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Over not only with its fast military gains in iraq and syria, but also with its use of social media to spread its propaganda mission. This week on twitter it released a second video from british hostage john cantlie. It opens with lend me your ears. Cantly has been abandoned by his government. He proceeds to rail against the military campaign against isis. And then taking a page out of a pr manual, isis through cantley moves to support its arguments with quotes from noted americans including tom cane who chaired the 9 11 commission. But he begins the video by quoting liberally from my first guest, michael shawer, the former head of the cia bin laden desk at this time cnn is not comfortable showing this video because the network believes that he was filmed under der duress. He said lets get to the point with a quote from former cia chief turned vigorous antiintervention campaigner Michael Scheuer. President obama does not have the slightest intention of defeating the islamic state, he says, which would require the aerial slaughter and boots on the ground demolishing of the mujahadin. Michael is considerable ads 18 years into our war with the islamists the u. S. Government has given no public sign that it has the slightest awareness of what its enemies are fighting for. And he ends the video with another quote with michael who joins me now. You ran the bin laden unit at the ciat alex station. I kau a tabulation in time this week. They said that since 2007, you have been quoted in propaganda videos and the like from isis and other splinter groups from al qaeda, no less than 16 times. Why do they keep quoting you . It appears, michael, im the only one in the west that is willing to take people who match words and deeds seriously. Im not a Rocket Scientist and my foes will tell you that. They rather think im an idiot. But were fighting an enemy who tells us exactly what hes going to do and does it. And he does it for the motivations that he describes. And yet we have the third american president now, mr. Clinton, mr. Bush, and mr. Obama, repeating the same sort of nonsense that they have talked about for the last 18 years. In other words, you believe there is a misperception. You think that the American People, you know i read all of your books so i read this and herded from you before. You think that to the extent weve been told that this is about our lap dances or lattes or our gap jeans or our, quote, freedoms, thats not what drives the jihadists. Thats a deliberate lie on the part of the ruling establishment in this country on the political elites. Because they dont want to face the fact that what motivates these people to attack us maybe not to attack the israelis, maybe not to attack the saudis but to attack us, is our intervention in their world. And right now isis could not ask for any greater gift than the one obama is giving them at the moment. So, when they quote michael shawer, your intermtation is to say because i understand them, i understand them to be evil sobs but people who say what they mean and transmit their intentions, and their message has been mischaracterized by the american political leadership, both democrats and republicans. Everyone. There is not an honest man on capitol hill as far as i know in terms of this since ron paul left. This is a problem that is ours and will keep growing and it will occur in this country until we come to grips with the fact that we have a choice. We keep our Foreign Policy contant, we fight this war forever. We change our Foreign Policy to the extent we can especially in regard to energy and support for the saudi police state and the israelis, we have a chance to split the unity of the mujahedin and have them fight among themselves than us. In that video he quotes you having said that obama doesnt have the slightest intention of defeating the islamic state. Square that with the fact were looking at footage of air strikes that have been now launched against that islamic state, both in iraq and now in syria. Michael, we watched it in iraq the first time independent 2003, we watched it for 14 years. In afghanistan. Air power wins nothing. Except with an atomic weapon aboard. And thats not going to happen. It is obama said yesterday, there is no military solution to this. And what that means is hes ashamed as bush was, as clinton was, to apply American Military power that the American People have paid for, to protect their country and their families. And what they will do is they will talk their way out of this war, well run again, and well be 03 against the mujahadin which in the muslim world means they have beaten both superpowers, the soviets and the United States. Soviets in 79 invasion. Correct sir. Im going to ask you for the Michael Scheuer solution. I want to ask you to square what you offered in terms of the real motivation of isis is, with what were seeing in those videos and heres what i mean by that, michael. They are beheading journalists as they are threatening the president against further incursion into the muslim world. Surely they know that the reaction here in america is going to be for people to get fired up and be supportive of those bombing missions. I guess my question for michael is, do they really want us to come over there, or, do they really want us as they say in the video to stay home . They want us to come over so well stay home. They want to beat us again. Its a lure. Osama bin laden and others have explained clearly that running an operation across the Atlantic Ocean or the pacific into america is expensive and it will cause only minimal damage. If they can get an american field army, on the ground they have found twice now, in iraq and afghanistan, that they can defeat it. It costs us enormous amounts of money, many dead, lots of maimed kids hobbling around the rest of their life but most important, they defeat the greatest power the world has seen as is said, with arms from the korean war. They know what war is about, sir. And we dont. So when they say this is what youll get more of obama if you continue, they are really saying, continue your quest on the socalled their words not mine, Arabian Peninsula so they can use it as a recruitment device. Thats the world according to Michael Scheuer. I think its reality. Thats the way i see reality, yes, thats correct. The more we intervene the more they win. Before you leave me, give me the plan. So if Michael Scheuer would dictate that which the United States is doing would be what . Close the southern border so we dont fight inside the United States. Begin to put together the excel pipe line, build it, drill off shore, get us energy sufficient so we can dump those tyrants that are part of our coalition now. The saudis, cokuwaitis. They are the people that should be getting killed in this, not americans. And finally, we need to separate ours from israel. Its an enormous drag, its a cancer on american Foreign Policy. You know the people will hear this and find those words objectionable and say they are only freend in the middle east t only people we can trust. Why would we turn our backs on the israelis. I find it objectionable to send my college age kids to fight and die so mrs. Mohammed can vote in an afghan election and after all of those kids died to run away and leave the country go back to the taliban. Ill take the abuse if people can explain what in the world this political elite is doing to our young people. Michael, thank you as always for being here. Pleasure, sir. Lets take a break. Ive got a lot more ahead. Up next this question. Where are you . Jane fonda, where are you Susan Sarandon and the thousands of others who protested american wars in the past. America, is at war again. Why are the streets silent this time . Ill talk with tom hayden. Also ahead, domestic politicsing of isis. No one on capitol hill will go on record with a vote to authorize force against isis but plenty of political ads are using video of the terrorists to stoke fears in the hearts and minds of voters. And gary hart never got to the white house. Nearly 30 years ago he was caught in an affair with donna rice ending his bid. I pose this question to the man who broke the story. Have we as a nation suffered because tabloid journalists peer through the bushes. Ill be right back. Like, the one the bank sees. Sheesh, i feel like im being interrogated over here. Shes onto us. Dump her. phone ringing . Hello . Oh, man. That never gets old. No it does not. Not all Credit Report sites are equal. Experian. 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Transamerica made it easy. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. Transamerica. Transform tomorrow. Welcome back. Have you noticed whats missing this week on the streets of america while u. S. And Coalition Jets began pounding isis and khorasan targets in syria . Call it the sound of silence. Where are the antiwar protests . And the antiwar celebrities who usually lead those protests . In the last decade there were notable demonstrations against the iraq war such as this large protest on the National Mall in 2007, led by actors jane fonda and Susan Sarandon. Of course demonstrations protesting u. S. Military action were familiar sight on america streets during the long vietnam war in the 60s and early 70s. My next guest is a veteran of those protests. Im joined by tom hayden. Good to have you. The issue is with no draft theres no skin in the game for so many people. Right . The fact is that the burden is being borne by so few among us. Well, there were big demonstrations against iraq and there was no draft. There were 600,000 as you showed on your screen, 10 seconds ago. There was a big antiwar not in comparison to the 60s. We can make these comparisons, but look. We have to use our brains. Its obvious that this war is rapidly developing. People have to think about it. If the president says theres no military solution and he also says its going to be a war that lasts beyond his presidency, i can guarantee you there will be a big Antiwar Movement. Is part of the problem, a lack of protest standpoint, that there is not access, say, in syria. Journalists need to be concerned that they be beheaded if they were on the front lines of this conflict and so perhaps americans at home are not seeing it the way its playing out. Thats a big problem. I know a lot about the james foley case, but i do think you can start an Antiwar Movement without television. It will be when people adjust to the madness that seems to be going on, and start to ask questions how long will it last, what will it cost. Is there really a strategy if the president says theres no military solution. I think it will take till a little past the election, and youll start to see a lot of action. I get the sense youre painting your sign and youre getting ready. Tom hayden. Thanks a lot. I am. Let me take a quick break. Im fascinated by this. Would you be upset if your son said he was dating a republican or your daughter said im dating a democrat . Discrimination based on Party Affiliation. And when should crimes be classified as hate crimes . Should they ever . Ill talk with a District Attorney who is dealing with an explosive case close to my home that many of calling gay bashing. The suspects have not been charged with a hate crime. Musical chairs. Fun, right . Welllllllll, not when your travel rewards card makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. Thats their game. The flights you want are blacked out. Or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. Honestly, its time to switch to the venture card from capital one. With venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. No blackout dates. And with every purchase, youll earn unlimited double miles. From now on, no ones taking your seat away. Whats in your wallet . It used to be many parents disapproved of children marrying someone of a different race, ethnicity, religion. New Research Published suggest that now party prej sis meaning Political Party prejudice, even exceeds racial prejudice. Cass sunstine wrote about it. The research was done by academics at stanford and princeton. Look at these numbers. It states that in 1960, only 5 of republicans and 4 of democrats said they would not like their children to marry outside of their Political Party. By 2010 those numbers jumped to 49 and 33 . A distressing sign of the times. Perhaps not so surprising to my next guest. Im joined by lilliana mason, a scholar at rutgers Political Science department. What do you make of that data . Its actually not that surprising to me. I think that saying that partyism and racism are Different Things is actually a little misleading. I think what were seeing is that the two Political Parties divided on race so that we have a Racial Division between republicans and democrats, we also have a religious division between republicans and democrats, we have a cultural division, we watch different tv shows, live in different places, north and south and urban and rural so were becoming these sort of mega teams t democrats and republicans, and its becoming easier and easier to dehumanize the people who are our political opponents. Do you think, you have given me a thought, maybe were able publicly to criticize the other party, we would never criticize, we hope, the other race. Is this all cover . In other words, instead today of somehow acknowledging to a pollster youre a racist, youre not going to do that. You lay it off on the democrats. You lay it off on the republicans. You could. You could. I think part of it is that, and then but then there are all of these other identities you have and biases that you can put in there. If you are biased against a religious group you could put that in there under party. If you are biased against southerners put that under a Political Party. The difference between racism and partyism is weve got this one prejudice that its totally okay to talk about, and racism which is really you know, publicly were not supposed to talk about that. Thats the rule. Maybe a solution is to ostracize partyism if thats the proper word, in the same way weve ostracized those who are bigots. That would be a wonderful thing to do but thats not happening at all. What were seeing is that partisans from both sides seem to find it acceptable to throw insults at each other, call each other names like stupid or liars. We reward them writing our checks, we reward them allowing them to get nominated. And if they were to say those same things about a racial group they would disappear from the public scene in an instant. Makes sense to me. Thank you for joining me. Joining me now a couple who married outside of their Political Party, john is a cnn political analyst, mar zbret a cnn commentator and republican consultant. Margaret, when you brought him home and they found out that he was an independent, albeit one who worked for mayor giuliani what was the resnx they were warned that he had also work forward bill clinton. We had plenty of sessions. They were prepared, but again, to your point, there was preparation necessary. Its true, i mean, in the case of my family i got to give them credit they came by their biases innocently. If your great grandfather is hu bert hoover and your growing up is being you can understand why you have a little bit of a bias. John is an independent so that helped a little bit. I cant say it didnt change the content of the toasts at our wedding. I think that was probably the most common point reiterated over and over i was marrying outside of the republican party. John, was he is a hard sell on the home home front initially because of her Party Affiliation . Oh, god no. Not at all. Exact opposite. My dad was thrilled. Your dads a republican. Lets full disclosure. Your father is a republican. Ly is very conservative. It was not an issue. I think the point margarets making her family comes by it honestly. They may be a leading indicator in the kind of personal hurt feelings that drive partisanship today. Again, it wasnt that i was a democrat, it was that i wasnt a rnl. It was like marrying outside your faith to some extent. There was education involved. There was explaining positions. And you know, i loved that margaret and i think try to set an example of how you can disagree agreeably and people dont always end up at a different place. But the fact that poll shows the huge cultural shift from 1960 when its 4 or 5 , to a 10fold increase thats an area we digressed. It should be shocking. Its a really, really sad sign of the times. Margaret, what is troubling to me is not only that figure but also the Practical Impact of this. I tread data myself and in one episode, one experiment i should say, 1,000 people were shown resumes that tipped the hand as to whether you were looking at a republican or a democrat and even when the candidates from opposing peerts had better credentials they didnt get the job. It scares me people are acting this way around us. Your thoughts . Look, i agree with you. I think you know, im going to disagree a little how were framing partisanship. And just beg for a characterization a little bit of definition on this. Heimer partisanship, the kind youre talking about i think is debilitating and bad for our democracy. But there is a kind of healthy partisanship that is part of our tradition going back to madison and jefferson. This is going back to the founding fathers. We could we can search for this elusive consensus. Well find it in russia, in china, in the theocracies of the middle east of isis. So you know, heimer partisanship is awful but a robust healthy and wonderful debate in our culture about our policies is part of the democratic tradition. Striking that is important. John, go sort this out over dinner. John, margaret, you see why we have them in separate studios. When i come back the affair that brought down gary harts president ial am bigses. I think it pointed american journal i. And i will explain. Whatever business youre in, thats the business were in. 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All around the world the dedicated people of United Airlines are there to support you. Thats got your back friendly. On monday a new book comes out written by malt bye who writes for yahoo news. The book is called the truth is out, the week that politics went tabloid. And the focus is gary harts withdrawal from the race for the white house which came after it was discovered that he was having an affair with donna rice. Bye argues that the event was a milestone in changes taking place since watergate. Where the surest path to media success had been to gain the trust of politicians and infiltrate their world. Now it was to take down a Public Servant through scandal. You remember the photograph of donna rice on harts lap. Chances are you think the photo was the smoking gun that killed this political career. Actually, the picture didnt come to light until nearly three weeks after he suspended his candidacy. In the ensuing 30 years there has been no such thing as out of bounds when it comes to media interest in candidates for high office. And not just big media outlets. Look at what happened this week in kansas. Paul davis, the democratic gubernatorial candidate has been locked in a tight race against republican incumbent sam brownback. One week ago today a twice weekly local newspaper with no website called the coffeyville journal revealed in 1998, a then unmarried 26yearold paul davis was in a strip club getting a lap dance when the place was raided as part of a drug sting. Davis was charged with no crime. He said he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was traveling with a partner at the law firm where he worked. The firm rechted the club. Nothing in the record suggests that either man violated the law but you know thats not going to stop the story circulation so close to election day. I worry not only about those who have entered the arena and now have their behavior under a microscope but also those who are watching from the sidelines maybe contemplating a willingness to serve but seeing the treatment of others at the hands of the media they decide that the scrutiny is not worth it. This drains the pool of potential Public Servants and in many cases unnecessarily destroys the lives of those who submit to the 24 7 gauntlet i interviewed gary hart about a book he was releasing and i asked him where reporters and observers should draw the line on covering personal lives. Heres what he told me. The standard that got changed i this think was that a public persons private life was of importance only if it affected their ability to do their job. I think that was a pretty good standard and it permitted some people who are flawed human beings as we all are to continue to serve their country. I think hes right. And he also correctly pointed out if todays wrecking ball standard had been applied in the past the country would have been denied the service of fdr, Dwight Eisenhower and jfk among others. It wasnt for tuesday condemn hart. That was a job for his wife. Ironic that while we rejected him, lee hart has stayed with them more than 50 years. At least thats how i see it. Let me get another opinion from tom fiedler, who today is dean of the college of communication at Boston University and 30 years ago he was a political reporter for the miami herald, in fact, april 27, 1987, at 8 00 at night, his phone rang with the tip that would eventually sink gary hart. Tom, thank you for being here. Was there any discussion at the herald about whether this was a path the herald should pursue or whether this should remain out of bounds because it was his private life . There was extensive discussion about it, michael. What really drove that story was the tip which turned out to be verifiable and turned out to be accurate. Is that senator hart at a time while he was running for president , and by the way, while he also publicly was denying that he was engaged in what was kind of acquaintly called womanizing back then, he was actually running around in a place in miami which if they had done a Reality Tv Show about miami vice it would have been filmed probably there. So the question for us is first of all what is a president ial candidate doing running around in a place known to be awash in drugs, fast boats, fast girls and so forth. And also at a time when he was denying that this was a problem for him. And by the way, as much as i admire matt bai and what he did, the fact that e. J. s quote became somewhat iconic, gary hart had said many times before the e. J. Dionne interview, words to those same effect. So when you say that there was a myth that he had set his own trap, thats really not collect. I wouldnt use the word trap. But senator hart himself weighs that issue as really a measure of who he was of his own authenticity. But the herald the herald wasnt responding to the challenge. You got a tip at 8 00 on that april night. Absolutely not. But to have four reporters staked out in an alley, yourself included, trying to catch someone for infidelity who was a president ial candidate, that was unprecedented. Thats the point that i tried to make. What we were doing was verifying what we were doing was verifying the tip that he in fact was going to spend the weekend with donna rice. Which we verified. And you can only do that by actually being there, so you know, you somehow make it sound like what we were doing was out of the bounds of journalism. Very much in bounds of what journalists do. The tip, however, was about infidelity. You make it sound like you could track down any tip. No. The tip the tip was about lying. The tip was about lying. He had lied to everyone, the public included, that he was he claimed he was not engaged in this kind of behavior. That was the tip that he was indeed engaged in that behavior and we checked out the tip. We felt that its important that voters be able to consider when they are looking at a persons fitness for officials, they should be able to take into account what his character included and it included lying about as it happened, infidelity. Thank you for being here. Appreciate it. It was lying is the heart of the issue. After the break, scaring the public into the voting booth. Lets call it for what it is, the politics of fear. Well examine how politicians are using acts of terror and the air strikes against isis to influence voters. Were back in a moment. Create things that help people. Design safer cars. Faster computers. Smarter grids and smarter phones. Think up new ways to produce energy. Be an engineer. Solve problems the world needs solved. What are you waiting for . 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Here is one extreme example in the new Mexico Senate race, challenger allen way has been trailing badly in the polls behind the incumbent democrat tom udall. Way is running an add not telling how he would vote on the battle but showing scary terrorists and burning buildings and oh, yes, a president who likes to golf. Here it is. You give me this office and in turn my fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sle sleep, vacations, leisure, is gone. Democratic senator tom udall from mexico. I know as fafr as i feel this diplomatic path that were on right now is a good one. I am giving myself to you and the American People should have no patience for whatevers going through your head because youve got a job to do. I know as far as i feel, this diplomatic path that were on right now is a good one. You got a freebie on us, right. Scott brown challenging senator jean shaheen is running an ad. Brown also fails to tell voters how he would vote to stop them. I want to bring in mark lamont hill, and tara setmayer, cohost of real news on the blaze tv and a republican strategist. Tara, will voters vote on this issue or will it still be the economy, stupid . Interestingly enough this is mirroring what happened in 2002. The atlantic did a piece not long ago showing the parallels between 2002 when security moms were an important part of that election, and after 9 11 and not saying there is anything at the level of 9 11 but its showing that polling, wall street journal showed that in august, 14 of women favored obamas Foreign Policy. Now its to 2. You know, women now, they are doing polling, focus grouping in iowa, its an important place, where they showed that Security Issues are now replacing the economy. And dont tell me that democrats arent paying attention to that, they are. And republicans are too. That ad that we saw in new mexico thats a pretty powerful ad. The reception of how you feel obama is doing, whether you its its the right thing or not to bomb syria and iraq t perception is republicans are stronger on National Security and democrat are dust. Does that hold where this president is launching air strikes against the islamic state. I agree everyone is looking at Security Issues, to the extent that people need to Say Something about it. The problem is there is no clear war hawk dove here. The president waged strikes, republicans have said the last week we like what the president s doing with regard to the scope and nature of the strikes so its hard to get mad at the president for that. There are people who oppose arming kurds in the north but the problem is not along partisan lines. There are people on the right saying wait, we dont know who the moderates are, people on the left saying the same thing. Its tough to make it partisan. The reason why its partisan is perception. Over time people, they associate tougher security with republicans, and that democrats because the president has dithered about for so long, strikes are way overdo, most are talking about especially in the military this is not enough, so the idea of a terrorist attack here happening in the United States, that were not safe, that perception is now burning into peoples mind. What about those that we should not intervene. The fact that republicans, we shouldnt intervene in syria or iraq . I dont know if they say we shouldnt. I think what they are saying that some are. Some say we shouldnt intervene at all. Thats not the over thearching issue. Eric holder is moving on. Whats his legacy . His legacy of being for the president , one who made a disgrace of the office, overpoliticized it. He claim as an activist. He didnt investigate fast and furious, held in contempt of congress, benghazi, the irs, and race agitator. I say good riddance to eric holder thank god. We were doing so well. I think eric holders legacy is one of an unprecedented role for the attorney general. Youre saying he unpress denltsed in a bad way. We disdegree whether its bad. Going to ferguson. I think its great thing to do. Were going to not choose sides but look for justice. A priority of not deporting people over others. Cracking down on multinational corporations. Corporate greed. These are good things. Again, is he for the president , politicizing the office. Absolutely. I havent met an attorney general yet. Not to go after illegal aliens. Thats not a good thing. Trying to prosecute terrorists as criminals, that wasnt a good thing. Due process for everybody. Shut ter thought. Thank you both so much for being here. Lets pause for a break. An explosive case in philadelphia, my hometown, alleged gay bashing. Three suspectses have been charged but not with a hate crime. Should they be . Ill talk with the philadelphia District Attorney in a moment. Stick with me. We know in the cyber world, threats are always evolving. At first, we were protecting networks. Then, we were protecting the transfer of data. And today its evolved to infrastructure. Finance. And military missions. Were constantly innovating to advance the front line in the cyber battle, wherever it takes us. Thats the value of performance. Northrop grumman. You cant get anyalue thbetter than that. Trains. Siemens trains are not your grandparents technology. Theyre something thats gonna change the cities we live in today. I find it so fascinating how many people ride this and go to work every single day. Im one of the lucky guys. I get to play with trains. People say, wow, we still build that in the United States . And we say, yeah, we do on september 11, a couple walking in Center City Philadelphia was allegedly accosted and beaten by a group of more than a dozen and such were the injuries that one victim needed to have his jaw wired shut. Three individuals now charged with that beating. Two men, one woman who happens to be the daughter of a local police chief. Charged with two counts of the aggravated assault. Reckless engaging and one of the criminal conspiracy. And that seems not to be enough. The men were beaten because they were gay. And this would appear to be a hate crime. Only pennsylvania does not give protection to the Lgbt Community. Why doesnt pennsylvania law, where it protects other group, protect this group . You are actually right, how are you michael. Pennsylvania used to protect members of the Lgbt Community, Sexual Orientation was a part of the hate crime legislation. But the Supreme Court struck it down on a technicality on the manner in which it became a law. It was actually tied to an agricultural bill and the state constitution doesnt really allow to it become a law unless it had gone through the Judiciary Committee so because of that it was struck down. So currently in pennsylvania people of the protected class of lgbt are not protected. And so that is why we are hoping to change that. So that people that are homosexual will not be targeted and beaten. Seth, here is my issue. First i believe that if there are hate crimes on the book, then the Lgbt Community should be provided that level of protection. But what occurs to me is that if my wife and i were on that same block and we were beaten, god forbid, the punishment that would be meted out to those individuals would then be less than if those individuals had attacked a gay couple. So why should i in that sense be deserving of less protection under the law . And that is an interesting question that many people pose but it is actually incorrect. If someone were to target you michael because think knew of your ethnicity and they targeted you for that. Knew where your family came from in europe and they targeted you and they said derogatory slurs tied that that ethnicity. We could prosecute them and charge them with a hate crime under the ethnic intimidation laws a as they currently stand. With e dont have that in in situation. It is unfortunate that it occurred. One case like this is too many. It doesnt happen as often as many people think that people are targeted because of their Sexual Orientation. And im glad at that. But one case is too many. Doesnt every crime of violence involve some level of hatred . Im trouble by the idea that we are now going after you because of whats in your mind. I understand that. Part of our democracy is to protect minority groups. For the majority to protect those that people often target. And so that is why there was a need, people thought, to protect people if they were going after them because they were African American or because they were korean, if you will. So i understand what you are saying but we do not have the First Amendment right to express yourself by beating someone because of their ethnicity. And hopefully not because of their Sexual Orientation. A final quick question. Do you anticipate more arrests in this case, which is Getting National attention . I think and im very happy that the police did a very thorough investigation and collaboration with the District Attorneys office. We got arn outpouring from people on social media. And brought in the entire group of people. There was a large group that was a witness and somewhat of a party to what happened and i this i the police got it right but if we find Additional Information and other people deserve to be charged, they will be. Seth williams, thanks for being with us. The philadelphia District Attorney. Thank you michael. Bile right back. Whos going to do it . Whos going to make it happen . Discover a new energy source. Turn ocean waves into power. Design cars that capture their emissions. Build bridges that fix themselves. Get more clean water to everyone. Whos going to take the leap . Whos going to write the code . 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Do you know that 50 years ago today it was release of the Warren Commission report on the kennedy assassination. And you can follow me on twitter as long as you can spell smerconish. Smerconish. See you next week. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com congratulations to them. Well talk more at about that is a well but we want to say hello to you on this saturday morning. So grateful for your company. Im christy paul. And joe johns. We want to begin in Northern Syria this morning because the skies are new with air strikes. Those air strikes happening near the border city where isis militants are the battling kurdish fighters. The kurds have been trying to push isis back. Cameras have been captured had battle unfold. It is something to see. Look at these pictures coming in. The u. S. Led coalition is getting bigger by the day. New this morning. British Royal Air Force planes are helping america parole the skies over iraq. And they say they are ready to strike if needed

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