Transcripts For CNNW Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20160712

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To rake the toernl general over and she refuses to take the bait. She talks about the decision not to bring charges against Hillary Clinton over her emails. and supreme honesty. The Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg calls trump a faker and sames he should release his taxes. Im wolf blitzer and youre in the situation room. This is cnn breaking news. We begin with breaking news, president obamas call for National Unity. Just a little while ago in a Memorial Service for the Police Officers killed in dallas, the president also brought up last weeks fatal shootings of africanamericans by police in louisiana and minnesota. I know that americans are struggli struggling right now with what we have witnessed in the past week. We can worry less about which side has been wronged and worry more about joining sides to do right. Well have much more from the president s emotional and very important speech as well as the remarks from the former president , george w. Bush, also a very powerful address. Were also following a long awaited very Important Development of the president ial campaign. Senator Bernie Sanders finally endorsing Hillary Clinton today during a joint rally in New Hampshire. The president of the National Urban league is standing by to take our questions. And our correspondents and analysts will have coverage of todays stories. Lets start with the president s plea for National Unity. The president clearly let his emotions show today in. Yeah, he was weary. He said he had been to too many of them. Frustrated and angry. He asked the americans to walk through emotions with him to end up on the other side of unity. A service to honor the five Police Officers whose lives were lost too soon. Like Police Officers across the country, these men and their families shared a commitment to something larger than themselves. The nations president acknowledged his own failings. I have seen how inadequate words can be in bringing about lasting change. I have seen how the adequate my own words have been. If we are to honor these five outstanding officers who we lost, then we will need to act on the truths that we know. Among those truths, says the nations first black president , there is bias in police shootings, and bias in claiming all police for the actions of a few. So much of the tensions between Police Departments and minority communities they serve is because we ask the police to do too much and we ask too little of ourselves. We flood communities with so many guns it is easier for a teenager to get his hands on a glock than a computer or a book. [ applause ] and then we tell the police youre a social worker, youre the parent, youre the teacher. Youre the drug counsellor. We tell them to keep those neighbors in check at all costs. And do so without causing any political blow back or inconvenience. Dont make a mistake that might disturb our own piece of mind. And then we are surprised when periodically the attentions boil over. In a sign that pain is not partisan, republicans joined the president on stage including the 43rd president who called dallas home echoing the message of unity. We recognize that we are brothers and sisters sharing the same brief moment on earth, and owing each other the loyalty of our shared humanity. At our best we know with have one country, one future, one destiny. We do not want the unity of grief nor do we want the unity of fear. We want the unity of hope. Affection, and high purpose. Now president obama says the america that he knows is better than this and the best way to remember these fallen officers is to strive to be that one america. Wolf . On the scene for us in dallas, thank you. As we follow the mourning in dallas, were getting new information on the investigation. There are new pictures from where the gunman was cornered and killed. And also the man comes forward who believes he sold the gunman the firearm. Tell us more about the gun sale. We have spoken with the man who sold the ak 47 assault style welcome to Micah Johnson. According to this man, the sale was made in the fall of 2014. And they met over through a facebook gun forum, and thats how they connected. It was a 600 sale. The exchange happened in a target parking lot. All of this perfectly legal, and the man tells us all of this saying he is tormented by the possibility of this gun could have been used in this vicious attack. And the whole notion, when you salespeople to people close to it, what do you think theyre seeing . It doesnt sound like investigators are fully convinced like they have explored everything they need to explore, the bomb making materials found in micahs home. It was about 3 1 2 pounds of various materials in that home, but what is not clear is the intention for the material. What is it supposed to be used for. And mark, thank you very much for joining us. Good afternoon, wolf. Let me play another clip from the president , a powerful moment from his speech at that Memorial Service. We know that bias remains. We know it. Whether you are black, white, hispan hispanic, asian, middle eastern decent, we have all seen the bigotry in our lives. We heard it at times in our own homes. If were honest, perhaps we heard prejudice in our own heads. And felt it in our own hearts. We know that. And while some suffer far more under racisms burden, some feel twob a far greater extent discrimination is a thing. And most of us do our best to guard against it and teach our children better, none of us is entirely innocent. No institution is entirely immune. And that includes our Police Departments. We know this. So what is your response to the president s message that we just heard . The president in listening to that, wolf, i think is going further than he ever has in his presidency so acknowledge the existence of racial bias, exclusion, and saying you cant confront it unless you acknowledge its existence and you acknowledge its existence in everyone who has some form of implicit bias. So i think it was a very important step. From here as a nation, it is about whether we can move forward to act. Because the words are important for former president bush together sending a powerful signal nation and having to reach across the divide. The racial bias that exist in Police Forces should never, never condemn all Police Officers. We dont want to do that. We have to understand that there is something systemic in what we see because it is too many incidents, and then the awful spate of the retaliation. He was walking a fine line, a delicate line, he said at one point we must reject despair. We are not as divided as we may seem. He says look at what i have experienced in my own life. That is the america i know. He kept referring to that theme this is the america i know. Race relations have improved dramatically in my life, still problems, but you agree with him on that . It is important that we have to be hopeful and recognize that one of the stories of america is race. But it has also been the ability of successive generations to build bridges to overcome. But wolf were at a point now where we have to confront this because if we do not, we will fail our children. We have to confront it for once and for all. It is difficult, it is misunderstood, but we have to do it. We have had a number of ideas to, if you will, reform policing. And it is so interesting that the Dallas Police department under still the target of retaliation. So there are mf examples of Police Departments in communities that are working to do the right thing, but those examples are not, if you will, widespread enough. We have to confront that, wolf, in a dramatic way. So the words of today are to comfort and i hope to inform and inspire, but action is so necessary given this tremendous cycle of violence we have seen in the country in the last several years. And violence is violence. So violence by police against citizens, violence of citizens against police, i condemn every element of violence and every aspect of this unjust violence. But at this point in time, we must work on the policing and the criminal justice challenges that we face as a nation. Stand by, were going to take a quick break and we have lots more to discuss, we will be right back. We were born 100 years ago into a new american century. Born with a hunger to fly and a passion to build something better. And what an amazing time its been, decade after decade of innovation, inspiration and wonder. So, we say thank you america for a century of trust, for the privilege of flying higher and higher, together. 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See why millions of people have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. Dont wait. Call now. Were back with the president of the National Urban league as we cover the breaking news of president obamas powerful plea for National Unity in the wake of the attack on Dallas Police that left five officers dead. I want to play another clip of what the president said, listen to this. Today in this audience, i see people who have protested on behalf of criminal Justice Reform grieving alongside Police Officers. I see people that mourn for the five officers we lost and weep for the families of castille and sterling. I see what is possible when we recognize that we are one american family. All all deserving of equal treatment and all deserving of equal respect. So will it force the entire nation, the political lip to confront truth about this nation . The political lip must confront truths about this nation. I think that the president with less than six months to go in his presidency, i think you can expect to see him make this a very important focus of the work that he has to do. I also believe that mayors and governors and local leaders are going to have to lean in if you will. As the president sought to do, look while we may come at this issue from a different space, the idea that we have to find new common ground, we have to Work Together, we have to understand that the commonality is the value of this country must be based on in the 21st century, i think that is important. I have heard commentators expect the president with a magic wand to solve this problem from washington dc. Im here to say the president has a very Important Role to play, but he needs political leadership. In the Civil Rights Community were fully committed to work books on a solution oriented approach. We need youth jobs. We need the underlying issues of economic opportunity. We have to understand that the proliferation of guns and gun Safety Measures are essential. The deescalation training for Police Officers is essential. That citizens, we have to talk to citizensbout the role and relationship in police and community also. This is a big and very significant undertaking, but the future of this country, i feel, given what were seeing, given the anger across the nation, given the challenges that we face, the carnage and the deaths of too many people is essential. So political leaders you need to step up, take your democratic hat off, take your republican hat off. Take your ideological hat off, we want a safer nation. Communities that respect police and police that respect communities. We can share that goal, but there has to be action steps. And former mayor of new orleans as well facebook marc. What can leaders like you do to prevent this. Micah johnson, a veteran, who all of a sudden decides he hates white people, wants to kill white people, especially kill white Police Officers. Thats what he told the police. What can be done to prevent these individuals from developing that kind of hatred . Let me say this, wolf. I think that hatred is a sickness and illness, and we have to keep people from getting the instrument of destruction. It is an instrument of destruction that we have seen used time and time again in these killings. I was struck that this person found his way into the military. And certainly he was questionably discharged from the military. Im not sure what the circumstances are, but i also want people to know that this gentleman does not represent all black people in this country the same way that dillon roof, who shot up a black church, is not all white people. Lets see the sick individuals that they were. Lets also confront the idea that we have to tighten up access to weapons. It has brought about so much destruction in so many instances across the board. Marc morial i would say the last thing is is that, you know, leaders across the board, and i accept this responsibility, we have to promote this idea of justice and fairness. And that is why i think that were at this inflection point, this tipping point. I have talked to young people across the nation. Theyre not happy with the state of affairs, but it is our responsibility across to board to talk about these issues. Thank you, wolf. There are new developments emerging right now. Lets take another quick break and well be right back. It was always just a hobby. Something you did for fun. Until the day it became something much more. And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. Td ameritrade. Wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. 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I have spoken at too many memorials during the course of this presidency. I have hugged too many families who lost a loved one to senseless violence. And i have seen how a spirit of unity born of tragedy can dissipate. Overtaken by the business as usual. By inertia and old habits and expediency. I see how easily we ship back into our old notions because theyre comfortable and were used to them. I have seen how inadequate words can be in bringing about lasting change. How personal is this . I think it is extremely personal for this president because he is the countrys first black president. And he had trouble hailing a cab. He was confused for a waiter at a big event. And i think as the nations first black president , he has had a special burden and in some ways that may be an unfair burden to be a repairer of t the and i think he is calling on americans to take this racial divide personally. That race is not just a problem for africanamericans, but for all americans and that americans should should not just be tolerant. I thought it was a tricky balancing act. He is speaking at a Memorial Service for five dead officers who are dead partially because of their race. So i think this is a theme that he will come back to repeatedly. He did say, don, i have seen how inadequate my own words have been, referring perhaps to the 10 other comforter in chief moments where he had to speak like this. Will his words resonate this time . I think so. I think they have to, wolf. So many people easily fall back into the way things were, i think that wont make a difference. Not that i really care what people say on social media, if you go on social media and you look at the comments immediately after the president , the people who dislike this president , the words will just bounce off and hate him more, even though what he said today makes complete sense. His message was no different from george w. Bushs message. Than police chief browns message, they were all on the same message. So if this is bouncing off of you and not resonating with you, then you need to check yourself. Imagine george bush saying the words that barack obama said. And if the words bounced off of you as someone who may be on the more liberal side of things, you need to check yourself as well. It is time to stop pretending that racism doesnt exist. That doesnt exist. I have a very personal story as i was out this weekend with friends. We were discussing the dallas shooting at a bar restaurant. It was two africanamericans, me and someone else, that were with us in the immediate vicinity. My friend is talking about it and my friend is a black guy, and the guy looked at him and said how does that make you feel as a nigger, and everybody just looked at him, i swear on a stack of bibles, on my life, that this happens just this week in a place that you would not think it could happen in a place where there are intelligent, liberal people in the sense of the types of people they engage with. So we have to stop pretending these things dont happen, that people you dont hear words and racism and prejudice in your own family, and its not within you, its in all of us. The president said none of us is innocent, no institution is immune. So we should come from that place. The two black people in the immediate vicinity were just quiet like okay, how are we going to react to this, and every single white person was outraged and jumped on him. But we have to come from a place of listening. I could have cursed the man out. I was outraged, i was upset, but my response was hmm, isnt this interesting, how will i absorb this. What will i do with the story. How can i teach him. Why was he so ignorant and why did he think it was okay to use those words. Everybody stand by, i want to continue this important conversation, well take another quick break. [rickie] a romantic what . [squeaking noises] im a sucker for proposals. And we covered it, april twentysixth, 2014. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum schwarzkopf presents hair in 30 minutes . Our most caring color collection keratin color with keratincarecomplex. Formulated for full gray coverage and up to 80 less hair breakage. Ready to rejuvenate your hair . Keratin color. From schwarzkopf. Were back as we cover president obamas emotional call for unity. You heard the president s words today, what do beat cops say, how will they react . I think they will be hoping that what he say does rez ig nate. I think in the past that has happened, that when people hear these kinds of speeches, one side thinks how dare him say th about me, and the other side thinks the same thing on their side. I attended a speech by james comey. I heard it, and when it was recorded, people picked out the side they dont like to hear and people were coming out saying how dare them say were racist or this and that. The other said said the opposite. They heard two different things, and too often people hear what they want to hear and are not open. Do you think their words will make any difference . I think his words are inadequate, that is gearing us to a different paradigm shift. It is less about who is right, who is wrong, and more about the Police Officers and africanamericans. Neither one wants to be judged by the worst among them and they want accountability for those doing the wrong thing. That is the shared narrative we all have. And we all have that shared responsibility. And back to the case, we have to move less from the dialogue and more to legislative action and taking a stand to say look, here is how we can make sure we have accountability on both ends. It takes a successful prosecution and legislative action to ensure that everybody can be treated fairly when they commit unlawful acts. One thing i heard from my colleagues is the police in the communities should police a Ride Along Program of Community Leaders riding with police. Media reporters with the police, with a go pro camera strapped on, and get an idea and understanding of what the police go through and not during the daytime when speeches are being made, but between 10 00 at night and 4 00 in the morning, there is a Different Group of people that go on our streets that you dont realize unless youre a street cop. See what they encounter day in and day out and they may be more inclined to Work Together to work these issues out. And you think the president , with six months left, is freer to express his views on these sensitive racial views than he was in his first term or early in the second term. Yes, i think he is very evolved. He gave a famous reach speech when he was running in 2008 in philadelphia. Oftentimes i think he fell back on black respectability politics. He would talk about black behavior and was much less willing to talk about systematic racism. Institutionalized racism. He did it here in a peach in a way that i had not seen him do before. He talked about racism that is embedded in all sorts of institutions, not just Police Departments. Here is a president who was looking at his legacy, i think this will be a continuing part of his dialogue. I want to alert our viewers once again that don lemon will be back for a special twohour cnn tonight at 10 00 eastern. And downdon for a town hall event black, white, and blue at 10 00 p. M. Eastern tomorrow. Coming up, Bernie Sanders throws his support behind Hillary Clinton, will his supporters get behind her . You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Just one of the many features that comes standard with our base policy. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Senator Bernie Sanders finally throwing his support behind Hillary Clinton and saying he intends to campaign for her in every corner of the country. Hillary clinton will make an outstanding president. And i am proud to stand with her today. Thank you all very much. [ cheers and applause ] the formal endorsement caps a long and contentious fight for the democratic nomination. Lets dig deeper with our political experts. Cnn political analyst rebecca berg and National Political reporter for real clear politics. Manu raju, and Jeffrey Toobin and dana bash. Jeffrey, will his supporters be onboard . Polls show Hillary Clinton is actually doing better with Bernie Sanders supporters than barack obama was doing with her supporters in 2008 in a similarly contentious fight. She is never going to get 100 of these supporters. These fights just dont work out that way. But she does have a secret weapon, which is donald trump. If anything that will unite the democratic base, its donald trump. So i think this event went about as well as it could have been planned. You know, dana, youre there in indianapolis, i think, right now. Theres a lot of speculation that donald trump is going to announce his Vice President ial running mate maybe on friday. What are you hearing right now about the finalists . An extremely short is one of those that we are told on that extremely short list. Earlier today i was with the governor at an official event, not a political event here in indiana. And i asked a question about the fact that there are lots of people who are qualified to be v. P. But they have pulled out of the running. They have said they dont want to be considered and asked him why he is different. Im hopeful, my family is honored to be considered for this position. What i can tell you, i am very confident that republicans are going to come together. I will tell you that weve been honored to spend some time with mr. And mrs. Trump. We were very moved by how gracious and kind they were to our family. And i think he is going to be a great president. I think he is someone who has connected with Everyday Americans since ronald reagan. Wolf, when somebody starts to compare the nominee or the potential nominee, donald trump, to ronald reagan, you know, that is a very, very clear signal that he wants this job. He wants to be very much considered for the v. P. Slot. And so thats what were going to be watching for at this event behind me to see the chemistry between pence and trump, because trump has made clear that that chemistry is important to him. They had a private meeting as pence alluded to there with their families earlier this month. But this is a different kind of thing. Trump wants to see pence and how he kind of riles up the crowd and whether goes along with the way trump does it. Its clear, rebecca, that trump is down to only a few choices right now. He told the New York Times he said i have five Candidates Plus two that are unknown, potentially there still could be a surprise out there. I did actually pose this question to one of trumps close allies today asking about those two mystery candidates. And i was told, quote, that that would be news to this source if trump actually did two secret candidates still in his pocket. So i think the smart money sources close to his campaign and other republicans is that this is really down at this stage to Newt Gingrich and mike pence. Now, donald trump loves to be unpredictable. He could surprise us all. He could surprise even his closest aides. But mike pence and Newt Gingrich are the smart money at this stage. I talk to a lot of republicans on the hill today, and a lot of them are actually very excited about the prospect of mike pence getting the v. P. Nod. They know him. Hes a former congressman. Hes a known quantity even though he didnt work particularly well with some members of the Republican Leadership in the house. A lot of them like him and feel comfortable with it. Even folks skeptical, people like pat toomey of pennsylvania, likes him. Even flake likes him. Speaker likes him too. Speaker likes him too. He said he has a very high opinion of him. Clearly this would go over well with the party establishment. If you believe the first rule of picking a Vice President is first do no harm, mike pence is clearly the choice. He is not going to set the world on fire. Perhaps hes not going to bring states into play that wouldnt be into play, but he certainly wouldnt be a drag on the ticket the way sarah palin was and perhaps Newt Gingrich was. Its been a decade plus in the United States commerce, member of the Foreign Affairs committee, now governor of a midwestern state. Youre right on that front. But let me put your Supreme Court hat on right now and get your analysis of ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Supreme Court justice, what shes been saying. She told cnn in an interview regarding donald trump, hes a faker, he has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes in his head at the moment. He really has an ego. How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns . Trump responded, and he put this out there to the criticism from justice ginsburg, i think its highly inappropriate that the United States Supreme Court judge gets involved in a political campaign. Its so beneath the court, i would hope she would get off the court as soon as possible. Did she cross a line by publicly going after the republican presumptive nominee that brutally . She did. I mean, i just dont think theres any doubt about this. This is not something that Supreme Court justices have done historically. It is a direct intervention in a president ial campaign. Its an endorsement or a nonendorsement of one of the only two candidates. I just find myself shocked by it. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is one of the great lawyers of the last century, but this is just not something that Supreme Court justices do. And if somehow this case winds up in the supreme this election winds up in the Supreme Court, like it did in 2000. I dont see how she could help but recuse herself at this point. Not many ndemocrats on the hill willing to defend her, wolf. Actually distancing themselves, signs of even closest supporters think she may have crossed the line. Jeffrey knows the supreme cou court. Hes written books on the Supreme Court. He knows where hes coming from. Also more on the president s emotional speech for the memorial for five slain Police Officers. Well discuss what we heard and a lot more. The head of the naacp cornell brooks is standing by live. Scripture tells us we came up with a plan to help reduce my risk of progression. And everywhere i look. Im reminded to stick to my plan. Including Preservision Areds 2. My doctor said Preservision Areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula that the National Eye Institute recommends to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd. After 15 years of clinical studies. Preservision areds 2. Because my eyes are everything. Built a sandcastle . Id . Ha, no, i switched to geico and got more. 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Visibly moved, he calls for unity and action. Can he build a bridge for a deeply divided country . Mind of a killer. New details of the dallas gunmans final moments as new clues emerge in the investigation, including where he bought one of his weapons. What was going through his mind as he plotted his attack . Party unity. Bernie sanders finally endorses Hillary Clinton, appearing side by side with the Presumptive Democratic nominee vowing to help her defeat donald trump. But some sanders supporters are unconvinced. Can clinton win them over . And short list, donald trump now said to have narrowed his list of potential running mates even as new names suddenly crop up. Were standing by to hear from trump. Hes about to hold a rally with one potential Vice President ial pick, is an announcement imminent . We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. This is cnn breaking news. Were following breaking news. An emotional president obama calling for unity and action at a memorial for five slain dallas Police Officers. The president remembered those victims while also praising all police. Today in this audience i see people who have protested on behalf of criminal Justice Reform grieving alongside Police Officers. I see people who mourn for the five officers we lost, but also weep for the families of alton sterling and Philando Castile. In this audience i see whats possible [ applause ] i see whats possible when we recognize that we are one american family, all deserving of equal treatment. All deserving equal respect. All children of god, thats the america i know. Were also following a major moment in the race for the white house, Bernie Sanders endorsing Hillary Clinton weeks after she locked down the democratic nomination. But some of sanders most ardent supporters are not following his lead leaving clinton still struggling to unify her party. Were covering this a lot more this hour including our guest Cornell William brooks, hes standing by live. And our correspondents and expert analysts they are also standing by. Lets begin with that Memorial Service for the five slain Police Officers. Our National Correspondent Suzanne Malveaux is joining us with details. Suzanne, a very somber afternoon where you are there in dallas. Reporter yes, it was, wolf. And it really was an extraordinary effort by the president to give everyone something, to eulogize the deceased, to acknowledge the families, to recognize Police Misconduct and social injustice at the same time praising dallas Law Enforcement and Law Enforcement in general. For this president it was about americans facing the truth while not going into despair. The president s words were equal parts eulogy and sermon, a call for unity, but also action. Ive seen how inadequate my own words have been. And so im reminded of the passage in johns gospel, let us love not with words or speech but with actions and in truth. Reporter flanked by Dallas Police and an interfaith choir, president obama used todays Memorial Service for the five officers killed thursday to address the community and the nation. Im here to insist we are not as divided as we seem. And i know that because i know america. I know how far weve come against impossible odds. Reporter the president naming each officer, spoke to their families, calling the fallen heroes. When the bullets started flying, the men and women of the Dallas Police, they did not flinch, and they did not react recklessly. They showed incredible restraint. Reporter but a wary and at times emotional mr. Obama who said hes spoken at too many memorials and hugged too many families, went further talking candidly about race and justice in america. We ask the police to do too much, and we ask too little of ourselves. Race relations have improved dramatically in my lifetime. Those dishonoring the struggles that helped us achieve that progress. But we know [ applause ] but, america, we know that bias remains. Reporter mr. Obamas speech which aides say he wrote himself address not only the shootings in dallas, it touched on the lives of Philando Castile and alton sterling, two africanamerican men killed by police last week. The president saying officers and those they protect must find common ground. Because with an open heart, we can learn to stand in each others shoes and look at the world through each others eyes. So that maybe the Police Officer sees his own son in that teenager with a hoodie whos kind of goofing off but not dangerous. [ applause ] and maybe the teenager will see in the Police Officer the same words and values and authority of his parents. Reporter on stage with the president , Dallas Police chief david brown, honored with a standing ovation. And former republican president george w. Bush. Those of us who love dallas and call it home have had five deaths in the family. Reporter the singing and sorrow were a return for president obama to yet another city heartbroken, his eleventh trip to grieve an american mass shooting since taking office. Ive seen too many families go through this. But then i am reminded of what the lord tells ezekiel. I will give you a new heart, the lord says. And put a new spirit in you. Reporter the president also acknowledged the families of all of the victims today. He was on the phone with relatives of Philando Castile as well as alton sterling. And the president also with president george w. Bush meeting behind closed doors with the families of those slain Police Officers, wounded Police Officers, the president now back on his way to washington. Tomorrow he will be meeting with civil rights leaders, Law Enforcement officials, again, wolf, to try to come up with some ideas, some recommendations, some solutions. And at least to get these sides talking to each other to move forward, wolf. Suzanne malveaux in dallas for us. Suzanne, thanks very, very much. I want to get the latest on the investigation right now. Cnns ed lavandera also in dallas for us. And i also understand new clues are emerging tonight. What are you learning . Reporter well, we are learning new clues as to where the gun that might have been used in the deadly attack on thursday night and early friday morning, where that gun might have been purchased. Tonight, the closest look yet at the path of destruction as the streets around El Centro Community college where Micah Johnson launched his deadly attack have started to reopen. Blown out windows, bullet holes in the walls of the building where Police Chased down the killer. Gunfire came from a window he blew out above our dock area. Reporter cell phone video captured the moments inside the Community College when the attack unfolded. The Campus Police chief says the final standoff between police and Micah Johnson occurred at the end of a second story hallway. The robot armed with a pound of c4 explosives moved down that hallway toward the killer. The hallway that he barricaded himself in could not be reached by s. W. A. T. Personnel. And they came up with the plan to send down a robot to save police lives. Reporter cnn has learned Micah Johnson purchased an ak47 style Assault Rifle from a facebook firearms group. The seller, who asked not to be identified, says he sold the firearm to johnson in 2014 for 600. The sale was made in a parking lot. But its not clear if the weapon was the one used in the attack. What im worried about is that the guy i met and talked to and shook hands with not only shot 11 people, the seller told cnn, but possibly did it with my gun, the gun i sold him. In johnsons home police found a journal and bomb making materials that suggested he was practicing to take aim at larger targets. A federal Law Enforcement source says there were about 3 1 2 pounds of explosive materials including a small about of a substance the fbi began looking into several years ago after learning terrorists were interested in using it. Other bomb making materials were also discovered including a can of acetone, two canning jars of black powder, hobby fuse and three feet of pvc pipe. Dallas police chief david brown says investigators are still trying to figure out what johnson was planning to do with this material. Also tonight, new information in the case of alton sterling, a black man who was shot and killed by Police Officers in baton rouge, louisiana. Officers first used tasers on sterling when he did not comply with their orders. Sterling was then fatally shot, a detective says, after police saw sterling reach for a gun. All of this as black lives matter protests continue in cities across the country. In atlanta, protesters marched through the streets to the governors mansion. 16 people were arrested. In st. Paul, minnesota, police moved to keep protesters from blocking city streets. And, wolf, its important to point out that the purchase of that assault style rifle appears to be completely legal. Federal Law Enforcement sources have been telling us over the last few days there are no red flags in the ways that Micah Johnson has purchased this. Also, one other note from baton rouge in the case of alton sterling, the owner of the Convenience Store where sterling was killed and the man who shot the cell phone video of that shooting has filed a lawsuit against the city of baton rouge and the Police Department saying that he was unlawfully detained after that shooting. And that the Police Seized his recording equipment and Surveillance Footage from the Convenience Store unlawfully, wolf. Ed lavandera in dallas for us. Ed, thank you very much. Theres breaking news right now. Authorities in baton rouge, louisiana, have arrested several people in an alleged plot to kilo kal police. Were standing by for more information. But don lemon has been working his sources for us. Don, what are you learning . Ive been talking to a high ranking source down in louisiana. Heres what they tell me, wolf. They said, don, if you want to know why the big show of force, and why Baton Rouge Police have been on such high alert, this is why. They said they have an active criminal investigation and they have people under cover that have been working this case. They said the cache america pawnshop in louisiana was broken into late friday night, early saturday morning, and they said eight guns were stolen from there. City police when they arrived on the scene they caught one of the guys. One of the guys they caught had two of the guns. Six of the eight guns have been recovered. No ammunition, but hang on, im going to tell you about the ammunition in just a moment. All of these guns by the way were handguns, wolf. Those were arrested are believed to be 13 years old, 17 years old and 20 years old. Theyre looking for a 20yearold missing right now with a handgun. When they arrested these guys, they said they were looking for bullets to kill Baton Rouge Police. It is also said they were looking for bullets to kill Baton Rouge Police because its in retaliation to the sterling shooting and also to the protests there. Theyre telling me all the young men whove been arrested are black males, theyre all from baton rouge. Again, it is an active criminal investigation. They have under cover Police Working on this. This is why they say that they have been showing such force there and that police have been on alert going out in pairs rather than going out solo. Again, all handguns, wolf. Six of the eight recovered. Theyre looking for a 20yearold man. Theyre asking him to turn himself in. A search warrant according to our affiliate wbrz was served at a home in south baton rouge, and thats how they got some of the information and some of the guns. An active investigation happening right now in baton rouge, louisiana. Don, i want you to stand by. Youre from that area, but Cornell William brooks is with us as well, hes the president and ceo of the naacp. You were just there in baton rouge, louisiana, cornell. This is pretty shocking when you think about this. It is shocking. We are at a moment in our country, a kind of last thing we want to do is speculate and create a situation where were causing more apprehension, more fear, more sussuspicion. So this is a very concerning development, but we need to allow Law Enforcement to do what it is that they are charged with doing in terms of bringing forward the facts. Its very concerning development. Theres been a lot of concern, as you know, in the aftermath of the shootings of these two africanamerican men in louisiana and minnesota just as we saw supposed retaliatory action in dallas when this one individual went on a rampage, killed five police, injured seven others. There could be copycats or other incidents along that line. Thats very, very worrisome. Its very concerning. One of the things i think is important to note here is that those five Police Officers lost their lives beside peaceful protesters. A multitude of people coming together to uphold a an american tradition in terms of protest. The majority of americans are not racially deranged. Majority of americans are not violently mentally ill. And so we all need to be clear and calm and rational and thoughtful. And not jump to any conclusions. Let the facts emerge. This is a moment where we dont need a lot of speculation. Its a very tense moment right now. You make a good point. Cornell, stay with us. Well take a quick break. Theres other information coming in right now into the situation room. Well be right back. Hey, searching for a great used car . Yeah you got it. Just say show me millions of used cars for sale at the all new carfax. Com. I dont want one thats had a big wreck just say, show me cars with no accidents reported pretty cool i like it thats the power of carfax® find the cars you want, avoid the ones you dont plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing start your used car search at carfax. Com every day, brian drives carefully to work. 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You heard the president s speech. At one point he said the nation were not as divided as we seem to be as americans. What did you think . I think the president was speaking as consoler in chief. Hes done this numerous times. Offering up a kind of patriotic eulogy. And it is his effort in a moment of grief, and i can say this having done so as a minister, in a moment of grief you want to speak to the peoples hopes, not merely to their despair, not merely to their tears. And so hes pointing in the direction of where we need to go as a nation. And speaking to the past as evidence of where we can go in the present and in the future. Namely, were not as bad as we were. But we can be yet better still. And speaking to the peoples hopes. He said we must reject such despair. We are not divided as we may seem. And then he said look what ive experienced in my own life. Here he is our first africanamerican president. So what the president essentially is saying here is though this may feel like a moral midnight in the country, a starless midnight, that as the scriptures say, weeping may endure for night, but joy comes in the morning. That being said, the president was also frank, very honest about the fact that we have a chasm of distrust in the country between Police Departments and the community. He spoke about the fact that there are profound Racial Disparities at every point in the criminal justice system. So the president gave a eulogy, if you will, that was candid and honest and emotionally transparent, which gave it an authenticity. Even as he spoke in hopeful terms. So when he said that protesters should see in Police Officers the ones who are so deserving a parental figure. And Police Officers should see a young man wearing a hoodie as their son. But we as a country have to go beyond a eulogy, sur monic uplift to enact policy. Listen to there was another president there, former president george w. Bush. He had very powerful beautiful words as well. Let me play a clip for you, cornell. We have never been held together by blood or background. We are bound by things of the spirit, by shared commitments to common ideals. At our best we practice empathy, imagining ourselves in the lives and circumstances of others. This is the bridge across our nations deepest divisions. And its not merely a matter of tolerance but of learning from the struggles and stories of our fellow citizens and finding our better selves in the process. Hes done very few of these public addresses in the past seven and a half years since leaving the white house. Those are strong words from him. Very strong words. And the fact that you have president bush standing beside president obama at a moment of grief and mourning and pain for the country says this about the nation, the challenge before us is not a partisan challenge. It is not a bipartisan challenge. It is a nonpartisan challenge. It is a profoundly moral challenge. And that is to say we as a country can come together, but we have to be thoughtful. We have to be serious. We have to address it both in terms of policies and laws, but also attitudes and beliefs. The fact you have these two president s standing before the country speaking to our hearts and our minds, i think this says a whole lot about the country. You have your convention in cincinnati coming up in the next few days. We know Hillary Clinton will address, youve invited donald trump, have you heard back from him . Mr. Trump has declined our invitation, so we will hear from secretary clinton. We wont hear from mr. Trump. And we did he give an explanation why . Namely the explanation given was theyre holding their convention at the same time. We of course are in cincinnati, they are in cleveland, we were hoping that he would make the short trip from cleveland to cincinnati. But i will simply say this, the naacp representing millions of americans, we represent an occasion for those running for president to speak to the nations most Critical Issues at a critical hour in this country. You cant run for president and not talk about Police Misconduct and police brutality. You cant run for president and not talk about the nations civil rights agenda. So this is an important moment. And our Convention Really will be an opportunity for Anyone Running for president to provide a window into not only their policies but into their heart and character as a candidate. So its going to be an important moment. I know tomorrow youre going to be among the civil rights leaders. Well meet with the president and speak with you afterwards. Look forward to it. Thank you very much cornell brooks of the naacp. Be sure to join dom lemon for a special cnn town hall event, black, white blue america 2016 tomorrow night. And more of president obamas tribute to the slain dallas Police Officers and his efforts to unite a divided nation. Dallas, im here to say we must reject such despair. Im here to insist that we are not as divided as we seem. And i know that because i know america. I know how far weve come against impossible odds. Compromise, businesses need the agility to do one thing another. Only at t has the network, people, and partners to help companies be. Local global. Open secure. Because no one knows like at t. Im not a customer, but im calling about that credit scorecard. to dog give it. Sure its free for everyone. Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh to dog im so proud of you. Well thank you. Get your free credit scorecard at discover. Com. Even if youre not a customer. In new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. 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For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Just one of the many features that comes standard with our base policy. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Bernie sanders finally endorsing Hillary Clinton ending their sometimes bitter rivalry which Many Democrats feared was hurting Hillary Clintons chances in november. But even with the vermont senator now backing the former secretary of state, some of his most ardent supporters are refusing, at least for now, to get on board. Our senior washington correspondent jeff zeleny is following all the late breaking developments. This has been a long time in coming. How did it go, jeff . Reporter wolf, a long time in coming after a long and heated campaign. But at least some of that ak ri moan acurk some sanders supp were shocked, a few others walked out. But Bernie Sanders is starting to make good on his pledge to start taking on donald trump. He finally said it, hes with her. Hillary clinton will make an outstanding president. And i am proud to stand with her today. Reporter Bernie Sanders jumped on the Hillary Clinton bandwagon today showering her with praise and even a hug 35 days after she clinched the democratic nomination. It was an awkward dance after a long fight. Yet standing side by side spoke volumes about which party is more unified four months before election day. How much more enjoyable this election is going to be now that we are on the same side. We are stronger together. Reporter todays rally in New Hampshire had the feel of an arranged marriage, and in many ways it was with more than a few holdouts in the crowd. But clinton applauded sanders as he spoke. This campaign is about moving the United States toward universal health care. Reporter and sanders returned the favor. Were not cutting the minimum wage, were raising the minimum wage. Reporter theyre united behind the goal of defeating donald trump. Hillary clinton understands that our diversity is one of our greatest strengths. Reporter his message was more antitrump than proclinton. Yet clinton beamed today, mindful of how it felt to be on the other side of the peacemaking effort. To the next president of the United States barack obama. Reporter eight years after that race the clintonsanders duel has sown equally deep and passionate divisions. Several supporters like marie clark say they wont be following his lead. He says he will vote for Hillary Clinton, will you . No. Reporter under any circumstance . No. Reporter sanders made clear he would work to bring his supporters along. I intend to be in every corner of this country to make certain that happens. Reporter trump pledged today to go after any dissenters tweeting to all the bernie voters who want to stop bad trade deals in special interests, we welcome you with open arms. But clinton dismissed trump and welcomed sanders team into her fold. I am proud to be fighting alongside you because, my friends, this is a time for all of us to stand together. Reporter and senator sanders said he will be standing together with Hillary Clinton. He said hell do it in all corners of the country. But, wolf, late tonight senator sanders is beginning to realize what being a postpresident ial candidate actually looks like. His secret Service Protection that hes enjoyed since february has now departed him once he returned to washington tonight. Now hes just another senator, the junior senator from vermont who will be campaigning on behalf of the Clinton Campaign and senate democrats. One reason for him to stay in line, wolf, because he wants to be chairman of the Budget Committee if democrats happen to win control of the senate come november. Wolf. Patrick leahy the senior senator from vermont. Lets dig deeper into this with chief political analyst gloria borger, mark preston, cnn political analyst rebecca burg, and the Washington Post assistant editor dav. What does she need to do to win over so many of those 13 million sanders supporters now that she has his formal endorsement . Well, today she started by trying to convince people that shes on the same page as Bernie Sanders on all kinds of issues. Weve seen that play out in the democratic platform on issues like health care, on issues like the minimum wage. Then Bernie Sanders has to get to work as i think he started doing today, telling people about the choice in this country between Hillary Clinton and donald trump. And he will be involved in getting those Younger Voters out there, those young women in particular, those College Students to tell them that its important that they mobilize and get out there to vote to support Hillary Clinton against trump. You know, in the end the greatest motivator in this election for democrats could end up being and probably will end up being the candidacy of donald trump. And Bernie Sanders has to make that point about the choice in this election, which i think he really wholeheartedly started doing today. Mark, donald trump was quick to tweet his reaction saying the endorsement by Bernie Sanders of Hillary Clinton were like in his words occupy wall street endorsing Goldman Sachs and welcoming supporters with open arms. Mark, will trump be able to sway Bernie Sanders supporters, at least some of them, to join him . Well, wolf, i cant absolutely say that you will perhaps see a few Bernie Sanders supporters who may go with donald trump. But overwhelmingly theyre going to go to Hillary Clinton. And the reason why is though while they both talked about populism, they talked about different flavors of populism. The populism that Bernie Sanders spoke about on the campaign trail is different than the populism that donald trump spoke about on the campaign trail. So youre not really going to the same pool of voters so to speak. What is a connecting factor for them though is that theyre angry, theyre angry at washington, and theyre angry at the status quo. But as gloria says, if we see Bernie Sanders out there on the campaign trail being forceful in his support of Hillary Clinton, i think that will go a long way as well as having Elizabeth Warren as her wing woman so to speak really touting her candidacy. As you know, rebecca, a lot of those Bernie Sanders supporters they dont like Hillary Clinton at all. Theyre probably accusing him of selling out, but she needs those supporters, she needs them badly if she wants to unify the party and beat trump. She does. Weve seen some of the hesitance among some of the Bernie Sanders supporters, even today that woman who spoke with jeff zeleny very emphatically know she does not plan to vote for Hillary Clinton. So Hillary Clinton has her work cut out for her. But at the same time its important to remember theres no such thing in a president ial election, even in this very partisan political environment as Perfect Party unity. In 2012 i have the exit polling here actually right in front of me, president obama won only 92 of democrats. And that was without any sort of contentious primary leading up to that election. And then in 2008 he won roughly 89 of democrats. So not 100 party unity in those cases. And Hillary Clinton will probably lose about that Many Democrats as well. But if she can get close to that number and unite most of the party, that would be a huge success for her. It certainly would be. David, standby, i want to get to you in a moment. Lets take a quick break and get more information right after this. At the beginning of the 21st century, the earth needed to find a new way to keep up with the data from over 30 billion connected devices. Just 30 billion . So, a bold group of researchers and computer scientists in Silicon Valley had a breakthrough they called. The machine. The machine. It changed the basic architecture of computing. Putting a massive pool of memory at the center of everything. And by doing so. It changed the world. Its been a part of every new technology for the last 250 years. Everything . Everything this year, Hewlett Packard enterprise will preview the machine. And the future of technology will begin. See star trek beyond. In theatres july 22. All providers. Getters. 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But unlike other plans, these are the only ones of their kind endorsed by aarp. Rates are competitive. So call today. And learn more about choosing the doctors youd like to see. Go long. A source is telling cnn that the former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and the indiana governor mike pence appear, appear to be the frontrunners right now to become Donald Trumps Vice President ial running mate. Were standing by to hear directly from donald trump. Hes about to hold a rally in indiana alongside mike pence. Our political reporter sarah murray is on the scene for us. Sarah, trump expected to announce his Vice President ial pick maybe before friday. What are you hearing . Reporter thats right, wolf. And were still hearing the most likely day is friday, but its donald trump, and so as always he likes to pull a fast one. He could always have another card up his sleeve. And hes clearly relished this process, as you said hes going to be with mike pence tonight continuing to add to the speculation about who the v. P. Pick will be. And all of this comes as donald trump is trying to cast himself as the strongest candidate in the race. With the nation mourning a string of devastating shootings, and security concerns running high ahead of the cleveland convention, donald trump is casting himself as the candidate of law and order. We must maintain law and order at the highest level, or we will cease to have a country. Reporter trump taking to twitter to frame the race as a choice between law, order and safety, or chaos, crime and violence. All while he slams Hillary Clinton as a lawless candidate. Clearly Hillary Clinton thinks shes above the law. Come november the American People will show her that she is not above the law. Reporter trump even warning more violence may lie ahead, telling the Associated Press the incidents of the past few weeks might be just the beginning for this summer. Meanwhile, trump continues to fuel speculation about his v. P. Pick. After campaigning with new Jersey Governor Chris Christie on monday, today hes hitting the trail in indiana with home state governor mike pence. Well, im very humbled. My whole familys very humbled and very honored to be considered for this position. Reporter a man whos already drawing accolades from washington conservatives still skeptical of trump. Im just as anxious as the rest of you are on who the v. P. Pick is. Im familiar with this process. I had the highest, highest regard for mike. Hes a personal friend of ours and mine. Reporter and with just six days until the gop convention, some republicans are still publicly airing their grievances with their presumptive nominee. Nebraska senator ben sass penning an essay encouraging conscience voters rather than those choosing the lesser of two evils. All as yet another holdout digs in his heels. Ohio Governor John Kasich plans to appear at nearly 20 events around cleveland next week, but despite an intense lobbying effort from the Trump Campaign and rnc officials, a kasich advisor still pegs the odds of him appearing at the convention somewhere between zilch and zero. Even Vice President ial hopeful Newt Gingrich was angling to change kasichs mind, lobbying a lastminute plea to the kasich team. Asking whether trying to convince the Ohio Governor to endorse trump was a waste of time. Now, tonight is something of a tryout for us to see how donald trump and mike pence get along on the campaign trail. As you know, wolf, the personal chemistry can be crucially important not just somebody youre going to be spending the next four months campaigning with, but also someone you could be serving with for the next four to eight years. Important decision by donald trump coming up. All right, sarah, thanks very much. Well stand by to hear what donald trump has to say tonight. David swerdlick, hes suggesting donald trump in an interview in New York Times, he might pick someone that were not even talking about right now. Do you think thats possible . Yeah, i think trump enjoys the speculation, having the press wait on his every word. But im inclined to think that the reporting is right, that hes narrowed this down to a couple of interesting solid choices like governor pence, like former speaker gingrich. I, as a political junkie, am rooting for mike pence, and also on the democratic side senator warren so we can relitigate t. A. R. P. Mike pence was against the t. A. R. P. Bailout. Different than Donald Trumps point of view. Elizabeth warren was of course the t. A. R. P. Committee chairman. I would like to see that Vice President ial debate. A real staunch conservative and a real staunch progressive. That would be an interesting debate. Well, there will be one Vice President ial debate, three president ial debates which will be fascinating, no doubt about that. Gloria, what are you hearing about all of this . I know youve been doing some serious reporting. Reporter yeah, look, i think a lot of conservatives are rooting for mike pence. Hes got impeccable conservative credentials. They all are very realistic and understand, look, pence has a very tough reelection fight back home. This is kind of a graceful way for him to leave that should he be chosen. Hes made it very clear hed like to be chosen. You just heard paul ryan say that. And at our town hall tonight im sure paul ryan will say more nice things about mike pence. Hes kind of a different face. And hes also somebody who can work with congress. I think that looking at all of these sort of finalists that weve been seeing, you know, if you look at christie or pence or gingrich, these are all people i think in one way or another i think what trump is signaling is that these are people who could potentially be in his administration. And if a couple of them are not picked for Vice President , you know, id look for them to be part of a socalled trump administration, which lots of folks are saying he might announce before the election so he could give the skeptical voters a peek into the team that he would have surrounding him. Yeah. Hes suggested he might do that. Hell announce a Vice President ial candidate first, but later maybe after the convention he would pick say this guys going to be National Security advisor, someone would be secretary of state. Well see what happens on that front. What are you hearing, rebecca . Well, a lot of what gloria is hearing, that mike pence is seen as a very attractive candidate in many ways for the trump camp. I mean, in addition to his deep washington experience, he was the fourth Ranking Member of house leadership when he served here in washington. He has a record in indiana that at least the trump camp sees as easier to defend if hes going to be picking a governor than maybe Chris Christies record in new jersey, a more democratic state. Hes had to make some tougher decisions and make some compromises there. And one interesting element of this decision, you know, sarah murray was talking about the compatibility aspect of this choice. Of course you do have to have two candidates in the nominee, donald trump and whoever he picks as hi rs running mate, wh at least publicly can get along. Obviously out to me that there could be an attractive pick in pence because of his midwest nice and the contrast that draws with Donald Trumps new york edge and his bombast, and of course, usually the vp is seen as a potential attack dog while donald trump is clearly the attack dog on this campaign so it leaves the door open for someone like pence to walk in. Mark, youre already in cleveland this week before the republican convention. The delegates, the rules committee, theyre meeting. Whats the latest on this never trump, this lastditch effort, if at all possible, and probably isnt, to do something about trump . Well, listen, the effort to stop trump is basically done. It was done months ago, and i think we saw the democrats bring unity together, wolf, up in New Hampshire and thats what you will see with republicans now try to bring that unity together here in cleveland. Will there be some problems here . Of course. Will there be dissenters . No doubt about that, but let me throw one thing out there as we talk about the vp pick. Think of this scenario, wolf, if he picks mike pence as his president ial running mate, he can pick Newt Gingrich to be his chief of staff . Why would Newt Gingrich want that job . If you look at president barack obama he chose rahm emanuel and at the time of the House Democratic leadership to be his chief of staff basically to run the government so that could be a very interesting onetwo punch there, wolf. Certainly could be. Thanks very much, everybody. Stand by. An important programming note for all of our viewers. Stay with cnn tonight tonight, for a live town hall meeting with the House Speaker paul ryan. Hell be taking questions from voters less than a week ahead of the republican convention. Jake tapper will moderate it. You can see it right here on cnn at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. The paul ryan town hall. Just ahead, north koreas threat to attack a u. S. Missile system. 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This is where north Korea Tested Nuclear bombs earlier this year and in 2013. It is not clear if another nuclear attest is imminent, but an official tells us they are closely watching this activity. This comes as the North Koreans threaten a military strike against u. S. Forces that will operate a Missile Defense battery in south korea. Tonight along the north korean border where nearly 29,000 u. S. Soldiers are stationed, a tense standoff over americas plans to deploy an advanced antimissile system. Kim jonguns regime through one of the news anchors, as soon as the system is set up, north korea will attack it. Translator it is an unwavering rule of our army to turn it into a sea of fire and a pile of ashes the moment we are to carry it out. Reporter that or terminal High Altitude area defense is a battery that can shoot down short and mediumrange Ballistic Missiles, the kind kim has been test firing relentlessly in recent months. A pentagon official says it decided to deploy thad because of the bell lij renes. What could they do with the troops manning those positions . Could they strike them . Would they be vulnerable . They could use artillery pieces and they have longer range, multiple rocket launchers which the thad is not designed to defend against. Also u. S. Strategic command has not detected that test over the week erndz was not successful, but the prospect of the North Koreans some day perfecting submarinelaunched missiles is alarming to american commanders because theyre hard to defend against. Theyve taken a giant leap forward by developing a submarine that could creep along coastlines and avoid u. S. Naval counter action and shoot a Ballistic Missile at some place like hawaii. A capability that analysts like the North Koreans could have within five years. All of this comes as the u. S. Is leveling sank sanctions agains jongun. Tonight kim is retaliating, cutting off his only diplomatic channel of negotiations with the u. S. , a channel only through the u. N. That could be bad news for two americans being detained Kim Dong Chun and College Student adam wammobi reshgs r. Analysts say this could mean the two americanswere sentenced to hard labor might be held longer than expected. Brian todd, thanks for that report. Thats it for me. Thanks so much for watching. Erin burnett out front starts right now. Out front next, breaking news, three people under arrest and a man hunt for one more. Another suspect in the alleged plot to kill police the reason as president obama gives a moving tribute to fallen officers saying the country isnt as divided as it seems. Is he right . Donald trump speaking live this hour. A source telling cnn his have r vp picks are down to two finalists and could it be a big surprise . Lets go out front. Good evening. Im erin burnett. Out front tonight, the breaking news. An alleged plot to murder police. A man hunt tonight f

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