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Will he be isolated at the g20 summit . And states of defiance, opposition to the president s Voter Fraud Commission is growing with more states rejecting requests for voter information. And tonight there is more backlash, a lawsuit in federal court. We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. Wolf blitzer is off. Im jim sciutto, and youre in the situation room. Announcer this is cnn breaking news. We are following breaking news. An emergency meeting of the u. N. Security council in response to north koreas latest missile test, u. S. Ambassador nikki haley demanding tougher sanctions against north korea, and she had pointed words for the Russian Ambassador saying a vote against sanctions means, quote, you are holding the hands of kim jongun. Tonight we are learning new details of the missile, u. S. Officials tell cnn the twostage rocket will be classified by u. S. Intelligence as a brandnew weapon na has not been seen before. President trump will have the chance to discuss north korea directly with the russian president Vladimir Putin when they meet at the g20 summit in germany on friday. The president just arrived at his first stop, wausau, where he will give a speech tomorrow. White house Officials Say he will outline his vision of transatlantic ties. Covering all that with our guests including former Senior Advisor to Hillary Clinton and joe biden jake sullivan, and correspondents and specialists also standing by. But lets get straight to the breaking news. President trump arriving at his first stop on his highstakes europe trip. Cnns senior White House Correspondent jim accosta is traveling with the president. He joins us now live from the polish capital. Jim, on that flight over, did the president , did his advisors address north korea . Reporter jim, just briefly just before landing here in wausau, White House Deputy press secretary Sara Huckabee sanders told reporters President Trump and Top White House officials spent part of this flight working on his speech to the polish people tomorrow. Asked what the next steps are, the white house often said that the president does not want to telegraph his next moves. We also asked sanders about his tweet from the president earlier today on north korea and china. We can put it up on screen. It says, trade between china and north korea grew almost 40 in the first quarter. So much for china working with us, but we had to give it a try. Now, that seemed to be an indication that the president may be giving up on chinas help with north korea. When asked whether that was the case, sara sanders simply did not have anything to offer to us. We hope to hear more from the president on this issue tomorrow, jim. He is scheduled to deliver joint statements with the president of poland, but there is some uncertainty over whether he will take questions. As you recall during the president s first foreign trip, he did not hold a News Conference and officials with the polish president say yes, they are taking questions tomorrow, but the white house, jim, says they are still working those details out. Enormous attention focused on the president s first meeting with president Vladimir Putin of russia. Did white house officials give you any indication as to what his priorities will be in that meeting, what he will address, what he will offer, et cetera . Reporter not much, jim. I have to tell you, Sara Huckabee sanders, she was asked about that as well, but she did not want to get ahead of things set for friday. Of course the big question, jim, is whether the president will bring up russian meddling in last years election. I asked sanders myself whether the president would in fact confront Vladimir Putin on this issue. She did not offer us any answer on that front. We should point out another thing were going to be watching tomorrow here in poland, jim, as you know, this is a nato partner. During that last foreign trip, the president did not offer a stout defense of article 5 that says an attack on one nato country is an attack on all. A lot of people in poland will be watching that very closely to see if the president does that tomorrow because, after all, poland does pay its fair share of its gdp into the nato coffers, jim. On the front lines, you can say in the standoff with russia, cnns jim accosta in wausau. Thanks very much. Lets get more now on the Emergency Security council meeting. Cnn senior diplomatic reporter, he had strong words not just for north korea, but china as well. Reporter thats right, this is the u. S. Calling this special session. Wanting to send a strong message of rebuke to north korea, but also beyond that, a rebuke and warning to any country that continues to do business with north korea, especially china. Over the last couple of weeks weve seen the u. S. Increasingly criticize chinas role here. Using words like complicit, aiding and abetting. This problem has only been getting worse and nothing is working. You run out of ways of saying essentially the same thing. Today nikki haley told the Security Council that now the world is on notice. There are countries that are allowing, even encouraging trade with north korea in violation of u. N. Security council resolutions. Such countries are also like to continue their trade arrangements with the United States. Thats not going to happen. Our attitude on trade changes when countries do not take International Security threats seriously. Reporter its interesting to see in there today russia and china aligned in their view, saying that dialogue has to come first. Even without preconditions, which the u. S. Has been against, saying that you need to be creative in diplomacy, that theyre against the kind of rhetoric and stance that the u. S. Has put out there. But in response, nikki haley said, well, nothing has been working and thats why its time to do more. And that if youre going to sit there and not sanctions against north korea, then youre Holding Hands with kim jongun, jim. Now, Ambassador Haley said, as u. S. Officials have said for years, that military options remain on the table. How important is that threat . Reporter she said that the u. S. Is prepared and willing to take its own path if necessary. Its unknown how close the u. S. Is to doing Something Like that, but she made her words very clear today. Listen. The United States is prepared to use the full range of our capabilities to defend ourselves and our allies. One of our capabilities lies with our considerable military forces. We will use them if we must, but we prefer not to have to go in that direction. Reporter so, what were likely to see in the near term is more u. S. Military presence in the region, more sanctions, more countries doing more to tighten the screws on trade. And the u. S. Has also been urging other countries to limit their diplomatic engagement with north korea. Jim . Cnns Michelle Kosinski at the state department. Thanks very much. We are also learning more new details about what we know about the Missile Launched by north korea. Barbara starr has more. I imagine they keep analyzing intelligence for what they can learn about this Missile Launch. Reporter they are continuing to look, jim, at all the data they can gather about it, and they are beginning to come to some conclusions about the threat this north Korean Missile may pose to all of us. Viewing u. S. And north korea videos, first north korea showing the world its new intercontinental ballistic missile. Then a south korean show of force, holding a drill, firing missiles that could destroy north korean targets. The pentagon warning even the test of the north Korean Missile poses new dangers. This missile flew through busy air space used by commercial airliners. It blew into space. In landed in japans exclusive Economic Zone in an area thats used by commercial and fishing vessels. All of this completely uncoordinated. Reporter there is an internal debate within u. S. And allied circles about whether this never before seen missile really shows a north korean capability to hit a target 3,400 miles away. The definition of intercontinental range. The current calculation is its right on the edge of being able to go that far but would need extensive improvements. Exactly what defense secretary james mattis recently said would not be allowed. Is it the policy of the Trump Administration to deny north korea the capability of building an icbm that can hit the American Homeland with a Nuclear Weapon on top . Is that the policy . Yes, it is, senator graham. Reporter u. S. Commanders have updated options for President Trump for a Rapid Military response to north korean provocations. A likelihood that had russias foreign minister issuing a blunt warning. Translator the russia and china, it is absolutely clear that any attempts to justify the military solution using the Security Council resolution as a pretext are not acceptable. Reporter meanwhile, south korea showing its own graphic video simulating a response to a north korean attack which experts believe is a strong possibility if the u. S. Were to strike. Some have advocated that there be a military strike to prevent north korea from completing development of an icbm, but that kind of strike would escalate the likelihood or at least the potential of an allout war on the peninsula. Reporter and as always, the idea of being able to strike all of north koreas weapons sites before they could strike back at south korea, take out the north korean threat, that remains very problematic. Jim . By design spread around the country. Pentagon barbara starr. Thanks very much. Lets a get more on this with jake sullivan. Senior advisor to both Hillary Clinton and joseph biden. Thanks, jake for joining us today. Thanks for having me. I wonder, a series of president s, democrat and republican said we will not allow north korea to get a nuclear tipped missile. Here we are today, it appears that this is an icbm, whether its a tested capability to deliver a Nuclear Device is another question. But have we gotten close to that point to the point where its effectively a reality . Weve gotten close, but were not there yet. They have now crossed the threshold of what the experts define as being an icbm. They can fly the missile more than 3,400 miles. What they havent done is shown either they can put a miniaturized Nuclear Weapon on top of it or that they can master the reentry vehicle or the targeting to make it an effective weapon. So, there is still work for the north koreans to do. But what we saw yesterday was a big leap forward for north korea and one that should certainly make us all sit up and take notice because it means they are moving faster than i think a lot of people anticipated towards that capability. So, whats to stop them from theyve taken all the previous steps to, despite a mix of sanctions and public rebuke and statements at the u. N. Security council, et cetera. Whats to stop them from taking the next step, the final step in effect, knowing from their point of view they view this as a matter of survival . You know, its a very difficult question. Its a question that has bedevilled democrats and republicans alike. Each guy comes in, says the other guy didnt do a good job, im going to do better. The Trump Administration is now discovering the options are limited and the options arent good. So, the military option in particular poses all kinds of risks even if we knew what when he were trying to take out, which we dont. Its been interesting to see Donald Trumps rhetoric to change from were going to work with china to nikki haley on the floor of the Security Council today in effect threatening if not a trade war, a trade response to china if it doesnt stop trading with north korea. Is that a useful strategy to sort of take you know, focus your attention on china here . If you take what nikki haley, the ambassador to the United Nations said literally, what she said was we might cut off all of our trade with china because they trade with north korea. I think that that is not a sensible strategy. The u. S. Economy would go hurdling down the hill. Middle class americans would be dramatic and it would likely be counterproductive. So, i hope what she actually meant was we should explore what are called secondary sanction which are sanctions imposed on specific entities, on banks or Financial Institutions or businesses in china that do business with north korea. That is something that we should take another and harder look at going beyond what the Trump Administrations already done. For the sake of our viewers i want to show the percentage of u. S. Trade imports, i should say, from china, 19 of u. S. Imports from china. We just think about where you see that. You see it in clothes, you see it in electronics. Et cetera. So, youre really talking about steps far short of a full cut off or a trade war, right . Look, the language she used was broad and expansive. We will find out in the coming days whether she really meant to go that far, or whether she was suggesting something more conventional like secondary sanctions. I hope its the latter because what we need to do is focus like a laser beam on the actual entities that are supplying the north currency and economic growth. Not cut off all trade that could end up throwing our country into a we want to avoid that. Donald trump has been in office less than half a year at this point. The Obama Administration was in power for eight years. How much responsibility, certainly more than the Trump Administration for where we are today, but how much of a responsibility do you believe the Obama Administration should accept for where we are today with north korea . Well, i think the question in some ways is the wrong question because you had the clinton administration, then the bush administration, then the Obama Administration, then the Trump Administration. All of them faced the same bad set of choices and all of them grappled with it as best they could. And all along through each of those administrations, north korea moved forward. That was true under obama, its been true under trump. And, so, i think the fair thing for the president to stand up and do is level with the American People and say, this is tough, this is hard, and not just try to blame the guy who came before, which, you know, there is a real temptation to do. Lets set aside blame for a moment. The question is what works because a series of republican and democratic president s have tried this kind of same mix of incentives were talking about here, saying military options on the table even though in reality theyre not really because of the cost. Pressuring china, sanctions, et cetera, the offer of negotiations, why would that combination work today if it didnt work for obama or bush or clinton before . Well, there are a couple of factors that are different today than before. One is what we started this conversation talking about. North korea is creeping up to the line of having the capability to strike the continental United States. That means the United States is capability to look china in the eye and say, the consequences of what will happen to your interests in the region if that eventuality occurs are dramatic and not in your interest. So, their incentive to work with us should go up. I dont think that trump should give up on china at this point, but i do think he should be prepared to toe a tougher line with them. South korea wants negotiations. You were part of the team that engineered negotiations with another budding nuclear power, iran. Do you see negotiations as a path forward with north korea . I think that going back to the table with the right mix of pressure and engagement is a sensible thing to do, but we cant just revive old deals that north korea has already broken and we cant just run the same play book over. What we need to do is make sure its not just the United States sitting down at the table and trading with north korea, but that the chinese are at the table, too. The chinese like to say, you guys all work it out. Its time for them to participate, not just on the pressure side, but on the diplomacy side as well. I think if we tried Something Like that, who knows if it would work because north korea is the land of lousy options, but it would give us a better chance. As weve seen with his tweets and other public comments, donald trump likes to cajole pressure, influence with somewhat incendiary public comment. Based on your own dealings with china and sometimes sensitive negotiations, is that something that china responds to . I think china responds best to predictable strength. Telling them what the United States is going to do and then following through and doing it. So, when you are unpredictable, when you swerve from one extreme to the other, as trump has done repeatedly over the last six months, not only do the chinese not know what to make of that, but they sort of assume youre not serious. So, what i hope that donald trump will do Going Forward is try as best he can to inject a measure of predictability and clarity into the policy. That being said, i dont think that this is an issue on which we can just bash the Trump Administration over the head. This is a tough one. It was tough for president obama. Its tough for President Trump. And all americans should have sympathy for the difficult issues theyre grappling with. No question, and all americans face the same threat. Stay there. Particularly with President Trumps upcoming meeting with the russian president Vladimir Putin. Please stay with us. 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He served as both senior advise to Hillary Clinton and joe biden. Russian president Vladimir Putin, former kgb agent, likes to think of himself as an operator of his own. Brought a dog to the meeting with Angela Merkel. She doesnt like dogs. Do you think Vladimir Putin will try to manipulate trump in the facetoface meeting . Every time he goes to a meeting, ive seen him go to a meeting with Hillary Clinton, it is like a dog marking his territory. Thats what he does. He comes in late. He likes to make u. S. President s or german chancellors cool their heels. He sits in kind of a slouch. He lectures in front of the press. And the real question is will he come as that Vladimir Putin this time, or will he come buddy buddy because he wants to project a different kind of image with donald trump . And his body language right off the top of this meeting with trump will tell us a lot about the strategy that hes bringing to the meeting. Its interesting. The New York Times said they expect trump and putin to bond over a mutual disdain for what they both call fake news. Ironic in that russia is a number one purveyor of fake news, particularly targeting the u. S. Election. What is your view of that with President Trumps view . Its troubling. Without hyperbole, he orders their death. He shuts down independent media sources of stations. Lincoln , reagan, would go and bond with a russian autocrat who is happy to talk to donald trump about how he shuts down media and kills journalists. Thats crazy to me. And really, its, you know, thats beyond the pale and trump should be standing up for the freedoms that we all hold dear, not joining putin and laughing about them. These are not isolated comments. It fits into a world view na President Trump repeats repeatedly. Hes called the press the enemy of the people. I want to replay his comments about putin himself in february, this with foxs bill oreilly. Have a listen. Do you respect putin . I do respect him. Do you . Why . Well, i respect a lot of people, but that doesnt mean im going to get along with them. Hes a leader of his country. I say its better to get along with russia than not. And if russia helps us in the fight against isis which is a major fight and islamic terrorism all over the world right. Major fight, thats a good thing. Will i get along with him, i have no idea. Its a possibility. Putins a killer. A lot of killers, we have a lot of killers. Why, you think our countrys so innocent . Do you think our countrys so innocent . Thats the president of the United States taking a shot at his own countrys reputation. The crazy thing about that clip is that is a classic soviet and russian tactic, what aboutism. What the russians and soviets would do any time we criticize them theyd say, what about x in the United States . And the funny thing is trump isnt just sitting there praising putin. Hes actually adopting his tactics against his own country. That to me is really strange and deeply troubling, and i really hope thats not the donald trump who shows up on friday because if it is, then putin is going to play him. Putin must hear that and celebrate, right . Because it serves his interest to have americas own leader do what Vladimir Putin has tried to do for years, which is undermine this idea of america as a model and the american system as a model country for the world or for his own people. This is a fundamental motivating principle for Vladimir Putin. Find a way to get cracks in american democracy and western institutions, undermine them, reduce confidence in them and there by solidify his own grip on power. Donald trump is playing right into it. So, we dont know what President Trump is going to do in that meeting. Of course, he could change his mind. But Administration Officials have at least told cnn that right now its not on the plan on the plan for President Trump to raise election meddling. Does Vladimir Putin see that as an invitation to do if again, ougor at least the cost wouldnt be so high if he did it again . In a way we crossed that river because President Trump has spent the last several months on or outright rejecting the conclusion of the u. S. Intelligence community that russia in fact did interfere in our election. The damage in our view has already been done. If trump showed up and said a few words on the topic or friday, it wouldnt matter. Putin got the message trump wanted to get. I dont care about it, i encouraged it and benefited from it. Frankly, i wouldnt mind if you do it again. Thats the message putin has heard loud and clear. And at this point i think its too late for trump to really change his tune on that. It is particularly alarming because we know that Russian Hackers continue to target u. S. Political organizations voting systems, et cetera. Its happening right now. Jake sullivan, thanks very much as always. Thanks for having me. Breaking news next, more on the escalating north korean crisis and the u. S. Warning of possible military action. Plus, the growing backlash to President Trumps Voter Fraud Commission. We have details of a new federal lawsuit. Honey, we need to talk. We do . I took the trash out. I know. And thank you so much for that. I think we should get a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. Right now . [ male announcer ] whether youre new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. Its up to you to pay the difference. So think about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay and could really save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call now. With a Medicare Supplement plan, youll be able to stay with your doctor. Oh, you know, i love that guy. Mmhmm. 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Lets dig in deeper with our experts and analysts. John kirby, i want you and our audience to listen to the warning that u. N. Ambassador nikki haley gave earlier. The United States is prepared to use the full range of our capabilities to deal fend ourselves and our allies. One of our capabilities lies with our considerable military forces. We will use them if we must, but we prefer not to have to go in that direction. Knowing what we know, john kirby, about all the weapons that north korea has trained on seoul, the Northern Area of south korea, is that actually a realistic threat . In order to be able to defend ourselves and our allies, yes. I dont know that id take it as a threat. Look, we have a significant Treaty Alliance with the republic of korea. We have significant capabilities there because we have to, and they are ready. So, i dont know that thats so much a threat, but it is certainly something that we have to say publicly and we have to be able to reassert that. And for the north to take that seriously. Alicia, i know youve been reporting on these options today. I think that everyone has said, you know, defense secretary mattis, some of the u. S. Commanders have said that u. S. Military action, while of course a last resort, is really unthinkable because of the consequence that you would see, certainly south korea would face a barrage of artillery, missiles to begin with. I think that military option, while clearly possible, is really a last resort and something nobody wants to think about. I think youre thinking more about Diplomatic Options such as a tightening of sanctions against china and others who do business with north korea, and also a negotiated settlement. I think that even as you talk about military action, its really going to be a negotiation that brings north korea to the table to end it. Remember, when were talking military options, there are two things here. Theres some sort of offensive preemptive strike which is what elise is getting at and nobody wants to happen. You still need defensive capabilities just in case the north does something provocative and over the line, and thats what i think she was referring to. Right. To make it clear if they do something we would have to defend. Matt rosenberg, the only country getting rhetoric as strong as north korea really now is china. You almost have whiplash from the Trump Administration because a few weeks ago was all the talk we can work with china, theyre going to come through. Now trade sanctions threatened i think this has been a brutal education for President Trump. He went in there, im a deal maker, im going to talk to people, have that nice, you know, meeting with z. And now hes finding out there are real limits and that the chinese are going to do what they think is in their own interest, not whats in our interest or what we want them to do. And i think for trump this continues to be, you know, i mean who knew health care was so hard, who knew Foreign Policy was so hard as well. Jeremy, youre in the white house. Is there sort of a humble understanding of those complications there, or do you still hear bravado from trump advisors, white house Officials Saying, we got this, trumps going to be tougher with them, were going to find a better way in i think what the white house officials said the last several days is we had to try. We had to try once again, the this approach with china, see if we could gently coax them into pressuring north korea more. Now theyve come to the point where, toe kay, it hasnt worked. We need to change the approach and go back to the drawing board. The problem is the president made it sound like it would be easy, right . And experts throughout have been warning, listen, this approach has been tried before and its not going to work again. Yet this president has been insistent publicly in his twitter messages, insistent that china would help, that he had formed this great relationship with president xi, and clearly it hasnt panned out. Thats the thing. He has that kind of confidence on a whole host of issues, health care, et cetera, they all proved to be more complicated in the reality. Does he, though, john kirby, have a policy here . So, if this has failed, what is the strategy Going Forward . I dont think its clear. I will say though, jim, of all the National Security issues this administration has worked, in my view, they have treated the north korea one in the most deliberate thorough fashion possible. They have taken this seriously. Where it goes, i dont know. Well have to see. And i do think, and i agree with jeremy, theyre right to try to use the lever of china at the outset. I mean, the path to pyongyang, if it goes through anywhere, it goes through beijing. That doesnt mean china is allknowing and can fix everything, but that was the right way to approach. But if beijing is not playing ball, what do you do as an alternative . Thats still the policy, though. Originally they thought they would do it hand in hand, kind of walk into a table with north korea together as friends. But now the u. S. Is going to have to drag china to do something, and thats where these sanctions thats where a trade deal comes in. But i do think there is a policy, and the policy is to get north korea to the table. Through pressure with china, through other means. And i think that there are things that the u. S. Has said you heard secretary tillerson about a month ago when there was that meeting at the u. N. Security council say we could offer assurances to the regime. We dont want a regime change. I still think the policy is to bring north korea to the table, but less than it was with the Obama Administration which was kind of strategic patience, let them come at their own time. Now its you are going to sit down at the table because we are going to squeeze you like youve seen with iran sanctions campaign. There are a lot of sanctions on north korea, but nothing like there were on iran. This gets down to an issue. The trump brand on this issue and others as im a great negotiator, and with toughness and quid pro quo, ill make things happen. But what you cannot are the essential differences in interest here. Frankly china does not want a reunited Korean Peninsula. They dont want a western democracy on their border, a u. S. Ally, et cetera, on the border. Its kind of impossible to square that circle at the end of the day. I mean, you know, if youre looking at this and youre trump, its almost its mind boggling the thought there could be a deal here. I dont want to say that casually criticize him. I do agree this has been the most deliberate and most thoughtful on a Foreign Policy that the Trump Administration has taken on. But, you know, what is a quid pro quo, what is the deal you can make here . Are you going to let north korea keep its Nuclear Weapons . Are you going to let the chinese that would be the hard reality, right . The unspoken reality. Will the Korean Peninsula forever be divided . I dont think the south koreans would be on that. I dont know what the deal here is to be had. These are complicated issues. Please stay with us, panel. Just ahead President Trump preparing for his upcoming meeting with Vladimir Putin. Who will have the upper hand in that meeting . President trump has now arrived in europe ahead of his meeting on friday with russian president Vladimir Putin at the g20 summit in germany. Im back with my panel now. Phil mudd joining us as well. We played earlier some sound of what trump has said on putin. I want to play now what putin has said about trump. Have a listen. Translator he is a brilliant and talented person without a doubt. Isnt he bright . He is. Translator i did not say anything else about him, but theres one thing that i paid attention to, and that i definitely welcome, is that mr. Trump said hes ready to restore fullfledged russian american relations. What can there be bad about it, dont you welcome it . We all welcome it. Where do we get some relationship from . We didnt have any relationship at all. There was a time when he used to come to moscow, but, you know, i never met with him. Phil mudd, is that calculated praise by the former kgb agent . Look, were spending too much time on this. We think the president is going to get played. You get played if you go in with a different objective and you come out and get beat. I think one of the conversations is going to be about syria. Who has said we want isis out and were willing to accept the continuation of the assad regime to meet that objective . Thats the president and the state department. So, i think were going in here, its not the president is getting played. It might be two people who are of the same mind on something thats critically important. I think one quick problem, jim, that is detail and patients. If you look at what happened on health care, if you look at what happened on the immigration effort, the short lived effort with the chinese on north korea. If you want to engage on these issues with putin, you better get in the weeds and you better be prepared for years and i dont think the president can do that. Why is he setting himself to get played if he wont call russia on its interference in the election . Youre assuming he thinks russia interfered with the election. Hes looking at this and saying ive got bigger fish to fry. Maybe were giving him too much credit. He said all along id work with anybody on isis. He ostracized obama, the egyptian president , the turks, some issues that didnt look antidemocratic. Hes looking at putin if there is one way to get rid of the isis menace, i know a guy willing to kill muslim terrorists and thats Vladimir Putin. Elise, youre hearing the same . I think hes not going to dwell on the election. If he mentions it at all, if anything, he might do what he did with the russian minister lavrov and kislyak. This is no big deal, i got rid of director comey. Hes going to talk about syria, hes going to talk about ukraine. The russians are lowering expectations and setting the dont. Look, this is the first meeting. They want a good dialogue. Theyre going to establish working dialogue. By the way, its very short meeting. I dont know if Vladimir Putin is going to be able to fully explain his actions in ukraine or fully explain his positions. They want to come out with good optics. President trump wants to come out with good optics. This is a gamble with an unpredictable president who is prone to off the cuff remarks. I think the fear is that he would get played, that, you know, Vladimir Putin might Say Something to him. He is not super prepared for this meeting and he says, okay, thats a good idea. That comes home to roost later. Maybe reveal some classified intelligence. Jeremy, what are you hearing from inside the white house in terms of expectation s . I mean, listen, folks are watching for will be the body language here. How do these two men interact exactly, and what exactly is the vibe they give off each other. We have to remember this is a president who campaigned on the posture, im going to be tough with leaders around the world. Im going to get better deals for the United States. Except when it comes to Vladimir Putin who is the only leader who this president as of yet has yet to take a really confrontational stance with. He has delivered as far as being more aggressive and having this kind of machismo when he met with other word leaders. Will that translate with his meeting with putin. If he does come across as too nice or too pliable or too compliant, that may get him a lot of criticism back home. So, its going to be a fine balance for him to decide, you know, is he going to try and build this rapport with putin, that he has said is so important in relationships with these world leaders. And is he going to take heat for that or is he going to try a different approach and list being that relationship the way he sees it. Matt, just on the issue of election meddling, the administration likes to look at this like something from the past. Fact is you coffer this story as i do. There is evidence of Russian Hackers continuing to probe election systems, political organizations, et cetera. Its a current and future threat, is it not . I mean, the Intelligence Community sees it that way. Most of Congress Certainly sees it that way. Including republicans on the other side of the aisle. Trump administration does not. Theyve been clear we have bigger issues now, weve got syria, a whole range of things, north korea, whatever it is. And i think trump, you know, hes going to have a real problem if he goes off script. The russians are going to come in prepared and disciplined and his aides are desperate to avoid a repeat of what went on back when he met with the Russian Foreign minister, Russian Ambassador in the oval office where hes bragging about firing the fbi director. Hes joking around, taking pictures, smiling. They really want to avoid that. Theyre keeping it short. Trump does like to freelance, i guess. And i think, you know, at some point theyre going to have to reckon with the fact the why is poland first up on this trip with the president. Hes going to give a speech and i think he wants to promote natural gas exports from the u. S. To poland and the baltics and central europe. I think thats really his goal. But its really upsetting. A lot of european leaders see this as part of President Trumps support for these right wing eu populus movements. This is kind of dumb in the eye of Angela Merkel and those trying to restore the values. They also promised him a big crowd and there is reports of bussing them in. You got a kgb agent president of russia. And trump has the things he wants to get out of this meeting. Putin has the things he wants to get out of the meeting. What is putin going to try to do in the room, in that eye to eye situation with the american president . If we were doing this from my side, we would write a profile on the vulnerabilities. Im talking about having psychiatrists look at video about how someone speaks. What vulnerabilities would they have . One is when you speak in public about him, praise him. Dont get too much into detail. When you talk about the press, denigrate the press. Say clearly you are the man that has the answers. I think anybody who looks at his video knows it is a man that wants to be based. And i guarantee you the kremlin has people breaking that down and saying heres some words you can use to play up to that. He was already psyching trump out this week when he met with president xi talking about theyre going to Work Together on north korea. I think there is already a little gamesmanship going on. And putin is good at people. He knows their fears. He met with merkel a few years back. Shes afraid of dogs. He brought a lab door retriever are him. U. S. Military action against north korea and new details about that Missile Launch escalating the crisis. Growing opposition as it tries to investigate widespread voter fraud. I wanted to know where i did my ancestrydna. The most shocking result was that im 26 native american. I had no idea. Its opened up a whole new world for me. Miracleear, your mornings can come to life with sound. 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So, when your choose miracleear, you can rest easy knowing that from day one, youll receive attentive, ongoing support. And, with a 3year warranty, were always available to assist with anything at all, big or small. Nows the time to schedule your free noobligation hearing evaluation. Our experts are trained to help you find a hearing solution that fits any budget. Act now and you can take advantage of our generous 30day money back guarantee, so theres absolutely no risk to you. When you hear clearly, granddaughter grandpa vo this is what your day could sound like. This is what it could look like. And this is what it could feel like. And it only gets better from here. Why wait . you can start hearing your better days by scheduling your free hearing evaluation today. Miracleear. Hear a better day. Public opposition, bipartisan opposition to President Trumps voter fraud opposition is growing tonight as more states refuse to hand over information the commission asked for. Diane, the president has accused these states of trying to hide something. He did, jim. In a tweet, and really this could be another one of the president s executive orders left up to the courts. A lawsuit has already been filed and we could hear from the judge as early as tomorrow. President trumps Voter Fraud Commission facing a revolt and now a federal lawsuit trying to block trumps effort to block voter data from all 50 states. Whatever a person on the street can walk in and get, thats what we would like. But a private Advocacy Group says the transmission of the data could put voters at risk. The group filed this request for a temporary restraining order to halt the commissions efforts to obtain the data, citing privacy issues and concern about sending it over a secure website. The Justice Department said the group has no standing to sue, and the records requests are only asking for publically available information. The vice chair of the commission sent to every state requests information publically available under state law. That would include everything from a voters name, address and birth date to their party affiliation, criminal or military record and partial Social Security number. A handful of states still havent responded to the letter. But so far, by cnns count, 45 states plus washington, d. C. Have refused to provide some or all of the information, citing their own state laws or privacy concerns. He released a statement later today disagreeing with that count calling it a media distortion. Several secretaries of state have raised questions about the commissions motive. Its not really clear what this data is going to be used for. It seems to be a fishing expedition or witch hunt. Others believe this is to support frequent claims by President Trump without evidence of widespread voter fraud. I think the purpose of this, besides indulging the president s fantasy is to stop people from voting. But still the majority of states, even those who had vocally opposed the collection of data have said they will turn over at least some public information. We are just going to release that publically available information that is routinely released to candidates, to news organizations and anyone that actually makes that request. So based on that statement he released today it seems that cnn is breaking the numbers down differently as to what counts as a cooperating state. But really the bottom line is, again, jim, the majority of states in both of our counts are likely to turn over at least some form of publically available information. Diane, thanks very much sglrchlts fin. Finally, congratulations. He was born just this morning. Phil tells us everyone is doing well. We give them our best wishes. Im jim sciutto. Thanks for watching tonight. Erin Burnett Outfront starts now. The u. S. Tonight warning north korea the window for a peaceful solution is quickly closing. How long before the reeg nation could hit the u. S. With a nuclear bomb. Plus the white house wont say what trump will talk to putin about at their meeting this week. And which country has reportedly put an official in charge of reading trumps tweets . Lets go out front. Good evening. Sharp military escalations. The un

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