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A look at breaking news, politics and reports from around the world. Website. She knows of no russia collusion or any other illegal activity on my part in connection with the president ial election or otherwise. Reporter muellers team has been looking for possible contacts between roger stone and Julian Assange during the 2016 president ial campaign. All as part of moscows effort to meddle in the election. Assange i actually have communicated with assange. I believe the next dump will pertain to the clinton foundation, but theres no telling what the October Surprise may be. Reporter but later walked it back. Whats the proof . There is no proof. Reporter but the circle continues to tighten around stone as mueller has subpoenaed Randy Credico to testify next going to happen. Randy credico says he intends to appear before the grand jury in the fall. Were also following explosive allegations in a new book by former white house aid and Tv Personality amarosa newman. Boris sanchez has details from new jersey where the president is at his bedminster golf club. Theres references in the book that amarosa called the president a racist and that the president tried to buy her silence, what can you tell us . Reporter really appalling allegations coming from Amarosa Manigold Newman who says that President Trump tried to pay her hush money to keep her from telling this story, as the white house pushes back on the idea that the president is a bigot, thousands of White National is are getting prepared to demonstrate just outsid the white house this weekend. Amarosa manigoldnewman, will have to bow down to President Trump. Reporter and even defended him on issues of race. Donald trump is racial. But he is not a racist. Yes, i would act knock many of the exchanges, particularly in the last six months very racially charged, do we then just stop and label him a racist . No. Reporter but now after working at the white house, she says that trump is a racist, misogynist and bigot. And tonight the white house is pushing back, instead of telling the truth about all the good trump and his administration are doing to make america safe and prosperous, this book is riddled with lies and false accusations. Its sad that a former disgruntled white house employee are making this attack. She claims to have recordings that the post says they have listened to and matched quotations in her book. The attacks come as President Trump attacks nfl players who kneel during the National Anthem during preseason games. Find another way to protest, stand proudly for your National Anth anthem. Some parts of the country, it does seem like the america that we know and love doesnt exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American People. Laura ingrahams comments immediately getting praise from White Supremacists like david duke. You will not replace us. Reporter all setting the stage for a weekend where White Supremacists are planning a March Outside The White House to mark the oneyear anniversary of the unite the right charlottesville riots when one woman was killed by a neonazi demonstrator. Another reminder how President Trump responded in the aftermath. You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. Reporter jim, cnn has reached out to officials both on the Election Campaign and from the president s office to get comments about these claims coming from amarosa and we have yet to hear back. Lets get more on all of this with democratic congressman akin jeffries. Congressman, lets start first with these developments rounding robert stone. It looks like Robert Mueller is starting to focus on stone, a longtime confidant of President Trump, hes trying to talk to all these various people connected to roger stone. Do you believe stone is a key witness in all of this . It certainly appears so, and what may be the case is that roger stone is the key to the triangular relationship that apparently existed between wikileaks, the Trump Campaign and russian spies that resulted in hacked and leaked information being used to under mine the Clinton Campaign to the benefit of donald trump, all part of what appears to be a conspiracy to sell out our democracy and artificially place donald trump at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and it would come as no surprise to anyone if roger stone was at the center of it all. And roger stones tells cnn, congressman, he has not been contacted by the mueller team. What does that tell you . That doesnt necessarily mean that hes not a target. He may be a subject, he may be a target, and the fact that he hasnt been contacted by the mueller team could mean that hes in serious jeopardy. Because what you know, jim, because the individuals who are the target of an investigation are the last ones to be contacted as the noose tightens around him and that apparently is the case here. And this is all part of the culture of corruption that we have seen invade washington, d. C. Since January 20 Of 2017 the moment that frudonald trumps inaugurated and its a shame. It been one year since the rally in charlottesville, President Trump saying that there were very fine people on both sides. We all know that he said that at the time. Do you think this president understands the threat posed by the White Supremacist Movement in this country and do you want to hear from him before these rallies get started this weekend to say that these folks should not be doing what theyre doing . We should absolutely hear from the president of the United States of america, but i have no expectation that we will hear from someone who is appropriately characterized as the birther in chief, someone who has never hesitated to fan the flames of racial hatred in order to accomplish his own political ends. Then of course in the late 1980s, it was donald trump who led the lynch mob against the central park 5, individuals, black and latino, who were wrongfully charged, wrongfully convicted, wrongfully imprisoned for a crime they did not commit and donald trump continues to double and triple down on that malicious prosecution, and for five years perpetrating the racist lie that barack obama was not born in the United States of america. And then it continued into his administration, particularly as it relates to the horrendous response to what took place in charlottesville. We continue our hearts to go out to Heather Haier as it relates to that tragedy. Moral leadership from the president would be nice, but based on what we have seen from his entire lifes journey, i dont expect it. Something else thats getting a lot of attention during the next few months, with the m midterms right around the corner. Would you support nancy pelosi for another term as speaker of the house . Congressman, as you know, her face is popping up on all of these campaign ads across the country, republicans are using her as sort of a weapon against their democratic opponents. Would you support nancy pelosi for another term . Nancy pelosi led us to the Promised Land back in 2006 and i think hes on the cusp along with the entire Democratic Caucus of doing that again. The reason why the republicans continue to run negative ads against nancy pelosi is because they have no affirmative agenda. Democrats stand for the people, they stand for the wealthy, the well off, the megacorporations, the special lobbyists as evidenced by their republican tax scam where 83 of the benefits went to the wealthiest 1 . If you have no agenda and the singular piece of legislation that you passed was actually of no benefit to everyday americans, but helped to subsidize the lifestyles of the rich and shameless, then all youre going to do is go negative against nancy pelosi, youre not going to win in november. The president just tweeted his support for nancy pelosi. He says democrats please do not distance yourself from nancy pelosi. Obviously he thinks this hurts your party. Its possible, jim, that hes actually watching the show right now, even though he claims not to watch cnn. That is in direct response to my support and i think what will be significant listen, nancy pelosi is a legislative mastermind, shes done a tremendous job. Were going to be united and focused on delivering for the American People as we move forward, Lower Health Care costs, increase pay, were in the midst of Wage Stagnation right now, we dont have an unemployment problem, thanks barack obama, but we do have an under employment problem, people working two dead end jobs without the hope a future. And quickly congressman, youve been mentioned as a possible contender to lead the house Democratic Caucus. Is that something that youre going to pursue . Well see what happens post november, but as i have indicated, right now is not the time for us to put on a circular firing squad when theres an existential threat to our democracy. Wouldnt you like to see some younger blood in the Leadership Ranks . I think there will be opportunity for fresher, younger, newer members of the caucus, so to speak, to continue to play a meaningful role in the house Democratic Caucus and in fact, that opportunity was afforded to myself and several others. David sisileni, and many others and i think youll continue to see all of us who are new and recent arrivals to the United States congress continue to contribute as best we can. Congressman, hakim jeffries, thank you for joining us. We appreciate it. Just ahead, President Trumps lawyer guest host sean hannity on his radio show. And Rudy Giuliani who was one of those guests talked about what he would do if he were attorney general. And well talk about the trial of former Trump Campaign manager Paul Manafort. And snoring . How smart is that . Smarter sleep. To help you lose your dad bod, train for that marathon, and wake up with the patience of a saint. And now, save up to 500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Plus, no interest until january 2021. Ends wednesday. Anncr as you grow older, your brain naturally begins to change which may cause trouble with recall. Learning from him is great. When i can keep up anncr thankfully, prevagen helps your brain and improves memory. 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It makes for a most unusual case, this mueller investigation, when the president s lawyers are on Sean Hannitys radio show. Theres no question about it, but think about what the strategy is. Theres a political strategy in addition to the legal strategy. And the political strategy continues to be, and we see it from the president , and the president s men, people, and that is to deflect, divert, d distract, and take everyones attention off the slow. You can talk about comey and the text messages, and the email, et cetera, so you can fire up the people who support the president and divert it from the central issue, the central issue keeping our Eyes On The Prize is, whether or not there was this collusion and conspiracy, why the obstruction of justice, why the numerous guilty pleas as it relates to lying about contacts with russia. Why the interference and what the United States is doing about it . And so i think it provides a forum as does fox news to fire up that base in keeping with giuliani, we call him a personal lawyer, i call him the publicist of the president , because thats precisely what hes doing. So its a political strategy designed to further the narrative and to further this whole conspiracy theory. Theyre out to get us, this is a witch hunt. And thats what its all about. Lets listen to one of todays two guest hosts, jay sekulow in his own words, this is what he said. I was thinking most of the news these days, i was making a joke the other day that sometimes you eere making the news, sometimes youre in the news, and sometimes youre talking about the news, these days i am all three, i am making the news, talking about the news and have been in the news. What do we make of that news . In showbiz we call that a triple threat, right . Its very selfaware, but this is the sort of legal team for the era that were in, isnt it . They have their own show, theyre using it as a plat form, as joey said, in part their strategy is, theyre taking a page out of bill clintons playbook. Theyre tearing down the investigation, and making it unpopular. What if Down The Line something is handed down that is not favorable to the president , they can say, we have been telling you all along, and go back into whatever narrative theyve been using all along. And it sort of all feels like its part of this what were seeing from Rudy Giuliani for a few weeks now, just throw things against the wall and see what sticks and today a cohost with sean hannity. Its not surprising given sean hannity is one of the president s biggest public cheerleaders and he has repeatedly used his own platform to try and discredit the investigation and often push unsubstantiated narratives, and the fact that they theyve been successful to some degree in doing that. But what it also does, is it doesnt just try to turn Public Opinion against the investigation, it also forces the hand of republicans in congress, if in fact Robert Mueller were to ultimately recommend charges against the president , by creating some sort of Political Risk that they would take if the party is overwhelmingly behind the president. And phil mudd, this does seem like it could be taking more time than obviously the president s legal team would like to see, giuliani is demanding that the probe should end by september 1, but Randy Credico is going to testify in september, this probe is not going anywhere, it seems. We have seen steady indictments come out. We had the indictments in the winter of russians, we had more indictments in the summer of russians. I think its possible that well see more indictments before we get a slowdown going into september. But somehow in all likelihood, Robert Mueller saying let me match Rudy Giulianis timeline as to when to end the investigation, thats just not going to figure in. The special counsel tells me theyre not going to be shut down by early september. I want to get your take next, the Money Landering and Tax Evasion Trial of former Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort just recessed until monday, cnns chief National Security respond is at the courthouse in alexandria, virginia, what happened in the court house today . Reporter a few developments, it started with a delay that was something of a mystery, a fivehour delay without explanation and its like Reading Tea Leaves here, it appears that the judge made clear that any of the discussions be kept within the counsel involved here, and they cannot comment on it publicly, but we can read into perhaps or learn some clues from what the judge instructed the jury at the end of that delay. One he told them not to discuss the case among themselves before they go into deliberations. And he also told them, and im quoting here, jim, to keep an open mind, raises the question here at least, whats been going on in the jury, does the Defense Counsel object to that . One possibility is that it could lead to a mistrial, if there was behavior that the judge deems undue or not in keeping with the law in what juries can discuss, we dont know that, but you have to read into what the judges instructions to the jury were after that delay. But after that delay, they went right back into the case. So it may be that those instruction were enough, they did dive right back into it. And jim, there have been a lot of clashes between the judge and the prosecutors in case. The latest today, prosecutors asking the judge to make another correction, what happened . Reporter they did, thats right. This happened yesterday, the judge has been something of a schoolteacher at times, particularly the prosecution, telling him to look up when hes addressing him, dressing him down here and there. Yesterday the prosecution had to get the judge in effect to read the transcript to show that he had given them permission to bring a witness into that room that the judge then took issue with. You see another case like that today. But i dont want to divert from what is a very important trial on corruption and tax evasion. And one of those involved yankees tickets, which cost 200, Which Manafort was directing tickets to cypress to get at this Dove Argument that manafort was kind of a victim here and rick gates was engineering everything. And another change that was interesting and that was testimony related to the chairman of the federal savings bank, which, whoov overruled th chairman overruled the president to get manafort alone. And later manafort, lo and behold, to get this secretary of the army. If you help me get this loan im going to help you get a job in this government. A so beyond the drama of the delay in the court, theres still a lot of substance in this case here in terms of the alleged wrong doing by Paul Manafort and rick gates, jim. Just ahead were going to talk more about all of this, explosive allegations by the fired white house aid amarosa, does the reality tv star. And that wildfire that forced 21,000 people to flee. You always pay your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper and up go your rates. What good is your insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Do they listen . What . Theyre amazing listeners. Nice. 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You have a potential National Security problem, where its being reported, he used to like to say that barack obama recorded him at the white house, turns out his its own aides are recording him. Youre not supposed to have recording s around the most sensitive government space. And number two is the content, what is on those recordings, and did she take them out of the white house on her cell phone, which is also a violation, not only does It Breed Mistrust in the president s circle, but there are also National Security implications about where that was recorded and where that Digital Information is right now. And jackie, what about just the ugliness of this situation in that here you have another tell all book, this time its amarosa, the woman who said, you know, before the president came into office that his critics and detractors would have to bow or kneel before trump and now she has turned against him and is saying some pretty nasty stuff. The white house is firing back, but this is obviously yet another raeality tv show like distraction for this president. He brought in someone like amarosa, say what you will about her, but she got back into the president s got graces, she got herself back into the white house, she beat back a lot of people to get into the white house by reearning the president s trust. So the fact that she left him the way she did, you have to take some of this, a lot of this with a grain of salt, because she was a disgruntled employee, how she was allegedly pulled from the white house was trying to storm up the stairs, whatnot. The whole thing is so reality tv. Season one or season two . We have to lock at this with a certain lens, but i dont think its any surprise that she would want to sell her story. Let me read you Sarah Sanders statement, that does indicate they are worried about this, Sarah Sanders said, instead of telling the truth about all the good President Trump and hiss administration are doing to make america safe and prosperous, this book is riddled with lies and its sad that a disgruntdled former white house employee is trying to profit from a book and even worse that the media would now give her a platform when she had only positive things to say about the president during her time in the administration. We have to take what amarosa says with a grain of salt, she claims that the president during her time at the apprentice that he said racial slurs, so why would she go back and work with him at the white house. She drew a sixfigure taxpayer funded salary during her time in this white house u and now sthe want to turn around and say she is where they have encountered some sort of controversy and then the white house tries to distance themselves from those people as if they had no role in bringing them on in the first place. We have no way to corroborate what amarosa is saying, but if amarosa is saying that President Trump has made some racially insensitive comments in the past. We already know hes done that. How credible is amarosa to you, do you think . This is how we deal with this in my business, what happens is the witness takes the stand and if you want to denigrate the witness, you can denigrate the witness and tell the jury dont believe anything they say, so when it comes to something else, krob ragcorroboration corroboration, if you have corroboration, you could say to the jury, theyre the worst human being that ever existed, but its not only what they are saying, its what the actor was doing that gives credibility to the witness that youre trying to denigrate, lets look at the issue of race, its horrific, right . Don lemon, about the stupidest person on tv, making lebron james look better, are you serious mr. President . Are you really going to go there and talk about vile, ridiculous things that are absolutely not true, you talk about max seine waters, low iq, so say what you want about amarosa, im not looking at her credibility, im looking at the actor shes talking about and how what she says is buttressed by what he did. So we can attack her all day, all night, like her, not like her, im saying what this witness says to that jury are facts. Well said, joey jackson, everybody, good for a friday evening, we appreciate it. Chinas extraordinary land grab, the u. S. Reconnaissance mission over the chinese islands. And. And we have a report where an Out Of Control Wildfire is burning tonight. For just 59. Is important because some 30 of the worlds shipping passes through. This is what chinas attempt to conquer the South China Sea looks like, small cities springing up On Small Islands in the middle of the pacific. Filmed by a journalist aboard a u. S. Navy reconnaissance plane. This is the type of plane you traditionally think of as civilian travel, and its been modified by the military and now its got the kind of equipment that allows it to conduct missions involving surveillance and reconnaissance. It takes more than an hour to reach the South China Sea, one of the worlds busiest trade routes, china claims almost all of this body of water for itself, dismissing competing claims from countries like the philippines and vietnam. The powerful cameras on board this plane demonstrate how china staked its territorial claims, its simply built entire islands that didnt exist a decade ago. The chinese took coral reefs like this and embarked on a massive Land Reclamation project. In 2015, cnn flew with the u. S. Navy over Fiery Cross Reef which is already a manmade island. And this is what it looks like today, airstrips, radar towers, four and five story concrete buildings. Lieutenant Lauren Callan is the commander of this flight crew. It was very surprising to see just essentially buildings out in the middle of the ocean. Reporter you eere scruting these manmade islands, what are you looking for . Observing any changes and any buildings that might be going up. Reporter making it clear the u. S. Navy is not welcome here. U. S. Military aircraft, this is china military, china has sovereignty of the nansha islands. Including the reef and adjace adjacent. United states naval aircraft conducting lawful military activity, i am operating inside these rights of international law. Reporter the navy continues to challenge beijings territorial claims by sending planes throughout the South China Sea. On friday, the navy counted at least 85 ships in the manmade harbor of soupy reef. It doesnt look like anybodys leaving any time soon. Probably not. Reporter chinas manmade a archipeligo appears to be here to stay. China in turn has respond and accused the u. S. Of militarizing the South China Sea. I have to say, one observation, despite this massive island building project and all the infrastructure we saw there, through the incredibly powerful cameras of the reconnaissance plane, we saw, remarkably, very little activity on the islands themselves. Perhaps only about a half dozen people walking around. Some vehicles moving around. And this fact one of the navy sailors said they looked like villages. But if china wants to lay claim to possible Energy Deposits below the sea, theyre poised to be in a good position to do that, degs spite competing claims from other countries in the region like the philippines, like vietnam, jim. Fascinating to see china expand their Sphere Of Influence and creating their own Sphere Of Influence in some places. Ivan watson. Lets bring back john kirby. John, it does foot look like theyre giving up this manmade creation of theirs any time soon. No, not at all. He said it really well, Sphere Of Influence. They have created that. They have intention of giving up for that. A third of Global Maritime traffic goes through the South China Sea. And Something Like twothirds of chinese traffic goes through there. Its security. They very much want a snephere influence. A ring of defensible bases around the South China Sea to protect what they believe is their own sovereignty, at the expense of the security and sovereignty of nations that border the sea. John kirby, thank you. Breaking news, next, the Southern California wildfire thats forced more than 21,000 people to flea. The first person to survive Alzheimers Disease is out there. And the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen by funding scientific breakthroughs, advancing public policy, and providing local support to those living with the disease and their caregivers. But we wont get there without you. Join the fight with the Alzheimers Association. Yeah. But popping these things really helps me. Relax. Please dont, im saving those for later. At least you dont have to worry about renters insurance. Just go to geico. Com. Geico helps with renters insurance . Good to know. Been doing it for years. Thats really good to know. Ill check em out. Get to know geico. And see how easy homeowners and renters insurance can be. Stephanie, this fire continues to burn out of control. A very worrying situation there. Very much so, as you can see behind me, winds are really picking up, making this fight so much more difficult. Weve been out here watching as these winds have picked up. Firefighters fighting this fight from the sky, dropping Fire Retardant and water. As you can see, theres still a lot of smoke there, theres still a lot of fire. This is what theyre seeing across the country. Tonight, the raging wildfires in Southern California spreading from these remote cliffs to the edges of hillside communities. The holy fire forcing more than 21,000 people to evacuate. While some make a last ditch effort to save their homes. Come on, lets go. Anybody else in the house . No, nobodys here. Reporter Long Beach Police officer josh castro captured these images of The Holy Fire burning just beyond his yard. Tricky Wind Patterns creating the socalled elsinore front, racing uphill one moment, downhill the next. Pushing flames within feet of these homes. Firefighters here taking a lastminute stand and winning. And this firefight, its hard to believe, none of these homes were lost. Firefighters containing the flames. My heart was pounding and i was screaming for joy. Reporter Authorities Say this fire was intentional, allegedly started by Forrest Gordon clark, whos now under arrest and charged with felony arsen. Bail set at 1 million. I paid for that immediately. I can have 1 million now, easily. Reporter clark appeared before an Orange County judge today. Mr. Clark is charged in several counts involving arson, aggravated arson its a lie. Criminal threats. These are just allegations, sir. Reporter Volunteer Fire Chief Milligan has known clark for decades and even showed us a message he says clark texted him just two weeks ago. Its all going to bush just like you planned, it read. Milligan has lived here for 50 years and says clarks home was one of the only ones in the community that didnt burn to the ground. I know going up there is hard for you. Yes, sure it is. Reporter why is it so hard . I know these people, these families, what has happened here so, you know, turning your friends, lose their home, that has an effect. Reporter The Holy Fire is one of sa 15 major Fires Responders are battling across california. So far, they have charred more than 670,000 acres and damaged or destroyed more than 2,000 structures and with hot and dry conditions favoring the fires, it could be another month before these fires are contained. And it is really dry out here. It is hot. Its about 100 degrees out here as well. Keep in mind, this fire started on the other side of this hillside youre seeing. In between there, youve got brush that hasnt burned in some 30 years or so. Its dry. Its thick. Because of that, thats why youre seeing these fires spread. With these winds, it just makes it ripe for wildfires to not only continue to grow, but also for new ones to sprout up here in california. And stephanie, what does the forecast look like for the weekend, will these firefighters be able to make any progress . They need help from mother nature, right . They do. Theyre not expected to get any help coming into this weekend. This fire here The Holy Fire, is only 5 contained. That is because these conditions are just so difficult. Same thing we were seeing up north at the Mendocino Fire which is now the largest fire in california history. Youre seeing it very hard to fight these dry conditions. Also the fact theres no rain in sight and these winds have picked up in the afternoon and just make their job so much harder. Just very quickly, do you think the officials out there need more help from washington for example . I think, you know, the governor here just said it was a State Of Emergency to deal with this. This was something we see her in the summer. One thing they do tell me all

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