from strong disagree on strongly agree. Things like i know how to captivate people or i need a push to get started or i am not interested in abstract ideas. Are you ready . Here are my results. Openness, 38 . Conscientiousness, 88 . I think that is a good thing. Extroversion, 66 . Agreeableness . 58 . How about my newer rot civil . 58 . Rot civil . 58 . Information like mine was then crossreferenced with facebook likes. And an assistant professor at stanford created this chart which shows what a persons facebook likes says about them. For example, youre most open if you like writing. But are least conscientious if you like the game mine craft. You are most agreeable if you like the bible. But if you like drawing, you classifyextroverted. Do you like Marilyn Manson . Youre most newer rots ticurotn. It allowed researchers to make precise guesses about personality characteristics and armed with that model, researchers could often make guesses about subsequent users personalities with just the likes. In other words, they no longer needed individuals to take the 100 question quiz that i did. And that is the stunner. That is the wakeup call that by simply liking bjork or mine craft or Marilyn Manson or espn and so many do that without a second thought, were providing the same level of psychological information as would otherwise be yielded in a 100 question personality quiz. And while facebook has apologized for what happened with Cambridge Analytica, it has not yet addressed the wider implications or how widespread this misuse of data might be. Joining me now, tech and social media expert and former chief correspondent and editor at large of mashable. Lance, when i was coming of age politically, and we were trying to get out the vote in my neighborhood, when i was an assistant committeeman, we had a list of the people who were registered to vote and how they were voting meaning republican or democrat. We would knock on their door and ask them to go vote. This is the 21st century big data equivalent of driving your vote to the poll. Right . But it is so much more powerful. Being on facebook is a 24 7 personality test. All of those likes that you have been doing that weve all been doing for years, they tell you so much about who that person is. I mean, you open that door of trying to get people to vote, you really dont know what you are encountering. But we have been dropping data, information about our preferences all over the internet for well over a decade now. Facebook is one of the best places for collecting that data and then of course turning it into valuable information about the personality, about the preferences of the people using the service. Most unlikely wouldnt you say that this is a oneoff, all the focus on Cambridge Analytica . I mean i keep waiting for the next several shoes to drop. Where do you think this story is going . Even Mark Zuckerberg said that they will be looking for other Cambridge Analyticas and they all of these other apps. And i guarantee others broke the rules. I keep going back to selling the data, breaking the Cardinal Rule that actually facebook put in place. You cant sell this data. He went haed aahead and did it think that it is very likely if he felt that way, other Third Party App makers on facebook felt similarly because of the enticing power of this data. It is so hard to deny it, so hard not to sell it and use it because it tells so much. Are we partially to blame, we users . To the is it event thextent we bible or Marilyn Mason or drawing or art . Have we brought it on ourselves . A little bit. Look, i understand that people think that facebook broke the rules, facebook was wrong. Mark zuckerberg is to blame. But we have been using these services for a long time. Weve been willingly sharing our information. Even at the level of because what they used are the apps, right . The information about what the apps shared and how it works is actually on the facebook site, it is controllable by you. Most people never dug into that, most people dont read any of that stuff. So of course we have some responsibility. And i think what is interesting is that what is really freaking people out is that now the world really knows it. People like to keep their personality their preferences private, but ultimately for whatever reason on social media, it is where they share it quite willingly. When you put alike like on the all of your friends can see that you like it so you are hiding it in blaine sigplain sitesght. So of course we have some responsibility, but this is a big wakeup call for users and a reckoning for the entire infrastructure of data sharing on the internet. And final quick question. Can put the genie back in the bottle or for someone like me who has been a Facebook User and weighed in on countless situations, is that data already out there now to be harvested . It is out there. I mean, i think just wipe your hands of it and go look, they know me, everyone knows me, everyone on line knows what i do. They have pictures of me. They know where i live. They know what i buy. That is why things arrive in the mail. It is out there. This is the age we live in. And i think we have to adjust to it. But future generations will probably be approaching the internet differently. And so over time maybe it will get better. Lance, thank you so much for being here. My pleasure. Speaking of social media, lets see what youre saying not only via twitter being but also facebook. Could zuckerberg be a trump supporter . Alice, i dont think so. I think that it is the Trump Campaign that in a political sense was the first to be able to take advantage of the type of harvesting that Cambridge Analytica was presenting for political purposes. But dont miss the takeaway. The takeaway is that there is as much known about you through your liking at facebook as there is about me having taken a 100 question personality quiz. Still to come, in first lady didnt embrace the spotlight, where you it but it is on her because of bombshell interviews with her husbands alleged exmisses from he mistresses. And i talk to the governor nature tore, he is concerned about the direction of his Republican Party and america and he tells me his hopes for the future. If you are happy with trump, stay with trump. But i think that we need an alternative. 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Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. The streets of washington, d. C. Ahead of the march for our li s lives. Organizers demanding congress address a comprehensive and effective live on gun issues. More coverage throughout the course of the day. Now, sometimes the country scoffs at trends that begin in california. Until they start to spread to the rest of the country. No fault divorce, property tax revolt, decriminalization of marijuana, hula hoop, van halen, say what you will, but the state often sets the tone which is why we should all Pay Attention to the struggles of the Republican Party in the land of ronald reagan. Statewide just under 19 million californians are registered to vote as of january. That is 76 of those eligible. And check this out, 44. 6 are registered democrats. 25. 4 republican. No Party Preference . 25 . So the is are about to overtake the rs. That decline of republican registration caused a state assemblyman named chad mays to join forces with Arnold Schwarzenegger at an event called new wave california where i was one of the speakers along with schwarzenegger and Ohio Governor john kasich. After our respective speeches, i sat down with the terminate door tore to talk politics. You famously said that the Republican Partydoor tore to talk politics. You famously said that the Republican Party has a rob at the box office. I heard you equate the goop with the t gop with the titanic. Explain. I told h. Tothe republican p like ten years agogoop with gop with the titanic. Explain. I told the Republican Party like ten years agooop with gop with the titanic. Explain. I told the Republican Party like ten years agop with gop with the titanic. Explain. I told the Republican Party like ten years agop with gop with the titanic. Explain. I told the Republican Party like ten years ago with gop with the titanic. Explain. I told the Republican Party like ten years agowith gop with the titanic. Explain. I told the Republican Party like ten years agoith gop with the titanic. Explain. I told the Republican Party like ten years agoth gop with the titanic. Explain. I told the Republican Party like ten years agoh gop with the titanic. Explain. I told the Republican Party like ten years ago gop with the titanic. Explain. I told the Republican Party like ten years agogop with the titanic. Explain. I told the Republican Party like ten years ago they are dying at the box office. I said it because their policies werent really including everybody. So that you have everyone interested. Like for instance women, a million women left within a few years because we did not address as a party health care issues, we didnt address education issues, we did not address three issues very important to women and we were losing them because we werent addressing these issues. So i said the way you are going by antihealth care reform and being so you are dying at the box office. Since then the party is only 26. And so it is dying like the titanic. The only thing is that we dont have to go under completely. We dont have to wait for that moment. Lets change. And lets go back to this kind of like big tent idea of ronald reagan. Independents are about to overtake republicans in california. What can california to differently . I think independents will take over the republicans, they will take over the democrats also because i think that people in general i would say are up seth about the fact that democrats are too far to the left and they are getting stuck in their ideology and republicans too far to the right. And i think this is why we have helped to some extent here in california with getting rid ofg primaries. But we still have the problem that the democratic and Republican Party put certain weight behind people. And those are usually extreme people. Ive heard you say washington needs john kasich back in town. The balance committee, they balanced the budget, got rid of the debt and actually had a surplus. I mean it is unpleebelievable t think about today to have a surplus. They have completely wiped out the surplus right now and almost 21 trillion debt. Who is going to pay that off . So that is why i say john kasich, go back to washington and kick some brought autt and straighten out the mess. Do you want him back in 2020 . I told him he should run in 2020. The running should start now. You want him to run against President Trump . I think he should run against President Trump and he should show American People an alternative. Do you think he could beat trump . Doesnt it come full circle to how there has been an exodus of independent thinkers . They are left with a hard core base. Could kasich beat him . I think that i look at it a little bit differently. I think eventually the people will judge the president before they go to the polls by his performance. So if trump does a great job, there is no reason to replace him because the people will be happy and they will say he went through the list of things that he has promised, we have ihave Immigration Reform, hemts care reform, a booming economy and he is attacking education problem. He is working on all of the things. And he is doing a great job. Bang, he is back in again and he should be. But what im saying is that john kasich is the great alternative. Should he not perform, because we dont know yet, were only one year into his term, so does he not perform, john kasich would be a great republican alternative and better than that the democrats will put up because the democrats dont have anybody. He is the best next guy this line. President trump has been in office for about 400 days and astha has made only one trip to california. Has he abandoned the state . Im so happy that he only made one trip. The very fact that he doesnt want us to writeoff the state tax is a direct attack on california californians. So i dont think he cares about california. And i think california sdntd care about him. You addressed education, environment, health care. Those are not cornerstones of republican platforms these days. Tuning the pa do you think the party can win on those issues . I think it is extremely important to just look at the problems that we have in the United States. So it is great when you talk about that we must be number one economically. But at the same time, you have to recognize that we are number one already economically. But then in school and education, we are 39th in the world. 39th is absurd. And why . Because our Education System really sucks. And we need to do something about it. I mean, it is absolutely inexcusable that we have to have for instance affirmative action. Affirmative action means that i have not treated all the children equally, i have not given them an equal chance. Ive not given them equal textbooks, equal amount of money, equal computers, equal quality teachers and so on and so forth. And i saw it first hand when i was governor. There are schools here this dont have by far the same thing that they have in beverly hills. It is unfair and that is a major problem. And this is why certain kids are faili falling behind. It is insulting. So i say we have to work on and take on this challenge of equal education and great education at every level so that we can fill those 6 million unfilled jobs that the United States has right now and they cannot fill it because the people are not educated enough. That is crazy. So i think that it didnt matter if you are a republican or democrat, they got to get together and solve this problem. You still have the fire in the belly. That is obvious. Is there any political future for you, direct involvement in politics . No, you know, im not looking for running for office or anything like that. I just happen to be as passionate about those issues because im not just a talker about politics. I was governor. And i saw firsthand the problems that we have. And how those problems actually can be solved if both parties work together. And so what im trying to do is to say to the democrats and republicans, ease off from those political corners that you are stuck in and come to the middle and try to solve the problem that the American People need to have those problems solved. We cannot go another 20 years with no Immigration Reform or education reform or health care reform. We need every american insured and figure out a system that is fair for everybody so you dont punish those that already bought the insurance. So a lot of things need to be tackled. I dont look it as a republican or democratic issue. They are just people issues. Thank you, governor. Absolutely. California. I will never say it the same way again. Lets check in on your tweets and facebook comments. What have you got . Do you think you and the governor bonded so well because of your unique last names . No, kevin, i think because of our common physiques. Here is a shot of the march that cnn will be covering throughout the day. Still to come, what a week for Melania Trump with ander soon cooper interviewing both an adult if i recall him being film actress an former playboy playmate who have made allegations with affairs with the thousand president. How is she weathering the stormy . Were about to find out. Your letting go thing. Your sorry not sorry thing. Your out with the old in with the new, onto bigger and better thing. Get the live tv you love. No bulky hardware. No satellite. No annual contract. Try directv now for 10 mo for 3 months. More for your thing. Thats our thing. Visit directvnow dot com that i served. 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Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. It can help relieve your belly pain and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. Do not give linzess to children less than six, and it should not be given to children six to less than eighteen. It may harm them. Dont take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. If its severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomacharea pain, and swelling. Ask your doctor if 90 days of linzess may be right for you. Thousands are gathering in 38 degree temperatures for the march for our lives in washington, d. C. Starting in just a couple hours. And of course it is not just the nations capital. Crowds are forming at solidarity marches like this one here in philadelphia of. Demonstrations are scheduled in more than 800 cities all around the globe. This week seemed particularly rough for the first marriage with the twin Anderson Cooper interviews with playmate Karen Mcdougal and adult film actress Stormy Daniels that airs tomorrow night on 60 minutes. Unlike many first ladies, we dont hear much from Melania Trump herself, so were left with rumor and speculation, reading of tea leaves over photos and video interactions. People recently quoted a source close to her saying she is furious over the 24 7 tornado that her life has become. When 60 minutes airs tomorrow, the president will be back in the white house while melania stays in florida with barron for his spring break. Joining me now, Kate Anderson brower, she has written books about first ladies. Kaitd, the kate, there have been many leaks from the west wing, but none from the second floor residence. Does that surprise you . Not really because the east wing even during Michelle Obamas tenure in the white house, they circle the wagons around the first lady and especially with Melania Trump, she has a small press shop, less than haft numblf the number of working for her than Michelle Obama did. So hard to get information. But i dont think people are saying that they are reading the tea leaves. And i really think what you see is what you get. I dont think shes happy. And i talked to people who say that she is unhappy and this is not what she wanted. And that her life and the people story quotes a friend saying she feels like she is part of the car takardashians n. They are engulfed in all the scandals and it is not what she wanted for herself and not what she edge visinvisioned when she donald trump. There is so little known about her, so little known about her circle of friends, about her own family. It is unusual given the 24 7 bubble in which we live and the amount of attention that is constantly put on this administration. There is so much rumors about her and her family, their son barron goes to a school that is quite a distance from the white house. It would take 350 to 0 to 40 mi to get there. So a lot of talk about her parents living near the school, maybe melania living there and not fulltime in the white house. But again, it is all rumors and impossible to get a straight answer from her press shop because they really want to keep this private. And they are really, really protective of her. And i think that just goes to the fact that a lot of first ladies feel like look, we werent elected to this job, we shouldnt have to answer a lot of these questions. And we get to keep a small bit of our private lives private. So he wouldnt be with her tomorrow night. Im sure the president is hoping for a cable outage at maralago sunday evening. Yeah, i mean 60 minutes will probably get the highest rating in recent memory. And i think it is amazing that the only modern first lady who has gone through anything like this is Hillary Clinton. And this is President Trumps sworn enemy. And so the fact that the person that Melania Trump has the most in common with at this moment is not Jackie Kennedy who endured a lot of this, but there was an agreement among the press not to talk about kennedys affairs. Of course this was before cable tv and social media. So now you have a first lady forced to deal with this head on and we havent seen anything like it since Hillary Clinton. We also havent seen Melania Mount a Public Defense against donald the way Hillary Clinton did for bill. Kate, thank you so much for being here. Thank you you. Still to come, your best and worst tweets. Trump has good taste in women and he gets them. You know, im so glad you make this observation. Because ive been saying all we week long on radio to his core constituen constituency, the working Class High School he had indicated white guys in rust belt states clicking through the tv and looking at melania, stormy and the playmate, i dont think it hurts him any politically speaking. Dont forget results coming up in a moment. Vote on this poll question will americas gun culture ever change . And this of course the scene at the march for our lives. That is washington, d. C. Back in a sec. Et. And help her feel more strength and energy in just two weeks yaaay the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. Ensure. Always be you. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. Hais not always easy. 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This morning just hours ahead of the march for hour lives. Due to the huge numbers expected, organizers warn it might be less a march and more of a standing room only rally. It could turn out to be one of the largest washington protests since the vietnam era. All right, lets do this. Time to see how youve responded to the survey question at smerconish. Com. Will americas gun culture ever change . Remember, we started at a 50 50 whoa, the needle has moved. 21,239 votes cast. Glass half full. 52 say optimistically americas gun culture will change. 48 say not gonna happen. Katherine, what do we got in terms of social media for this Weeks Program . I used to think gun culture wouldnt change but these kids are making a difference in the way their generation views guns, says keri. I will agree with you in this respect. If something should change, if that which just occurred in florida finally brings about change, it will be because of these kids doing, frankly, what their parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles have not done for many decades. Another one, please. What do we got . Smerconish, people complaining about facebook on facebook is an oxymoron. Sheila, thank you for tweeting that instead of putting it on my facebook page. Next. Smerconish, schwarzenegger undoubtedly gets the best line of the day award. Im so happy he has only made one trip to california. Can i tell you, and its not just being star struck, im sure theres a little of that going on, but can i just tell you how impressed i am with arnold, his intellect, anticipapatriot simi real role model. Catch up with us at cnn go and go on demand. Well see you next week. I can do more to lower my a1c. And i can do it with whats already within me. Because my body can still make its own insulin. 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Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. I choose onceweekly trulicity to activate my within. If you need help lowering your a1c and blood sugar, activate your within. Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. Activate your within. Internet providers promise Business Owners a lot. Lets see who delivers more. Comcast business offers fast gigspeeds across our network. At t doesnt. We offer more complete reliability with up to 8 hours of 4g Wireless Network backup. At t, no way. We offer 35 voice features and solutions that grow with your business. At t, not so much. We give you 75 mbps for 59. 95. Thats more speed than at ts comparable bundle, for less. Call today. Good morning, everyone, from washington d. C. Im fredrica whitfield. Right now from coast to coast people of all ages are pouring into the streets walking side by side holding signs, chanting, singing, and demanding stricter gun laws. The leading voices in this movement, the high School Survivors of the Marjory Stoneman douglas massacre in parkland, florida. They planned the march for our lives. Th

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