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Insults. And the defense rests. Paul manaforts lawyers decide not to call any witnesses including their client. We could know the fate of the former Trump Campaign chairman soon as that criminal case moves to closing arguments and then right to the jury. We want to welcome our viewers here in the United States and around the world. Wolf blitzer is offed to. Im jim sciutto and youre in the situation room. Announcer this is cnn breaking news. Were following the breaking news. Omarosa newmans escalating feud with President Trump may have new weight tonight of the fired white house aide now says she was interviewed by special counsel Robert Mueller, this as the white house is not ruling out the possibility that one of omarosas most explosive claims could be true. Press secretary Sarah Huckabee sanders says she cannot guarantee that a video will not surface showing mr. Trump using a racial slur. Sanders insists the president s anger at his former tv reality apprentice star isnt about race, just hours after mr. Trump called omarosa a dog, and a low life in a new tweet. Ill get reaction from democratic congressman reuben guy ago. The cnn senior White House Correspondent jeff zeleny. Certainly a lot of questions about omarosa and race at the White House Briefing and some confusing answers. Reporter many questions about that all sparked by the release of omarosas new book and sparked again by the president s sharp reaction to that. His harsh language against his former white house official here and long time friend sparking questions about race but press secretary Sarah Huckabee sanders said at the White House Briefinged to, tbriefing today is open to that is clear for sure. Plenty of fire in the west wing. I cant guarantee anything, but i can tell you that the president addressed this question directly. Reporter thats how White House Press secretary is answering the question tonight of whether a recording could exist of President Trump ever using the nword while producing his apprentice reality show. The president has repeatedly dier denied using the racial slur as his one time friend and aide omarosa has claimed. As she wages war with the white house. If it at any point we felt that the president was who some of his critics claim to be, we certainly would be here. Reporter tonight omarosa also saying for the first time that shes been interviewed by Robert Mueller in his investigation into the 2016 election. I have. Reporter in her latest explosive claim she insisted shes spoken to muellers team, blasted by the president as a witch hunt for its investigation of russian interference and trump collusion. Thats the extent i can go in discussing that as well. Reporter its unclear what, if anything, she could offer muellers team. Her comment comes in the wake of a racially charged controversy surrounding the president. Low life. Reporter who referred to her today as a dog. The president out of public view at the white house instead taking to twitter saying, when you give a crazed crying low life a break, i guess it just didnt work out. Good work for general kelly for quickly firing that dog. Sander insists the comments was not racist. Hes an equal opportunity person that calls things like he sees it. He always fire with fire. Reporter she offered up an unusual character witness, the clintons in saying it was curious that charges of racism against trump hadnt been made until now. Again, the person that a lot of his critics say he is certainly wouldnt have been in business with him for decades, certainly he wouldnt have had bill and Hillary Clinton attended his wedding, a number of democrats begged him for campaign contributions. I mean if they were who he said he was, why did they have these relationships with him . Reporter in a white house filled with considerable drama and remarkably little loyalty, from a president who promised this you got to pick the best people. You got to pick the right people. Reporter in the last day alone the president has sent at least nine tweets on his former staffer acknowledging, its not president ial to take on a low life like omarosa, but doing it any way declaring whacky omarosa has fully signed nondisclosure agreement. The Trump Reelection Campaign filed legal action against her seeking arbitration for breaking a 2016 confidentiality agreement in her new book unhinged that offers a little bittering yet unverified portrayal of the president and his administration. Now as for those confidentiality and nondisclosure agreements, theres certainly common in private business but very rare if ever used in government. The reason that is, of course, if you disclose classified information that is illegal, but otherwise whistleblowers and others simply disparaging someone in office would never have to sign Something Like this to bound them to that for life, but in other news at that briefing, jim, Sarah Huckabee sanders also saying that she believes the medias to blame for all this attention being drawn to this new book and claims but she was asked if the president plans to keep talking about it and tweeting about it she didnt have an answer. Jim . Jeff zeleny, thanks very much. Lets talk more about omarosas potential role in Robert Muellers russia investigation. Were joined by sarah murray. Sarah omarosa saying that shes been interviewed by the special counsel. In our experience the special counsel does not waste his time either with witnesses or questioning, why would he want to talk to her . We really dont have a good sense of what she mightve shared with the special counsel. She wasnt particularly forthcoming about that in any of her interviews. She did suggest in that nbc interview that she believed that then candidate trump knew about these hacked Clinton Emails before they were ever public. She didnt offer up anything to substantiate that, but if that is something that she has proof of, something she has evidence of, thats the kind of thing that obviously the special counsel would be interested in hearing more about. We dont have incite into that. Shes not the first person to say that. Michael cohen has claims that he knows that to be true. Another point interesting interview with Kristen Davis, long time associate of roger stone, president ial adviser, et cetera, interview also interviewed by the special counsel or testified before the grand jury and mueller was asking questions still asking questions about collusion. Thats right. She said what weve heard from a number of roger stone associates. Mueller seems very interested in collusion. It all gets back to this what did roger know and when. He kind of knew what was coming from wikileaks before it happened. So heres what Kristen Davis told cnn about what the grand jury wanted to know from her. I think their really genuinely concerned about whether or not any collusion happened with russia and so their line of questioning really did resolve around whether or not this happened. I think theres the general concern for some things that he seemed to predict. His tweets. The podesta tweet, you know, has been the subject of much controversy all over the media and also puts him in a position to wonder how he was able to predict. Now, of course, roger stone insists he did nothing wrong, there was no collusion, he says he wasnt involved with wikileaks, he just happened to be an avid follower but muellers team is very interested in anyone who has anything to do with roger stone. If you look back at stones tweets during that time, repeatedly claiming foreknowledge and after that the releases came out. Final question on this, the president has for months taken shots at the russia investigation and the attorney general that he himself appointed Jeff Sessions, the attacked to was quite a pointed one. This is the president who still says hed be willing to sit down and meet with investigators, hes still working it out with his lawyers. Its pretty clear that he still is very upset for Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from this investigation which then prompted the naming of a special counsel so the president as he has want to do took to twitter and said if we had a real attorney general this witch hunt would never have been started. Looking at the wrong people. Perhaps that could be a reference to roger stone and Kristen Davis. Perhaps. Thank you very much. Joining me now is a congressman who serves on the Armed Services committee. Thank you for taking the time tonight. Thank you for having me. The president says hes never used the nword. It was still quite a remarkable moment at the white house podiumed to where the president s spokesperson and the spokesperson for the administration could not guarantee that a tape of him using such a racial slur doesnt exist and to be clear, this is this is a spokesperson like her predecessor whos been contradicted by the president or found that the record contradicted what they said from the podium. What does it say to you that she could not make that blanket claimed to . What it tells me is what a lot of us know, the president is racist. We dont need to have the tape to know that. Lets look at this mans history. He accused the first black president of not being born in this country and created a Conspiracy Theory for two years against president obama. Even after the central park five were acquitted, he was leading a digital lynch mob against them back in the 1980s. He started this campaign by attacking mexicans as rapists and drug runners and even now to the controversy of starting picking these fights with lebron james or Football Players regarding the national anthem. This man is a racist and uses race as a weapon. I dont have to wait for the tape to come out. I know who he is. The president and the administrations response to that claim is really two fold, one, they will say that the president and Sarah Huckabee sanders said this today, hes an equal opportunity attacker, in the fact that he attacks anybody or anyone that attacks him then she will also make the point as the president does frequently, that hes created so many jobs for africanamericans and other people of color, whats your reaction to that defense . Number one, claiming youre an equal opportunity attacker may point to the fact that youre not president ial. Number two, hes not the one whos hiring these africanamerican employees or people in general. For one thing we know hes not hiring them at the white house, so, you know, im glad, obviously, that africanamerican unemployment is down, but the president has not done anything to help that. If anything hes actually been stoking more racial tension with the African Community and the rest of the community in this country. He said one year ago that there was good people on both sides after what occurred in charlottesville. I dont know how much more we have to point to point out that this president is racist. Its all there, whether we want to accept it or not is a different story. Hes done it in his actions and words, and, you know, maybe the tape will finally come out and everyone will believe it. Hes been the same man hes been for the last 30 years. To the Russian Investigation now, omarosa claimed today something thats really gets to the Central Point of this investigation. She claims that the president knew ahead of time that wikileaks would release the hacked Clinton Campaign emails which were of course, stolen by russian hackers. She has spoken to Robert Mueller. Do you consider that an important revelation or do you consider her a credible witness for the special counsels investigation . I think its a very credible revelation. Its part of an overall package of information that i think mueller will actually investigate. This is why i think its important that mueller has the independence and pressure thats been applied on by the department of justice to interfere with this investigation. I dont know if omarosa is credible or not. I think thats muellers responsibility to figure that out, but, look, what do we know about this president . He has lied repeatedly about the interactions with russia. We know he lied repeatedly about the meeting in the trump tower and the and theres continuous lies going on. He stood at a podium to russia saying please find more emails from clinton. That did happen. Im sorry i think it was wikileaks you know the conduit he knew who it was. At the end of the day, i think the collusion, the argument of collusion is out there already. Weve seen it and the question is, again, if muellers going to have the full backing of the department of justice and if theres republicans that are actually going to hold this president accountable and right now i would tell you that we dont have those types of republicans. The president used Peter Strzoks firing to once again call for an end to the russia investigation, a demand hes made before, even called for the reopening of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Of course you have the president attacking his attorney generaled to sayi attorney general toda those attacks, those demands are not new. The president s been making them for months via twitter and elsewhere and the justice department, the fbi they havent followed them. You can argue theyve ignored those directives, those orders, whatever you want to call them. Are they empty threats . Is it is it possible that the president has less influence than he imagines . Lets be clear, peter strzok was supposed to be reprimanded, demoted for a total of 30 days by the oig inspector for the fbi and was overruled by the second in command of the fbi, clearly under pressure from President Trump and other people within department of justice. So there is some undue influence i believe thats going on. You have the Republican Congress thats essentially instead of holding this president accountable are playing along in this weird charade where theyre trying to make the fbi somehow be the friends of Hillary Clinton when we know, in fact, it was fbi agents that were leaking in new york city regarding the Hillary Clinton campaign, but that all being said, the fact that we even have to talk about this president , his actions, the fact that hes needing a real attorney general is disgraceful. What we really need is a real president that acts like a president instead of trying to destroy the rule of law. As you know, the president s former Campaign Chairman is on trial, the first of two trials for alleged criminal wrongdoing. I spent some time in that room last week and there was a fair amount of evidence against him, so it was somewhat surprisinged to when his defense team rested without calling a single witness or calling Paul Manafort to the stand. Is it your view that he may be counting on a pardon from the president . I think the president has shown that he is willing to pardon some of the most disrespectable people in this country and even dinesh dsouza, both people that have violated criminal orders as well as bench orders and in the case of sheriff joe arpaio. Those were meant to be signs to his former colleagues that he may pardon them. I wouldnt trust the president if i was them. I would trust the justice system, but, you know, i do not put beyond anything that the president does. I will point out, though, if the president uses the pardon system to pardon his coconspirators, i do believe that is an Impeachable Offense and theres people in congress that believe that also. Thank you for joining us tonight. Thank you. Coming up just ahead, could omarosa be a witness in the russia investigation . Well talk more about what she could have told the special counsel Robert Mueller. And why didnt Paul Manaforts lawyers call a single witness in his defense . Well have the latest on the former Trump Campaign chairmans trial that should be head to go jury soon. Who doesnt love a deal . I do. Check out the new united explorer card. Saving on this saving on this saving in here. Rewarded learn more at theexplorercard. Com i wok harmonica interrupts ld. And told people about geico. harmonica interrupts how they could save 15 or more by. harmonica interrupts . By just calling or going online to geico. Com. harmonica interrupts sighs and chuckles sorry, are you gonna. harmonica interrupts everytime. Geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on car insurance. Little things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with. 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Angies boom chicka pop whole grain popcorn. Boom breaking tonight the white house refusing to rule out the possibility that the president was caught on tape using a racial slur as his fired aide omarosa claims. Now omarosa saying shes been interviewed by Robert Mueller. More on that just ahead. Mueller is nearing the end of the big trial stemming from the russian investigator, Paul Manafort have now rested their case. Lets bring in cnn crime correspondent shimon prokupecz. Defense did not call manafort to the stand, they did not call any witnesses. How did that happen . Reporter well, its exactly right, jim. It was early this afternoon the Defense Attorneys essentially came in and said they were going to be resting their case. Had no plans on calling any witnesses, no surprise they also said they were not going to call Paul Manafort. Certainly people not surprised by that move but the idea that they would not even call one witness here today to mount some kind of a defense shows us that they are just sort of focusing all their energy on their crossexamination of witnesses and the law and Paul Manaforts lead attorney made that clear when he spoke to reporters after this afternoons session. Mr. Manafort just rested his case and he did so because he and his legal team believe that the government has not met its burden of proof. Reporter so its clear that what it appears that the defense is going to do is just going to argue to the jury that prosecutors have not met the law here, theyre going to use perhaps testimony their crossexamination of witnesses. The other thing also that happened in court today was for the first time that we really heard from Paul Manafort, the judge asking him to stand, to go to the podium and then the judge asked him a couple of questions wanting to make sure that he was happy, satisfied with the representation from his attorneys. He said he was. The judge finally asked him, is it your decision not to testify and he said, no, sir, i do not want to testify and then he sat down and with that the proceedings ending and now everything will start tomorrow again when the jury will likely get the case in the afternoon after closing arguments in the morning. The president s soninlaw Jared Kushner, his name came up in a piece a really key evidence the prosecution presented. Explain the circumstances. Reporter yeah. So this has to do with the promise by Paul Manafort, prosecutors here arguing that manafort promised a job to a bank executive, a chairman of a bank if he would help approve this loan and in that email he sent an email manafort sent an email to Jared Kushner suggesting this stephen caulk is the mans name for a job as secretary of the army and in that email, Jared Kushner wrote on it, jim . Interesting. The president s Campaign Chairman gets a big loan, promises the banker a job, forwards that to the administration, the president soninlaw says hes looking at it. Thanks very much. I want to bring in jeffrey toobin. So, jeffrey, first on the strategy, the decision by the defense team to wrap it up without calling a defense witness. Is that a sign of weakness of their case or confidence . Well, it is very common for defendants to try their cases through the crossexamination of government witnesses and not call witnesses themselves. It is even more common for defendants to be convicted because they really dont have an answer and the issue here is not so much that they didnt call witnesses, the issue here, as far as i can tell, is manafort doesnt have a defense. The evidence here is that he cheated on his taxes. The evidence here is that he misled and lied to these banks. Obviously, they are going to point out that theyre going to say that rick gates is a terrible person and rick gates is a liar, but the documents dont lie and the documents show that manafort did what hes accused of and thats why i found this whole trial deeply troubling because i dont understand what the defense is here. Relating it to a moment if we can, the Bigger Picture of the special counsels investigation of russian interference, possible collusion by the Trump Campaign, is it correct to look at this trial as in part, at least, beyond the alleged crimes a means of putting pressure on Paul Manafort to turn states evidence for that investigation . Well, certainly, it was, just as they put pressure on rick gates to turn states evidence and he did and he testified against Paul Manafort and is cooperating with the broader russia investigation. Paul manafort was the chairman of the campaign, albeit only for a few months, but what makes him such an important figure is that his ties to pro russian ukrainians suggest some connection to russia and that, of course, is at the heart of this campaign. Why did he agree to serve for no salary as the Campaign Chairman . What was he getting out of it . What was he delivering to the Trump Campaign other than his very antiquated skills in running a campaign . Those questions really need to be answered and thats what the cooperation the mueller team wanted. Will see if they ultimately get it if hes convicted. The witnesses have been saying that muellers still asking questions about the possibility of collusion. Thanks very much as always, jeffrey. Yes, sir. Coming up jeust ahead, why did Sarah Huckabee sanders leave wiggle room when she was asked if the president ever used a racial slur or was recorded using one . So, hows it going . Well. We had a vacation early in our marriage that kinda put us in a hole. Go someplace exotic . Yeah, bermuda. A hospital in bermuda. A hospital in bermuda. What . What happened . I got a little overconfident on a moped. Even with insurance, we had to dip into our 401 k so it set us back a little bit. Sometimes you dont have a choice. But it doesnt mean you cant get back on track. Great. Yeah, great. Id like to go back to bermuda. I hear its nice. Yeah, id like to see it. No judgment. Just guidance. 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Call or go online today. Call or go on line today. Welcome back. We are following breaking news. A stunning white house response to an explosive claim by fired former aide by omarosa newman. Shes alleging that a recording may exist of President Trump using a racial slur during the taping of his reality show the apprentice. Lets dig in deeper. You would think it would be an easy answer when presented with this possibility that the president used this word, but Sarah Huckabee sanders was very careful, perhaps based on the past experience, but it bears repeating. Lets listen again to that moment. Can you stand at the podium and guarantee the American People theyll never hear donald trump utter the nword on a recording in any context . I cant guarantee anything, but i can tell you that the president addressed this question directly. I can tell you that ive never heard it. Just to be clear you cant guarantee it . Look, you havent been in every single room. I can tell you the president has address this had directly. I havent been in every single room and kind of, you know, throwing off on the president , he said it, take his word for it. I cant guarantee anything. Shes protecting herself. She probably doesnt know the answer to it and so shes protebting herself by saying, yeah i wasnt in every single room, how could i possibly know that . I would presume that if you wouldve asked that question about other president s to other staffers, they wouldve just said, of course not. Of course he wouldnt have, but i think she felt the need to protect herself there given the fact that this is what, you know, omarosa is saying. The whole thing is so tawdry and ridiculous and im at the point now, today, where i believe that omarosa and donald trump deserve each other. Theyre the same people. Theyre both ruthless. They lie. They have used each other in the past and what we see, you know, playing out here now is beneath the dignity of the office of the presidency. Susan, if there is a tape, should there be consequences . I think there should. I understand this is a little bit of a naive position, but i do think if there is a tape of the president of the United States using that word, i dont think that is politically survivable and thats my last shred of optimism that i can hang on to. I continue to believe that that is not acceptable in american political life, that taboos still exist and that President Trump can push us further than we possibly imagine but i think even he cant push us this far. David, we can guess whether this tape exists. The fact is we dont know. We do know because the president tweeted to the world today another derogatory term for omarosa. He called her a dog. After calling her a low life yesterday. Explain to us what why is that particularly offensive . I think the white house will continue to stand on this idea that the president is a counterpuncher. He insults everybody equally so therefore this is, you know, not anything special. Heres the problem for President Trump. Because he has gone after the intelligence of africanamericans, don lemon, maxine waters, because he has said sexist things about rosie odonnell, meg begin kelly, because he has reserves the worst insults for women and people of color, i always go back to the example of sergeant la david johnson. He could not manage to have that be a dig naiified situation his condolence call to his widow. Because of that he gets no benefit of the doubt in these situations so when he would saying being a dog is just a run of the mill insult, you cant give him the benefit of the death. How about birtherism . Throw that on the pile. The president spoke had an uncomfortable conversation with la davids mother. If you called someone a dog, someone who you let go, youve been in supervisory positions, would you have survived . No, not because the individual incident but because of the context. If this were an individual incident, i he didnt just call her a dog. Its there in black and white. Im going to get called in by hr, carved up like a thanksgiving turkey, i would told to get counseling for a year and then id be told i cant get promoted and i cant get an addition in pay for a year. Weve got context here. If you want to carry the parallel. He trashed every one of the other candidates, made fun of carlys face. He made fun of lebron james. In context if i had done that over time, i wouldnt have gotten fired of this one because i would already have a boot in my butt and id be out the door. Its the context thats significant. The white house rather than taking issue with the substance of these claims is basically suing or taking omarosa to court based on a no disparagement clause nondisclosure clause which is a nondisparagement clause. The white house claims theyre normal, when, in fact, theyre not. There have been never demands before saying if you leave the office, you cannot im going to read from it. You hereby promise and agree not too demean or disparage publicly in any form or through pence family or member or any trump, pence Family Member. Its incredibly broad. First amendment implications galore there. Susan, you served in government. Is there any precednce for this . I dont think weve ever seen anything like this out of a prior administration. The tell here is that the white house has repeatedly lied about this. Theyve said over a course of months that theyve never asked anyone to sign an nda now they say yes, they did. The reason they tried to hide this and lied about this, it runs counter to basically policies. White house officials work for us and unless there are reasons, security reasons, executive privilege reasons, in order to maintain secrecy they should be accountable to us. The larger question is whether or not this is actually going to be legally enforceable. I think thats probably unlikely. As you mentioned the government does use ndas in the context of security clearances. This is a restraint on a Government Employee where theres actually no basis like that and this isnt the Trump Organization any more. This is the United States government. When the government acts to place prior restraint on a citizens speech, there are consequences. The president clearly wanted this because he was running this like the Trump Organization and the White House Counsel Don Mcgahn had to cobble this together but was telling people apparently dont worry about it, its not enforceable but were going to ask you to sign it because this is what the president wants. This is how he operates. This is how he thinks he can protect himself. Only he really cant in this particular situation. Phil mudd, you served the government again. Secretary sanders repeated a falsehood from the podium today because she said that these ndas are normal in government when, in fact, they are only normal in that they relate to the nondisclosure of classified information not to telling people they can never criticize anybody involved in the administration or any company or any Family Member as it does here. You never signed anything like this i assume in your time of government . No, ill take it a step further. I feel like i was stupid the other day. When i first heard about this on tv, i assumed this referred to nondisclosure of classified information. Not only have i never signed anything like this, i never heard of anybody that had to sign something that said i cant disparage one of my bosses. Ive disparaged the bosses ive had for the past five years on cnn. Nobodys ever called me on it. Omarosa has got 15 minutes of fame. If the white house continues to pursue this, she gets a 16th minute. Shes hoping the white house brings legal action. I get to go on cnn through october. Great for her. A 16th minute of fame. Stand by. We have more to discuss. Paul manafort speaks in court for the first time but only to say that he wont testify. What is his legal strategy . Plus data on millions of voters exposed online for months. A cnn investigation ahead. Been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. 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David, does that mean people are running oust patience in both parties with the special counsel. The numbers are linked. Two thirds of americans according to the poll say they want the investigation to wrap up. Seven out of ten say they want trump to testify. One reason the investigation hasnt wrapped up, among others, i assume is that President Trump is yet to speak to the special counsels team face to face. And thats something been negotiated now for weeks and months. It has been reported on a lot. I think these two thing work in concert. If a pollster asks you do you want this to wrap up, of course, because you want to know what the findings are. Its not clear to me from those answers though that this means people are saying it has to be shut down immediately. The other thing, thus far we have seen the special counsel out doing much of the investigating and the committee is on the back foot because they are on the back foot because they are controlled by the republicans in the mid terms if the house flips to the democrats and adam schiff has s p power in the Intelligence Committee that could change the pace of the investigation. Even if he wraps it up by mid terms we could be going through another round in november. First of all, we have the president attacking him every day. And the public saying show us the goods. Does this put pressure on him . I think he wants to wrap it up. If i were to guess i think he would be the first to say i want to get this done. I think the thing here, President Trump and Rudy Giuliani have done a good job of discrediting mueller to a great degree. We have seen muellers popularity go down. Yet 70 of the people in our polls say they want trump to testify. So trump is in a little bit of a box here because you hear rudy saying, and all the lawyers saying we dont want to put him in front of the special counsel. The president apparently saying, yes, i do want to testify. But the American Public believes, i think, that the president owes it to the country to at least tell his story to the special counsel. And two thirds of the respondents say they believe the president hasnt been truthful in the investigation so far. The president s Approval Rating for his handling of the russia investigation is 34 as compared to 55 phil mud who approve of the president s treatment. That figure is not promising for President Trump, phil mud. I agree with that with one huge exception. The most fascinating part of this for me has to do with what it tells us about president ial power, especially under President Trump. Let me give you one example. If you look at polls a few years ago on immigration not that Many Americans would have told you that immigration was a significant issue for america. The president moved that bar simply because of the pervasiveness of social media. Three years ago, people would have said Robert Mueller is honorable if they knew who he was. The president moved that bar simply because he is all over social media. This tells me about president ial hour in 2018 as much as it tells me about politics in this individual case. Thats a good point. Its in the numbers, phil, the rest of the panel thanks so much. As always, just ahead a giant breach of voter information. And a top election official who denies any vulnerability. We have a cnn investigation, and thats next. All Money Managers t seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. 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Drew griffin is working the story for us. Drew, this Security Breach in georgia going on for months, really alarming. Honestly, thats all we know about. This could have been going on a lot longer than that. We dont know how long its been going on. The state of georgia didnt know how long its been going on and its led to this claim that the entire system in georgia is unreliable and insecure. Right around the same time russians were trying to penetrate state Voting Systems in the summer of 2016, Cyber Security expert and parttime hacker logan lamb decided to check out how georgias centralized Voting System was holding up. What he found was an open window. There were documents were election day supervisor passwords. There was a Voter Registration database with 6. 3 million records of all of georgias voters. Reporter including if you names, dates of birth, even drivers license, and partial Social Security numbers. All wide open to anyone snooping around. And now we know during this same time russians were snooping around. According to the justice departments special counsel investigation that included snooping around website of concern counties in georgia to identify vulnerabilities. Lamb didnt know about the russians, but he did know having voting records so easily accessible was a problem. So he emailed and then he called georgias center for election systems, run out of this house on the campus of the university to warn them. Six months later all that georgia voter data was still unprotected. All the passwords, everything was still available, to anybody who wanted it. Right, yeah. Reporter what does that tell but the secure election of the state of georgia . Georgias election systems they should not be trusted. Reporter eventually, the University Closed the security loophole and notified the state. A lawsuit was filed challenging the security of georgias elections. Then, shockingly, evidence of what took place vanished. I. T. Workers at the university wiped the election Systems Computers hard drive clean deleting any potential evidence of tampering. I blow up government spending. Reporter the person in charge of georgias elections is georgias secretary of state, brian kemp. He is the trumpstyled republican now running for governor. And the voting mess under his watch has turned into a mild campaign issue. Kemps office says the secretary of state had no idea. s voter Information System was so nul vulnerable to attack until months after logan lambs warning. Kemp blames the universitys systems for the debacle, ended the long running contract with the center and shut it down. On facebook he called the actions of the centers employees reckless, inexcusable and then showing undeniable uppentible. Then he hired the director of the center to work with him at the secretary of states office. To assure all of them all this didnt mean anything he posted georgias elections are safe and our systems remain secure. How can he possibly say that. He cannot say that with a straight face. Reporter mayor len marks is part of a group that has sued georgia. She says the state system is easily penetratible and if the system is hacked or infected with malware there would be no way for georgia to doublecheck the votes. In part she wants a paper ballot backup for the upcoming midterm elections. The state says no. When told that hey you have been exposed to bad guys. You have been exposed to viruses, you have been exposed to every known bad thing that can happen to a election system they just say okay, next election. Reporter that pretty much sums up what georgias secretary of state brian kemp is saying, we will take care of this in 2020, after he is the governor. Kemp also says it could cause confusion, suppress turnout and in trumplike fashion says the press is overhyping this. He says anything that says voting is not secure is fake news. You would think it would be a bipartisan effort to protect elections. Im jim sciutto. Thanks for watching tonight. Erin Burnett Outfront starts right now. Outfront next, no gaurn teesz. Sarah sanders unable to say the president has never used the n word despite trumps adamant denial. Why not . Trump lashing in and out another vicious attack calling omarosa a dog. The white house says its not about race. Jim mattis undand what this accused

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