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House defends its stonewalling. And d. C. Heroes return. The Washington Nationals are coming home tonight as world series champs. A first for the team. This hour, a divided city has a reason to unite and celebrate. We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. This is cnn breaking news. Were following breaking news on a turning point for congress, the Trump Presidency and the nation. A divided house endorsing the impeachment investigation in a mostly party line vote. This opens an urgent new phase in the battle between democrats and the white house that could lead to articles of impeachment against the president by the end of the year. Also breaking, another key impeachment witness wrapped up closed door testimony just a little while ago. Cnn has learned the white house adviser on russia revealed he was specifically warned to steer clear of Rudy Giulianis shadow ukraine policy aimed at securing investigations that could help the president politically. Ill get reaction from the House Judiciary Committee member steve cohen and our correspondents and analysts are also standing by. First, lets go to our Congressional Correspondent phil mattingly. The house voted on this impeachment investigation for only the fourth time in this countrys history. Thats right, wolf. It was a momentous occasion, one with historic significance and significance throughout the capitol. Really throughout the country. A house divided, no doubt about it, but a house that is now very clearly moving towards impeaching president donald trump. On this vote, the yeas are 232. The nays are 196. With that historic drop of the gavel, the house entering a new phase of its impeachment inquiry, one increasingly likely to end up with the impeachment of donald trump. Democrats holding the First Official vote on the matter. The resolution to establish rules for the process. The vote almost entirely along party lines. Two democrats voting against. Today the country just witnessed the only bipartisan vote on that floor was against. Reporter the vote determined how the House Intelligence Committee will hold public hearings moving forward and allows republicans to request witnesses to be called. But it does not grant them subpoena power unless democrats agree. Republicans today blasting their colleagues. Clearly there are people that we serve with that dont like the results of the 2016 election. Reporter calling the inquiry a sham. When you look at this sovietstyle process, it shows you that they dont really want to get to the truth. They want to remove a sitting president. Democrats, many of whom were wary of impeachment before explosive allegations related to withholding money from ukraine for political reasons defending the impeachment inquiry as necessary to preserve and defend the constitution. Right in the here and now, we are keeping the republic from a president who says article two says i can do whatever i want. And not so. Reporter the inquiry itself saw new testimony today from timothy morrison, the top adviser on the National Security council for russia and europe. Morrison is the second official who was on trumps phone call with the ukrainian president to testify so far. According to multiple sources familiar with his testimony, morrison said he was concerned the transcript of the call would have a negative implication if leaked and was involved in discussions over how to handle the call. Morrison corroborated much of the testimony given by william taylor, the top diplomat in ukraine about interactions they had related to President Trumps insistence on investigations into the bidens in the 2016 election. Morrison also testified that he was warned by thenwhite house official fiona hill to avoid Rudy Giulianis shadow ukraine diplomatic mission, according to a source familiar with the matter. But the source said morrison was clear he was not concerned trump asked zelensky for a favor and that he did not think, quote, anything illegal was discussed in that july 25th call. Republicans leaving the deposition saying morrisons testimony may have contradicted other witnesses. And helped President Trump. Mr. Morrisons testimony is very damaging to the democrat narrative. Thats why you havent seen any leaks from my democrat colleagues today. Wolf, as this impeachment inquiry moves forward, Democratic Leaders have been reluctant to put a timeline on it. Every time we meet with someone behind closed doors we find we need more information about what we were told. That said, there will be at least one more week of scheduled closed door depositions and shortly after that, public hearings will start from the public hearings it will move to the Judiciary Committee where articles of impeachment will be drafted. Theyll move those through and then another house vote. If they get to that point. And then to the United States senate for a trial where at this point the United States senators watching, waiting, mostly holding their fire. Wolf . Phil mattingly on capitol hill, thank you. More breaking news on new legal tests of white house stonewalling. Federal judges are reviewing whether the courts can force witnesses close to the president to testify in the impeachment investigation. Lets bring in our senior justice correspondent evan perez outside a federal courthouse in washington. What is coming out of these hearings tonight and what does it mean for the white house efforts to claim executive privilege . Right, wolf. The white house and the Justice Department are making the argument that don mcgahn, the former white house counsel, has absolute total immunity from having to testify to the house in this impeachment inquiry. The judge simply is not buying that. She clearly is skeptical of some of the arguments that the Justice Department was making in court today. Ill read you part of what she said. She said, quote, we dont live in a world where your status as a former executive branch official somehow shields you or prevents you from giving information. She also raised the point, wolf, that there were former Administration Officials that are now tv commentators. People doing commentating on television on Cable Networks and so on, and she pointed out that that, obviously, means they should be able to provide information to the house as well. She says, quote, i see almost every day people who are former executive Branch Officials giving information in the media. People are out there talking. We want to see it wrap up to get don mcgahns testimony. The house is trying to move quickly on impeachment. So well see how quickly this judge makes a ruling. There was another key willing fight. This fight involved boltons former Deputy Charles kupperman. Thats right, wolf. Right down the hall from the earlier hearing, this is essentially a scheduling hearing. But it was clear that a judge wants to move very quickly, at least quickly by court standards. The question is whether or not well be able to get the testimony from Charles Kupperman or from john bolton if he gets subpoenaed in time for this inquiry. As you know, the democrats have set an aggressive timeline. Perhaps an Impeachment Vote by december. This judge, richard leon today, said that hes looking at holding a hearing in early december. December 10th to be exact. So if that schedule holds, wolf, its not clear to me that the House Democrats are going to get the testimony that they need. This is why the lawyers for the house today were in court saying that the judge should dismiss this lawsuit because they say this is simply a delay tactic. Evan perez in washington, thank you. Lets go to the white house where President Trump has been lashing out, and now that the democrats have formalized their impeachment investigation. Lets bring in our chief White House Correspondent jim acosta. First of all, what are you hearing from the president and his allies . Yeah, wolf, the white house is portraying the Impeachment Vote in the house as a partisan attack on the president taking pride in the fact that no republicans strayed from mr. Trump in that vote. Earlier today the president invited gop lawmakers to the white house earlier today for a discussion that included some talk about the impeachment process. The Trump Campaign we should also note released some talking points earlier today on impeachment that attempted to poke holes in the democrats case. But that ended up tramp ling on some of the facts. With democrats voting to move forward with impeachment in the house, President Trump is tweeting as hes pleading read the transcript, insisting hes the victim of the greatest witch hunt in american history. He shows an ally in the british media, nigel farage, to make his case. The democrats are desperate. Theyve got nothing going. And its the only way theyre going to try and win the election because they cant win it the fair way. The transcript of the call that iocument and theyre using that to try to impeach the president of the United States who won one of the greatest elections in history. Reporter White House Press secretary Stephanie Grisham who has yet to hold a briefing with reporters appeared on fox news and indicate plead trumps team is still formulating its counterimpeachment strategy. Now that were in phase two of the impeachment inquiry, the strategy of what the legal strategy will be Going Forward until we learn what the ground rules are. The dems have been really good at continuously moving the goal posts on that so i dont want to get into any of our strategy just yet. Reporter the president s family is stepping up with ivanka trump quoting Thomas Jefferson who once lamented he was surrounded by enemies and spies, catching and perverting every word that flows from my lips or flows from my pin and inventing where facts fail them. Some things never change, dad. Donald trump jr. Defend his fathers quest for dirt on joe biden complaining children shouldnt be able to make a buck off of their family name. I wish my name was hunter biden. I could go abroad. Make millions off of my fathers presidency. Id be a really rich guy. It would be incredible. Reporter cnn obtained trump talking points that mistakerize the testimony of alexander vindman. It said vindmans testimony supports President Trumps message and vindman stated the released transcript of President Trumps phone call with the ukrainian president zelensky was accurate and that there was no quid pro quo on the call. Heres the reality. Vindman told lawmakers the transcript was incomplete and added there was a quid pro quo. With his presidency on the line, mr. Trump is being urged by Mitch Mcconnell to avoid attacking fellow republicans who may end up deciding his fate. Gop lawmakers are remaining loyal to the president. The president is now asking all of you to defend him against the substance of these allegations. Will you do that . Will you all go on the record and say that the president did nothing inappropriate . Yes. And i think you heard members up here being very clear. Reporter and the white house is seizing on the testimony of tim morrison as a positive, trying to spin that as a positive. They came out of the capitol earlier today. A senior white house official tells our colleague pamela brown that they saw morrisons testimony over here at the white house as being beneficial to the president s cause because morrison, according to the white house, told lawmakers he saw the ukraine call as more of a political than a legal problem for the president. But the problem for the president as you know, and this began with the whistleblower is that a growing number of Administration Officials has stepped forward to testify that mr. Trump was wrong when he sought ukraines help in investigating joe biden and there are more officials coming out of the woodwork to testify in the coming days. Jim acosta, thank you. Joining us now, democratic congressman steve cohen on the Judiciary Committee that plays a very major role in the impeachment process down the road. Thanks so much for joining us. This was an historic and important vote today in the house of representatives. The first full house vote on the impeachment inquiry. What does it say to you, though, that not a single republican joined democrats in voting for this resolution . I think its important that all democrats but two voted for it. That says weve got strength that Speaker Pelosi has garnered the facts have encouraged and that well have the votes if we have an impeachment resolution to honestly vote on the matter. The fact that the republicans werent there was a bit surprising. I thought there might have been a few who came over. Justin amoss voted for the resolution and said the president will be here for a short period of time. You should worry about your place in history and what youre doing now while the constitution is being subverted. Those were telling statements from justin amash. Once they hear the information, not everybody has heard the information in public, open hearing, but once the information and the testimony is put in public hearings and the depositions are released and the American People hear them for themselves, i think that the constituencies of the republicans will tell them to vote to impeach donald trump because he has abused his power. He has corrupted his position, and he has been a person who has betrayed his oath to the constitution and to the American People. Trying to get an ally, ukraine, leveraging congressionally funded military support to defend themselves against the russians, and hes using that as a way to try to leverage them to get dirt on his opponent joe biden. Its strictly illegal, unconstitutional, against his oath of office and once its out in public, i think the public will show their congresspeople they need to vote correctly. Lets talk about whats happening down the road. You serve on the Judiciary Committee which eventually will introduce articles of impeachment. How soon, congressman, will you start getting material from the Intelligence Committee which is at least right now leading the inquiry . I think well get it before thanksgiving. I suspect maybe the second week of november. Theres no cut timeline. But theyre going to start to go into public hearings. Probably in about a week or two. And i think theyll be turning information over to the Judiciary Committee to look at, to analyze and to synthesize. Tim morrison, a top official on the National Security council testified today behind closed doors that he didnt see anything illegal about the president s demands on ukraine, but he was also worried about the transcript of that july phone conversation leaking. What do you make of that . I think it says that the transcript must be released. This is not the cia and it doesnt have anything about any intelligence officials. That phone call, which has become a controversy, the president calls it a its not a transcript. Its a memorandum of the phone call. The transcript has been locked up. Mr. Colonel vindman said it was not complete, there were ellipses where there should have been statements and things changed. I would like to see it. I think the American People would like to see it and President Trumps statement that was a perfect phone call, he should want it to be seen. The fact hes not releasing it has nothing to do with National Security because theres nothing about sources and methods. Theres information that would show that Donald Trumps quote unquote transcript, which is a memorandum, is not complete. Was basically a lie to the American People because it omitted certain information and we need to see it all. A federal judge near washington weighed in today on your committees fight to hear testimony from don mcgahn, the former white house counsel. The judge said we dont live in a world where your status as a former executive branch official somehow shields you or prevents you from giving information. Are you encouraged to hear that . Very much encouraged. I dont think theres any question but don mcgahn should testify and will be ordered to testify. Just an issue of when he testifies so we can get the information. The trump team has put up the most specious legal arguments that judge howell and other judges have written these arguments are just off the wall. They are they probably wouldnt get you out of loss school. And yet they are just throwing up what they can to try to hide information and guard people from testifying to the american public. If trumps world is perfect, if hes done nothing wrong, if he didnt obstruct justice, theres no reason not to have mcgahn testify. Mcgahn talked to mueller and muellers report made it clear mcgahn was asked to take actions that show obstruction of justice. And the elements are all there. This man has obstructed justice, and he has abused his power and subverted the constitution as Barbara Jordan said nixon had done and hes done it in spades. Congressman steve cohen, thanks for joining us. And go, nats they are the world series champs. Thank you very much. More breaking news coming up. With more historic Impeachment Vote launching a new phase of the inquiry. The former u. S. Attorney preet bharara. Hes standing by live. Well discuss that and more. Plus, the hometown heros return. Washington welcomes back baseballs champion Washington Nationals. Expected to land outside of washington at Dulles Airport momentarily. If youre on medicare, remember, the annual Enrollment Period is here. The time to choose your medicare coverage. Begins october 15th and ends december 7th. So call unitedhealthcare and take advantage of a wide range of plans with a variety of benefits. Including an aarp Medicare Advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. 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Ask your doctor about entresto. Where to next . Were following all the breaking news at this historic moment for the trump impeachment investigation. The house of representatives voting to formalize the inquiry. All but two democrats voted yes. All the republicans voted no. Were joined by the former u. S. Attorney preet bharara. How significant is todays full vote in the house . I think its very significant. Any time you have an event like this, thats only happened for the fourth time in all of american history, its a significant event as an historical matter. It takes away some of the arguments that President Trumps allies have been making about this proceeding only in secret proceeding in a nonpublic way and proceeding with rules and procedures agreed upon by a majority of the house. And those procedures in particular are going to call for a fairly interesting and more streamlined and i think more organized hearings Going Forward when they become public. Among other things, the resolution calls for there to be extended questioning by the chair and vice chair of the Intel Committee where all the action is going to be. Not the Judiciary Committee thats been the decision in the past and theyll have 45 minutes a piece and delegate some of that questioning to career professionals to employees and Staff Members of the Intel Committee. Before they go back to the sometimes circuslike fiveminute rounds of members of congress have and other hearings weve talked about and a little bit made fun of, here and elsewhere. So i think it will be a rational reasoned process and they finally got the vote everyone has been clamoring for. On the other hand, its not a great thing there were no republican defections. That it was a more partisan vote than weve seen before. In the clinton era in 1998 when they had a similar vote there were several dozen democrats who agreed with the resolution. And i think the majority of members of congress proceeded to vote. There were timing differences in how much evidence had been developed but those are the major takeaways. Very significant indeed. Lets get to something close to you. Prosecutors in your former office were talking about the Southern District of new york. They are now looking for closely into Rudy Giulianis role in all of this. But cnn has learned they are also weighing the upcoming 2020 election and the difficulties of prosecuting foreign lobbying violations. Maybe especially during an election year. How does all that impact their next steps . So i dont know if any of that is true and even without there being reporting on it, i would assume those are considerations. They would have been considerations when i was a u. S. Attorney and we did sensitive political investigations. We wanted to make sure you were far enough away from an election so you arent affecting it. Theres not a lot of time. On the issue of whether the election effects how they think about it, i think for reasons of fairness and justice, to both mr. Giuliani and also the upcoming election, you want to make sure you can get those things squared away as far in advance as possible. Sometimes thats not able to be done because your witnesses are in far flung places and you cant check all the boxes but thats something right and appropriate to be thinking about. You dont want it to go too far into 2020 before you shut the door on it. And with respect to the other issue, the statute you mentioned, the foreign agents registration act that theyre looking at, its a tough statute. We brought cases successfully under that act but a couple of highprofile cases brought by the Justice Department that ended in acquittals. Its not a statute used a lot over the course of years and its a tough statute to get a conviction under. And we dont know the facts with relation to rudy giuliani. Preet, thank you so much. Just ahead, well have much more than the newest closed door testimony in the impeachment inquiry and what we learned about the president s ukraine phone call which is at the center of all of this. Plus theres another big story right here in washington. Live pictures coming in from Dulles Airport outside of washington, d. C. The World Champion Washington Nationals, they are just arriving back here in the d. C. Area. Were following the teams triumphant return to d. C. Paneras new warm grain bowls are full of good. Full of flavor, color, full of woo full of good. So you can be too. Try our new warm grain bowls today. Panera. Food as it should be. amber jagger if we dont give students from an underserved background the technology that they need in school, theyre not going to be competitive in the workforce thats waiting for them. Since verizon innovative learning, students have hardware, connectivity, and quality curriculum. The jobs of tomorrow will involve technology. 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Lots of excitement on all fronts. Lets bring in our correspondents and analysts to discuss the history that unfolded in the house of representatives today. David chalian, a big moment for House Democrats but they failed to get even one republican member to support this resolution formally authorizing the impeachment inquiry. Thats right, wolf. Its so important that you stress both of those things. It is a big moment. Its historic. No doubt about that. But it is important also to note how todays vote is emblematic of the time we live in. Very polarized times. Very partisan times. And this is not yet sort of meeting the standard that nancy pelosi herself set way back when, when she was reluctant to move toward impeachment because it was such a divisive issue and needs to be bipartisan in nature. This is not yet bipartisan in nature which gives the prrkts when he has that unanimity, a bit of a political ground to stand on and engage in this battle. Of course, he would not want to be here at all to be the fourth president threatened with impeachment. The final vote was 232 in favor, 196 opposed. All the Republicans United against the resolution. Two democrats split from the democratic majority. David swerdlick is with us. The republican argument is that this new process is too little, too late. The democrats are wasting a lot of time. Theyve got a lot of other important issues that are being neglected in the process like health care, military funding, infrastructure funding, and this is simply a waste. Yeah, i think some people will buy that argument but its not going to go very far, wolf. For a couple of reasons. For three or four weeks theyve been clamoring for a full house vote on impeachment. Now theyve got it. They dont like all the rules put in place but they got what theyve been asking for and still seem to be saying this is a sham. This is a waste of time. The other thing is that its not as if in the house or in congress in general a lot of major legislation was moving slowly through. One house is controlled by democrats. The other house is controlled by republicans. They dont agree on the big issues. Theyre not going to get a lot done between now and election day, regardless of impeachment. Theres been almost a hundred hours of secret closed door hearings involving key witnesses, the depositions, sworn depositions coming forward and witness after witness they seem to be corroborating this notion that there was some sort of quid pro quo that ukrainians would get the aid they want. The meeting with the president that they want in exchange for dirt on the bidens. And thats a significant moment. But moving from secret to public televised hearings will be very significant. It will be. And it will change the nature of the impeachment inquiry thus far. There has been a as you pointed out, a remarkable amount of unan imity among all the people that have testified, even those who disagreed on the interpretation of the events. Most people corroborate the events as theyve been laid out and so when you get to the public phase its going to put all of that in its entirety in the public sphere. What we know of this testimony has come a little bit from the democrats, a little from the republicans. It will be important for everybody to see all of it because its going to be probably a little bit less cut and dry than it has seemed up to this point. But the challenge for republicans is that, are they going to ever get to a point where the facts are going to bolster the president . Im not sure that they are because everyone basecally agrees on the facts. Its a question of whether or not they think it was improper or a crime or something that rises to the level of an impeachment. Kylie, the testimony today from tim morrison, a top official at the National Security council behind closed doors again. But were getting new information on what he said. Youve been doing a lot of reporting on this. What are you learning . Tim morrison is key because he was on that july 25th call. We keep referencing back to between trump and zelensky when the president urged, asked for a favor from zelensky to investigate, to look into biden and biden and his son. But tim morrison told lawmakers today that he was not worried about the legal nature of that conversation. He said, quote, in his Opening Statement today, i was not concerned that anything illegal was discussed. But he did turn over the transcript of that call to the lawyers at the white house. And he says the reason for that is because of how politically divisive washington is right now. And so he wanted to make sure that they were looking over it. He was worried about it leaking out because of how divisive washington is and also because of how it would be perceived by the ukrainians. The fact theyd be looking at u. S. Assistance in a different way. But the other key element here and abby referenced this is that he did back up what we heard from bill taylor. Hes the top u. S. Diplomat in ukraine and he is the one who said that it was the u. S. Ambassador to the eu, gordon sondland, that had hold the, cra ukrainians at some point in Early September they wupouldnte getting any u. S. Security assistance unless they launched an investigation into the bidens. Thats the key part here. He did corroborate that. But tim morrison told lawmakers he was confident in nsc process here and how it went down legally. David chalian, you are our political director. How is all this stuff going on in the house of representatives now playing politically out there . Well, weve seen in polling when you look at national polling, wolf, weve seen slim majority in the country saying theyre in favor of impeachment and removal. But when you look at critical battleground states or even more specifically in critical districts, battleground districts where a lot of these democrats who helped nancy pelosi become speaker, majoritymakers, they won districts that donald trump won. Impeachment is not a popular position there. And i do think that that is what the Trump Campaign, the white house, the rnc, all of that apparatus is banking on is that in the state and in the districts where this really matters, this is not a slam dunk popular thing to be doing and they want to keep making that case which is why todays vote, if you are a democrat in a vulnerable district, you got a lot of incoming from republicans today as they try to hang that vote around the neck of those democrats. Well see if that works as this moves into the public phase. The historic day in washington indeed. Everybody stick around. Theres a lot more were following. Another big story thats breaking here in the nations capital, the world series champion Washington Nationals. They are returning home right now. Stand by. Were going out to Dulles International airport. Our brian todd is on the scene. Well have a full report. What d . We see patterns. Relationships. When you use location technology, you can see where things happen, before they happen. With esri location technology, you can see what others cant. Billions of problems. Sore gums . Bleeding gums . Painful flossing . Theres a therabreath for you. Therabreath healthy gums oral rinse fights gingivitis and plaque and prevents gum disease for 24 hours. So you can. Breathe easy, theres therabreath at walmart. Theyre americas bpursuing lifechanging cures. In a country that fosters innovation here, they find breakthroughs. Like a way to fight cancer by arming a patients own tcells. Because its not just about the next breakthrough. Its all the ones after that. Only roomba i7 uses two multisurface rubber brushes. And picks up more pet hair than other robot vacuums. And the filter captures 99 of dog and cat allergens. If its not from irobot, its not a roombaâ„¢. New flames and destruction in californias wildfire crisis. Another blaze erupting and engulfing homes just east of los angeles. Millions of on alert for powerful winds and other dangerous conditions that could spark new fires at any time. Cnns nick watt is joining us from San Bernardino covering this breaking story for us. What are you seeing there on the ground . Well, wolf, here in california, still more than 17 Million People are under these high wind red flag warnings. Thats not far off half of the population of this entire state. You mention new fires, too, popped up in this area. On this culdesac, the fact only two homes were laufrkts thats considered something of a victory. Thats where we are right now. 60mileanhour gusts, homes burning in the predawn dark. The hillside fire broke out in the early hours. Everything is getting engulfed in flames. Reporter sunrise this would have been the bedroom. Reporter and the valdivia family returned to, well, nothing. Speaking with my colleague omar jimenez. My kids baby pictures and a laptop and destroyed. Destroyed. My heart broke, man. We have good memories in this house. Reporter all week weve seen dangerously strong winds flipping tractor trailers on the freeway. Fanning flames. Spreading embers across the state. The embers are blowing into neighborhoods out here. Reporter east of l. A. , residents evacuated from a Senior Center through the smoke. In west l. A. , the getty center and many multimillion dollar homes were threatened. Some of them badly burned. North of the city, hurricaneforce winds whipping flames, forcing 30,000 to evacuate. A close call for the reagan library. Resting place for the former president and first lady. And in northern california, hundreds of structures destroyed. Nearly 80,000 acres burned. This is californias new normal. Some good news, though. The winds are forecast to drop. A lot of those red flag warnings will be lifted in just a couple of hours from now. A few will remain around los angeles and ventura for friday and across much of the state, the fire risk will just be elevated, not extreme. Wolf . Nick, thank you. Nick watt on the scene for us. We have a lot more news. Well be right back. Born to be wild. Born to be wild. If you have moderate to thsevere rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. Ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. Humira can help stop the clock. Prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. 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Thats Financial Wellness. Put your employees on a path to Financial Wellness with prudential. Right now the new world series champions, the washington national, they just landed back home. This politically divided city now united in celebrating the nats historic come from behind victory. Brian todd is outside of washington dulles, what kind of welcome are the nats getting tonight . A joyful one, wolf, just a few moments ago getting a first glimpse of the victorious Washington Nationals touching down in their hometown after their dramatic win in game seven in the world series and they got off this charter plane by houston greeted by family and friends and it turned out to be a small mob of people who rushed to the foot of the stairs and family friend, team staffers, airport employees and First Responders here who were escorting them out and one of the players carried the world series trophy as he got off first, and other players carried their children with them and everybody was cheering and they just got on some busses, a caravan of busses to my left here and loaded up and are heading down we presume to nats park in downtown washington, about 25 miles from here. Wolf, you mentioned a politically divided city and thats what makes this such a big story and the city of washington and the sports fans are going crazy over the nats win and this was a victory that really united a politically divided city. People from all political stripes were rallying around this team, not just for the world series, but over the past few weeks as they made their incredible run through the postseason and that is one of the big stories regarding the nats victory and the other track is the adversity this team had to go through to get to where they are tonight. They had 19 wins and 31 losses on may 24th. That was a third of the way through the season. Everybody was writing them off and analysts were talking about them trading the big players and rebuild the team from scratch. They stuck with it and their manager Davey Martinez stuck with it. He was under fire and he also, by the way, was treated for a heart condition near the end of the season and missed a couple of weeks as they got ready for the playoff run. So this team has come through so much adversity and another thing you have to talk about is that so many games in the world series, they were behind in elimination games and i think in five elimination games they were rehind and they rallied in all of those games to win and you couldnt ask for a more dramatic series victory than this and a bigger story than just baseball and this nats victory united a very politically divided town in the middle of an impeachment scandal. Ive been to a lot of the nationals games and i see democrats and republicans and a lot of folks who dont care about politics, but they all love the Washington Nationals. Brian todd, stick around. Well have much more news right after this. Finally tonight, they say theres no place like home, but the Washington Nationals are the firstever team to win the world series entirely on the road. They stayed in the fight and were so proud. Congratulations to our Washington Nationals. Excellent, excellent work. Erin burnett out front starts right now. Out front next, a historic Impeachment Vote in the house as a key witness testifies to a quid pro quo. So why is the white house claiming victory tonight . Plus two major Court Hearings tonight that could change the course of the impeachment investigation. What were learning from inside the courtroom. And a rising democrat embroiled in a scandal delivers a blistering Farewell Speech and tonight she leaves congress pointing fingers. Lets go out front. Good evening. Im pamela brown in for erin burnett. Out front tonight, the breaking news, the impeachment investigation now in high gear on this histori

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