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A look at breaking news, politics and reports from around the world. Manafort would send me a list of wire requests. Gates admit that had he used information provided by manafort to create invoices for fake amounts of money but the money never went to the vendors, instead it went to the banks. The purpose of this, according to gates, so that the wire transfers would not be recorded on u. S. Business records. Nonetheless, prosecutors elicited testimony from mr. Gates and from one of mr. Manaforts accountants that tied manafort more closely to russia. The accountant testified that in 2006 mr. Manafort received a 10 million loan from a Russian Oligarch close to president Vladimir Putin. She said she saw no evidence the loan was ever repaid. The crossexamination today getting very personal at times. Gates forced to admit that more than a decade ago he had an affair, that he financed this affair First Class Travel To London and an apartment in london but he insisted he did not use stolen money to finance the affair. The Defense Attorney pressing him to know about this secret life as the Defense Attorney described it, whether his wife knew about it. Gates said he did and throughout wolf gates saying that now, he is doing his best to take responsibility for all these things, that in a sense in essence is his argument to the jury as to why he should be believed now as the accounts what he says are Paul Manaforts alleged crime. Jim sciutto, thanks so much for that report. President trump meanwhile is hosting a group of ceos at his new Jersey Golf Club later tonight while his lawyers weigh whether he should talk to the Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Lets go to our chief White House Correspondent jim acosta, hes in new jersey for us. The Washington Post now reporting that giulianis lawyer is reluctant to let the president be questioned about Obstruction Of Justice. Reporter thats right, wolf. A lot of concerns insides the president s legal team as to what questions could be asked. The president is expected to draegs those ceos at that dinner at his golf club within the next hour or so. That event has just been opened up to the cameras so we may get to see a bit of what the president has to say. We can expect him to talk up the economy, of course. Wolf, hes not been talking to reporters as hes been holed up in his golf course in new jersey. The president , though, is tweeting his support to some of his favorite candidates on the ballot today. An early test on whether hell help or hurt the republicans in upcoming midterms. As President Trump is taking shelter inside his new jersey golf course away from the president , an unmakeable president from the man overseeing the russian investigation, rod rosenstein, who told a group of Law Enforcement officials their job is to uphold the law regardless of politics. Its our duty to enforce the laws and follow the facts wherever they may lead and we need to ensure that our decisions are never influenced by political considerations. Reporter the president s legal team says its nearing a decision on whether President Trump will sit down with Robert Mueller. Senator Lindsey Graham who just played golf with the president advised him to ride out the probe. Did trump ask that question . He mustve mentioned that about 20 times. I want to win in november. If we stop the Mueller Probe tomorrow, you wouldnt be able to talk about anything else. I would basically say, mr. President , were not going to let you anywhere near Robert Mueller. He knows a lot more about this this case, hes interviewed a lot more witnesses reporter a conservative judge was hardly reading from white house Talking Points when he suggested donald trump jr. Esmeeting with the russians in 2016 could amount to a criminal conspiracy. A meeting the president admits was aimed at obtaining dirt on hillary clinton. There are federal statutes that prohibit receiving something of value from a foreign national, foreign entity or foreign government, so was the purpose of this meeting to receive something of value . Thats something Robert Mueller will have to look at. Laura ingraham tried to ask don jr. About the meeting the call was cut off. Do you want any comments on that, donnie . Theyre hitting you on that for contradictions, theyre calling it worse than contradictions. Hello . What is your reaction to all that . Well see if we can reconnect with donald trump jr. On this because we cant seem to hear him. He was back on the line to say his russian encounter didnt amount to much. 20 minutes meeting, it ended up being about essentially nothing that was relevant to any of these things and thats all it is and thats all theyve got. Reporter if thats the case, other trump allies argue there is no need to worry. What has them riled up is they feel cornered and its not clear to me theyre necessarily cornered as much as theres a fact finding expedition. Reporter the president has turned his attention to special elections across the country, from kansas where a fellow hard liner on immigration is running for governor to ohio where the gop candidate appears vulnerable in a district mr. Trump himself won by 11 points. We must elect more republicans and we must elect troy balderson. We have to elect troy. So get your friends, get your neighbors, get your family and get out and vote for troy on tuesday. Reporter democrats smell an upset so former Vice President joe biden has entered the fray with a last minute robocall. Electing danny to Congress Puts us one step closer to taking back the house and making sure we have leaders in washington who will fight for our values, ohio values. Reporter now some disappointing results for the president on this Election Night could begin to change the calculus in washington that mr. Trumps negatives are weighing down their chances of gaining control. That could be magnified further if the Mueller Probe moves closer to the white house. The president seems to be sounding out people as he talks to them over at his golf course about what he should do about the mueller investigation. Itll be interesting to see if he does indeed do more of that later on this evening when he meets with those ceos at his golf course, wolf . Thank you. Lets get some more on all of this. Jerry nadler of new york is joining us. Hes the top democrat, the Ranking Member of the house judiciary committee. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you. Do you believe Robert Mueller should agree to an interview with the president without questions, specific questions, being asked about Obstruction Of Justice . I think mueller should insist on asking the president any questions that he thinks relevant to his investigation, only he knows where the investigation is leading, only he knows what the evidence he already has is and only he can make that decision and the president is duty bound to answer any questions that the special prosecutor, Special Counsel, may ask. The president could drag this all out past the midterm elections in november, theres a good chance that democrats, they could win back the majority in the House Of Representatives which would make you the chairman of the house judiciary committee. As chairman, what actions would you take if the president refuses to comply with muellers request for an interview . If the president refuses to comply with muellers request for an interview, i would presume mueller would issue a subpoena. Theres well defined case law from the nixon case that paula jones case with clinton that he would get the subpoena and he would answer. Now, its beyond imagination that the president would defy a subpoena from the court. He could appeal it, but if the court makes a final decision then he must comply with the subpoena. He would have to. That could go all the way to the Supreme Court for a decision, right . It could, although i think its a fairly open and shut case that would go very rapidly, i would think. Your colleague told me yesterday he fears that the makeup, the current makeup of the Supreme Court could bode well for the president. Thats speculation. It might. The fact is the nixon case was an 80 decision with four republican appointees, the case with bill clinton, the paula jones was pretty unanimous decision as i recall. Unless the court is really changed to where it wants to be and wants to say the president s above the law, i dont see that as likely that they Wouldnt Grant the subpoena. Some members of your party, the democratic party, they want to impeachment to be on the at this point. We dont know a lot of the testimony, et cetera. Its certainly conceivable that cohen who is very close to the president in many ways for a long time could be a key witness. And particular, for example, as i recall, there is a statement or evidence or tape or something that cohen said that he was present, along with others, unnamed others, when the president agreed to that June 16th Meeting in trump tower and that would be key testimony if thats the case. As far as we know, mueller hasnt yet interviewed Michael Cohen, do you think mueller needs cohens testimony . That i dont know, because we dont know what he has already. Well, let me ask you a final question while i have you. The election tonight the special election in ohio, how do you think the democrats are going to do . Well, i think, you know, this is i think this is a district that trump carried by 13 or 14 points. Its a district thats been republicans since 1982 and heavily so and the very fact that Danny Oconnor the democratic candidate is depending on the poll 1 point up or down is extraordinary. It shows that the democrats are way overperforming and if he wins itll be a tremendous victory. If he comes close, that will be a tremendous victory, an indication of that were likely to carry the house. The president carried that district by 11 points, but its been about 30 years since a democrat represented that congressional district. If we if the democratic candidate comes close or wins, that shows a massive shift in the republican district toward the democrats and it would be right in line with what weve seen in other special elections some of which weve lost, but in all of which weve way overperformed in prior years and if we do that with the same percentages in november, well win a great victory. Lets see what happens. The polls close at 7 30 p. M. Eastern in ohio. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Well have more on the possible trump mueller interview if negotiations were to fall apart, though, could it wind up before the Supreme Court . Well have more on the president s former lawyer and fixer, the Wall Street Journal now reporting that Michael Cohen is being investigated for tax fraud. To get your windshield fixed. With safelite, you can see exactly when well be there. Saving you time for what you love most. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace earn a 50 gift card when you stay just twice this summer. Or, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com the Washington Post is now reporting that President Trumps lawyer Rudy Giuliani is reluctant to allow questions about Obstruction Of Justice should the president be interviewed by the Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The president s legal team says it will have a decision on a possible interview soon. Lets get some more from lisa monaco, shes the former Homeland Security and counterterrorism adviser to president obama. Thank you very much for coming in. Youre now a Cnn National Security analyst. If they cant ask the president questions about Obstruction Of Justice, should there still be an interview . Should mueller agree to that . What youre seeing on the president s lawyers part is some posturing about these negotiations. Theyve now been going on if reports are accurate for months and what youre seeing from Director Mueller and his team is an effort to proceed in good faith to try and get information about the events that took place, both before and during the initial part of the president s term. So i think both sides are engaging in this. I think Director Muellers looking to do this in good faith and trying to get as full a picture and set of facts as he can. But if the Interview Negotiations fall apart, this could potentially, if theres a subpoena, wind up before the u. S. Supreme court, what happens then . It could and thats the 50,000 question, right . Theres a number of variables, one of which is the confirmation of the nominee judge Brett Kavanaugh to go up to the Supreme Court. I think, you know, Congressman Nadler had it right. Theres pretty clear precedent here, notably with president clinton, a sitting president having to honor a subpoena. Now that was in a civil case where the governments interests are actually less significant than in a criminal case. So i think what youll see here is this play out and Robert Mueller and his team will proceed in good faith to try and assemble all the facts. What if the Supreme Court were to rule in the president s favor . I think its too soon to speculate on that. I think Robert Mueller and his team will put together certainly a report, thats what the Special Counsel regulations call for, then it will be up to Deputy Attorney general rod rosenstein, acting attorney general in this matter because of Jeff Sessionss recusal and itll be up to him to determine how much of that report to make public. I want to get your thoughts on current u. S. Efforts to make sure theres no russian meddling in the midterm elections coming up in november. We saw a big show of force over at the white house the other day. The president wasnt there but he authorized it. He gave the green light. Is enough being done right now . Look, i think that show of force last week was necessary, it was important and it was overdue. I think its also notable, wolf, that you saw included in that assembly in the Briefing Room was fbi director chris wray and it is exceptionally rare for an fbi director to appear in the Briefing Room and to do anything in front of a podium thats other than the Department Of Justice or the fbi. So that was i think quite notable and it was a real show of force and it was important. Is the administration doing enough . In my view, no. I think there needs to be a unified voice. The president needs to lend his voice to this to make sure that theres no schism between him and his team. There should be a cybersecurity coordinator, they should restore that position in the white house so theres somebody in the white house who is coordinating all of this, a whole of government effort. There needs to be more funding for the state to sure up their Election Security and systems and, frankly, there needs to be a unified view and more work and information exchanged with the social media companies. We heard the director of National Intelligence dan coats say at that briefing that he wasnt in a position to, quote, understand fully what happened at the summit in helsinki between President Trump and Vladimir Putin. Shouldnt the top intelligence officer in the u. S. Government be fully aware of everything that happened during that meeting . Yeah. Wolf, this is a real head snapper. This the statement from dan coats last week that he did not understand, was not in a position to know what transpired in that nearly two hour meeting between President Trump and our main adversary Vladimir Putin is really astonishing and, frankly, what it also says to me is, it was a real missed opportunity. Normally what you would see is first of all, there would be other officials in that room, people who can record Whats Going On, who can take notes, who can feed that back to our intelligence community, to our russia analyst and incorporate that in our plans and our thinking going forward. And here weve clearly missed that opportunity. I want to get your thoughts on the Manafort Trial thats under way right now in alexandria, virginia. You worked at one point in your life as a federal prosecutor. Youve also worked with Robert Mueller. What do you make of the testimony of this star witness thats been there for the last couple days, rick gates, manaforts former deputy . I was the federal prosecutor as you mentioned and i have put big high stakes cooperators on the stand and thats what were seeing now from muellers team and these prosecutors are people who have done this before, theyve put cooperating witnesses on the stand. I think what youre seeing them do is, one, use rick gatess testimony to corroborate other evidence thats already been put in and, two, very importantly, to bring the jury inside the scheme that he, by his own admission, rick gates, has done with Paul Manafort and describe the crimes they committed together. A lot has been talked about about the defense now trying to sully rick gatess testimony and his credibility. As a prosecutor, i didnt care if a jury liked my cooperating witness, i only cared that they believed him and he has every incentive to tell the truth here because he gets no benefit of any deal with the prosecutors unless he tells the complete truth. If he lies hes in deep, deep trouble. Thats right. Thank you very much for coming in. Thanks. Just ahead, federal investigators wrap up pressure on President Trumps former lawyer an fixer Michael Cohen. What does it mean for him and for the president . Plus, live update on whats now the largest fire in california history in what President Trump gets wrong about the states ongoing fire disaster. When you combine ancestrys with its historical records. You could learn youre from ireland donegal, ireland and your ancestor was a fisherman. With blue eyes. Just like you. Begin your journey at ancestry. Com tonight sources are telling cnn that federal prosecutors investigating President Trumps former personal attorney Michael Cohen have subpoenaed his former accountant and are examining Financial Institutions made loans to cohen. Hes under investigation for tax fraud. Lets dig deeper with our correspondents and analysts dana bash, what do you make of these latest legal developments . Look, it goes without saying that for the federal government to get a warrant, a judge to say yes to a warrant to raid somebodys home well, or the hotel theyre living right now, somebodys office and take the amount of documents and recordings that the feds did with Michael Cohen it means that they really had a tip that there was something bad going on. The fact of the matter is, that cnns reporting as you mentioned that his former accountant is being investigated and the Wall Street Journal saying that he is being investigated for tax fraud probably shouldnt be surprising in that these are broad angles that weve known that the feds were looking in to. I think if you take it up maybe to a higher level here, what is interesting is this reporting with the manafort gates trial or Manafort Trial with gates testifying as the backdrop, its a reminder that these are all people who probably would, now theyre allegations, but if they end up getting convicted for things, maybe would have gone under the radar had they not ended up being involved with the now president of the United States who has a Special Counsel looking in to him. Manafort, the feds were looking into him for a long time apparently and never could get anything and now they do. I suspect theres a lot of people that will regret being involved with the president of the United States and theyre paying a price for that right now. Don lemon youre here in washington right now. Thank you. What do you make of Whats Going On with Michael Cohen . What do you make of the pressure being put on him right now . What does it mean for him and the president . I know Michael Cohen and i know that its tough on his family and him, but just think about it. Its been about 15, maybe 16 weeks since this raid on his home. Michael cohen still has not been charged. He says to me that hes not guilty. But it has been 15 to 16 weeks. What this says to me when you look at both the cnn reporting and the Wall Street Journal, the Wall Street Journal said being investigated for possible tax fraud, right, possible tax fraud. Thats a big word. I dont think we should underestimate that and discount that word, the possibility of, but i think it means that Michael Cohen is a Treasure Trove. Hes a Treasure Trove of information from the president. If you read into the reporting where it says that theyre looking at whether the banks or people who were in charge of doing loans, whether they did everything that they were supposed to do as they were giving Michael Cohen loans, i dont know if that says anything i think what my assessment is, what worries the president a lot right now is not only what Michael Cohen knows and if he flips and were to tell all but allen weissleberg, whos been involved for 40 years, hes been subpoenaed apparently to testify before a grand jury. It all comes back to the president. They want information on the president. They figured that weissleberg and Michael Cohen are the two best sources for that information but i just find it interesting that Michael Cohen has not been charged with anything yet and its been quite a long time. I dont know what theyre holding out for. Maybe something. Its been a while. Shawn turner is with us as well. What does it say to you that Robert Mueller handed over the whole Michael Cohen case from his portfolio over to the u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york . You recall that the reason that the Special Counsel did that is because in thecourseof their investigation what Robert Muellers team found was that Michael Cohen potentially engaged in activity thats would have been violation of law under the Southern District of new yorks jurisdiction. When he turned it over, that was because that was something that was outside of Robert Muellers scope. For the Southern District of new york, as they investigate this, if they were to find that there is evidence or information that could relate back to the Special Counsel scope, then it is theoretically possible that this could end up back in front of Robert Mueller and his team at some point down the line. That would be a significant development. Michael cohen clearly is up set. He doesnt feel he was getting the backing of the president during these initial months of the investigation, that he was effectively being mistreated. What do you think . How worried should the president be about what Michael Cohen might say . I think its clear that prosecutors are trying to squeeze Michael Cohen with the hopes that he might flip and weve seen increasing signs that cohen might be willing to cooperate. I think the reason this is so concerning for President Trump is that for years cohen acted not just as trumps personal attorney but his selfconfessed fix it guy. He has been intimately involved in overseeing both the president s personal and professional dealings and he keeps has kept a lot of the president s secrets. I think that although this is separate from the investigation to russian interference in the election, it is worth pointing out as shawn did that any documents that were seized by the fbi in that raid that are relevant to muellers investigation could be turned back to the Special Counsel and if cohen were to flip and he were to cooperate, any information that he provides to the Southern District of new york, the u. S. Attorneys office there, that could also be shared back with Robert Mueller and his team and weve seen the president tweet about cohen certainly that his signal that he is very worried about what information he might have to offer. Weve also seen the president tweet about you, don lemon. Well take a quick break. There are enormous implications of Whats Going On right now. Stick around guys. You always pay your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper and up go your rates. What good is your insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Were back with our correspondents and our analysts. Don lemon, youre here in washington. The president had that disgusting tweet the other day attacking you and lebron james. Just walk us through how you reacted when you saw that and what is happened since . I didnt really i dont follow the president any more on twitter because its too much and i find his tweets to be outrageous and i find them to be most of the time beneath the dignity of the office. I think that its tough to sit here on television now and criticize the president. I think that we have more respect for the office than he does, so i didnt really know that he tweeted about me until my phone until people started saying, are you okay . Oh, my gosh. I cant believe hes doing that and my response was, what are you talking about . And then they sent me a copy of what the president said about me and so i just thought about it for a little while and woke up the next morning and tweeted out what i said. Who is whos the real dummy . Is it someone who puts kids in classrooms as lebron james or someone who puts kids in cages and separates their families at the border . And i stand by that. So i think its awful. I think its disgusting. Before i think this President Traffics in racism. I do believe this president is a racist. I dont say that lightly. I think the evidence points to it and i did that on my program last night on my show. What he says about people of color, what he says about women, what he says about women and other people, he does, you know hes an equal opportunity offender but he also tramples over racial norms and sensitivi sensitivities. It started with congresswoman Maxine Waters before you, before lebron, he was going after her, she was very critical of him. She was going after her saying she was low iq and he would ridicule her saying her iq was in the 60s. Maxine waters has been in political life a lot longer than this president and will still be around when this president is out of office, so i think to call her a low iq individual is beneath the dignity of the office. We have to remember the president is supposed to be a statesman and statesman dont speak that way or write that way they dont conduct themselves that way. It would be it is incumbent upon the president to learn from his past mistakes and to try to correct them and to become a better person and better statesman, a better leader of all people, not just the people who voted for him. Its incumbent upon the people in his own party to hold him to account because its not up to me to hold him to account. I am not a lawmaker. Im neither a democrat nor a republican. Im not political. I simply give the facts. I did an interview with lebron james. He shared his story. I think its incumbent upon the people, especially the people in washington to hold him to account. It is up to us to hold i know to hold our elected officials to account on the facts as you mentioned on the air, im talking about here in washington politically. I totally agree and i think the way that we can hold them to account in this particular discussion is lebron james it something and is doing something pretty remarkable that we would want all of the athletes that our children look up to to do, which is to give back to their community in a Pretty Amazing way, use their big fat salaries to do that and what don lemon is was bring that to the country and the world in the interview. Yeah, lebron james made a statement not even using the president s specifically talking about the way that hes acting, but obviously about what the president has done with the nfl and thats his prerogative. And thats called discourse and when you have anybody to respond to that with an attack, much less the president of the United States, it is important to call it out. Go ahead. Whenever the president makes comments we often spends a lot of time talking about the politics but its also important to note that Donald Trumps views on race predate his political career. First of all, he launched his political career by Questioning Whether or not president obama, the first black president in the history of this country was actually born in the United States, but you think back to his time in new york in the early 70s, trump and his father, their company was sued in a Racial Discrimination lawsuit for a discriminating against africanamerican tenants. He took out the full page ad calling for the Death Penalty in the Central Park Five case which, of course, those men were exonerated and yet trump continue today push the notion that they were somehow guilty and even on the Campaign Trail he tried to incite violence against black lives matter protesters and also suggested that inner cities were war zones. Weve seen enough evidence to support the notion that this is not just politics, perhaps this is what the president really thinks and believes. I think don used a very important word, he talked about racial norms and how the president is trampling on racial norms. There are people who harbor these kinds of views. Whats really interesting is that prior to the president coming to office, our experience was that generally speaking people kept those views to themselves and what i think i want people to know is, as people of color can walk around and live their life, we are having a different experience as a result of the president setting a very different tone with regard to this sort of rhetoric. Its just important for people to know that this new tone, this new norm is having an impact on people that is unfair to a large portion of this country. When i saw what the president said about you, i remembered some of the interviews youve actually done with donald trump. Hes been on your show when he was a candidate earlier and i always thought that there was a mutually respectful relationship that you had with donald trump. Let me go back before that. The last time i interviewed donald trump before he ran for office was the night that Osama Bin Laden and it was before he was killed and we had a pretty we had a rou about the birther issue. It didnt get much pickup, he vowed he would never do an interview with me because he said i was racist, because i challenged him on an infactual statement that youre a racist . I was racist because the way i challenged him much in the way that i cant somehow be unbiased about an issue concerning race because im africanamerican. So he accused me of being racist. Finally, he decided he would do an interview with me and my producers intervened and we talked. He said, oh, my gosh, youre really g. I really expect you and he kept doing interviews with me subsequently after that, eight or nine of them. And then once he became president of the United States and you have to hold his feet to the fire, all of a sudden he doesnt like what im doing or when he gets something wrong or when he does something crazy or he says something crazy or tweets something thats just beyond the pale. All of a sudden he doesnt like me. During the campaign i was told that people, the only people that the campaign wanted to come on my show were the paid cnn contributors because they were afraid that the other people who were possibly going to be in the administration, work with donald trump, would be embarrassed bays challenged them in interviews. Well, if you dont want to be challenged in interviews, then you need not be running for Political Office or to work for someone whos going to be president of the United States. Thats the long and short of it. I think he started out by calling me a racist and then what it ends up is again the conversation ive been having on the air with chris cuomo and others is that it is complete projection. If you look at this president , whatever he says, he is projecting. Its what he believes about himself. I was happy, though, that Melania Trump came out with a statement in support of what lebron james is doing in akron, ohio. I think thats great that Melania Trump did that. I give her credit for it. I dont know if we should read too much into it because i think we have to remember she was i abirther too. Well see you later tonight. Yes. 10 00 p. M. Eastern. Maybe well get the final results in ohio and some of the other key races that were going to be watching. Cnns special coverage throughout the night on all of that. Much more news right after this. , we really pride ourselves on making it easy for you to get your windshield fixed. With safelite, you can see exactly when well be there. 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Area larger than all of new york citition five boroughs put together. Its a massive amount of land but it is very, very remote, very rural. But all along when you take a look at just this fire and you look through the state, there are 17 fires that are burning. One just cropping up yesterday afternoon in orange in riverside counties, the holy fire. This is what theyre dealing with across the state. As far as this fire is concerned, you can see behind me some of that devastation. This fire here they say they have plenty of water to fight this fire despite what the president tweeted about there not being enough water resources. They say they dont know what theyre talking about since the shasta lake which is a reservoir here is 2 3 and thats what theyre using, wolf. Stephanie, thanks very much. Chief ken pimmlot is the director of cal fire and he joins us on the phone right now. Thanks so much for joining us. Difference an update on the progress youre making. What are the Biggest Challenges right now, you and the men and women you are facing . We have over 14,000 firefighters on the fire lines throughout california. Thats over half of the nearly 27,000 firefighters that are fighting fires across the western United States. Over 585,000 acres have burned since this siege began several weeks ago. Were certainly making progress. Many of the fires were able to bring closer to containment including the carr fire that stephanie was just talking about there earlier propp but were a long way from being done. The challenges were facing is certainly very high temperatures, low humidities, and these onshore coastal winds that will pick up. And as you know, theres a heat wave in Southern California right now and for the next several days. Are you getting the help you need from the federal government, ken . We absolutely are. The coordination thats going on every day, not just here in california but throughout the western United States, we are working very closely with all of our partners, federal, state, and local, as well Interagency Coordination Center in boise where all the resources are coordinated for the country in terms of wildland firefighting. We are constantly sharing and making sure we have the ability to share critical resources. The president , President Trump, says the situation is being made worse because environmental laws out in california are preventing readily available water from being used to fight the wildfires. Is that true . We have plenty of water, astephanie said, to fight fires. Many lakes were accessing from helicopters to drop that water on the fires and our fire engines have access to water on the ground. And water sis of course just on of the many tools we use to fight fire. We drop retardants from air tankers. We have access to all of that and are readily deploying that on all of these fires. And i know youve been a firefighter for 30 years. Is Climate Change making these fires worse . Absolutely. The changing climate is impacting. As a Career Firefighter and having so many other Career Firefighters on the front lines, we are all seeing the change. The kinds of fires were having right now, these 100,000,

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